HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-11-11, Page 7h , 1 w PADTR TRI8 IN TOUR SAT ..noisome Y" a Innen* money el Omen roman e•.esse. One • hundred years ago the follow- Mg .llow_gag se salted "Omni@ Ill ' was and, says the Albany Journal, to mauls bibIt sal seaniars sed today, were it read Mood in any mixed ousapary, it r ques- tionable uemtionable if iia fraedelent Laren want be diesovend, w harmfully is the spirit sad language of the O:4 Testament imi- tated : 1. Aud, it sea to pas after these Wags *bit Abraham eat ie the duet of his bot about Ik.guteg dots ..f theses. 4. had behold a silt•/, tuwad down with asp, Dame from the way of the wit denims, leautL5 un bar Nag. 3. And Abraham ares and mrd him, and said onto him : Tern in, I p -•y timers and wash thy feet, and tarry all night, and thou shalt ares Baily un the mor- row and go thy way. L But the man said : Nay, for 1 will abide under this tree. !t had Abraham premed him greatly; no be tensed, and they went iuto the test, and Abraham baked solesveusd bread, sod they did eat 0. And when Abraham saw that ib - ran Ne""', 'out lied, he said said pato him : Wberefore deist thou not wor- ship the moat bigh Dud, Castor of heav- o earth 1 V. And the man answered and said : do sot wwahip the God thou speak.It of ; neither do I call epos kis same ; (or I have made to myeell a ;tud, which •lttideek always in my boon* and pro• videtk me with all thing. Q Asti Abraham's seal was kindled against the man, and be erne and drove Diss tuith with blow* tato the wildet- tnlM. jMil at mtdnigiit laked , easing : Abtsh•s, where is the sewng.r IQ AbeaMs *sawed and gid : Lord he would not worstip thee, neither would he call upon thy name, therefore have I drives biro out from before my lutea Into Hie wilderness. 11. had God said ; Have I not borne with him thew hundred and ninety and eight years, and nourished him, and clothed him, notwithstanding his re- belliea against me, and oouldst not thou, ANA art thyself a sinner, bear with biro ewe night. 12 And Abraham raid : Lest not the anger of my Lord wiz against his ser• nal ; lo' I have sinned, forgive me, I pray thee. 13. And Abraham arose and went forth into the wildormin and sought diligently for the man, and found him sad ielses.d with him M the ten:, and when As had ateeldned him kimdly, he tnRd kiss ail/ ell Oa Helloes en* gi 1L Anil God spark• again into Abets has, saying : For this thy sin shall tby treed be a>Bicted 4000 years in a strange land. 15. But for thyrepellant.* will I deliver them, and tey shall Dome teeth with rower and with slcdnees of heart, and with much eastern. In 17:0, when in England as agent for the colony of Pennsylvania, ikoja- min Franklin privately printed this "chapter," sa be always tensed it. Take to • sheet of paper, he kept it laid rRible at the end of Genesis, and Is atoms himself by reading it aloud to kis friends and h•*ring them express their surprise that they had rover recollected reading it, sod their openly expressed admiration of the moral it carried with it. Iia oririn is unknown. It baa been traced back 700 years to a Persian poet who simply says "it was so related." It must be very old. su �, Com Ings , an eriot oth• • Or uces cuits )iota TOE rabb' d R WHIR Ibe ie itbe chest sirs, sod pi4 of can na in 11 kd n tha he le 1 sees �E2 Sow w took Meesetto Mies said in the Baltimore cookies school that • Baltimore lady had written a receipt for 'conking husbands so s to make them tender and good." It is as follow*: A good many hus- bands are utterly spoiled by mismanage- I time. sept. Some warn go *boat it sa ii i "God their husbands were bladders and blow I hioa•elL them up. Others keep them in a stew by irritating words and ways. ')there roast them. Some keep them in • Fickle all their lives. It cannot be sup- posed that any husband will be tender and good, managed in this way, but (bey are really delicious when