The Huron Signal, 1887-11-4, Page 9THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, NOV. 28, 1487
Weti•es•/c1 Wee•.
Here is as iaterwtiag minima from
an adage in the New Yerk Mercury:
Art Mastoid alway% be based ors nature,
and no art it tree whisk does net take
eaten for its model. A reefed, eye -
marked, wealthy woman, of Ave fest
Ave inches in height meet comply with
the following standard : She should be
138 pounds M the I*st, and cold Mand
up to ten pounds mean without injury le
health or artistic perfection. The die -
team between the tips tl her tau middle
&niers wises the arms are extended
should be *wetly the same as the height
car ten times the length trf her Land, :or
seven and a half 11111011 the length of her
foot, or five timet the dtaweter t.f het
sheet from tree arm pit W the other.
The dilatation from the junction u[ the
thighs to the trotted should be the same
se fit)♦ thy' i••—,err point to the top o:
the bead. The knee should is exactly
midway from the joactioo of the thighs
to the bottom of the heel.
The distance from the elbow to the
tip cf the middle finger should be the
MUMS as front the elbow to the middle
lined the chest. Free the top of the
bM ls W chin, with the head prated
11/1001111.1Es should be the same as from
as hod el tbe chin to the arm pits, or
Weri l heel to the tip cat the large toe.
The best of a wassail of lb* height nam-
ed should be forty three inches measure-
ment over the arms, and the waist
t weety-tour.
The upper pact of the arm should he
from thirteen and • half to fourteen in-
ches sad the wrist six inches. The ankle
shoeld be six it.ehe., the calf cal the leg
fourteen and the thigh twenty•fire. Any
woman of the height mentioned whc has
these meaaureme•ta can oowgretolate
bsrs.lf on hating u perfect • form as
tie Creator seer made. Of oourse, the
proportions vary with the height.
Mew re cet Inch.
The Boston Hernld has been asking
cane rich men for rules by which other
men may becomes rich. Mr. t'. T. Ber-
man says the gulden rule is to spend less
than owe earns. He advises abstinence
from tobacco and rum, due aro for the
health, the selection of a congenial oo-
'«ra, avo:.'.u°e d debt, and deter-
mination to excel all others engaged in
the same occupation He alto says :
B. careful to advertise in some shape
t -r other, beams* It 1. evident tbet if a
man has ever so good an article fur sale,
and nobody knows it, it will bring him
to return. The whole pbilo.ophy of
life is, first sow, then .reap. This prin.
c:ple applies to all kinds of business, sod
to .thing more eminently than to ad -
g. 11 a man has a really good
e, there u no way in which be
can neap more advantageously than by
"cawing" to the public to this way. if
a an has goods for sale, and be doesn't
advertise them, the chances are that
nam* day the sheriff will do it for him.
Politeness and civility are the beat
capital ever arrested in business. Linn
stores, gilt signs, flaming advertisements
will x11 prove unavailing if you or your
employees treat your patron abruptly.
The more kind and liberal a man is. the
more genemas wiU be the patronage be-
stowed upon him.
Preserve your integrtiy ; it is more
precious tbsn diamonds or rubies. The
most difficult thing in lite is to make
money dishonestly. Our primes are
full of men who attempt to follow this
course. No man an be dishonest with-
out soon being found out, and wham hie
lack of peiaeiple is discovered, nearly
avenue to success is closed against him
(sever. Strict hmeaty pot only lies
at the foundation of all sower in life
financially. bet it every other respect.
Fun anti Fanc{I. 1 '"' Il.. sIteesselet
W• lisve Ionised that the mem — 1 Fur a sure throat, cut .ice• o[ let,
b.wetw b•.m, pepperthickly and tie
around the throat .ttb • &.uuel cloth.
