HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-11-18, Page 1d r'O de et Ns 1. 1'. tie t. Ik 'V t7 we Oh a et WMLU►LA'NLIMOIR ILLS I GENERAL INTELLIGEKG ar- GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, NOV. 18, 1881. 1 i E A YL&1 ilt ADV * 1I a $uron fignal WHAT'S UP? u ru•usasn V KY FRIDAY THORNINC. AT TWA orrice: NORTH STREET. OODYRICH. It Is • wide-sw•ke local mewspp•aper, devoted to penally news and the dsseutiastluu of ewe fel knowledge. RATIN s •resr'etrrtet ALS) a year : 7oe. fie .It months ; ua ter three month.. If the subscription is nal •i la advance. eubeariptlJn will be ckarswd at the rate of /LW. year. ♦etseTlvr\C SITES1 legal and other eawnal advertiersenta. Sr. per line for swot Itaerttoa. sad 3 Celli' per Sae for each swbsse•est tas.rtioa. Measured by a mstrrei scale. Local notices In noopartet type Sc per liars. legal soder' In ordinary nailing type le per IteHgra cards of six lines and ender OS per year. AdvertYe•eau of Lost, round. /Prayed ice Vacant. nit wales Wasted and Cbauw Wanted. not exoeeding . soaparfd ll per month. Rousse ea Hale sad Ferias ea Isle. art to exceed s loses. 31 far Aral mouth. tee per rob .equent month. Larger edam in properties. Aey special sdte0. the etdeo of which la to promote the pecasdary beaeet of any fadl- Tideal or ,ompul!.. to la constderrd an ad Terusewent sad rAarpA sucord►ady. These terns wW Is .B cares bt strictly ad- hered to Special rives for larger advertsessent.. er MTeet*rmeate far extended serials made Mown at the ales 0f pahneense. • 3111113 litllIlUtIT. A fetes equipped Jobbing Ogees earned dm N eettaeeties with uses doaaey •ewleoper beldame. where •retclw went 1. cursed out at mrsesabie ntm everything is tee grott- iest ineiest line caw 1. done oa the premises from r flemleated pester to 3 vWuse Gard. All oummeniatia' nest be addressed to ys itenieur'eNT. Meter sr Tax t;so3AL Gatwick Oat. 1011 Windsor amen is out flatfooted Iiineastion. And the Clarion is nut a naughty ant organ either. 1f it only waits long eaelgh its heist% desire may be gratified. Now that the cities'* einemiltee has the backing of the peblie. let the mem- bers go to work with • will, and leers no *tone onttires& to heed the rood this way at the earliest pesatble date. Wing - ham public mss did aol weary in well - doing until they got the road into town ; Loodo., also, forced the line into that city ; and Ooderkb will have to fight hard to maintain its prestige of today, whoa so many outsiders are striving for the terminus. Ws have the inside track now, and let oar toeinu• tees keep to it. FWD*, last fear of the oo iamaed winkle*, Spies, Tether, Parsee. sad Hegel suffered the death penalty is Chicago jail for their part in muanect ion with the haymarket isomer. of a year and a hat ago. Lisgg, who was also to have been banged M the same time, cheat- ed the gallows committed suicide by hcld- ittg • bomb in his mouth doer the fou was 11t. Fielden and Schwab, who were Iupposed to be Ice guilty than their associates, had their sentences commuted to • life period in Joliet State's prison. And ao eloses the last dark chapter i• the Haymarket holocaust. waggled is vain to find that any of these Tory journals that harped so loudly at that time haws discovered that the suit Things That Ars Happening has been withdrawn and that Bruen', Around Ue last state is woes* than his first. Tan SIGNAL stood to its guns, and still stands asearsklag £3..s the Withdrawal of the (lista• Mery aimed J. t-. C. Jean alma . We 3(0.0113 aa1 Ufa flaw Idlerlag 1. Sae Craws Tell the Arewr. — Well, i samtwdmit that whop 1 read Tns Stgt>Wiy'eStntement last week that the protest was withdrawn against Robert Porter, I was flabbergasted, or weeds to that effect. It took us *11 by surprise, and don't you forget it, to learn that atter !1,000 had been deposited and the evidence had been collected, that the able bodied committee which was entrusted with the conduct of the ase bad sold out to our friends the enemy fur 1400. I don't pretend to know who is responsible for this ehag.bet whoever he is, he ie sot isee mita a hews_ Miiabe. 