HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-11-4, Page 4New_- Goods We beg to inform those Mho were disappointed last week in not getting the HOSIERY we advertised, that we have re- ceived another Large Shipment this week. We have also re- ceived another lot of Mu's Shirts and Dracrs AT 63c. AND 73e. JSA.REDI &llO Jordsa's Block. Court House Sq sere. Goderich Val Oet.. 1a77. tm 4-ly law Advertisements This Wens. Kelrmy Heller -Reboil Bell. Aselsaeab Notice -C. Seeger. Oral Neve for sale -This olece. Boole and Elbows -S. LlowatnR. Ai.igarse'a Notloe-Batt. Gibbons. Met water heater --K. it 0. O000ey. Hew Botcher shop -Nim. Mtrachan. Mead Opera Hese.-Andrews tk Cod. IWO Album kw lac.- Fraser. Porter it Kay. IIrow.b Balsam of tt"fld cherry -Jas. Wilson. la the High Court of Justice -.lea. S. Cart- enisht. la the High Court of Juntloe-Js•. Is. enfold. '-T-0-181-"N TOWN TOPICS. aster* anitilig ye. faiths' notes. Ari faith hell prcnt U. For ruyoos. oil portraits or photographs. glflrseMr%m ret-clapicture fronting call upon Stewart.00r. Hamilton -et .and Square. Hallowe'en b past for ISS.'. but 1Li4 Sallows t be photographer continues to turn out photos dad outside views that cannot be surpassed fes week by the best city studios. Corner of Meatrssl-m. and Square. The gee weather of the pest week or so should not take people off their guard. Pre- paration should be made for a cold snap by going to F. it A. Pridhenes. and purcha.ise some of their excellent wearies appereL THE WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TILMrtRANCz UNION will mart reeulaily for the traasection of badness every Tuesday afternoon at 210 o'clock. in Knox church. livery woman in- tntested 1a the work is cordially invited to attend. Liquor tea .till bolde its own with the beat in the land. The hcedinarten in Oederich is at the well-known drug more of Geo. 'threes. where in addition to 1 i-quor tee. etrry-thiog t• be found in • firstclass drug store can be obtained. rime TAILOR! No. -Customers ready teamed up sod be measured for a fall suit or overcoat of 'strictly the choicest goods in the market. with a cat end make in strict eccordeene with *menage mod true art. should inspect McCormmt•'s Leonean. stock cf new felt goods. feu sukaogs and nobby overcasting. in all the new shades. Don't fall to see them. Tug HCRON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INTUIT - MINT COMPANY.- Depositor In this company have the best possible security for thetr mon. •1. .11 being Invested in mortgage on tarn property. Depositors have a fat lien in all the company's assets. Hate of interest paid. from 4 to Sper cent, according to amount end duration of deposit. Framers having sur- plus means should call and ser the manager. Goode. Black Cherry liaisons Is the beg preparation out tor coughs and colds. so pre- valent at this time of the year. Try It. A feu stock of everything in the drag line con- stantly on hand. Particular attention le in- vited to our stock of hair brushes and toilet erticlee--guod. varied and cheep. i'creosol attention to physicians prescriptions and fatally receipts. Charges moderate. W. C. Goode. druggist, Albion block. Mr. H. Meyers, of Wittgh•m, was in town on Saturday. The regular monthly meeting eight of the school board next Monday. Capt. E. A. MvOregnr, of Sarnia, wet in town Mot.day and Tuesday last. John Lyon. of flay City, is visiting his parents Mr and tin Patrick Lynn. Mw ida Wilkinson, returned Monday evening truce • two m intoe emit to To- ronto. Harry R thiamin. for dDne time past a resident of Clinton has returned to Uudericb. The drawing for the coal stove at the Bazar will take plass en Friday night at eight o'clock. Feather trimmings -a splendid hue at J. A. Reid & Bros' in sill the lending colon at 18a per yard. Michael Farr, formerly of Goderieh, pow of Chatham, is reputed to be the 'fastest working cooper an Ontario. The Grand Trunk Co's dock on the west sole of the elevator is being renew• ed, a nnmher of men being employed t hem °. Th. Mime. Florence Williams and hathleen hall gave roc;cations at a ten tmeetiug at Wilkins n's corner ant Thurs- day evening. Hallowe'en passed off in • cnmpere- . Lively quiet tnsuoer Monday last, no very hoary damage by the ynunesten being reported. Dr McD.,ntoh will be in Goderich for consultation on Saturday, the bth of November, and afterwards on the first 