HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-10-21, Page 8t ' 8 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. OCT. 21, 1887. *LYFJ LD BROW. Illeffikaid, • JeVMee ; peek palato oaken, large Eagliu . M 1) Weatleltt,, A A Lame trowel in .endorse - gAal ape ; J..beetw ; peek potato allows, Cosedisec ass Pvs.. WI..*.. F WW, A Jameson ; peek other oeioas, J Pollack I Salkeld ; twelve 6.141 tur- sips, J Wi'd, J McKinley ; twelve field The Stash; mb*w at Hayfield a al- carrots, 1 Salkeld, W 11 Woods ; sis heads white celery, Mon W.•ods 1 •ud 2; sis heads ulster radishes, V Wild. Jos Witd ; two musk weIuos, W 11 Woods, Mise Woods ; two watermelons, A Juke - doe, W Townsend ; peck . 1 large bear., J Wild, A Johnston ; peck u1 small beans, A Johnston, W Townsend ; peck (4 large tomatoes, W Swa lied, Miss Woods ; peck .ot small Iometues, bliss Woods. W Swal'de1J. (1APIC ru roes+,. -Tett yards home made flannel white, Mims Nutt, A John- ston : ten yards colored denel, home ways the last of the mason and is gener- ally • ,.eases. While last it it by to .esn, (east is importance, It was held on Thursday and Foray last on the new and eosse.edious grounds Evoryb..dy hail ootheir 'best,'sod ensiled with go 4. uatare, as the immense crowd .urged along to witness the various attractions Ooderich baud was on the grou:id and added greatly to the day's ernoseautot The weather was diaagreenble, but that did ret prevent the cr,wd from bang lavas. The exhibit in the various de p*rtut.nta was on an average as good as made, Miss Nutt, A Johnston ; ten yards precious years. The competition full cloth, Lome mad., A Johnatou, 1 in baggy. agricultural sliJ gee • and 2 ; pair woolen blankets, home made, era1 purpose horses was keen, sod the Alias Nutt, A Johnston , ten yards home show o! sheep and cattle really good. lar made carpet, A Jobnet,n, John Etsun ; implements, fie., Messrs John P.Ilock, skein woolen yarn ten knots or over, U I.. Beatty and others attracted consider Acoostroog, R Mellreen ; skein stock• able attention. 0.. the whole the men- ing yarn, A Johnston, Mia, Nott ; psis agemoot ora to be congratulated on woolen socks, Miss Words, Jus Kickard- their succuss. Below is a list of the prix .,,n, 1 and 2 ; pair of woolen gloves, A winders; .1..huston let and 2i.d ; [tor Barden audact1Lrue.0. HoLikt-- Brood mare snits, F W0,1,1 and 2 ; pair tine b.o'a, W with foci, fust nut judged with tom, J Wbtd41un ; pair coarse loots, W W hid Salkeld, A Spark, • foal, special by E d•,i. ; set buggy harness, Gro A Shannon, 1 mud 2 ; set double harness, Geo A Sharmon, 1 and 2 ; specimen of co ,per's work, Ju Armstroug, I and 2.1. Lso,.-' Wont. -- Kdotled pillow sham, Miss Essen. Mrs M .n non ; braid ed pillow /ham, Miw Nott, Miss Elliott; crochet table mats, Miss Woods, Miss lkfed ; f >i'et mats, A Johnston, Miao mare with foal, foal Dot judged with Noll ; bracket drape, A Johnston, Miss mare, W Morgan, J Campbell ; fooel, W Nutt ; table drape, F A EOIwarJa, Mw Logan, W Morgan • one year old colt, Nott ; tufa pillow. Mt010414*, MLss J Rllu.t, J $slkeld�; two years old geld- Soft; crochet work in twine, Miss ScsI- ing, T Elliott, M Rates ; two year old field ; booked mate, Miss Nott ; ton - filly. W J Jarrott, A Meduira ; .me ye.er t►roider7 on .ilk, satin or velvet, Mi.. old gelding, A Orator/or, W S:erlirg ; M Elliott, 1 and 2; buquet of (torero, nee year cW 64. W J Jarrett, 1Y large, let aid 2d, special by John i of Elliott ; spin working horses, 11 Mc lock, to become pr.p•!rty •.f iom.r. Mise Gregor, J Mchinlay. Woods, 1st and 241 ; coquet of dowers, tall, D Is Ritchie, Mise Woods ; cr►- York, no Volt, Mu. E Iwtt : eta Elliott; J Wo,xts, J Salkeld ; one year old cult, 1 Silkaid. J Campbell ; two years old filly, R Mc.Uliater, R