HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-10-21, Page 7THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, OJT. 21, 1A8T
lei ArlKrr taw Nellr.sscx.
Ths.cetler s ems purpose se ee Peas
rea.ee t. • teem r -.as...
forrese Q►rresposelrece Air Fere 11 iwi&
ilkp Chome teeming, termer areata u Alen&
M le Chmetsionsiq.le. has jest 1m..n tweet -
viewed b. • immeq.walsnt of the Pari. raga..
Part •f the mnvece•tiumi a interwtieg, ie -
oases it relates te inter. isms lord by the Acute,
with His....wk. lgsatieff say.:
"1. ltlli; I missal th.4ugi, lk-rInt. 1 pad •
vial 4. Cuuut Bisu,.rvk, MMI 1 lett .4,404
through pato.....s w arapolu.eul 1,.....s lee
sir work.' canoe*. agaiu+t Austria 110 roe
plied: •Tia- .4tfculiv .w not :u empty brae.
Ong dm Austri.s. Y..r that we aw.del only
r.utifu1 prepar.'wee. Bet where the dsmo.'ulty
beseinc really sevens. was in brooding them W
declare ear ageism ua, and, @.ally, to prove
to die Ihaprur 1. tuns who is very .mush op-
posed to taking up arms, dint •,►k a some
was seeeeeary fur our personal Jrteam'
"Whet did Bise.a,ek du in 1t(7'0! He em -
played that sante same to furor Frame to de-
clare war against him. He r,oc-rded. Today
he is acting in the same manner. The single
object to whoeh 1e is directing his mond is to
place France in • pencee where she will he
. wpect d toy other nation', if he cannot force
her ,atu al.e.tw►ws curses where ale will
low her military amenity. lie would do any-
thing to ompresithsa her. lie would isionit
Femme to take Belgium in order to preserve for
himself Holland and secure Ares. the French
t:overumcat • {..reefse d hie peaceable pua-
ormi.wn of A4ace-Lurysua. If you .Lould,
through misfortune. tome look towards Bet-
pgiwrri, thew B1m•rek would my 4. Europe:
Look at tai. France. She is always the
same, reedy to smboil !wren over an de.
Look 0t her seeking to violate she neutralise
.4 Belgium. Europe should take measure, el
security against her.'
'Niece 1X71 he had tried to force France
into colonial .4.cntures. I. 177, when 1 was
minister, he Mold no that, ad be has u.,.,
pardoned me for repenung it. In that ooe-
wineeinl M said to Ase: 'Turkey is • pro
jeep from which all Fsun.jw can easily take •
d ice. F.r your part yJou will fitul ttereintot*
territory for your Slav imputation.'
after hat lag made the .uuu rwtiue
. f 14..
part which Auld be taken by Austria, Italy
. ed England. as he did not speak of Frame
asked him ; 'And what would be Fraiche.
'France?' replied Bismarck, 'w• will give
herfiyria. That will aloof her oocupnuun
for a long time.'
'Is. • struggle with Germany,_ Count
Ig.ati•ff said, you liars two enemies: to her
-the an .use and Jidea Ferry."
The correepnsdeot asked bio to explain Lie
remark .hoot Ferry.
He replied to this by saying that Bismarck
parked through lit Petersburg is 1R.43, and
while teen Bismarck said to bpm: ''The only
mea in Francs who oom rehends the fans that
• otenet be placed over Aimee -
Lorre.. is Jules Ferry. How perfectly les
understands the remoetre nature al France,
.ad that it must Lav• mins other object to
thick din order to nuke it forget Alsace-
Lorraine. With th1s view be hoe devised
distant f.rsigs esp.ditions and oocuped her
agitation with colonial combats." _
t that Prince
after • time t might ipropose to •.weeder to
France dm French part of Lorraine and a
small some of Belgium upon the coalition of
Yr , rantesin` the remainder of Al -
e -um
lla'F `m'aT d the triple &Manse, the Gums
Mid: I on letreaties.d the treats bare bot one
.hjeet But ♦hat does • treaty of pace
signify? It is a piece of paper that the
powers amity destroy at the least alarm. Be-
tween Bus.i* and Trance then is no need of
any eignattve. The treaty between them
• dattoday more u • matter ut fact than if
t o real @Waed. is is ler Ruesiai
to wish real_ to become nch and
poiesdnl,and whatever ma happen, she will
Dot permit her so•be "
The Count insists that Bismarck desires war.
