HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-11-18, Page 211.
Med Menieseasbees and ansorimas
Immo& es half ear lives are spent
in sleep it is of esseatlel aionisat that
the bedding alwedd be esiested with die
greatest ems. nether beds are still
used in may parte ot aosatry, but
they are unwholesome aad should be re -
mattress el husk is grreaUy to be pre-
ferred from • bygieek point ot view to a
feather bed It ploys to buy a hair
mattesse ; if made over properly they
will last more than a lifetime. Wool
sitettresees are the mixt choice. Matt-
resses with a wool or hair top ere oot te
eismiseaded, bessiess the mattress mune*
be tamed, a very serious objection, ail
the bed mutate be properly aired. A
very thin mattress of hair or wool may
be substitufed for the top and tunied
when the iitiderbed is turned. Such •
mattress, about se thick as a oomfort-
able, may be made at home and will
o ast less than the upholsterers charge for
• hair -top. A cover of coarse unbleach-
ed muslin should be boated over all beds
and remove twice • yaw to be washed.
By this method and by frequestly turn-
ing the bedding* a well made mattress
will last !oar or five years. It should
then be sent tar tha upholsterers or made
oree at home, If it has been well eared
for it will not need a new :!:"I'ine• filaf
-- JAW/re are coming into general ma
Thry are infinitely to be preferred to a
heating pillow or bolster of feathers. It
is a barbarism to put a feather pillow
undet an infant's head. Intelligent
medical men consider that many of the
Inquiet brain disorders among little
children may be treced to the feather
pillow and the swinging cradle. It
saves work and worry to keep • heavy
unbleached or white muslin bolster cam
over the ticking under the regular
muslin or linen mem Like the cover of
the mattress, this need be removed but
Wide sheetings that cover the bed
well should be selected ; that two end a
half yards in width is the best for a bed
of regular des—four feet six inches
wide. ituagelseeports now prefer sheeta
two yards and three quarters long rather
t1/4an two and a half, es formerly. It is
batter to hem sheets by hand. They
look daiotier, sod there is no danger of
I line of duet settling under the edge of
the hem, as it does when the hemming
is done by machine. Pillows are now
often omitted from the bed, and the
English fashion of an cpholdered bed is
pdortisd. An upholsterer's cover of red
Tering& toweling, of tapastry, cretonne
or silk and lace, forms the e3elge for the
boletse mee, and the same material is
used for a oonnterpane. Most house-
keepers, however, prefer • white bed
and use large square pillows of faathers
corered with fancy white shams and a
white counterpane- Pillows are also
used with beds furnished with lam
slams and lace coverlet& Pillows for
use at night may be of feathers er hair.
The most wholesome warm coverings
for the bed are blankets cf soft wool
These blankets usually corns in pain,
and it is much more convenient to
separate them into single ones, asi they
may be more readily washed and handl-
e& Gainful housekeepers prefer to re-
move the ribbon border of the manu-
facturer mid finish the blankets et the
edge with colored worsted in over -east
stitch. Blankets are marked by the
manufacturer according to the frame in
which they ere 'mien and not accord-
ing to their actual size, which is oon-
&thirstily less than the size of the frame.
Tim blaaket shrinks after it is woven,
and heavy, fine blankets of pure wool
s'irink more than coarse blankets of
e Mon and wool. A thirteen -quarter
b'anket of fine wool measures only tiro
yards, twelve inches in width by two
yards and a half in length. Twelve
quarter wool blankets, which measure
about two yards, four inches in widtb,
are generelly large enough for a regular
deed bed. The only comfortable. to be
eornmeaded are those of wool or d'wn,
There are two kinds of down essentially
di Minot. The down quilts *old exten-
ded, by merchants ere filled with
A-etie down—the white underfeathen
from the breast of the German goose,
swan acd other birds similar is texture
to swao's down trimming. This down
Riot about and is quit* difficult to work
in, but it is much leis expensive than
eider 'down. The true eider down is
dark grey. It is taken from the breast
of the lider duck of the Arctic regions.
