HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-11-11, Page 5Sa Bork* laws Ws tUooatuaa. New telISW Wheat. thanold) IP bask -._..W 01•01se Wheel IYs11 I ... a l71�Y " 0e It Wheat. Ird Zeal V kA... •W1priagl a busk heent ► • WWI Illi )=1.111. ,Ile a1Mwe .bomb rimy + OD . 0 tea • • .................. le 730COM • . ...... .............. •• tet e aM i e a, rf•k .tsgaal ...ie.s..... a Iie h e w •.•••. a DI n •i •. ! :,ttjp.... •• .......... es •. p' to a tea �. A es yeOF N 1i tie 9 090•0 • 0% ::'..:.::.:: •........-•• ••:::. iII so , 3 ms isa• II SO eSI" III, . tastes Der• ars. heurailway eYmdMshou dbecastionsaboutattetd- cheap / or y laduoeaseat bat then o�p��� Write for ear eataisaae. WleffQV=LT& YORK. Leadiam Oat. Uea New Butcher Shop Wm.STB ACHAN THIS HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, NOV. I1, 1r482 44, FOR PALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS MIsxa a�o H. W. BPPTHOUR & CO. BR ANTFORD_ OUR SPECIAL OFFER. We send Samples on application, Uoods by mail or express. We pay express chargees on orders of Five Dollars,—Uoo(k to be returned and money refunded if not satisfactory CRESS GOC=s_ We sell Good, Useful Dress Tweeds for 121c. Handsome All -Wool Cashmere Cloths for 23e. Beautiful Cheeks and Stripes for Combination. We have the Very Newest Materials .and Colors. TRIMM=NO-S. Silk Plashes in all the New Colors, Very Cheap. Handsome Stripes and Broches in the Newest De,igne. Dress Ornaments, Braids, Buttons, etc., etc. MSZt=.+2NER'Y MAN'rS.,f�S_ Our Millinery Show llociu i, now open with the Latest Styles. Ladies' Mantles, Dolanans A Large Stock of Children's Mantles. and NEW GOODS. We have over Three Thousand Yards of New Heavy Cloth DRESS GOODS just arrived, the best value ever shown in Goderich for I21c. a yard. Call and See Them. • Tailor-.aa(le Jacket:. ( CoLBoRNE BROS SEND FOR SAMPLES AND .SIMS OR COME ANS INSPECT OUR STOCK. H. W. csNETHOUR & Co., Brantford. stip open sant • new Butcher Breatturd. 00. 12th. ilB7. Ilam •wrzar OPPOSITE THE COLBORNE HOTEL Os TUESDAY, OCT. Mb. islets be will be prepared te terata custom - I wfth Fresh Meats of all kinds, of Beat ty. pt atteatles will be given to ali orders. Ooderbh. Nor. 3rd. 1ee7. 212171 J. friziSvaX tisci Piserip1ion Drug S1o1 ARMBRECHT' S TONIC COCA WINS;, -TOB- FATIGI-UE —Or— MIND and BODY AND- • SLEEPLESSNESS 4'w aied momtonMille a. 1 plaid M r Yeses. e "—Mutual }lsantea. 1002 y, la a word. the most powerful ier sf the y1 1 forces. -Dr. Sebws1 . Wine. tbessib more toad arra OesetlMMe. Armbrecht, Nelson & Co., 1 Dene a., A.eevease M . Lhdea, iilltlats Tor sale >n beadle, dreseiele thress►,et 212w 1• F. JORDAN, God rlob. HAV YOU SEEN The crowds that congregate on the street corners, not talking Commercial Union, but about PRIDHAM BROS' CHEAP QUITS and the verdict of every one is that Pridham Bros. "are a wonder," selling those elegant suits, cut and made right in their own establishment, and every one tits like the paper on the wall, FGR $7.00 A SUIT and upwards. They are selling like hot cakes. Of course you do not notice them because they are so much like the ordinagy. ordered clothing you see every day and what you have been in the habit of pay- ing $16.00 and $1.11.00 for. If you wish to save money just call and see them. You will be more than pleased. The needs of our patrons in ordered clothing are various, and they require careful study. It has been ours through long experience, appreciation of a FIRST CLASS TRADE, and careful selection. to create and foster a demand for high-class goods, and we have the satisfaction of knowing that in excel- lence of quality, combined with moderation in price, our patrons are agreed that we maintain the reputa- tion we have earned as the leading tailors in the County of Huron. Our FALL STOCK it now com- plete, which is this season the tinest ever imported into Goderich. Elegant Overcoats, Beautiful Trous- erings, Magnificent Suitings, &c. Your early order is solicited. P. 8z A_ 1�RIDHAIYL_ THE MAN who 1. 