HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-11-4, Page 5, THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, NOV. 4, ISM s Asa rtes MOs. Aprnettles their sale WII, ta.e -Ipriated at �Waa'Hee utilise' a free nodus lraertee b Wt ap tot time ef mks. All parties oe.utemplaiiog Let Sus a sale, will consult their own interest b7 liptdag their bill. printed at Tea t3waal. fie,, where only reasonable rates aro charged and it free tootles M Riven under this head up to time ul .ala motion eats of thoroa1bbred and hish pale stock, ounaiating ut young ousts and beaten, on the tarns of John Nash tattoo, Lut 20, o us. 3, West Wawaooah, by Charles Hamilton suctiuuesr, cum nssooiug at 1 o'clock p. m.. tut Tuesday, the 8th of November, 1897. See punters lee farther prtiealars. J. l iffaex's FOR FALL AND WINTER mums Goma_ QD TO H. W. BRETHOUR & CO. BR ANTFORD_ OUR SPECIAL OFFER. We send Samples on application, Goods by mail or express. We pay expre„ charges on orders of Fire Dollars,—Goods to be returned and money refunded if not satisfactory. IZZZ=SS4 We sell (loc.], Useful Dress Tweeds for 121e. Beautiful (.'hocks and Stripes for Combination. Silk Plashes Our Przerpiion Deo Slott ARMBREC TONIC COCA WINE - FOR - FATIGtUE Handsome All -Wool Casbinert' Cloths for 2:x. We have the Very Newest Materials and Colors. TRIMMINC--s_ in all the New Colors, Very Cheap. Handsome Stripes and Broches in the Newest Designs. Dress Ornaments, Braids, Buttons, etc., etc. M=7—I?_12NERY t MANTyr=e_ Millinery Show Room is now open with the Latest Styles. Ladies' Mantles, Dolmans and Tailor -Made Jackets. A Lame Stock of Children's Mantles. SEND FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES OR COME AND INSPECT OUR STOCK. Brantford, Oct. I2'tk, 116:. H. W. BRETHOUR & Co., Brantford. HAVE YOU SEEN The crowds that congregate on the street corners, not talking Commercial Union, but about „_ PRIDHAM BROS' CHEAP SUITS MIND and BODY' - AND - and the verdict of every one is that Pridhaln Bron, "are a wonder," selling those elegant suits, cut and made right in their own establishment, and every one fits like the paper ou the wall, SLEEPLESSNESS FGR $7.00 A SUIT l.erteseeaad scientific analysis reveal to tti,tI la l7at+a the asset tomtit Pplast in the Veget. aae Ktagdoei.- -Manual !'.sale.. It ICocat is. In a word, the most powerful re.torer el the vital forces.- Dr. S.bwan'. Armtneeht's Coca Wine, though more teak Ursa tram or Quinine, never Coast:pates. See Medical Pet -tears. Armbrecht, Nelson & Co., r Duke 8t., O rossetser Sal . Loados. Eagle nd For sale by leading dr'o sista throughout the world, and 2121- F. JORDAN, Goderich. R n,anahip tele year at throe a d f.iereolL of test year. Write for V RI.T t YORK. I.uodoa. Oat. Mike 0.0DRRI073 PLANING MILL ESTABLISHED It Buchanan,Lawsonii Robinson MU1VraCTCRaae Or Sash, Doors & Blinds MMAL>I. In ALL auras Or Lumber, Lath, Shingles and bender's material et every desorlptlon. =BM. 1111111T11.1a slepun. MIA Order pesm$171 ' u• Gedmish WM. 1. 31111 117 HURON AND BRUCE 100 OD INVESTMENT IOMPANT 771ie Cowper" is Loamy Monty on Parwt Semstity at Lomat Rata of Iwtereel MORTGAGES PURCHASED. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. S, ; sail 5 per Coat /Merest Allowed en Deposits, oatwotswt and time left. • omct Cor ea et R r* atm Hera Street, HORACE IIOR ON. oeseriee Atte.Ish 111111. „g, ][[ and upwards. They are selling like; hot cake& Of course you do not notice them because they are so much like the ordinary ordered clothing you sec every day and what you have been in the habit of pay- ing $16.00 and $18.00 for. If you wish to save looney just call and see thein. Yon will be more than plead. OR=RRR= =EPARTM-MNT_ The needs of our patrons in ordered clothing are various, and they require careful study. It has been ours through long experience, appreciation of a FIRST CLASS TRADE, and careful selection. to create and foster a demand for high -clams goods, and we have the satisfaction of knowing that in excel- lence of duality, combined with moderation in price, our patrons are agreed that we maintain the reputa- tion we have earned as the leading tailors in the County of Huron. Our FALL STOCK is now com- plete. which is this season the finest ever ilnported into Goderich. Elegant Overcoats, Beautiful Trous- eriags, Magnificent Suitings, &c. Your early order is solicited. PRIDHAILE_ THE MAN who is going to do tte best by the people is the one who wilt do the beat trails with them. sad in this belief I ban determlaed to spare no eeiesvor to meet WITH their approbatbs la the diapoaal e( geed, in tie atnes whbh I have the Maar to offer to the pathic. 