properly treat- ed. In seleetise usr husband you amid not be guided"oy the silvery ap- *leranes as in baying mackerel, not by the golk'en tint so if you wanted salmon. Be sure and select biro yourself, ea tastes differ. Do sot no to the market for him, as the best are always bteegbl to yost door. It is far better to have sone unless you sill patiently learn how to cook his. A preserving kettle rat the finest porcelain is boat, hut if you hare nothing but an earthenware pipkin well do with are. See:that the lines �6ieh you wrap him is nicely wished et aria a avetre, LpPROST IN LOUIBIA.NA •'the New Mur" ti. lirwee's Iloolebee Low le 000Per. Mr, Sly and the priest Wiled in the boles of we ut the pmts ka&iivata. lar the evening,when they este skies, the cabled of pruey came op. •'We near at the North," eatd Mr. g1y, "vague acoounla of the Terre des , whish is .aid to be ausoowbat. it What truth is care in the. r ' They are no doubt grewt'y staggerea- ed.'• said Father Nedaud. "A spatium leprosy, 0Mph.utueie, was ear coeu'•o among the minim seder Ilse Spanish dominions that Gunnar Miro founded a beepttel fur lepers near N.w Orkaw, on the Rayon St. John. It hs been gone these many years, and Leper's Lard is now built up wilt pretty knee co. It was iu the suburb Toros. ' "The dunes is eat iuct, then 1' "Then were some cone of genuine Asiatic leprosy uear Abbeville, in this perish, stout twenty years ago. An old creole lady was the first. Her tatb- ee doubtless brought the terrahi: is his blued from Fre- Why the whoa seal• .. appeared in her [ '..r ntuband al.d family tied hum her. There mss a ;nun girl, daughter of Wein Delon', who went to her and n ursed her aloes during the three year in whish the fought with death. Another of 'hod's servants, m'eiw 1 Four 4 this old woman's children, who deserted her, became lepers. The young girl who had n ursed her, after she died married a young fernsier, and lived happily in her little cabin with her husband and pretty bitty. But one day a shining cabins spot appeared on her forehead. That was the end.'' "She died r _!•,lil'ai.u, atter four year.. There ie ne ells. It surely doss not matter to her asset by what road God called her to Bis. There have been since then no lepers in the pariah except in thew taint- ed tamt:ies. The real Terre des Lepresx in Louisiana is now on the lower Lifourche, below Haran 's Cast The bayou there is turbid and foul ; it flows through malarious swamps lower than itself. The creole planters there are honest and temperate folk, but they are wretchadly pour. They rain only ries, and hoe ou it and fah The wet rite fields some tip to the very doors et their cabs.. 1gs_ leprosy which certain families among them have inherited is developed by these conditions. Five years ago Professor Joseph Jose* prem• dent art the State hoard of Health, went himself with his can to .xpble the ivy. mega swamps and lagoons of the Iowa Lsfuurcheo, iii'ileu, it is the region of the shadow of death. Ile found many poor lepen biding thtre. They were as d men who walk and talk. They Could haudle burning coals ; they felt o0 longer a,1d, nor heat, nor pain. Their bodies were u corpses One man lived aloes in • hut, thatched with peloat- toes, which be ,had built fur bust(, eating only the rice which he had p'a sr ed. No man nor woman bad come sear him for years. The Terre dos Leprsux extends as far as Cbeuiere Caminsda, where the bayou empties into the Gulf." Mr. Ely remained silent, though a torrent of angry queries rushed to hie lips, Why was nothing done to miti- gate the horrors of such life in -death ? How could this priest, • man of God, so calmly discus these pour accursed creat- ures from his este, comfortable point of vantage, jogging on his easy-going man from one farm to another 1 He bade him presently • rather curt good -night, and went to the loft whore he was to sleep. When be came down in the morning, Pere Nedaud