HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-11-4, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, NOV. 4, 1887.
Out of the &ardod
ay ANY najID)Lrs,
It wu early in the morning, before
the Exhibitive opeued, and the senator
had jest dusted the picture trainee,
straightened the settees and Momentum,
wed adjusted the skylight sashes satisfac-
torily, when be become twosomes of the
preeeeee of • slight figure, in black len
very shabby black, to say truth), hover-
ing timidly beside his desk.
"Eh rsaid Mr IlaAd ui. "flow ever
did yon pt in " The doors are nae
open yet."
"Ob, I am not one of the visitors,"
said Ellie Ilowsrd, with • f.tot smile.
"I have • picture here-ltuth in the
Harvest Field.' "
The old janitor rubbed his spectacle
"Did she invite tin r' An Awkward Age.
"Nu, .A euurse 1t4. bit° kuuws we A girl el fuseless years asks ter spa -
have au gown to weal on such an aceta- . path, in the oolnmns of th. Lueievill.
slot es that, eves if we bed the dieposi- t'ourier-Jus,,.ul, to wkich she wrilse the
ter' to come" l follvwiog : Thank goodness, 1 sin uear-
Tb. l,tatater's Sewn else Msrewwang-
Peter Beuuks' maxim was that the
whole value of wealth amanita in t►.
personal iudspeudenoe it aaarres A
New York merchant named Porter had
"Then she can't "vs th. It•,■srs," I ly fifteen. I believe if I were tv be fuer
I have an iu.-r,;. to eriotl friend hetwees whoa, and
Helms. sail H. "Mother, teen anyLwgor it would run se crazy.
Wm.ell "misted
acy. livery
ativa. Ti.is old plan has helped to is I':• very healthy, like foo and boys, and Saturday night s uute imald suttee to
poverub w, with its taxes and interest I stn callt-d "Tusb"y" at boss, •ud Porter (rum the preacher. req
sad .ises.inents 'Now it shall make w unsung
think the tum. snits mw Ow of my the luso of • bre dollar bill. The
rich agate. Every ort• 01 thew flowers greet trials u tai', : If I go to elicsbiag money Wes always restored punctually
Imo a market value,sad when our neigh- on the chicken coop mamma ssye : '•you .t 8 o'clock un the ensuing Monday
bisa and acquaintances -I won't say
(Heeds, fur we have no friends left -
moue here with their cowl requsst fur
flowers, they might as well be picking
our pockets,"
'•My dear child, are you crazy r said
Mrs Howard, opening her gentle eyes.
"No mother, only just coining into
my heritaeo .1 common sense. Yon
',You'd sus the oro yds of peep!. in the
flutists' shops. Ito*. represent so couch
ma,nay-ev.ry chime of lilies of the val-
ley is tongued with gold. Nu one can
"Os, ay," said he ; "Imbue it. Hung awry away au much is • sprig of white
away up above the light liar, in the dark• lilacs without lcev.ng a silver pledge be-
vellury, isn't it I ' I hiud. And here is our gtrdee at the
"Has --bas it been sold r' faltered mercy of • lot of female sharks, who
Mies Howard, wincing a little at his scarcely even thank us fur what we give
words. them. " --
•'N.►, it Baena beim sold," said McAJ- "ltut Delon, you cau t go out into the
am, looking rather coin Weigel, at streets as • flower girl."
the also figure in its rusty crape gar- t "No," said 11.1.. ; "but 1 can son
flowers in another way. And I as tr.
"Has any nue asked the price 1" Mother, how much money have we left
"Na ; to my knowledge they harem. 1" the lewily purse 1'
"Ninety cents," said Mrs Howard,
with a pained look. "But I am expect-
ing to hear front your Uncle t,amalitl
every day and-"
"Never mind Uvele Gemlike'," said
Helen. "Ninety cants is all tb. capital
I need. It will enable me to buy • bas.
kat, and hire the services of Nora R..ir-
But its dull this season, ' added McAd-
am. as Helen turned molly away.
"If they J,ould ask it's price,' said
she, "I would take tea dollars lees than
catalogue terms Yeall r.alember--N u.
