HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-11-11, Page 22 JUDG2O'Oe)NI4OR D*AD. -- amine= Ikea es saes Cossey nem taem- orena.ge as getim rue TM* Rea Was- - Chlobibba, Nov. t --The Boa. Me Juntas O'Connor, who was bolding the swim hese, died today est •boat ass wide* p.m. at the Arlisgtos flume. Hie Lordship opesed the court on Rom- ig although feeliag very poorly mase Ye illness •t Corneal, and on Teeeda1 ike held court all day, being apparently i. Rood spirita and (..hog muck better, kat during that night be was seized with hemorrhage el the stomach and lost Lined very copiously. On Wednesday morning he was very weak, sod Dr. Water,, oho was attending his, felt great uneasiness about bin. Judge Benson, at the request of Judge Gem - mar, took the court yesterday and today. Jed& O'Cuonor continued to weaken until shoot 11 a.m. today, when be tell into • state of collapse from which be did ot rail). Mrs O Cooncr was with TOE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, NOV. 11, 1887. T'H>t1101116011110 WIIDDISC. . ..a•. •n •'w"b". DR. T. STERRY HUNT• 1 Them see ma Wilke iw this Me. Te m As .we.s.a fetewg-TM ttsessem I gIN stew emphasis this ba." trt.1 to h Rectent VisitLo IIngIand. se Ss the roar Swale aata••••••••••• Da A Paris cablegram gives the follow- ing .dditiuoal particular. of the gent wedding .f Ike week to that •ity : The wattles(( at to Jewish Synamente d Mlle. Aline de Rothschild with MSwam. Al- bert idw•rd Swam off at 1 u'clu.:k today with great edit. Mlle. de Rotba.bild is a brunette, very tall and goely built, with a thoro.gbbrsd pain• lo ciao pregame.. She wore • s` .hate Astra dress, with flounces of Eneltak lace is the form et an specie trimmed with usage blossoms. Her corsage was *Weight eel, with four rows d urangw blossom. arranged like the t:atding of a hussar jacket. Her headdress was a sil- ver Roman diadem, partly av ►r d be- Neath her luny tulle veil Teo paces behind to bride walked so the YeesM'a (oa.p.aioa brings forward -- — the very impressive toot that the urchin I Taw I:e•earte.t fm.esem Meow sea am Moose. of all to people ot this country ,a 5 The e ins w re• is ea average d almost eaactly bite emote rem r.s! aves. y • Jay. This atm winds. the prollta d the rich and the wises of the poor. It ✓ epresents mot only the value of what is eoaoommed, but the camalatton if wealth --what is left over each day as • fend to be drawn upon afterward.amom( we ounsider this fact we omom(alp tbinkiee d the impurt•c o• of one cast It is a. •pptecuble part of an me of e person fur one day. And if be alau c,Isidered that • very large majority of the people rase.ve less than the average, the pr..porttoo which use Baroness Gustave de Rothschild in pe I co..' bean to the daily income is incepts - leo( ►,.fereele, opening un an undo/dress of rose coral pelur/.e, embroidered is sot. Keary dead gold, with hood to match. Probably, however, most who, dip into re Tben came the Baroness Nathaniel de statistics at all amuch more profound - Rothschild, In pansy colored plush evly impressed by the fact that the gloss panels of pals mauve, trimmed with Bsrooem Alphonse, i. p ayiek annul o moo of all the people M fee gold ; to her heebaad, having come down last I his. moire antique, with as apron of t1WNaus.l mitfwN duilars, although prac- evening, Drs. Akin. and Riodm heros, I electric blue, covered with oriental ate neatly the first named fact is tar the of Toronto, who were here as witnesses tees wedde in dark blue velvet.in• tnThe more important, The mind levee W rincess rssu red oa s trials were also in attendance today Baling fonrre•u Aeppesrse. of velvet sadght dwell zea great things rather than on little drops ot Oster and little grains 0f tan the late jades, ('Che deceased was bore el Bastes, Mena , in January, 1111116, itie dears and mother having emigrated to America from Kerry, Ireland, the year previous, pad settled in Boston. Four years later kis parents removed to Exeter, where be =ace ved hie education. In 1849 Le mar- ried Mica Mary Barrett, eldest daughter of Richard B.rrett,of Killarr.y,Ireland. five years later he was called to the bee, and was also • member of the bar of the state of Michigan. His legal attain- ments moon forced him into • prominent Position at the bar of Upper Canada. R. was reeve of