The Huron Signal, 1887-11-11, Page 1m# i - NY' ! OEvaTE° OUNTY EWS WHOLZ NUI1RYR flat!-$ f GODERI08. ONT., FRIDAY, NOV. 11, 18151. INTELLIGEN f D. bka1LLICCDDY. hat.ewmu. 01S11 A IMAR Ix ADYAhe& uron Signal WHAT'S UP? /he home-stestch to half • century old. le rCSLtenen j Things That Are Ha;pening Around Us. Evill!`' FRIDAY IIORNING,1 __ utt AT Toris 1:: Wiese h tae Ierattes sr the rasaslee NORTH-sTRY1tT.00D nIcif. I Mouse mebet- £u p1u1NasUse Prat Urs %. tfew• mess its. __ _ $ 11M.wake teal nerrspape:. deemed 'Meer Jennings -Nolan wr,1 Rp�#psrs aid the dlssetaleatias of ties- I t'a.spbdl Carrie. rat O Mir. RATE* Ot *II mN't11'Tte\ t 111.5* a year 75c. for dr months: tk. for three month.. If tke subscription is not paid fa adraare, sobs3rupttoa and IN ckarged at ate rate of $Le* a year. ADS L:w1t . MMATTA Legal and wiser casual ad verttorrtments, 14. I per line fur first laa"rtfon. ural 3 ernes per Attefur ra.•h ntwegeest lasertiun. Measured by a oonpareU scale. Lucid notices la nonpa:61 typt. 5.- per line. Local amines la ordinary reading type le per word. Bodeen card, of six lines and under $3 per • • Adrertlaemeate of Lost. Found. Strayed Situations Vacant. ai:fustian Wanted and Huainan. Chances Wanted. not exceeding b iia.. •onpariel pl per month. flotsam on .Aide and Farms on Sale. not to exceed • Haea, tl for drat month. sun per sub- tttpaent month. Larger *Arts in proportion. £a, epeeist metier. the object of which is to 'Nannie the pecualary benefit of any lndl- V al or company, to br considered an ed vet -Lae -mem and charred accordingly. These terms will in ,1i cases be s r1ctly ad- hered to. Special ra'e. for Iargrr adrertlsereents, or advertisements for extended periods made known at the omoe of publication. 401111111111 DEPARTMENT. A fatly 'snipped Jobbing °Mee is ea is ewnectloa with the ordinary newspaper bttsiaees. a here ant -class work Is turned oat at reasonable rates. Yrerrtbiag In the print- ing 11ae ata b. dose es the premises from an 111asalssced pester tea violaar card. All communications must be addressed to R. lreGALLN7 OOT. )editor of TUC Rmox•L Oodarich Oat. 'lies HaMisesad elution eoetrst takes place to-ewitg ow. The light during the • t wait low hose red hot with odds • AMU in favor of Colter, from whom the oosstitasecy was stolen Ise *Febn.ry. - Pttaa•r• one of the peculiar phases of - aaadiau politics is to see postmaster H. A. L. Whyte, of 8t. Marys, on the political stump in H.ldimand in the is• tenet of Dr Montague. Whyte is not south of an orator and knows mighty little about politic, but that doesn't lessen the isdeoeaey of his action in this Call. Now that - the protest has been with- drawn against Robert Porter, M.P. fcr Waist Huron, we want to see the new post office and gusto= house rear its taajestio presses in oar midst. Ws have had enough talking about the j. matter, and now lot us bate a stately edifies of more durable aerial roared skyward Mratetr•L matters are beginning to boom. We understood R. Radcliff., the leeal agent of the C. P. R. in Gaerich, is in the field as • modulate for the mayoralty. Mr Redolitfe apt within close range of election last year, and, we are informed. is stronger today in the hearts of his townsmen than ever be - ton. Mayor Seeger, we understand, will also seek no -elegies. JoIIIN M•CDONALD, of 1lalosm. the i well-known dry goods mershest has boss Balled to the Seams. Jona Mac- donald is a staunch Reformer, and his selection by the Tory Grownup's! is a • apertere from its usual lie* But we mutts that 8..atoe Jobe ![ales id, of Toronto, will eat a sate impelitq tigers thou John Maedossid, the mer- shaal prism of that city. - There seems to be • grand scramble abut the location fur the prospective waterworks, sad up 10 the time of wntiug I duet think the council hes de. ended upon a site. Some, I've been told, fart r the Seymour property, others want the Hawley lot, others are autisus to buy a elle from George Parsons, others want to block up tine of the streets near the duck, and others want—well, yes they want the Earth, upon which to erect the pumping house. My own opinion is that the prevent council had better leave the matter over until • more progres- sive board takes hold of municipal matters after the nett Mitlecipal elec- tion. lsc- ri —I ase h old awl hob reepialafi oo-laborsr in the public interest, Thome Kydd, has boon leuiag daylight in upon the railway question, and I observe from the able epistle to the Geutiles,'which he published last week, that our town teemed doesn't deserve all the praise for ib. — agiati.s _WA arnisiPaik, or, le feat. any praise at all. Now. I don't belong to the railway committee, and therefore no charge of egotism eau be laid against me when I my that the wit -At credit of initiating. the railway agitation and of furnishing important in- formation to the C. P. It. authorities lies entirely with the men who incepted the citisen'. 