11 AS _terse We dropped kssasse the .Mei* against the sitting member was not deemed sufficiently strong to puma bias, 1 •m perfectly sat- isfied that it wen withdrawn ; bnt if, on The word "bomb" is in very general the other handl, it can be shown that w juitat present. There to a great there was so dation as to the weight .1 variety in the different pronunciations the testiassy agaimaillk 1agte, ligegiven to the word which is wholly un - that the withdrawal of dui petition was 10oseem7. ODe man speaks of the brought about through theegescy id en/ Anothercellaret t. "behe ton." Still„ n - individual or individuals with axes to other—and he is right, according to the grind, then jt is s crying shams acid a Few York Worfol—refer to it as • lasting disgrace. I'm in favor of having "bent." "Boob" should be pruaouse- every member of the committee brought a'"bus,' with the short sound of the before the convection, and forced to gin an account of his stewardship. 1f they P. Purcell, M. P. fou Oleogary, called did right we'll pat them on the back with on obs Minister of Joetie• toda7 and es - a gentle hand ; If they didn't act square s desire that Mr Stilwell, of the Iraq riun, who is now undergoing ho - they should be severely and solidly ed- prisooment fcr libelling Mr Purcell, 'weighed by the convention's big boot. abbeekl be released. Mr 1bxnpson inti - 1 must confess, on the evidence of the mated that the line and "oats is the transaction that has opine to my know- Lee will have to be pail by Stilwell, bmf ledge I'm ashamed of the whole box lied asked both Mr Purcell and his comas( had asked to lave the impnsonmeat dams,. dim of the men who were instrumental ed with, Stilwell could be released. He in the withdrawal of the petition. bis. now been in gol for over two —I saw J. D. tltewsrt, the manager of weeks. DOWN BY THE BRINYhb0hb.4t;,ill "b.n uppluc .r s' of tat J NEWS OF THE MIL who were beautifully rendered Notes by the Way and Incidents I and drew forth well merited applause I Latest Intelligence trona As this is assanli.tly • night route, we of the Trip. I could see nothing of the scenery (mf then Paha was soy) of the Sound. Next morning — there, Lot the 310,000 suit has ' in 0(1,101/1g on deck we found ourselves ((ono treWsg:b. et TS.ss*..ten approaching New York, and (*abed where theoo wdbine teacloth. dlr.='s a I ea New Tor esrthwadr'e fr/ae.e through 11.11 Oat, into the gut Riv., good dur,but Moldiest is • better. Sorbet, Taw rawara1roes -siuM(r.ee- Pawing Ward's and Blackwell's islands, we soon came to sight of of the Tory edifiers ought to pas around the bat and suable the fellow to ply the ousts in connection with the suit. True to his old institute Brown has this far failed to do so. A IMPORT of the proceedings of the inter -Provincial conference, recently held at Qwbec, is unavuidably crowded out this week. ANY man is good *wee* for a wan- ed member, but any man is not qualified to sit on the railway committee and in- telligently discuss the plan of the pro- for • retired sea captain. I had also posed road.aught a glimpse of him on the train be fon reaching Annapolis. While on the , Dr. Montague the Tory candidate, upper dock in the evening, 1 Mw him come otic of the oaben and hire eye wall sleeted for Haldimand by 19 majori aloft and to windward, ar*.s ig eh. look ty last Saturday. Th. Indian vote favored bon—the red man did it with his little hatchet 1RIa a."e'1 ' The Bay of Bandy did net tliiilleit its proverbial roughness on this ..salon. The eight Wes fie with a tttodena breeze, and no sus to speak o(; but jest enough of an ,dd sera; te give the boat $ little rolling motion. While seated .t the table one day in the hotel in Hali- fax, I noticed as oll g.stlemaa accom- panied by hie veldt, at the same table, with an unmistakeably salt -water air about him. I set him down at • glance the Goderich Caledonian games, the other day, and be