Windsor about this VOW end subsequently warden of Lime j>,uiety, • position which he occupied for Vine years, having been twice unani- mously elected by the county council. He first ran for parliamentary honours i� 1161 in 1861 in Emex,but was defeat - •I by Mr Arthur Rankin, whom, how - later, he succeeded in unseating in 1863. O i the new election he wee returned. The general election comes,. on that year Yr )►'Connor was again elected, but his former opponent turned she tables on Lis this time and gained the meat, (rem which he was once more ousted by Mt O'Connor in 1867, who represented that • ,Pstitueney until 1882. In 1870 he ad- dressed m series cof letters to the Gover- nor General on the subje^-t on Fenian - gain. The late judge was president of the Council in Sir John Macdonald's Administration during the latter part of V172 and earlier months of the following year, when he resigned to accept a port- tetio as Minister of Inlaod Revenue, which he relinquished the same year to Ism:erne Postmeatcr-GeneraI, bolding the office until the resignation of the O t-ernment in 1873. In that same year he was created a Q. C. The sp- pointwent of the late M,;'bew Crooks Cameron as Chief Justice creatine a va- otney, Mr O'Connor was elevated to tee bench, Isis commission as Judge of t'. Queen's Bench of the High Court of Static* for Ontario dating from Sept. lith, 1884. Costr.ry to the wiriest of faith ubvsir;:ne he darted out on his •a• t tin circuit a couple of weeks ago, his h ealth having previously displayed un• favorable symptoms, but his death was wholly uniooked fur. His sudden tak- gag off has created • widespread fettling of regret among the members of the legal ptoteeeium,•bl whom he was univer- sally respected u A geh:hithai! Ind a jstdge. tan lived at No. 85 Gerrard street east. An Ottawa despatch in the papers today statesthat Mr O'Connor Berlin, and afterwards at Frankfort. She •Plied for the pnsitius of teacher commenced an action against the DieCologne and Vienna- She first a - in • district school, and her acoeptaase m' Government, claiming • large ed before • London audience in May. depended upon the decision of one moo, sum of matey i..r charge. in preparing 1847, as Alias in "Robert le Diable.d" who evid..ntly thought she was too dein- Meese tt Mrs. The tree el to collar is geversed by the rsquireemeta of each style of baro.. Cesium bus meek to do with regulating tams styles, though toss have been in- Ine sed by men interested in impruviog to bores. lea dearest trey it may be said that the trotting horse, to cider to giv full action to his *boulders, works best to a breast bullar when ant easiegle, as the Daly strain put upon the shoulders le te. draft • But if driven double, ib• pt.le and yoke must be supported, and the bearing dose upon the neck requir- e s more support and • better distribution I of to strain than can be given by the breast collar, so • light round Dollar is • branch of beainem that requires much skill. The collar must fit snugly and yet not bind at any point. It was Wog Fres tae lre.ireal mar. "Yes," and De T. Worry Hast, F. R. S. when teen by • Aar rspeeM.t•tive yestvrdsy, '•1 hate jest returned trues a three mouths' trip to lerope." "Did you go fur say special purpose r' "No, sot *sully, b..t at the same time I had • ample of ai.peiatttte.te ria the other side. 1 wee one of the some seiesi.rn for the prosotioa ot the Immo e steem! Geological Coolers', which will be held in London, io August .eat, see w hich will be the fourth .n• of the kind bold within the last tea Team Thi* meeting of the oummittee was to be held in L edun,aod as t wished u, atter). the meeting of the Briiisb As.uciation, I thought it • good chance to take tb.m both in at the same lima" "Haw was the meeting of the assucia tion atteeded r' "Better than ever before. There were some 3,800 well known acieetista gath- ered from all over the wurld, and the oeread were of great importance.' "Did you read "Yes, I read one on Ek meats cf Primary Geology, one on Gs stalai on Italian Geology and the Crystalline Rocks, one on Integral Weights in Chemistry, and another Doe, the work of myself and Mr Dualities, on the Basu- n earthquake of the 3rd of May lest" "What is your opinion ut the political situalkn in Euglaud !" dames that clung to her