HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-11-4, Page 11e/ • *X 4,r VORTiRTH TRAIL W H )LE tili UlUh t Isla, 0EVIT "To COUNTY NEWS GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, NOV. 4, 18b7. { fl.LiCU DDT. Pnt, s was. ♦ YYAR IN ADVAIICI tit linen #ignRI u reateinttr EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, AT TUX ("Vries: NORTH • STREET, OODERICU. lit is a wide-awake local newspaner, devoted in minute news and the dissemination ut use - tot knowledge. RITES ea' si gore IrTNT m 1i.50 a year; tic. for e x months : tor. for three montes. If the subscription is not paid in enhance. avhs:ripefoa will be charted •t crease their values. / ..vw V.uau1. Icpt. delegation to Ottawa, to interview the tae rate of $. i a year. To tbe Municipal Hectors of the Tuwn of Goveruaneut and C. P. It authorities on A 0 eanaisc - KATE* i Uodencb : the subject of • railway to G.derich, F ra.i.ow Chutes,— Had the writer of but what inducements or arg:mmits per lime tar ar,t In•ertlee. ands cents per litre they put forward in favor of their Iwiu- /or each subeetueet insertion'. Measured by with au especiwl reference to %sodarick a nonpareil scale. for the last half century, he might tery sion, It would he hard to comprehend ; n Local notices la noapari.l type Sr per line.justlylace used much stronger Iwgwge for t n their return, in an Interview with sate rlettees le °renttery reading type le pee in doing au, es I could eery easily prove one of them, he stated that they could pmlacts cards of six lines and under 1S per to your entire satisfaction. But that saecyt nothing seriously had arrall taunt sufficvor of the ient year. u not my purpose in putting myself be- 1 7 Adt-erd.ement. of Lost. Fount, S•rayed. ' fore the public at the present time teethe to support one railroad property— Ritnetiu.s V.t.aut. S:teatioe Wanted and It will not be denied I thick, that ur words to that elTect. It has ooze alio IB.sine.. t'1taMY! Wanted. not excreJing a o_ ' bac me well known, that another of our Ilses nonpartel ill per month, m) letter of _, th June, 1884, published citjr fathers loses no etp{ocortuuity of de - /tonnes on Nal- and Farms en Sale. not to in TA; SiJn.tl, was practically the origin exceed a (Inc., at for gni month. Sec per sub- athe Citrons' Railway Committee ; Vying the motifs of our barber, and of sepuent month. tarter advte in proportle•. belittling our town prospects in every respect, but as his reason fur doing so are wit far to seek, they may possibly become public property before the c.•m- ing elections. I shall now, as briefly as possible, lay before the pubito • alight sketch of the work dune by the cit•zetis during the three years of their railroad agatztion, and I may here remark, that I am prepared to substantially peeve by documentary evidence, the following er,after thirty five years of deep th.onght statements : on the subject, is still of the opiaiou A folly equipped Jobbing Office 1. carried P W that "it was a great mistake that the on i• una/ion with tee ordinary newspaper Tho first meeting for orgautzulcn was Buffalo and Brantford read was net at beers. where deet -class week is turner! out with at the bawds of al• held on 21st Aug. 1884. After the object of the meeting had been fully ex- once carried through to Soutbampioi,. pla=ned, and tbe names of the parties quits ignoring the fact that nine -tenths da=ring to become meml.en recorded, of the distance was then in a state of it was adjourned to the 2i►th of same primeval wilderness, and that even if month. at which meeting • sub-c,m- this wild 'des could have been carried VOX POPULI. Mtttteti of Moment Taken up sad Discussed. Asl s Wb. u. Anemias 1. any ew Public awe.lteen. sr M b. Desires se Kepi; Caa D. we to Oils Celanese A Winding I p. As a rub the very rich taut are not than who build up a oonotouulty,aud. mate boom. A single man full of life and .'nterpttee ' ' - i.wortb any doses rich men who usually take set mintage of other dc's booming le oar town u the terminus of s greet !bsd the plan referred to, with him at frees nae of their uolesa tripe to Ottawa, iftS1q, lbr.ugb line to the Northwest. Yet, the time, but, Wine satisfied with its to interview the Goverumeut and C. P. notwithstanding all the above named ; honesty and truthfulness, he confined R. authorities on railway matters, where Our architect was up from iltralffeed disc.unvem.nts, and