When stung by • bee or • weep, mak•
• pa.t• of common earth and prim, 1 ■t
ta. the place at ono* and cover w.t5 ••
Fur • add ..n the sheet, a A.un•1 nig
wruag out in botl",g w•t•raud •peinkled
web tuumotiuv. t tea the
abiM LTtn
Uncle John "Why, my girl, you're l
the greatestea(ewe h.
grows like a Cucumber rims What pe.o Wheal • [elms first hfiNla• to h
germ are tau esmking to.arde wwatri- •pg, th lake • bison, cut tilt•
'rimy I' Clara—"Well, uncle, Ulu on Ialk, pant her t ger tte sad thea la►.geg k
my fifth 'sp." • kr(,t there the batter.
owe us bills, and will nut pay •h. , are
remarkably regular in their visits to the
her -rooms. And what r worse they Mak
their creditor. t..
A clam in natural history being asked
the dIAerenoe Wanes' • dog sad • tree,
the head boy answered,"A tree is tweet-
ed with bark, while • duo amiss to be
lined cab it."
Khat is that terrestrial ohje:t 14et r
above all human imperfections, and
equally protects We wiseet, the waakesl, and NO �uie. of three lemons ; mix andI
For a cough, boil one tam.* of fin -
seed 111 • prat of water, strait and add
a hale honey, true ounce of ruck candy,
tea.•.,►, ur-
♦, da -isand
al tot ei
es h he *yellow
Par sale by James McKay. dautetat. D•a-
gannet. Pesos sella sad Il. 1117-17
1•s r.
ay Apple Weed
end d la -
Vomiting Suter.
the best ant worst of m tukiud 1 The boil well, Ihieh hot a• pwstbie, A MAMI) TUU*
hair of the head.NasT.
Often after c.,okIng a meal • pennon Hlsed. Hired.
A Channel tat/soda, being c or.doled will feel tired and have nu appetite : for daderieb 1 L . 'Earl I llab p.m I Mai pm
oa the elingioesa of a err whom be this haat raw we until httht, stir in • steadied Ar. S:IOa.w 3:I3p.e 7>N pm.
moi rr lied "WWII hour be -
saved from dru ug, P • little nutmeg. Dunk ball au mixed. Mixed. ttststes
rr,Ir• no doubt he knows bet what he's [ore rating. Stretford Lv. I nixed. 1:16 p.m 1 !i pa.
rvdcrlc► Ar. ..m 1:11 p.m Lis p.m
w g•T.
Fur a burn or •call, di
a pw•t. 0
Moister--0It i6 rather odd that the Common liking nada end water, apply
collections •re .stilly one dollar ken at once and corer with • linen cloth. , FANN
than they used to be." Wife—"Noth• When out skin is 1r,keo, apply the
Mg odd about it." "W have not lust whit, of en egg with •feather ;this
gives instant relief as it keeps the air
Felt and Straw Hats Done Over
at Reasonable Rates.
An Apprentice Wasted i• the Straw Hat Line -
vac .X THE
MG -MILL VELVETS, Main and Fancy, ER,
any of our congregation." "No, but 1
$UPPuse pia remember that Mr Pious troutthe seek. PUMP FACTORY, Together with • large assortment of PLAIN AND FANCY HIIiBO\ria Also Agent for the
never u..d to giro lees than • dollar." At the first signs of • riug'round, lake
• espial of wood ashes, put iu a pen
with a quart 4 cold water, pot the pan
.tis the score, put your Anger iu the p.o,
"My dear," mid • gushing young wife keep at then seal the water begins to FANNING BILLS, 520.00 EACH,