63301' •
"-_-' 1g_, s.1.rs. O. ewe said
the *mitt* "Deka he added to him -
ought to be ashamed; • great big fifteen -
year -old -girl, thinking about beau., to
be leimbiug about like $ boy I" Then.
again, if I walk home from town with $
b ,y, suamina says ; "Yen little thirteen -
year old child, not quit pbyiog with
dolls, to go eying around with • boy !" I
hate fourteen, because it is about this
age • girl begins to squeeze her feet into
aloes two sizes to small, and wear her
gloves and bunnet in doors and out, and
If a freckle gets oo her face she wonders
how in the world it did get there. An-
other trial is this : If you are iu cem-
piny and anything funny happen., your
mother pinches you and soya : "Don't
open your mouth so wide when you
Isugh," instead of enjoying • good
linnet• da.. Li there as anything I hate
it is tight shoes, bonnets and gloves, and
squeezing yoer mouth up to laugh.
morning. But .hat puzzled Porter was
the fact that the money returned was
always the identical money that was
One Saturday evening Porter sent a
B3 gold oleos instead of a note and mark.
ed it Still the very same eon was re
turned on Monday. Porter became
nervous and bilious over it ; los could
hardly sleep at night for thinking about
it. He would wake his wife in the
middle of the night and ask her what
she thought about the strange tbaog. He
was fast boiling over with curiosity,
when • note came from the reverend
borrower one Christmas ere, asking for
ten dollars.
A brilliant thought now struck him.
Ile put en his crezoust, marl** to call
and demand an ezplaostion of the my-
stery. When shown into his friend's
study be found him plunged into the
'.red by S. S. B. Mire all else Faller. profoundest me'ancholy.
Mr Same* Allan, of Lisle, Ont. , states .
'Mr. B.," said be, "if you will
that he tried all the doctors in his locsli- answer me one question, I will let you
ty while suffering for years with Liver
and Kidney trouble ; nothing benefitted
him until he took Burdock Blood Bit
tees, four bottles of which cured him. 2
Tis IM Confessed.
I beard • story the other day, writes •
!rand and cu,respondent, which amuse3
me, An uld lady said :-
self, as she glided away dawn thewIce don for one day at Lew:" When my father moved ;ince the new
decorated staircase, "I'11 toe u oc- "A beak* • Nora Rmirdoe epeeist. ,mntry,one of us bold a lie. My mutber
casein for remerobennv. Pea lama a ed Mrs Howard, in holmium bewilder- could nut ascertain the culprit, but • 1ie
picture likely to sell. Poor iaesio ' I meat. lay between us
might am** feel sorry for her, if 1 "Dear mother." euszed Helen. "I "Well," said she, "you will
dickies* sae aucb o' this sort o' thing." know you think I have taken leave of my now, but you may be sore 1 will know
Hale. Howard flitted away down the senses. But let me have my awe way at some day which of you hes told the
street. At a bit!. bookstore, where the for once -only tor once ! Lida earn lie."
alga, "Circulating Library' was prolate- my living out of the gsvdtli, souther Weeks passed on and sighing more
ently displayed, she stopped a secuad dear." was said on the subject. My father
time, and peered wistfully in. Mrs Howard said no more. She did lied in • log house, which contained
"My paper roses and lilies are in the not utter • remonstrance, neither did ono room below and one above. The
window still," she said to heaselt. "1 she ask • question, when she saw Helen children slept in the climber. One
dost suppose any one has asked their nut in the walks, cutting great perfumed night • tremendous wind •row and at
pries yet, either." masses of white likes, clusters of silvery midnight hiew off the entire you( of the
Ste went into the aesthetic doxorsof an "Li Franc." rosea, and velvet -red "Jac- house. 3Iy mother, alarmed at the
--,.dot Bazaar" a few blocks furtGet down, geeminots," Ales of scented M•oay-soak- crash, ran up the ladder, and putting
-Jr where she had two satin rcreens and a 1e and branches of sweet temt•n-verbenas her head into the roofless chamber,
dasorstd wood -basket or. sole. The fine nor when she watched little Nora Rier- eti.d
"Children, are you all there 1"
q "Yes, mother !" piped • small, terrifi-
ed voice ; "yes mother, we are all here,
and if the day of judgment has come, it
was am who told the lie !"
To "how many" children of larger
growth does • siwilar repentancume
and from a similar nose -the dill small
voice and the dorm 1
lady behind the desk smawsed her timid don, the washerwoman's daughter, set
enquiries rather tartly. forth in • stiffly starched sun-bcnnet,
"No," said she, "they are not sold. with a clean gingham frock, and a big
And I think you msy as well take them basket of dowers un either arm.
awry, Mw Howard. We ars cramped "She is going to sit in the door of the
for room, and I do not think there is little book -store, mother," ezplsined
any more demand for that Nyle of •r- Helen. "The same bcok-dura where
ticle." those paper mon.trosaties of mine did
Helen Howard went home sorrowful not sell, and try her lock with the gene -
enough. Nut that it was the first re- jos, sweet -scented articles. Mrs Kydd
buff she had had. On the contrary, she will allow her there, and if it is to be a
was well ueod W this manner of rein- success, I can offer to pay her a trifling
commission. Oh, mother, I do begin to
Goo. But she was beginning to compre-
hend the hopelessness of the thing. •
"I doe's understand .+ts7sbe said to
herself. "There ought to be .Dass mar-
ket far skilled labor in this great city.