1Atorday of every month. AT Hat► -111A1. -Owing to the renal death of ez•Beerefary Waehurn the flag at the office of the American Consul woo at half mast during the week. .1. A. Reid t Bm., ars selling heavy dress mottoes from 8c per yard op. den oels from I7o per yard, bleeketa from 82 per parr •p, tall and see thus. B. C. Black and Miss Vine McDonald, 1\msprille, after 40 yeas.' onurtahip, con- doled past week that they were well sassgh acquainted to risk getting Olaf - tied. OLD Nawarsrawa -We haste nn hand a few hundred pounds of old newspapers, wore► we will dispo s of in quantities to emit purchasers at 3 cents per Ib. at Tea Ehnwat- A writer in a entre paper says : "If you want to get the meet pleasurable moral Nei oat of it, kiss yTour _ghat on the spar of *ho r.nmStlt." USSAHR lb IsU.we prefer :he mouth.. Dr. M. W hien• the West skeet dentist, makes the presereativa of the materna teeth a apesiafy. One eidmtasw 'red from 9 am. le 4 p.m. fur the 'min- ima eaVestime of teeth. Nonce To Tularemsa& Hi• wor- ship He mayor has caused to be posted ep nation warning all parries trammels* upon oe in ..7 grey toilltiangst the ezhibalios grouds and buddies& His Loapener, roe ono TIMasaltiu.- J. T. °arrow, Q C.. ooaspied the of justice at the usiees Saturday (set, is the absence of Junes Rome, and clos- ed up the business of the ouurt in a highly satisfactory wase.. W. T. JE`1NlNUs, C. P. R , engineer, was in town during the week taking ob- servation*, but gave no intormatron of importance co:owning the probable male for locating the road. The bonus fever for railway purposes will now be in order. Ewes:Rau in this issue will be found an interesting letter by our old friend, Thu Kydd, detailing the rise and oro - green of the railway agitation in Gude- rich during the pest three years. The "Old Man" desk some heavy blows at certain of the obstructionists. Hen's • chance for some ad our local mashers : - ht. Thomas physicians see bothered by an enormous adored girl about half • century old, who persists; to falling in bye with them, one after an- other, and sending them letters breath- ing intense affection and devotion. The following little incident which oc- curred not one hundred milee from Godo - rich tells • good deal In • few words Mrs. Quitter : You may cut me off a sample and I'll res ,a) dr•emmaker, and send for what I need. Infant Terror : Why, mamma, that's just what you said io ell the other store. Clain Scott, as "Mary Queen of Scow," had • crowded house last even- ing and received ample evidence that the euthusiestic were fully satisfied with her superior acting. Mr. Coburn also la en- titled te great praise for his finished work. --The Register, New Haven, Coon., February 22, 1877. Fos THa GOLD STATS.. - Saturday morning Messrs J. Varcoe, John Wil- liams, George Carroll and J. .1. Wright will leave for California to spend the win- ter. They are ruing for purpose. of health and prospecting, and we hope to see them all "bob up serenely' next spring with their best anticipations real - zed. "SYR ANDID."-The comedy company which played in town Thursday last was not largely patronized. Friday the re ceipts at the door were w light that no performance was given, and the money was refunded. The company struck • similar bad streak of luck at Blyth on Saturday, where they were stranded and disbanded. RETURNED Home -A number of the men from this section who were employ- ed on the Government survey bunt hay- field during the past season have return- ed home. They were Norman McAuley, Alex and W. Sutherland and Murdoch McGuire, of Goderich, and Frank Keegan, of Bayfield. The vessel was laid up at Owen hound Friday last. PsmetsNTATIoN or Slit Jo/N's PICTURE -H. W. C. Meyer, of Wingbam, while recently in Germany, had Bir John Mao- donald . picture painted in oil from • photograph by Breithaupt, of Munich, one of the leading artists of the may. ' It was loaned to the Albany Club of this city, but Mr Meyer presented it to Lady Macdonald, io•smuch as she desired its possession. Dsrrry SHratrr. - Winnipeg Rau : Mr John C. Currie has been offered and will probably accept the position of de- puty sheriff, rendered vacant by the de- parture of Mr John Robertson from the province. Mr Currie filled a similar position in Ontario, and as he is a popular, obliging gentleman, he will be sure to give general satisfaction if he desides