'Mites, and sot one Ma now in commotion with the tows council had ant or part in the atter. Some of the present members cf ths town council claim to be members of the citizens oomatittes now, bot they got in by the Tittle aide door, sad were sot charter members in the concern. I re- member when the citizens' committees was formed, an effort was made by toms of the then members of the town council to laugh it out of existence, but it rt- quired more than a Lauth to squelch suck old etagon as my venerable 1rissde Kydd, Woodcock, Grams et al, and the old boys are ►till as lively as crickets, and as chirpy on the railway question as *vier they were. --I haven't observed that engineer Joining" gave a great deal of lotteries - tion to the gentlemen who furnished his hack hire (at the corporation expense, I presume,) during hk resent visit to Goderich. I thought that the gentle- men who had him in hand would pump the eogio.er dry, bat I searched in vain in the local papers last week for a pointer on the railway question from Mr Jennings, and I cams to the conclusion either that the C. P. K. engineer didn't hare any information to give, or the monad members who had him in tow didn't know the way to obtain evidence 1 from an unwilling witness If my old friends Kydd and Woodcock had ever got him into the little ofios on West street they'd have forced him to give op what he knew or polled the buttons off hie Boat. My own opinion is that Kagi.sar Jessie"' was up bon to fret oar bows eoseoil a little and thereby work up a bones sssitsment. At any rats ha didn't give enough informatics to !oda the old cosy it as railway pro- _Aad sow I'll go West for a sbott tors, and bring an old resident of Gods - Ail promisingly before radon of Tus 8sonai. one. more • I observe by Win- nipeg papers that John Campbell Corti*, an old-time resident of Gederich, has settled down oomfortaW► in Winnipeg ss deputy -sheriff of the prairie city. A few years ago everybody knew J. C. Currie, and he was what my tread Mal - ashy would o.11 ' • br.etk of a !'y." He was well and favorably known as the "People'. Aeotioee.r' to this esetion, sad hie "Going, going, gone !" usually attracted all the old ladies of the eootton and a large sprinkling of the middle aged said young ones to the sales which he ‘t - loaded, and he lead a way with hist et working 'bargains' up to full valves, sad you never discovered that yoe were soli eatil after you got hems with your im- agined trevurs. I kee. Jolla Campbell Cerrae better perhaps than anybody out - eye of his wife's mations, and =ebbe, a brief leagraphie•I sketch of oar expat- riated towaeman waeld.'t he out of plass. He fin/ saw the light of day as ov shout Iles 21kh n1 Jess, 111De, sad is .s..ynently enmiag down Ws haven't thus far enticed the name of that silver -toned orator, John Brown, leading on the Conservative cohorts is Haldimand. The yeomanry of the old ooeMitoeocy tie miming • lot of fun wham Brows is not in tbeir midst posing as s Northwest volunteer, and exhibit- ing the scar ha dudat get at Bat.obe, es evident.* that his assertions an the troth, tens whole troth and nothing bet the tpsth—distorted and labelled from start to finish. Tuns is a roam afloat that Hon. Ulna Blake ooatempisles retiring e from Canada*. polities and teesptiag a enotatittwaey in the imperial parlismesi if he oondided so to do. Ireland would here soother .bgaest tnsg.e to champion her saw on the door of the Hoorn, and in the wad of the satablhb. an.at of an Irish P•rliasaeet as College Green, the eretwhils O.stadi•a liberal leader would not fail to emepy the plats of a later Grattan. His parents were Highland Scotch, and he early learned to •'spoke Lae Gaelic" and take "sugar in his'" When quite young his family Inured up to Bruce ieunty, anal were amongst the first set- tlers in the vicinity of Saugeen ; and away bask in '53 the subject of my sketch oarued undying fame by driving the first wanton into