Fur MGM inexplicable reasons this de-
licate fairy-like feather is very compact
and will not &nit about when it is being
made Into comsfortables. It is more
y handled thee cotton. So few
know the difference be -
that down elegy@ means eider down—
ellleilsos eutieldied any be teemed to
Wafts Rem Tiede semi brim lam nese&
Joseph Miaow, a spore Wakeman
oa the Michigan Cleated Railway, niet
with a frightful death nogg Goober
Milian yesterday asondou He was
frost bestrewn. of Ooeshister Psee's
*Lim weet. The train palled out of the
°amber sidles about 3 oaks* after No.
6 had pained, and wiser. the freight
reached Rusisoinb Mitateeser was mined.
A search was instituted beck along the
track, and two miles wed of Comber his
• svered feet were form& Scattered
over the troche foe • distanes of several
yards the rest of the remains were found
shockingly nangled. The dismembered
body wa• gathered up and taken to
Ceenber depot, and the compeny's
undertaker outlined the remains and had
them forwarded to Windsor. It is sup-
posed that the unfortunate brakeman,
while descending the ladder, fell be-
tween the first car and LIN engine, as be
wee on the first oar when the :rain pull-
ed out of Comber siding. Deceased was
22 years of age, and wee merrie& His
wit* resides la %Weer.
The newest fashion in ladies' hats will
doubtless cause a flutter of pleasurable
excitement among the fair sex. Ladies
are always susceptible to the changes of
a fashion -plate ; and the more startling
the departure,the more earnest the vent
over the new mode. Dr Pierce's Favorite
Prescription is a positive cure for Ilse
ills which afflict footsies and make their
live* miserable. This sovereign panacea
van be relied on in moo a displacements
and all functional deranmementalt builds
u p the poor, haprard sod dragged out
victim, and levee her reoewed hope and
a fresh lease of life. It ia the only me-
dicine for woman's peculiar weaknesees
and ailments, sold by druggists, under •
positive guarantee front the manufactur-
ers, that it will give satiefactios in every
case, or refunded. Read printed
gm:metes ets tie wrapper.
A singular case of suicide took place
in the residence of Mr E. A. Vidal,
Loudon Road, last Monday morning,
his servant, a young English girl, named
Elizabeth Louisa Nettleton, seventeen
years of age, being the victim. She
was found dead lying across the bed
with a shot gun in one hand and • stick
in the other, having apparently put the
nunzle of the gun into her mouth and
need the stick to move the trigger,
which she could not otherwise reach.
An inquest was held by Coroner Fraser,
and all the circumstances fully investi-
gated. The girl had come from Forest,
where she had a stater living, both hav-
ing been brought to tbis country from
Yorkshire, England, by Mies Rye ; that
while at Forest she had belonged to the
Salvation Army ; that on several oaca-
dons she had stated to Mrs Vidal that
she had had visions of Jesus, whose
glory filled her room, and that die long-
ed to be with Jesus. She had not been
allowed W join the Army in Sarnia.
She was a smart, active tidy servant,
greatly pleased with her place, always
happy and contented, mach thought of
by the children. The verdict ef the
jury was that she had committed self-
destruction while temporarily insane.
I can safely recomposed Ely's Cream
Balm for the cure of Catarrh, Cold in the
Head, etc. Before I have geed the first
bottle I putehased I find myself cored.
At times I could scarcely smell anything
anything mid had • headache most of the
time. --BRUIT agent for the
American Express Co., Grand Haven,
lily's Crean Balm cured me of Catarrh
of msny years standing—restored my
sense of smell. For onlde in the head it
National State Beek. Elizabeth, N. J.
Conductor—"Madame, did I under-
stand you to my this girl is not yet 12
years old r
Mother—"She will be twelve next
"And you want to go all the way to
New York on this ear r
"Then you shoeld not go on this
"Why not r
"Because tbss ie a slow train, and
that girl keeps oe growing as she has
been, by the time we get to New York
she will not be able to get throueh the
ear door. The oompecy mal afford to
take the oar In pieces on a half -fare
, este, • mild, yet thorough, purgative, att-
end the coesequenk dilluund fne 1?"°'" I log upon the biliary organs pally
eider does is so smell that it can be les
bought by the hag of airy desired welebt
and made even into silk emsfortables at Ille ea Tee roam.
