HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-11-4, Page 7THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, NOV. 28, 1887 Wsta•sli peal Memos. Liao is a tealerestitig exited from an .rtnlo in the.New York Mercer,: Art should always M basad oto aalur., god ,10 art is Tree whish does set take mature for its model. A Forted, arm- metriml, wealthy woman, of Ave fest Ave beim in height must comply with the following standard : She s►,.u.d be 138 pounds at the lAse, sad meld stand up to ten pomade more without injury to health or artiatie perfection. Th. dis- tance between the tips of her tiro middle Mogen when Ilse anus are extended &Meld be exactly the same as the heiokt too times the length of her hand, :or scoot and • hall times the length of bey foot, or Are times the diameter td hot sheet from use arm pit to the other. The distance from the junction of the thigh* W the `round should be the same as front Lha t^.'.ser print to the top of the bead. The knee should Le exactly midway from the junction of the thi;bs to the bottom of the beet The distance from the elbow to the tip cf the middle Auger should be the ease se from the elbow to the middle line of lbs chest. From the top of the Mad to the .bin, with the heed peed naturally, should los ills same as from the level of the chin to the arm pits, or from the heel to the tip of the large toe. The bust of • woman of the height nam- ed should be forty three inches measure- ment over the arms, and the waist t Meaty -four. The upper pert of the arm should be from thirteen and a half to fourteen in- ch.• and the wrist six inches. The ankle should be six limbos, lbw calf of the le, fourteen and the thigh twenty-five. Any woman of the height mentioned whc has these measurements can congratulate herself on having as perfect • form as the Creator weer made. IN oourse, the proportion• vary with the height. Mew le Kee itch. The Boston Herald has been asking sem. rich men for rules by which other teen may become rich. Mr. P. T. Ber- num says the gulden rule is to spend leas than one earns. 11• advisee abstinence from tobacco and rum, due care for the health, the seleotioo of a congenial oc- -r '.uo, sou:.',•nce of debt, and deter- mination to excel all others engaged in the same occupation He also raja : Be careful to advertise in some shape or other, Mame 1t 1. evident that it • man has ever so good an article for ale, sad nobody knows it, it will bring him ro return. The whole philosophy of l:fe is, first sow, than :reap. This prin- ciple applies to all kinds of business, and h • Mtn has more eminently than to ad - g. if a as a resp, good (hero *a no way in which be ca* mop more advantageowly than by "sowing- to the public to this way, if a man has goods fcr sale, and he doesn't advertise them, the chasms .re that soma der the sheriff will do at for bis. Politeness and civility are the beat capital ever invested miinb business. vess.aEI.*rrs stores, gilt signs, ed ments will all prove unavailing if you or your employees treat your piteous abruptly. The more kind and liberal a Baan is, the more generous will be the patronage be- stowed upon him. Preserve your int.grtiy ; rt is more precious than diamonds or rubies The most difficult thing in life is to make nosey dishonestly. Our prisons are fad gas who attempt to follow this cone.. No ma can be dishonest with- out won being fon d out, and whoa bio lack of priocipl• is dis•oversd, newly avenue to success is closed agaiint bias forever. Strict honesty toot ! es at the foundation of all success in life financially, but in every other respect. Fun an0 F,ncy. lease seraph guaniedlo,- We have auli.uud that the races who For • sure throat. cut alieee of (a:, boueleea boom, pepper thickly too tie ewe ase bilb, and will art Foy teem, are around the threat with • Sawed dutb. remarkably reKalar is Ih.ur visit' t.. the I When stung by a bee ur • wasp, maim ear -rooms. Aue what is maces they ask their creditors tu. a p•.t• of O•upaloo