fair furor like a glove. At the mome.it when the grand rabbi pronounced the lest word 01 Isis address a group of eight young ladies dashed forth tato the middle of the • nagogue like • squadron of cavalry, all dressed alike in faille rose. Each won • dia- mond brooch with the five arrows of the maiaoo do Rothschild, with pearl and opal doses bearing an olivs branch in their u baths—a present from the bride. Besides these young ladies Mere were fifteen ladies of honor, all with the same coiffure, namely : A delicious little mouse gray felt hat, trimmed with large peek ribbons and feathers. At the moment when the modem of eight young ladies collected in the cen- tre of the synagogue a large crystal vase was dashed upon the stone floor and scattered into • thousand fragments by the grand rabbi, as indicattre of the fragility of all things human. sand make the mighty ocean and the beauteous land ; but that fact does nut generally maks a very deep impression. The truth nevertheless is of pram im- portance ; stud nowhere does it hold mor• inexorably than in family lite. It is the aft -recurring "trifling expenses" that consume lb. income. Itis the neg- ligence of the "ioeignifaot" attentions, which love or politeness should prompt that makes heart. ache. It is the utter- ance of pretty jealousies or complaints that drives love from the fireside. Take any department of domestic economy, and see how much the"trigs•" count for. The brightness and good eb.er of the parlor depend on the little contrivance. of the thnfty housewife. The hsepiWity, health sod savory at- tractit engem of the diniog table depend on her skill in the tedious detail. of cul- inary laws. Whatever literary 'charm blesses your family is the result of • few books end a few magazines. How important, then, to Beed the ex- hortttton : Be careful about little things. lake aro of the pennies. Choose your words, and otter ne idle or thoughtless ones. Watch the papers and pictures that are handed to your children. Notice your attitude toward Taw *we4W *1g\11a,sa. Jenny Lind, whose death was a' noun• ed reoebtly was the daughter of a teacher of languages in Stockholm, in which city she was born on October 21, 1821. At three years of age she oou:d sing correctly any piece she had once heard, and at nine she was placed, by the advice of Madame Lundburg, a cele- brated actress at Stockholm, under Crueline a famoaa teacher of muni., Re save: mesas Alla~ T No "hardly ever" about it. Ho ►t+ an attack of what people call "halloos - saes, sand t, .mile was impossible. Yet a mac may •'sw,ile sad .aite, end , bs & valvate mill, Kill he was me /tltaie, bet • plain, blunt, lowest mesa, that aoeeded a remedy such as Dr Pewees "l,twmat Purgative Pellets," wkicb sever fail' to cure testeusaw said diseased or teepsi liver, dyspepsia and sacker eosatlW tins. Of druggists Count Pucke, manager of the Court the Bible, toward your minister, toward Threatre, felt disinclined to act on 1 the family altar, and be assured that it is Croelius's recummeodatieu of his youth- the little actions thoughtlessly said and ful pupil, on account of her want of per- done that are forming your child's mural conal attractions ; but after hearing her aing, he caused her name at once to bei and religious character. Verily, then entered at the Musical academy, where ars no trifles in iomestic Me- sh. made rapid progress, She acted re- peateily in children's parts on the More taemartabte *4511. Stockholm stage until her twelfth year, Found at last, what the true public when her upper notes loot their sweet- has bora looking for these many years nese For four years she studied music and that is • medicine which although "Yost usual remember that I am not • politician, but as an observer I would say that the British are cot been stirred up fur ages as they hue been by this Iris► question. A grest deal of feeling is dis- played in both sides, almost as gnat, 1 should say, as then was displayed bm- tween the North and South just before the war. Of the two parties, the Tories and their allies, the Liberal -Unionists are the more violent. The Home Rul- era, I found, are disposed to reason and eerie the matter, but the Tortes do nothing but denounce and fly immediate- ly in a sage whenever the subject of home rale is bruacbed. It may have