oaur.e. "Well, Mt Pious has been
elected a dessert', and he passes the plate
111 At the old stand on the Searle, Oodertai.
to her practical bu band, "what du them buil, or • long as tt can be hone& Ma. OXLY A YEW LEFT
sailing( sighing t otober winds remind pest „too or twice it oeceaseft• — ARMATRONC3''3
vu of r' ''They remind me of the feat,
he replied, somewhat sadly. "that 1 have ween ,� Se"
; "Weil"
�.�.rwm pat. Grain and Seed Cleaner
Tit to arrange in wise way fax • winters
stock of °cal.' An exchange has the following : "The for thoroughly separating at one clewing
• l'oaAli, phew tt Id 1'a., Mustard St
"Dentia,,," he whispered, "did you country boy or girl is face to face with
ever feel • fluttering seoeation of the practical realities. Hs sew how slowly
heart --an inward sinking, so to speak 1' money is made on the farm ; he is tautbt
"Yet, lure, ahs murmured, "why r' ( from youth up the ueed cf economy ; he
"Because if you hare, 1 know how to has the nature of saving first explained
prevent It " "O, Juba, tell ase bow." I to hum ovary day in tee week ; he us not
"Why, just ena plenty of poppy wise exposed to the temptation of the saloon
pot: eat green cucumbers." or ball -room and he is not so much of s
lady's man before be has occasion t> use
Scotch minister, meetinw one of his a r•sor „t br downy cheek.. He may
ruling elders very tipsy—"Dear me, Au- L. a trifle rude ; he may not 1051 easy in
drew, you're drunk. This le must set- • ,mpany, but in the long, closely •aon-
seemly in. wan of your poritiom sod tested race of life it is the chat, that
pr'of.saion, and m:>reover—' Elder,joe ! tredve to school barefooted in .u:nmer
olarly--"Routs, touU, eimiater, I'm and in stug•a in winter, whom mother
haudin' the Jubilee,ye ken. An 'a-abair•
ly I may be p-oermittd to get fon mutat
ge fifty years."
A shrewish fishwife, 1uite sick, called
her husband to come and sit by '
bedside. "This is a sad world, my dear.
maid the wife, plaintively. "Very."
V>IOCiaied tot Mau. "Were it not for
leasing you I should lure ti tgsit it."
Thistle Seed. F'ox Tail. and other obnoxious
seeds and rause grain. from Wheat or any
drain. climates .ad estlag all grass Acrd at
the same time. ('leans Grass and Clover
Sez.d. or separates them.
put FAMOUS scua *NS.
711* •ser YI31U I1 SILL.
Exclusive territory allowed to good agents
with horse. waggon and capita.
fur man or boy te fill bin alone.
FanningR Mill Sieves and Screens fur any MUL
Old 61111s Repaired and Iteufeved.
nota his hair with the sep shears, wh; w LT k CISTERN PUMPS,
leads the rhe that goes to the cit
school with the starched shirt front and
Drainage and Suction Piping. Le., &c.
fancy dippers, and whose hued is shaved wholesale and Geta.I.
with • lawn -mower at the barber shop. reeler„ Repeated at mires that ray.
SaCii.*.M been wit obeereatiun, and we
think we know what we are talking THE ARMSTRONG
about." TANNING 1t1L As. ,ITT Wwtti1.
— --- t:AOI•1ERIOB_ 2I10 -Ise
"O. my dear," eagerly r.tsponued the Pedlsread Mut Peer.
fellow, "how an you think I would in- —'
terfure with y.rur happiness- Go by all A starved thoroughbred is of all sheep
means." the most shabby, &crabby, scrawny, un-
thrifty weep ion earth—of itself the
most abject, pitiful, lonesome, sorrowful,
_ g;luomy, dazed, helpless, blue, and its
1. The pastor killed it. Although be owner looks just like it. The owner of
such a flock .i11 sq'tirm and wince and
apologize and explain in • most pathetic
way of the general appearance of starve
10' be a11Hd Ibe reaper -levet las.
gars notice from the pulpit on Sunday
that there would be • "prayer -meeting"
w ILSO�T 33ROS.,
(Two Doors Haat of Motel)** HoteLl
Manufacturers of' Marble Monuments, Headstones, Mantlepieoes,
and .a11 kinds of Furniture Trimmings in Foreign and
American Marble; also Window and Door
Sills, and House Trimmings of all
kinds in Ohio Stone.
All work designed sod cxccuted in b.•.t s•yle.
•ZrWJLSON BR08. deal largely in all kinds of Europe$* and Canadian Granite,
which special suenttos 1. call.q
It will pay to call before ordering elsewhere.
Oederich. Jose Mb, iM7.