'stag tette the beat by the VW* la the w who will N the batt trade with them, end In this belief I have detormillied to spare ao endeavor to test WITH their approliatioa In the dlmpoaal of growls is the Nam which I baro (be baser to eebir to the petite. Yy ties is to try std plswe, Gad thee tar 1 hare saes with THE sant unqualified success. Josh Billie. has said. "To stay ix to win." Gad I hare wed. to my mind to HAMMER y smell I knock tet bottom eat w big\ WI is Der.Aoeds or every deeeriptbau. at fries down Groomers to bard pas. taloa as a sail std rel guarantee musts*. nasal the way read, $'. 00 - Meamger of the Toronto Hum STOP ! WHERE ? AT FRASER, PORTER & SAY'S AigDa A $3.00 ALBUM FOR $1.60 A $1.25 ALBUM FOR 25c. Atoll all ethers at equally Law Woe. toe. Oer Meek peeRrse 0a a sete.a1 at � Bt � �t o�B� co��lT (Limited), To�oirot 200 ALBUMS TOOVER .f .TMW�"-a"RiP. J4• Saunders & Son, '�'' FRASER, PORTER & KAY. ,,,.;;iii,. C'ODERIOH, ONT. HRADQVARTRRei POR BOOTS ANDSHOES. E. DOWNING, The Old Established Gtot sed Shoe Mae of Oodericb. still to the front with one of the Lemma Stocks :u the Dominlor.. comprising EVERY STYLE, QUALITY, & PRICE AN IMMENSE STOCK OT Ladies' Fine Goods In Button Roots. Balmoral.. Comma. Oxford Ties. fifteen different styles of Kid Slippers from sec. up to any price you like. Felt. Plush. Itepp. Pruoelle, Carpet, Wigwam andGerman Slippers lu profusion. OVERSHOES AND RUBBERS Of strary description fboth of Comedian and American mak.i. I would also call the attention of FAR11111303 to that pan at my stock especially suitable for them. such as Long Boots in Calf, Kip and Cowhide, FELT BOOTS AND MOCCASINS." I have a Use et Taft Hosts, my owe make. acknowledged to be the Best Fort Boot made la tuxedo. Prompt and careful attention given to ORDERED WORK AND REPAIRING. mien nog arsel, Pleas, I sae eery r throb fasts quality procureocbIiJ Wog made laroomt slack s Beets end Rhones 1a Caee&; had 1 will .ell et pulo.t es tow ar lower than ,i else. the best erau4cim Gra to 8olietties a 0oert.owtee a your valued custom. so liberally accorded me dant( the peat twosome psis I retMia, yews faithfully. E. DOWNING crab\'. Bieck. Cer. L..a t. std Boors. T11E "GURNEY" HOT ¶ATEII HEATER Adapted for heating all classes of Public and Private Build- ings. It is unsurpassed for simplicity and economy. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. Wblek we (steed to ase ssa.. 13-oIFR.=oH_ 500 HORSES WANTED To carry off the large and well -assorted stock of FIRST- Czt ss .41feVliSS Now offering at itEDUCED PRICKS at WM_ ACHE S O''S Mammoth Harness Depot. Having secured a large stock of Harness Mounting.. lt,,bes and Blankets at wholesale manufacturer~pelassi lig aslstlent 1 can supply all in Geed of Harness, Robes, Blankets, Trunks, Valise., Whips, Sleigh Bolls. and everything to be found in a first class shop. at prigs never before offered In the County. Having determined to sell off the whole of my large Mock. parties haviag Cash can buy at prices that will surprise everyone. so come along and try the Mammoth Harness Ikpct and you will save money. Remember the stand : WM. ACHESON'S HARNESS DEPOT, SCAB Book Aonsgate sate he settled at once by Cash fir Note. liamiltontl Ooder(ab. B TS •-.84 SHO A Large Assent of Fall and winter Ooods lost arrived at H. GUEST'S cs3�.e� c.�sH sfroR= Prom the very best manufactory In Canada. LADIES FINE BOOTS A SPECIALTY, RUBBERS, OVERSHOF.B, FELT ROOTS, kc. BIG DRIVE IN SLIPPERS. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. All Cheap for Caah. 2117 H. G U EST, West Side Siloar., Goderiell. We have sew is Stook the following NEW & VERY FASHIONABLE SHADES IN DRESS GOODS Heliotrope Island Blue Mushroom Brown C#obelin Mineral Grey. J. C. DETLOR & CO. FALL MILLINERY ARRIVING DAILY AT THR WEST STREET EMPORIUM. A. J. WILKINSON. NOTICE. I bare decided to costlnue business for another seems. and ladles will fled my stock of FALL--MILLINERY--FAL WORTH IINT f3PTaQTZ2QCa•- I MEAN TO SELL CHEAP STOCK IS 5LLL IN FVKRY DKPARTMENT. MISS THE SQUABS, OODERIOH. NEW MILLINERY A9 PRF,vlot +LY ANNOUNCED MISS CAMERON' Ras everted out bur New Mill se►T Ketabliedultea es HAMILTON STREET; Mrs. M iteheSti .td .tasd) Aad le new prepared to sited to thle Cantata of the Ladies of Cedor'eh and vleialty. Ladies' Underwear, did Gloves, &c., A PPUCIALtT. and a buts .mertmst will be kept eot.tsetb ea bawd. The Latest Noweltles in *Mapes and Styles Clan be Been. jos-ALL ANN INYITID TO CALL AND INRPI T Ooous,- cul