what is now the 11 ourishing village of Southamp- ton. That aas in the days of his youth and beauty, and before he was ever haunted with a dosire to occupy fat Jovernment pri.iuous with liberal salaries and perquisites galore. But I must not digress. Fur a Lima honest in- dwtry claimed him for its awn, and he logged and chopped hie full share of the 175 acres of homestead that hie father took up on the banks of the ragit.g Saugeen. At the age of twenty one years he blocked out his first mons:ache, left home, and west to work at carpentering, at which trade he re- mained for the mist few years, and then drifted into mercantile bagasse at Post Elgin. In Oct., AA sash Its bast ks bast strike of his life by marrying a daughter of John Stafford, a well-known pioneer of Bruce county, and the father of Port Elgin. In 18115 he went into the ship- building industry, and built the schooner Favorite, in Port Elgin bay which, however, didn't prove a gilt-edg- ed financial speculation. and he sold her in Detroit, returning home ion the fall with • plethora of dearly-boogbft esperi- esos and out of pocket to the extent of $1,400. He omit ranted the E:gt_ House, • pioneer hotel at Port Elgin, and in tw.ruty months Laid off he liabilities in full and sold out, which showed that while he proved an excellent Bunikes, he know that his peculiar talents would show to better advantage in other spheres of life. Having new a few hundred dollars ahead, he again invested in marine stock by purchasing the schooner Booth Wind, of Sarnia, but after making a few good paying trips, she broke from snobs► one night in one of Lake Huron's big blows, went ashore, and the cargo and everything was • complete lou J. C. C. never did make anything out of his "cold -water" speculations, anyhow, and it wasn't to be wondered at that he did not become a total abstainer under the circumstances.. Shortly after the collapse of his second lake venture he took the clerkship of Saugeen, and was • sort of general utility man, drawing conveyances, -writing grammatical mo- tiun* for the township councillors, far- thing copies of miootesof council to the local papers, and dabbling a little in the patent right business. Alter two years apprenticeship at this multiform occu- pation, he got a billet in Walkerton as turnkey and assistant in sheriffs office, but resigned at the end of three months and accepted the position of deputy rt. giatrar of Bruce, which he held for some three years. Hs nest crossed the im- aginary line between Huron and Bruce and ,roved to Godenich in 1872, where Its secured the position of deputy ander the late Sheriff Macdonald, which posi- tion be held until the death of the latter. He was • favorite with Sheriff Mac- donald, and the last words breathed by the uI' man before his decease were ad- dressed to him. In Nov., 1884, be was appointed deputy by Sheriff Gibbons, I and occupied that position until the late Willie Gibbons was appointed. After that its engaged in business as the "poo- p1s's ssetioaesr,- became hish oonstaWe .1 the *vasty, and ran his little black tare to every hole and corner of the i s.etion,so that his name became a hoose • - held word in this district. Hs left them parte in April, 1883, and, when I I hat based of him, was sound in wind and limb, notwithstanding the ratified atmosphere of the Northwest. Bach is the story of J. C. Carrie. He won't t• fifty years of a;e ontil nest Jon., but he has pat in • pile of history of the Huron tract into his life since he took the steer- ing gear of his c wn prospects in hand. He's had ups and downs, hits and miss- es. losses and findings, and incidence of adventure aweigh to fill a book, and ow of these days i may he incepted to give • more extended biographical sketeh,bst fee the tpresont I will only stets that those of us who knew John Campbell Carrie down is Huron sod Bruce will be pleaesd to learn that his pr,sp.ite grow brighter as the years roll by, sad wish him sad kis,taany years of prosper- ity and Nn*►IN in the time to Boma leis isn't an obituary notice ; it's a little straight talk •boot • white w wham many of the readers of Tai $►onus kn well sad hvonbiy. Isa><ew TORONTO LETTER du not think the raw will be won A Glance at Rome of' the Attrao- ()move S.etooi, is spoken of as • candi- by the earliest starter io this owe. E. F. Clad. tf P P. editor of the tions of the City. date, and if he were to rut, would likely sweep