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the Poet's tomer.
Ifs demos .I the (Leel.
Mr Moody tamed .we vl his iseetiege
in /denims', in which he hid deeply
touched hie sullen w by • wouJerfully
&fleeting portrayal of obs liaviwtt'a
triumph over pato, sure,., and death,
culminating in his outatug, by reciting
Mw ?rotor's beautiful poem, "Ceasing.
Many of his •udieuoe were moved to
teats. Mr bloody 'a owls eyes were wet,
and he oould scarcely speak for emotion.
The lines are as follows : —
' It army be la the evening,
When (he work of the day Is done,
And you have time to sit In the twilight
And watch the sinking run.
1Vhlle the Icing bright day dies slowly
Over t he sea.
And the hour grows quiet and holy
With the 1 bought* of Mr;
When you hear the village children
Passing &lung the street.
Among those thronging footsteps
Ma) coule the sound of My feet ;
Therefore I tell you, Watch
ley the light of the evening star.
1Vhen the rein Ls growing dusky
As the clouds sear ;
Let the door be ou the latch
In your home.
1 or it may be through ilia saw ming
1 will come.
"It may be when the ml4.labt
le heavy upon the land.
And the black warty 1>iag tumbly
Along the sand :
%Viten the moonless night draws close,
And the lights are nut I• lbe house ;
When the fines burn low and red.
And the watch is ticking luudly
Beside the bed ;
Though you sleep. tired out. on your couch,
3011 your heart must wake and watLh
10 she dark room,
Feu It may be that at midnight
I w all come.
"It ma) I.e• at the cock•rron.
AV•o :n the night is dying slowly
1: i' sy.
l'e es rem n`-"'
Flet it you are constipated, or hare slck-
Sm`xoidered bonnets are mouDevalues
Devallsera lbw meson.
White ..tis sod white kid boots will
j?e wore this winter for weddings.
Pinking is Mill was of the stoat stylish
1.1.1.s fur any sort 01 • oustuae for
street weer.
Oat braid o. white • pretty for •
•bort waist cunt to be worn with • dark
cloth a»lune.
The Comtesse tiers is a now form is.
millinery, and Due which is butt graceful
and becoming.
Bead embroidery, as well as that io
talk, u seen on the fashionable !wil!willow,.No very high trimming is considered
in good form this imam), either in bats
ur bonnets.
French sash curtains of fine laces are
very fashionable and reach only to tee
window seat.
Broaches are again worn in pr.elerer e.
Fashion's Fancies. .a... •rTMegSN.
1.11e a nut all in getting, but quite ee ache, bad taste in the mouth, rush
touch in helping.
Lahr se ra t remitter that has so heart
tar aN..eleaoe ill 11.
Werk Libor iia its various furms is
the foutiJation of all comfort, all pro-
gress, all c ejeyment, mud even of lift it
Of all the i iehes that **hug, of $ 1 the
plerwres um enjoy, we may carry ser
more. 0t of this world them out of a
H stone Ice the 'warty
4). 1. • .c.Idcn ran.
oto rn aril. Yoga. :
Veen nae mites are em the r:.Iley'. shading
Tne rivers chill,
And My morning star la fading. fading
lleer lbs hill;
Behold. 1 4a) unto you. Watch Watch ;
Let the door he on the 'itch
in )our home ;
to the chill before the dawn!ng
IJeteeen the night and nsorning,
1 may come.
-It may toe in the morainic.
When the sun is bright and strong
When the dew is glittering sharply
Oyer the little lawn ;
When the wavoi arc laughing loudly
Atohd the shore.
died the little birds are singing sweetie
About the door ;
With the long days work nefore you.
You rise up with the sun`
end the neocht ors come to talk a little
Of all that must be done ;
Hut remember that I rosy be the nest
To Dome in at the door.
To call you from your holy wort:
For evermore :
As you work your heart must watch.
For the door is on the latah
la your room.
And it may be in the morainic
1 will conic."
So I am watching quietly
I very day.