to accept. LOo.tx LIE( A TICE BILL. --"Your true blooded aristocrat," said Mr. Thompson, "can descend to familiarities with us and loss nothing by it ; but your parvenus, your wealthy trades- men who've riz from a barrow to eat off gold and silver, they have to be mighty particular. They have to be with their dignity like a sailor with his pants, a1 - ways hitching of it up." WrDDlwn Cos. -Our haat thanks are due to Mr and Mn Chas. li. Newton for a box of wedding o.ke, ol the most toothsome kind. Mr and Mrs Chesney, of Tuckersmith, also favored us in a similar manner. Mrs Newlon was for- merly known to her friend. •s Miss Sophie Gordon, and Mrs Chesney was none other then Miss Annie Straiton, also well and favorably known. Good look to them, say we. Hyuse soL_ -The following is from the London i'ree Press, and refers to a cou- ple of young people well and favorably known in this section :-On Tuesday, the 180% ult., Mr. G. R. Gordon, the well-known and popular merchant of Carroll street, Vancouver, B.C., was married at Clinton, B C., to Miss S. E. McIntyre, late of Ooderich, Ont. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Jas. A. Wood, at the residence of the bride'. brother. H. S. L. S. Marmot - • After the usual routine bovines at the meeting of the High School Literary Society last Friday evening the following program was presented : Reedit jr, Mw Sero than ; recitation, Miss Bred ; quartette, Mean. McCool, Moon, Thompson and Mc(:illivr% : reeding, Mr McClo.ky ; solo, Mas Strochee , Mitres** selections, Mir Roar Stnnnms ; recitation, Mw Me. Cormaek ; readifltf; ,Mr. H. 1. Straits ; chorus by the members. Mime CLAIaa Si'orr.-Tete Boston Woe, has the following is reference to Miss Cain Soret, who will appear at the Oroad Opera Howse on No- vember 7th, 841% and 3Nh - Mies Clain Scott, whose engagement last week was marked by • •eeoession of very large atdienres, is one of the mom wide- ly known lutresaes of the day. Both in Reeked and in Lha eeaatry •he has come to he known to • host if pay goers , and her Sarson thus far indw.tse "'steady gain in • popularity already re- markable with the Aneerie•n pubis*. Socially ea well se ►isterieally, M. Scott gained during her brief mines of perkwm•ne• . in Heston, so stash degree a favor sed roped Hosfou Mean Oct. 27, 1886. Offaar *soy. -"Throe lb. *teak Ise 49 seats ; three lbs. °trot, 46 arab ( three 1►s. sweat,, 24 oasts ; three lbw 1»ad- slues.. 26 east. ; boiling beet 11 and 8 weep par lb ; betels served m l.3 oasts all arowod. John Neglieugale, nest door to Miseries"' Hotel." The foredoom is from the Forest ane ?tr.,. and we sive the Nighti.Eale in quamtion the basalt of the .d vertisemest ►.mane he si.ss a sweet some ; a.W we hope our Gods - ✓ ich butchers wiU etch the refrain. eMbc.r schools, sad iseereseed ►a *gory M 81,000 Lha rocr...e to date from Jasa- .ry 1st oezt. Mr Committer withdrew his migmatite', and wl1 remain voile ua. Both parent. and pupils will be sratined to Wore that the board retains Mr Crew welter, who, &Luce his madame here, has shown hatn.elf to he a teenier ad high merit. Beseor Hors ENTaatessourr. --The Knox church Baud of Hope held their seared aotertainrntut ou Thursday mom - Ws, October 27th It was • decided seams. • large reuniter of young people and children being preseci. Mr Strang, who occupied the chair, also conducted devotional .&&mise&. First piece by the Band (warring their blue b de's), "I lure Jeyes," was&weetl) sung. Suitable readings by Messrs Wilson and Strang were well received, as also addresses ty Revs I B Wsllwin and Dr lire. A quartette, "1 tun my Mountain Hover, ' by Mess Moue, Thomson, McC ell, and McGillivray, was loudly applauded. Mimes Sand. and Ralph gave • recite tion and • solo respectively, which were well received. The Mimes Fletcher, Tbumpeon and freeman, kindly aided as org•nista. Toe cbildreu of the Bend, who now number some 80, so quitted themselves finely in their differ- ent parte. The untiring president is richly deserving of credit. The collec- tion netted $5 35. SsNxtu.a ReltAkicx.