reminded me that in the biographical sketch of John C. t;.reie, I omitted to state that amempt bis other ocbievemest', hot one. captained a tug of war for Huron against Bruce. la this line I might state that J. C. C. is the early days, before rheumatism pmt its clammy hand upon him, was as lim- ber ran eel and as agile as a panther. He and his brother Dogald were the ter - cars ..f the concession line in wrestling either at catch-ae catch -can or aide -hold.. I didn't know the boys duan in Perth knew old J. C. C., however, until the bleated hi.torian of Ruwidale, J,D S., gate me a pointer to that effect. British Boa h.e roared and shak- e, gid great Cas been the 1. Some time ago William O'Brien, editor el United /mimed, was placed in Talkiest* jail to serve a term of im- prisonment for alleged seditious lam- inae'. When the editor was jailed It. sated thet he would not submit to the indignity of being robed in prisoe rai- ment, sad &ltbomgh (or". was used om mon that one omission to array him in the Bawdy habiliments of the Tallsmore Hostile, the efforts re make him doff the civil garments for the prises suit proved unavailing, and O'Brien'* jail pima d 1 campaign baffled bin foes, and withstood the combined powers of the British Gov- ernment and its minions, the jail ward. of Talisman. Bet where might eeaid r,t avail strategy sad low anemias hove hoes .essess(sl, and O'Brien, like Saws eo. of old was despoiled of life strength while he slept, and sew the Ocerersmost rejoices that they have bee. able to steal the raiaseat d • d► ka ob/ primmer. Bead forth far sad Tido the neem tis. tble HAM Oovera- meat bas tsar tkmiinmad by the mt.sli*g of O'lri.e'• hesseNa, mad IeI Um world bees Let alas Ike korai Tadao set flair haat! epos anthill{ losiaaaleg as Irish-- tress a Masala( baal le • pair d eatiestleaattlas, ending him Imam !ores to petty lar.enywill maid is The Wieder, Detroit River db Lake Erie railroad—Mr J. C. Pattenoa'a fav- orite sebests—will probably not ba built this year or next. The towns through whish N rues do not seem to be as Ni - hes to sesnt bonuses as Mr Patterson Loathe they would be, and the hied - oilmen want pay for the hod, and do set see the benefits of the road in the glowing colon that the projector hoped they would. To make the bad matter wive, Engineer McAffee, the only m*e who knows the roots, died suddenly on Saturday, tied the whole survey will have to be done over sepia. —I noticed in Tas SIONAL last week that John Brown --not the hero of Harper's Ferry—bet the silver toped falsifier from Tomato, has gait trying to get rich st the expense of Tait SION/a, sod has withdrawn the 310,000 suit, for the alleged injury to his alleged reputa- lion. You let him down a great dal more easily than he deserves, and perhaps you thought that by doing so you might Inspire him with the laud- able desire to pay your Goats Inserred in the suit. Yon don't know his nibs as well as I do if poo harbor the idea that he'd be capable of doing anything ao honorable He'll be about es boouet and manly with you as be was with Jim Bailey is the matter of his he•rdbill. —I undersand that property is boom- ing in Ooderieh with a vetgeance, aid of the weather with an eamistakeabl) professional air. 1 thought to myself, it you're r.ot an old Atlantic bird, I'm greatly mistakes Later on a chance re mark, oo o e ing the probable seaworthy qualities of the beet in the event of a Wow, brought us Into conv,wtiun, and I found that be was • ![Tiara et-!f•rD LINZ OFTICra, who had been many years in the eerrice. He had bees chief officer of the Ramie, when she was the crack ship of the line soma yours slo, and had since command- ed another boat in the Company's ser vies Of course we got int) a "yarn," and I found that he was well' acquainted with two of the captains I bad sailed with while at VOL.t was refreshing to meet a genuine old salt of the old school, and I quite enjoyed the meetio.r. Wed- r.sday afternoon ma were of Cape Ann, the great headquarters for