gratuitous person- i his running examination to the Colborne they found that the general manager this week, on • visit to his family. al abuse, we steadfastly adhered to onr I aide of the river mud harbor. When it was Netter posted on the subject, that Mrs Whitely and children from Loa - 'Vadat at starting to persevere in the! was resolved to get a charter for the ex ; were the "delegates." thanks to the desboruugh, is visitiug her sister, Mis ft matter until we gained suc ees. And we tension to Wingham, an invitation was' citizens' committee. But there must Quaid. slow claim the credit of starting the sent to the council for any /"sir of their sorely besumething sadly wrong amongst tfoe of ewe teddies, with a town boys? present "Boom" which bas thus far re- i member. itedditiun to tbe,fire already I us here in (lodericb, or how is it that made a raid on a pumpkin heti a shoot suited in the magnificent show gn.unds; with us --tis meet us for consultation o0 I thirteen wurkuien can drive the Dumin- distance tram Greealaud. So how or and exhibition buildings, of which we the subject—another proof, I submit, of ion machine at Ottawa, and sows half other it was rumored the polies were on all are so justly proud ; and, we our silhngness to work in harm("tsy with dozen can get through the work of Om- their trail, so the town b. ,y vlsared off challenge the town council, or any of its thein—and in response thereto llfvasn tariu with tolerable success at Toronto, to I'uc'e Sara, and our lad inside oar friends, to wrn.t that credit from us, it Smith, Humber, and Dunlop attended whereas we find that the statutory {„col barber gree his bead a oboe shave they ton p.asibly do pp A short time our meeting on 14th Jan. last, and ap- title. -t aro insufficient to legislate for the to prevent rerouguiti.,n before itis organization of the citizens' parently concurred in a rusulution to four or live thousand beef -and bread- ocer"littee, the Coguoil had sent a apply to the council to advance the eaten of (htdericb ! Fur the last two It was quite •sight to see fGoderlch'w necessary expense of the charter. It years they have been necessitated to hr famed horseman, A. M. Polles,in his having been agrees! that there should be enlist a body of four supernumeraries to char? ,t drawn bythewell-knuwn'fapots,' serf,. pruvisi_nal directors named in the help them, and it may possibly require following upii drove of l) horses. par - Bill ; we agreed to let the couocil name six next year! Are ,...e worthy fathers chased for s .drove by him to the four of them, and on the pert of the ••..n.o,!I elected, ?tisk )otc-er f.. u 1.1 ft. States Wt week. Oto kcal horse committee Jlossr. MlcEwan, Stobie and tl.rie .Dole,-, or is this a frank admission dealer, especially our lriahmars, c►s- Daneey were appointed, as being three of their own Incapacity to carry on the ;Iratulafd A. M. Pulley on hie rxeel- cf our most energetic workers, thorcugh again of the town without outside t haul selection• business men, owners of property, and assistance t employers of number of workmen in There can be no question whatever Blt>a'9i10. the town. Bet our worthy conclave as- that Goderich will be called upon to sembted saw tit to refuse us the handling do a large portion of the work, in work- ed the funds, they added four to the pro- posed ■umber of provisional directors, but point blank refused to acknowledge our friends Stobie and Dancey. Now, Iet us bristly aualyza this select ELEVEN. One of :hem un the 30th June, 1852,, Legal sod other easttal (Advertisements. lie. the abrvs lines penned the sentiment, A•y special notice. the object of which is to promote the pecuniary benefit of any i.dl- vidual or company, to be considered as ad vsrtisement and o. halved accordinely. Thsoe terns will in .11 cases be strictly sd- lwai to. epsclal rates for Ismer advertisements, or advertisements for extended periods made known at the office of publication. JN$III6 DEPARTMENT. but, perhaps few will believe the loss cf sleep it cwt me, before I could fully re- solve to publish it, for I well knew the am.onut of sneering and sarcasm to which 1 would be subjected by "Young Can- ada" acid others for damn, to meddle with such a subject as the bringing of the C. P. R. to our harbor, or attempt- ing to take the management of the mat- ter out of the hands of our phenomenal city fathers. But I was most