Whenever the sun shines brightly
1 rise and My,
"Surely this is the shining of ilia face,"
And look unto the gates of His high place
beyond the sea.
For I know Ho Is coming ehertly
To summon me.
And when a shadow Loll, across the window
Of my room.
Where I am working my appointed task.
1 lift my head to watch the door. and ask
1f H•U come;
And the angel answers sweetly
In nay home.
•'Only a few more shadows,
And he +III come."
of blued to the head, bilious cs-nplaist,
or guy similar ditbatlty, you should go
at 04405 to your druggist for Dr. Pierce'.
"Pleasant Purgative Pellets," the most
elicited means for eradicating it. by cor
rectiug all disorders cf the liver, stomach
and bowels. Small, sugar coated, agree-
able to take, and cause tau pain or grip
ing. Ify druggists
Ne one need be a ithout an interest in'
life white there is • human soul to lore
or a body tn c•,hsf..rt, • new fact to
learn or a new beauty to admire.
Nei what comes to • tun in the way
of outward advantages, but what imues
fr lion in the way of efforts and in
eisenee, is the chief wurcw 4,f his welfare
and usefulness.
A err'aoa aio°URt of opposition is a
greet hele t.. men. Kites rise agomat
to the scat( pins w much liked with e„,e tact wash tee wind. Even a head-
oollars. wind is better than none. No man ever
Yokes of lace and sleeves are aro styl wo, LeI lits pasaai,o t:uyshere in a dead
ish fur the •Ilk tar moire bodice. caltle
t:hangeeb'e silks and changea'ele nM Be careful how you act toward*
bons will both be used this season in friends. Faith once shaken is ever after
a.whination with woollen Lbric., suspicl.•ua of Let rays! ; and the stark of
Tarnished metal braids are used in de- herr teat burns dull but to.. often goes
curstion of muter garment* and slki, etas- out witttont a chance of being rekindled.
tomes as well. R fl r amasemeet is better than
ewes. caste of time, but reading for in-
struction eel give more refit, especially
to farmers .c h.. in the hoof evenings of
autumn and nester have golden oppor-
A pretty fashion in vests is in wLile
broadcloth heavily braided cite white
silk nr worsted braid.
Watered plush is imported here this
season for the first time iia any assert
meet of cuter! and as a uuvelty dews
very well.
Copper braids and also the tame metal
an threads among silks in the emtsreilet-
ed lands which decorate iudourcostuu.es
ate quite effective.
Silks veiled with lace are still styli.%
fur young girls and will Ire generally
wort by them on evening occssiope _ •
Plaided or crate barred siiks are cud
for pettio ata fur street dresses and the
stripes of color are usually tat satin un a
silk ground.
}touseholb }tints.
The wild West bat is strangely euongh
from L•,ndon. It is of wide bunt with
an edge of fluffy beaver.
The spangled bonnets leek a little
outre at first, bit will doubtless be 4uite
generally worn, as they are decidedly
novel this season.
The small poke, or the "Be Peep"
bonnets are still very popelar, and are
seen is some beautiful models.
A novelty in hat* which is of double
faced felt, the edges of which are pinked
to show both colors.
Matinees are now honored with loose
Fedora vests, and they are usually in
soft white Canton crape.
A huge cord and tassel is seen as the
girdle worn with some of the outer
wraps. It is the size of a large rope to
be stylish.
Little children's hats are of coloved
velvets with soft crowns. A bright scar-
let with white or black trimmings is
.suite stylish.
A rage for -scarlet and white combine -
IImes *zeta this semen, and toilets for
all sorts of occasions are made in tbie
c ,mbivation.
Cons* CMASL07TR Rveag.—Soak
one third package of Cox's gelatine in •
little hot water, enough to dissolve
thoroughly. Whip one pint thick sweet
cream with egg -beater until stiff ; turn
10 the gelatine, and beat it lightly ; add
one cbp powdered sugar and half a cop
of strong cold coffee, besting it lightly.
