HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-11-4, Page 22 • Tag D MON SIlNAL. FRIDAY, NOV. 4 , 1E87. low NO 1 To CATCH mill .1,,tart two or three times 1 week, she hie "1f era WSSY Lividly layer tae with tree, *aught coli. 1 orches her errs your masse," he said. "amid allow me to net became it to eseepp tisesl, but bs- inlrudeee my freed amid his wile r- eew u is typieaL /the ailiered as nope your ju.rsey world be less midis," thumbed. et gams .air. Is the whole tad tuaely." mange of hygiene I know of to eimphr Mary Rave 1111 i• with Muse e•afs- asd more efficacious treatment them the Am, fur .he Seer• lee all first, unload Mild tout Oath. It will make to lost the emiquirie� �keea�7r tai tics permanently warm, and it will pretest a lugs proportion of all colds, becamecuosaderably snore than hell of all are I aloe Mtrptive Within strap 2111110h of AL. awe maw tittle tem t7a•b we aasw um she tweet .< sweastsa Igen tau Nae• -Meese es the nese Niel mash. considerably result of draughts upon the feet t 1 would rather undertake to pnvemt ! should be continued occasionally, se it Ilii eutda than to cure one. Tucks, may be flouted - keel applications, cutting short the Fur ,bow that take cold otb.rwise .toomp aiut at the outset, ur cleating it up than through the toot—and then are atter it law got start of you—all theme twaey oth•t war that are easy tmwvubt as most of us have found oot—tile familiar precipts of baths sod of exercise is the open air must be repeated. "Du you catch cold by expalog your face to to the air T' said an Indian sachem to one of the Puritan captains- Thomas blouson, of New Haven, I think. "Never," said Mencoo. "Well, our bodies ars all face." And in so far as we can make our bodies "all face" by exposure to cold, es shall b. free Iwo the civilised ailment of colds —Titus Munson Com, 111. D., in Harper's Bazar. ideas may be tried, and sumMimes they seemed very nicely. But the trouble is that a cold is a law unto itself, • self limited disease Irks any other inflamma- tory i•ver,•ad the chances are that if the mold has eves six hours the start of you, it wilt roc faster than the spriest doc- tor. So I will sly nothing here about daring colds, but will be reasonable einewgh to point out a way that is little 'hooves of preventing them. What . the cause „fit cold 1 It is meally the effect of a cold draught upon a limited part of the body, or cf a lower- sd temperature even where, as in the case of the fest, the air does not directly mash the part that is exposed to danger. The protected parts of the body are naturally the most sensitive, and it is through ,bass that we catch Bold. And of all other parts, the feet, especially in She came of the sedentary, are the most filagdts“, eveneel of approach fur this complaint. The artificial tenderntll'rtf the skin, which is the lot of civilized an, causes all of us to be more or lees liable to an ailment which w comparatively un- known to those inhabitants of warm cliwates, who take no inteteet in the fashions, and who hare only beard from Missionaries that clothes ars a good thing. But we cannot return to such a prim• itive immunity as (hie. What shall we do meanwhile, if we would toughen our• asses against the artificial tenderness that makes life daring our cold winters for many of us a grave discomfort, and out towns every time, as if the writer fats that is coupled with the risk of was moving about from place to place. pneumonia and of other serious illness- The seal is slimy. an H le soft wax." es? The question is, how to cure the Mary was interested, but she said no excessive sensitiveness of the skin 1 Generally cool baths will do for the healthy, but they will not do for all ; amid, indeed, almost any one, strong or delicate, will be the better for the treatment th*t; sill deecriio. It is • cold foot bath of two or three LOST LETTERS. Mn Daly, p11lmistr.es is the tows i -little office �M►�En1 of Camden, N. Y., sat carting a bag of mai'. ed. Fier daughter Layton. Bet Mr Gra per's intrudsetioo few& farm an 6arben. A a,rrerpoadent writes to ea trete [tu•chas may a kept out ed toy'uues —the omen re. holeu.g •a artiste on meanheeds by atwpty paring • few Breva cucumbers. —the mast wholesome and most demean not very thou, and laying the parfait* oat plc The primary end ..1 loud s to imp_ ode up, over 1h* p1*0.5 they frequ•►t. for ply the .'rbcs . ei of cry with material The, an toad art 11. asp of the ""••1' pairit. rte t of te, a, fur the re. bee, Bud io suckling at .111 bs kilted 11 pair at its imminent .nate, and for the the, t them, pntwnoes.teg. Reps•, A mime of its thee,mused tend is temperature a ihe rumsdy iur two ur three csgbtie .r 51 A se.omii bot w1.,xdls•te and s pl.. often as aoyjut them appear. sure. And the two ds are so far com- ma expl•sation met WWI a most medial mods „meed that, utile, thins b.lwg „Iasi. resposao, and Mary sous totlad that the7 the food which •'reiiabes must, te beet were aogsMioted with the very people accomplishes the peimory rad. she was going to visit. Bet the mutt wholesome ford for tee arrival insue' may Doi he so for another. What is The nut Dight after her Quite! to the torrid s is not adapted town Wry ,renewed • cel from ler to the mode The tidiest, the adult and Granger, and eu1oy.d a very pleasant dm old mss seed each a different diet. evening. The musts ry brain -worker feud the oat- dr .•soot equally di It wuu!d be uselessto try to chronicle gas, the name fold. Tho mau of rigor - the days sed everting, that succeeded. ow constitution, inherited or developed, There were Titus to places of interest, poo thrive os what might kill one velum, excursions to thet.ighbring eustrupults, physical wagon u mot w great. +btu•, Blau, have something to do dinners at the Grays ax Laytues,cortcerta ti our *snug capacity. Few people et and receptions and belle How swiftly the North could lire 0c the "bog and the days shared ! Huw happy awn hominy-' of the Smith. The fact ;a, the !y was aseistinq her and pausing every now and then tra- amiis> peculitr handwnting or p1111• mark. "Irate "I declare,” acid Mrs Daly, suddenly, in the midst of her work, "if there isn't another one of those love letters for Phi- lip Granger that have been coming for the last six mgfths. There's no such person in town -el know that -but it's a pity such nice letters should go to to the dead -letter office." ..eQ' "But how do jou know they ate i letters ? ' asked Mary. "They must be, because ch., poor wo- man keeps on venting, though she never gets an answer. They game from differ - days were ! Thee there were walks in the country °Wteide et the little town, for the vicinity was beautiful with varied hill and dale ; and in theme walks, some- how, Bessie and Mr Taylor fell orbited and Mary and Mr Granger were left done ahead. It was in one of thew excursions whom the other pair were almost out of sight, its far had they lingered in the roar, ,bat words were spoken that bound Mary to b$aaine her companion's wife before the yea' was out. Never, Mary thought, bad any beer miser spoken so eloquently; never could lover, .he .till believe,speek as eloquently. When Mary returned home the day titer, she was escorted by Mr Granger, who went, u he assured the delighted -Mn Daly not only to claim such of the letters as bad not been sent to the dead - letter oflico, but to ark for a far greater treasure, her daughter's hand. "Her heart, 1 bops," he said, "1 have al- ready.' "Well, well," mild Mn Daly often af- terward, "I *lwaps knew there was some n why I took such an uncommon M- eat in those letters. i used to think them love letters. And so, perhaps in one sense they were," the wuuli add, more fur the time being. But the subject was not forgotten by bee or her mother, and cften, as week after week passed and trio little dainty white missives began to arrive, the two women would laj them smell/ away until the;appo{rated thee forward them minutes, more or less, according to lb" s^ ..e dead letter office. time required to anal.