317 aim le to try and please. and thus far I have met with THE mast anpus ides models. Jobb BilliseM has said. ••re stay lite win.- and 1 have made up my mind to HAMMER y aaW I kaeek the bottom out of high prf V Dry.Ooods et every desorlptloa. ea betas dawn Oroearies to hard pea. Oleo ms a cell aid rn guarantee satldao- tioa all the way round - ,_O' A, tlMt- . Himeger of the Termite Howe. STOP ! WHERE? A.T FRASER, PORTER & EATS A,ZI1rD airs' A $3.00 ALBUM POR $1.50 A $1.25 ALBUM FOR 25c. Ana .a ethane et peva/ Low Rates. Our Sleek esmtxles• as amt et BOOTS ANDaSHOES. E. DOWNING, The 01d Established Boot and Shoe Man of Goderich, still to the front with one of the Largest Shocks In tie Dominion. oomprislsg EVERY STYLE, QUALITY, & PRICE AN IMMENSE STOCK OF Ladies' Fine Goods In Roston Roots. Balior.ls. Cosgr.e.. Oxford Ties, fifteen diRbroet sertyyles of Kid Slippers from Mc. up weep' pries jou like• Felt, Plush. Repo. 1'ranelk, Carpet, Wigwam and German Suppers in protudes. OVERSHOES AND RUBBERS Of every descriptionboth of Canadian and American makel. I would also oil the ailantus of FARMERS to that part of my stock especially suitable for them, seek s. Long Boots in Calf, Sip and Cowhide, FELT BOOTS AND MOCCASINS. I have a line of Felt Boots, own make, acknada. Prompt sad nowledged t ledgtedt o be t ine Rives des Felt Hoot made 1. ORDERED WORK AND REPAIRING. MOW NEW GOODS. We have over Three Thousand Yards of New Heavy Cloth DRESS GOODS just arrived, the best value ever shown in Goderich for I21c. a yard. CaII and See Them. COLBORNE Laos.. O ODERICII. 500 119.1E!,,,SES PANTED targe sad well -assorted slack cat FIIIST CauleYSS �t fXRSS Now offering at REDUCED PI:I(•E.- at A0HE s oz's Mammoth Herne** Itepot. Having secured • large to of ltarnees ducat I Mira. hobss and lilankcta at wholesale manufacturers prices, lam conlldent 1 can sootily all In need of Harness, Robes, Blankets, Trunks, Valises, Whips, Sleigh Bells and everything to be found in a first clam shop. at prices never beIure offered in the County.large at Having determined to sell off the whole of my large earner having lash can buy at prices that will surprise everyone, so come ,lung as d try tpt Mammoth Harness Depot and ,;n still Rave mosey. Remember the stand i WM. ACHESON'S HARNC—Q ! POT. Hamilton :Street, (iadericlt. WAS Desk decennia mud be settled at once by l•aat or Note. 21 3m tPIMeo boar throe Teets 1u mind :- I have by far the largest stock of Beets and Shoes la tows • They aro of the very beet anality procurable, being made by the bot maaiboterers 1 Cause.: Aad I wM sell at peloes as low or lower than anyone else. Ss1►eftfng a ooatlsuasre of your rained custom. m liberally accorded M daring the past fourteen years. I remain. yours faithfully, E. DOWNING Crabb'e Mock. Oar. t�..t. sad Salem. BOOTS 86 SHO ♦ herge Aassesma1 of /k11 and Winter Geode )list arrived tM H. GUEST'S C2�AP CASH STORE T11E "GURNEY" HOT NITER IIEATER From the very beet manufactory in Canada. LADIES FINE BOOTS A SPECIALTY, RUBBERS, OVERSHOES. FELT BOOTS. ac. BIG DRIVE IN SLIPPERS. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. All (heap for Cat 17 H. G U EST, West Side Square, Goderich. We have NOW Inn Ills* the following NEW & VERT FASHIONABLE Adapted for heating all classes of Public and Private Build- ings. It is unsurpassed for simplicity and economy. OVER 200 ALBUMS «Mfi we algia se sell of began 'ewe Weeks to maki mem Ise awn... west. FRASER, PORTER & KAY. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. SHADES IN DRESS GOODS Heliotrope Island Blue Mushroom Brown GI-obelin Mineral C+rey. � b. DETLOR & CO. THF FINEST FALL MILLINERY ARRIVING- DAILY aT T873 WEST STREET EMPORIUM.' A. J. WILKINSON. NOTICE. 1 have decided to continue bushman for another season, and Ladies will dad my stock of FALL --MILLINERY __ WORTH INBPIMCTIIM CF. FAIL I MEAN TO SELL CHEAP STOCK 18 FULL. IN EVERY DKI'AIIT11IKNT. MISS G PAHA1�CC, TEA IQUANIX GODERICH. NEW MILLINERY I AS PRtIOUSLY ANNOUNCE!, MISS C. —M EON Hae opened cot hoe New Millinery IGtat.d, .hmeat on THB B. /I U. BURNET OOIP11T (Limited), TORONTO. 14 A M I z'1' CN.l.lST And Is now prepared to attend to the muton of the I .d TO nMI SLD 717!03[ Ladies' Underwear, Epic Jas. Saunders & Son, A AP,r('lAl•Tr..�.t.rg.aasnrttnrwt.ilit. GtrODFRIOH, ONT. The Latest Novelties in Shapes an.' xw era, 1a T.lerny. AA LL ARK I Ii V ITRD 1 l CALL A N l t erg h atsd vi fatty. J., n' ?"04, 81.4 u.s' .11• en 1 1e.'. ! .►rt lsS $i. *T tMx)D0,1R WIT