Ta speaking of this he said: "Bi.s.arek will
.eek by •very poseible means too Rieke you
attack b. , and if he imam* forme you to de-
clare war ag•il.•t-ti5* lie will employ all pos-
sible omend to wearou out mod Lreak yam
dowHe will be the muse el cuetinwal
fears. He will announce new arrangements
without e.twn.g them to ha carried out, ,o
order to invite yea to additional expos.,e and
ruinous lix•tion, and then his papers will pub-
lish m.vtimal statements eoacerning your
desperate situation. And he may even be able
to control French oewsp epets, so that they
wtll .xamerate the Tree& population into
demanding war. I hart is my hands the
Fools that in 100!1 and 1870 two remolds
'onrush' were bribed by Bismarck. Ons re-
ceived 110.001 francs and the other :100,000
frames to nage Treace co to war. They were
very tar from sn.p.etiag that ILO money came
from Gainsay, tut it was fnrnidied to the
papers with tie object of iuAuencirag them to
edentate war, and Bismarck furnished the
� Count glen said that Bismarck was all
the bottom of the recent attempt to eves -
throw the Freaoh mtsitry, and to oust Uwe
l.1 RIal.I r l'N6UB"rVRIt/•T's.
Ole. wd E;lwa'. Tea. Ile:v.* Watt way
Nmol... aaJ U.1. Tr.vet*y 5,.s.a.,.. .
Iles.• far Vi../sJelpsi.$ rrirgrapA.
The eldoro1.asa..l.. as they are waled, are
doe •ristes•r.a•y 4 the crinesel rho.. They are
treasrelly pauses dura moiety we, saw* very
.41.0 method M.akut. who la• • gum to the
(east sine having kara.d, is the ammo of their
seeps., the properties d remelts. and sneer
dames. s. Their chief field. .4 o erati..0 an
the n4w.y carnage. mod 1Iw hotels. the mar -
porthole' sy.teie d the former Ki' ung these
every facility fur carrying out their designs.
Their method of poen-ediee is the lam iu-
etc:wr .. toll"..: He seeks what ie teeeh-
iosaU brown as kis "portfolio," i- a, a rids
ka.-lv, who rem le pw..Otabln opportunities
kr the esereise of OW skill lie gazer to lurk
fa mum at the railway atelia d tree of the
len,( lin s, sock as the Paris, Lyrae, and
Ilediterraue•u Railway. Ifs w•tdles each
pence. that algrn•cbr the ticket shoe to lay
• ticket, amt selects sumo die who •bow, se
?inter 1.1.1,.kprllwa•h - "J collectnes
t • notes. 1'10 chloroformed buy. • ticket
hr the rum dretlnativa, takes • seat in the
mem emn(auttncnt, g.-ts into awrer:I:Won
with I... fc law traveler, and finally asks by
producing a well ltkd !ouch basket. He was
to 1.s.•
been accompanied by a friend, M
nays, but .t the last moment he received a
telegram (which he produces) angio u.eiug that
the frieud bad Ian' hiletereal true, departing
at the last snwn.1.4. This is why he has •
supply el provisions for two perwoua, taw sil-
ver cups, etc. Ile olers to spare his supper
wits. Iso new acquaintance.
