HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-11-11, Page 8lb .1111.,'., We aro glad to ... Saw Marshal around again. The Methodist par.•rnage is teeing painted very nicely. Mrs A. T. McDonald, returned Roes from Toronto, Tuesday of last week Robert and (eddy Junes, lett last Monday morning for the ?dickies luwberwouds Miss McDougall, of Toronto, is the guest of ber sister, Mrs A. T. McDon- ald of this plass. Rre•WAY. Last Thursday evening the team owned by J. hn Pfeffer, of Hallett, broke Latae while Mr Pfeffer was in the hotel on business, and gut away. They started on the home stretch and kept the rout for about sixty rode, when they turned off and ran a:•inet • telegraph pole, thnewing it about 10 feet out of the ground 0. e of the horses at..ppad with the wagon, and the other started for home Very little damage was done other•Ise with the excel,'a in of tete harness beang broken badly. The quarterly meeting in conI.ec ion with the Methodist church was held a' Donnyhro,.k last week. Ilry Thos Gee olGcloted -and preached to • large sod •ttentite congregation Thr special errs ices at Westlie'd aro still in pr. t;re•s, and op to date ah..ut fifty have born tor - marl as seek,rs of sales:ion, and great attention and interest seems to prevail at the entire service. The trustees have decided 10 build a now chr.r.h ono mile east of the o'd vide. We congratulate them un the choice of locato.n, as it is pcn raU -._brlicvod tbej ate lrlaeitsfl it where it will do m..at good. • A SI•hrrlitik PARTY. -Lt►M Thursday 4v11161g about sixty members of the Methodist coil rogation met at the church, when o niers were pr 'vides! and a procesaio formed, whish soon reached the residei.e of John Waabing• ton's, and'prest'nte4 Mies Aunie Wash- intton, the organist`of Auburn church, with • beautiful albu.n and silver Bake Laske', and her sister,Miss E , a sinter in the ch .ir, with a magnificent hanging lamp. The newcomers were warmly welcomed by tete family. The f..t wing *Abbess wee thee nal b# l). r: Menet., ■ id the fits were presented by Miss Susannah Blair : 7'o Mr Mimes A..1• R. W 'a•/fo•i. Drat Verso Ftitsl.t. It is with deep regret we learn you bit ad shortly to remove from our eommuoit We are deeply cons: goes that will sever o a groat extent those ties formed and etrvugth erred during many years of 'metal and religious interoour•te, during which) time W9 have enj iyod to;;ethrr the 1'r%vilr- ef hearing faithfully prealtb'.1 and sung the sublime truths of Aur glorious gospel laden with eno•.uragemerit for the week, frail, and fallen ; radiant with ' the hope that makelh net ashamed :" worthy in all respects of its great Author, and amply sufi:ient to accomplish the re- demptive of mankind. Henceforth we shall dire in separate cominuuities, but it is our earnest wish that the gospel will guide and control the lives of ns all till we pass through the portals of those "'Mansions hot wads with hands, eternal in the heavens," which the gret: (lead of the church willingly died to occurs for us, when we will all unite in singing praises to our great Redeemer. Aasur- iug you that we entertain the kindest wishes for your success and happiness in the future, we now sok you to accept these gifts as an expression of our esteem and acknowledgment of the oon- gtefation'e indebtedness to you for the faithful d ach.rge of your onerous duties. And to your parents who have so many years loyally, liberally and intelligently supported the congregation at Manches• ter, who have been ready at all times to speak in their behalf and enterprises, we cheerfully say that as • congrega- tion and community we have been bleared by having them dwell so long in our midst, and in aytng farewell to them and to you we siucerely say. God bless you a11. Signed on behalf of the cnngregation G•anttl. SrMovo. lour Hoakat. A suitable reply was made by Mr Washington ou behalf of his daughters, std the remainder of the evening was spent in a rr'st enjoyable manner in recreatioua of various kinds. DeamilLr. On Thursday of last week Valentine Fisher received the very .ad intelligence from the comptroller of 0-e Northwest mounted police, Ottawa, that his son, Abraham Warner, had died of mountain