--Tbe following clipped from the Toronto Waned of Wednesday last, will apply to =say other towns :-"Tbe Bellenlle thaferio endors- es the ections of Peterboro tasoli to he practice of some m.rcheats in sending their job printing away to larger cities to be executed, for the sake of saving • few cents. The complaint M that "Toronto (jeb) printing houses male • descent upon Peterboro • • and carry back large orders. ' The World is not in that line, but even if it were it would advise those cemented to help build up their own town, so long LAsmoms LOD TEr.NTS. -By se (Jmtarw ,nutmeat ward% came new fora' ors Oat, let, the wordy possesio ns of a lodger or boarder cannot now be in- cluded with the goods of • tisane seised cur rent. This wan a defect in the law which cried out for remedy. The le- ant has now • decided •dvantsge over the landlord in the fact that • seizure oau duly be made when the rent is two months in arrear, and after filtrate days .inion Ito been given to leave the house. All aesees•ry articles tae exempt from d straiot. WIAT HLTennis or IT. -John Wens maker, the tau fold millionaire of Phila- delphia, and the builder -up of the largest retail establishment the world ever saw, believes in advertising. He says' "To discontinue an advertisement is like t•k• ing down your sign. if you want to do business you must let people kouw it. Standing adverue.mTuta, changed fre- quently, are better than reading notices. They look more substantial and business like, and inspire confidence. I would as do business without clerks as without ad- vert Muir." ALDSR'r Cycwraw'A. -We have re strived the ,cooed volume cf Alden's Cyclopedia, and are pleased with the cbancter and calibre of the work. It is published in • form which is compact and easily handled ; the letter press and binding is good ; and the matter in con- nection with the various subjects it un- dertakes to treat is web written and easily comprehended. Readers of Tae StaaeL desiring to obtain sample pages of the work would do well to correspond with the publisher, John B. Alden, 393 Pearl -se, New York city.• Cut•ar or Ravlaloe.-Hie Honor Judge Toms held court last Thursday morning In the town hall for the re- vision of the town voters' list. when the following alterations and additions were maple ; J. M. Proudfoot, assessment raised from $260 to $300; Thcmas Troy added as owner of 702; James Crawford struck off as tenant of 702 ; Patrick Nugent added as owner of 919 ; George Sutton added as tenant of 30 ; John Huebins'n added as tenant of 960; Thum. Ansebrook added as owner of pt 849 ; Robe J. Meese added as tenant of 095 ; Jas. Prime added es tenant of 350 ; R. C. Hays added as owner of 165 ; Jno. W. Graham added as tenant needed here. of 165 ; Richard Radcliffe added u as said towns are in • position to supply the thiugs needed at • reasonable ate. It is the poorest kind of poor policy to starve your own horse because your' neighbor's horse may be eating cheaper and generally inferior oats. The man who ,tends his money in his own town stands • chance of quickly getting it back from his fellow townsmen. Tbe farther away he sends what he spends the Longer it takes the money to get back, if it ever comes back at all." Tan Siee•L can supply the merchants of Goderich with all the printing they re- quire at prices as low, all things con- sidered, as they can obtain any.here. Still there are business men here who feud money io distant places for prist- ine, probably not thinking it gore out cf their reach forever, although badly !tows of Iat.*e•t to tar .eye w he Hew Me ammo AUTUMN ASSIZE. 7.,Airmi NOTES. A Large Doohet nod Sumo Im- portant eases. l'ostiaulba .f the Carse Inswing ap taw S..s•e•o of the ('cell• Items .f Interest se uttss.t. Hon. Mr J entice hese preetdtne. The following are the remaieing eases disported of last week, the court beteg concluded on Saturday meoroing: The case of Davies vs McDonald, was given to the jury at 3.30 p. m , and at 16.15 they returned wita • verdict fur $100 deinaces. A plicatlon was made on behalf of pltL for a certificate tor outs, and the deferrer, objooted to • higher scale than County Court costa His Lordship eaid he would awsider it, out be thuuebt the verdict should look atter itself with County Court oast.. O Bent v Campbell. Actiou fur damaged' in the ounstruction of • drain uuder the Ditches and Watercourses Act. (Jarrow, Q. C , road Dorsey for pill ; Idioglon, Q. C . fur dote Jury was dupetmied with by his Lordship and judgment reserved. 