HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-11-11, Page 4FALL SUITS AND FALL OVERCOATS. Zu.. •,:; eta ere showing the Best & Cheap - i` r,r est Stock of Tweeds and Coat. Ings that has ever been shown in Goderich. Suits and Over- coats made to order in first- class style at extraordinary low prices. Tweeds cut out free of charge. A special line of Men's Fine Wool Socks for lac, per pair. Underclothing very cheap inspection and comparison of Prices invited at J. A. REIN >t PRO., Jordan }Meek. Ont I slash r.. Ooderich Seth Nor., limp. • mei, Whits. of Gud.rtoh left ea Readsy I.at foe Scodso4, where be will remain for • year. H. sailed on the Partition this week. Bee wryuy., old fellow. Woe Doesghy, ant the inland R.ventlia psrrtea, formerly of Goderieh, who has ben sinned to Welk•ryille nod Wisel- ear the past lee years, has been txas.- tarred to Hameilteet. Dr. M. Nichol.00, the West street dm ilt, makes the preservation of the s tsr.l teeth a specialty. dee adminis- tered from 9 s . to 4 p.m. fur the pain- less extraction of teeth. A Uamiltuto t. bendier is guiot; to knock the bonne out of high pries* We understand he is selling prime teef- steak at the rate of three pounds for 26e. Rune power to his elbow. During the past week Rev. 'Messrs Bayard, of Santa, MoCrae, of Williams, Goan, of Pstrolia, and Aylward, of Wa- ning'.!), have Leon the guests of Rev, 11. J. Watters, at Si.. Peter'. presbytery. The oommodious and well-built brick residence near the agricultural park, Meagerly known ea the Forgone pruper- erty, in been add to Charles A. Nairn for $2,200. Charlie hes • berrsin at the price. Don't forget to attend the Young Poo- ' plies meeting in the lecture room of North -et. Methodist church this (Friday) evening ; and help on the service by com- ing prepared to take part in it. Rev. L B. .Resin, the pastor ant the church, will preside. Fos CAuPoasJA. __Aatsrdey last the followi.a resident. of Ilia section left by train to winter in California ; John Vu - cue, and J. J. Wright, Colborn ; John Williams, (leo Carrel and .° R.binson,uf Goderich. ;We wish them a pheasant trip and • profitable time. In Durance. --Mr. 'lettingen, of Dun- gannon, was eommitied to pin last week in default of payment o f$100 fine and costs impend upon him by P. Dr Williams for violatingthe ' ' Tempennoe Act. T, t tie Et on at..aae of ie' ..0 is.t pr'son.:esat under this act in this Meaty. "Too BLOWN AT Rlaay,"-We have received from the publisher, John B, Alden, 393 Pearl st., New York eity • copy of Thos Hughes' excellent book "Tom Brown vet Rugby." Thiebook oto he obtain.d from the publisher for tO cta post paid, or very hansomely bound in elate for 20 eta, postage 5 cts extra. Tnsi wises Seavtcs.-Sonday text being set .?art by the Women'. Chris- tian Temperance inion throughout the world as • day specialy for the upholding of the temperance cause, Rev. J. E. Howell will preach • semen to the peo- ple North -•t. Methodist church Sunday eveniog, suitable for the occas- ion. Terrrthtt,re PsAYse MEEUNO.-As the world. W. C. T. U. has appointed Saturday and Sunday, Nov 12th and new Afee termones Tib Week. N Raasetl Notice- gamma. Betray Steer -.M..1. Waiters. Menai Card Jsa.s Cooke. Farm for Sat.. -Ostrow a Proudfoot. What Alt. Yep -World's Dtspena.ry, Beflrlo. Mortgage BaM--pm.rea, Heat and Ctsmesaa• Yen 8n1t .sad Ov , A. aria and Bro. Young Jia Should t* C.uti•e1F-W and York, Lonna. Dr. Hodder's Composed -Unice Medicine Cb. Toronto. TOWN TOPICS. i eeitre *me ye, talo.' sere*. As' lank he'll It. - Parties mantles goods for presents will and what they want s1 Butlers. Oil polntfse cra7om.rnlarr d photographs, and everything in that floe can be obtained at Cleo. Stewart's. the L• *--qu br w u Uro. Rhyme' don'ting tea .lfail to get Also on hand all the best known and moat rc lista* patent medicines. ., business erP withdrawn. but nobody who ever got photos at it. It. Mallows ever entered • Protest .w.lnd the eseeution of the work. The 1111 suit against TMs tilos d. has been withdrawn. and that Journal Is at present without a suit, but if.nybody want • man- made tail or winter suit, F. it A. Prldhanes is the place to get It at. Ererybedy delighted ! crasser tammp. the beat lamp ever invented, giving the light et 7 ordinary lainps and burning the oil of one. Coate and buy ;_you will never regret it. O. 