If the offer is accepted, the wi.*, which ls
heavd► drugged, •u.un. .tw1,. the traveler to
sleep. il, on t1a contrary, it is refused the
chloroform's' partakes heartily of • solitary
mealy and winds wp by lighting up a cigar.
sawing at the same tine his Lugar caw to hie
oomp•.aw who, not to seem rude or churlish
is the pressen d such gesial friendliness a1 -
most ier•riably •osei.b • cigar. It i. "pew
p w-
p.red with • stnx.g narcotic, as Use wi.e had
been. sad the unlucky trader u -.n. pleated
isase•vl Neper. The dllaadormiat mase
psW a.d1.l.oes its -f feta (.w suomeais near
theami Ala ui to s Ares leek'
Ihemwtoatthrsalms • oil
Mesa looms as a •selr a awl heads* the
shaped a carnival mask, 101-- being the
*scission d the outer sir. The victim is scow
rendered wholly insensible by the .aper 4
the cblorolorm. The thief then oumsawees
operations in perfect sdety. He takes pasase-
slun of the pocketbook and empties it of its
lank ode, replacing • few of the mallei
value. He tis pubs it back in tin pocket
frust which he hu taken i, removes Ase
pare/mama mask from the face of the sleeper(
and, Irving the victim's jewelry sed ensued
money untouched, pets nut of We train at the
nest station. The motive of leaving his vie.
Aim in po mesion of hie jewelry and pontnren-
waie is two -fold. 1f the traveler on awakening
Sods that les watch told chain sod his woody
of coin are .11 right, los does not usually in-
raRipbs to taehetbook. so the theft
has a cbanoe el renaming undiscovered
for .rtmsl hours at even days, He may. tow
attribute the loss of hu husk notes to L !nen
of carelesaoasS or to a mistake on his omen
pelt U. on the other hand, as.dteu happens`
se don not wake at a11, but dies Irvin the
elects of the narcotic and the chloroform. the
sutborities, lading 'helmet roe in the presence
of • corpse presenting not the slightest trace
el violence" and with twosry,,11ayer. end TAI*
• apparently umdiMurbed, ens Duly
attribute ;,,- decease to natural causes. It a
• startling tact that the cans .4 euddes
death in the cars of thereat Flesch railway.
Mn of late become singularly (request
A comical example al the um of narcotised
cigars is related by M. Macs. A well-known
beaker of German ought was arrested ter
forgery and was imprisoned in Massa. His
former friends tried in ram to obtain his pee.
doe•, but after a month's imprisnssast be cow
trived w make hie erespe, and has ever saes
managed to evade the r.sasrcl.es of the polies.
In (act, he had slipped through Meir fingers is
no adroit a fusion that positively the clever
scamp deserved hie liberty. during the exam-
ination of kis hooka sad papers two poocen en
were charged with *he tut of Winona, the
pri.o.., from )lazas to the clot at the expert
sod of guarding bin while there. The= -
beaker was accustomed to partake, daring Ines
stay at the ow, d ea wmptooas loner,
was brought to him in a basket dales by ens
of his former servant. He often tamed to
share Isis delicacies with the policemen, but
they always refused to accept so much as the
wing of • chicken or gime et wins. They
were lees inflexible, however, in regard to the
Gas mare that the pries.er always smoked.
and during the return trip, which usually took
place at 7 or 8 o'clock m the evening, they
were accustomed to accept from him
each. • cigar. One sussing the ab se usual
drew up at the gates of the prison, but nobody
gout out. The cabman descended frost Lis bog
to ate what was the matter, and was greatly
sarprised to fad only two in his
cab instead of three, and thole two w eoesd
sirep that he could not waken them. The
widens hanker had given them narcotized
cigars, and bad profited by their .lumber to
sop out of to ab and make his escape. The
lair was hushed top, and the agents in the
semis of the w:is.t wen never discovered
res emisaled Pratt.