fishermen, and 1 as. a whole lot of fishing saloon - en cruising around. Some of them schooners an rsmurkably handsome grafts, as graceful as yachts and 7er7 fast. IINTSaI1u BOSTON DAY we met a tnieseedoee fleet of ooaeting sehoonen uetbard basad, way of them liege three -mestere, end fine k akiug vessels. As there was a eustoms *Hoer as beard, the baggage was all examined before arrival, thus preventing any da lay on landing. As it was near six o'clock when wo landed, "Uncle," "New York" and myself captured our gripe and hurried ashore in hope of catching the train for Fall River. Before goios further, I would my that, although I have indulged in a little occasional "chaff" of the literary "pabty ;" and certainly some of their ra erisa were amusing enough, i made the acquaint- ance of one gest/mean, who might be said to be the literary ems of the party, and I me lad to here met. This A leading Franca Liberal gives it as gent) u n gwas the Bev Johns II Ware, his opinion that the report of Hoa. of the editorial staff td the Bootee Edward Blake* wary into the Imperial Herald. We met freereatly in the m Parligene would move • correct one, smoking room on the Mirasi, sad on and he believed that it world be a the train afterward, and had several in - "greet day for Inland" and Gouda as teresting conversations. He was very well when the ex -leader of the Canadian desirous of learning the feeling in Cana - Liberals crossed theji reshold of West- da toward the United States especially =Mister. "We thee," said he, on "have some one ti look after the resole- Tots manse or COIIliala*'uL UNION, tions which will be placed before the and 1 pre bhp .orb information as 1 Home Government by the several Pro- tinges anent the proposed changes in p tatrescondto caLi un him art Ari* o 'm our Federal cementation. inland will Boston, which invitation we should car lbw isms worthy, 0haloent triesd, and tale have accepted had tires permitted Mr. Bilks will afro "lest men worthy of 1 of oar doing so. Hailing the first cab his 'great" power as • debater and • ma saw, we drove to the station just in .ate.Ieaa—Montreal Witness.( time to catch the Fall River train. The tors( over this roan meat be something A L ondoe cable says : Joernsls dig tmasenee as ,r had to walk through eessisg the Inter -Provincial Cootoreooe nearly a dn..a madam .before getting empb•eise the importance .f the (act a seat. As it was rapid( getting dark that Commercial ration will not lead to we wen --able to see much of the „ee politeeel separation from Regiand. The Rahn say.: •'Could anything be . than tm. r.eomm.ndatios adopttielliT the Coiferenoe, coming, es it does, fru* the whole people of Canada 1" Th. Pall Mal Gazette says : "What more enter - strap a&1[011, probably the greatest engineering work of modern tithes. I don't know its exact height from the water, but it is high enough to allow the largest vessels to paw uuder. Roundin„ the Battery to North River, we were soon at the pier, when the bustle of leaving began. Our friend "New York" here left us for his home in Jersey City,and we parted from him with regret. He was a jolly,sociable fellow, and we felt quite lonesome when we lost him. After • somewhat late breakfast at the hotel, we started for a cruise down Broadway, and soon found ourselves at Battery Park. Seeing 115* ••*TBOLDI STATUS Or W•aITY in the distance, we determined to pay it a visit, and bearding the ferry boat had • pleasant nail down the hatbur to Bed - toe's Island. When seen from a distance the statue appears comparatively sisal, and dces out gine an idea of As real aims, and It is only when close to It td.t you begin to realise its colossi' proportions. Standing at the bees of the massive 5ranite pedestal with its oomcrete base, et will oceuriM you that this alone is • splendid piece el masonry. l am not able to state the exact proportions of the whole affair, but 1 undersand that the height of the figure alone from the foot to the top of the torch is over 150 feet, and the height