'A . Tnnrltwo,. Wert aide square, Tres 1Voitrj'. ('uuuSTt Aar TIMPHIL.tNC* L xtoN wj11 meet regularly for the transaction or bset,wv. every Tuesday aftermes at =fig o'clock. in Knox church. Every woman In- terested in the work V cordially invited to attend. Maunder.* tion have s large number of tteoond hand coal doves,whieb they will offer very cheap to clear out. They are al/ In good repair. and aro guarrnteed to work well - ley Co s sot o hand very Another chlot eep. The cheapest house under the sun. rill TsuJ),INo.-I'ustooers ready to.tard up .ad he measured for a fall suit a overcoat etrtetlr the choice* goode in the market, with • cut and nuke in strict accordance with trt.e taste and True art, should inspect McCormac'a imtnense stock anew tallgps tett suntan and nobby orereo.ljnes I* aij the new shades. Don't tall to lee them. Twit Hvtmw AND Bat'c•a LOAN AND Ixvesre xts$T Cuwraey.-Depositwlt in ties company hare the beet possible security for their taor- e7. an being invested In mortgage on farm property. Depositors have a first lien in all the company's assets. Jute of Interest paid. tree ( to 5 per cess. secerelna to .mount Tem and duration of demerit Farmers h.% ing gar- raga pito means should can and see tate manger. (loode's Mack Cherry Balsam 1s the beet Leel Bl preparation eat ?or coughs and colds. so pre- hot relent at ibis time of the year. Try It. Ausual full dock of everythingin the drag line con- chi, dandy Particular tntin- eour stock habrushes and toilet b e articles good. valved and chs. 8.t* attention to physicians preacrtptioas and family receipts. charges moderate. W, C. (heeds, druagi.t, Albin block. 0 Harry Kay is still eeriouely ill at 1110 Brantford, lira Mrs P. Holt and children returned to ' an town on Saturday. rich 13th, •'temperance days," there wi • prayer meeting in Knee Church Saturday evening at 7 o'clock, a temperance sermon will be preach et_ THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, NOV. 11, 1881. Ysoars* .itch Itacarswass. -Will BWr, who formerly lived i* (leder;.►, WIN of the more harmless of the n.•/ea el the London asylum, and who was ai- med dorteg S.t*rda attention is the ti , took it into his head to some n:mud see w .*lots of the oily, He 1411144 ,Ter ihs fns* sad waad•red about the Arena Ott:: eine e'olock, wbim ha ran into P. C. Twuhy oo Dun- dee street. He was brought to the puttee anima and tbe asylum •uthortties mie eumeaated with, who subsequently bi removed Blair to s quarters in the may - Wet. OUR Naw BAND. --At the last meeting of the town snored W. L. Horton, pre- sident of the sew town hand, toads sp- teation for $60 from that body to aid r primaries asw lastruweole, Sc. With their .seal dilatory policy the matter was left evertor"further consiioration." Tb band, under ice prweut management is deserving of aid Lram the council un- der .aurins circumstances It is the best orgeniratiun tet the kind that has *listed in our town for yeah, and it is to be hoped that the council at its nest inning will see that the grant asked for L given. The publishers of the Canadian Pin - aide Weekly offer • prise of 810 for the beet poem on the sub;cat, "Bop, don't Lave the Farm ;' $10 for the bat poem aro "Girls, be Kind to Mother," and • toird prise of $5 for the bat poem on any subject. All the poems sub- mitted will become the property of the Fireside' Weekly, sod should not exceed fifty lines in length. The cuutpetitioi will cites on the first day of Decemter,ttnd the prim poems will appear in the seat issue of the Fireside Weekly following that d rte. No poem• will be accepted except (eons yeatly subscribers of ins paper. The poems will he sub,oltted to a committee of the Turonte Press Club, who will de- cide or tae merits of each composition, All communication should be addressed to the Fireside Weekly, Nu. 9 Adelaide street west, Toronto. SCHOOL B%AID MELTING.