lever, at Kootenai, ilritish Columbia, that owing to the great distance of /Coot eaai from th• main line of commeniea- tion he had only received news of his death per telegram, and that further particulars would be forwarded as soon as received. Abraham Warner Fisher was a young man of exemplary Christian ebar•eter and sterling integrity, and was loved and respected by all who knew him. The news of his death has cast • gloom over the entire neighborhokwl, and the deepest •ympsthy for the bereaved family is felt by the whole community. Pest Elbert - Allis Hawkins, a twelve year old ctild of A. C. Hawkins. while playing on top of • straw stack had the misfortune to fall and break some of the tomes of her left arm last week. Mho is doing as well as can be expected. The proprietor of the Royal had an in- terview with P.M. Williams, in (i•eder- ioh. nn Monday. Result : fifty deities ser sixty days ; tootles days to ponder over it. The work at the harbor has been de- layed for some time, owing to the want of a pile driver. The parties who hay. the conceited for building Pellow's bridge, and who were to have that job arm et ad by do. 1.1 of Octob.r, at present hold Shs pile driver until they pt the piling 1a oonueetion with their contract finish- ed. They haven't commenced work yet R•tt.wav Norex. --W. T. Jennings, C. R. engineer, paid oar town a visit 1st week. Bs seemed highly deliehted with tis rases apposeas ...f the pias., and Mill en doubt report t•. bye eomptwy the desirability "1 making Port Albert the terminee of the Winehar. /wane% We ande-stand That white on his way hi•h.v Ibe was interviewed M Qederieh W some ilk of the railway agitators of that town, tut mild gine theta no a,s.ulutioa whatever, nor troy reason to hope for any further railway facilities through bis Co. We are very sorry for ILs as G.dvr.ch is a very pretty town, and deer sae • bettor fate than what earn. M be in store for • it. besides, we have no doubt lis pso 110"14g'ye Piet Albert a help:tag baud were we a • like position. .., we are very sorry, indeed. TBS HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, NOV. 11, 1887. Do you keel dull. laryrurl, k.w+ .ntad, Ilie- and In•h•wnls.ttdr utlrernhb•. bosh Masi- DS 1 fuI1ia, or bloating after cootie. or of "gone- ' or . intoe 1.'.t "f stomach in lie Ilearn- hut. taegue '+ntad, l•ilter iPt let taste In month. irregular appetite. distress. 1rquret hoof,, h,' Mooed.••.sight, •• dust inn •hack*" ies..n- IY.•'•r•s. ria t•e1a praeera;k't, or ex- D.101n.., irrilatelity f t• wtr'r. t..t fishes. ,iMrraat:ug rite chilli renew '° i. 'harp, 1,atIng Ir,:Mont pm alnod there. uxtld Wet, dr.•■suers after Wets. wnkefutnee.. or d"•:uric-e and isne freNsing skep, tsetstant, tadesur. mail• keine; of dread, or of lwpeud- no/ riiamuy If • tau tease all or any e- nshhrald.• number . u..taro► 'nal m•W a. conker of Anierian a less - Booms In•yr•t...:e, ur 1, 4.1 1.1. 1. moos.' eel wit 1. 1.2.somoIn. or Imt. goo in. '11* icon eoetplk+rt.-d your Moser.Moser.hits t.•a„•ne, the rreatu too uunds•r nut) dsven.11) •.f symp• .•No aaitter rr Iwt M: it loos notched. riere's Golden Medical Dheoeery '.L; $ ttrdw.• it. If taken arrurslhig to three- Isomfora itiosmilt;h• length of tem.. If not cured, MNnpygw1.7"pens multiply and t'oltmn,•ap- men of the bungs. skin Masora Heart Disease. Itlwutsatens, Kidney Disease. or Wirer grave nu•ladi.r are jUlt., tinbw to sat lis and, a000 •r or iter. induce: u lct.tl termination. Dr. rlerce'a Golden Medical Dia dw rosary as powtuily upon the Liver, and thn.ugh that omit tense-purifhlns omen. Me cleanses n sysystemof all blood -mists and I- puritk•% from whato4( .ser cause nrr. It 1s equal!, elioatious In . ding upon tto kid- neys. and igloo' excretory organs..Ieanmingg Mn•uIegtrang. and healing their •119en,a•e- As an appetrare . restorative tonic, 11 promotes digestion and nutrition. thereby t.Ll.iing up both Moll end ic end strength. 1n vred distrts, this wonderful medicate bas ',,Jural rreet eeioloSiy- in oath'sFever anti ..4010, Chills and -. F.n-, troth .Ames. end kindred dewases. Dr. Pierce's Goldoni Mystical Dla. 