earth Ind watery, int uu the pinto at once and cover w.th • A data in nature! history being asked I cloth. the dinerenoe between • dug and • tree, }'sir • s,ld on 'he .hest, a flouo.l ngg the Mad bo answered "A tree is comer- t y Wokled ed with bark, "tide a doe "elm."elm. to b. wrung out to ,u tux vista/ aud spa t with tur,eauue, Ltd un tha cheat giros 'the greatest relief. Uncle John "Why, my girl, your• Wbea a felon first begins to male its grows like a euoumLer rites. What pow- appears ice, take • lemon. clot of one 1 [roes ars you making swards awaui- eui4, ,at the 6.Ker in and the lunger it lined oath it." mor, 1' Clara—"Wall, nods, I'mus' P •• kept !bare the Metter. my fifth apo f Whit is that terrwlria1 ubjeet that M ( Tor • cough, boil one nun^_s ul fl ix- What all human imperfections, and seedseed• ,tat of water, io ria and add a little honey, site ounce oof ruck candy. equally protests the wisest. the molest, and the juice of Ilree lemon ; rola and the best mod worst of w.ukiud 1 The buil well Drink u but oe potable. hair of the 4..d. Often after cooking • meal • person A Channel "slender, !wing eor.duled will feel tired and have no appetite : for Goderlch 1 Lv with ua tbo Mtingiuw of a mon whom be this boat • raw Ogg until light, stir in a 1 Siratfurd Ar had saved from drueuiug,replaed,"Well, little nutmeg. D. ink halt au hour be- I sir,I'rs no doubt he knows beet what he's 1 fore eating. Sind ford ricli 1 Ar Lv ACTS UPON r nasi&. . Uv - 1 da -ye amid Mg BLOOD •ul WILL t'C1e sal llew.sew ay.pe poll* ver 1..w,dalat k re*daeoes eel, .ere lir M111y. M. Apple Blood y arear w. ane.... •t aUeaatbe 5.ad I*- % Igaralas the sy.lcw. For sale br Jatnes McKay, dressier. Dun- gennas. Prlce altda and el. *117-1y Erauelling 6uiae. y UItAND TRUNK Wu:' .k poste of odd that the id Minister - 'It is rather . common baking stela and water, IPP Y 'empress. Mixed. Mixed. . I 7 fu a. m 11::Ii p.m I $Pm e:Ws.nu 3.1.1p.m 73Ipm. w !SST. Mixed. Mimed. mimosa. . Ienv a. m ' 1 li p.mea p.m s.m I Loi p.m 1 .:u p.m a — READ THIS. FOR ONL MONTH. FOR OXB MONTH• 20 PER CENT. OFF FOR CASH 1 Felt and Straw Hats Done Over at Reasonable Rates. An Appreutio• Wailed in the Straw Hat Lin MRS. C. H. GIRVIN. MRS. B k? LD'S FALL MILLINERY! LEADS THE WJY_ s Fur a burn sir scald, m. • • 1 M LADIES' FELT HATS a,lleotinne Its •smelly sine dollar lees et outs and cover with • linen cloth. FANNING Qrr+ILL VELVETS, trail they ues1 to be." Wife—"Noth• When the skin u bootee, apply rte ing odd about it." "We have not lust white of an egg with • feather ; this any of uur congregation." •'Nu, but I (1vus inata1t relief as it keeps the air suppose you remember that Mr Pious from the dISI never used to give lees than a Boiler." "Of enures." "Well, Mt Pious has been elected a d.aoos, and he passes the plate now." "My dear," eaid • gushing young wife In her practical husband, "what do thew seining' sighing October winds remi.d Jou of C' ''They remind me of the fact, be replied. somewhat sadly, "that I have venae ten a mel alum,. tame Fres,. got to arrange in seine way fur •'inlet'• — stock of coal..' "Darling," be whispered, "did you ever fed a Autumns' sensation of the heart --an inward sinking, so to speak 1' "Yes, love, she murmured, "wiry r' "Because if you have, 1 know how to prevent it "0, John, tell me how." "Why, just nae plenty of pepYy sham yet: eat green cucumbers." Scotch minister, meeting one of his ruling eldors very tipsy—"Deer me, Ata - drew, you're drunk. This is must se- amanly in • man of your position mid profession, and inor.over—' Elder,joo ularly -"Hoots, toots, minister, Im haudin' the Jubilee,ye ken. An '•-•hair• if I may be p•oermitted to get fou want las fifty year.... A shrewith fishwife, ludo sick, celled her husband to come and alt by bedside. "This is a sad world, any dear. said the wife, plaintively. "Very," onianded the matt, "Were it out for leafing you I should love to quit it." "0. my dear," eagerly rosponued the fellow, "how an you think I