'fuwuahhip of Adifield of Flynn. Ac- tion to obtain • jettsment establishing • road betweeu boos No 1, b and 0, L 8. R. west e•1 the township of Ashfield • (Jarrow, Q. C for p![I ; Lomat, Q C , and Campion for deft His Lordahrp gave judgment for Off, declaring that the road had been dedicated to the public u•e, and moat be keit open ; with ousts and costs of the motion for interim injunction. Nelson vs Ferguson. Action for specific performance and recovery of money. C. Seager for plff ; M. C. Cameron for deft Case adjourned un- til dexo sitting of the Chancery Division for this Comely. Craig vs Craig. Action to recover possession ,f buds. Devisor% & J..hn• .ton for plff ; Cameron, Holt & Cameron fur deft. Case adjourned by oonseut till next sitting of the County Court. Herr vs Carroll. Action for the con- struction of the will of the late Joseph Herr. Cameras', Holt & Cameron for Offs ; Davison & Johnston for executor deft. ; other defts. not represented by counsel. His Lorosltip gave judgment for Off. , declaring the child of Mary Agatha, viz , Sebes Lena, entitled to take as ole of the residuary legatees under the fifth clause of the will, and that the coots 01 all partiskohali be paid out of the estate. THE ca/MI!laL caLglrtrat The Queen vs. Adam Sipple ; Lou* assault. This tare, it will be re- mombered,arose out of the Zurich bar- glkry,tn which prisoner was charged with beteg • participant. Ile was found guilty of the assault. Mr. Collins, his couc.eI, preseuted a largely signed peti- tion regarding the prisoners good char- acter. Judge Rooe,after e,nadennr the ease carefully, decided to gave Sipple an opportunity et reforming, and kading • proper life He allows him to go upon entering kilo heavy bonds to keep the peace for five years, and to appear for sentence if called upon. The Judge gave Sipple to understand it was not • mere wetter of fore. and that if any further bad conduct is reported concerning him he will surely be arrested and sent to the penitentiary for not less than three years. On the cheers of burglary in which • true bill was returned, after hearing the evidence His Lordship declined to allow the case to go to toe jury, and entered a verdict of ,rot guilty. The Queen vs Jac,b McGee,of Ashfield, charged with receiving cattle, knowing them to be stolen Counsel for the ' Crown said that in view of the evidence offered for the defence he could net press for a conviction, and this view being owner of 960. The Ass"eiatiox, • paper published by the Young People'. Association of the Presbyterian church of Trenton, N. J . has the following reference to s former esteemed citizen of Goderich :-"Mr. G. N. McDonald, who for the pat two years has been laboring so earnestly and faithfully in our city as Presbyterian! City Missionary, leaves this field to take charge of the Bethany Mission, connect- ed with the New York avenue Presby- terian church, Washington, 1). C., of which Rev. Wm. Alvin Bartlett, D. D , is the pastor. We feel sure Mr. Mc- Donald takes with him to bis new field of labor the kind wishes and the earnest prayers for God's bleeeine, from the many friends be has made during bis stay in our city. " THE BAZAR -The bazar for the bees - fit of the poor of the town clues its sales today (Friday). Notwithstanding that at the start assistance was promised by • large number, the whole work was left to Mr J. P. and Miss Annie Luby, who cheerfully attended to the bazar from morning until late at evening, from its inception to the present. It is satis- factory to know that their disinterested effcrte have been measurably success- ful, and that a fair net pretit has been made. The only donation made by out- siders was that of Rev. B. J. Watters. Following is • statement of receipts and d isbursemeo ta. Profits on elle of 8335 worth of geed* purchased fur bazar by J. P. Luhy . 8123.2E Expense* 71 53 Net profits . 51 72. The expenses in detail were as fol- lows : Rent of store , $10.00 Freight and draying . 10.18 Constable Ticbtour.e, doorkeeper 3.00 Miss Kw, for assisting 3.55 Light and wood 3 50 Coal stove to be iven as • pnssione20.00 Material for making sign. 2.25 Printing end advertising 8 33 C. Paine for cleaning store..... 2.00 Used heating .ton, Saunders & Son1.00 Wrapping paper, bags and twine 2.25 Repairing windows 75 Boy fur delivering parcels 4 25 Total expenditure . 