less prim than au Antic down condor- but if you am sosistipated or have OA-
tabio omit. 1. the atop.. atomism. headeehe, bad mate is the mouth, nigh
usually make up eider down eninfor- blo"(1 to tito hood, bib°.11
or any similar diffiselty, yoe should
tables only to erase, ehargink a faaey
profit. Optima and wool blankets Me
heavy aod out es wann as wool. It le
better to we s wool blanket of light
valeta Is souteloe then a heavy blanket
mf wool and Nibs. 11 would be dal -
at once to your druggist Ice Dr. Noses
"Pleasant Purgative Pellets," the meet
elleient mesas for imrsdieutied W.. bp me.
resting ell dienrders rf the liver, istsimmieh
and bowels. Resell. Murat mated, agree-
able to take, and cause no pale air grip -
in. BY trallesio
TOOT GRAIL nennsrem.
Mims eed Pert
A story L told of • mends •b mass
who was treveUtsg with fireworks, He
WY at some towns, sad •dverti•sd tee
Battle of Tr•falgsr,with biasing barques.
tdasisg uoe•ns and maesiloast efecte.
He drew such • vivid pietism al the
glories of that great mod eoeueoter that
the people trona the eottatry aide were
attracted. Whoa the time arrived the
showman brought hie 'siding bond to
bear epos the tableau, applied the mete►
1t the meal mantles, retired, and await-
ed results, So did the spedatura A
minute passed, and other*, bet still no
rmulta �
The showas stepped forward
and addressed the crowd. "It has not
moot cif," be remarked, and proceeded
to investigate. Again the same result,
and again—"It has sot went off, ladies
and gentlemen. I will show you the
great earthquake of Lisbon." Me gath-
ered the fireworks together and filled •
barrel with them. He poured pitch over
them and tilled the seams between the
shoes with gunpowder. Once more he
applied the life giving torch, with as-
tonishing results. Them was an ex-
plosion, and when e11 was over he gave*
parting address :—"It has went off, la-
dies and gentlemen, and to he. three
Gagers of my right hand. Good evening,
find map; thank•. The eartbquak;, win
get be repeated."
Never try to wear • *hoe toe small or
thee does oet fit you whim you fine pat
it ea
'There is ao Lomax my amenity for
"Betimes." has removed all neceesity
for physisal eudurame in that direct -
Never let yoer shoe get hard or dry •
Dual let it ran down at the Mel or side.
Never wear i.e. a. 'el/ or Owls. A
d im repaired in time will retain its
shape and eumfort, and is true mammy.
Neyer put wet shoes by the fire to dry,
but dry them gradually aud slowly.
Never dry a wet shoe without first ap-
plying some oil or grease—castor oil or
tallow is the best The steam generat-
ed in a erM boot or shoe will surely scald
it and cause it to crack.
Don't use to much farce in polishing.
A gentle brushing with a sort brush is
better than the vigorous work of the
bootblack. Whim the breaking makes
your foot feel warm, stop until your shoe
cools off.
Pm Prose Woes.
There is no better milady for frOM
bites, olulblaine and similar troubles,
time itegyard's Yellow 04. ft dee cures
rheumatism, lumbago, sore throat, deaf-
ness, and lamenes and psis genve'ity.
Yellow Oil is used inieritaLy and exter-
nally. 2
Mr. J. Amory Knox, of the Texas
Siftings, who, in company with "Adiron-
dack" Murray, was cruising in the lak-
es of Canada, w-itee thus about "Cana-
dian courtesy"; "I thick the Cana-
dians are mom polite acd obliging than
our people. I bought some stamps in
the St. John'. poet office and tendered
• $5 bill. The postmaster expressed re-
gret that he did not have cheer.. He
mid that if I would pardon him and
kindly wait he would go ond get the bill
changed. He had nu clerk to send, and
he actually locked up the poet office and
went mound the block and procured the
change. At the express office, the
agent was starting to the milroad to
meet the only train that day for New
York, ile ex,wetsed deep regret that
be could not wait fur the paroel I wish-
ed to send. He mid, however, that
after I got it sealed and addressed his
sou wouid run with it to the station, and,
if in time he would forward it. The
young Man until 1 had sealed tbe
paciage ; he then locked the express
office, and the last I saw of him he was
moving his legs in • very impettiou
manner in the direction of the railros
station. I fear that two such sets o
oourtesy would hardly be met withi
one day by • stranger in a United States
town. Is it because we are each • bus
peep'. that we think we hare not time to
be courteous and obliging ?