1 w not strong enough to go out to
domestic service, and I should not like
associations of • factory. But what
other way of earning • living is left to
As she was carried swiitly around the Reird„n dancing along with so empty
wosdertul Canso of the Elevated Read, basket, her heart gens a great leap of
she looked down at the market gardens,
whose varied shades of green lay like liv-
ing mosaics in the sunshine. Women
were working there -tame pulling weds
some gathering heads of lettuce into
huge baskets
"They are earning a living,•' she said,
to herself. "They were not so unlucky
as to be bcrn Iodise '”
Her mother sat on the veranda of the
old sto,00-trotted hoose, u she opened
the gats and passed ie. Of the great
Howard estate, this home was all that
ss.•ined. if they sold it, they would
heinous the richer, for it wu mortgaged
etp to the very cap stones of the ebia-
eeys, bet it was a shelter for Helen tad
her mother. The snow -ball trees were
tremulous MONS of whiteness, the roses
hung cm the etandards, °lusters of sweet,
',bit* seed Moue pinks nodded along
the petite. A robin whistled in the
boughs of bone -chestnut tree, whose
spikes of pearly flowers were just burst
ing into bloom--$ pair of swallows clos-
ed each other around the tortuous roots
of anemias! wistaria vine.
"W.11 dear, what leek i" said Mrs
Homed, • fragile, traaeprent-looking
little woman who won her dyed silk
js,wu r r'o'yally as if it had been a
(levee's robe.
• Nose et ala ! seethed Helen.
-.w „u ave we to dui "laid Mrs How -
Thies did sot answer; she stood took.
stag warmly eel at the roses missies ie
the eco nehinen
Just feel a little hopeful at last. Jusee how
full the garden is ! It is like a mine of
gold -if only the gold can be trans
formed into a marketable article. No
more giving away of our treasures to cro-
quet breakfasts and church entertain-
All the afternoon ohs watched the
gate, and when at last she saw Non
Nodes des ep*germinal.The of operating of Burdock Blood
Bitters is that it sots at once and the
same time upon the Stomach, Liver,
Bowels, Kidneys and the Blood• to
cleanse; regulate and strengthen. Hence
de almost uni -erpl value in Chronic
Complaints: \ 1 2
ey"I've sold 'em all, Mies Helen cried
the child. "Every bunch ! And I've got
my pocket HI of money. And I'm to
come tomorrow again. And pletse
would you give me some sweet Toilets
extra for Mrs Kydd, for she gave me a
sugar sok', and • glase of water."
This wu the beginning of Helen How-
ard's good fortune. If you care to know
the end of it, it is chchronicledtesubstanti-
ally in ei nett little florist's shop on upper
Broadway, where the windows are full
of smilax trained on strings, and rose-
buds and lilies bedded On soft groes
moos, and whien bears the sign, "Bow -
and A;Reirdon ;" for Nora hal grown
into • most hopeful ynung partner, and
superintends the store, while Helen
oversees two or tree stoat stardoms. in
the old home, where long ranges of bet-
imes* flash back the .wnshite, and ev-
ery iwch of space is ecoocmizd by flow-
ering bushes and rows of bluebells,
sweet-.illsams and snapdragons Now
Mrs Howard wearsan undyed back silk
every day, end talks of "my daughter's
twine* enterprise" with pardonable
"It is better than painting pictures or
embroideriok aereess," says she. "And
Helenis out in the open air so meek
that her cheeks are u red se rosea. Bet
I should never have Teetered on such
an experiment ayeslf. It was Helen
that thought of It. Helen always had •
deal of origio•lity in her nature."
have that money. How does it happen
that you borrow on Saturday night
in the very some ouin or note on Mon-
day r.
The preacher raised bis head, and
after • ,ioleot internal struggle, u
though he were about to unveil his
most hoarded mystery, said in a fakac
ing tones :
"Porter, you are • gentleman, •
C ristain and • New Yorker. I know
rely on your inviolable secrecy.
Listen to the secret int my eloquence.