Line a mold—a bread ten with straight
aides will answer with slices of sponge
oaks. Pour in the whip, and set in •
cool place to become firm. Nice dessert
for Sunday, as it can be prepared on
Ruta Tenn.!' - lined or steam one and
a halt cups nee until tine. Wet eight
ceps or glasses and divide the rice
equally in each ; prase down a little ;
when thoroughly oold turn out in the
dishes it will be served in ; scoop a
hollow in the top of each, fill it with jam
or jelly, and turn some around the base ;
heap whipped cream over all.
Pss.-n Casein --Make • custard of
one quart milk, yolks of four epes, one
cep sugar. Dissolve half package gela-
tine, add to the custard ; flavor with
peach. Dram the juice from a can of
peaches ; add halt se much water and
ogee cup of sugar ; set it over the tire
and boil until the syrup is thick ; drop
is the peaches and week gently ten
minutes. When the peaches and cream
e re nearly cold wet • plain mold and
permed to fill ; first put in • cep .o( the
cream, then slayer of pseehes, *hornet •
ing till all are used. When stiff turn
out, peer around the base the syrup that
is left, and • meringue made of the
whites of the eggs beaten with • half
• cup anger. Fresh peaches can be used
in their sesame
Taken is the morning, fruit is as
h ylpfel to dig.Minn as it is refreshing.
The newly awakened function finds in 1t
an object el such light labor as will
e xercise without seriously taxing its
energise, and the tisanes .,f the stomach
aselt-ire al Itttle 00.1 a roils cif nourish
sweet ►hie% will sustain those energies
in later sad more merinos operstioes. It
is an .verdant plan, with this AAjeet in
view to add a little bread to the fruit
14,1= crash 1 1 /
It is the halide& thought that frames
•tself into vol. life. It effects us more
hen our ultimate social relations do.
)tar confidential frie. ds have out ao
much tee d., with ahapinz or influencing
our lives as thoughts have which we
Charity should be done wisely and
•udiciously, not taken up as • mere
passing' craze and fashion, to be worn
and laid &o.ide, after being displayed t..
the eyes of the world, as one lays aside
•last year's bonnet and guru as being no
toiler "IL, thine."
There is something even better than
success within the reach of each of us,
and that is the consciousness of having
manfully striven in spite of untoward
circumstances, futhfully and cheerfully
to du our duty in that state of lit* its
which a merciful Ptovideuce cast aur
By striving to obtain f and to cherish
clear and true ideas o° relit, by em-
phasizing them in our thoughts, follow-
ing then in our ewndcet, and diffusing
them through our influen r, we strike
the strongest and moat effective blows at
every firm of wrong duiug.
A REWARD -Of one down "T&A$&$
SY" to any one sending the best four lin-
rhyme un ' rL%eERRv," the reasonable
little gem for the Teeth and fest:. Ask
your lrugeeet or &dererea
The torsade of psseementeric is still
the attractive mode of trimming dresses
• ith wutache braiding.
The Alsatian bow is still a favorite
trimming fur a hat or bonnet, bot it is
still more full and less high than former-
Strings to bonnets are wider than they
were, but the close bonnet still has nar-
row velvet strings fastened by jewelled
Green velvet is largely used for cover-
ing dressy boone!s, and is seen in all the
venous stylish shades.
Then are very many stylish sha,.ea in
dressy b,nneu,but nothing so pruuouut
.d as hast year's styles.
Plain, severe English stylish head gear
is that which is imported for the purpose
of scoompar ing (b. tailor-made Loadoo
costumes of livery cloth.
The close, heavy braiding on some of
the stuff dresses imported this year is
very elaborate and heavy in weight and
their beauty does not show fur much in
the street.
The fancy fabrics sold f.er panels and
trimmings for many of the winter street
costumes are in nuinberlees designs and
of rare beauty.
The sedan chair is copied into small
articles, end is in demand for jewel cases
or cabinets for the five o'clock tea service.
Handkerchiefs are growing more elab-
orate every day and beautiful embroi-
dery wrought by nuns is expended upon
Brewla point is again to the fon and
is made in all grades of beauty and deli-
cacy aad it is used fur many purposes.