The medical profession, the clergy, the
press sod the politic *like acknowledge
the virtues of Burdock Blood Bitters, es
as unequalled remedy for chronic dis-
ease. of the stomach, liver, bowels, kid
nem sod blood. Its popularity int:volume
with its years ot trial. 2
Fur chilren there is nothing better
than saffron tea for teething end fever.
A pint of mustard seed added to •
barrel of cider will keep the liquid sweet
for an indelioite time.
In cam of a cut, smoke the wound
with burned red flannel on which has
been placed • small isentity of sugar,
then tie sp, after sprinkling with sul-
phur, and it will heal immediately.
Equal parte of ammonia and turps. -
ties will take paint out of clothing. no
matter bow dry or herd it may be. Sat
nrate the spot two or three timer, then
wash out in soapsuds.
To set the black in horee-oolored wea-
l.' goods so it will not smut, soak the
colored moods or wool over night in sweet
milk, wring it out and dry, then rinse
well through water, and the color will
be as fast as it can be.
Pesch stains may be removed by put-
ting the article in belling water before
greasing it Once the suds has touch-
ed them the stein. are set and cannot
afterwards be removed.
Dr Low's Worm Syrup will remove
s all kinds of Worms from children or
d adults.
There are several things necessary for
o the comfcrt and health of fowls during
the winter, which have to be provided
before winter *eta in. and are apt to be
neglected, because of their apparent in-
significance. Osie of the most import •
ant is tne "dust bilk." The hest way
of making this is to sompssomedust off •
well -travelled road end pima it in • large
box in corner of a dry shed. A *bevel -
fel or two of coal ashes mixed with the
dust will prove beneficial
Consumption may be more easily pre
vented than cured. The Irritating and
harassing cough will be ereatly relieved
by the use of Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam
that cures coughs, colds, bronchitis an
all pulmonary trouble).- 2
mew hid* Caudated ens.
d Hay fever is a type of catarrh having
peculiar symptoms. It is attended by an
inflamed condiuon of the lining mem
branes of the nostrils, tear -ducts and
thmat, affecting the lungs. An acrid
mumus is secreted, the deo:harm ismer. m -
Denied with a burning sensation. There
are severe spasms of sneazing, frequent
attacks of headache, watery and inflam-
ed eyes. Ely's Cream Balm is a reme-
dy that can be depended upon. bOcts.
at druggists ; by mail, registered, 60ota
Ely Brothers , Druggists, Owego. New
York. ly
Some few yeses before his death,
Poole, the tailor, was taking a walk on
the west pier, Brighton, looking, as he
always did, • beaming specimen of
health, content and success. A young
man, who did not know, perhaps, that
he was • scrub, wee also en the pier with
• couple of ladies, to whom he mid, as
he saw Poole costing, "Now, yna would -
al take that good-lortking man for a
tailor ; but he is. He's an impostor.
Jest listen while I take hint down •
notch or two. I'll tell him my coat,
which I have just had from him, amen't
fit." &a he spoke Prole approached, and
politely acknowledged the salutation of
hie customer, who, walking up to him,
said, "Here Poole ; now do take • look
at me. Does this coat kr Poole took
in tne situation, for he was a good phy-
siognomist, end the countenanoss of the
ladies betrayed the blot to him. "It
certainly dote net it." mid he , and
pulling oat • bit of French chalk, he
proceeded liberally to mark and to cross
the coat of his would-be gustier all over,
and then observed. with the utmost
sang froirl sod urbanity, "Now if you
will kindly *rod that coat to my shop,
the alterations will he attended to."
ibrier. sees to Ma Pole&
Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered
liver is 'misery. Indigestion is a fee to
good nature.
The human digestive apparatus ie este
of the 'poet enesplioated and wonderfel
things in existence. It is seedy pig out
of order.