You know I sin pour, and when, on
Saturday, I have bought my S today
dinner -Elate seldom a cent left- in my
pocket. Now, I maiutain that no wee
iso preach the Gospel and blow op his
congregation properly without be has
aomathing in his pocket to inspire con-
fidence. I buss, thereftre, borrowed
fib of you every Saturday, that I might
feel it occasionally as I preached, on
Sunday. You know how independ-
ently 1 do preset- bow 1 make the rich
fellows shake in their shoes. Well, it
is all owing to my knowing that I have
• fire dollar bill in nay Fmk*. Of
course, never having to use it fur any
other purpose, it is nut changed, but in-
variably returned to you. But tomor-
row George Law is coling to bear me
preach, and I thought 1 would try the
effect of • ten dollar sermon un biro."
Afraid eke gores we.M /eel Sere.
A friend of sine told me of a pathetic
incident that took place the other even-
ing when the Britisher. were being net or.
alized. One old fe11e. *old see the print
on the naturalisatioo paper, so he got •
friend toread it. When the word reeoomee
forever all allegiance and fidelity to every
foteign prince, state, potentate and sov-
ereignty whatsoever -more especially to
Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom
of Great Britain and Ireland," were
reached -the old man's eyes grew moist,
and he mid with a tows of *doses in his
voice : "I've been a faithful subject of
her for more than thirty five years, and
I don't know how she'll ;feel shout it"
But then the thought of the Republic
where he had mads his home for years
*use to biased, robbing his big hand
germs•ers his eyes, be signed th. paper that
made him • *tines. I repoat the story
beau*beu* it suave to see to illustrate so
well the peculiar feeling of loyalty which
animates an Englishman, not only to-
ward hi. "tight little Isle," but toward
the sovereign who r.premises*its Gov-
"Leet January," says J N Teeple, of
Orwell, Out., "there appeared diphthe-
ria in our neighborhood. Doctors ran
night and day, but I kept right to tiag-
yard's Yellow Oil and brought my chil-
dren through •11 right." Yellow Oil
cures all painful complaanta and in.
juries. 2
Meek so. the Wised.
Wks/Win anew WWe. When
Omaha evaa
tosr - I want. s boa of Ime-
s-ioGrow-YesHonest Oro -Yes sir, dried
ounces••No, packed iouncesseed oil.
le"Yes, me. Juhu, Icing ase • son of
those imported sardines."
Freeman's Worn' Powders are
all maThey destroy and
Worms in children or adults.
safe is
A Weft Trainer Ilan.
Peddler -I'd like to stbe master of
the house.
Mr Poodle -Er -come la and take a
seat and Ill call my wife.
Dr Low's Worm Syrup will remove
all kinds of Wurms (rum children or
adults la
Drier. eer. ass ee the root.
Dyapeosia is dreadful. Disordered
liver is misery. Indigestion is • fes to
good nature.
The human digestive spperstw is one
of the must complicated and worm:NO l
things in existence. It is seely put out
of order.
Greasy food, tough food, sloppy food,
bad cxok.ry, mental worry, late hours,
irregular habits, and many other thine.
which ought nut to be, have made the
Amerism people a nation ul dyspeptic.,
But Green's August Philter has done
• wonderful work in rufonning this sod
busmen and making the Awerieaa
people w healthy that they can enjoy
their meals and be happy.
Remember :-tin happiness without
health. But Green's August Flower
brings health and happiness to the
dyspeptic. Ask your druggist for a
bottle. Sereoty-lire cents sowly
Eves he.
The mac who blows iatu the muzzle of
• gen to see whether it's loaded or not,
A sy finds out, kt fskl 't break
to Member it long.
National Pills aro unsurpassed as (opussafe, mild, yet thorough, purgative, act-
ing upon the bilisry promptly
and effectually. ice
Corsuth is remembered by hit hat,
and Garibaldi for his rad flannel shirt,
and yet it is said clothes do not make
the mac.
Hay fever is a type of catarrh having
peculiar symptoms. It is attended by an
inflamed condition of the lining mem-
branes of the nostrils, tear -ducts and
throat, affecting the lungs An acrid
mucous i.secreted ,the diachargeisacccm-
panid with a burning western.. There
are severe spasms of s!klzing, frequent
attacks of headache, watery and inflam-
ed eyes Ely's Cream Bels. is • rein.:
dy that can be depended upon.
at druggists ; by mail, registered,
Ely Brothers , Druggists, Owego. New
York. ly
A man has just been poisoned by eat-
ing • nutmeg. If people will only con-
fine themselves to the fresh ems of mod-
ern make, made of basswood, there is
no danger, but so long as they will aeon -
key with the old fashioned, stale variet-
ies made by nature, th'y west expect to
guffaw the °ooseyuenes, Ds.sville
"Mother." .he said, soddenly, "who le 1 -
that doers there calling the nicest'
"It a ages ll•ndifer's girl,'' said Nes
Howard. "They are to have a ass*
ent.rtahtaet tonight, sag inked slake
..owes flowers. And Mia. 0011 240011 bee
aurewd rte . nv nil qto rases we esti spans
A teed feMeeterate.a.