The edifier should now be of soft dia.
plumose f•tric aught gracefully over •
plain silk skirt, both in evening recep-
tion onetime. and in dinner dresses.
Sandals of colored satin of undressed
kid to ei.tsh the costume are worn with
tea gowns showing beautiful hoisery.
White and gold china supersedes all
otather in beauty ble spreadwith n• fine d delicacy
linen cloth.
Th. old fashioned mug shaped cups
ars the latest reproduction of old designs
in table ware. 1 hey are used fur ere
o'clock tea.
Shoulder rapes will he very stylish the
coming season end •m in any sort of
heavy label. -to correspond with the coe-
Copper red is see of the stylish warm
enlon wow this sesame and it is equally
beeomiag to blondes nr brunettes.
The pinked Memel is considered to M
• stylish bead metering and many of the
imparted tundele have this finish. 1t is
in line felt nr cloth.
The breech tea gown has more finish
and dileg•nas _than those worn is Feeg-
land, perhaps, bat it is also meal mer.
Vest. which are meat gnaesf.l are in
crape Amalie*, and trs when is snit folds
salted Iwll• Rook►.
Rltort wraps for ohm itre wear an ex
egdtsaly briniest eta Ueda, with
Now to Salarge t'-Ndrea's gametes.
blethers I If y sur daughters are in
ill health, or troubled eah • paleness
that seams incurable, or if they suffer
general debility, suev.•usness, languor,
weakness, or leu of appetite, procure at
once a bottle of Johit.:I's Tonic Bitten
and you will tout regret regret the ou'-
lay. Tee Tuuic and ,teuerally strength
ening cl1'.-ct of this medicine is truly
marvollous. 50 eta and 11 per faille,
at Good s true store,
One cf the ndd flutes of life is that
every man thinks be &muss hew t', wen
a w..tt.au, sail a boat, drive a horse, and
taun.wep•p•r, withugt any preteens
experience. That one little fact ac-
counts fur a good deal of trouble in this
New a Dude Cassini (obi.
A shun young man in the Height, of
fashion oras violently sneezing in • steete
car, when • comp•eien remarked, "Aw,
Chawlee, deah buy, how d'ye eat_h that
dweadfui cold." "Ain, dash feU'ab, left
My cane in the lowtr hall tether day,
and in sucking the ivory handle, at.
dereadful add, it ehilled me almeot k•
death." If Charles had uses; Dr. Har-
vey's lied Pine Gum his cold would not
trouble hie.. eery much. For sale et J
%S ils,n's prescription drug store. tf
Fall and Wlnter.
Ready -Made Clothing
and Ends of Cloth
Inset be heaved Nat N t'eN sen N .ler Coed.
131 -3G -H T ND0P,
Te Ilse nettle at erste... a. amt: all whom
le may rearm".
Ph•eapFhatine, or Nerve teem, a Phos-
phate Element based upon Scientific
Facts, Formulated by Professor .Austin,
M. D. of R.,sten, Masa., cures Pulmon-
ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertigo std Neuralgia
and all wasting diatoms of the human
system. Phosphatine is not a Medetine.
but a Nutriment, because it contains no
Vegetable or Mineral Poises, ()plates
N treotics, and no Stimulants, but sinal'
ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements
found in our daily food. A single bottle
is sufficient to convince. All Druggists
sell it. $1.0) pre b ode. L•,wst &
Cc.. sole agents for the Dominion,
SS Front Street East Toronto
Mothers complain of not knowing huw
to enlarge girl'. dresses when they grow
rapidly, yet we think this cannot be so
difficult • task with the prevailing fash-
ion of open bodices with a veered pleat -
roc of another material Pleated plea.
trona are often carried to the waist un
pointed bodices, and an answering trim•
ming added to the front of the skirt, to'
the fronts of a bodice that is toe narrow ,
easy be turned back above, lined with a
different hoe, and • gauged strips set on
from the reverse t, the waist; t.hese,how-
ever, should be edged with the material
of which the skirt is composed to give
a tasteful effect. A tucked chemisette
of muslin, tulle or etamine in white or
cream should finish off such • dress.