bees accidental, bat I ase found that the most prominent and highly educat- ed people wham I ave met are either supporters of Gladstone isoliaed to wards home ruse." "Hare you seen stating of the de- monstrations by thew called unemploy- ed "Y N (these limit every day and I have mute to the eewrlllies that the majority of them were mega vaga- bonds, thieves and professional bug•rs, people who had sprung from gesuratione N ursed by generation of poverty and led by agitator. and demagogue to fur- ther their owu political plana. Of enures there are some honest poor •momgst them, but their *umber is very . all. A firm stand taken by the police will be sufficient to step them. As a matter of fact there is no city is the world where the people do more to alleviate the sufferings of the worthy poor than in London. Walter Bean' and other well-known people are continually laboring in that field, and • bomber of young gentlemen theoretically, until on one occasion, but lately introduced, has made aur spend • couple of hours each day in when the fourth act of Meyerbeer's itself • reputation !mond to none, the work of this kind. Besides the par - "Robert le Diable" was to be performed i medicine n Johnson's Tonic Bitten chasing power of money in Eogiand was at • gran3 concert, and the humble part which in conj)uoetloa with Johnsona corer greater than it is now." of Aliee was declined by the female Tonic Liver Pi!ls has performed some Dr Hunt kayos on Monday tor New York, SOOTM1111, cLEAMSINI, NEAUNIe Sac.. 0111 blest IAY Fid. WW1 Oremwdelliwo Semi pumps, aroued that • soft cushion was wanted, EASY TO uu. la* lied d that the galls on the horses were dile am e:oe%en expesesadma ea to the bad character of the collars. Thistent` eslt*ika�a A7t1'eaa theory seems to have been abandoned by Isrgroomp OI., areelltfilN. owe. the moat intelligent horsemen, whc now --e demand • Dollar that is .lid, stnoeth and firm and ins that 61s the neck, and in order to maintain the latter quality the haulm are fitted to the collar in.t.ed of being allowed to draw the culler oat of shape, as thty will if net OW to Modern harness makers dila *lost there is so fixed rule that le s+alied uo for abs tusking of • ;ell 1ttl•g.liar, ,wing to lira difference and size of hor:• es' necks. Anacleto in harness making says that the best result can be gained by taking a measurement of the horse's neck, as follows : Res) the short atm of • carpenter's square upon the Mane's meek when the Dollar rosea, and allow- ing the lower end to rest upon the bear- ing line of the shoulder, and indicating the length by the long arm of the square. In addition to this the eons, masker should know the chmaadur of are week, whether full or Liabra-- eats. Fur weight of the collar give the eireum- fetcocs of the body at the shoulder. roadie's of the city, Berg, the director of the Academy applied to Jenny Lind. Her performances showed that every noes of her register had recovered its power sod purity, and she was greeted with enthe:awm. Her next sseeee. was in the part of Agatha, in "Freich.tz," and for • year and a half she continued the .tar of the opera at $teckbolm. Having by • eeries of concerto in the principal town. of Norway and Sweden, obtained the means of going to Paris, .he studied, not without some prevents discouragement gluier Qaacle. A after her arrival in Parts .he sae intro duced to Meeetbee!, who was anxious to env-,om her for Berlin, but .he pre - :erred returning to her native city, where she enjoyed a great triumph on her re- appear•nce,in 1844. She went to Dresden in 1845 sang at the frees on the Rhiae during the Queen of England's visit to moat wonderful curse impure or im- poverished blood moon becomes purified and enriched. Billiouaoees, indigestion, sick headache, liver complaint, languor, weakness, etc , soon disappear when treated by these excellent tonic medi- cines. For Sale by Good, druggist, A1 - bion (.luck, Godericb, sole agent. (d] A women .r Taal- -- The aal. The eccentricities of the oouotry mho(); "committeeman" are any, and have naevi. been fainted to glowing colon. Th. following incident occurred in Con- necticut. and may be added to those al- ready known : A rich young woman, tired of the Jo - nothing life of • luxurious home, met winter decide] to teach school, both