'cocry CURES ALL HUMORS, from a common Blotch, nr E.ut'i nn. to the worst Scrofula. Malt -rheum. " F'••see'• powerful. purifying r -ton. Scaly or trough Skin. in ort. all diseases caused by had bleed are conquered d by this and Okil)rorating shnwdi- , erne. Great Ealing purifying, neer, repIJt) heal under 1u tenter' mein- influence. Fap•:Sally has It mer 1 rested i4 imtency in raring Tetter, Eczema, Erysipelas. BIM, (Yrb •les, Son Mous Eyes. 4crnf- ous Sores and Swellings, flip -Joint Disease, 1 " Wimp Swellings.- Goitre. or Thl.•k Nit, 1 and Eulargtd Glands. Scut ten cents in staiims for • large Treaties. with coloredplates. on akin Demers. s the same summit for a Treatise on Scrofelous AC••etiens. » li'ON THE BL00D is TfrIE LIFE." o Th meighlp ele•mwr K by using Dr. Pierce'sh Golden /Medical Deevery, and good digestion, • fair skin. Mroyant spirits. wrist stmegth and bodily health will be established tin Thumbs)! last Inspector Paisley visited our village. He is drterwiLed to Derry out and eiders the l utt Act. He etomwttted to jail a hotel keener of this village, David Flats._an, for en infra°, tion of the Scott Act. 0.. the arms day Mr. Washington Auckland, while in xr the w ds is search of tress for ontamout t.. transplant, hav• tug climbed fi sapling, it fell with him, by which he fractured two of his ribs. 1 he Duck r stater that he is sot serious- ly hurt, and will be all right in the weirs .1 a c•wple cf weeks. The Methodist brethren have ens, menced revival meetings, which are be- ing well attended and appreciated. Iter. D. G. Camera, of Erskine church, taro • very interesting, u.s'ruc- live and practical d,. iacuree tau lemiser- aoea bud the Scutt Act, which .i11 prob- ably result in good. Our enterprising lumber manu!asturer is busily engaged in improving the ap- pearance of the i•illage I.y removhig a building from the Main-st. on to his d farm, which, when placibud tatted up, , will make a comfortable oetbuildinj folk. Soar. calls anti ok•ritall) : ripen arra' a roar of Col1c ''r R H. Ande' o.n is on ilio track. Ratepayers should take note, We are sorry to state that ono of our tootitbit •'•unit wen, Joseph Strolhere, is Iraving this vicinity for some yuan. Ise iotehds going to Australia by way . f ('tltf•'rnia, and starts on Wednesday, the 9th November. We wish him success. and hope he may he spared to rtturn to his t.utrr sae due rime. Lesbian -- Mtn Annie Chisihan', has removed in Golericb. Mrs Tuley, of Kintail, enjoyed a pleasant visit to insets here. P&LsOlal,.-Rev. Mr Wilson, formerly of Kingston, and • fellow student .d the Rev Dr L -re in his College days, preach ed here last Sunday. He hu been eters. ed to assist here fora time and rid! .+ve a lecture the date of which 'e°T;--even on Suede - The rising "hopefuls in our ham). t kept Lallow'fen in due form. the red gate of K. P. Shaw was hung up in • tall tree, and R Oxley dad mem climb- ing to get it down ; Alex Cletton'r gate was asuggly hid under • culvert and found by • Dunlop sufferer who was hunting for • missing gate of his own. Mr. Foley had a big hunt for his ; as al- so J. 0. Stewart and H Chtslom ; other tricks to numerous to mention, were al- so perpetrated. With regret we notice cf late that many of the young men of this neighbor- hood have formed • habit on prayer meeting night of gathering os the stoop tri the hall and engaging in loud and boisterou.talkings tainted with phases of vulgarity unfit fon the ears of passers-by, particularly ladiss,whu here Complained to me of it. Also that some of the bye have made it • special duty to ring the church boll while the prayer -meeting is going on. The offeudera names are withheld, and we hope the boys will discontinue these practices, and not in future let an item of this kind appear accompanied with their name. D U11011. Pm,:neat -Micheal Finland, fr m near Kingsbridge, gave our busy burg a visit lrat week, being the guest of our Irishman, with whom he had quite a chat over the Land Leagee and Home Rule. "Sete". -This ie the rams cf • new trotter purchased by the Laird of Lans- downe farm, which he intends 1) get in racing trine for the spring races. Already he thinks it can leave all the nags in Leeburn far In the rear. 1'1ill•AiN IL. -Our townsman, A. C. Mc- Donald, was in Clinton, attending the meeting of the Presbytery in the interest of the tall extended by the Leeburu church to the Rev. J. Simpson, of Bruce field. J. M. Williams, with his cousin, F. W. Hyndman, of Ayrshire, Scotland, were the guests of J. Eason, Bayfield, last week. They also visited relatives at Exeter. Our jovial Jock McAlister, the arcbi teeta's busy foreman, was up from Strat- ford last week under the weather with a sore hand, the lotions and skillful care of our sick committee sent h'm back to Stratford. H•Lt.owi'er.