The back and front of a yoke grown too
small may be enlarged by setting in four
strips of any pretty material, one down
the fruit, a second and third round the
arm boles and the fourth down the
"To wbat do yrni attribute the cum.
tire properties of your spring ?" asked a
vistor at a health resat. "Well,"
answered the proprietor, thoughtfully-,
"I guess the advertising Fre doue has
bad something to do with it."
A 'mac stele a raw, and on being tried
for it, he told the bulge he took it only
in joke. "How far did you carry it
"Two miles," answered the prisoner.
' That's carrying the joke tco far," re-
marked the judge ; and the prisoner
was committed.
rrItemember tlse emee-West street. nee deer to Bank o1 yf.streaLldi
Ooderlcb. dept. Tend. 1817.
Tai r lhaRATED
;loom DELION
�NgAeVE YOU fel
Jausisempl•hMM d•c - D 'led' Ribosome
Isuosatceo, � - D.rlaesws. acus in she Sidi
seer, Die. u*.ss ss Ltv�ua& wdlrbe breadd a me
and certain remedy.
nes ane,ua:ifad m:ceesof Tk. Chase's Lieu Can E
Liner tompli,at rests solely ,..ak the fact that it i
xmpo.oded trauma/tare's e.,/ II -karma Viva ng.lYwt
InA0DUA5. A44,1141:1,44414411.11C:4, combined with env
Aber once oats* roots, boric and herbs, baying
,owvrfal elect W the Kidneys. Stomach, Bowels sr
Brood. 1100.000 SOLD
IV' $i W
1.6.44464414•111! -
e sit -1f
The undersigned beg wet respectfully to Iafone tea fbasMtapt• .f Oetlteteb and ve
rounding isuntry, that bar/ag bought ('1Hle' Al' P011 CASH fa the Lest markets et Cala
end the Vaned nkat.•, a very superior stuck .f
'4r.r. ear-ii.J m,.:i.•e we Pe. Clash Reri/e and
were sari in Conde West. We rear every was
were ail , W4 tab rt trash": wila Lay Caw
Aiea 1t toy till trn}Lal r,ardly.
' fi111Lness floe GIVEN Asan FON
prepped .cava eervaa*ryy I.ee*LeIDr. Cha+r's LiwrC.
ie . dimble Hoewbcid pedicel Guide and kecip
Nook til ). co0*air.i.g ee'tr aoo useful recipe,
reeiical Ines sad druggists as invites
M . an.o: "rib k era times the price of medicine-
TRY Ceatt's CATANIA CUL A safe sad pond*
'emedy. Vase, ae cents.
TRT Outer' [carr me (Mfg PIIII. as oe- per 1.0.
T LON A VOON a OIO . Selo ciao tar DraeMset
Consisting of FRESH TEAP, of this season's importation, com-
prising Young Hysons, Gunpowders, Japans and Blacks, amongst
which are to be found some of the very choicest imported, and
desire to call special attention to the same. Also a Superior
Blend of COFFEE, French Broken Loaf, Granulated and oth-
er Sugars, Syrups, Molasses, Raisins, Currants, Figs, Nuts, Or-
anges, Lemons, Assorted Peels, Extracts, Flavorings, Sauces,
Pickles, Jams, Jellies, Canned Goods of all descriptions, Biscuits,
Pure Ground Spices, Hominy, Maccaroni, Vermicelle, Tapioca,
Sago. Rice, Brushes, Tubs, Pails, Brooms,
•ad other useful articles °etud y kept la a erst-elasa city establhbment.
At Is$PFA T/Nt far N a GNNDM iisM.T esaunesis
Store on the Square, Between B. Downing'* and 0. Crabb'•.