7143 The profits have hese disbursed as fol. law.: -E. C- Fletcher has received an order for 325 loaves of bread, to be dis- tributed amongst the poor ; J Krieg hem resolved an order for lb gallons of Deal oil ; 30 the of tee and 3 cords of wood have also toren distributed. The re mainder of the profits have been dirtri- buted4in duetting to needy persons The following have obtained their share of tea, and will remove bread and a quanti- ty of opal oil weekly foe three neoeth.: Wilhelm Ansley, South -et.; 11Irs Dough.., Station sl. ; Hector McKay, Diok.ea'. Hoose; John Wat.oa Hama rood ; Mr. Burns, Huron road ; Margaret McGuire, Huron rood. Mn McOlade, Mrs Doug - lee and Miss Donath have each received a had of wood. All those who have been helped are truly deserving cases. Nr Luhy deserves the thanks of oar people for his kindly and .ucce.sfui man gement of the bazar. l.caeaa&D Res SALAay.--The follow- ing from an Oshawa p.per refers to as old Goderich boy, .red we are pleased to know that the teadeney is upward sod onward - A special routine of the Oahu.. Board of Education was held lest evening, to wrotid.r the resignation of C. L CvesswdNr, satbe.a•tteal slaw ter of the High /.bpi, who has received the eppniskme.t of master of Easel Centre Herb 'shed, at. salary of 41,000 par unarm Th. beard ?equated Mr Crassweller net to .ever his enausetk. =Z Weather at present is all that an be desired. Mrs W. P. Grierson has returned from visiting her friends. West Wawanc.h municipal council was in session on Saturday last. peeve and all the members were present. Jobst Black, Cedar Valley, has taken to himself a wife, and on the Mesion there was finite a lively rharieuri held to celebrate at. All saints eve, or Hallowe'en, was .lnietl, kept, ea the young people, as tar as heard of, did not du any damage to property as is usually dune at such a time. Farmers and others in this vicinity are busily engaged in taking up and storing their root crops, and making preparations for winter. The steam threshers will soon be laid by, as nearly all are through threshing the grain crop of this -year: It is rather discouraging to pupils and teachers that their parenas and friends do not favour them with their presence, on examination days in particular. At last examination there were nu visitors present, trustees or others (ezceptiog one person). It it to be hoped that parent's and trustees will take • larpr interest in the edeoation of their child- ren besides paying school expenses. Inspectot Tom visited Dungenncp school last week, and expressed himself well pleased with the progress the pupils were making, under the present teachers Miss Rutherford and Mr Woods. 1 am told that the trustees here engaged said teachers for the year 1888, which shows the due appreciation they hare of their services. It is to be hoped that the trustees will see to, and improve the ap- pearance of the school rooms by having them whitewashed or kalsomrned, and proper fixings placed on the walls, for hanging maps and other school furti- tore, without which • school rcom is is no way attractive or what it should be. T a z trust. W. C. T. (-., organized hen past March, has been doing • good work. Coder their auspices • large quantity of temperance literature has been circulated among the community. They have also been suc- oes•ful an 'adagiotwo churches to use pure unfermented wine for sacramental purposes. They have lately organised In this place a rery promising Band of Hope, consisting of thirty-six members, who meet fortnightly for instructions in temperance principles. This instruc- tion consults of plain talks or lectures by the ladies of the Chino, on the nature and effects of alcohol. The members of the !land also aid in the interest of the meetings, by rendering suitable readings end recitations on the great subject of temporaries. • Nave Ten tewr.tte If you are suffering the agonies of mraralgia, and have failed to get a reme- dy that will afford relief, we want you to try Poleon's Nerviline. No remedy in the market bis given anything like the same degree of satisfaction. Its action nn nerve pain is simply marvellous, and as it is put op in 10 Bert sample 1401*).. no great el p.en. ewe is inenlvcd is giving it a tenet l'oan's Neyiline is the meat pleasant, powerf.l, and certain pain remedy in the world. Sold by Jae Wilw.n and all dealers in 'medicine, 10 and 2b cents a bottle. The @chooser Gr yhom el brought • Barge of posts to this pert on Seturday. The schemer Jane Mcleod, with • .4 14111111111 for Joseph William., strived is `itiR ea Sunday som ase, • The schooner M. Ifi. Gude. arrived is part on Saturday with a cargo of lumber. The dredge Challenge sad meows were towed row harbor but week by the tug Trudwu if the weetMa peemite the dredge ell wort in the harbor. Pleura To Corr Games.