the city. But he is now the The Canadian aw.aneas ts/aeesit, and municipal printer, and besides that, a illawrOsandInstitute—Tae Now L!. seat In the Legislative Assembly should C. A. assIdlag Opsaea- The sated one. There to one man in Way oralty The Owl y anyone. s'Ish. Toronto who clearly deserves the posi- tion. It is the opinion of many that he Toronto is the educational centre Of was once cheated uut of the uttice ; and the Province. Hither flock the students If hard wurk in the interest �f the szpo- in mw, medicine, theofotry, pharmacy *Sion and other mobile enterprises de - and dentistry, and hare, tuff, are the server recognition, he should get • big leading commercial college* of Ontario. share of the honors. That man is J. J. The largest shorthand classes in abs Withrow. It would be • graceful thing province are in connection with the to elect JIr Withrow by acclamation for Canadian Business University and Short- mayor. hand Institute, of which concern, Thos. The quarters of thr Owl Club weft llengougb, the of,:ial reporter, of the entered by the police and • seizure made York County court, is president, and of the liquors, etc , on Saturday night. This is one of the wally clubs in this oily operating without legal pet mission, that is, they are not incorporated by the Ontario Legislature. The Owl Club (bowl, club is woes appropnatej will Sad l t it is set se sissy for • gang d pegs sports to be their own berksspsss as they conceived. Three young mew wore playing cards for money when the police made this raid. Mr Cameros/1 announcement in last week's SIGNAL has created much sur- prise here. His abilities are recogaisnd by the prow of both- parties, and his still as a parliamentarian has won him a high place in the ranks of his party. It u hoped that a rest from the worries of political life may soon restore the Huron statesman to his wonted vigor. C. U. Brooks, secretary. This commer- cial school las most commodious quar- ters over the Public Library, and takes up a whole flat of that centrally located btijildiag. Book -helping, psomonship, wmsss•.isl Ism, eta, are tb.sulgbly taught, and shorthand is made a leading future of the course. Of course the student may confine himself to any cone study if be ploases. Some good phono- graphers hare been turned out of the Institute, and of my own personal knowledge I can recommend Rev E. Barker, who has charge of the shorthand classes, as one of th• best teachers in the profession. Typewriting and busi- ness form are also aught, and soores of young men anti women are now occupy- ing positions of trust and emolumet.t whn received their shorthand and gene- ral business instruction, at the establish- ment of Messrs Bengough & Brooks I observe the •ivertuoment of this 'ate -- prising firm iu Tel Sro w.. And this remi.zds me that aha coot's' reading room and public library on the corner • of Church and Adelaide streets has been en!srged during the past month, and is now worthy of its name. The newspaper files are crowdedidaily by eager readers, and the magaaioe tables are seldom without occupants. The library is free, but each recipient of • book must have two good ratepayers become responsible for his or her hones- ty. Tela Stul•L is 011 She at this insti- tution, and on Saturday it is easy to tell the men from Huron by the way they crowd to the aisle and the stand where Tuz SIGNAL is opened out. The "What'. Up r' column 1. popular down hors, and the series of letters by Mc- Connell, Crofts, the two George Cosec, and the venerable Thos Kydd have not escaped • well-deserved perusal. The library is well conducted. I attended ua Thursday evening the dedicatory services of the Y. M. C. 1 of Toronto, io their magnificent new building on the corner of Magill and Yong* streets. The admission was by invitation, and there trust have been • couple of thousand people 'present. The structdre is an imposing one, of im- mense size, of good achiteetural design, and is said to be the most convenient and best planned building of the kind in the world. The cost of the land, building and furniture (including a splendidly equipped gymnasium,) is about $100,00J. The new location of the Y M. C. A. is said to he about the entre of the population, although fif- teen years ago it wool! have been con- sidered on the outskirts of the city. In addition to the reading roost, gymna- sium, swimming baths, bowling alley, eta, evening classes are conducted under theaoepicee of the Association .The secre- tary, Mr Wm McCulloch, is • warm- hearted Christian, devoted to his work, and well equipped for the te.ponesbili- ties of his arduous position. At the 'opening of the new building Hon. 8. H. Blake. supported by nearly all the Pro- testant clergymen of the city, occupied the ebair, and addresses wore delivered by Mr John Macdonald, Mr McLaren, the well-known lawyer formerly of Mon- treal, sod Mr Oaddeentt the president of the A.