-_Rome of these stupid customs that mark it yearly were duly observed by the mischievous urchin's of the burg, who annoyed one or two of our residents by playin tick -tack on their window panes with • long string, which was answered by the owner with several shots from hie gun. The plow of A. Allen's foreman wa neatly put away in • fence corm, giving Mallosgt and hour or s, taboos tramp hunting it while hie white team watched him. R William's farts gate was found stowed away in a cedar swahp the hors cos pensated him • little by grubbing • stump snd throwing it an top it. We think Ser John and Oliver should peas laws te end .coli silly stupid pescties.. come to the bridal chamber. Death ! Commie the mother whoa she feels For tis first time. her filet -bore's breath. Asd tie* art terrible' The untimely death which annually carries off thousands of human beings 1n the primeof youth, is indeed terrible. The Gest approach of resumption* inaid taws. . and the sufferer himself is most unwire seio.s M i4 •pprnach One of the most al•tmine symptewne of this dread disease is, in fact, the ineradicable h:op., which larks in the heart of the victim, p event - 1.g hien from shine timely Mips to ar• rest the malady. That it can he tined ed in its sells stages a beyondques- tion, as there are hundreds of wel -ae- nt tt •• I } )tau ire auff.•rti Itmn 8tra{ e6 Animals. L ITRAY STEER -CAME 011 THZ AA C D. (-Whorl's. et Om ubeorlber, La 7. cos. It yew a *M. The ow.ur Is prapiested w Prove preeerte. Yer oxeuaaenaad lake '11. oedema away. R. J. WALTLItA 211{ Bsem/)ler. P.O. L`STRAY HEIFER --STRAYED L from the primmer of Itubert 1fe11. lot Q sou. 4. G.dcrieh tonneblp. during the mouth of May how. a roan heifer, with star on fore- head,with dark body and Tighter w tail, rki- Isg three Jeans old. Intorno/Moo leading to its rmoasvory ...0 be sadtably rcwaaryaa'Sd. I11SU I1OIIEBT BELL, Legal Sales. MORTOAGIC SALE _ OFVALUABLEVALUABLE PROPERTY IN TU ToAslall' OF COLIfuRNE IN 'l'HE COUNTY OF ltt'ItO\. Ceder and by t trice of a ppwcr of sale mu - tabled in a certain ladenture sat • mor' $s bearing dote the 7th day of Deaeeeuber, A D.. 1e77. wade by use Allan Nixon to the late Joseph Herr, whops executors the veadora are. and wilWh will be produced at the Pose of sale. there will be said b2' publl) 51.510,, at the 1'uluurue flolrl. is the Town of Gudsr:ch. m e ergurday, the lath da)- of ' oveu,ber. 1157. at 1: u,loa A. 00oa. by olio Kone, Auotturt- err, aim fobuwiug valuable real estate. name- ly : That certain parcel of kind Lang in the Towtsbip of Colborne. lu 111e County of Hu- ron. being composed of a part or portion of subdivision 1..t 10. Weak "U," to said Tuwn- •hly whit said part or port,ou may be de- scribed as follows : Com mowing at the angle formal by the Nurlherlrr side of gravel rued d os iatiou,watf the gout side ride of sawmill Iheueedus Wes: along said South side of saw- mill road adiatanor of o chains. 10 Maks. :beam due south 2.:haess and *2lot ki, mons or less, to the northerly side of road .lesint lon,thcaee road deviation a dlataa_C of 7 .,haws mid 6S link., mare or less, to pia.:i of baginulag. the wholr-awtataiug as ace; et land, tlghlnM,Mx>K, wtkad tloa 16 x M. u'wh-i ast'rly following uurthcrly pi a of FINE TAILORING 1 how has the time arrived whoa my Stook of New stall *eassaable Oierielallags and Suiting, ts Complete. Nutbbg abWi1J present you from giving 1t as early •ad critical /aspect:oa. Neither* `:aa ouch cue been ta:en la buying goods. They are In every *al suitable to cisme and careful Mayors. N.vor were goods of the 11tg:eet ljuallty and Latest F.ahlom offend al such Low Prices. 