Some don ; two year old gelding. M Bites. J Hud«,u ; tans year old gelding, It Ile - Allister, It Snowdon ; .pan working hones, E Butt, J 0 Stewart. Geese AL Pcsrws--Hosasa -Brood CAtta)AGR ilo:iuc.i -- Brood mare with foal, foil not judged with mare, 11 Bractwl W H Wood foal, 11 Beacom, broidery is bilk, Mies Nutt; fancy braid • , oa , W H Woods ; two year old gelding, •f Mw M Ellivttn3lies WildK Iknitting , Maid ; two ear nW tilloy, John Elliott ; one year a geldin„ .1 Peck ; twoyear 'r"rated, !.wens, Mik "M Eli tt . guilt .0 old stallionter, Miss , J Torrance, Dr Whitely Natti ; fancy oat, Mrs Geo aster,.t eat epee carriage horse., special by E Mr. K McAllister ; log cabin quilt, 11Gu Elliott, A Forbes, J Rwarts ; leggy Nott, Mies M Elliott ; knotted ur cro• chet work, !Haggis Elliott, A Johnston ; gent's linen shirt, Me Nott. A John- ston ; plain held sewing, Miss Nott, Maggie Elliott; was (calf, Min Nntt ; hone, R MoL..an, R Fitzsimons, H Meson ; saddle horse, Dr Whitely, Miss Swat ; lady rider, apeoial by C A Sherwin, Mise Swan ; lad; driver, Mise Swan, Mrs W Ellett. feather fl,wers, Mss Nntt, Miss Eliutt ; Gscog Carrot - Milch cow, any 1 lter,io wool work, fiat, Miss Morgan, A breed, having raised calf in 1887, W,, Cooper 1 Send 2.1 ; two year old heifer. W C►oper 1st and 2d ; one year old heifer, W (Loper let and 2d ; fat crow or heifer, W H Woods 1st and 2d ; heifer calf, W Elliott, J Rad ; pair two year old steers, W H Woods tat and 2nd ; tat oz or steer, J McKinlay, W H Woods ; bull calf, thoroughbred, 0 Nott, I Salkeld ; pair three year old steers, J McKinley tat and 2nd. Lsrrsersa Sneer. -Ram, two sheen and over, J 0 Stewart, W Clark ; ram lamb, W Clark 1st and 2I ; pair of shading ewes, J Salkeld 1st and 21 ; pair ewes, having raised Iambs in 1887, two sheers and over, J Salkeld 1.1 and 241 ; pair ewe lambs, W Clark 1st and 2d ; pair fat sheep, any breed, J Dun can, W H Woods. Seaoraetasnowss. -Aged tam, two shears and over, J McFarlane ; shear- liag ram, W Cooper, J Wells ; ram Iamb, J Duncan, J McFarlane ; pair ewes, having raised iambs in 1887, two sheen and over, J McFarlane, W G` pair shading ewes, J Duncan, W Cooper ; pair ewe lambs, W Cooper. BovTuDow.va.-Aged ram, two shears and over, J 0 Stewart, C Tippati ; ram Iamb, J 0 Stewart la and 241 ; pair ewes, having raised Iamb in '87, two shears and over, I Salkeld ; pair ewe Iambs, I Salkeld. Basasseus Piot.- Aged boar, (leo Trott, G A Cogger ; brood sow, having littered in 1887, J Pollock ; boar, sis months or moder, W Dixon. 0 Trott ; sow, six months or under, W Dixon, 0 Trott ; so., six months or under, 1st n ot known, R Penh.Ie. SvrreLe Pi(w.-0 Trott, 0 Pleven ; se., having littered in '87, 0 Plower ; boar. six months or under, 0 Memos, O A Cooper ; sow, six months cr under, G Pi..es let and 2d. DAIRY PaODCeL--Tub salt better, 25 1bs or over, R McAllister, J Huston ; 25 lbs salt butter, W Swafiield, J Riehard- snn ; 5 Ib. table butter, W Swaeield, R McAlheter ; cheese, not lase than 90 Ibs, factory, or made on factory principle, J Tough 101 and 2d; home mad. cheese, A Johnston 1st and 241 ; two bottle home- made wine, J Weld, ,W Oak ; honey in jar, R Mellveen, A Jobnetoa ; loaf home made breed, J McKinlay, 0 A Ccoper ; breed made with bresdmaker's yeast, W Swadield. Glum AND Samos - Two bushels white winter wheat, T J Marks, J Richardson; two bushels red winter wheat, W Lomas, W J Jarrow ; two bushels winter whet, n ew variety, named, J Salkeld, J Wid ; two bushels spring wheat, J Wild, J Salkelt. J Huston ; two bushels wag peas, W dlwatield, i Salkeld ; two bosh as small peas, W Townsend, J Wild ; two berthas lour rowed barley, J McKtn- day, J Huston ; two bushels small white oats, R Niebol.on, R McAllister ; bushel timothy seed, J McKinb I BsIliad ; twelve ears of corn, R Bailey, J Foley. Fattry.