A writer in the Arias Feer{ says :
July 2, at 8 a. 1s.., I bought two apples
from • Maud on the edge of the side-
walk near Adams St. It wa. directly
over the gutter, and about ten feet from
a sewer vest. The apples I bought had
come Into town that morning, and had
not been on the stand ten minutes. At
6 p. m., same day I bought two more
apples of the same lot, and perfectly
wood like the tint. I scalded two
pitchers for half an hour, then rinsed
thea{ with cold water drawn from
the same faucet at the same
Into each pitcher I put a
t of milk drawn from the same cow
half an hour before. Into one pitcher I
put the two apples bought in the morn-
ing, into the other the two bought in the
evening. Ths pitcher then stood side
by side until 1281., July 2. At that
time the milk containing the morning
apples was meek, that in the other
pitcher was war and thick. This ex-
periment I tried three times, with trait
of the mine kind, and with fruit of
different kinds, bought from differed
venders, with the same result. T thee
tried the same experiment with Mitt
bought from fruit depots, restaurants
and the like, and found no difference in
the milk in the different pitchers when
tested ;the nest day. This seems to
eahow that fruit is rendered unit for food
by remaining for twelve hoses near
getters and sewer vests.
/RK.CB ciw.l JLRSiA.
a.m.. These up .eraate-A 11010118111111111. AQEA■ 6AL■a.m..
Several wreaks ago the eaw/Mmaa of the
eim.miseioa male their fret .eat to the smogs
eel .1.e tromery fur the limper of wadi.. en
ti..t.dsrwd d th. "corm -uu..d" jewelry 4. the
*slung p.4. Iap.cto l..4 LW comma, the
4 r.o4rs d the wool, repssse:.t::lisrs d the
Trawls de. Miler sal Uw n.u.eu4 d batt) d&
►u4ry, • num1.'..4 expert", • pla.tograpi..1
-awl an elmas.c..N, .11 these an•t,h4..:.I
•doeswrire n. ra is attendance in .44.dwm
to the oansom wmers. It was Lim e.eut 4
• olruee w descend un .ucl. •e armed
Vito the deep. and dark vaults .d the t....ery.
A+Alia sneer cosein 17 collected around toe
lung Isaias ..mored table on which tin gena
w ere dup!.yed, ender the soft radiance of lire
electric light, aeverat.ou which had indoor
beer. quite aoir atutl brae..o aa.mryll•bie and
lotted sirdar tie Maumee ul the weird meth
1"..r j+eels are holt W • large, strong 'los,
wi'eo r. deposited ie the iota et • smolt ad-
jacent to Am lose w• weer in. Thereon' tome
heli{ to tics safe, oorh requiring • dither;a
key, and uses .4 these keys is in the p uearlai ;,,
of each of the three reenters of tint eo-.,mr e
sin n. Cossequrnlly the safe ten be opened
only grin w all those are present at the same
toms hems Gm fr,1 act at the drama
• y partook of oto character d a
eeretuonl. To see two "Frwva sal r.tere.al
seiswon search up to the sate, one alter tie
other, and, while all was emperor, each take
les turn •t.parptty in a insider ender. or to
lay tar. We sayReri.e until a third finally
rraainda on. d the casket eosins in
•'11,., Merchant cf Venin." The av,m"ou-
Siun..rs played their ruin of "upon .cine."
with Ale highest dnmaue effect, and the
jewels were then taken from the bus and
sena the thole, when .b
• silvery ower
iron the electric light feU upon them, and as
the sane tines it umiested the faces of the
wlmpeuur. All eyes, which held hese fixed
open it. Dauphin, the l+li@islsrel )threes,
who was master ad eesesi0elty err now
eyes the table. gpg�eI.�, la
adore our as4.auh.d Ml.e.rk hew•
mess or .11 shape, necklaces of
4 diamoadq jewels, ce...s* enriched with
precious .bows, words d heavily engraved
gold a.d-the luyrrial crown. They lay upon
the table one Wase .f splendor,. and for a tune
all of us were tort in admiraton. At l-ngth
an enormous dammed emerged from its place
d ooneealusent "TM Heretic r' retreat ejacu-
lated with bated breath; and sure enough, it
wee the unique and ptiwler gem worth •
dukedoms at least
Fin' the jewels which were so ho pesetved
orn account of their hie4r(e aa.ociatio a or
their artistic rarity mad to be identified and
Lid aside. The principal d Mese were the
Regent, a wooden -NI rrl.4uary brooch of tri-
�1�w1•� lora., snricl.ed withhnlliaubs in the
st7N d Louie XV; • sword which is mid to
hare belonged to Charles X. mounted it* 1814;
a watch d the 1 hay of Algi.ra. presented by
him to Louis XIV; a .tttall black elephant of
Danish winituatslolp, a marveloua.i.eammd
aeamaliug; • large es.graved ruby, repreeent-
a 7himetethe, which figured ie e Gohles
} . a I...rnte d precious seem of the
time cJ Louis X. s: one of the Masariu dia-
monds, and Oswfy • seal! dragon, ornamented
with a pearl mountr4 on • plaque e( enameled
IA Rare fomNarfta..