of the torch from the water including the peleetal is over 300 feet. We entered the pedestal and after clambering a considerable number of stairs, found uorselvss on the gallery or terrace that surrounds the top, just be low the base of the statue itself. Tar TIL.. OF Tar CITY, or harbor from here is a fine and compre- hensive one We found to our diop pointment that we could go no higher, as visitors were not admitted into the statue, for what reason we are unable to say, unless it be that the authorities are afraid that acme ingenious crank might take it into hie head to inaugurate a new departure in suicide by jcmpiog from the torch. After returning to the city, we o eeluded to Qat in the rest of the after- noon on • viett to Cl*ltTRAL PARR, • and taking the elevated roar!, were moos whirled up there. This place Is justly regarded with pride by the closers* ; we were unable to judge of its extent,whieb is evidently considerable, but could see - that in the laying out, art had been brought to the assistance of nature io • ingenious manner. Strolling around the lake, we visited the menagerie, which is quite a large and pretty complete cellse- tion of animals. Amoott the rest is a ehimpaozes, "Crowley,' who ban such • grutesque likeness to humaniti that an old woman is .aid to have exclaimed, on seeing him : "Be the rowers : there's Maginnis of the fourth ward ; what's he in for r'-1 don't couch for this. After doing the Ilions and other curieeities to our satisfaction, we left the park by the bth Avenue entrance, and ed to walk down street a little way. jest to mi- mic. the buildings before taking a street car down town. We sew so mooch to ad- mire and became so absorbed io admire - titan of the numerous p.latiai residences of New York's merchant princes last WS LOOT T*ACt or TINS AND Dl*TANCII and walked to the bottom of (be avenue, and thee snppoaiog ourselves within a few minutes walk cf home we thought it not worth while riding the rest. Af- walkirg another mile or tee we came to Union Square, and were then sure that we were jest there—but we were•'. Is short, from the tiros we left the Path 1r7 w. were pasatng through, especially u*til we are wed at mag hotel, we waited asthe tromp was going about d0 miles an Inst 2, ho -re an'l most have entered six ✓ ur " '— Ile•ring Fall Riser •'New or 55.00 miles. Thew el.wstd roads wraep lama of Mugud far r . u. tills Wows elle Are• 1■ • Marry labor- issislhisa Walled Wawa to Swig War sewwers Moe. Jas. Guuldie, of (Twsfph, last week re- ceived • corked Id Manitoba' wheat which ia being uohoded and it weighs 64 lbs. to the bushel. 120.. Ur MoCush, who bas for many years been the backbone of P1i.cet n College, N. J., has resigned the presi- dency of that inatitutwu. The court at Paris in whlsti the. Catania trial has been proceed.sg bee ordered the provisional release of ft,enOraC Cafanl, M'me Limousin and M lemons the result of the th,rerntaentew inquiry into the allegattous &garnet* Mr. W Ideon. Mr. Childers, in an address at Kil— marnock Saturday evening, said that Mr. Batfour's recent speech seemed for indicate that • new and stronger Coen colon Act was wanted to prevent personae convicted ky magistrates from obtaining - baiL In re -opening the Stoneywood (Aber-- . deep) recent) church bazar. Dr Hutchinson, Moderator of the gooiest sasembly, said that whatever might lie said to basun in commotion with I n- ligious objects they were certainly a most effectual means- uf awakening a wiidespp sympathy among alt maks and Edward Hanks ir tepidly getting into condition for his ohampionship race . with William Beach, which will be row - .d on the Repan River, N. S. W., November 25th Betting -is new 3to 1 on Beach. George Perkins, ex -cham- pion of England, who has been here fur ease time, to looking after Hanlan s tesinia . David Schuyler and Abrshem Powela were taken to London Friday j.. from Guide by Detective Mohhms, charged with making sad passing - counterfeit silver ooinieie Guide village. Dies for