—Themonth• ly meeting of the school board was held on Monday evening, Present the chair- man and Messrs N icb-dson, Acheson, Morton and Swanson. Tree principal's report showing an attendance of 281 boys and 251 girls, was received and filed. A report from contingent men - melee, recommending certain improre- meuts and alterations were adopted, on motion of Messrs Nicholson and Morton. Communications from the teachers of St Patrick'. ward school, were read and the secretary instructed to inform them that their requests for increase of salary could not at present be granted. A cotnplaint from Mr Bridget, regarding the puuisb- moot of his son, was dismissed. A quantity of paper required for the school was referred to the contingent commit- tee. The secretary was instructed to sea that all modelita lees were paid. The 11 be bard then adiourned. ai RATHER FISHY. -The following item nd a taken from a Clinton paper, reads very ed in nicely, but when it is remembered by erich people that John McPherson D. R. McMillan both competed at Caledonian games held here on the of July of this year the fact of the er std knowing the former will ap- rather "fishy" :-A man calling self J. C. Murphy, of Sault Ste. e, was defeated by Evan Lewis in netting match at Madison, Wia, and n challenged D. R. McMillan (Lewis' nerd to put a 14 Ib. atone for $5O0 • . The challenge was accepted and phy threw it 48 feet, defeatitg Mc- laa hedly. It subsequently turned that Murphy was really John Me - non, of Kintail, Huron county, Ont., champiou stone putter, and that he t to Madison under • false name for purpose of playing the exact game in kb he was S000Sesful. Msnitow.ning Expositor :-Qu, road - have not forgotten John Brown. We do not mean the Bruen whose name and deeds are immortalized In the cele- brated "As we go Merebing Along" wort ; bet the Brown who styled himself "one of Canada's moat promising orat- ors", the gentleman who orated at Mani- towaning the night before the late Do- minion election. Our Conservative friends wail farther remember his bout while bene that he had entered a $10,- 000 libel suit against the Goderich SIGNAL for;.* alleged libel published during the time the said promising orator was or- ating in West Heron. Well, the suit has been withdraws, but whether be cause in bis soler moment* the plain- tiff tbouggh he had valued what be was pleased to ad/ his reputation at the most extravagant of monopoly prices we know out ; we only know that the dis- timgsished Mr. Brown has taken sand intend of sugar. Victoria street church Sunday morning °od by Rev. G. F. Salton. and t he Court Goderich, Na 3s.. C. O. F. ,has 1st secured the services of W. L Burgers to lett give one of his entertainmeota, 'Merry Moments" on the 42nd of Oct., in Victoria Hall. He will be assisted by isr i some of our bed known local talent. This is the first entertainment Court the Goderich has gotten up, and they ex - poet a liberal patronage.aide wit RAILWAY MEETING. -A petition sign- Mor ed by nearly 200 ratepayers and re• Mit Wens of Goderich, asking to haws • net public meeting called to discuss the Phe railway question was submitted to the Mayor Seeger Thursday afternoon. wen His wotabip has called a meeting for the Tuesday evening, Nov, loth, to the soh town hall, at 7.30 o'clock. The Young iVomen'a Christian parent* l'nion will postpone their era lar meeting on Thursday next, ng to the Harvest Home. They will d it on Thursday, Nov., 24th at the hour, in the litrary of Knox rch. All the members are relented trend the world's prayer meeting on rday Nov. 12th, at 7 o'clock, in the basement of Knox church. arr.-On Friday last, after a painful ens, Gavin Struthers departed this in the 63rd year of hie cgs. He nes. old and respected resident of Godo- , and had lived in Huron county for thirty-five years. For the tad ten weirs years he had been employed e registry of8oe, and had proved thful and efficient employee. His ral, which took place Sunday lad, argely attended, the service being noted by Mr Howlett, of Beaattord. e CWlss Sever CoirrLNy.-The of dramatis etmrtaiaw*q given tl►. lined Opera How, on pon- y sad Wednesday, of this A. ere sed reset be Knott church hand of ' willmootwat on `Saturday at 3 o'clock.or t H. B. Elliott, of the Chien once. Intl! Resod staff, spent Sunday in town. lune John D •caning, of Goderich, u open. Twas 1 ing a new boot and .hoe store in °orris, good Mies Mullen, of North -et. has return- Tw ed from a visit to her parents in Quebec, eerie. Rev 0, F. Salton preached in the in North street Methodist church last Sun- day morning. Harry McLean is .eriouely i11 at Buf- falo, ethers his parents hare been attend- ing him lace week. The hikers' "combine" in town has weakened, and now !;read nn be ub tainci at cis: • small loaf. Moarrest -"diode/hi and 3 chi:dr/e l and h were interred in Maitland cemetery duo imply og the mouth of Oci. b•r The a.rle W day, Mon - Tuesday best c week by Mia Clair Scott, assisted h7 , and B, Coburn and her own eomp•ny, w storiu aaonget the but impersonations plc prophet upon a Oodericl daring yeah. in "Lucretia Borgia ' 'Mary, Queen of Scots," and Leah, the For oaken," Mies Scott proved herself to far above the *versos of so-ealled stn Publishers of the CsrtoJion Fin. eau Dear a prize of 876 to the ane tan story, *30 for the second, 890 for the third bast. All the submitted are to become the y of the Fireside Weekly, and Should 000t*ia not lees than ten thousand and no more than fifteee thousand weeds I New Y The judge. will be appointed from among1 literary men whose impartiality will be above suspicion, Each competitor must i Mrs M. A. Fraser ani Miss Freon left nu Thursday for a two months visit to hinds in Baltimore, Md. Harty Cocoa, who is now travelling fora Montreal firm, was in tow., vigil• ing his family during the week. Capt Murray McGregor, has returned bosss from his seasonal work on the (:ov- ernm.nt Survey boat. Hayfield. Charlie Ed wards, an old SIGNAL hoy, sed for Dome yarn past of the tt owfut y Time, Toronto, te in town vieitin, rela- tives. Mii*Ic1rAL Frena --The balance on hand and receipts for October amounted to 87,872.47, and the expenditure reach- ed 83,230 48. Fon rag Poo.-(lnd.rieh toiling club has glee• flee bogs of *oar to the town council for distribution nougat Um deserving poor. lt.r. J. R. Howell, M. A., chains.* of (it,dmish will navy North - At. Methodist pulpit Sunday treat, weenies nil melting. Dr McDtmegk will be in Goderiah for eonsidtasb. om Ms*.rda7' tie 3rd tit De.embsr, and aft rwsreb o* the Brae Reteirdee •l every moatie er rapport throughout was exceed Qrenesaty Sauer= -The members of North -.t. Methodist chunk will hold their regular geart.rl sereioss on Sun- day next, Now. 13. The London no vice will commence at 9:30 a.m., and at 11 o'clock the regular preaching service, after which the Sacrament of tet Lord's supper will be partaker of. The genies throughout will be co ndneted by Rey, J. E. Howell, chairman of the didrid. All the members are earnestly requested to he present, and any granges whit may be in our town are cordially invited to take pert in the services also. "HALT *T Ho.e."—Thursday nest being proclaimed our estional day o/ thanksgiving to (god for the leatherisg in of • bountiful harvest, the ladies of North -et. Methodist church will hold their annual "harvest hoe." supper and eoi,eert in the eherch oft the evening of that day. Supper will be ..reed from 6 to 8 &clot*, alter whisk a prepense, ezeelling, if passible, that er,dessd es pnvios• nee•ai.ttw will les gaso os with. This festival weeds so further eo ineemt M oar bases., ae it. past reeor4 i .d- .imet to promise all sohe anted k an en- joybls time Tee adenine pries V plumed at 36 Bents foe both sapper *sed eeueatt, add all who e.n are 'Rebid to some at the beam ; atm b'iayoe IS•tre he DOWN. BY T H E BR W opening address. The ones used e the eeeasim was kindly lout by the Sisters of fit Joseph's convent fres of Note. by the Way and 1 ahargw Thanks an ..o entered to L. of the Slb.rd fur Soroche; doth agtae lad to Trip. Km Killer and her daughter Maggie for earvioss durieg the buss. There wen The r sai one oe two alight error In the item is arllLead el M. lest week'. 8tultet. referring to the mate- The Lead o er wor haw : Jae Watson, ermined with her- nit•• , w" 15s.d . tag received gidt _should here been Jae sty tet WeselFsady. Waldo. ; 11In McAuley, nen the eta tine, and Catherine McDonald, Elgin et., who also resolved asinine, were omitted. After the funds of the base bad been fully appropriated application were made free' several ueedy ones amongst Nle poor of the town who had hero orerluuked, and 144. Luby duoated $25 towards reliantly their want., which was distributed as (allow. : tour load* of wood, 200 lbs of unseal, and 2011th of tis. A Cowr'osrrloy ON Morins,—If any doubt exist* in the need. of the avenge Goderich citizen as to the thorough training in Bible lore, given at our SYn- day schools, he will certainly be reassur- ed 'e ssur- ed by the toNowiog effugivo received by one of the towbars in the high school the other day, as • "Composition on /daces." Mose* was the meekest man in the world. He was the son of Levi. King Pharosh heard that Jesus was to be born of the Hebrews, and he therefore ordered all the children ea4st two yeas to ti, by „f one of the company's of agc ;, !