for the pleasure of dcing sometbing and of earning some money ot her owe. the case for the Dominion Government followed kf • triumphs in the "Somnambula," "La against Ontario in the celebrated bound- Piqua del Ret>gimento," "Poritani," etc. try dispute One incident in the hfe of She sang in 1848 for the first them in ea the deceased judge is well wotth pub oratcric, "Elijah," which was given at lishint, as showing his resolute nature : Exeter Hall for the porpes• of (osodisg musical .cholarshipa In honor of When about 20 years of axe, while chop- Mendelsohn. She visited New York ping in the words on hie father's farm, in 1850, under ties supine. of Mr. ma a odd winter's day, after • heavy Harnham, and was enthusiastically re - w More. • tree fell on him, pinning (soived, but dissolved the engagement of his legs to the earth. His cries pr.maturely in 1851, and was married to T. the his bleed throe* house J amietance bringing him no relief, he the and with ons blow severed maimed limb. Then taking nut ndkerthief he bandaged op the • stump and dragged himself the eolJ and snow to his father's \ A llawum ranee. People who an exposed.too the sudden ehangm of ur northern climate have little chance escaping colds, coughs, sore throat en lone trouble. The beet safe guard is to\ eep Hanard's Pectoral Balsam at haat. o it is a quick relief and reliable ears for h complaints. 2 Old gentlemen mg • fewques- tion. --Now, boys— —can you tell ase what eomtaandment dam bink• when be took the fad: fruit! Retell molar (like • shot) ' , air, th' I 'ere.% no eommandusewes , sir 1 Pmf Low's lfdagic gulp r Soap, - Mealier, sootbine and cleans g ter all emotive diesa u of the .kin. Delight - fed for toilet use. �lm ARawaus-(M one demes "T SIM *T' to any see •endin; the best fou lin- M "T$A.R•T, the remark e for the Teel h and Bat:•, A Meer 11NwM or addrmu Otto Goldachmidt, • skillful pianist and conductor, and retired from the stage. She reappeared in 1855, in 1861. n 1863 and in 1864 for a limited period She has shown • generous dispesities, and has been instrumental in adding many thousands of pound. to the chari- table institutions of every country which she has visited. ty for the place. This committeeman said to her aflse mach silent deliberation "I know you've got book -laming and all that ; bet ave you got int i Be you spunky i" "I be," replied the applicant, with floe tact, sad .he got the position. Renrr Tried K." What ! Never tried Johneton's Took Bitters ! Then do so at ones, it's posi- tively the beet general tonic on the market. I've often heard of et but thneght that it was to be placed on the list of the many trashy preparation's that flood oar market, but sines you r•eommetad it mo highly 1'11 give it • trial. 1)o so it's Rood for any complaint in which a tonic andurn be take. by man isof benefit. en an Kis.teaser. woman, or child. 50e. and 11 per bot le. at Go ode's Drug store, Almon block, Goderich,sole agent. e "Ilan." said • costes/tor to one of his trusted employes, "when you aro down seeing about that lime this morning, 1 wish you would mention to Dempsey that i would like to have that little bill med. Yeu needn't press it. you know, tot just emetics it to him in an off hand manner." ''Yes, sore" "1 got the money frons Dempsey, sore," said Dan nn his return. "tem very glad : you merely alluded to It in an offhand way, i suppose r' "Yes, son ; I handed him 1be bill and Weld him if he didn't pay it 1 would let off me hand and give him • wipe in the What is • cold in the bead 1 Medical authorities my itis dee to atmospheres germ., uneven akotliieg of the body, rapid cooling when in perspiration. &a. The important point iia, that a a,ld in the head is a genuine rhiaifia, an inflam- nietios of the lining wt•mbrane of the sane., which, whoa unchecked, ie eertain to prndeee a catarrhal 'meditate—for eatarrh is eseentialle a "said" whit* nature is so longer able to "remake" or throw off. Ely's Cream Balm hes prov- ed i1s superiority, and sufferers hem sold in the head should resort te it be- fore that e1011•s0 ailment becomes rest- ed sad ewtb r shears•lis sdaert jaw that he wouldn't ferret for • whits, MoweAads esu Itis ice t. ser at wallet "—Sc ti little ewe t��maaespa� at this dee wv� Oar re :11 tad .rtlm Yar lmmaem► gm trot fl.1 grYm. and he pard