* • q smart imprsr.1 Even when Mary that Autumn accept - .ton up n the superficial nerves ; this gel ad the invitatit.n of • former school friend thio matter. the one thing needful in to make her • long visit the letters were Io • . w{rifer the water the water as not forgotten, one of her parting jejune- tione to her mother being to be sure and it tuns from the faucet will generally be write to her whether they were called cold enough fur the needed effect, if, as tor. ie New York, it flown at •temperature Mary's journey was a long and tedious of from 50 de. to 60 de. Fahrenheit. (Doe, 50 that the masa very tired before it But it may bein colder than this ;and h, 1 was half over. She almost dozed off them*,, using ice tc awl the it over her book. when she war startled to ten will be n3 harm in bringing ►t bear • arse in the next se* way to his down to 40 de. The point is to make a decided impreuit.n of cold. and • few wit*: asioutee will do t)1 s Let the feet stay I Was I gone very long' i met my old friend Philip Granger, in the smoking - i■ the water or under the.jetuntil the ear, and brought him in to make your very bones ache ; them rule them with a ao qu•i me nee. " Mary was very wide awake now, and on the alert. She looked up to e.. Doe of the handedness( men it had been her lot tc meet, bowie; as he was iotrodue- ed. "I am very happy to meet you,", was the lady's remark. "Where have you crash towel and weep them up warmly, and it will not be more than • minute, as • rule, before the delightful warm glow of the reaction. Seldom. even in the case cf the most delicate persona, does this glow fail to come. The ad- wa■tags of this treatment t. that it is cot severe, as the cold bath is for many. been rs•idisg lately, Mr "ranger T' The arnosol of outline exposed to the Mary listened attentively for the an- -cold is ear small that very little draft is made upon the system ; and the person ower' I have been spending the last few who would never have a traction atter • months in Camden,N.J., was the distinct cold beth is easily able to profit 1•y thie iooal treatment. of course no bath most be used without regard to times and seasons ; but the fear which some delicate platoons have to this treatment is unfounded, for the constitution rarely fails to honor so bight a demaud upon it as that which is made by • cold foot bath of two or three minutes, If the beginner is very timid, its duration may be even leu then this at the start, or tonsil the rxperiwteuter finds out whet a safe yet pot.ut remedy is in hand. k Whet is the effect of this simple treat- ment 7 it rives the feet rower to resist cold ; it tosehene them, not exteriorily, but in the tonic quality of their super- venes And it accomplishes this '1'e suit with wonderful quickness I have known delicate ladies who complained that their feet were never warm and who reply. Without stopping a moment to con• eider how strange her consider would appear, Mary .prang from her seat and crossing the aisle of the car, addressed the gentleman. "Ezcuse me, bot is not your same Philip Granger I" .he said eagerly. The stranger arose, and answered po- litely, though evidently surprised: "Yes, that w my name ; pardon me that I do not recollect yours," "Oh !' you never knew it," Mary re- plied, simply. "I am the daughter of the p•stmistress in Comden, N. J., and letters have come there for several months addressed to Philip Granger, and we never could find him. I over- heard your name and your remark that rou lived in Camden, N.J., and thoagbt I ought to tell you shoot the letters, for were subject to frequent colds restored ! perhaps they might be for you." to their pristine birthright of warm fact "indeed. i am exeisedingly obliged to atter two ur three