There is no other remedy or oombina-
tion of medicines that meets so malty re-
quiremente, as does Burdock Blood Bit-
ten in it • wide rege of power over seek
Chronic d i.e..es as Liver
and Koine y Coolish i a and all
humors of the blood. 2.
Mrs GasLn11, soothes of Roderick
Oa.lrell, rwesdly murdered for the
truth's sake, writes to a friend as fol-
lows :-"Thank God out sissy women
are called (ea to bear what 1 have bore,
a.d yet I'd rather barn the sweet
memory of soy pan tospsra..e boy to
cherish than to hath s living we who
would touch intoxicants or advocate
their see. I have two other eons, aged
eighteen and twenty, and far rather
would I have thous shot down in stain -
lees, blameless oanbood for d.fe.ding
the right amid truth. thea to have them
drink or advocate drinking, even though
t hey might have what the world calls
honor sod esliumeuts along with each
advocacy "
Whoa a•pepp401 lees
•M...r.lrib. will le
sbeerbed. eakrteal-
e l us Ar'.{ the SA
.f comma! rirteL
,.arise ke.ltay «-
armload. It 010.7*
.ollstwe..l ion. pro -
the n.em-
wears ei the nasal
p•es.aee blew eddl-
ttea.l "LIZ uoae
rals the
roma ysae restores
• .mese of taste asd
i>L smell.
Not •booed
or snuff. A Quick
Relief. Bam curs.
A esl,kIs 1• •pelted isle sack nwtril and is
• Price *0 orals at In ug$l.ts . b
111e&tcred. s0 mors. ('troohars tree.
tt RLY MOS. BrdrtM. Weego. 44.1
-Lrauelling s gbs.
r.xelus ba Pans.
There is mach is • little, as regard•
Burdock Blood Bitten. Yoe do not h•v•
to lake quarts and tallies to got at the
e•dicin• it ao..m livery drop is
every dose hes Medical vines *1 • blood
purifying, system regakttieg tomo. 2.
The 'e*fiaef slsosays--Ooecs ruing Or-
I&ageism -_"Never beton in the history
of the t Irder, the would over, has it been
ie such • prosp•roes mid, ooasegos.tly,
in such an aggressive position. . . •
Nothing that could possibly bare oeeer-
red hoe en joined (Waage hearts and
heeds together as the cry of the Glad-
stoeians for Home Reis ter !reload."
t s v er1R.e. I ns. tis. tor.
if you kern flour Stomach, Heartburn,
Bink Hesd.e(., rutty and enuring of
feed, wind in the Mesta* a &skies or
Rss.i.agg .5 mise et the It of the
.Fetreeh, thee yon have sire indicatives
of dyspepsia, whkh Berdock Blood Bit-
ten will sorely ears. It hes co rel the
wont eases en record. >L
441LA',r, TRUNK
Kars'{. Mtsrd. IT' rod.
O''eef,iLt. t1ID5-5. 11p -a tab pea
�.at.rd 1.4r.1 uw..m I 11:1:llp.w 1; s pea.
]fixed. Mixed. Lipman.