Ms just received, and s now opening a lame assort meat of
Also on hand • large stock of the
"IIT • thorough knowledge of the natural
laws which govern the operations of digestion
For the make-up of SPRING nCITS.
theAneureeertofwell-Kotex,,~emsllr. ORDERED WORE A SPECTs
Epps has vided our breakfast tables with
Ir the vestry on weed evening be d all hick
lion neglect so apparent, ao • delicate T A•voreA beer w maT sa
e e
lament, as • pr•yer'meettng t was Les bi
lamentable [ailttrte. Alter 1 learned are ha barepast°res- —(Elmira Husband- strong enousmh w resist every tendency �
man had taken twenty minutes himself, sttan. hosting around us read to &ttac
Beery one elan felt that whatever else h. --- -- - — there L a weak point. We may escape man
f:eual•r t N stared. a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well tort
might say would feel very true. Young —
ed old. pare blood and •pre T 'mutinied
John Kraus wanted to My • word or frame.--"Ciril Sorrier r. -
Mrs Boodle (to mlesmam in under- Made simply with boiling water or milk.
two. telling how the Lord deem had
wear de meat)—"Rase any gauss god to packets by Oiocen lahc►W
satisfied his bun soul, and then utter thus :
i h ladle& "eta r' ' JAMEV[ S A CO Romceopathic Che nista.
no a ou u r "No madam,' but we have ladies' gauze
nowhere Indeed a didn't say it O,
ing cad it into a lectin w ea the great the time ive us a vivid, ,glowing stery us many Lary doctors I!•. It is by the iLast Side Square. Oederieb, March Itik. 587. mi.
log came. As •lecture 11 was • groat 6 7 judicious use of such articles of diet that •
t o d e pedigree w hopeless in profita as eooeututice a i e gradually bum up until
disease. Huudrrds of subtleies
k wherever
Tatfal Recipes.
To prevent the heir from of ay
rum, five mines.; oarboeats
on. ounce ; borax, time oeoee ; rose-
water, one quart. Mix and filter.
Viacom' of *obgns.—To one pet of
rood cologne water add owe-h.df cones
of strong acetic water. This is fr.q. at•
ly used in P7110e for nervous
a short prayer o request for other sat- Salesmen (with a ten -dollar smile)— y London England
ftry h but h" little word was
Moth powder.—Lupsline (the floor of
bops), one dram ; .Scotch snuff,two
ounces; camphor gum, one outset; black
pepper, one auntie ; coder seediest, 'sfour
ounces Nis thurmtei y and
among the fun or woollies to be pro -
To remove stains from linen. —To re-
write, fruit or iron stains, wet the
• witk • solution of hyposulphite of
gaua, and matter some polven tartaric
acid upon it ;tis then cast as usual.
substituted foe
Strong vinegarn
the tartaric add if neeemmry.
Waab for cleansing silverpoundnd
beitannia ware.—Taeone tablespoonfuls
mon hard soap, espo on
of spirits of turpentine and one-half
hmbler of water. Allow the wisp to
di••nles, then boil ten minutes, and b. -
fore it cools add six tablesp000fobi d
bertshorn. Make a suds of this prepare
tion and wash the silver with it.
h t that t ' Sagely the reels."
clock in turner res pishly, as she bolted for the dour, end
lu d!
the pauses " meeting
itg "Kee em then '" she answered snap -
the never ticked w P
° y sinus his discharge the salesman has
2. Tbs deacon killed it. It was the decided not to try to sell dry roods and
nett week. This time the pastor went educate the human race at the same
in with oars] Wart. He opened the Manufacturers of all kinds of
Chrystal & Blalcg,
meeting with* short, tender prayer, sod
then in • brief word told, as a child
%night tell it, the preciousness of the
Lord's pewee.. And it seemed as if
nothing could prevent it from being a
helpful, quickening mason. Something
did prevent it. The grand old demon
was a little tired and sleepy, but he
must do .omethiag to take up the time.
He began away back iu the iia 01 Woo,
sad did not stop until he reached the
year 1887. And them he said, "Lm
pray Was that really "praying.
ten 'minutes deSoription of the pian of
resin e° that followed t Was this what
that die000rag•d matt over there in the
.orator wanted, from the mesa* 1 Alm,
the deacon killed it all !