male of this treat- I you ,, answered the young men earnest - ' meet, and alter • week of it well font. Ili' and with an admiring glenoe at the Sod . .test draughts,at feast upon d stheirwell blushing face before hint. "Toe lettere l.etk tidy patiennt of mine, thongare doubtless from my actor, who N otherwise quite healthy w so liable to travelling with her htmband tbroagh the u•teh severe Bold on tke slightest et- 1 Southern States. i imagined that she p sure of her feet to the draughts cf the lifer that she sways managed to penh never received my lettere, as she and them upon the rungs of her chair, or her husband do not remain long in me other.,,,, to curl Mem ap ands, her is piaee ; bat i never thought of the peed- soom way out of roach of the air correct, bilsiy o/ hen been misdirsetrd." lesariag Nen the drs.gbt of an August Mary was eoneeioe of • (..ling of sat - atm te her country house. She let them isfaetinr no hearing that the hitters wen jaws to the ground with wean temerity slily from a mister. Yet what different* mbar the second trial n( the font bath, ' oo■Id it .oke to bar 7 Bid Mr Onager and Mem that Hutu, weenies the heat rills' Mato ttpeakile. I varices digestive glands are strengthen ed, or weakened, as they are, or are C ,leer souud when tapped with the be- velled tato due action. get, The man of viiorotte health, whom o0• harmers generally do sot yet fully op- tion .enures him all needed exercMe slue of bran ami • tredicig is the open sir, hardly needl to raise an • substce. It contains lees oil than a onmeal, but one fourth mon flask forming„ bone buttdint material It u therefore less h..ting and more he•Ithfel. By analysis its immuring came after being fed to animals is rather more that dya- ble that of meal Bran can usually be brought in the fall for about one-third less than in winter. Bead may b• uaueat to cooeidereble ad vantage is agriculture, eraser►u litoer&Uy dusting it uver the et.Me doors or uetng it u bedding tor the au►u•als By thus co beming mixed wilt the manure, et notuwm only prevents it from beog ton ems - pact Bud lumpy, but readers it more like old compost, ready to be appli d to the Land without the trouble tf so leech heedliog in turning over. Sum.tiitnes it is dt$ult No diatioguish between • gree feud • rip. watermelon. The ripe melon bar a !weigher appear - Met, cracks when pressed end gives off a dal, hasvy sound wheu tapped, while some contend that the drying up of the "curt" at the enniectiug end is also, • sign of ripeness. Th• green melon is smooth and bright, and gives off a loud, The beet regulators ler the et-g.ati end lam eta, the best mire ter lediumnna, sick hemiaahe, Iudt,patoes, end &I aft. bone awug Irmo • dieuedei■d liver, are without eaoepttuu Johnson's Teen Liver Ptlla Small to site, sugar ousted, •c&M, yet effective. !b ata, per bottle sole by Goode, drugxi.t, Albwu block, Garde rich, sole same reps precasts tie question as to his diet, provided het guards against *seen. The premed food of • u•tiun is the result of the accumu- lated experience of thousands of yew. Is the torrid zone it is • mixture of fi.ah, grain, vegetables and fruit, 'lith a moderate amount of foe Just so far cone is aio.titutionally feeble, or is w..keyed by sickness or chronic ailments, his diet must be suited to his cooditioa. Even in • case of dys- pepsia, the beet food could nut be deter - milted for all came, sine. tt would differ aeesrding to the type of dyspepsia. A reemiabit tide. Few men have accomplished the same amount of work and good in this world as the celebrated Dr Chase. Over b00,000 of his works have been 'old in Canada alone. We want every person troubled with Liver Complaint, Dys- pepei• Headache, Kidney or l'tiny Troubles, to bare a bottle cf Dr Chase' Liver Cure, it will cure you. Medicine and Receiq;e Book $1. Suld by all druggist'. Tremors erpsil emit Whitewash - One of the hast recipes known fur whitewash