--Colleetiom of gropes, J Wild, Mess Woods ; tall apples four varieties, five of eaeh, J Wild, G A Cooper ; win ter a plea, four varieties, five of sash, 3 rd.o., W M ; collection at fin of *Bch variety, J Wild, 0 A ; pears, four v*rk1.s, la of Pih, J Wild, D H Ritchie; cotlettioi 411 five of seek variety, F Wilt ; 1 re pesahes, A Jellabas, Mn Oa Weston ; six benches of rips., Miss Words, J Wild ; enb apples, J Pollock, J Mskini(y. VwI?ABLns, • -Bushel early potatoes, Is bnz or bookie, J W iM ; babel of late *11Nw, M boa or basket, J MM enai& 1 NelLieley sis Mid ma.Rolds, i Salk - O 1/, 1 Wild t' sit beets ler WOW eco, J S1lkaM, A Jehetoa ; six heeds of fb- 511, E Walley, R Il ifelhos ; two bees. , J Wild, 3 Meade. ; twelve Inc table les, Mie Woods, A twelve paeips, J SWIeM, Om FROPkiss. H 11111118!. Dating Use r.eawny of Sower 'I team, Joseph sepk 'Tho.psoo •ad lytta a earth with • tank, going for wster,tlhaw- ed great skill with the lines in avoiding * ejllision. After passing, the teas, they drove followed the example set by the other horses sad ran 01 with the tank, running against • telegraph pole. which stopped them quickly,giviitj are* header of twauty feet, while Ben kept his ;arch firmly. Our jovial engineer was soon on band and attended to J• s. The sem was brueod • wee bit, but by rubbing it manfully with Allen'. Liniment it is tut mending. Johnston ; Berlin wool work, raised, A Johnston, Mrs C McGregor ; tea cosy, Miss Nott, A Johnston ; crayon draw• ing, Miss Houston, 1st and 241 ; two house dowers, in pots, Mw Woods, 1st and ^J. 1YrteMarra --Dnnble buggy, S A Cantsion ; eagle buggy, 8 A Cantelon ; covered boggy, S A Contralto' ; beet chilled plow with skimmer, John Pol- lock ; iron beam plow, without skimmer, Jacob Miller ; pair iron harrows, John ['ollock ; gang plow, L Beatty ; one horse drill or cultivator scufer, John Pollock ; sed drill, special by John Pol- lock, Pollack Johnston ; one hone hay rake, L Beatty ; set horse shoes, hammered, not polished, Geo Irwin; pump, John Run; tanning mill, McMur- chie & Co. PottLncY.-Pair of duck., R Penhale, F Wild ; pair of geese, Van Rae, John Salkeld; pair i4,1 brshm', F A Edwards ; pair of black Spanish, W Elliott, 1st and 2nd ; pair of white Leghorn*, W Elliott, 1st and 2d. RID'OWSaNDLD.-Thoroughbred milch Dow, John Reid ; heifer calf, A Elcuat ; Chester white .wine, George Newest' guioms, John Whiddon ; pin cushion, Mrs (:en Browr.t ; lam work, Miss Rweffield ; oil punting. T A Edward. ; fin screen, Mies Rutledge ; paper wreath, Mrs C McGregor ; boat, John Martin ; knitting in cotton, Mrs Mor- gan ; tor meta, Mn Morgan ; darned n et, Mies Tough ; sewed ,oat, R Mell- vee ; needle work, Mice Elliott ; ban- n ers', on velvet, Miss Roth ; tidy,Mrs Thos Cameron ; watch and match eases, Mise A Elliott ; lamp mat, Mw Tunsh ; tidy, Mise Roth ; maple sugar and sy- rup, W Townsend ; canned fruit, Jos Richardson ; truckle cbeese, John Trough, JUDus.. Ho*s ii. --Wm Dixon, Braoeisld ; John Porter, Guderieb; John McMillan, 11411.14. Cams. -Jas Potter, Kest Wawanosh; W Graham, Stanley ; John Avery, Stan- ley. Pole AND Sessr,-H Elford, Holme- ville ; A Stoat, Tokersmith ; Geo Staabury, Stanley. Itsrtswr.Ts. -J C Meyers, Bayfield ; W Gaaley, Clinton. POULTRY. --Tho. Howell, Stanley ; John Galbraith, Stanley. LADtsfi' Woss.-Mrs John John - . ton, Vann : Mies Swags, Ciisbn ; Mise Dunn, Blake. ORLIN AND Bssl.t-The. Vanatone, Bayfield;; A Ahrens, zerich. Faroe. -R Mcllveen. Stanley ; H Cole, elutes. V.osraatsa-E Robinson, Blake ; Jobe Not, Vara. DAIRY PRnot't•m AND MaNUraeTOa.. -W Stott, Brueeield ; A Johnstoas, Zerieh. "The true gentlemen," said she, "will never i.eiet pain, and i never can re- spect mean who is not a tree gaaNs- man. 