aawredly not prepared for the utter want of sym- pathy and encouragement that j our com- et res.rosable entre. Everytking in tis print- intoe has saes it Ing line can be done *Dike premises Crum an most all classes amongst us, except lu•minsted poster to • visiting mord. ' from the salt and shipping interests, to their three years disiutere sted and grat- uitous labors, to secure competitive rail- way .ccomodation, for the commercial interests of our common borne. Yet, had our voluntary efforts to serve the public met with • more generoos recep- tion, the following remarks might poet- ibly have been altogether spired, or, at least, mach modified in their ton. and feelings. I have long watched with sincere sor- row, the apathy of our public men, with regard to the business prospects of the town, and, the inertness •ud incapacity of our town council, to eatisfactorily Darty cut any important meaure of pub- lic improvement. I had seen chances overlooked, and cpportunities throwp away. I spoke to several old friends os the subject of the retrogndiny positios, and all admitted the melancholy f&cts,snd shook their heads over it. dut, nos ply could see no possible way of bet- tuiog ourselves, so that we must just grin and bear it ; another, had • wea=n, of the fourth or fifth degree of r.l.tios- ship, in the employment of the Grand Trunk, somewhere in Yankeetown, and tion amongst the railway magnates, as a it might possibly injure his kits• also • rough plan or map of the harbor, Asn'• prospects were sir name to ao- showiog • grade by the lake shore et ppe.aar amongst w, be could therefore 50 feet per mile to this tableland, ia- have nothing to do with the movement ' mead of l20 feet per mile, as had been I yet tried a thud friend,but he told me industriously circulated to our pre - emphatically that "it would bed --d judice, as an inevitable grads, by the fully (almost a crime, obeervs you) to emissaries of the Grand Trunk. At the raise any soitatino for another railroad commencement of the work the town at that time, f .r the Grand Trunk was of Winghem was looked to as our strong enough to put u• down at once," objective point, but in the Doorse of gaite forgetting the feet that, while we oorre•poodence with Mr Van Horne, he were daily becoming weaker, that al- suggested the idea of an extension of ready huge monopoly was hourly gain- the C. P. R. from Elora to Dederick'. iog strength. I, however, differed is Ws thereupon lost no time in o'gani:- opiniow with all my friends, and publish- iog a meeting to be held at Brussels on ed the letter above referred to Bot, the 10th De., of delegates from all the oa the ver first morning after it ap- municipalities from the township of pearled in The Sigmal, I was •oesriogly Woolwich upwards, and prepared suit - asked is what way I expected "that able resolutions for their consideration, little old follow Wondeock to aid in which were all adopted. And to show bringing a railroad to the town." A few the public that we entertained no feel - days atterweids, I was arrested in the ings of antagonism or animosity towards .geare with the shout. of "Ob ! so old the town council, I may mention that a Orson has joined you." Now, both note was sent to the Mayor • week tee- thes, parties well knew, that I was the fore the meeting, asking the nomination senior of both my friends by nearly • of delegates to sot jointly with thou pore of yeses ; but, they, no doubt sent by our committee, no reply how- thoeght that 1 was just obi and imbecile eves, was made to this invitation, and enough, nut to perceive the covert sneer with one exception then were no at myself. At a later date. we were councillors at the meeting, bat jointly second through the prem, of those who had lose admitted as playing at railroad -making merely for our "own aggrandizement ;" and that too, by one who at the very time, was ally moving heaven and earth meeting, prepared, printed and eireolat- • tb by night and by day, to gat himself d to municipalities throughout the line Toke Ood s cues. on its author and ordained es "the biggest toad in the from Elmira sad 8t Jacobs in Wool- =own vi.w. ; but l.ey emit et three abettor. He earnestly advised his puJdle." At this same period and, as I wieb, to (ioderich, bits with blank .atensiv. •ehaaes all at once. and told %•seers to combine sgsiest the land- !