1 do not ask you to troy, just come and see them. B. Ld/cCormaom' Oederdeb, Per.:71h. Iver. WM. 1 11.,_ Tor Bats or to Let. NOTICE-HOUSI AND LOT FOR Owned sad see. •Lot by Mrs t'i•tuter, oiutne Use hsautiful re.id.nee of J. A. Na el. Esq.. McDonald start. F. r soil. water and IovaUue this prupsrt) Ito be sold cheap for cash) with a small ,u.hctow outlay "weld be made a eharwiuj home. 1t commands • view of the take and agricultural show grounds. A grape -vine covered arlsor and austu,erhouse put en the rear of the lel. sheltered bft the ahowstround fence. lis pawl bands. twuld be trade • lovely sad profitable spot. The owner could then truly toy. -Here will I lay me down and rest my refreshed soul." For further particulars amity to the agent JOHN ItCtiSELL. (3odsrlub, Nov. 16th. 1217. 121.31 LIGIBLE FARM FOR SALE -- 4:4 "Janetleld."Uoder$eh To•;ushlp. a11 cam. tap•rte& good orchard sal bandtata. 6111 nun., 30t acres comforus We acute and stable. seers a< Terms :f payment eaq• opii to %1 EOR J I'.,. boor. earrWen, 121-Im Gederk 1', CONSUMPTION, which is Scrofula of the Lungs, ,s en'sted sol cart•.l by 11.10 remedy. If taken In Use earlier stage& of the disease. Irons its mar- velous power over this terribly fatal disease, when first offering this now world -famed rern- edy to the pub)ic.-Dr. Pierce miaow seriously of telling tt his "Coxscernow (SRR" but abandoned that name ss o» te*trietire toe a medicine which, from 14 wonderful com- bination of tonic, or strengthening. attend./ or blood-sieen•ing. anti-bitMus. peeturwl, and nutritive m b uncgisaled, ro0 only to • v or i'oniurrpiien, but for an ('broulr dlrasea of the Liver, Blood, and Lungs. For Wyk Longgas.. Spitting n/ Blood. Short- ness of Meath. l'hronlc: Naomi Catarrh. Bnsn- chslm Astb.na, Severe Coughs, and kindred affections. it is an cmcleat remedy. Sold by Druggists, at $1A0, or Six Bottles for 44.60. 11 send tee Certs In damps forDr. Pierces book on Consumption. Address. lodes Iispsssa ry Baikal Aalssclattis, (lies Data 1 1.. >1DIFfALO, N. Z Dentistry. MNICHOLSON, L.D.S. 1 DENTAL ROOMS. Eighth door below the Post Once. West-st.. nominee. 1w26.1y AAT L. WOOLVERTON, L D. S. TV • (dee-Odd Fellows Hall, North St - Dederick. Cheops moderate. Ali work war- ranted. Omar Vitalized Air given for pain- less extraction et tee: h. 12611 the file's Qolumn• It/R. JAME8 COOKE, ORGANIST AND C1101R MASTER. Knox Church, Ooderleh, TZA( aigi Or THE Ole Alt, .•.ANO. smut:C0 ASO H Altytn\ Special terms to Choral Soclet.ea Choirs and Schools. tffPtanus and Organs carefully toned and re paired. !1!t - N OTICE. -- Tenders will be received by the undersigned until Monday, the Deb fad.. for one bombed and thirty cords of green wood to be deliver- ed at the goal in gantith-s of not leant tban thirty cords per month• eminent ins from 1st January Deis. The wood must be hardwood. free from knots and backlogs four feet long. and at leaft one half of It m tyle. Parties may Milder for thirty cords or upward*. The lowest nr any tender not necessarily arrrpt• ed. Security will be required for the com- pletion of the contract. PETER ADAMSON. County Clerk. Nov. 7111. 1017 21 -It J'OR SALE -A GOOD COAL STOVE iself-teederl. mailable for store or ball. Price 37. Appy)' at this bice. 121. UTTER WANTED- A COUPLE I) of Mites of good butter are wanted im- mediately. Highest cash price. Apply at this oak -e. TAXER. itatepsyers wilt please take notice that 3 per rent discount will be allowed on tales paid during September and 2 per rent. dor ingOctober. After the 11111 of I•ercnrler S per rent. wtII b added to .11 unpaid tales. JAMES GORDON, Collector. GederIch. Sept e, S7. 11541 NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN FOR- RIDDING any permits pnrchasln the late CAME ALLEN'S horse from JAME* BAILEY a It doesn't lecally brlongto Ikille,, for it fes not been paid for. Also as persos hoseklea to the late CASK ALLEN aims. I11O end save orate. a Mea. CASE ALLEN. leer complaint. Dyspepsia. Bi bnsnen+. flick Heada.•he. Id.e, Troubles. Ilhrnmattsm, 1kl. IHsra.aa and all minorities of the Mood from what - Ter twine arising r.sa.N Weak. and .a.- ty Vegeta. 1l wghly esso mlrtfed Jb' '1, elwetual sate aZ !OM DR. HODDER'S COMPOUND. Take w caber . aced Rrirywkere. geese. 