Greasy food, tough food, eloitry food,
bad cookery, mental worry, lase boars,
rrorular habits, and many other this's
whieh ought not to be, bore mode the
Bet Gresa's Auras! Flower Ma dose
a worderfnl work in Montan this sad
bemuses and Nokia( doe Motorises
people so healthy that they es. enjoy
their wheals sad be happy.
Remember :—No happiness wittiest
Imolai. Bet Grime's August Flower
beiges hesitb and le the
="Lievesity-4ve seeds. ends
kik roar dniggist tee •
'ens, Desk Web
"Please, I waist the doctor
and see smalier."
"Doctor's out," maid the servant.
"Where do you come from 1'
"Why," exclaimed the little boy,
'don't you know me Why, we deal
with you. We had a baby from here
last week r
to come
Freeman's Worm Powders •re safe in
all eases. They destroy end remove
Worms in children or adults. lm
mouse Ramie.
In Greet Britain the queetion of Rome
Rule ie commanding attention. To the
men with • mid in the head or chest the
safes. way to ensure noire Rule over a
cold is to have on hand a bottle of Dr.
Harem's Red Pim Gum For sale M
J. Wilson's Prescription drug store. tf
A ream lady wishes to know if you
ean tell anything shoot a gentleman by
the colo. of his eyes. We should Dm
like to riek any positive reply, but will
venture to say that something eati be de
tenained by the color of his nose.
If you do not heed the warninge of na-
ture and at ono. pay attention to the
maintainanee of your health. How often
we see • person put off from day to day
the purchase of • medicine "hie& if pen -
mired at the °outset of • dames would
have remedied el almost immediately
Now if Johnston's Timis Live, Pills bed
been taken when the fir* esisemosee
med. its appearances the illness Milsid
have been "nipped LI the bud." Jolus-
eases Teals Himont sod Liver Pills am
decidedly the best molt** on the mar-
ket for general lode And invigorating
r=lea. Mb 15a per bottle. Bitters
ia seal El pee bottle, mold by
Goode the dreggiel, Albite. bleak, sole
gloat it]
Health Notes,
Oar Wilke
An article to he Makable for food meat
madam at leset me of Ow eleaseatery
substances of whisk the body wastes,
Ma• cias front all other element& The
latter, if not poisomme, will be rejected
from the system without harm.
The bed kinds of food are such as ore-
taia the moat of the bodily dentents.
A proper diet is such • ootnbituition of
*rioter as together feruish all the ele-
ments in due praportior., while, et the
seine time, them articles Orem the taste
end gratify our love of variety. Wares
tion would result in time if • stogie owe
of these elements were White. Nut
ed • for, but stiII more, bruin, ucrre and
every secretion.
Tte coodern Lowy for the whitest
bread is at fault, far such bread ra defi-
cient in the elements that make brain,
eayiag teeth. Abeenoe of vegetable foal
gives rise to scurvy ; the too exclusive
use of animal food, to gout.
But food meet he write& For this
no lees than 1:ve digestive timid* are se
mated '07 appropriate glands-- saliva, for
starch alai sugar, gastric juice, for IMO,
fish, esrge, etc.; bile and pancreatic juice,
for Mt, tire latter also aiding in the
cheastion of starch ; and the intestinal
secretions, to complete the pncess. A
deficiency in any Otte of these results in
w ine form of dyspepsia.
The digested food must pass from the
intestines into the circulation. Hence
myriads of hungry menthe seize it foon
the former, and pour it through count-
less minute vessels, •hich constantly
u nite and form larger, into the right
side of the heart. Should these vessels
be closed up Ly inflammation, the body
would waste away, however, good the
appetite and vigorous the digestion.
This imperfect blood does not, how-
ever, yet go into the full circulation, but
passes round through the lungs with the
veins blood end then ir.to the left side
of the heart, whence it is sent out in to
arteries a pure fluid, rice in every ele-
But the process of nutrition is not yet
finished. Those sleepless workers. the
ultimate cells, whether of braie, or bone,
or muscle, or meinbrane, throwing off
each moment the waste debris, take from
the same arterial fluid each what
OM Made op of whet we Oeschierren. Dimas r Mo.