Il is meed to egetstaplete the smoowt of
amyl wlkiisg is the world. Bow
sissy weary, broke dome (oralils there
cage to white life le bardeautSS t The
genera weakness
semen debility tied
of tboae Alleged with lingerie' Messes
is hest remedied by the liivigeratigig
BLEEDING NOSTRILS .-It has done me
so much good, I want you to send nate
two more bottles immediately. Heave
been afflicted with Catarrh for over ten
years -frequently my noes would bled
and leave the nostrils in • dry, inflamed
.cadition, with saunstant soreness. I ex-
pstisncd relief after the first teal of
Ely's Crum Balm. It is the best of a
great many remedies I Rare tried. and I
ism folly recommewd it. -E. Gill, Madi-
son, 0., Editor of the Index.
Dellable R.m.47 Par as.emwelem.
Procure a bottle of Hagyard s Yellow
(hi from your medicine dealer, and nee
according bo directions. it cured ida
Johnson, of Cornell, Ont., of flat com-
plaint, and she recommends it as n sur.
ours. For 211 years it has never failed
to give setislaetioe. 2
Aa t[+tewseet Ileneee.
see as Mad M eeperted.
The Peoples Favorite Route between
For Map.. Time Tables. Fares, nekton ea
appy to
A�af �
OFFICE : --West Street, Opppoonnte TeL,r.ae
Oboe. Dost Forget the
t:oderic h. jJ an. 11th. leg. 1e0/-
fol iTRIMS
T. I LLBURN & els. ""Pr'> o ll.
Neat door to Mynas' Drug Store. keep
constantly adding to bis well -
selected stock. choice
Fresh Groceries,
which will be found to compare favorably.
both as r.g•ris quality and price. with
any other stock In the vicinity.
In returning thanks to my customers are
their patronage. i would also invite say elk
ere who will. to cal* and inspect my stent.
Soutb-West side of the 8Qemw'
Ooderich. Feb. lath. INC
Every Man in Business should get
his Office Stationery Printed.
Little girl -I hear that your pa boxed
both of your ears on the street yester-
day. Little boy -Boxed my ears ! Now
that goes to show now you can only be-
lieve ons -half you hear. He only boxed
one of rey ears. I dodged the second
lick. it wasn't on the street ; it was on
our stoop
Minister( dining with the Easily)- You
never go fishing on Sundays, do yon,
Bohby 1
Bobby ---Oh no, sir.
Minister -That's right, Bobby. Now,
sen you tell tee why you don't go Sabine
on Sunday 1
Bobby -Yes, sir. Pa says he dowel
want to be bothered with nae.
Prof Lee's Bleck Sulphur Soap, ---
Healtag, soothing and cleansing for all
litegitsediaesese et the shin. Delight -
Bill Meads
Note Heads
Letter Heads
Memo. Heads
Counter Pads
' Paroel Labels
Shipping Tags
Business Cards
Envelopes, eta
A merrew Sudeten
People who aro exposed to the sodden
changes of our northern climate hate
little **nee of escaping cold., cough.,
sore thrust and lung troubles The beet
safe gosrd is to keep Ban wire Pectoral
Baleen st hand. it is a quick relief and
reliable core (or;euch complaints. 2
esn she Train.
Old lady-C.adeeb•r, 1 hope there
ain't going to be • collision.
Candwdor-I guess not.
Old Lsdy-1 want you to be very helar-
tel. I've got two dorso eggs lis tl
Tb. degreasing paleee* so►'elks ob-
served is young girls and wnse, is dm
in • great s.wVTe to • leen of lb. red
..puseles in the blond. To remedy
this requires a'medicine which premise's
these .savary little blood cye1Neeets,
geed the beat yet disenv.red u Johnson's
Toeie Bitters. Priem 50 emits, and tI
ger tittle at Oeodp'. drag .toss, Albite*
L Clnelasiak Rela atretiti 1111
and then it will be a pleasure for you to do your corresponding.
well as helping to advertise your business.
Onr Stock of Printing Stationery, consi*ting of all
the leading grades of Plain and Linen, ruled and un -
ruled papers, Carets, Envelopes, Ile., in the movt com-
plete we have handled, and we guaraneec the quality
and price to snit all who will favor ui with their
orders. Call amt nee our maniples and get our prices