75 reale per be01De. DR_ HODDiIR's COUGH 11D LUNG CURB, di:ZIng ul of sea 1 airy w veil yowlers are ..It iced that the tate to the property :s perfectly good. tut tLsy will not furnish other title pap •n than those of which they are in possession. The centime reserve the right of one bidd- lag in re,pec' to the propert y. TkKba OF SCALE --fen per cent. of the porches.- rm •uey small be pale 10 the vendors ur their solicitors at the time of the sale, and the balance as wap be Then ogre.' upon. For further particulars and conditions ap- ply to C'.t511t1tJN, Ii0Lr Jt C.:CUER :C. Vendors' Solicitors. Uoderlcb. GI to JOHN K NOX. uctitio tl It Assignee's Notice. IN THE MATIVIR OF JOHN 'IIAND. of the Visage of /Morsels. in the County of lluron, Shoemaker, An Inslliveat. The above named John Shand has mad* .. assignment to me in pursuance ot Ontario :statutes, l6 VIC.. Cap, td. of all lib estate and effects In trust for the benefit of his creditors. A meeting of the creditors will be held at sv office, to the Town of Uodcrlcb, in the Conary of Huron. on Tuesday, the 15th day November. A.D.. 1917. at the hour's( C. noon. for the purpose of the appointment of In- spectors and the giving of directions for the disposal or the mate. Crediton are required to the the Maims against the said estate v -need by affidavit with we on or before the day of such wectlsg as provided by the said act. ROUT. GIBDoN$. Sheriff. County of Iluro., Assignee. Orated at Goderich this 3rd day !! of November, 1667. ( 123 - Election Notices. THE HIGH COURT OF JUST I 1('8. QUEENS' BENCH DIVISION. THE DOM 13i low t•ONTIIOY1RTID KLKCTloxe WT. Election of a Member for the Home of Com- mies for the Electoral Derision of the {Vest Riding of the County of Huron. holden on the twenty -seeped day of February. A.1)..11107. oon :viol/ or c•x•DA, i Election Petition Pacer i Ni•E or Gesenno• of Thomas ale; HU Rob- ert Porter. wrr, 1 cuddy against Rob - Take notice that the above Petition will be tried at the Court House. in the Town of Ooderi-h. in the County of Huron. on N'ed- sesdey. the 16111 day of Nosentber. A I►.. 1517. at ten o'clock in the forenoon. ad os such other subsequent days as may be needful. Dated the Fourteenth day of leeptember A.D., i017. By order. J.IMKO A. CARTWRIOHT. Registrar of the Queen's Hench Di)'isinn and Clerk of the Court. To Romano comm. Esq.. Sheriff County of Huron ooderfeh. ) 12.21 IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUST- '. ICE. Q'• FAN'S BENCH DiVISIGN. Tint 1)0]11 y:10* COISTROr ienTED CLK(TIONR ACT F:l.. tion n1 a Member for the Home of Com•. mons. for the Electoral District of the West Riding of the County of Huron. holden on the tweaty'Iecond day of Fe 1047. D0h1010* or ta:ADA. I F.Iectlon ietition P(tocloon or O*:TARro, of Henry W illi•m To WIT. ) hall against Mal- colm Collin Careers. Take notice (het the above Petition will be tried at the (nart (louse 1. the Town of Oode- rleb, In the said Electoral District. on the 8hteer.th day of November. A.D., 1047, a ten o'clock in the forenoon. ad tam soca other subsequent days as mayb needful, Dated the (1A day of September. A. D., iiirr Hy Order, JAMES S. CARTWRIGHT. of . Bench 10. vblmt rf the H Cort of Justice. To Rosser Ginaoxa. D)g-. ) Sheriff ('sooty of Hureu, (:.darleh. Oat. ) 11111-11 3l!lillwrtghtr Ualuator, &c, C. A. HUMBER, MILLWRIGHT. MACHINE/?. VALUATOR, AGENT, 4'e. Eei.mtss Made sad Contracts Taken fee Homs Nitrites by the Hot Water Syste.s. Hot Water sad Steam Hollers. Little Most and Mier Water Wheels, Agricultural ha elements. Mill Machinery. PLA NS AND SPECIFICATIONS. VALUATIONS MAD&, E%. 3. E . OOD ` H. Societies. ANC IINT ORDER OF C IE I T E D WORKMEN. MAPLE LEAK LODGE, Na f7, A. 0 r. W.. Meda I. their Lodge Remit emir Tat 1350 x • 1. 0Sea. Oodcrteh. on the iii Kirin ANDA 301 TH 3.0NDAYS Or Tt11T1NG 11013713313131 . RE ALWAYI ME h li dHALLa, N.A. RF.Eii P S1oM every wise. PHa•.. ri eta ad M esa lbentira►.d eases were Dr. Fleece's per btotlw. 