My wire sedlend fee live ream with ,
that dismember Ilimere. setae& the
saes me eerier Me warm known is them
ports. She Wee all of the saterrh mune-
dies I ever saw advertise,. but they were
Nasal Balm has has used may ens hell
el it. tied mew feel* like • sew mesa. I
feel it my duty tit eay that Nasal Matta
menet be TI:10 MOULT reseseniended
ter omen* trembles. mad MP bleated M
have all sash eallbeere knew theeegh tie
re they win retrieve lamest relief aid
OURS. Quo. lloGULL. Faroe;
The Canadian Pacific Railway
Tee Peoples Favorite Route between
KANSAS 0117,
Fer Maps. Time Tables. Wares. Tickets. &J.
algalarent reel.
The worn out, wade and poisonous
matter in the system should swam I
through the secretions of the bowels, I
kidneys and skin, or serious disease re
sults. B. B. B opens these natural out-
lets to remove deem,. 2
Poultrv Notes.
Light CI essential in the pon'try house,
as fowis will neither thrive nor even stay
in • dark house.
Now that insects ere getting scarce,
give the fowls a liberal supply of chop
pad scraps of meat twice • week.
See that all currents of air ere cut off
There is a wide difference between good
eentilation end • draught.
Provide an ansple supply of old mor-
tar, shells. broken bone and fine gravel
to be placed within reach of the birds.
A small low shed, built on the south
aide of a tight board fence will tie appre-
ciated by the poultry during the cold
All roosting poles should be kept one
height It will prevent fiehting for the
highest pearch, and the birds will settle
to rest earlier.
Atmore all piles of old lumber, stones
and rubbish from the vicinity of the
poultry house. Such places' are the sure
harbours fur rata and other vermin.
Provailing Meek mem
The most prevailing complaints at this
season are rheumatism, neuralgia, sore
thrust, inflemmations and congestiosa
Foe all these and other tainful troubles
Hagyard's Yellow Oil is the best inter-
nal end external remedy. 2
Mow Ole Twelve Med.
St Matthew is suppmed to have suf-
fered martyrdom, or was slain with Use
sword at the City of Ethiopia, in Fogypt.
St. Luke was hanged upon en olive
tree in Greece.
St. John wee put into • caldron of
boiling oil at Rome and escaped death.
He afterward died a natural death at
Ephesue in Asia.
fit. James the Less was thrown from
a pinnacle or wing of the teuiple, and
then beaten to death with • fuller**
St. Philip was hanged up against a
pillar at Hiempolis, • city of Phrygia.
St Bartholomew was flayed alive by
the command of a barbarous King.
St. Andrew was booed to a cross
td be expired.
St. Thomas me run through the body
with • lance at Coromondal, in the East
St. John was shot to death with sr -
St. Simon Zealot waa crucified in Per -
Rt Matthias was hret stoned sad then
St. Banishes was Mooed to death by
the Jews at Salaniii.
St. Paul was beheaded at Rome by
the tyrant Nero.
Pe ma Tooselteerd.
Dual allow a colt in the head to slow-
ly sad safely run into Osbanii, when
roe ea. be enrol few Via by us/IIR
ones ordinary catarrh . 2 to 5 bozo ie
Mteed to mire &reek catarrh. Try
y lie mil sere ears. Mold by
1111 "Mild&
Odle& Mut die
LOA at NAIRN'S Stock
NAIRN has them at all prices -
'If Toe Wad a TEA SETT.
NAIRN has a full assortment
NAIRN has the finest display
If You Want loytkirg is SLAM
Try NAIRN'S before purchas-
ing elsewhere.
ear Pure, Unailleiterated
t Ito
a le
• rt
ga• it
th• ic
anima b. A MI ISM.
Are prepared to tannin eounsies fee heating
lig Air Or lig Water
Sole Agents for TUN IC. C. tAURNZY
Stores, Ranges and Furnaces
am i
day -
et 11
it h
be i
Tho Cheapest "rows°
Weet-st., next door to the Poet Offles.
Clederteh..lelr 1/1,
Farmers' Ationtio !
R.,1,14.4.1perelo-7—ardebe peewees Per-
mzei aes arm prepared
Ray the Ins as mar er stem. ir
win ame bur • welt, luring Ile
•LW•111 WIWI' OW W•1111.
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