'Thee. Mary," he mid oscura- folly, "i suppose that i can haps for yoer lave so bmgar 1" "Why set, ?A- ward 1-' "I as a dentist, yogi w." "Aad is this to be the ad!" said Use desplyesemotrad travelling sea to the beautiful rime lady wile kept the boob for one n( the regsler admen et tie little inland town. "1t is, Mr Me- Thompsew," she replied : "I can mer. r be •aythine to Foe bat a friend." "Then,' said tee drummer with arria.• loot voles and a fees of ashy "it oely reinalne for .e to say 1, A new scholar arrived at Lowdown* f inn on Wednesday morning, and will answer the school rel; in the new school- house when built. It is a girl. The toot of the mill whistle to start hands to work, mad. J S.,werby's greys from 0.lunch t.•wnsbip, start for home with • half a load of lumber on. In their haste they Kwik tho lake shore when turning by the hotel. The reach broke and scattered the load, and with the frost wboeie ran against several telegraph p'.lea near the windmill which stopped them Mounted on the fleet Arab of Mine Host, John 8 werby over- took them there, and his brother Tom nn foot joined him. The frightened team ware soon ej•itited. No serious breaks but the reach. Henceforth Tom will unhitch trace* at a sawn l,. 1'st+ov•r.4 -Mise C:utton and Miss E lith Horton, of Leeburn, who have lately joined a Bind of 11 .pe there visit- ed the diQtrsnt families in our burg for p-sreuts to send their children to it to bacons members. Their visit was very successful. B nth ladies are earnest workers in the temperance and church works, and under their leadership, the Bind of Hope has energetic, painstak- in; teachers. Ooxs UNDER. -About 7 weeks ago .e recorded that our warlike gobbler had undergone a surgical operation, by his crop being cot open, a quantity of green oats bcio;; taken sway trout it, and that i' was sawn up. The thread rotted away, and the biid wandc.ed oft in s severe storm and died before he was missed Diligent soareh war made for hint, but too late to save him. Two children were saved from his fury when he strutted ab..ut with his feathers erected who would have been killed by him. Though a crow bird he was • useful bird in killing potato bugs by the billion, etc., last summer And the assessor wont be timorous when he coarses next year. Dentistry. M. 11ICHOL80N, L D.& DENT♦(, ROOyr• Eighth doer below the Poe O/oe. Weigel, uoosatca, hely VIT L. WOOLVERTON, L. D. 8. iY • Godeemep. moi dTarboro Ica North aa. Ai ereen:p to satraetlee et imh Air Blow Mr the People's Column. II1nd ftN�ORO'BRB�D W.F.yB�LACK SPAN FOWLseek. lil m year's wlsha-isd Seem Test Prim mit at • barztot.p. ply to J. W. VAINATT t, IItOBACCO FOUND --A BOX OF 1 tobacco was found ;war Mr M. C. CaMee cue's resid*ac* W edaamd•yylae.t• 'A..wince can imvc !t by Wovi°L WoJ.crtJ T Ct)'LS cb.rjes. tl-It i)UTTEK WANTED- A COEPLE 17 of tlaaets of good ba ter are wasted im- mediately. Highest cash price. Apply at this OIL,. (LASES. - I:atept) ere w ill pirate take sober that 3 per eeet. di.rount tvill be allowed on naes patd during September : and 2 per cent. dur lar October. Aker the lith of December 3 per teat. will be added to all onpald taus. JA1fES GORDON. Collector. Ooderich. Sept. kg:. 111.51 God.rich Tovafthiy. HQLarAviLLs, Oet. 10, 1887. Council met today pursuant to adjour- ment. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and paved. A letter from Alfred Jarvis was read, pro- testing against the closing up of road on 11 and 12 non., north of his property. Moved by J McLellan, seconded by J Whitely, that no action be taken en the protest of Alfred Jarvis relating to the cluing up of part of 11th and 12th con. north of his property, as mid Alfred Jarvis has Tigress and egress to said pro- perty as the law in such asses requires - Carried. A bylaw for stopping up afore- said portion of 11th and 12th con., was reed andp•••ed A bylaw confirming the sale of afuraaid portion of original road, and a bylaw confirming the pur- chase of • new road in lien thereof, both bylaws were read and passed. Th. col- lector was present with his sureties, passed his bond and got his roll. Tres- surer's bond was ezamioed and found satisfactory. Robert Bray and wife in- digents and helpless, were granted 110 per month fur herd, lodgiag, &c., at the house of Peter Tramtly, their case was represented by Meso McBryao and NafteL The followis* accounts were paid .-J Lindsay and A May for use of scraper two dare each 25c. per day, 51; Wm Collins, todieent, 518 75, same for ohms, 11.50; J Laithwsit (te- tras urtrees planted in 1884, $8; G Iiadie, out- let fur drain, 52; Mrs Trembly, taking are of R Bray and wife to date, 16; two acrd* of wood to same, 5t. Council ad- journment to meet again on the second Monday in November neat. JAS PAY TON, clerk. Pursuit's° Totraros..-Sold and peel small, smooth, peer -shaped tomatoes, prick with • large needle ani put their weight of agar over them. Let stand over night, poor off the juice and boil till it is a thick syrup, skimming care- fully. Put is the tomatoes and cook till they are translsnnt. A sliced lemon cooked in the syrer improves the flavor Tars Love Braeltxu Sroo ntr.-Sbe -Do you remember the lovely moonlight ride we had at Newport last summer, Charley, behind that cute little donkey 1 He (with tender reproach) -Do I re- member it, love 1 A.jf I could ever Inc. g et it ! Rte- Yon are nim to say so, Charley ; and do you know, dear, I never see 1 donkey withoet thinking ret you The granulates of hooey in cold weather is the beet tea of it. purity. If ndoltersted with glucose it will not ba- ses,' solid, and if granulated ,near is u sed it will be.os.m eaky and here crys- tals of sugar through it. If honey "ea - dies" or granulates, .et the dish con- taining it into one of Mara water until it melts, keeping the water clues to the boiling plat. •S L ToW.-At I.aesiewwe ?acs.. on lb, ice of Get.. Ifs7. lee was et Jas. Tsblo, of • daugh- ter. Illetastreelb lnmrt ress Wisest. :: 1> 4- os. Oct- 11. M. Nimtl.sb Owe** : w �i.•ebb.:•ii g Nmh ...... •w• 8M 1tab*: • - - _..:, fIII it ri+Y�i *We" e" :: I shall be ban again," he sealis11pi, .D.e.ltitre his sassioe.sdeat bosh sig xw.................... rapidly ree*vering telt- "Is thirty daps with a f.p See alwnpla is dpisoq aad der. gwoitt Mw me 1._ J .,••••N.••.•••• .....• ••..e•«..Sego lA' ^ .. e. Nus REAPa,R FOR SALT --A BARGAIN It is °Shred to a Champion Reaper. very little used. aad Dow in thorough repair. Also • Fier -!'roof Safe. in good order. Apply to U. E. STRA('H AN. 1 -tf VOTICE IS HEREBY urrasY FOR 11BIDDING as person punN hsar the late ('ASE ALLEN'S bores hew JAMES IAILEY as it doesn't legally beloagto Bausv. for ;t has not been paid for. Alan sax pensn indebted to abs late CASE ALLEN please pay up and save costa ss tf Mer. CASK ALLEN. StraQeb Animals. CARE ON THE PREMISEi-A axe -year old better. The owner as bare 1tprom mos *aa fraying expenses. DA 'it) W IIS, South half lot c. cos. 4, Ashfield. Dungannon P.O. 1t11l YEARLING HEIFER CAME ES 11 TRAY --Carse on the premises of sub- scriber, south half It l.. cos. 2. A.hield. about the let of August, a re.1 and *bite year- lingpbeHer. The owner capny 5... the .alma! bY1a � CMARLEb ar EC LIN. 1 Notices. SALT BIAR FOR SALL AUCTION SAE OF VALU %RLE PRO- PERTY Under and by virtue of s power of sale ccWaed in a certain mortgage. dated the Mil lay of July. AD.. Ifce. and which w111 be produced at tLetime o: *air. there will be sold by Public Auction, at Martin's Hotel. In the town of Oodericb, In the Comity of H urea. on Saturday. the fifth dray of November. Al).. 