making spuria quarters ad , half dollars were found on the premises n lately occupied by the prisoners, oho also had sums of the bogus Imam in their possession. A remarkable imiaiies of Mash wal- nut has lately been mode from peer pine, the quality and app araece uf the article lining such as almost to defy deaotion. To accomplish this, one pari of waist peel extract is mixed. with six parte of water, and with this solution the wood is costed, When the material 1. half - dry • solution of bichromate of potash with water is robbed or. it, and the made walnut is ready for use. At the Welkertoo Assize Court Judge Rose, in addressing the grand jury, gave the following as his opinion of the work- ing of the Scott Act :—I am in the habit of observing the working of the Sects Act. It was not working Wal alae X. was here before. Although it may he a. crude pies" of legislation, I as of ion that it is potting a atop to the able senaslees habit of open treating. L. public bars. I was shocked iaWy at. one place in which I held court, to Bed every office? in the court in • shameful condition from thew of liquor. If men desire to use liquor in their own how, I• am not prepared to say that thole,. has a right to prevent them. It is doubtful if any went has S right to interfere. with mew's liberty in this respect. Bat every good citizen condemns the dri.k- tng in open bore, You may exorcism Toot own judgment in whatever you may desire to say on the subject, irre- spectite of my news or opinion.. Tuesday evening at Orangeville Me. house of Thomas Anderson, Scott ANAs Inspector, was shattered with dynamite. which had been placed in the vvnndah. Mr Anderson bid left the house a few yards from the house at the time of La - explosion. Mrs Anderson was the oar occupant of t he house, and she walk terribly shocked, her screams being; heard several blocks oL There is sea clue to the prep.rase's of the outrage A note was found attached to the lar,., warning the Inspector, who has labeler hold several llraege,ille hotelke.pers bo - fore the magistrate for violations .1 the Soots Act, to desist in his course if he did out shah so be sent to kingdoa corns, and stating that he might oos- gntslate himself that be had been spar- ed pned so lag. Then is great exeitem*a► in town. Oa Thursday, the 100 ins►, in Teen. - York," wbo boon hen before,adri ed w deceptive as regards distance. We e s to stand by fur a jump the minute that mono is rhes than dirt down at tenet* thin that, at a time when a North the argils atnppad' which we did sad 7 Per nn axiom the dusk en board the boat ; the dock. The Akar day the tows o Asaevisan y'°llveshoald wtog but although we werewerealmost Ent on osseil wanted • tits ager ell' Ink• epos ung'Howlandrepresented board we wen by &man who hes repeatedly declared whwb to sink • well sad meet a pump that he nerd. aaob arrangement as Too LAT' To 01T • erATmaoOII house, and you'd hardly believe It, but fate( to the amity of the Empire 1" Tbe' and had to take a lower cabin berth. the way valor jumped up in that 83• Jamas (league qys it is evident Ibe Wt.n i get time to leek about m., i was locality was • caution to sinners, and I 1.111•11 ill hror of • C.."'" Union is, both .uipri..d and delighted at the were considered • good ais", wen au"' w e6 .spplerdid fittings of the boat. i had ,I alongside this monster of the deep. 1 saints, too, for that matter— i( (ben ere i thot.ght th3 Qwob55, oe the Rtahsliel' i never before saw soak amp on the waned board. Now, I have The Irish Qawn /ion : Mr. Blake saw line by whiob we trayl'iled from bion- • r•aatrn•sxT Preemie or PAWL •s- objeetion to serbod- placing toll' tur billeelf the misery Of the psopi., and I tied to Quebec, rather a fine &rtiehl of 1 csTTmrTU &s rested the remainder of the evening. On Friday .Horsing we started on * tcur of inspection along the North ricer. We wanted to ewe ..ne of the modern Atlantis greyhounds, and hearing that the Etruria, the crack boat of the Cunard lin*, was in port, we determised