is that called %%bite House whitewash" and "Treasury Department with • smile of triumph, "since 11.y led I whitewash." The latter name arose to Mary's marriage with Philip, the doubtless from the tact that it is the re- cipe want out by the lighthouse beard of the treasury department. It has been found by experience to answer on wood. brick and moue nearly as well as oil paint, and is, of course, much cheaper. Slake one halt bushel of lime with boil- ing water, keeping et covered during the process Strain it off and add •_ -.eek of salt prevt:usy di. ',, In warm water, lh w peond* tf fibbed rice preciously Wed in eater to a thick paste. one half pound of powdered Spanish whiting and a pound i.1 clear glue diasolced in warm water. Mix these various ingredients eon's Tonic Bitten and Liver Pills are I together sect let stand for several days. happiest that ever was." "Mare Trouble :1a1 be expected. If you do not heed the warnings of na- ture and at once p. attention to the aintainance of your health. How often we see • person put off from day to day the purchase of a medicine which if pm - cured at the outatert of • disease would have remedied it almost immediately. Now if Johnston'* Tonic Lirer Pills bid been taken when flee first unmeaning made its appearance the illness would have been "nipped i.l the bud." John - decidedly the best medicine on the mar- I Keep trig wash thus prepared in a kettle ket for general tonic and invigorating or boiler, and when wed apply it as hot properties. Pills 25c, per bottle. Bitten 50 cent. and $1 per bottle, sold by Goode the druggist, Albion block, sole agent. [bj as practicable with • white wash brush. lilvt Thew A Cleave. That is to may, your lungs. Also all A mem, reserve ,chute. I your breathing machinery. Very w 0n• derful machinery it is. Not only the A well kminwn hatter was riding up 1 larger air-pessages, but the thousands of little tubes and cavities leading from them. %'hen thew are clogged and chocked with matter which ought not to be there, poetry. At Eagle street a young swell got on and took the seat behind the your lunge cannot half do there work.seat }atter, whom Fe at once recognized se And what they do, they cannot do the man of whom he eurchaced his headgear, though the alter didn't know him. After sitting some time uneasily, theses!' suddenly stuck kis h..d for- ward and enquired with • loud voice, "I ssy, when'Il the fall styles o' hats be out down to your place 1 1 can't wear this thing much lunger and I'd like to know when 1 can get a new one." The irritated individual addressed, brine/lit down from his supreme contempl•ti en of Browning to the consideration of bate, replied tartly : "Sir, I sm only a hatter between 8 o'clock and 6," and thereupon resumed his conversation, while the reproved swell gai.:kly alight- ed and disappeered down • aide street.— But elo Courier. town last Dight, and engaged with a scholarly neighbor to an animated con- versation on the obscurity of Browning* s.am test. le Greet Britain the question of Home Rule is commanding attention. To the an with • cold in the head or chest the eldest way to ensure Home Rule over a cold is to have ..n hand a bottle of Dr. Harvey's Red Pine Gem. For sale at J. Wilacs's Prescription dreg store. tf Properly Seasoned. i was told the richest thing about • Minneapolis girl. A certain Swedish baron of fine family and education came to this country and, the old story, found himwll obliged to obtain any situation to keep from absolute want, so he enter- ed the clothing store of M— as clerk. Well, this young lady, hearing he was • noble, must have hie autograph, so she come into the store nee day and request• .d it, leaving her alb.m it peeled him greatly. Why should she want hie setngnph, • complete stranger 1 Sod- denly the truth struck him sad he wrote bis name, and beamed', "Clerk in M—'a store." "0," said he to use, you should have seen her tees