►.list•, in this same sone/Won. Mr column* for the amount of exports of the rate/layers that the whole them Woodcock was so virulently •tlseked by some 40 articles of produce, Sc., during should he Hwiahed for the .mall sum of an anonymous writer as to give it very mune the •ppe•rance of having bees doe• with the intention of injunng hi. It is rumored • new blacksmith is coq up the bonuses above referred to, and commg to -town• therefore` it becomes a must important Leech's mill is dill booming swim, question for our citizens to decile who.; and a number of logs sale is the river shall do it. Have the town oodncil ever yet. shown one symptom of their fitness to A phrenologist visited some of the neighboring sections and caused sons excitement. Why did he sot come our way 1 A temperance convention for the East Riding is to be held in Brussels on the 8th inst. Bluevale should be well es - presented. Hallowe'en pawed off gpiedy enough., but some of the buy. got into truubte, and they are wishing they had not rade quite so much noise. undertake such a re.posibility f The stood in a minority of nvx,in opposition citizens' committee has been dissolved to the Butfslo, Brantf..rd & Ooderich in consequence of the contemptible Railway, at a crowded gathering of set- course pursued by the council towards tiers from the farthest corners of Huron, us, notwithstanding the repeated at - Perth and Bruce ; and he has certainly tempts made by w to work in harmony token no part in the present movement with them, for the good of the whole to carry the road to Qinghai ' Anoth- community. Ode leading member of the council still tells his friends, that the citizen? committee have done nothing more fcr the railroad than was done by the council before we began to work ! .tnother tells w that they have a rail- The railroad has been cleaned up, and road room ttee as 6t to carry the work looks better. The smoke is absorbed or to cnnpletion as we are. Yes, disappear thea mold mornings very they have had this standing rail- rapidly, when old "Sol" appears. road committee from time imme- out, it would have opened up the strong- moria! ; and I now challenge them est rival on the lake to bur own harbor. to point out one intelligent more - Two of them, at least, sot sell as our ment that they have made on the reeve, were in the commit when Wing- subject. They here now a- opportunity ham was an summarily thrown overboard however, of publicly ;contradicting my in tavor of Orangeville in Garafraxa ; statements if they choose b* do so. As and, a usual, that was the last we have subge.ted by The Niy.ul some weeks ago heard of Orangeville ; and the railroad I would strongly recommend that a:pub- was again shelved for an indefinite per- lie meeting be held at &steady a date as sod. Space will not permit to go through possible, the sooner the better for the hat at present, but this will serve as Goderich, and for reasons that had bat a specimen of their want of tact and be reserved till then. :And let the prudence in such matters, and of their meeting be held in the Palace Rink, toadyism to piles of brick and mortar. whore it would have more the air of an 1 kouw not what our friends in Wing- outside gathering, and secure a much ham, where:all the parties are as well larger attendance than iu any of the known as they are here) will think of halls. It an then be decided whether the rfeef -1 el, r n, bet I as certain that the railroad interest shall remain in the Dome of the names are not calculated to bards of the council, or whether the allay the feeling tbat was raised against people may desire • re -organisation of Goderich some years ago, nor to gain the citizen? committee ; which I doubt their assistance in the work that is dill i not could soon be done, even under the before us. And here I would beg re- wings of their "Old" leaden. But this spectfully to draw attention 10 the dig- need only be expected if means a.5 ferent modes of proceedure in working taken such a those adopted by oar such a matter a that before us. The neighbors in Bayfield over • year ago ; council seems to believe that they have when they started a committee stalk; only to shew the amount of their owe to ours, and titei► euuntil at once with wealth to the railway auth•,ritiee and the tbe manly, broad -hearted liberality d Government to settle the whole thief/ ! thorough business men, placed a sum at whereas the Citizens' Committee started their