Iltratferd Gedduiich 1 hr. I ll►e.Sae :5at 11 I& p.w 1 pat f:1�..ee m
The atones which are to find a resting twee
in the museums were asst etamined-
include three diamond uraasleat, three robmw,
twelve amethyst, twenty-one opal, thirteen
pearls, one lid .4 email pearls, two lois of taw
meanie, one lot of es.eradds, one lot of wpm
t'assr, cos lot of peseta, one lot of groats sane,
one dimmed portrait and • mis:eUaneowe lot
destined lar the .shod of mines aal composed
of enbi.., emeralds, sapphires and diamonds.
There remain for 11e silo of May 12 51.001
briUias 21,119 rosea, 2363 peseta. 507 rubieq
136 ices, 312 em rald% Dill turquoises.
1! amp 106 miscellaneous Nes. A large
part of the genes which am to he .old aro sill
mounted in .eeklacn, jarwrea and diamonds,
bet the mountim-s wiY be destroyed or their
identity diegusrd without wholly sacrificing
those of biwric significance, and the teas
will ultimately shine upxwn the tables of It.
?scribe, the auctioneer, in all their naked
splendor. The work of de•tructron was meanwhile
os. A few blows of the hanaaaer made
it the imperial mumu a sere lmmpp, hof gold,
ready to be taken to the mint H. Benj•mis
Harpaii, who, smarting under the reeollectioe
of 11s treatment at tie bards of Napoleon Ii1.,
hes hien one of the leading spirits
in this profanation of the manes of
royalty, sad claimed for bioneelf the
retribrutire satisfaction of destroying the
royal crown, lot, owing to a aerere fall,
be was cnaln.l to the bone) sod was
then -Gres oltiger! to riot ..•lent with the instru-
ment of dem-suction. n. the lanmer,as a aouseair.
His abee-s.ce it to le regretted, for the spec-
tacle of a mar calmly beaching to piens with
his own heads the cane n of a monarch by
whom he wan perw.'ut«I wnuId ware been
strangely dramatic and a I.a•thrnna1 5.1.51
ly pomade w any but toes titles of political
After a com i.l,-rslde time Brat in "dieale0-
ing" tl:e ;towels, the task was segs'rule.l untl
• week later, when licm experts sad tla-ir as-
✓ isWt jewekvr *gaiud.weemld into 110 vault
and completed the work .e( desanictiom. AB
the prrc•..o• Metal obtained (rum the sooint-
ines was am -fully ee.ched and .rest to the
mint Borne .4 the 'Meow foreign dearstiors
twine oil ocher, stuloh'd with roma, were put
int. smote acid to di.el.r. Uhler Um action
of this powerful agent the shams will he de-
posited at the Iedtoao of the veer' and the
toes itaie low 4 silver will Ise iu.yruilkaat.
The sal, which w to t..ke plea at the Pavil-
l.on de 1':•re, in the 'Nieves. will le an im-
posing o-..ce.o y -tie 1.4 sal 111.+.4 royalty.
It is missed to a.rnrn..-nt Ale awl mit hall
wi;L the must y.rgs.u.1 t..1•+:: w+ an 1 furrier
it .c ah easy chain And er!lesfrom pia• 'Ylude
Manlier," for tire a1.• liar at trio -net s• much
a*t*..ti... weer the .nnoamenon t that it will
doubt** + i.- ant. wle.l L, Ieulde oil rank and
wea:tli from es TV mater ant the glnhe as well
u by I,,uidred- d sleaiara
Prem a areasellsl
"Sty little child ..4.m04 from a Nevem
cold spun the lungs, until she was like a
little skeletal before she took fieriest'
Blood Bitters, after which she laminae
fat and hearty, and was mond of weak
lungs, ooastipatiou and debility or wast-
ing of flesh, from which two doeton kat
failed to relieve her." Mr. /tamest Todd,
St.rgeo n Bay, Ont.
Condeeler (es Georgia railroad) -Do
yon mese le tell we, etadesi, that this
emits eat twelve years old 1 Madam
( y)-Wd1.. sloe eegrl't wben the
train started, , lend alive ! there's
no telling how old she may be sow.