lengthen, and she said, "i didn't was', that I wanted Tour name and your lith." "Then it o,' i answered . "then is the name and clerk at M 's is the only title i west in this country." "They Imes • larger sale in my dis iriet," says • well knows druggist, "thee any other pill on the market, and girt* the best eatistaetine for seek beadsehe, hilnion.ness, indigo tin., rte , mol when enmbtnod with Johnotoe'. Tonle Bitters, Johnston'. Tonic Liver Pille .i11 per- Around meth bottle of 1)r Chew's form .hat tae other medio:ine hes dna* liver Core is a ieediel guide and reeeip before for wferine hsmanity." Pills book onntaining useful intoneation, over 25 cents per bnttla Bitters 50 aorta 100 reesipea, and proso.eeed by doctors and $1 per bottle. Sold by Gonde, and drergi.4 as worth tan times the ikwggid, Albion Week, Goderieb, eels met of the tredtente. Medicine and seen,. tej hook $1. Sold by all druggists. well. Call it cold, cough, croup, pneumonia, catarrh, consumption or any of the family of thrust and nose and head and lungo'ostruction•, all are bad. All ougt to be got rid of. There is just one sure way to get rid of them. that is take Roecht* s German Syrup, which any druggist will sell you at 75 cents a bottle. Even if everythng else has failed you. you may depend upon this for certain. lowly raj NASAL Bay Creamie more valuable than butter, since it i• equal to both butter and but- termilk, although the impress seems to prevail with most milk producers that the one great and ouly legitimate end of milk and its crease is to wake butter, and • sense of waste and misuse involun- tary arises whenever either is used for any other purpose for which milk is em• ployed. As the uuly effective remedy for agri- cultural depression in Great Britain, Professor Wallace, of the Edinburgh University, urges farmers to contract the size of their holdings, abandon the pur- chase of artificial manures, oil cake and cattle foods, rely on the natural produce of the laud for meat production "and every other kind of stock mawegement -" in short, return to the normal state of things in the days of the forefathers Profit in bee culture means hard work and plenty of it. Instead of • few old log gums and box hives and brim- stone for lite bee. in the fall, with • , wansgeeeat, the pr:sent mode demands :Imbed moveable frame hives with large capacity fur surplus, .simple in eoaetroo- tion and admitting of ease woad speecb is bandlirg—one that will winter well on summer stands wiltt:Jut further packing or protection with entrance easily coo- trae! pT enlarged, and with 11 bread chamber that can be explanted at will. A Weed •hest Potato Scab. The skin of the potato is • layer of cork cella, and when injuredilt heals by the formation of a new layer of cork. When the tuber grows in water, or in a wet sal, the cork layer thickens at waei- ous points. producing many little watts on the merinos and rendering the cuticle lines resistant of decay. If the emotes of ' water continues for • considerable tune decay seta in aid the starch and trues become dieoolored. But if the decay is arrested the cork layer forma between the decayed and healthy parts and the potato is "cabby." The trouble is. therefore, the result of excessive moi. turd and cause the scab, or it may 811 the coil with spores of molds and fungi. Some insects, by wounding the cork lay. er, may increase the trouble. Some aline fertilisers may hinder the growth of fungi. New liem.,table 11111. Found at tat, what the true public bas been looking for theme many years amid that i, • medicine which although but lately introduced, has made for itself a reputation second to none, the medicine is Johrson'a Tonic Bitten which in conjunction with Johnson's Toric Liver Pills has ^grferased mine most wonderful cures I,mpare or im- poearished blond soot becomes purified and enriched. Billiousnees, indigestion, sick headache, liver complaint, languor, weeknese, etc , soon disappear when treated by thew excellent hair midi cities For Sale by Gond, druggist, Al- bion block, Ooderieh, sole agentid) the giant (iille de Trout, in the Tyrol, and one of the guards of the Desk* of Broncwiek, was mon that eight feet, four Melbas in height. A tree ESN. v,. Oiitoftlu Uss Armit'ee:, Dt*ao r.U., Ont. May ilia, 1HJ. fly wite Bartered /sr ave Jeers with Dm' Aiatrresia* lleseee. catarrh- Mar peas was tae .1 the went knows to Mese WM. Ms tried all se the catarrh reuse- dies eusedies I oversew ado settee.