1'r*grldttes.M ttaansAetisreee M. tq. Teslac t*01d.nM.dieai Ditoovtt►y has trReeted . TRE UNI/ON MKD7C71(ss oo.. 0. W. THOMPOON, 11M4tete cure. ), 1 2121- Tsreate. OM. 11f-ty Reserder. RIOE, P., °fill ON EASY TLR]t8 WILL BCY ^ U Yu 30 acres of land in the Towwhip of Colbornesloeg dde of Mr D. is ober. Farm IJ miler from Mr TWA .1 of uo•terich. Abut Nacres cleared ; balance bush. with • lot of cedar timber. Good orchard and fair build- ings. Also217&errs oa Lake Shore road. SI miles (ran Uoderlcb. For tu,l ppaarUc.lara apply to 15110 NEIBKHUALL, DSO 2m l)odortch. }t uron Lana Agency. A RARE CHANCE. 30)1 BALE --A QIIEAT BARGAIN. Maitland Place -The country seat of the :ate 11os. If(charl Hawley This salnable property is situated only oris Afros: from the boundary a the Tunas of Oode- rich, is unsurwwed in natural beauty earl scenery. and Wren bit *UW To sglTL1 tar Stat' NOTATE. It vwnprisee Ila &dare of fine fanning lands la good .r.1er. Large well teat hoose. of Milwaukee Iwlek,with pµe freestone facings. Vermcr'u cottage, con -lags home sad bares complete. Bowlliing 5Ncy) billiard room. mo- an lawn, ate Throe large urobardr, with fruits of all 'Pada, also • weUstooked reset- abie gatdca. ♦ypid w 1' urua "ad A or to E. 31. LEWIS 12011 \CONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST ♦ rola - et - A 1! dts[M. Agency__.. _ .__ 14 R SALE -HOUSE AND LOT OM Cambridge M. Cheap -can... Ilam. Land Ageauy. 'OR SALE -FINE PROPEdTY IN • Taws- Coed house. Hums Lana Afies- a• lOR SALE -3 GOOD LOTS WITH two hoses. Paso 3430, Hama Lead Agency. ?RICK HOUSE AND QUARTER OF i uR SALE-BLACKSMIITH SHOP as a of kid forsale Wnse ki one 1 with tools ootatMda A groat bergs.. ste'rl aqd' a ball high, anal ewtalru 3 bed• it Lama ream& a parlor. sitting room. dining room. A13lmcy' !miry. kitchen ands good i of hr r. On for lot ANTED T O a U Y-90 FT. e stable. 13.24, sad other outbildla,l., errs soh water tare the premises rhrro r Laad are a number of choice huh trees on the iM. Aflesey. Corner of I'arkat. and Cambria hoed. For particuSars • on the premise". or by letter \1ONI, 1 'f() LOAN AT LOWEST to JOHN BIONNNTT. a Mee sad tam bad (erns )►alien Port Alber: P.O. HURON LAND AGENCY. TWO FIRST-CLASS FARMS FOR _ sale. One in the township of Asbaell, summing Macre.; sad nae In East Mana- b..h, tootaiaisg 166 acne. For particular% Ur to Cameron. HMI t Cama Gode- (j OR HALE, Wed half of lot 1.4. Arthur Street, with small brick eotttge thereon. Dl•IL1,lS0 leas. -1M. 17x. tat, 24.1 Elgin St, Andrews Ward. L collier of Huron sad Britannia Road. Frame 14 story home on Keays Street. Is and half lead. Several lots la Reed's Survey. opposite new Show Grenada. via.: Nos 2!, IL 2i, 10, 52. 51. 34 M. 36. All the shove at LOW RATES. Apply to 16f -tt DAViSON at JOHNSTON. FARM. TOWN AND VILLAGE PROPERTY roe SALE. The Executors aid Trustees of the Estate of rho late J08E1'11 HERR. oglr free sale the following valuable Property. namely : Building Lots numbers Ifo and 121. in the Town of Ooderich, L of an acre .wch. rainy feared• tad very desirable for building per - penes. Half acre Lot fronting 31411 Rued. Township of (loderieb, bring part of Lot 3 in the Mak• land Coaerwo. of said Township. Nice Frame Cottage tad Frame Stable. Lot number 2. South site of Millar .treet, Benniiller, 1 of at acre. smell frame death g. HaUWiag lids numbers 03 and MC la the Tows of Innes, 1 of an acre each. Bea ti fully slimmed es Meth side of Huron street. Fairly fenced. The feast t of Lot 22. Con. D. West iVaw• nosh, 100 a r+. good land. 30 acres .loan -e and feaeral. remainder timbered. About 4 tulles front l.utknow and 6 males front Wing ham. flood roads. For further particulars. app ly to E. C'A JI PION, Nov. t 1 Barrister. Godericb 1144 Legal. • E DWARD N. LEWIS, BARRIATEIL SOLICITOR. PROCTOR IN CE MARITIME COURTS. C'ONGVEI'AN- - !e ONEY TO LOAN. Straight Loans. private Funds. b00,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO Lo Esrr RATES OF INTEKF.AT. CAMERON MOLT &CAMERO if8Gado Orrtene :-Cor.er of Hamilton sad N= wpptw rlck. streets. opp.. Colbore. Hotel Oadoricb TIM MONEY TO LIND.-A LARGE amens' d Private rands for lnveeme.t st lowed rates tae *rstcM.s Apply to °ARROW t PROI' 0ft1 E• E. BEARER, GBNERAL INSURANCE AGENT. OFFICE opposite Colborne Holoi, Gatwick. Risks take. at LOWEST RATES la the fol- lowing dot clam Companies : The London Assurance K tabliahed 1721. The Natlesal.of Ireland Iaeorporated l . Hand -la -Hand - The only Compaay aurhaelt ed to laser* Plate Glass 1. Qaaada, Plant Yeedasal Life samarium* Co. -- 1! 