disposal, to Dover the necessary ez- with the determination to show the rail- peness in the service of the public, a way that the scheme we propose wosld course somewhat different from that of pay them financially, and we have see- no: civic rul.rs,wbo have virtually sssem- o..dd in convincing them that it will do d the characteristics of the "Ate in the so. Manger''—they an neither est the Now, let os fors moment have • look straw themselves, nor let others try to •t oar waterworks, not at its boons—fur do so • I now dere to suggest that iot- a is a pleasure yet to come on some I mediate steps be taken to petition the other day—bat at its inception in the lfalai] latare at its Ent meeting for the to middle of December, 1885. I have action of the number of our tows shown above that the railroad committee council, by about 1.0 third. of iia went into operation on 21st of August, whole, my 005 for "ell ward. Than we 1884; that was 16 months before then may •xpeot that men of intelligence and a full knowledge of the responsibilities All communications must be addressed to m seeaLLIttNT. Eebtsref Tata Sweet. Gatwick oat. MN* OF THE T10,O00 LIBEL SCIT. ,,jrin Brown, the "talented young Irbil seater," a Robert Porter used to call him, has withdrawn his suit for $10,000 against Dogiel and Thoma Ile t:illicoddy, wholly end unconditionally. On Friday last our solicitors, Mesh (:arrow & Proadfout, received the follow- ing notice from plaintiffs lawyer 14 THE HIGHCOURT OF JUSTICE. ( 0MMON P1YAI' DIVISION. Between 011N BROWN. Plaintiff. THOMAS McktILLIrt'DnY and DANIEL McGILLICUDDY. 1►efeadantw Take notice that the plaintiff hereby whistle discontinues this a.aiou against the above named defendants. Dated ileo 25th day potober- caa. giv%ICg ' LANGTRY of number.% flay -•t. Toronto, solicitor toe the plaintttl. In addition to the above notice, our solicitors was req.tested to make oat their bill of coats incurred in the wit, and to forward them to the plaintiff for settlement. This is u it should be, and 11 Brown settles the score in this regard, we will have a somewhat higher opinios .,f him than we have heretofore 'mid. is any .vent it is a complete backdowa frogs t►e high rround originally takes by the plaintiff West Heron Ton.. are respectfully te .lseded to paste this item is their beta Tax Tories wZbave a new grievous against Hos. Ifderard Blake. He um moat at tie coat where O'Bries's s.ateaes for alleged sedition language zea eenffrased, and afterwatds made a speech at Olen 8hrrold the geese of the evictions fres the estate of the stew. Jelin Dolmens, • risk lesdlord M ale May Limerick, and said the evletioss ooforoed by Debugs were shbames' in every detail. It was • burning shams and • humiliation, be said, to and a man String in luxury while his tenants were in a state of misery, such as should in - mitten was appunted to collect statisti- cal information, and to draft • circular thereon for publication- Oa the 4th of Sept. the draft circular was approved ot, and contained infer abet the information that. during the latter weeks cf naviga- tion in 1862, and all those of 1863, some six months in all, there arrived in our harbor Inc tramp tit per the Buffalo and Like Huron railway, 253 cargoes of miscellaneous produce from ('bicago and other foreign ports, making 6,474 car- loads, or 293 trains of 15 ars each, in- dependently of the lumber and local trade. One tbouaod of these circulars were printed at the cost of $10, the first of our printing expenses, but they were cheaply dune at that, for they were full of carefully •compiled figures. These were circulated throughout the various municipalities interested in the scheme, and a Dumber of copies on superior paper were sent to Mr Drinkwater, •.eretary of the C. P. R , for diatribe - was one word of 'waterworks. The Brea - of the position they desire to obtain, will eels meeting, which roused the railroad the v t thinsteademalvs of a huntiasngdid•ro°nd tes, and foe cry from Waterloo to Huron, was bold asa pith 1D.eeesber, 1884; just stooges mrotstAs weeks to get three men of one part before the eswnail mooed their Ent mat will concentrate his thought. to get the erwovke manifesto, and, mark you they Arst ►abo, it espective of party a did that just 1u" weeks before the them politics, and th.o a I ball.,. from past Doming electron—a rather sigoiho•at ezperieooe, will (Joderiob prwper a it WOW