1551. at 12 o'clock noon. by Jobs Knox. auctioneer, tae following valuable property. n amely : A part of park lot member twelve in coacewfon " A - of the •own of (ioderich, formerly the township of Godertch, aad which said parcel or tract of land may be better known and described as follows : Cowwtese- lag at the North-west angle of said park he. e nrolee twelve, thence in • South -Westerly directi.s and Uwe Or Easterly limit or rho Britannia Read as tar as the Northerly limit of Howcatirreet. Thence Sodtb.rst.M; •low said N.RnMalt mlt three batas. Thence Brtsaid NornoensterlRstidd and ss d parallas el gwititth the berMau of the ty Read. The a North-west. do erly are said y iimit to the place of b.giaa4ag, oo.talalng ►y .dm.as.rement three scree. more or less, recognise thereon' that parte of said land sold by the Dermalon Balt.Cwawa to George E *ad John L Altkia. There is erected ea said property a first clam Sant Block and cooper's oboe. bot of which are In a good state o(npair, and are fa first-ciass woraing order. Tele salt block Done of the coat convenient salt Mocks is town, as it is situated close to the Grand Trunk Railway. TERAS --Tat per cent down aad the balaooe In one month thereafter. Arrange- ments may be made ea the day of sale as to a oenad"nbledsrtion et the p.robase hemay��uaM tso.eeTheuM eemay belat ty Mike of Cameron. Molt A' Cameros. Berri* tera Oodericb. For anther particulars apply to PHILIP HOLT, Vesdor'sSalolt(e, ooderich Or toJORN KNOX. Auctioneer. Ooderich. October 11b, AD 1117. �Rillwrtght, Ualuator, &c. C. L HUMBER, MILLWRIGHT. MACHiNER'T, VALUATOR. AGENT. d!. F..ttmatr. Made and Contrasts Takes for House Heating by the Hot Waxer System. Hot Water and Steam Boilers, Little Ghat *ad other Water Wheels. Agricultnral Im- elements, Mill Machinery. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. VALUATIONS MADE. E AST STREET. - • OODERiCH. Feb. 1. awl, 11511m Executors' Noties. EXECUTORS BALE OF VALUABLE FARMS P1 W A W AXOSH AND KINLO88. The Executor et the tat( John Fraser. in- vites .Ras for the eyeshade of the following rarer. 1. Lot. 11 and W d of 17. 1a fah C..eenie W. D. Wawsee.h. /de aeree. 88 sores slowed, abets lw neem Meehan stumps. /day Mar. Frame Mss* bars, sed orchard. creak. 14 soros seed !redwood bash, e melee haw facer. 1. Let it la Mb Com. W. D. womanish. OS akar* s.s. framelie arse cleared. bat creek woos, ot7kmrd lay lams. Lag 1 Lets et aad 44 la the 1st Con. Makes. Ise gores, IS acme cleared. snestly hardwood. sinal leg s. lw01L& , busk, saes form Lackmow. a.HLottss h, sad 41 lad W i el GI. la V vintage of 8{ glee Mak � apart sWe.apply to Thema Todd " ,t • min Mtg. the ""4"1"" Barrister.. tom pori*. 0at- 1B t/. Sheriff's Notices. Ix Tess MATTER OF of the Tema i; MasiwtM Comity e1 Mersa. Salt Aa Iaeelreat. The ahem ..reed Jibs SeEebys bee sit. it..t. e C.pk. el •e 0I .etisate W ter thet thedaye 11.A E ter them 1 FINE TAILORING Now fere IM 11.. •rvired whim my Meek et Kew dissemble Gioressitaset and reitdarp Is OampM1.. Necking ,Mali peeress you from eras It as arty and eeltii+al IaspscsHe• No*Mre has sack cin bees takes 1. Weiss sands, Tttae an is scary way manatee to etas* aad earehsl layers. 1 Neter were sends et Gm Highest Quality sad lased 75.545* ebred at sock taw Prima. B. at&cOormaC 14o cwt ask you to ley. Swat frame aad vee them. Ooderich. Sept. 885, ISM. SW . I For Sale or to Let. VARSI FOR SALE -THAT DESIR- ♦ In the township or Ash.sM. knaves' of tacit, !Ake srtelse rlwth tw wwhith b► radroar. ►teF. Immeldless The uiltols fs we8 Myatt es the psIMses. Twenty -Mx screed tali what. Aar particulars appps oa the premises. or to JUI1N J.1c3Rl 110 It I►+matt .0. et AAA ON EASY TER]I4 WILL BUYr7 . ,i try bo acres of land is the Township oI Colbo rne..loag side of Mr D.Feher. Farms ti miles from the Tows of Oud•arlc . AMat l0 acuities ek*red ; balaaco bush with a let of cedar timber. Good orchard and fair Wld- ss�raa AJsaf4- /ons es Lake etbo•e road. e males from God.rtch. For hid partieulae apply to GEO. NEIBERGALL. 