had gone. "M siea," said his smiling host, "1e ppitpp m sof lel' you bon•atin, waving his katid W the black figure tar acme, the A G18L IN PRISON FOR LIPS ,11E *eased bee Feeeser. carte Id •11>11P► .4 Dor ear Net a►.mos to *'Leel► naedLTinton, Oa, Now. 1 --There is a gill ur eila Berens wary a Id. tens au tis. Dade comity nal mime. the *tory of whose crime w aosse.hat strange. Her falter, James Bargees, lived uear Mullet to the wester' ptrt of toe State He bed two daughter•, the youngest of whom was Leila About three years ego he j•w•ed the shore►, end betlame a regular church •tteudaut. lie was pained to see that hie two Jaugbten, now grown 1, young wumanbood, did nut care to at - fowl the religious *orrice* with the r.gu. laxity that he did, sod where all should have been coicord the bittarost kind of discord grew u;,. After • whsle Burgess told the girls that • revival was about to •pen, aid that he expected them to at• tend every service, mud it they did oot tome would be somebody to whip. For threw mornings the Rain failed to appear at lbs "sunrise" meetings lto the tourtb worn .�g Burge' pulled the girls out of ',wJ and bexeu to cleat se one of thee& severely. Whs.)he her iuto submission ho began on the other. Leila, who ws the first one chastised, *lipped out of the room, pro Cured lin pas, and with cue stroke hurtol the edge of iia her father's Amt. The gash was ire inches long sad pone toted the brain ball an inch. Atter ward the girl sat looking sullenly at the dead body of her father, oblivion of the crowds which premed in to behold the sone of blood. She was cunt MNI of the highest grade of 11116•40egtiter, and took her place among the coot ids uncomplaisiogly, merely saying that ahs wuu1J cuamitt the crime over again be fore she would be compelled to go to sews* se eat ly in the monist. p rairie— 'Where ie his charge now 1'' •' M'si•w— • Gsap•rd paused $ women'. "In hell, 1 think. It lemma Cheninada, in 1a Terre dee Leprous." Mr. Ely walked away from him, and paced up and down the levee for a long forgive me !" he muttered to ,e aged mended, *with the required number of bmttons sod strings Moldy sowed on. Tie him in the kettle by a strong silk ward called comfort, as the one called duty is apt to be weak. They are spt to 6y oat of the kettle sod be burned and crusted on the edges, like crabs • od lobsters, you hove to Book them while alive. Make a clear. steadyoe. 6re out of love, nestneen and cheerful. sem. Set him as near this as seem to W ee with him. If he sputters sod steles do not be unions ; sorsa hes. beads do this until they are quite dons Add • little sugar in the form of what knee,confectioners oall knee, but no vinegar co or popper on any •ount. A little spies improves them, but it mast be need with jjodgmeet. Da not stick any.1� Ioannina into hiss to en if e is be• coming tender. Stir him gently ; watsb the while, lest he lie ton flat and ales to the kettle and so become useless. You cannot fait to know when lie is done. if thus treated you will anti Gad r digestible, agreeing y you wad n the ehiWs sad he will keeps loss se yea .wet ;seises yea beeee WOWS toad at bis Ie too sold a phase. The testes' era Rwasle. • Tobacco and tits ■sera. De. Prantzel, of Berlin, reporting cont the offsets of immoderate smoking upon the heart, says that smoking, as • rule, agree* with persons fur many years, al- though by degrees cigars of a finer flavor are chosen. But all at once. without any assignable ane, troubles are ex- perienced with the heart, which ot:mpele the calling in of the doctor. Common eigan are not so liable to proeuce thew effects as the finer flavored encs. Nor can the charge be laid upon cigarettes, altbough they produce evils of their own. The trouble* seldom begin till atter the smoker is over 30 years of age, and me at usually attack him at between 50 and 60 While it has not been deter>g:nei what it is that makes smoking