Oedericb. April flat. 11.7. xlli
1.11 F V R:t !SURD
sty Mope' the later
dile. pet 1a Three
Sew Marter Carless
tyre theeele-
united Rochester
Diem t' h a i rs. sad
1 a journeyman
we are lay
p.dtliai to do tlt.Mev
W e r It flus hereto
Lady's & Clii&es s
llNreettiag •cotta a
peelah es all Says
- � A ariieere
'VWSvrm KN=G'HT,
S IM West Street. two doors east et P.O.. OoderlcA
The Greatest Luxury Obtainable for Impaired or Diseased
Vision is a Pair of
The Celebrated Axis Cut Pebbles !
PRErr3 A 1prS
Balance of 1887 Free
To all now .nb.rriMag for the year itee.
at the low price of
relam p'sand ulArr Sermons
Rerreftrsl Meese/ MelrrHner*
/./rowstioselttuwider. yribsot Leese..'
A !ignited number of this lr.aatifnl premium
pietism 1. ofbred s,Mrribeea for
SO e.nts motes.
rTs• Weeseea advMNsrr sal Penniless
e`e 51.sw
Agitate wanted everywhere. Tweety-Ave
trainable prise. to M.wardeel over see aber,
Hee mall come, 'melon to the waore .wroanafal
twee Na* •
*red let roan*
t ger risk
Mlle .
rum S$Saaa'a- (1t1M00 51U.
1.e • "ass 1M wwewa 44. tS1
Ns vas' fleet ni. z - i' w+w
uvR 1.4111A11 Irene wow ones Jose I.
IMO, ver seer Mees. W eN ,
M w. ia1',r_ . ..
Aro pleasant to 1.ko. Cantata their nwa
Par-atl-a Is ■ sato. *oro, au4 •MefeAeI
rfrg.r •5 wirer la ceases es Admit&
ied *Oa
As then an mac Worley
.. and sale
et CCaaeeaaYY by sew ■m
! ne emresibaae p•�rar
our gr.wtlast Inennno.
we wale the Iadlesmminet
snob Impnsttbe he draw-
ing their atteation to the
nersslty of swing that the
la stamped on inner side of all Oe•wllaegooda
wltMwt weigh INNS NO aeaabn
The People's Livery
JOHN KNOI, Proprietor.
The •twee$ ver le prepared te mw/.a the peb
Ile with
The Finest Rigel
CA1JA1 0 ales i S-Ovips the Ostber
r —
The frauds that have been perpetrated on the spectacle wearing
public by most spectacle dealers and peddlars by giving assumed and
fancy names to ordinary glass, speaks for the ignorance of the public
generally, in the all-important subject of the preservation of sight.
there are only two articles from which the spectacles lenses can be
manufactured. viz : Pebble and glass ---call glass by any other name,
it still remains glass. Pebble. on the other hand, is from nature's
own manufactory. It is a natural crystal found generally in free-
stone formation, and is harder than the ruby and emerald, and near-
ly as hardas the diamond. The Pebble is not more or less than a
transparent stone, cut by aid of diamond dust, and the greatest
amount of power in placed immediately over the centre of the grain
found in all pebble. - It will give to the spectacle wearer the coolness,
freshness and a pleasant feeling that the onlinary spectacle lenses
cannot by any possibility impart. All spectacles and eyeglasses are
stamped B. Land can only he purchased from
Druggist, /f.�
const, Goderiob.
eth I. ttBS ll
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
oleo. ninhartitir,
jOwNHamilton Street, Godsrich
A:lieM eaCgMiLRrs.t.sd.'.
aea walls
PI It A pt*4.eesenasest et Callao sad Mtrws& elvers es head also hearth feet Mremewahle rams.
we8eele ed Wearies
Here is as iater*stteg *street
an aliases is the New York Merre.