for starting • sao•emeol in public has not done for many years Fast, progress . They well knew by that time And now, Mr Fat.Low Cerritos, I ',- that oar committee was having meet .n- ap.ctfully crave your indulgence Inc this euar•gisg aewrrs.pntd.ne. with the oath•lengthened intrusion on your nctioe, and subscribe myself with all respect. Your most obedient servant. Tsoaa Kvao Ood.rich 1st Nur., 1887. Johnny Messer is home again, the hand is not altogether well, but seems to be improving, snd soon it is hoped, John will be able to tale hold lake re man. Mr Casemore had a very bad loss on Sunday evening, his colt took inflame, teem and died. It had been ailing fur some time, bot nothing serious was thought of the matter. R. N. Duff has bought the place own- ed by Wm Reeding, of this place. Both seller and buyer ere well known and likely to know their business better than any one an tell them. They have both taken a venture. Suces.s. Hoary Disneot, while returning home early on Wednesday monism last. al- most had • bed accident. The bowie took Hight and Henry was batt on the roadside. But little dattage was done, emu owing to good fortune than any- thing else. members cf the citizens' oommuttoa. enties of the C. P. R. ; and they felt In January '85 the committee, in a- that to save themselves they must dot cordance with • resolution of the Bruwls som.thisg—and so they did. Bet oboe they did waken op, one veinal* of peblie would sot sutheir then ea - lords, d.daring that they had everything to justify them in that coarse in the eight of God aad man. Then are the words of a man to men, and we will see f prospects in lite. In ties times, I was if Dublir Castle dare take action against req .ntly akd "how i11 rho world i could Ret alone with two sneh rabid old the O.adian eh•mpius of the Irish Tories," Rc., fie. Now, it is j.t ns•k people's rights. narrow-minded. short-sighted sad es- teems partyism as this, ow bath Tuts Coercion Law prodaimitag the aides of polities, that hes bees mimosas of the irisk Lewd Inagua ap- the eery of ooderioh Inc many pears to be • prohibitory law whish does r.5„ P Inc en thsal portio. worked aa met prohibit. hazed-mo-lsnd together for the general good ; sod why, ie the same of noises Tug redssties of the number of town weft. eboaW it be etbetrwis• 1 And nnuwillors, whish is broached by Mr hen, 1 mal be excused Inc stating, as 1 Kydd, in his eoennonieatiost on the rail- way question, is worthy r the aftenti.ta of our town fathers at an early muting. Tena Chicago Aural*. mast hang. feariessly o, that there ars, perhaps, sot two uses is Ooderich mon lapses of eolleeting anend statistical informa- tion, and of comprehending its value for the work we have had in hand, Man are m Munro friends Mro Oraee and The appltowtioe to the llatiremtl Court Woodeoek ; and also is bringing before of the United Hisses fora writ of error the C. P. R. atttborikies the mfety and flea boas rrfsred, and thetas' will it all other skims et tzar harbor, over those of the Genegian pay, with its fregeont probability be allowed to take its foes, and dangerous tufa, rooks, awl -► -t.. •,.,..+h., with tkm 'fitment" elaimne t. 5.fiasew f. be • t aadadale, Oonaalrn, Oct. 20th, 1887. To the Editor of The !lent. tb. Y."'yn 1882'3 and '4 ; for the infur- „t $62,06b.00; sad lee good p«►pl° "v. 81a,--1 kava ha"r.cently eked by cation of the directors of the C. P. R hog tress in their words, voted the by- y of my friends in the west riding if Diek Downs, of Clinton, after mime b1aPa. W. wilatw of this p!ao..la laid mos with measles. J. Allen, of Whitby, is the guest of his uncle, John Collis of this place. Ed. Downs of Clinton visited home here, last week. ILL is looking eat. George TSudel is doing a large busi- ness in drylag apple.. See advt. seat week. Wto. Habkirk, of St Helen's, wait Om guest of his father J. 8. Habkiett last Sunday. Rev. Thos. Dee, is holding revival services at Westfield. Mash good is being date. John Collis, of Buffalo, paid a nylon visit to his old Lome hers. John is one of the boys still. A. McMillan, of L'tckanw, lies en- gaged with J. P. Brown, to work iu his blacksmith shop. The sacrament of th. Lord's Sapper will he dispensed in the Preebyterias church next Sunday at 10-30 ono Wns. Wilma has got his barn roof made whole wain. It was wrecked will the hesty wind • week ago Ven Sunday night. A good number of the Methodist