would in- terfere with your happiness. Go by all means." At the first signs •.1 a riug'round, lake a cupful of wood ashes, put is a pan with a quart of add water, pot the pat .in the store, pat your Boger in the pee, keep it there motif the water begins t, buil, or as long as it can he borne. Re- past *mem tortes it necesaary. Aw at1111ed she Prayer -nese les. I gluomy, dazed, helpless, blue, and its 1. The pastor killed it. Although he owner looks just like it. The owner of gave notice from the pulpit on Sunday such a flock will aq'iirm and wince and that Were wuuld be a "prayer -meeting' apologize and exp.a a in a moat pathetic in the vestry oa Wedoeada evening, he way of the general appearance of starya changed it into a lecture when the even- tion and neglect w apparent, and all ing came. As a lecture it we.. a great , the time give you • vivid, glowing story •moee•a, as a prayer -meeting it was a of a pedigree as hopelem in Profile ea lamentable failure. After the learned era his bar* pastures. —(Elmira Husband- man had taken twenty minutes himself, Mas. every one else felt that whatever else be might say would feet very tame. Young John Evaoa wanted to my • word or two, telling Trow the Lord Jesse had eattafied hu hungry soul, and then utter a •hurt prayer of request for other hun- gry s ,uta, but hu pocr little word was nowhere. Irdeed, ke didn't say it. 0, the pauses of that meeting ! Surely the clock in the corner Dever ticked w loudly. An exchange has the following : "The country boy or girl is face to face with practical realities. He sues how slowly money is mane on the farm ; he is taucbt from youth up the need cf economy : be has the nature of saving first explained to him *very day in the week ; he is not exposed to the temptation of the saloon or ball -room and he is not w much ot s lady's man before he has occasion to use • razor on bas downy eh.ekr. He may to • trine rude ; he may not feel easy in e ,mpany, but in the long, closely -con- tested race ui life it is the chap that trudges to school barefooted in su:nmer and in etude& is winter, .hoes mother *uta his hair with the sheep shears, who leads the chap that goes to the city school with the starched shirt front and fancy slippers, aud whose hand is shared with • lawn -mower at the barber shop. Sari& ;las beeo eq; observation, and we think we know what we are talking about." •,'D PUMP FACTORY, GODERICH, ONT. FANNIIM Mill 9Ef AATNIENT. FANNING MILLS, $20.00 EACH, ONLY A FKW LKFT. 1ERieterTRenkrEPS Pat, Grain and Seed Cleaner for thoroughly separating at one cleaning Cockle. Chews, tt i1d Pees. Mustard Seed Thistle S, -ed. hoz Tall. and other obnoxious seeds sad refuse grata. from Wheat or any ggordas. cleaning and raring all gas seed al the mange time. ('lean. ()res. and Clover Se d. ur 'operates them. MIME FARRIER %KEW w\2 FIT* AIT waN%U%4 RILL. Exclusive territory allowed to good agents with hone, waggon and c•pftaL BACt`-HOLDERS for man or boy to all bats alone. Fanning Mill Sieves and Screens fur say Old Mills Repaired and (ors erect. MIM! NE►AATIEIT. 'I RST-Ct-Atr3B Plain and Fancy, PLUSHES, FRIZETTES MOUNTS, WINGS, Etc., Together with • lard. aswrtment of PLAIN AND FANCY RIBBONS. Alco Agent for the PARKER DYE WORKS, Toronto, las MRS_ SALKELID, At the old stand on the Square. Ool,lsrloh. WI IT CROS., GRANITE & 1/MARBLE WORKS, ST. DAVID -ST., GODtn:ON; ITao Doors East of Whitely's Hotel, Manufacturers of Masble Monuments, Headstones, Mantlepieoee, and all kinds of Furniture Trimmings in Foreign and American Marble; also Window and Door Sills, and House Trimmings of all kinds in Ohio Stone. e""T T• & CISTERN PUIP31 Drainage and Suction Piping, 1.e., &c. Wholesale and Retail. Prdlers %applied at Prices that fay. THE ARMSTRONG T.t5T1\4 RILL A\in rarer worms. aODERICS_ 2110 k the `« �p�� scrubby, a�«it �e. most .blwM. pitiful. lonesome sorrowful Pedigreed 0.1 rem. (; It A TEFCL—COM FORTD10. A starved thoroughbred is of all sheep ' S CO COI lbs £flFflmotshattbo, scrubby, masse,, 'beep thrifty a:teep on earth—o[ itself the abject, ptuful, lunewma, wrruwful, reehl Ilripe•. To prevent the hair from fallimg—Bay ram, five ounces; csrboaste of ammonia, one ounce ; borax, one ounce ; rose- water, toe quart. Mix and filter. Viewer of oologs•.