Art should always be basad en •
and so art ie true which does tea
oaten for its model. A Ferfect,
g,rtrioal, wesesltby woman, of 1v
eve inches in height must oomph
the lulluwine standard : She shot
138 pounds at the l*si, and amid
up to ten pomade mere without lie
health tar artiste, perfection. Th
team beslweelw the tips of her tee
hexer* when the arms ara eat
sb..ld be exactly the Mase se the
.r ten times the length of her h.,
seven and • half times the length .
toot, tar fire times the diameter
sheet from owe arm pit to the
The dietetics trues the junction I
thigh* ter the grated *tumid be the
as heel the feeeser print to the t
the bead. The knee should Le e
midway frim the juoctios of the
to the bottom of the heel
The distance from the elbow
tip cf the middle Gager should
same as from the elbow to the
line of the cheat. From the top
head to the chin, with the head
weaselly, should lie the same as
the level of the chin to the arm p
frees the beef to tbe-tipeLtha larl
The bust of a women of a6 !Nigh!
ed should be forty three Ibeehw ma
meet oyer the arms, and the
t weety•four.
The upper part of the arm dna
iron thirteen and • balf to fuurts
ekes and the wrist six inches. Th.
ehould be six Useless, the calf of t
-fourteen and the thigh twenty-five
woman of the height mentioned w
these measurements can cone
herself on having as perfect • fc
the Creator ever made. Of rerun
p uportioss vary with the height.
t.. Sew hi get Bleb.
The Boston Herald has been
1leslr rich men for rules by which
IInN Istel twee** rich. Mr. P. T
Mee syn the golden rule is to ape
than one earns. He advises absi
from tobacco and rum, dee care f
health, the seleetion of a °engem
----tali avu..r.�nee oI debt, and
animation to excel all then maga
the same occupation He alio sal
Be careful to advertise in some
or other, beswe ft is evident tba
man has ever so good an article f
and nobody knows it, it will brit
no return. The whole philn.oi
life is, first sow, than :reap- Tbi
ciple applies to all kinds of busing
to Ing more eminently than
lel •man has • reall
them is no way in wt
caattsep more advantageously t
"sowing.' to the public in this w
a man has geode for sale, and he
advertise them, the chanties •
some day the sheriff will do it fax
Politeoees and civility are e
capital ever invested in business.
stores, gilt signs, flaming adverti
will all prove unavailing if you e
employees treat your patrons a1
The more kind and liberal a sae
more generous will be the patron
stowed upon him.
Pressers your integrtiy ; it
precious than diamonds or rubiet
most difficult thing in life is t
money dy►onestly. Our pre
full of mew who attempt to fol
course. Noreen can be dmbent'
out soon being found out, ad e
lack of principle is dissovered
avenin to suoome is closed ag.i
forever. Strict heasety pot
at the foundation of all moms
Gaancially. bot in every other r
^e-`-' Vsefid R.dMs.
To prevent the hair from ta11i
rem, Bre ounces; earboaate of s
one *epos ; borax, one mum
water, one quart. Ilix and file
Viewer of oobgse.—To one
pool cologne water add owe -h'
of strung acetic water. This is
ly used in "'rases for aeeyeee I
Moth powder.—Lupaline (th
hapse one dram ; Scotch si
ounces; camphor gum, nee our
popper, on. ..ince ; cedar Met
ounces. Mix thoroughly a'
among the fun or woolleet te
To remove Maim from linen
cove wine, fruit or iron Mains
with a suletiou of hypos
Alit, and scatter some pulvere
acid upon it ; then wash est
Strong vtaegse can be sub*
the tartaric acid if necessary.
Wash fur cleansing a
britannis wan. - Take one
common hard snap, three
of spirits of turpentine an
tumbler of water. Allow tl
dissolve, them boil ten mines
fon It cools add six tables'
hartshorn. Make • suds of t
tion, and wash the silver wit)
Brilliant stucco ; whites
clean lumps of well -beret Gila
het water in • smell tel, at
keep in the steam. It shot
parsed through a bee sieve in
to obtain the fl oar of limo
fourth pound of whiting or
two pounds of anger, three p
Goer made into a thin and e
ed paste, and one pound of
ed over a Glow bre. It is mi
brilliant than planter of Pas
last Shyyears. it .heels
wrm awth a paint-bredi.
About the is ie t Wag i
tf r
issohoe M
temper, when .he °blies
peaerreitrg kettle off the Me
• flax at the dont-bell,
psfewt-wiedidas terneler
g ap.