•oidetisn. Last week Mayor Howland surprised . the council sod ties city at large by ea- soeneiag in writing hie definite and atm isi.ntion of not again offering himself DO • ca.didste for the eir:s chair at IL• Net election. The mayor has soars up to the highest eRpeetstions of his firivada He has mads an excellent thief magistrate, sad has shown a flo- sses sad dietetics to duty that certain "trimming" mayors I we of enold steady be odyssey.* Who hie wsaeesor will b, is of ammo o ssksewa. Al.lerms* adontoid ie is lire bid already, bio 1 Owiyo to the fact that Mr M. C. Cam- eron has ansounsed that, in the event of a vacancy in West Huron, he would not be • candidate at a bye election, the pe- tition against the return of the sitting, member has been withdrawn. All the costa in connection with the suit have been assumed by the Conservative party. VOX POPULI. Matteis of Moment Taken up and Discussed. •asb.dr Who ■•a •.Jtblag ts say en ruNN taestteaa, .r . 0*ren a. Reply Can m. M to Ibis Column. • Csupte or CeerMMwa. To Use Editor of the `Uga•1, 8115,—In • matt kens of Tut Strout I notice that your Ltaburn c.rrespon dent report% briefly the proceedings of a temperance mooting held at Carlow, at which I delireral an address. His misrepresentations are of etch • nature as to tall for immediate correction. Al- though I gave numerous statistics glean- ed from reliable sources, he mentions but two, and blunders in the statement of each. In the first case his words are, "He showed that Ontario was in favor of it (the Act) by 71 counties passing it with large majorities.' My words were "The Scott Act has been successful in 71 of the 92 contests to wtich it has been subjected." The reader requires but • dight knowlsdgsof the geoeraphy of Onta- rio and the history of the:Scutt Ad to see the difference between these two state. meats. In the secowd see I stated that sines the appointment of 1)t Williams as P. M., Le had op to Oct. 20th, made 88 that convictions at 850 each, and 9 .e- eond convictions at 5100 each, Tour corresndent represents me as stating that silt these convictions were secured ie the West Riding, which I did not. I do not wish to discourage your oontri- bator at Leghorn bot simply to cornet the error and warn him to be a little wider awake in the future, as such ernes sometimes do great harm, no mutter howood the iuiention of the writer may have been. Yours truly, D. G. Camisole. NatMl was at t`NHrlabt- CoortriRbt, (int., Nov. 2.—Last week, while drilling for water nn the farm of Adam Courtney. about half a mile from this village, • rich vein of natural gas was struck, which blew the drilling tools and derrick into the air over 100 fest. Two subsequent attempts resulted in a like manner. The wells were visited yesterday by a man thoroughly posted in the stiliostion of natural gas, who said that more gas was escaping daily from math of Iha throe holes than is produced by all the welt. in Port Huron. A mot -mesa is on foot to intruder.) 'he cm thewells into the business w mills and salt block in the village. FROM' WASII Iwr0N What Hae Transpired at this, United litates Capital. rret».ed ►o.tnt Tetegrapb -- sJerNeaw flan rge.-arr.stnry Lamar Der Cbraf Ja.alrr to neding est betera a a'rr.la thew loth aep.yter. From our Special Correspondent. Waa1/17aorion, D. 0. , Nor. 8th, 188:, One a LTi nest widely known sad popular of Congressmen is the late America= Minister to Turkey, the Hon 8. 