—To one wt d Rood cologne water add one -hall ounce of strong acetic water. This is= ly used in Fraena for nevem. e, eta. Moth powder. --Lanoline (the flour of bops), one dram ; Scotch snuff, two ounces; camphor gum, one Doses; black popper, one rung, ; cedar modest, four flumes. Mix thoroughly and strew smong the furs or woollens to be pie 2. The deacon killed it. It was the next week. This time the pastor went in with warm heart. He opened the meeting with a short, tender prayer, and then in a brief word told, as • child might tell it, the preciousness of the Lord's presence. And it seamed as if nothing could prevent it from being a helpful, quicksnins season. Something did prevent it. The grand old domain was a little tired and sleepy, bot he must do somethirig to take up the time. He began away back in the sin of Eden, and did sot slop until he reached the year IMP. And then he said, "Int ea pray." Wa. that really "praying,' that ten meotei description of the plan of salvation that fullowed 1 Was this what that discouraged sass over there in the corner wanted, from the meeting 1 Alas, the deacon killed it all ! 3. The th,egthtiess member killed it. She is at the meeting, altbomgh not al- ways theta Next to her sits a friend who is out of Christ. The thoughtless member whispers during the pastor's peaysr, giggles at every mistake, sad terns over the leaves of the hymn -book whoa anybodyWks. The people with) in a rales oto feet seek way are dis- turbed. The Spirit is grieved, and that too, by one who is professing to seek the glory of God. Aad that killed the praysr-essetisg. 4. The chaletis member killed it. Dee of the weaker brothers offered • prayer, sod made a mistake in it. Another brother migeoted • text. The pastor never entt'cted as error during a meet. ing He thoeght the correction more fatal to the spirit. of the mesti.g than the mistake. Not w with the of Below brother. He roes and corrected smob mistake, and that killed formal meet - To remove .taloa from linen. —To aw- wine, fruit or irun main., wet . he with a solution of hypos pk a of gwowa, and smatter some pulverized tartaric acid upon it ; r ee' wash est a• can be substit.ted usual. Strong vtoegaInc the tartaric acid it eessssary. Wash fur cleansing silo and is - britannware. Take one pound t of oommon hard wap, three tablespoonful. ot spirits of turpentine and one half tumbler cf water. Allow the soap to dissolve, then boil tag minutes, and be- fore N cools add six tabl.sp000fels of bartsbors. Mike a sods of this prepare tion, sad wash the silver with it. Brilliant stucco ' whitewesh.—Take oleos lumps of well -burnt Was, slabs is bot water in a small tub, sad wear to keep in the steam. It should then be grad through • fins sieve in a said form 4o obtain the A sur of lime. Add me - fourth pound of whiting or burnt alsm, two paunch of anger, three pints of rise - floor mads into a thinvary well bo l- ed paste, and one posed / glue ed over a slow fire. It is said to Mimeo brilliant than planter of Paris, sod will last fifty years. it should be pt ell warm with • paint -brush. Crammer t'oappeetated. Mn Boodle (to sa.esmas in under- wear departmeut)—"Have any gauze ladies' vests 1" Salesman (with a ten -dollar 11mile)— "No madam,' but we have ladies' gases vests." 