+ killed. Mo UMW mother boats, thou was now only a boat week - lid him down by the rivetil 1-,ka.rush, ly, shish left un Saturt4y. As we were and then sat down en the Mi.k Ip watch somewhat restricted to time, we did not bin. After a while Pharaoh's iitighter oro to remain in Halifax all week, eo came down to bathe, gad Mos.. aunt decided to change oar route and go by asked her if she might nuns the child. rail ria Windsor to Annaputi., thence to The princess tool him out of the river. Boston by boat. While securing oar and brought him to the poises, sal gave tickets for next morning at the Coot's him • good educate'^. One da he met ticket agency, we met our New York •n Egyptian and • Hebrew fighting, w friend who was going the same way. As le killed the Hebrew. Another day hs we bad „kr bed ueetwo„al tem:erg ,,; esu two Hebrews fi hli t tem.: IN Y hen for verse 26 .ties is pet tested Iron the high tides ant the play ant reedy by dyke., whish ate said to hare bees built nCiddnto by the early Acadian esttlets wisely two notaries ago. -Dykes whirls ohs hada of the Smarms hag rated will Misr iseesmt.a tlhot wYt tee {.rb.kai 114.s, ef'm'tm Ball ranainfi Iltrwygh than lovely country ■salvbse- we pees tbroag s Wullvil s, • shriving tows, pinning Acadia college, and sons pull up at Lineal., one of the chief towns m the line, ween we stop twenty minutes for "rltfreshmenta." Ws are now *uterine( the far Lamed An.npolis valley, ire OatoLN or NOVA econa, the great fruit district of the province, eelebr•ted fur its apples Tate lin from hen M Annapolis some sixty miles, runs through the centre of this valley, and I can saar'oely engem • more beautiful and fertile *mercy. It is sheltered from the cold winds and fop of the Its; ant Fundy by the "North Mountain, • ridge of trap rock averaging 600 feet in height, which runs steer from Cape Blumidon to Digby Out. At Cambridge, a tow miles further un, we saw a la member of teota,d;.o.,in the field, and ell the evidence of • large military Damp, slier* *neral volunteer regiments were encamped. Still running oo, we eros. the Annapolis river at Bridgetown, and follow its eroding (teems through • beau- tiful valley to Annapp t lis Royal, the site :.f the dm toed voted in Acadia nitre than tiro centuries ago. Our time here wet short, s• the train was behind time, and we merely stopped a few minute,. I regretted not leaving 'efficient time to visit this piece .t Insure, rich as it is in histuriosl association, The name of Champlain end De Mosta, Rennin and Ls Tour are interwoven with early history which dates beet to filet early years of the 17th centuryx Fuse founded and colonised by the Pron* it Na 6. Halifax cannot be said to he remark- able fur publee buildings. The ugly two we saw which could is soy claim to n- spectahility, wan the Iwwislatire bend- ing •and the new post Mines and custom house. The former teildiag which was touaded io 1811, a,4t uiss the bune of assembly at the North end, while the Heath is occupied by the Isgialayve council chamber, which is reported to **stain sow hue portraits of dig tinguiehed indi,Yuah, song which is that of Nova Sonia's famous humorist 4A0 SLICK. Our stay hen, however, being aborter than we had anticipated we wen unable to do the lions lit ea -toots as it wen, sad bad to content ourselves with eased glances. Our route was from Halifax to Boston by boll ; when Ipviog home we understood that the boat left semi- weekly. \Vu (ound,huwever that, owing ng andwen to the members of "oweh pshty" we as- sumed that they were relnsioiog the rest of the week and gave them no further thought. On Tuesday muruing after breakfast we left for the railway part them, bat one said to him if he had Dome to kill him like he killed the Egyptian. Then he went and told the king, and wham the ktt.g heard the story ha told Mesa he had to lease. After a while God spoke to Illness through an station in company with New York, inexhaustible bush of fire, aid advised who we, . ayioR at the next ►suss him to go back and lead the