Net since Dully Madison charmed
people by her cute ways his there bees
a "Lady of the White House" who hes
so generally been popular as Mrs Cleve-
land is, There has been others who
hare show° more interest to politics,
there have been others who have played
more of • "stage queen" character, but
hen is the meet American personality
that has appeared before the public in
the same position. She deserves all the
admiration she has reeuived, for she has
been uniformly courteous, agreeable and
attrestive to all clams eriti out diatinc-
tIon.—Philadelphia Nowa.
3. The th'ssgbtlses member killed 11.
She is at the meeting, although net al -
way there. Next to her mite a friend
who is out of Christ. The thoughtless
member whimpers during db. pistor'•
preys", giggles at every mistake, and
teres over the leaves of the hives -book
when anytody talks. The people with)
in • radius '1 len feet sash way are die -
rutted. The Spirit is grieved, and that
too, by one who is professing to meek the
glory of pod. Aad that killed the
prayer- iS (.
4. The aldose member killed it. Coe
of the weaker brothers offered • prayer,
and made • mistake in it. Another
brother mi•ge"tad a text. The pastor
Myer corrected an error during a meet-
ing He thooyht the correction more
feta to the 'spirit of the m.eetiaagg than
the mistake. Not so with the omsiou's
brother. He roes and oorrested each
taimtake, and that killed several meet.
Brilliant stucco ; whitewash. --Take
Ikea lumps of well -burnt lime, slake in
lot water in • small tub, and Dover to
keep in the steam. It should then be
passed through a tins sieve in a Reid form
to obtain the 8.>or of lima Add nos
fourth pound of whiting or burnt al•m,
two pounds of sugar, three pints of rio.-
floor mads into a this and vary wall boil-
ed paste, and ons potted of glee dimply-
impbved over • slow fire. it is rill to Moore
brilliant than plaster of Paris, end will
last Aft' years 1t should be pet or
warm with a paint -break.
About the hardest thing in the world
fct a women to premien while set salted
in the preserving bneiness,
is er
temper, when she is °blared to set her
preserving kohl. on' 111. Novo to •115747
• ring at the door -bell, and Ands •
perest-medkise 'insular rsw the (root
*ad all klads of Sheet Iron work.
constantly on hand.
On hand. ready for delteery :
t 111 N_r. sew Stene Semler.
II a 1.r. New seller.
A t.omplsts 2k -band Tbrsabilft OvtAt
working order. Will be an►d cheap.
Mail orders will receive prompt attention.M
Week. s M. G. T. S. Mallen.
P.O. BOX 381
oderich May Ink Il
Crossley sad Hunter, th. Methodist
evaegelfists, are about to begin work in
A Ash wile arrived in Kingman seme-
time ago. She went to the bellman (a
true specimen of a digblaoder,) to an-
nounce the arrival of ben fresh herring,
whish he did as follow.: "Notice—
There's a (rash herring to be .old at the
corner of the old poet office. He come
with the 1 o'clock truing. He belongs
to Mrs. ins. H. is a very respectable
wooer's, mid he's a very Tood barrio',
and twelve for 'Upson."
6. The ax members who took ten min-
utes ease killed it. It was a Bee , Christ the Bri.
sium tie the theme, _
d of
Life," let it wee Dot sed re cooly 11 overran the hoer, y P 7
wee the opening prayer.
0. The holtlndimgmemb.r killed •rorei
pp7ru.•ewt�es meetind
g. prayer
Iestere te clod reminding bins of the
failings and wickedness of the charoh.
When Christ said to hie disciples, '0 ve
ye them to eat," did he mama gall prayer at
woeswood, ow Use Breedl
not one aerosol pra1
the meeting here Weight as hems its answer Woes
a sweeter spirit t Mug
nes ways there are o
prayer How nay a chore►
►,this year, kw' its Week of Preyyseg
throegk thromktlese, indiffsreet, earmksss
_..b11 tae gond people ever err by
t oear greyer' 1
Deer rimier dent kin any more
lwlpr' g5 sstlisg;'r"' fdtgegse/sV°`
.•' t:d
Boiler. Engine Separator, &e.. all n good
Anyone can advertise. but i athetSte, le •lel ore
stock os hand Mae say two
i hare sow on band 10 different styles of Bedroom Smites. t different stylia of Sideboards, 3
Parlor Suites, •ad almost anything In the Furniture line. all of which will be sold
In the UNDERTAKING I (iv. peossl attenike. ani rise benefit notw
w of rly 10 years
littlish i have tie beat Hearses in the County of Huron --i w111 leave the psbilo
to judge. I hare everything easily kept la a first-claimestablishment, such m caskets.