'Keep 'em then '" she answered snap- pishly, as she bolted for the dour, and since hie discharge the salesman has decided not to try to sell dry roods and educate the human race at the .was time. Not since Dolly Madison charmed people by her cute ways has there been a "Ludy of the White House- wno has w generally been popular as Mrs Cleve- land is, There has been others who hare ahowu mon interest In polities, there hare b.eu others who have played more of a "stage queen" character, but ben is the meat American personality that bas appeared before the public in the sante position. She deserves all the admiration she has received, for she has beep uniformly oourteous, agreeable and attractive to all clauses without donne- tion,—Philadelphia News. • BItl:AILF.aST. "By • thorough hoes -Wire of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestiow and nutrition. and by a careful application of the fine properties of weU-refected Cocos. Mr. Epps hos provided neer breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may saie us many heavy doctors' billy. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that • constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist evert' tendency to dlrease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around w reedy to attack wherever there is a wsak point. We may eaaape lois•) a fatal shah by keeping ourselves well furrttlila ed with pure blood and a properly nourtaae.r frame "—"Clea! merrier Oasdte." Made simply with boiling water or milk. Daly lo pockets by Grooms, A CO., ilomm°DtChemists. London d GOBIIICH BOILER WORKS BiANk ufactarers of all kinds of STAMEN, McNINE, UMICNT ANO TUBULAR BOILERS. SALT PANG, SMOK:B STACKS sad all kinds of Sheet Iron work. $TK1R And W•TEM PIM nrreemes constantly on hand. On hand. ready for delivery : 1 a• M.P. Sew steel Moiler. 1 a R.P. new Seller. 1 All work designed and executed in best style. WILSON BROS. deal largely in all gia..s of Europese and Canadian Granite, w rattention is called. pay to call before ordering Qiledsrick. June Ifkb. lap. WIL80rr Enos_ NEW FALL C000S ABRAHAM SMITH TAILOR & CLOTHIER Crossley sad Hunter, the Methodist evangelists, ars about to begin work in Torooto. A fish wife arrived in Kingaaaki some- time ago. She went to the bellman (a tree specimen of a Highlander,] to an- nounce the arrival of bee fresh herring, which be dei as follows : •'Notice— There's a fresh herring to bs .old at the corner of the old poet office. H* came with the 1 o'clock trains. H. belongs to Mrs. Mains. He is • very respectable woman's, and he's a very good hems', and t welve Inc hixpesos." logs. S. The six members who took tat mim- eses each killed it. it was • fns sympo- sium on the theme,'•Chriet the Bread of Life " bet it was sot • prayer -meeting. About the hardest thing in the werbl fct s worrier topce•arve while Mtd in the preeervbtg businies, is homer, when IM is obliged to est Mr prnm'vko1 kettle off the stove to avower • slag at the dortr-bell, and Ands • psttest-medicine air lar on the grunt IAa just received, and a now opening • lame assortment of W*AD . KADE MEN'S AND BOYS' SPRING SUITS. Also on hand a large stock of the LETEST PATTERNS OF TWEEDS AND CLOTHS For ibe make-up of SPRING Il. -ITS. ORDERED WORE .A. SPECIALT I AERAI3AM B>MCITS'ta. hast Side Square. Ooderleb, March 4ttk. 1887. >M A Complete 2i4 -bawd Thresbiog Outfit Boiler. Engine. Separator. 8:c.. all in good working order. Will be sold chap. Mall orders will receive prompt attention. Merl, t .pp. G. T. M. maim.. P.O. BOX 381 Roderick May fath. 11Ma. An old gentleman, speaking to $ young lady and commenting upon her freshness and good loo, long leis Ab, my dear, may you them. You know nothing of the jealousies, the heart burning., the con- tentions, and the rivalries, that beset the pathway of ezisteece. ' "Don't I though," she interrupted. "I want you to understand that f belong to • church choir.'' There i. no sadder tight than to sea a fond mother who has spent $5,000 to fit out • freckled hoed girl Inc the sammer resorts Burin It ()memo the hour, and the only prayer I the mateh•m•king season, t peeking her during dreams *way in was the opening prayer. I camphor, and sprinkling the finery with A. Tee (anitlndiam member kilted assam pr ekes meeting. His prayer wss s real looters to Clod, reminding his of the tallboy ad wickedness of the church. While Christ said 10 his disciples, ive