injurious, it appear certain that the effact does nut devoid upon the amount of niceties. CT3 UPOIBLIII AND 1111111101114111 t�ttlerm isTeik *heat 11. It is just M well that the impertant qu»tion of Commercial Union should be discussed so that it may be brought be- fore the public opinion in cam it should ever be under the necessity of judging of ir. Until now no political party hes put this question on its programme. It remains in the domain of free discussion. However, if the project war adopted, it would have a capital importance inane mach a. it would aimp'etely change our commercial rclationf with the United States, and we know these relations re- pesseat an enormous capital. - De Journal de Qoebee. Mrs Martin, a Cincinnati dressmaker, attracted a'tentio0 in the New York Custom house by her somewhat protu- berant tournure, and an inspection was determined epos. In the bwtle wee found twesty•four pieces of wonted binding, five pieces of black lace, /we point lace Dollars, fifty-four pieces of silk binding, twelve pieces of water -silk ribbon, six jet bead ornaments, a box el poefu.sty, a silver watch, two pair of �6ee�seesehleettss,, a pair of toilet ornaments. a deem packages of French hooka and ceiytta, ose dress pattern embroidered in tinsel on silk, thirty yards of tinsel em- broidered silk Drape, and a black silk dress skirt. Geed fosse Ise Alarm. t w.atwe., t *Stress. her aw•olsatat k assdacke 1. al Apple Bleed eiromalwss stadia - =Par Ter sale bf Jsses gel s - denote. De g asman. Price Sects aN It. 1I17-17 travelling *etas. YRAXD TRUWK ater. Exprew . Mixed. M1a.4. Ooderich I Lv. I 7la.ni I ICH p.m I 3211pm Stratford Ar. 3:40 a.m 3:IS p m 730 pm. WwT. Mined. Mixed. Express. StretfordLe. Aaa.ui I:1.Sp.m ereap.m Ooderich I S Ar. 11O1sa.m 13:15 p.m I tup.w . Engineer—"Well old woman. what's the matter P' Aunt Chloe—"G- great news, boss. The bridge ahead it all right." A witness in a ase tried lately in Augusta, Ga., testified that lie drinks "to an ordinary day's 'bender' from six• teen to twenty-three quarts of beer." FANNING MILL ami PUMP FACTORY GODERICH, ONT. FANNING Mill- SEPARTUENT. FANNING MILLS, 520.00 EACH, ONLY A FEW LEFT. 1l RDd8TRONt3'8 Pat, Grain and Seed Cleaner for thorneably separating at use cleaglyt Cockle. Chem I. the Pees. Mustard Seed Thistle deed, Fox Tail. and other °bimelee* reeds acid retinae `rain, fr,,ri Wheat pe as grain. cleaning a mid ail OW .'d et tee mete thee. Comm brass and Clever Send. or separate. theism. El ERT vials= Shane NAR FITS MIT FANNING: MILL. Reclusive territory allowed to geed siren*. with horse, waggon and capital. BAG iiCI.DERB fur man or toy teen bags alone. Fanning Still Net ei sad Screen. for asy Mill. Old ICUs Repaired and Rerieved. PUMP DEPARTMENT. PIRBT—CIL.A88 WELL It CISTERN POPS, Drainage and Suction Piping. Lc., &c. Wholesale and Retail. redden supplied at Pelee. that Fay. THE ARMSTRONG rAzxla4 MILL AND vier WORKS, G,faD31 TOH. miss= ORATEFUL-WMFORTINO. !FFS'S COCOA • READ THIS. JIM Oita MONTEL POB ONS KONTM. 20 PER CENT. OFF FOR CASH 1 An Felt and Straw Hats Done Over at Reasonable Rates. Apprentice Wanted in the Strew Hat Litre MRS. C. H. GIRVIN. MRS. SA.LEELD'S FALL MILLINERY! I &D8 TI3B WAY. LADIES' FELT HATS VELVETS, Plain and Fancy. FLUSHES, FRIZETTES, MOUNTS, WINOS, Etc., Together with • large assortment of *'LAIN AND FANCY RIBBONS. Also Agent for the BREAKFAST. "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion' and nutrttlos. and by • careful application of the flne prurertlea of wellselected Cocoa. Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with • delicately flavored beverage whish may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of ouch articles of diet that s constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are fleeting around us ready}' to .