it Osiris,. Let "Wtae- Mose. Dr. A. M. Du Bob prints in his "Fruit Uro,"rrs' Jounwl' • timely (pro- test against the too common practice of borticultoaal maybt. and societies to bring petmaoewtly forward some variety of grape on accosot of its "wine making properties." The meat impersll•e pro- blem of social life relates to suppression A FEW Pointers If Toa Waat a DINNER SETT, Look at NAIRN'S Stock If oa Wont -a BEDROOM SETT, NAIRN has them at all prices If To Waat a TEA SETT, NAIRN has a full assortment if Toa Wool AoytItiK to SHIN/, NAIRN has the finest display If Toa Wad Aftytbiat to CLASS, Try NAIRN'S before purchaa,- ing elsewhere. For Pare. Unadulterated FRESH GROCERIES! CHAS A. of the drink evil ;to suggest reetbods by which it may be indefinitely continued is therefore radically wrong : "It will no forger answer to assert that the free nee of wine has a tendency to lessen the use of the stronger alcoholic drinks. That argument has long .ions relegated to the 'tomb of all the Copi- lots,' statistics showing that France, from whose experience in the use of wine the argon -eat hes been drawn, is among the moat drunken of nations. The argument, aside from statistios, is both unphilosophic and unocientiic. Tbo drink habit has its beginnings in small things, and is acquired. The appetite is never spontaneous ; and if it appears to be so in an individual aOt se. 11 NAIRN -HAS THEM -- EVERYTHING WARRANTED. YOUR TRADE SOLICITED Gellert h. Apra IItk. tat7. HEAT HEAT SAUNDERS dz BON Are prepared to mama estimates fuse beaks PRIVATE H01.13118 DR. PARKER'S HOME LIMB. then it is certain the seeds were .ono in A hs -.meets or the mistingelabed Lee- be no effect without an adequate canes, I SIUITARI PLUIBIB and in the anstumical conformation zed on PUBLIC BUILDINGS west Air or Hot Water satyr Ube Able Uelpmeet. • former kaner.tiu55. There is and can MAO Dr. Parker is one of the most delight- physiological development of the animal I Sole Asate for THESE. it C. GURNEY fol men, with all • gifted man's power to fanctioo. nu provision has been mads �t0Y68, Ranges and r LL11iptYA for the existence of a taste for alcoholic 1 UO RaL drinks, iodependent of the habit of the a. entertain end interest one, and as • hos- tess Mn. Parker is the typical Ergluh• woman of the refined, delicate clam, wbo never seem so charming as when dispens- ing a gracious hospitality in their own individual or his progenitors, at least no i PALL ARO RIM Ptlatt' scientist and so investigator hes yet ' me Ch been able to find such a provision. If it bocce.. bin Parker ice as accompluhei should be admitted that the lesser Mime- u as she a intellectual and has one of the lent may supplant the use of a greater, cape t EMU NDER THE SUN. the argument would .till be against wine West -.t., next door to the Post Offish, re prettiest, wellcultivated sop on voice.B Godertch. Jany IL tiae one would wish to listen to in • drawing and in favor of lager beer, u the latter room. Fhe bas been well t•oght,having Oo.taiaa only about bolt as much alcohol studied with R•ndegger for some time, as the farmer, sot the temperance wine and not only entertains her guests with advocates are logically compelled, and delightful ballad music after dinner, bet hes for some time held the position of leading singer in the choir of her btm- band'. church. In manner she u en- gaging, frank and cordial, with • pleas- ant smile frequently lighting up her face. She is tall, robust, but not stout, with lightish brown hair, that eh. wean ou l• ed in many braids about a shapely head for temperance reason., to advocate beer as a temperance drink to pre. vent the use of wine, whiskey, brandy, eat" While favoring the culture of table grapes as among the most luscious and wholesome of fruits, we heartily second this objection by Dr. Du Buis to the i11 - considered effort of persons of ioduesee that is set very well on her shoulders. an evieltatal circlesto giro impetus to an aril that shadows oar land with ear- ner eyes are blue, and very whits, even row and foreboding. teeth disclose themselves beck of the somewhat large bet strongly characteris- tic mouth. Dr. Parker is in appearance almost the opposite of his wife. He is not tall, and yet reaches above the tall Crum of Mrs Parker, and his frame is broad and compactly