Coins, Shrouds. Habits. Gloves. (rapes, re
. Embalming done when quired.
ar1 Guarantee to give satisfaction in every case.
Oederieh, Sept. Mb, ISM - 1M -5m
The subscribers hare inst completed their
latae limekiln, whish esn tn•n ont 100 bask-
ets ere. J twenty -font hours. and are now
pprreep•reA to supply Ill customers with •
Sse ...ivyor good fresh lime dally. 11
will be to the advantage of every one re-
gslrlse lime to call or catnapped with ver. as
we are prepsred to deal liberally with per
hGoderlcto side in the! Fallsn is Reserve
An ole gentleman, speaking to a
yatng lady and oom.entine upon her
freshness and gond looks, remarked,
"Ab, my dear, may you long retain
them. You know nothing of the
jealousies, the heart barotogs, the con-
tentions, and the rivalrtea, that beset ,
the pathway of existence." "Don't 1
though,'. ale interrupted "I want you
to understand that I belong to s eheaeh
choir. '•
There is no sadder sight than to see •
fond mother who has spent 0,000 to at
out a freckled faced girl for the seesaw
resorts during the match -making mason,
peeking her daughter's dresses away in
camphor, and sprinkling the finery with
tears of disappointment.
"Never marry • widower," was the ad•
ries a a young matron 1risad. "Bot
you worried one—Why" "it's bad
smooth to bear about your boaband's
tether's aookinw, but to have his first
wife's Wants thrown in your faoe every
A minister forget to take his ►arson
with him to ehurdr, and his wife th.-
enooring the mistake, soot it to him in
.barge 01 • moll boy who wee to re-
ceive six -peals for the %job. Prosody
Is returned for 16e mosey. "Too de.
livered the sermon, did Foe r ins ash -
ed. 1 jes' See it to his : e. a -ds•
Sheds' .44*tl wtf," asdmweled the bet.
JAM irtb. IMr. tleaeme
1837 VIVAT REGINA I 1887
The subscriber wishes to IW/arm all loyal .sliest. et Har Most Gracious 31••••11/43111110
Victoria. that 1 am doing sig stmee to keep sty Neck replete with everything MSWtIle-
ful in all departments.
Autumn Wear.
The Correct Thing in Drees Goods, Buttons and Trimmings to
Match, Ribbons, Frilling. And Fine Laces, New Shades
in Plain and Fancy Opera Flannels, with
Embroideries to Match.
i am not advertising Roods at coat w under, thanks to my numerous omatoesers. I fare
Ito overstock of any one line. and that is maybes a great deal when we hear so much about
bisinees depression, hard times, kc.
I.A.. Ms="1TI O,
Oodericb. Aug. 1001. 111117. MO- Draper and Haberdiseke
OMahaed. and all business la the U.B. Palest
phos atte•ded N .t MODIIRATR PRM..
Over o*oe is opposite the U. S. Patent Of -
`e Panora M
tha. imoeffront AAMINOTON.
Bawd mons:. OR DRAWING. We Mi-
dlae as to ppa•ttewta*lltT. Mee of eh•rge sad
Wig ON -
we refer. here Nth. Postmaster.* he Sept.
of Money Dews bio.. and to *Metals of the
U. S. Patient Moe. For Herniae.
1� boa
terms end refweae'. to Fo
ow• State or Osuat wrIte to
11.111141W,•W IM..
t►pweslte Pmes•t 011ie. W.kta•tea. D. C.
1 f.2. jI(•
ri -141. LSA
Jest Received et 11e Matra' Hall by F. JORDAN. and w111 he geld •t Prieto to save tete
Hard Those. Call sad see them bases soaking your pwrebs•ss.
f - $, E Wail. P. JORDAN, Medical Hall, &deris*,