•. het they wen e lse we. I $.ally reeved • Issue .t Katal Halm nee tee Bred only we kali of It, sad as. feels like • now paces. 1 Mei it my dui, to way that nasal Betel imam b. TOO HIUHLY reoammwded fur catarrh troubles, and am pleased to have au soca .tourers know through its ere they will novice bistant relief tad CC*IL CHAP. McGILL, Farmer., Pointers If Too Wapt a DINNER SETT, Look at NAIRN'S Stock If oo Wapt a BEDROOM SETT, NAIRN has them at all piste If You Wapt a TEA SETT, Tot-: NAIRN has o full assortment If Too Waot Aoytbillg .NINA, NAIRN has the finest display Ii Tog Want Aoytbiag fit CLASS, Try NAIRN'S before purchas- ing elsewhere. For Pure. Unadulterated FRESH GROCERIES! CHAS A. iv AIR N --HAri THEM— CTERYTHINYot H TRADE SOLiCITEL Oederi b. April WM. Ur7. KN • Seek Asea* Mr Goode, drurgist, is not • book agent, but has the agency in Goderich fur Juhnsten i Tonic Bitten, which be can heartily recommend for any com- plaint to which a tonic medicine is ap pliable. This valuable medicine has been with most astc,oaahitigly good re- sults in carps of general debility, mimic - nese, itregulanties peculiar to females, extreme pateneas, impoverishment of the blood, stomach and liver troubles, loss of appetite, and for that general worn out feeling that nearly every one is troubled with at some part of the year. Dunt forget the name Johnston's Tonic Bitten 50c. and $1 per bottle at Goode's drug store, Albion block, Goderich, tole agent. • allllsa Fool". Tie op the birds by the leg., using soft cord for the purpose, so that it .ill be jest level with the operator's breast The bird is first stunned by a blow oil the head, and then the wind -pipe is Dowered with • sharp knife. The blood flows freely ; and the action of the wings, left loose for the purpose, help in that direction, In • vet?, short time muscu- lar action mama. N • have been assur- ed by those who ought to know, that this is the most humane method of kill- ing fowls "111e Motet $tubed Again r No "hardly ever" about it. He had an attack of what people call "biliow- newa,"and tc smile was impossible. Yet • man may •'smile and smile, and be a villain still, still he was no villain, but • plain, blunt, honest mac, that needed a remedy such se Dr Pierce's ''Pleasant Purgative Pellets," which never fail to cure bilenvneas and diseased or torpid liver, dyspepsia and chromate eoostipa- tien. Of druggists. Sites the opening of the season Rollet Lang, of Exeter, has shipped to Masi- loba and other points, twenty-one car loads of apples, and it is estimated that when the season teems he will have shipped from Exeter station alone thirty seven car loads. t•e es T.er Gaited. Don't allow • colo in the head to slow- ly and surely run intn Catarrh, when you can be cured for 2(c. by using Dr. Chase's Cstarrh Cure. A few applica- tions sore incipient catarrh ; 1 to 2 boxes cures ordinary catarrh ; 2 to 5 boxes is guaranteed to euro chronic catarrh. Try it. Only 25c and sure cure. Bold by all druggists ly ''Can you tell me what kind of weather we may expect next month 1" wrote • farmer to tb• editor of his meaty paper. The editor replied, ' It is wee belief that the weather next month wiil be very like your sohserip- tine bill' The farmer wondered for half an hour what the editor was driving •t, when he happened to think of the word "unsettled." He sent up a postal n ote. Baal