ye them to eat," did be arta gall and wormwood, oe the Bread ril t heels beard not one earnest prayer rib sunset e the meeting have brought 1taraMor spirit 1 See monT Days tbtlre are of killing How many • cherrh tsars of disappointment. "Never marry a widower," was the ad- yies sit • young matron friend. "Bet you married ono—Why" "it's had anoogb to hear about your husband's mother's stoking, bet to have his first wife's biscuits thrown in your faro .very morning." A minister forget to take his ►Kaon with him to chetah, end hes wifa dim eororing the mistake, oast it to him in LIME DANIEL GORDON, CABINETMAKER UNDERTAKER. Anyone ma advertise, bat 1 con hdraw ouses hetow• .. s1 4V!ct a Nock ea band thaw any two FURNITURE. i hare now ow hand 10 different styles of Bedroom Suites. 8 different stylt s o' Sideboards, 2 Parlor Suites, and almost anything 1a the Furniture line. all of which will be •old AS ('HEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. AND DONT YOU FORGET IT. in the UNDERTAKING 1 sire personal attention, awl the benefit now of nearly 40 years experience. I think I have the best Hearses in the C.eunry of Huron 1 will leave the public to Judge. I bare everything asnally kept in • first-class establishment,itch as l'askst•. Coffins. Shrouds. Habits. (Moves. Crapes, 2'c. Embalming done when required. WI Ouaraatee to give satisfaction 1s every case. OLD STAND BETWEEN P. O. AND BANK OF MONTREAL. Oederleh. Sept. 8tb. 1.l1 11081.361 The subscribers targe limekiln, have iln which can teen completed their n 355 baab- el* ere.l and are hours, anare new prepare.f to supnlr all customers with • Ilse quality of good fresh lime daily. it will be to the advantage of every one 'v- estries lime to esll or correspond with u,. •a we are prepsred to dal liberally with par- ties ar ea wishinghe irieto b side f he Fae lls Fallsiln is has, this year, lost its Week of Prs er .large of a mall boy wh., was to re th thought Mdifbsest, ear. 'sive six -penes Inc the %job. Presently rwaNh he returned for the mosey. "Too do- t rill • brief 1 ye t potpie ova err by did yoe r' c*• ask - Demkpayees livered the sermon, evader deal kW say more ed. I jai gay it to him : he's a-de- Peaytw mvvltsge--OestgvepAiK Jimt lieria' ol it himself, • savored the boy. , BACHLER & BICKER, PROPRI1ITORS. Jame 17th. 1N7. 11e04me PATENTS 1837 VIVAT REGINA ! 1887 The subscriber wishes to talcum •11 loyal ..Veen se Her Most Gracious Majesty. Qsmat Victoria, lbet 1 .m dolsg may unseat to keep my stock replete with everything new sad em fel in all departments. NEW GOODS ARRABLE TOR,I ING DAILY L!t'IT Autumn Wear. The Correct Thing in Drees Goode Buttons and Trimmings to Match, Ribbons, Frilling. And Fine Laces, New Shades in Plain and Fancy Opera Flannels, with Embroideries to Mitch. 1 am not advertising goods at cast -w under, thanks to my numerous caatotnen. 1 lure no overstock of any one line. and that b saying • great deal when we bear so much about bosineae depression, hard time*, Re. CAVEATS. TOM MARKS Allo C0?TIIAMTS Obtained. and all business le the U.S. Patient omlee attended te at jyOPgRATR rims. Onr onto. is opposite the U. 11. Patent Of- fice. and woman Meals Patents 1. lea' time time these remote from WASHINGTON. Rood JtOOKL OR ',RARING. W. sti- fles an to pattauMllt free of chine,. asset we make 110 CHARVR UNLRSS end OB- TAIN P4TRNT. We refer. beer. to the ta.stmaater.tbe east. of Money Order b*v..awl to officials of the U. P. Patent Owoe. Per circular. advisee. terms and rcfer'wees to setae) Meets la year own State or ('ount write to t A. aki•M. (lpyiette Patent OHee. WaskIMbe. D. C. GYALI v 1 tALSAY tiR1S�t1 �C:Nc CQtt' ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES AND STRICTLY ONE PRICE. M• 71NTRO., Ooderlch. A tog. 10th. 1187. fpsl. Draper and Haberdasher. PFRFDIERT hill FANCY GOODS MIMS, Just itscelv.d at tt elHalt eJORDAN. will old '� es to suit the SwotTi Call .satheeerskt� r& •vin i iisDWiate! MOW. P. 3011311air, Medical $aU, GGoderiohw