children out of Egypt. God told Mabee that he would send twelve plagues on Pharaoh. They were frogs, lice, toads, bugs, insects, dc., and last of all, the Ent born sons of all in Egypt, man and beast,were slain, but the Israelites nude a red crow with blood on their doors and the Angel passed over them. Then Pharaoh said they could go ; so they all borrowed jewels of their neighbors and started, led by a cloud of breby night and • cloud of smoke by day. But Pharaoh wan sorry he let them go and followed them with a large army. When they got to the Red sea, Mow smote the waters Imagine our surprise on arriving at the Intercolonial depot, to find the "palely" 1n hill force, with JAci-IN 711B -HOZ rushing about in his usual state of wild exeitemant in search of some official with whets to make arrangement. 1.r • sp.- teal ear. They were going thruugh to Bonn the same way as ourselves, mo we hadn't got rod of them yet Nu York, who was partieal*rly weer en the crowd, was greatly disgusted, but consoled him well with the hope that they would re- main in tbeir "special,"es ins didn't want the "darn critters' buzzing around him. After leaving the city, the line follows and they stood up in two walls and they for acme nine utiles the shore of the went over on a good path, but when Bedford Basin which is $ lovely sheet of Pharaoh tried to follow he and his army water' from two to three miles wide, were all drowned. They wandered' surrounded by hills vuyieg from two to around a *bile •ares thea Moses did three hundred feet hi h, Pa..ilg through the suburb of Richwood we make a short stop at the POUR WILL BOtae, whish u quite a rummer reonrt, within easy reach of the city. The plat* wan formerly the residence of the Duke o/ Kent when commander hen. Centinu• ing along the .here of the Basin, in The following lines from the pen of a any places skirting the water's edge, brother of Mr K. S. Chilton, America we arrive at the pretty village of Bed-Consul- brother at than ford, situated st roe bead of the Basin. port, possess the true ring Thu place is the favorite summer resort of a thanksgiving peen, and we cheer- of the Huligoniaas, and ha. several fully publish them on the present soca- summer hotels, besides private rills re- sidences•ion as beiulg singularly approprute to along the shore. Bathing, fi.►- our own Thanksgiving Day, which will 10 • and lobster extent. Afew miles can bf inherdulged on be observed throughout the Dominion • wet arrivo e at Windsor ejuncti of where we o.Thur.day next : , switch of the Intereolonial main lire Up to Thy throne ascending, on to that of the Wiodeor and Annapolis 0. Lord : our spirits nee ; railway, The line from hen across the Our massy voices Wending country to Windsor pause through some We render thanks to Thee. wild, rugged looking country, very good Thanks for each gracious blessing 1 from • scenic point .1 view, but I should say very poor for %Inc:Rural pm After me miles of the k of scenery we something wrong. For this God said he should not see the prcneeed land, but was allowed to go in • mountain near the city. where he died, and nothing else was known what came of him, Oras. fee Theak.gt.tag Day. Bestowed upon our land. ter traversing.O Deserved sot at Thy band. y find numsiva Which we -Thy Taws tnnegreasing- But Then. with lore unbounded. Had bid the earth I*crrs.e. And all the land surrounded With batestul health and peace. True to Thy promise gives To sinful, erring man. Whoa One Thy how In Heaven Meld earth witbta lar span. in order. Will. each season Follow the roiling year - was tit1 et•*NI Or XtuiUtot'a 011601st, battles and massacres d•riug the stormy time. when England and France wore contending for the mastery in North American ; and which lasted with little intermission until the final triumph of the British arms on the Plain of Abra- ham. The remains of ancient fortifica- tions end even some of the old gone are said to heroin visible on thee site of old Port RoyaL Laving the wharf we steamed down the beautiful Annapolis Basin to Digby, some fourteen miler, at the lower end, where we first get a Blimps* of the softanos, Digby Gat, • narrow channel some 100 yard* or so is width, with cliffs from 400 to 60061111111 !