eos- iragatiow here, atfesded the quarterly services held at Donnybrook last Nee- dayat 10 a.m. . are ar.rry to stale that Sam Marshall who is employed in J. P. Brow's carriage works W been on the sick Het during deepest week. Isaac Cassaday, of Roderick, visited relatives in oar hang during the week_ He is an old Auburn boy, and was heart- ily welcomed by former cronies. Company ' and alsoat sane time 100 lens. Our worthy fathers then went I again ?steed to mnmia long visit to his uncle and aunt Mr emit osses the onutitn- Mr. lyes Downs, of this place. returned espies of tint tw e prodiatts 'if the Brussels right to work, sad ender amateer ettsgia• cy, , in peneanee of an understanding to Neese /i Cltnlnn Iasi weak feeling aa fe11 meeting were distributed. In Msy eerie, frittered sway some SUMof the that effect between the Liberal party and til fen as ever. '80 the oommitta, baring learned that people's money, oney, and yet sane as far from myself. i hove beers urged eery strong• Mr. Van ??erne, in an interview •t wets es they had been • year before,Iy to do es, and i• saes /numbed 1 have The Methodist penpl• here have ireidt been assorsd r>< even mor• vige►rou. suas addition to the parsonage and a Nene port in the future than in the past. it veraeda' ehsh M a very &rest am - is tree that in March last I wave the sea•t.. int to the building. Jae Yung volition to understand that In ease of a the contract. new elect inn and nn one else scold be At the adjourned meeting of those feand, i wo.ld again he the "standar.- fav-,ahle to railroad.] er.mmunie•tion sen bearer" of the party. But arounuteoses Te•edey last, Mr. rl Caldwell was @p- hew. ¢hew. entirely ehange.t eines then. 1 pointed delwga,* in look after the la - now find that any private affairs and pro. arrests of Manchester in the coming in- tensional duties make it impossible for tar•i.w wilh Mr. Van Horne, of Tho m• to devote any of to Hese to public matter.. i also find that the state of my health .111 not warrant my inswing in a polities] •treggle. While therefore beertily thankieg my assay warm per- sonal and polities! friends in the riding for their pad and .esuranees of future support, i beg to say that under no pne• .ihle circumstances will 1 eater political life again, before, if even at a g.nerel q. •'ertion. i have the Amu, !a, 13ee4 '. zeas Fleker; J odor "^"tt (lasatrs.rt.- Tense. ii.r..t►. Toronto, with • delegation from Wig- Bat .bat's the odds, say they 1 Owe ham, made special inquiries as to the y..r gone, however, and .0.1 enema aa- eroesing of the Maitland at certain pointe, other sat of bylaws, with the slight 414- th height and egeality of its bank.,.&., i forgoes that they mot now have 534,- 111 moo prep red a .wooed naaP cot t►.1 006 65 for the water scheme alone ; and harbor, $s., showing when the rivet nor gond natured eitizens again pass she Gould he eros.ed about three miles from Mein, with a span of lees than 700 filet ; gad also seen a statement of foots as wo.ld wrest lis gee.tinna referred to sod in reply to this eomtweniostinu the A. at the bra, oto sow—.ccordisg 10 mssawager stacked our seco•isry the Guelph Mrrewry of a week ago. Mr the iatermatine ennveyed to hies, Tan Horne stated that "it is the int.n- avd remarked that "the plan wo.ld be lion of in. C. P. R to tl0 on with the • very maid raid. to the dirsotne. fa .sknsinn of the Guelph junction to oon.id.ring the whole takeme." Avid floderich, at an early day :f fAe arre••rp nniwitb tandleg the statement made in meal/ for bonuses, /Tnrern.enf OW Star, ar=ms !waive woman ago, by a bylaws ' And now, at the end of dill another year, we have net seen the wat- er, and are quite undecided as to what we are to do nut' weight -be Ma that the C. P engineer me hi. bwrri.d Beit (mm Wengham en- t.rely "ignrwd the eitirens' e•,mmilt.e far rl tl..ir stand serine-" lir- Janninws mars aefidarbwliy ae4Nei." The italics are esis.—te show the cr tt fres char elver of the statements mad., both sA the sound] brand. and on the streets, M ..... nr lA. n.untalloes after hi. morn C. P. it. At a meeting of Coors 1)Gfferin No. 46, C.O.F., the following nO..rs welts sleeted - C. R , J. 8. Babkirk ; V. C. R, Wm. J. 8tnrdy ; Chaplain, 1161417 : Financial Secretary, 1.111.117: prawn : Treamwer, A. G. M•DcasY g Reenvding ltemotatoo, James Twsilt8 3 8.rtior Woodward, .TGs. pew=s, t J wt Woodward, Me:. 111•K oasis ; tlbsi5s'