RMST141OI4 G'8
Pat. grain and Seed Cleaner
for d.u,ou.bly separating at eon IVer
l'oekle. ('Leas, N pfd fere, llu.oard lase..
Thistle Seed, For Tail. and other obnoxinue
seeds and rel use gram. from Wheat or any
1trs1a. cleaning and earialg all 'tram se. d •r
the same time. Cleans Grass and Clover
Seed. or separates them.
( VQT PAMME* 1413131101 sit
rens *4T rA%I/3l: WILL.
Exclusive territory allowed to good assets
with horse. wagcea and capital.
for man or boy to fill hags alone.
Fanning 101111 Slimes and Screen(' for any hill.
UW Mills Repaired and Resiered.
FIRST -o T . 4 rasa
Drainage and Suction Piping. Le., kr.
Wholesale and Reta.L
redlers twppI$rd at Frites that ray.
PAT111%Y RILL AND imam tt•RYO.
C-ODERIOH_ :410 3m
"By • thorough knowledge of the natural
Taws which govern the operatics, et digestion"
and nutrition. sad by • careful application of
the fine prop...ti , of well -retorted Cocos, 11r.
gees has provided oar brooklet* harks with
a delicately flavored ewe erwgr which may save
m nan7 heavy donors' btlL It is by the
judicious use of each articles of diet that •
conat,totiea may be gradually built tip nate
steam mouth to resist every teadency to --- - - -
disease. Hundreds of subtle attack
wherever are DANIEL GORDON,
Bootleg around r ready to attack wherevat
there le. weak pout. We pry escape 155.07 CABINET
• fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortOf-1
ed with pure blood and a properly sou lseed
f s.e.--"Ci.a *robe G
Made .imply with boiling water or milk.
Sold only in pockets by Grocers, labelled
thee :
IA� 1 C$., Homoeopathic Chemists. AND LEADING
The Largest Stook
Greatest Variety,
And Best Value
Oor. East Street and Square, Goder... h.
Ladies' genuine French gid Button Boots, at 12.00
Ladies' and stents' Tennis Shoes, at 11.00 and 11.25
Give me a call, and we will &bow you our stock wltb pleasure whether jou buy or sot
Crabb '& Uh.ck, Cot. list sl and Square.
N.B. -TO THE TRADE Leather and Findings in any quantity,
at Lowest Prices,
Odder„h, June :ad, let;,
(Two Doors Bast of Whitt:y's il'.rrl.l
Manufiwturers of Marble Monuments, Headetonee, Mantlepiecee,
and all kinds of Furniture Trimmings in Foreign and
American Marble ; also Window and Door
Sill., and House Trimmings of all
kind. in Ohio Stone,
Aa work desisted and executed is hat style.
eTWILSON .nos. deal largely iaL Wads et ,ape ting ____ T M'11SA
which special attention Is called.
it will pay to call before ord!ring el•ewbere,
Godericb. Jane 211th. 107.
item -
II.. J wt received, and s now opening a large assortment of
Also on hand a large rook et the
For the make -op of SPRING SUITS.
East Side Square. Godericb. Xas.b nth. 1187. >MS
Hen is how a former "demigod" a
scholar. Bringing his son as a pupil, he
was asked by the .chnohnester whet he
intended to make of the lad. "Well, if
he ,(etc morn, we'll meek' him a minis-
ter. "Ali," returned the sekomil-
master, "sad i1 he gets no `ease, what
then 1" "Then," said the father, "he
mean jest bemuse a schulosaaister like
meal E. "
Chrystal & Black
Manufacturers of all kinds of
and all kinds of Sheet tram work.
eo..s.mtly es ked.
Oa hand, ready foe delivery :
t ep M.P. turn Moet Mester.
II $ Mel. flew MNtee.
A Aon►Igtt 2 d-bulJ Tbrsabigg Outfit
Boiler. Engine, Separator. to all n good
workisg_ ceder. Will 1s. .aid cheap.