• height on either side. I have biles .sass Pg the finest harbors in my timsl Cork Halifax, Sydney, Rio de Janeiro sad H.ran•, bot in my opiuio• Annapolis Basin is the WONT rsarecr NarrRAL HAa11oa of a11. With a Ingth of some fourteen mils and • greatest width of about three, it is spacious enough to hold the navies of the world, and, with a little assistant* to nature, could defy any attack ; it is besides perfectly sheltered from every wind. Its shores are lined with farms, gardens and orchards, whip. pretty, farm houses dot the hillside all around. There is little in the peaoeted aspect of this basin now to suggest the many sanguinary conflicts of which it has been the mesa. Approackireg D4,►7 we had to lie off, as the tide was too Tori to permit of our gr'►ng to the wharf. Some cargo, mainly fish packed in ion, for the Boetoo market, was brought oL, on a flat boat in haw of a tog, and shelf takisg this in we leers of again, thence* the Gat where tide roue so rapidly that nothing but a steamer souk' stem it, and est into the sat Or rtxDT, bound for Boston. This I say any, was the only disagreeable or ateosnfortable potation t'f the whole stip. ,The boat which was a poor affair wan greatly over - crow ( ded, the Boston part non num. purposes boring over 50, and ooseider•b1e diep+ pointu.nt was experiment he securing etatenoo.•. They m.o.g.d to get Muhl - room poeom.,odatios for the tidies of tty, Int the emitter the m•o, the liike owneives had ton hang itumber toat on stretchers in the lower cabin. Now York, with his customer; neatness, made a dal with one of the engineers for the use of Lia stateroom, and so got ahead of the rest as regards oomfort. The table wee ai•tinetiy poor with at- tendance to match, everything being eold. However, we •o sol d ourselves with the thought that it wasn't for long, u. B. C. AT wlN Moe, standing on a largo hill, and eomaad- iog extensive views of the surrounding country. This to.n is celebrated as hawing been the birthplace of the late Judge Haliburton, better known by bio Mall de plunge of Sam Slick. King's college, the oldest university in Canada, founded in 1781, is here, sa is also CHI - twiner too, the former residence of J efte And both our Faith sad Hessen Haliburton. Soon after leering wind. Proclaim that Thou art nese, *or we cross the river Aron, on • very Seed in the earth lies deepl•s , fine iron trestle bridge, sad just hers we While Thou dost watch above came upon a grand view over the Beata And moa in time b reaping of Mims, with the bold promontory of 7 he harvest of Thy love. Cape Blomidon in the distanos, A few miles further on after passing Falmouth "A ?loot of waters nevermore enc Hantaport, we pull op at *little Shull oe the earth he seat Oh. in oar hearts may evermore wayside station, and find ourselves where Thy bow of love be bent t "is the Acadian land. a the shores of the Beata of ]Hoes. In duty with our days, Disar, secluded. dm,:the little rl►jage or Grand Pre With gratitude increasing - e' Lay h the fruitful valley. - "' Thee thanks and Mimi ork City. - HOWARD Cwrttow, be • year y subscriber to Ibe Fireside Frid Freddy, and should sign a nom de plumefarm to hie or her manuseript, eked when teams sending in the material they hairs writ- while a ten, shoal.' melon their name and ad- directs, dyes is a sealed envelope, on the out- legged side „f which should he written the had same name as that on the esa•oser.pt. • The eevslopes oontairt•g the tame• and i addresses will not he opened until after Gm erten haws been awarded, when it will be ietp.rative that the news and And may our hearts increasing' $ IPP*rdton. Ws are now in Tag Lille Or ITANOELtNg (esti 9.m Slick) that charmed land which ie I formerly ran the Toronto Arlserai•.r, is or now ronnin • (cissa in Chien*, ) the hit b der - party Roche quietly sailed Ed into his private meted .evened 7 e can Deter, who was well upper beard, Wm. Pierce gave • thrill. raw, Evangeline spots eoaotry acting u rt e g acooant of their threshing tour, and ' line was about 100 inted out as thedsfrom the gave the boys some lively stons o! Dun- i old church alluded to by tLongfellow he site of t in h p, and the kind's... of its jovial en-, which the Acadian. were oolieetd in inner to then; ooatrade when he met I. 8e every reader of L.ngfslloe's patbct stoay :est maw a Dakota scene on the hat dont:dins, or tooften Nen in inimitable imagination of Oeo. Borroaahs, jr., when 27 and wished to see is reality. The tuia were doi•g hie fall ploughing, was stopped here about 20 minutes by detachment of them under the "Reseed request," and the entire n of his colleague, Jos Thompson, started out ma an exploring expedition up five acres of land. When the the d seas the bouotsoue the $ ltd i Catarrh Waitress advertisements for Dr. &g.b W evenRemedy •n the tbou.sde it Auction gals of thoroughbred and high Enid* Took, .