to pay her a visit. The omen steamers of my time twelve year's ago, and some of them so h n• feeble health sod at the risk a to, 14aeeis (le,e*t Jsti*raoa. ooapniai*.w,, rales. epos red estate, but i don't want 1 imp risossent in an ivis6 den he I rivet steamer ; bet dm was a sten ,loft, I and cannot imagine • arrester triumph o(I ani Miss Elisabeth 8 relish, deal Mel. 1°fe inset in comparison with the superbly human ingenouty and skill. We went sdvlssd them to combine against the •poointed bn•a d the 1.11 River Lone. I dl over her with the .I.eptiew of the dumb motes. were married M der The deenratioes of the saloons are he- I engine rt..... where t *hors were not ad- bride i rister% rsidete, om kill elg..1 - yeed myfootsie powers of d..eiip/btsarist *, so which rather disappointed meas Chart" E11iett aged as gr'sme m w a a goes1. l meat be Iedt the vivid 1.- , 1 particularly wanted to ase them. Ocr leers Elliott as hridecm.id mid Nun spoliation of the render. The idler+nee neat departure was for the Broskly. 003100ny .al osmod bg the Paw Ira between this boat Safi Ilse lost wee like Bridge sod to ere it to advantage we fimith, o(R in, acmee!_hnrodNN\ ti —well, like the diff'r.oes 3Nwses Per- I docadea to walk asroos on* wily and ride wk, rs / Tnroatopo, with • laeutg flit• s • Aatory •sed Paradise After p.rt.kiwg I back, for the small sum of cue sent Seek ! nese el an sxeelleet eopper,whieh was doubly' we were admitted to lbs promenade At win pr'e55nt, oke ae7 tbp btid*L enjoyable, es it was the &et decent mea the resin of the p we set. gd nlatiom •old (ri0edma MIs.of Bsemial, 1.sw sow Mrs Jefferson. was educated in that Belleville Deaf had Dumb eabo* shot in • few minute, after the. wedding a telegram was reesived tetra Me sad ihn • nus rtLeramr BAND. Mathison., of the above **heal, 142 the bride and bride giseum mashitI wills sated fora dgdmition of enawi -- happiest., A11 Ilia tasks .4 e ateMet. I ahead ay this was shoat the A quantity of gseoliee r.aied teen were pwmt and yes p ima% gad .gouda Mbar Nampa(, d i hast week, haws lite ehueghas were after the mapper may games wage ser wkiak as the sight was dark, we eonld I lighted property of Renday. Poe some sorted to till a heehaw, whey di parted gag nothirs twit rte eleetrte Bride. the i tines past only • "diet tdisiens light' afire girlies the brills tggnr wird star la ow the ial•tions and shrinkages eom. tee ekeely together, *ed I hope our tows asesssor has been duly inatreeaed to make a mute of the value attached to .a.h Pees d property enquired after by the @Deicit. with the view of heti•g • feet figure plaited epee the west atuees- tsset teal. If there are any "gnldmine' localities down a1 the harbor Bats, it', drily right that the netg\bose who Lye dell. fie is of es sad with us in this shook leek .bawd get full Weill in the work --the Mae work a Ireland'. tin. INy f••••4•—•14 py MI teres, deo demptios, Swear let it be said d the blames el d.twla that they mess tin Ai"' gtabht N Pia or ttetnisded a his groat @onion ; ami, whom eppoAesilp Nowa of ear Tory eselseges "jetted *Ma, IA r nilly lit* ase minae b tseer greatly a few mouths ego because a fellow gi the 3.7:4,t Ieiab Ce wadies, ><dward Bhk*. Toles and selioaei have celled Bron threatened Tall S&OVAL samp4 bis. "the mohlot Roman of landlords. Many are the past Dateless 1. has rendered the mese of troth and justice. het this ssrviea by Edward Blake le the Irish people is the "erowniog of the edifies." Ile has pissed the ebildrea of the Irish *mins the world over ender $ deep debt of gratitedo-aid we is Canada saw only repay him is owe way. Hereafter, let our people give to him ie hies( amino a reciprocity hearty and we had sinew leaving Halifax, we ad- josrned to the spoor pem.e.de Beek when we puffed ser ,posterandial cigars te the southie; strains awhile to aka in the prospect, from we had a grand view ..f the twin cilias of New York and Brooklye, the Hams River and the harbor with the Liberty Statue to the distance. O. B, 0. rt..-