built. and has • sturdiness that makes him resemble an E nglish eos.try squire who has spent much of his time with the hounds end other outdoor sports. Hie head is large and round, and covered with thick, cart- ing, bushy, iron -gray hair. Deep set eyes look al one very straight and searching from under heavy eyebrows, and give one the impresaion that it would be very defle•It te deceive the owner of j them. I fumy, however, few would care' to attempt it, for i cannot imagine Dr 1 Parker for nee moment Worsting an met that was ignoble. And yet he is a soave with • mind eo breed, views so ad - yanked, and sympathies and heart en warm that he would be slow to •oademm tie meet hardened culprit. He is, above all things, • sten with all the Ment man- I ly, ge.wroes eater* that mheekt inevapK the week et every elergyaata sesame. Imp as tar.amewta. A well-known belle of New Orleans has • passion for Brazilian bogs, white are supposed to live on air. She wears them in her hair and about bar dregs, not only in private but in public. Somee times, when in • hurry to get home, she will patronize the dmmocratic street ear, whir is the observed of all the paaeagera on unmet of the begs crawling over bee garments. These bugs do not roam at will ; they can to a certain distance and no farther, for they aro held by • fine gold chain which is pinned to the her drew. Some years ago this was a pope - ler freak of fashion, and then is a pnemi- bility, it is threatened, of its beide re- vived. iavived. A ...•loos t.M.. Few men have areomplished tib retie amount of work and good in this world as the celebrate) Dr Chase. Oyer 540,000 of his works have been gelid i• Cas•da alone. We wast every Armes troubled with Liver Complaint, Dys- pepsia , Heedeehe, Kidney or Utley Troubles, to bus • bottle cf Dr Obsess Lie Care, it will ewe you. Medicine sad Rendes Book 31. Bold by all dru0gids. DR.HODDER S BURDOCK ,URES Liver plaints 1:, dlleners �PA 1,.ps R/IleB Pure �F ft COMPOUND vO kin iodide. When )loll, T.-aey, they li toque poverty it out s bad tl seems fur abls jolly. It is a arty as that is They ars all sl teals true, ale a`redum. Tt poverty is the to Hake profit being well to- t:1e region of ret IOU 'brue of these—meal Irving Tree apparently ev fel career. 1! devoted to tl then gird inen l enthu.iaem a "rpm the w, was determine pueaiole. 11. was e yo -:ug man Greenville, • three years be that time he 1 considerable pleasant way ular, and tie very cardial laughed a tilt ways and ma Every 0555 when he man was at popula She did n had borne the visit her old She wasuo mosey, wbicl and educate 1 her boarding uatstd , teed She was very cote, undecid might poesib into real tea teary, diaspl great favori and at lout though Juh much better had not hear and money. Irving lou hearted, et prssutaIt for him "th' could no no time cooter criticized should lore own asit h1m she e1 wthit:gly b . arty, did o. -"I'm air a few year bars you, ] I want," u sot.. In fact, e a& with ease so lift older peel tried the e and sham pity and • Irving 1 tags, pat' Winds, an to fursiab mosey, t, little hoe %be g lolly lin nee she 1 turkey ti into Jed .pay • ought to The mac it wee 54 cheese,) ly and s like the hes at Molly r pees, in leer of bnueele Greene the old. ea well easy, s TtesM we old Motet She 111 for oh ly's h pantr, ane ate Weep ONO THE GREAT REGULATOR et us at.m.A. Ia.. newels end Mtua tra.ws bailee a to ettpme. sn . ,asa. tuwtaetws, and falais till tam tlger.m. Italia Tata roteowrwe : "Mir yeaneyeet1 hare sdMred heel hF mrd i was recommended a De '. Uaa!•swA. 1 did so sad Asad .N a s L b, Gal emJ. CURTIS, T•.'.• everywhere. Pelee. Sr. K IIA1a1'1 CAN gas LIN eUM Meyer rasa nerasteed. Pelee. Me. a zea 211147 TI[s UNION �t ietemR Wiatate. 0.1. Farman' Allelliou! Her sa...t bit r.+.aarelheara the Ineereek Pa. "'pared 't Preom litajiry 1M�iwne at the is ht . ONw�f r•e Ptw.lst nbeeld be mimosa ntity et May edurrnialst the let of Aug i. BALD HAY Lanais 55.? M **we. Ii: l cls' t it4. ` tia �`I APPLE DEALERS: i make APPI.E RARRKLN A SP111rIALTY. I[T tomtits*, for see/Aria' dealers aadlbs pablle geesr•ldr are naee w•rled la Ake Cain1/. Stomas eae.etty. teem nermta Daily *wpm leaciteityl. std k beefs. Wye wee • Cap. fketersNs•m thatil ees•a CHAS. BATES Chap ase Realassia=1,V11111141. July 115.1.