1/aYar (interim. 11E/KleK HOt'E AND QUARTER 01' KY in acre of land toe sale --'rhe house 4. one scary aad a belt high. and contains 5 bod- ement*. a ed- e etna. rata ag room. dieing uses,. tar god teams and a sod cellar. AM tar (0 is a god MAW*. la t 34. aad utter out bilHaIA Hard and sett water ea the premise*. Thee are • number et claire h uit trees on Ow let. Cornerof Park-st. and Camb-ia Rued. For particulars apply on t hr premises. or by letter to MRS. JOHN BEN NETT. Iti3m Para Albert P.O. L' ARM FOR RENT. -LOT 3, W. D.. 11' A.ktieY, flake Shore Reade. eeaitalviae 127 ears* aabdapf�wdce frame buss. wy agr,�se riser i hers. shade bundles*. orcbesd ,wet need waser. Wel fenced sad an eysteker seaman �, c p.uv.ents. Will test n tone .1 years, Apply to J AS. scow. e. the ltteadeea 114-af. it'ARMS FOR SALE - IN THE 1 TOWNSHIP or 0U1►ERICIi• Hama moat; : id 11 in the 3rd and 11 1n rho sth oar eeseiaa. Two el the beat m etre forms in the Near - meaty. A creat flow. through. Neat• ly al Only 3 miles from t 'lows of • For further particular, addre e . M. MINCE&, Panraieroa. 115.11 Uudertch P.O. TWO FIRST-CLASS FARMS FOR wla. One in the township or Ashfield, c.atatalng Macrae : and one is Fast Waw*- a.ob. containing Is. acre. For p•rticayrs *pp y to Cameros. Holl t Camerae. Oede• SKI FOR SALE. West halt of lot SIR Arthur Street. with . stall brick cottage thereon. BrtLDtw, !oars. 114. Il., 114, 243. Elgin Street, St. Andrews Ward. 131. comfier or Herod and Beata..!. Reed. Frame 11 story house on Kenya Street. lot and half land. Several lots la Reed's Survey, opposite sew Show Grounds, vis, Noe 1l; ft. M. 3A AL U. !11 0t. K All the above at LOW RATE& Apply to 1 O&M DAVISON & JOHNSTON. FARM. TOWN AND V I L L A G E PROPERTY FOR BALE. Th. Executers and Tresess or the Rotate of the era JOSEPH HERR, oAkr for sale the following valuable Property. namely : Building Loa numbers 1175 and 411, la the Town of Ooderich. t of as sere each. Fairly fenced, and very desirable for bafldhr pew peers. acre Lot frontlet Mut Read. Township oGed.rish, betagOesseudes of raiof d 04To3 1 15. Mali. hi Frame omega es.d Trams Stable. a se Let eumh.r 1l Soak aide et Millar street. et as acre. ,mag hams dwelt y lam ■!ambers flus aeg an soreamdeb 11.1. ibe Towa Bea st rally Wasted ea heath side al Hare. street. Fairly fenced. The (Past i ar Lot 15, Coe. 11. West Wawa nosh, Ise nae.. Beed lead.511 ua eyes' and tame/, remainder usidiered.Abs1B 1 mile. tram Lockaew awl 8 Miss trout vrlrtg ham. Geed roads. For nether part Ieahln, apply to L CAM PION, Barrister, God.rleb. Nor. 4. lel. 1571-t1 Legal. EDWARD N. LEWIS, BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, PROCTOR ,N MARiT1ME COURTS. OONVEYAI(• C MONEY TO L1/AN. 8tmisht Le.ot Private Fames.LO T RATER OF INTEREST. Ovr,c= --Comer et Haniiimi and streets. rm. 0elbwHne Rork Oedee SEAOER & IIARTT, BARRISTERS, tc., o.driob aad Clinton. Oedesiahpl lo. opposite Mantas Hats 111141 C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, be. • (88es,, areahewsrea of w .isd West Oedriestreet vete tends es lead a telegraph ��w1► (21 ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR o ick J. 8 Atteris.crows W. teat 111 Oodatich J. T. Darrow CAMERON, HJLT 1 CAMERON, Barristers. t r S.Bekers in Chascery. ate.. (a G. amsrem, C, C.C=111. 