'r WANTED TO RENT -HOUSE with cellar ad stable ; reat about aiLa. Apply to Heron land Agsmer. 4 - 0R $i.LZ-000D FRAME house. arse Claes sesames- Sae orchard, 3 minutes walk from __tis segqw are. Apply to Huron Lined Agestry. Uaasefah. 1 -'1I'ER CENT -ANY AMOUNT OF t)2 mosey to lend at M per cent per ane -straight loans -Interest yearly. We have also seam w to Mod 1s ems or were sums at t5 PER CENT. Next door Skint h of Straub.: '• harness shop. IMAGER t HA1t11. 113 tt Godericb. LIST OF LANDS FOR 8ALE AND tatormatboe tarnished respectimg Cant's Company's !mach Miers teal Agway. For further particulars sad list of lands wanted aid for sale, apply u the soon, et write to HURON LAND •UENCY. Lock Hoz 121, nM Uudericb, 0.t. Caada, JReMcal• DR- W, K. ROSS, LICENTIATE OF Royal coupe. of Phu/Mims. GHaburgk. (mix ea South side of Hamlliesice 10f4mo ' DR. McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SCR GEON, Cereser Re. Ogee and redder Moser Street. ascend doer west of Victerta Street. 1711. I)R.•t. SHANNON & SHANNON, Ptysielaa.. enereems, A.00urben. ata °sloe at Dr. Shannon's residence bear the tool Dederick U. C. du•xtoe, J. R. Seax- *5*. 1761 Loans anb insurance. , ONEY TO LOAN -P R I V A TE FUNDS. 5 1-3 PER CENT. Interest Pai ahs y early. L N. LEWIS. Orrice. - Corner opposite Marty,net leu* L SEAOER a HARTT, BARRISTERS, ere- Oederic►.id Clinton. oed.rbb el - See opposite Martini Hotel 11.14 R. C. HAY8, 8OLiCITOR, Aly, Odie. corner of Square .nd Wed street nodes -kb. over telegraph Slee. Pel vise Funds to lead ata per ce.t, SSW el ARROW s PROUDFOOT, BAR T RI/MRS ♦ Seliettees„ eta Ooderieb J. T. Harrow, R. Proaatemt. 173 CAMERON, HALT a CAMERON, v Barristers. Solicitor, Iso . ta, 3oderick. 11. C. Cameros. Q.C.: P. M. 0. eamsern.. (7. C. Roam. I7s1- Amusements. C ODERIOH once NI('M' INSTI- l TUTS LIBRAiRY AND READING ROOM, nor. of HMO street and Square top maleOpsa from 1 to 6 p.m., and from 7 to 1 pos. ABOUT '2000 VOL'S 1N LiBRARY Leading Daily, Wkly owl Illusfrwtei Papers, Ma; eziaes, eft., me Fila. 1HKMBERBHiP TiCKET. ONLY 91.SS, maatleg tree nae of Library and las Applleatlea for membership received by Librarian. In rooms. 8. MAL('OMMON, 020. eTiVENs. President. Sser terry. Ooderiob. March 121h. 1111 Executors' Notts*. F XICUTOIIE RALE OF J or VALUABLE FARM, 1'( WAWA1OsH AND KIN IASS. The Executor of the Mte John Trager. 1a. vise sitars for w ptuebase of the following Swam 1. Les le sod W of 17. la 61b Ceac.ssann W. D. W.was.rk, acres. 1a acres .)eared. t 1M seem freeness stumps. clay Foam wee. sta....7.49,161 / .cess gonese. frame ; hardor ood tro•h, 6 aides beta I,wets.w 2. lues 15 la Mb Ca.. W. D. Wwaneeh, 166 sorra. e aar'e elsaraa, d. loans. Leg hens, home berm, wrl1, ereh•rd dee. L lass mem 1. t Irtt Con. Ki.M.s, la aces* 13 same reel Is blab. mans hardwood, mat sag ah.tltW wee. &. Gnnervaa. tteem ienau and M let et. risme eS ariYar fist helium apply M itemise HeM.e. or to the wdwstgmea GER & HARTS. ter., &a., G*4w4,3. a. R, RADCLIMI, GENERAL INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE ASD MONEY WANING AGENT. Only "Magee* Companies Represented Li Mow to Land o. straight 1oa.a, at the lowed rate of ImtaeOt plug, to an/ way 10 Boit It. oorrewer, Wei OStreet.EOeiseW dMr hem eq'an' $50,001, "LOCENT. THE AT a PER THE TORONTO GENERAL ?RUNTS COIF are prepared to loan mosey at 6 per ort.. pay able holt yearly. on TERMS TO SUIT BORROWERS, os firut•ekiam farm seventy, Apply to CAMERON, 11OLT t CAMERON'. Parries y. tas.fer tis Toronto Deseret Caisse• Hoge' t ('AHttsox lar. .4.,• Far/. V a funds to bra emt7ters twrIcb,,0e11. 4. INR MI 14f 00,000 PRIVATE FUNDS 7b lea(w farm and tows property at leer els Intereel. Md nrtsngee parehas, l'le nom- mimeo ehargwd agents for the Tvset sad Lq•a Company of ('•tads. the Ca.ada I wasa Credit Company. the Landon Lr.s Cempaay of Caada. Interest. a H sad 7 par met. N. R. Rerrowers ran *fatale In day. if title satlsfaet ISM DA V i300 t1Nlsetea AuctionSsTing. TORN E11OX 0I1IERAL Tromso* tul lass T Fatten (lin. Haynie W the •eetiee.ert 'a dbrhergw with wilesi.ns estrested to gee. ri,rartln Flotat •NMetH•1pm KNOxsh Ur 4