8. Cox, of Now York, who is knows to (acne as "Sunset,'‘. and the wit of the House as well. Messrs Cox and Mills are the only members prominently t amed for chairman of mho ways and n eons committee of the Fiftieth Cull - pow, but as the New Yorker declines that great honor in advance, the Lon. Star statesman appears to leave the field to himself, and will probably attain the, distinction to which he aspires , Mr Cox has just retched the capital, and hee:presses some interesting views upon political and Iagis'•tuve questions -- especially the tarif% which he believes will he materially modified this winter by the passage of • Compromise measure repealing the tobscdl tax and placing • large number of riltbecessitios of life on the free bat. �1 Of contemplated legislation none is of more general interest or importance to the people of the United Sates than the pn.posed postal telegraph, whish Rade many advocates, particularly ansae those statesmen who were influential in pressing the Inter Sat. Commerce bill to a successful Mane. Ill fact, it some that the country's only sats hope sad protection against the grasping greed a. the grinding telegraph monopoly, is Government cooked of that system of communication. And that- it will cosset sooner or later there is little reason to doubt, unless the lobbyists caw rates escagh boodle to capture Congress, which I do not believe is purchasable, as a whole, though there are reasons for concluding that sons members have their regular price' fur vote' and in- ftueoc* if that were not true th• occu- pation of the lobbyists would be gone, and these persuasive individuals woatld dis pear from aha corridors of the Capi- Other legialatlon that is needed and will be attempted is • changs in both aha time of electing Coagre.smew and the date for the omelet of that body. At present a Congress is chosen thirteen months before it convenes, which is weather in accord with our plan of popu- lar representation, nor with the advanc- ed ideas that dominate •adp.rmeaa the modern republican system of govern- ment. The right way would he to elect Congressmen in November, and hays abs session begin --not on the fire Mon- day in Dec tuber, ea now,; --but. on the first Mondayin January, following tho election,—tts at • single stroke of good policy diaper sing with the long ia- teries and the useless holiday adjourn- ment, which latter, Doming in two oe• three weeks after the opening of the semioo, seems to your correspondent to bo largely in the line of a farcical per- for•m•oes for • body of such power •ad. digiaity as the N incest legislative. There is • good deal of gossip fioatiwk around the White House which those who are well -posted claim to bays some foundation in fast It is mid that &snoww the first communications that will go from the President to the Renate will bee Secretary Lamar's nomination sur Sepreme Jostles, and that Pcstm•ater Goter•l Vika wit be appointed to the vssent portfolio, to be esocseded him- self by Deo M. Dickinson, of 1Kiohigan. I merely give they reports for what they are worth, sad dist may leo muck es little. There u • regular rule in all aha Federal Dsprtmence denying .dsaimism to visitors after 2 P.M , which has bass strictly enforced except in mks Siolep Was and Nary Department bedding Wit the watchmen in theme Departments have now been enjoined M eoaape Mules eompliams with the pi/wailing oneis a— so visitors tea, govern •brat haste. aoeoidingly, unless they are fo,N Mair provided with passer Iron the supeeia- tendent. In response to the argent spools of the New York authorities the National Government hu given orders to use all proper and rtgtlant moans to proven* aha landing at that pet of °bolero hob - footed reeds -two o1 which have lady strayed there from Italy. T•o of the Yew d one of them ships siooeed.d 1. reaching Washington, whore they were hosted down and disinf.eted by the I police. The pad wesk a ennthful sorr.eposdent created a treat�isasMitaa by mailing to Chef Justis Waits s hogus "infernal" 'towhees. At first is was attributed to anarchet synn tas, but the youth, when oonfron with/* evidence of his indiacrstion, said it • joke. In the eyes of the law it is criminal canes. • as.d twee abetter M is Cents. marvel of ehespnese, of satiety, and d promptitesde, is enolun.d is a bottle of that femme remedy, Putnam's Psis - leis Corn Extractor. it goes tight to the'root of the trouble, there elle quick - 1y bit to painlessly that nothiet is known of its operation until the core is shelled. Beware of substitutes offered for Pdt- • em's Painless Own Bstrootor --sofa. sere aged pnrriws. 5011 .1 drsssWa R RTC Rt ov Yon Frunxo Tssdsy last the tug. Islam Clark, W. B. Reebok! and Dispatch returned *lata the northern fishing grounds, Miwgion with thaws eleven of the heats boats are behind, those of Lehi James Craig, and Ales Ottairtiw boy. rpnrt • good a seed gin yenp1 et with Ike roue tjjt woos% 1,11rian, r