Mail enters will receive prompt mustiest.
Warne s app. t0. T. IL Msese..
P.O. BOX 881
eledork ik May Mak WM
Ham. Rule.
in Greet Britain the q.setiom of House
Rule is commanding attention. To the
rasa with a sold in the head or chest the
gated way to ensure Howe Role overt a
soli is to have on hand a t.ottie of Dr.
Sarni* Rod Pin. Gum. For sole M
J. Wikos's Prescription dreg reser W
"TeeeL�jdren,.5441 the whoabselier, 'Ilea. Waehisgtoa died • este-
positively poor nun, although he might
liv assessed great wealth if he had
bees s different sort of person Toomey
Walla may toll os why (len. Wish*:
ton died er.mparativel vier." "ftw
same he eoelde't tell lie.," reaprrneed
Torey, who bas a bright bongos
esteem before him. -New York nes.
The pabseribters have Just oomeleted their
large lklek4., which can tern oet 400 bush -
ala eta twenty tool boars. and are Row
to snooty all customers with a
es411'7 of good fresh lime d•ly. it
will be M the ad ranter, of every este re-
esgeling lime to all or correspond with uta as
we are prepared to deal liberally with par
ties wishing to parches... The kilo is situated
OW the Ooderich side of Ake File Reserve.
Joao 17th. 151f.
Obt.l.ed, sad top beanie 1n the U.K. Putout
Moe attemiled tr ears le oat
Ike.and voi can obtain Petewr`ls Proem
thou these remote from WASHINGTON.
Soul NORM- OR ORA WING, We ad -
we a e 1Nti11411 t tree .I o1 WIS 0
we t�ask! XO CHA1rA� G'J'mL,.lC�tt4oNr� res_ apt,
Zwe neer, hN PA er ro th_ Post stem � the
,f � � demiy., and to
C. B. irsteet OAre. Per eltwMr..doles.
terns mid reference* to =tea chests la year
pea gym or Covety meet**
00118 11 PatenttltKee. ..h'
W'.itoS. n. C.
Anyone oaa adrertise, but I can show the Stock. I have more stock on hand (baa nay two
houses in town to selset from.
I have now on head 10 di*hreat styles of Bedroom Buttes, 3 different ryk. of Sideboards, 3
Parlor Suites. and almost asytbine in the Furniture line. all of which will be sold
In the UNDERTAKING I give personal &Gentles. moi the benefit now of nearly 10 years
ezperbstoe. i thumb I bee e beer Hearses in the County of Huron -i will th
leave e peMia
to Judge. i have everythingt Wily kept in • first -elm Wmu eetablest. such Caabts.
ns. Shrouds, HabiGloves.Oves, Crapes. c. Bmb•Iming done when required.
//NI Otm1satee W give s•tk/•etios in every .mea.
Oedetieb. Sept 01h, 1100. 11111411111
1837 VIVAT REGINA I 1887
The subscriber wishes t• Warm W loyal ssWsess et Ser Meet workout Iftliesty. pore*
Victoria, that i ass doing my almost to keep my sleek replete with everytklsg maw ani neon
ful in .11 ds,srtme• e.
Autumn Wear.
The Correct Thing in Drees Goode, Buttons and Trimmings to
Match, Ribbons, Frilling. and Fine Laos*, New Shades
in Plain and Fancy Opera Flannels, with
Embroiders. to Match.
1 am not advertising coeds at cost -.r ender, talks to my ■51erous ro•ls.nrs. 1 hors
ee overstock of any see lane. aid that M saying a Vast deal whoa we bear w much about
bwsieees depr'essio ,. lard times, tc.
..A.. lartrITIZCD,
Aed•rlak. Asg. MM. MM.
praise and Hob. Masher.
Jog Reeel1ed at th• Yedieel Ai by r. JARDAir..N will ie sad as Pikes ie salt an
M/ad 19mea All sad Dee thea MfM s 51ak1.r ydar pssdkssr.
T. JORDAN, Medical ME,