•nwtingg of 'sen sow. and heifers, on the farm of John Waale- ingtoa, Inst 116, cm. 3, West Wawaoosh, by Charles Hamilton auctioneer, con - mooting mooting at 1 o'clock p, a„ on Tuesday. the &k of November, 1I . See posters for farther twttoahts, i ild. Devine, • "journalist," who running • Socialist the Feanoie Troia and trial to run the sky big latter's meat visit, bot Mayor of111ee and gave him • little fatherly 'd- i; vies that the bashful Edward will trot 1a apt to forget for some titres. Devine, whose actions do not always gorre*pood to bis name, is known ie some e[ our readers in this section. address Mai •see.satsl competitor 1 1a11 with shall be published. The •or.pstitbxn bete wit will elms as the 16th of January, 1888, I union. sad the result will be annt.ngeed as soon thereafter as posaibla Thom desiring The P any further infor ati.,w ears nerve it stall siz addressing the (:toady.,. Fireside Weekly Na 9 Adelaide street wuet, To- nonto. Hi Rrrreirs T **ga- The drawing for the 8!0 stove, in annnsetior with the recent ben, was held Friday eni- ng lam ender thee matiaganent of Memos Oasephe 1, Neftel are Y*Gillivra end the ecoss.sINI drawer wee Mrs Robert Orr, of (iodsrieh. Mr Loki, eesreRer ef tile ban, detainee tonere i• einem. thanks 1n the tows bad, Prof. Poet, Mie Aleirtmiarsr Mrs Tome, M 0. Be Cher. W. Hrinp, esti all ethers who kindly embed n the mesh& mese- tats.assse held dories the esatinumes the runaway ; also his great dsp =tubr, 1,56, to los informed that A the Irishman were to be expatriated A order of oo commercial the British Government l hands _ .___, were at vena busy in plucking handfuls of yellow *.twers and tilling nab tory of Bloomington has a with rucks u mementosof r pockets ed eephant on its hands. There The 6•Ids were cove Ile. volt r a church .t Wary, this seventy, errs- *ower, reaombli rod a yellow posed entirety vel women. Th • dandeluort, bat the money to build a neat little chapel with them beforepgto sow°use sad dedicated it penileally free froom they were Jack in th*-box .yam what tele. Bet there were nit .ale memberi, the t"laal to 10 holdIl. nils••, .ed so c•e•etos ; be war •vid.etly a bot•n- h.wo been ehneert. A vet seta.. stet, 104 hie other soonmppluhaeats, gently appointed •o.mitMs re- I end had loss elassi8.d to th«r satin now . ndoevoring complete the y ` a' Ii"a is no time. Of sours, no unities by sleeting .Hera The Cyan at lesss appears to he whetlew they s. + A 'furrow b. arra hustle `ey me the "polity" q some mals members or will l>o y" had to . Pn edj.rleat' o rp have to desrepril all morns• and Into s, position ander en •dj•ewt ioto- asdaet pew- .vel willows, to sllr,w the amateur p h hotly. Iles wits.a tab the ' telpher to vet hi. . plass, they her. en aMsimut ark to cit them, the -Mt. Limas Rapubliu.., b ' ,.1 esa•.tttatur is this instance b«• a sen p+v'eideet Hayes The lead along • Trial y ewe- That t Americanj7 hero , the pee*,reod a unanimous favor of Dr. Puree's p err gat V ve Pellets, the standard ~vet foe hews! and etotnaeh disorders, remedy fix bows 1 headache, d omits., ' merit e*e.y shad .I ieh liver. •tiwttpetiaw and n.., on t5. su frit. at Ai.. e, p Arae.. Mammal. tet wire of James 7'veA.w,dats of a roe. O 8 r4t Rsak -Qr tet eith 1 tor ukelyti K1st mi r at tet wew e f (tiffs Rash..reilleeda ask. et1/rJ mss p « , es'15si "Atilt 111 G.a . q rel. Trio. Ile D ltd ei` kr hk et.'r W iA- wan, w 10 14. +r , cost ne3* . Whew. nes YNIwp ter of James t. eaian atr a w pore. Wet. wenn. 4srltr, Dees was.6tvnw►s whoa. t crew Wheat, (nit *largo was:. *prugiuI Drina 1... • lit t Flo nsdsedi a .see IP ' earwig s i ) per. 1sr.eltarsal.. .. .. . •heel rhi7, sh •. • 1hoswM..:; Nonny • • . ark eM TIRE Would eerie or oar KLT& YI New But wtu open out a t OPPOSITE TOE C Oa TU =DA where be will be pprenppsa eye with Frosts Matta Quality. Prompt neaten wi Dedertoh. Nov. lord.