44.C.;P1,5ltell M. Societies. ANCIENT ORDER OF UNITED WORKMEN. MAPLE LEAF LODGE, No, 27, A. 0. U. W.. Masts la tb.tr Lees Rs... (vee TIROammoOboe, 0M.rtoh, ea the SECOND AND ♦ r'OU�OXDATIi\or VISITING IIR CCRRs'THRE1i= RE ♦LWATE ft. P. HALLS, M.A. REES PRiCE, M. W. Fteeaeter 0. W. THOMPSON, f1M•17 Reeerder. Amusements. GODDERICH,�MECHANICS' HMI- WTI" IiiBTI- Eft A D1 /110 M. ser Le BmamRrtnet aad Biwa M Opa from 1 to I p.m.. aad bevel Maga& ABOUT 1000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY Les4i.yY , Weedy end ILj. id Payers, Yd .s..., ole. , en Mk iP T1C[Ibew17.1. y and ca. ONLT taus tiegmAa lar treetivell lot/ ▪ MAGalk edsetmbLexM��a N alb. UM. Huron Lana Agency. A *11.1 OMAIfCL YOB $AL71-A GREAT BARGAIN. Malttaai Plass•-7be eea.try taut .1 the late Ham Rthari Manley. assault hu the wew rhsTn rick. 1.saetraaM+nMdbesiWMt scary, mil nowt ale em& taus sefeti 11? Tit. orf ATI. It cowpr14sesrIN 1�eee ed t11N Melt Milwaukee a brhi. ! `e - bolt uwaukos wit r Fan�nrlewrt's COMLar. Rs 1 .e wIM 41. fruits of •11 kled& able gardea. A er le « MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST rates of +atwre4 Apply to ,tris. Land Y. POR SALE -HOUSE Axe LOT ON 1 Cambridge 8t. Cbeep-gl0.w. Harem Lead Agency. POR SALE -FINE PROPERTY 171 1 Town. Good house. Hato. lead Ages - el. L'1OR SALE -3 GOOD LOTS WITH 1 two beeves. Price 1410. Hares Land Awad. OR BALE -BLACKSMITH SHOP Eros Leal Agescy.with feels cowptete. A great bantam Eros Leal Agency• WANTED TO BUY -20 FT. keels(' es the Somer. Huron Lend Agree!. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST A rates and on test teres. HURON LAND AGENCY. WANTED TO RENT -HOUSE with oats, mil stable ; rest .boat 81.11. Apply to Heron Land Asem..y. FOR BALE -000D FRAME hoar., 51st Mass ooadttiot- fie.meh.M. I3 misuses walk from the square. App4y to thaw land Agency. O.d.ncb. LIST OF LANDS FOR SALE AND I01 tea 1uwaWed regeotittgGaa•da ICempes,'is Lauda Mara Lead Agency. Fee briber partie.lars a.d Ilea of 1•ads wanted sad for mist, *pptr at the ease. as were teMURUN LAND .OYNCY. Lock Hoz 111. 14 1111.dredee, Ost.. Cards. JRebicat. DR -W. K. ROSS, LICENTIATE OF Royal College of PbyatcIsms.Edl.b . 40 U. e ea Hoath side el Mmaa guto. s DR. McLEAN, PHYSICIAN. der N. BOR rerie OXON. Coroner tn. 0wea aad area.throe nt.eet. sod dewest el t MIL IIRS. SHANNON t SHANNON, L PRyMel*as, 8 &-_ehe s, ter omen maul t eedr beamM► D. V. Moasox, . R SWAM New. I MII Loans area insurance. A/(OXEY TO LOAN -P R I V• T E +u FUNDS. 5 1-2 PER CENT. !.fere. Pal.55. 1 early. L X. LEWIS. Orman- Ceram opposite Martie'* Mete. ow - }PER CENT -ANY AMOUNT OF J% reap to lad at lid pee neat per ....m -.era kms. -!.terse yearly. We have also INIMLUO to lend is woe or more masa 6 PERCENT. Nest door dough of numbers har1ness .hop. 4KAG1Llt & MA Dederick. ,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO NI eh*. MOLT &CAMERON, Dade MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE meant of Private 'master lavemment a lowest rates es gm -elms Mesesyes Apply teDARROW it PROUDi'7OT E. L BEARER, p�GENERALiiiINSURANCE AGENT. R� ttaakes *4 LOW*P? RATES 1. wli lease fire alas Oowr The Lead= 'M»t.nr�, P- IaYntisaya authoriz- ed to insurelateGlees in Feed_eral kiss Asm.r.eee C.. -- IHm emn'e sett Rt RADCLIFFE, GENERAL INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE AND _ MONEY LOANING Aa*1IT. Osay_ Neel M Laid ea ste.145. et the lowest ream a1 mum* * game, ba my war tei mit as eerreer stromcL-4= Soar &ova Sinai* West Street. i•ef $50000 "A ATO LOAN AT I!} PER rfl/1 CENT. sTHEEraTORONTO OENRRAL TRL'YTS COT ateer..lf v01 i. leas 1 at 8 per east.. pay TERMS T�) BUIT BORROWERS, a ge ♦ st-elan farm wsearlty. Che AMERON, MOLT & CAMERON. k the Termite O ria dl Trues O. Oaneaw., Boar & CAttenorr have a�mw1 et private teals to kat _ I)msta esM.rlty. 4.1813• ta1Jf $450,000 PRIVATE FUNDS To Ise.. ea t¢ys and Muss est stease iOW .Aucttoneering. Ofd [IiOX OEIssRAL AUG= 1' •