ipeal.le. Ran no net in baying medicine, bit try the great Kidney and Lire, regula- tor, 'made by Dr. Chase, •a'hor of Cb..a's ree.ipes. Try Chase's Liver Care for all diatoms of to Liver. Kid- • , Stomach8all tad Bowels. .1 by druggist& BY AMY o, It was early in 11 the Exhibitive opeue htd just dusted the straightened the sett ad adjusted the •kyl teeny, when be becuu presence of • slight wiry shabby black, to fug timidly beside hit "Kb 1" want Mr M.t did you get in !' '1 open yet." "Ob, I am not one said Ellen Howard, ■ "1 have • picture h 11 iryest Field.' " The old janitor r'r glasses. "flu, ay," said he ; away up above the lig gallery, 150'1 it • ' "Has -has it bee Hiss Howard, wiuci words "N,1, it ham• been am, looking ,atlas the slim figure in ill melts. "Hes any one asks, "Na ; to my know: But its dull this sem as, as Helen turned "If they ai.oi,1i4 se eke, "I would take to sealer's terms. You HEAT HEAT'r SAUNDERS 4 v cS SO N Are prepared to rursforamcatimatn for bcW* PRIVATE HOUSES PC BLIC Bl; ILD1NOS WITW bot Air or 1101 ater SINITARY PLUIBINH. Sok Agents for THE E. a C. GURNEY CU's Stoves, Ranges and Yam I ', CALL Iia CET ,Sacci. -..».. The Cheapest !louse UNDER THE SUN. Wort -.t., next door to the Post 08.s. Godrdeh. Jsty I3. ►pf. DRHODDER'S IJURES BURDOCKa impi tnts A. DD n ou8ness pure esia lsod COMPOUND Oou1 :' t THE GREAT REGULATOR at the Mm. e!. Lever. Mow.% and/as..i.. ear�lalM andtulles (Melee r/teees. ,oras retwte.-- r e. MAO Two po, wwrae : =wand•Por years past I halve hewas m pert It care• d . Jmeni".`CUR TI11 te. Ort"ate se : Bold everywhere. Pelee, Ter 1a. USOOFJI't COMM 1111 LNG UM Never Fails Our•ateed. frier, We. t lee. TtCE UNION E, fill-IyPto. Oat. Farman Allellthlli! Harlan 1.1•ly p:reheard the Mttetst w hoa ray rrwe. i are now ltaw■rwa Preis Her by flee ti.a •t the .y .*•s s. oral shoo buy a yyesaiity of dlurlse fall. Order" for Pressing tee DI'eei b the 1.t of August BALICD HAY •Lware C•!T ser WAWA I sloe !'Imo R HARK ,f�, S TIER TSL'R19.80n- WATRR rIRT1 RN . �e. APPLE DEALERS 1 make APPLE BARRELS A g?WIA TT▪ YM'. My facilities' for wNlyta` Meters pWkg.erratlyare eelswrgaall Parrots. ,•lhe • Fieeaae e.parlty. Dally memo sospae tvi.:fee barrel& Sloe sae • Call. • tIsI ntl*a tteatesat•ed CHAS. BATES Aiepead ggtestdeTf woo o 1"'4e. ay, I'll ono tib janitor. waif, as she glided awl decorated ataireaae, rasion for remember picture likely toast'. might omelet feel a Bides see sae much u' Helen Howard Batt street. At • hitt'. Ls sign, "Cireineting Lil rutty displayed, site time, and peered .int "My paper roses cu window still," she sai dont suppose any te price yet, either." She went into the ri►rt Bazaar" a few d -0 ethers she had two e Aerated wood -bask lady behind the desk enquiries rather tartl "No," said she, " And I think you a1 away, Miss Howard. for room, and I do any ,more demand to t iele. " Helen Howard i enough. Not that 1 buff she had had. I was well mod to tbii tion. But she was 1 heed the bopeleasnei 1 dos's student, bmvself. "There oe ket for skilled labor I am not strong en dumeetie service, an amoei•tione of a I other way of sarnin me f' As she was carries woiderfel carves of she locked down at whose varied shades ass stomas in the flays working then pose gathering he hese baskets "They are earnin to herself. "The) as to be bete ladies Her mother set r old etu,00-fronted I the gate and paused Howard estate, thi eamanted. If thel be none the richer, tip to the very sap .eys, but it was • her mother. The tremolos' masses e hang oa the stand white sad mimeos fj the petits. A r boughs of buret .pikes of pearly 8e Mg into bloom --s ed saeh ether aro, of an mem! wisti "Well dear, w Mowed, • fragil little woman vele Sewn •s r.ysly geseU's robe. Isom et a1I 1 '' ee hat ore we Ari. Mist.. 41 rot tag vaguely out the renehi... ,.Mother," she Art down there "le is Mn Sat Howard. "The estcrtainment tr .emu !Pivots. bawl so :of r —••