- 0.ptaiu tiheebau, of the Norris, givers great plane to Capt James Green, of Gude- ridb, who rescued him and his crew in the bight of the bis Mtnret last week. "Capt Green sada the W. L. Brook, and is • .odor, ovary inch of him,"arid Capt Sheehan to • reporter of TRE Sweet. Liasuzu rot =1,200. -The wrecked Nonis, which was brought into port by the tag (heaping during the put week, baa bees libelled for • bill of $1,100 for services rendered by the too. a.caim for 987 was also made agatest the Norris by Wm Babb of the lifeboat service at this port. We understand the peoprae- turs of the Norrie, Meese Sheehan, Cur- rie urrie & Rubinson, of Port Hums, have abandoned the boat to the creditors. At present we do out know the items upuu which the 887 claim is made. concurred in by His Lordship a verdict of not guilty was entered The grand jure returned true bills against John Heferman, jr., for stealing cattle andof escaping front a conetable.and bench warrants were ordered to issue for his arrest. The grand tory returned "no bill" against ,fohu Shanklin, charged with stealing groat, as tried before Mayor Seager, and "no bill ' against Michael Buns, charged with larceny. William Cook, • coustable charged with negligently alldwing a priscner to escape fmm his custody. pleaded guilty through his counsel, Mr. Campion, and a fine of 825 was imposed. John Eno, charged with stealing Battle, having been used u a witneea for the Crown in the case soiled McGee, Hi. Lordship suggested that his evidence could not now 5. meed to con- vict himself. and . verdict of not guilty was entered The Queen vs. Alfred A. Rowe, un- lawfully seducing a girl above the age of twelve and under sixteen. The parties live in Wingham, the girl being one of those sent nut from England by Miss Rye. Mr. Garrow appeared for pris- oner. in answer t0 His Lordship, Mr. Loupe for the Crown mid he had no evidence to offer as to the girl's age but her own, and His Lordship decided that this was insufficient and directed the tory to n:ero a verdiot of not guilty, which they did. The Grand Jury made the following ram/IrrwrNT. Cor,cTy nr Wattle To Wit i The Jurors for our Lady the Queen beg leave to pree►nt We here eternised the Jail lied fled It rlese and .reit kept. The prisoners have no row Plaints and we have bad no request& from the Jailor. At pretest there are eleven prisoners In the ceasty Jau . males sad r refr.k.. (N the former t neo aro Incase ; see of thsse It.. bee. mealy three years is }au grottiest removal W the seylnm and the maker h nadir leveslpga. (lot. ; both are harmless and quiet. Two of ire prisoners ere vagrants d P1 and 1%l. yuan r Hr sed b th ander .menace. Ws find ore ewr seder re.tQoce otor hone stealing sad jjaft break)aeleggr two ou dhwn an waltlns tr(al. Gf the ferns as ON Is Insane sod has bees tyles In jail for twit years wahine re st10 the asylum tN df s wteelet Isa s, years of age mud =2,:r a We are [lad to lean t1fNmg% your Lordship Mot the Preelnt'/at Oerer.me.t is prrItag Ndltleaal s'^ommedatles, ter war en .- ate lessen. and Merle, and we hens the twit insane now waiting in J.11 of thee meaty well M among the mrst forwaribd 1. nee of the sew sayt.me mentln..r1 M ywar 1 BMoM3. A really large number of erimleal ease. hate hoes brought before ea. bet nett\ IM erptamoinnii sande ley year l ereehip to rear monies .tame to rte sad the pro.tpt mai oceirtwow asM.taaes given es by the Crowe Attorney. Wm. tweet, Q C., .M Brew. (.'ouarl, our labors harmhue e.. y iightenad aid we trust our 4Nlee 14... perfewutsl nett► mtteuetine t0 your aha 1. tbo Int.e.sb M ohm p.bite, Au etc wbk► k r he- tl y sehwltt ol . 