*tack wherever there is • week point. We may escape staity a Wei shaft by keeping ourself es well foetid• ed with pure blood and a properly nourished fame "—"C'i til Serri: a Gazette." -Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold Daly- is packets by Grocers. labelled thus: JAKIEf & b., HomaopinLondonhE ic ingland Y The Stander'fs ooneepondent at Paris averts that President Greevy bas fully decided to retire to private life when the Wilson affair blows over. Signor Criept has authorized the Ital- ian Ambassador at Constantinople to in- form the Porte that Italy hos no designs on Tripoli, and that existing treaties will be adhered to. The following to the reply which a man sent to • bill from Isis bookseller : "I never ordered the book ; if I did you didn't send it ; if you sent it I never got it ; if i gut it I paid for it ; if I did- n't id•n t I wont.' A Sicilian has invented a method by which eremstion is accomplished by weans of electricity. It requires • dyn- amo like those employed for the lights It is stated that the effect of the intense heat is to vapoeise the entire body. KCichigan has a railroad ticket agent who, although thirty years old, is only four feet high, and does not weigh over 0117 pounds. He ie mid to be the most polite ticket agent in the country. Grip cleverly cartoons Sir Tupper as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. As Dr. Jekyll he sits proudly on the beet of the temperance hog, `song the whole of it, wbi a as Mr. Hyde he stands in • saudlin condition beside a hogshead, and he is going the whole of that too. The cartoon is suggested by hie temper- ance professions as contracted with the list bills for his palms in London. Ooesaiooally the servant has really reason to find fault. A teat appeared at a intelligsnce office the other day and e.Raped a girl for general housework. "Have you any children 1" asked ebe said before she closed the bargain, "Only • few," be replied, and she took this to mean two or three. She arrived at the hones just at breakfast time the next morning and was surprised to sea sin little ones filing into the dining - room. "Are there any more?' she gasp- ed. "Weil, yea," answered the proud father, "there an the twin, who cannot walk yet, and the baby." The girl did *tut stop to unpack her trunk. News sows of the Lady Bossy s death on board the yjieht Sunbeam un the way to Australia. and her burial at sea 11 is • death and burial not Dubs itiseg this cheerful, courageous English *ewe, who has been the companion of kw busload, Sir Thomas Bussey, on so mew voyages and bas writhe' with de- lightful books about the.. She loved themes and wog as good a ystehman es her husband, and capable of heroism is little things and large, as she sites skeweA. "Dines • rat smell like whiskeyr "No, dear ; .ky do you eek ?" "Leat eight whets peps talked • little lewey, i smolt whisker, and yes said ''yes smelt a GODERICH BOILER VORIS Chrystal & Black Manufacturers of ell kinds of STATIONERY. WNW UPROOiOT AND TURAS BOILERS. GALT PANS, SMOKE STACKS andel' kinds of Sheet Iron work. STRUM AND WATER very FITTINGS constantly on hand. PARKER DYE WORKS, Toronto. Ile MRS_ 8A1_$ELD, At the old stand on the Square, Godertck. WILSON EROS.., GRANITE & MARBLE WORKS, ST. DAVID -ST., t3ODERICH, fTwe Doors East of Whitely's HmisLi Manufacturers of Marble Monuments, Headstones, Mantlepieoee, and all kinds of Furniture Trimmings in Foreign and American Marble ; also Window and Door Bills, and House Trimmings of all kinds in Ohio stone. All work designed and executed in hest style. tfrWiL 9ON 81108. deal largely in all kind. of European sad Canadian Granite, which special •tteation i. called It will pay to call before ordering elsewhere, Godeneb. June w. 1837.WZLBON Mb. BR08_ rtutJm Os hand. reedy for delivery : t 30 ■.r. New Steel getter. 1 a /.r. New NIMr- A gosplete 2i 4-aDi Tbmbifl� ORtit working order. Will be 'old cheap. Mall orders will reeelve prompt attention. Werke t ep,. 