0Msrlrt, Orad Amy Rena, Ort. t i tppr.,•. r, ,791 Lammas. Our papular to:Haman, T1tua Carney, was uta the sick list last week. Mew R (Jordon, formerlyof Sheppard - tun, rd•tun, now of Clinton, vested friends hero last week Flocks of wild geese have berm flying about testing 0051 of our fall wheat geld.. Several local Nimrod& have been trying to get witbiu range for • shut at them. Signitters* were taken at the close of the service in the call for Rev Mr Sinai). son as • pastor to assist Rev Dr Ure hen, last Sunday, quite • 'lumber of members and adherents signing. Thursday of this week Wm Strac3an moved into Ucderich to open out his butcher shop, un Hamilton -et., opposite E N Lewis' law office. of Tuesday. We, with any (remade, wish Will success, as he always was an obliging neighbor, .ad will be much missed here. Theo Bates, of Gedwrieh, was fiziag up the residence of couucillos Taylor with the trowel last week. Tootleuoe of the pioneers of iluron, and is the oldest knight of the trowel in this come- ty, having set many a bock to its place in • space of 44 ears, PrsanvaL-LCrick, of Clinton, wit. is on the staff of the New Ern, gave our busy burg a visit during kat week. tak- ing • view of the .eery waters of the lake in the recent gale, and other wonders, which he may relate to his churns during spare momenta, waiting for nutter in the inland journal dike. The big gale of last week tumbled over • haystack and gave the chimney of the hall • racket by seeding several bricks from it to the tall laird'& anion, break- ing a window p•oe. On Saturday afternoon the Baled tf Hope tmestiag then found the building rather smoky. Later in the evening tete stove pipe was taken down sod the chimney was found to be full of loose bricks and smatter. - A butcher cart driven rather rapidly along Butternut Row, caused • top boggy with • mettlesome yneog horse, driven by two young ladies returning home from Carlow, to take fright and bolt off the road. With great eoolam* and presence of mind the ladies kept the lines, trying to master the fractious .game. Seeing their predicament from the distance. Jas McCracken, jr., end ' James M•diardy ran to their rescue, the former catching the steed. No ode was hurt, we are glad to say. Tbe first meetjpg *Retest the repeal of ►he Scutt Act, bald at Carlow on Friday I evening last, in the Presbt yterian church, fir fO was attended by some of our temper - semi workers, whore a good address wee made by Rev D G GLmerea, of Dungan- non, in favor of the ABL. He showed that Ontario was to favor of it by i l ooun- ties passing It with large rnajoritis,while of the counties that bestit then were ' only 14, and the majorities were small. • His comparisons showed no leak for the • repeal of the Act, and since the polies magistrate had been appointed in this riding 88 bw.bre&kers had paid the penalty once, and nine w far for the seoond time. The pastor of the eberch ' acted as chairman in an able sennas, saying he had seen mach misery is sir sloe work in the old isometry caused by earn. 4 • w ad ah thl ane ty by Obi4 tut IN J S; as &Lk ren A I ha Ila Overlooked Prl..Wh.nerga ' The following is the list of prize win- n ers in the garden vegetable class at the late Ncrthwepera 1'bibition ; the list was in soma way omitted from the regular report made at the Hine. and so many enquiries hays beta (made since that it Is published now : Rose potatoes, Geo. Carrell, 3d Gee. Green ; early Ohio, John Andrews, 3d Geo Green ; whit. elephant, John And- rews, 2d David Cox ; beauty of Hebron, Samuel Furze, 2d John Andrews ; say variety named, (leo. Sheppard, 2d Jasss Gledhill; vegetable marrow, E. &oaten., 2d W. Rumball ; summer .& ossh, j H. William, 241 E Bingham; winter peasb, W. Bw.Rield, 2d W. Romhsl) ; white celery, M. C. Cameron (Relit. Gore, gardner„ 2d E. Bingham ; red eel.ry,III. C. Cameron, 2d E. Bingham : winter cabbage, Geo. Sheppard, 2d 8 Bingham; fall cabbage, Rubt. Gibbous, 2d E. 111ios- bant ; Savoy cabbage, E. Bingham, 9d Gro. Sheppard ; citron., Wm Elliott, 3d 8. Potter ; red cabbag., 1[ Bingham, 241 W. Rumbrll , long bares, tsbpet Jas41 Aikenhead, 241 W. Rumbsll ; fwoip beets, A. M. Roes, 2d E. Bing! am ; rad- ishes, W. Rumball • table turnip., B. Forgo. 4d W. Relabel! ; orange aura* G. H. Parsons, 2d Ales. Gkn ; early horn carrots, Wu.. Bwwield, 3d Robert Gibbons ; scarlet Newts earrote, Ws: Swaflield, '24 Geo. Sh. ip paess , table, Robe. °ibbons, 3d-W.c. meatball; red onions, Wm. Remtaf, 3d Jame* Wilson ; yellow onion., Wm. Rambe.R' 3d James Wilsno ; silver akin maims, Jams Oo., 3d (loosen (lox . table earn, sweet, E. Bingham, 2d J. H WiUlalps w other 11 Atevariety, H. ms, D. Coz. 3d Thos. Hamiltes ; mesh melons, A M. Roes ; gr.asgsb soler, Thom" Hamilton; eaulifliowee, t Bingham. 3d M C. (laasery . csd'sateee., E. Bing- ham, 2d A. M. Rem ; eaNeetioe garden p 3i M. C. ECaseeen. W, R.mball, Li en r. a