4. T. R. Mala. P.O. BOX 361 Ooderlch Way 3Mi. as. to penmanship this year at Lamm Strwakrev a+d iuensell . . ahead et int rear. re. ter er W tart ERTILT TORK. LwtMs.Ost. Ulm Boiler. Bngl•e. Separator. ac.. all n good HURON AND BRUCE IRAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY Thin Cowpony u Loewiny Monro OR Perri Security at Lowest Safes of &tercet. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. LIME NEW FALL COODS ABRAHAM BMITH, TAILOR & CLOTHIER Has Just received, and s aow opening a lance assortment of READY-MADE MEN'S AND BOYS' SPRING SUITS. Also me hand a large Kock of the LATEST PATTERNS OF TWEEDS 00 CLOTHS For the snake -up of SIRING SUITS. ORDERED WORK A SPECIALY I 1sB73..AE.AM 8MITWB..d Zest Bide Square, OetlerW. Mine N• Itlif. rale DANIEL GORDON, CABINEToMAKER UNDERTAKER. The rubecribers here J*I1 completed their large limekiln, which sae tarn out 300 bush- els every twenty -tont bon. Slid are sew prepared to stipple all customers with a line etnall•y of good Rash lime daily. 1t will be to the .dvantatne of every one re- palrtee lime to call or correspond with us. se we are prepared to deal liberally with par- ties artie* wlahing to purchase. The kiln 1s situated on ibe Goderich side of the Falls Iteserre. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. SI, 4.04 h per (Tent. /shooed Allowed sa Depesits, scenrdisq to airmen! sari Sires lAft. O/Fi Cor• of Matter Square and North Street, to HORACII HOIRTON. 1 ax eagle Oedsrteb Aug. Nh )tln. 10M BACHLER & BLCKBR, PROPRIETORS. 111111141em Joss 17th. til. PATENTS Anyone can advertise, but 1 can show the Steck. 1 have chore stock on band than any two house* in town to .elnat tram. FURNITURE. 4 I Imre now on band ie different Kyle* of Bedroom Suttee. a different Kyks of Sideboard., 3 Parlor Spites. •od almost anything in the Furniture line. a8 of which wUl be sold AS CHEAP AS MX CHEAPEST, AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT. in the UNDERTAKING 1 give personal attentloa. ant the benefit now of ,early 40 years experience. i think I have t re the beet Hearsin the County of Huron i wilt leave the public to judge, 1 have everything uasaliy kept in • first-daa w m. establishment. such ('aske. Coffins, Shrouds, Habits. Gloves, Crapes, ole. Embalming dune when required. MI Guarantee to give satisfaction is every ease. OLD STAND BIITWEKN P. O. AND BANK OF MONTREAL Gedericb. Sept. tsh, IRK -gta 1837 VIVAT REGINA 1 1887 The subscriber wishes to intent an loyal aaldoel0 •f Mer Meet Gracious MUeety�aeen oet victoria. that I aes defog my s&eto keep my stock replete with everything new tre- nd is all departments. NEW GOODS SUITABI.L FOR I&33IVata Ly DLT Autumn Wear. The Correct Thing in Dress Goods, Buttons and Trimmings to Match, Ribbons, Frillings and Fine Lases New Shades in Plain and Fancy Opera Flannels, with kmbroidenee to Match. I am not advertising goods at own 'ir under. *banks to my numerous cu comers. 1 have no overstock of any one lice. and Dist is saying a great deal when we hear so much about business depression. hard time*, tc. CAVEATS. TOASE SARKS 00 COPTRINITI Obtained. tendedatt 10 atasM0!11rM/w TK PRS& Our office I. opposite the 8. Patent Of- tles. and we ear obtain t'ateate is nee time thaa those remote from W4 frigAM,Vorcov. Bend NODR/. OR DR.c WINO. We ad - else •s a pcROlt t C_ILA Lt free of chs rge; awl we meekUNLICSH OB - TA/. A NNT. We rater, Iter. m nas the Pe.teter.the Sops. of Money Order Imre, and to °Metals of the U. S. Patent Make. For elreular. advice. terms and rsfereiioes to actin shents la year Owa state er C.uaat1y. wrl*e to C A.OpmwlteFencerOMek. W5W 4slagMi. D. C. PRICES REASONABLE IT SiGN ALL GOODS MARRED IN PUIN FIGURES 00 STRICTLY O'NE PRICE. A_ WZ7 O, Oodsrfeh. Aug. IDA. M. limper and Haberdasher. BRllS, EllFllIERY AND FANCY G0011S J. Received' •..s Tt m caw cal Sall dd mby e them Apaaresad .&$ltwg Year ps'ehaoee. ll to aold at Mews to WI the F. JO , Xt sea 1. Goderichw c„. ti