HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-10-21, Page 66 x'*t Ir 1F THE II U ItUN SIGNAL, FRIDAY OCT. 1.I, 1887. the Poet's Corner. a. Old-P•shNmea oat. Hy grandma was • medal gut, H) nutter .aye to an; til modesty the pink sud pearl. %Viacom like we metre ewe. )ter belle was • mighty tiled That weighed about tour paned ; 11 ie Logo, • vast at.cin:ling bias, Yell Sheen feet around. )ler powdered ba.r uncurled so lig►t, Aad built up steeple high. Alts could not take U down •t night, Nor could rah , utak her eye Per da)a itirood..-r. 1 bare rend. Her hair would thus remain ; 1 fear nue no.,h, dear Orandma'a hired A shampoo won d disdain. She weed to drink • power of wine. Ad gamble with the mon : And lace! This slender wear of mins belonged :o fl.hwises then. Iter lovers did nut woo like men. Dui used to sneak and chirp Beneath Mine t:rendaia's window, when Toe fondly was asleep. Aad thee I've heard Crenated tar say - When she W. sr%einem. Vac I.Y..:h .Sart. Magid she ran away With kite to Gretna Green : An thio,. say badner. qualldcs ..t *ioiaa whoa )l, .: ofar:e Her family history. mud sighs Fur n..r. "obi f-t,hione,l" tririt lturdetie. health Notes, %r: res. v..Jrdsta Wye It anoxia be T`cs(='1 SYbm- Atteea. This is the popular name fir an atm- ties with whisk utost ars familiar. 1 be mane, however, is somewhat deceptive.. sal often leads to injudicious treattment, . It is doubtful if there is any special ail - ,rent of the liver in the case I. is pro babi, only • brie(, fu00t►onal disorder of the eigestive system. This is the general oleo (1 the medical prufussivn. It is • mild toren of scute, t. distir.. guished from chronic, dyspepsia, iodine ed, tt may be, by indigestible feed, over- eating, physical exhaustion, .:excelse brain work, violent ewotiou•, or hy gen- ; oral care end worry. It is $aura 'tablet 4, *occur in the *pricy, because, while one continues to est the mama food and in needy the same luwn(ity as wt wester, the power of the .ystmu to sasiwhlat.. foul u reduced. The m..at prorninent symptoms of 1 '•bilioussoess" are loss of sweetie, toruses (sometimes vomiting), costing .f the tongue, an unpleasant taste, headache, and a general sense of ailing n•!.te Those nosy have been pomaded by a feeling of fstig ie, and aching in the ba: k and limbo. Sometime., iia parsons in- cline': that way, the headache hec•,mes what is known as "sick headache." As to treatment, maids from medicine and tanks, which .h.ull be prvse:ibed by • doctor, the taelady usually pr:aents ,isuly. Says t)•uin'. ►ledwaI .N • shuui•t first recommend a nulk• without h,ut dict-- lukwwarm milli, orwitht cieshel rusk. Fnf.rtu•.aely, through theHaunt of eerie Lt,l.ly seasoned dsshm hem youth up. we •,ftusi find AO Moreton rest of the (mean so essential to the cure I ••What nem- matches heat with red, to Intik. leo cuter Its teen r:t'i sweet Ater this rest, light farinaceoua loud- do you thank ?" "Blue," replied the team i• nut to the Purred. but w) ,.ry at dings may be allowed, Ful;owed by a can- I emotegrace. "Why do you thick eo T' tw1 a small quantity +.f mall ilio• return to a more nourishing diet. I "Well I have nettere that whenever I The •d itlon ..f c:,gnee to the The 4ru common )emetic. of .u, rle int the town rn1 I feel blue fur ■ milk, as is used with phtbsical patients, is equally Imprudent. The bait thing to give it an agreeable taste u a Iitt:u table salt. Alio-Mg ether things WO may add a little cocoa, deprived of oil, but with little sweetening, ani some interruption, te. 1.1 •ilAttq case* en aversion for COMPS seta :u. 'Tee ie in some cases tolerated ohs n cola clue.," !esthete, bet coffee hos a iyspentic effect. Tea his a ten dency, e.pacially if serene, to produce nervous palpitation of the heart, and, if left too luug on the leaves. dyspepsia. If Dore of the beverages can b, taken, we may at first toe .•,up for breakfast. Amylaceous substances here especially find their place, and in the preparation of such ameue these as barley, oats, rias, Ac , the precaotion to have them long and th'rodghly b',iled should be given. For • eee'md breakfast, some b,•tilloa free tram fat, with an set ; at noun, a plate of temp, with cureesp)adine per tion of extract of meat. The I tit meal of the day ought to be taken at lout two hours before going to b.,1, and should consist of beef tea, with res and *tale white bread. Milk may at any tiled be taken in place of one of these meals ; w may eggs beaten with • little salt and water. Ascurding to physiotloticel experi ments on digestion, boiled albumen ap• pears to be mere easily and rapidly di- gested, but in reality raw a'bo:nen is Piers easily peptonitel than the gelidly yoked lumps of albumen, bee lose the movements of the stomach separate it easily, mid it is seen saturated with gas brie juice. 11 the appetite gradually returns, sal pmething a good deal showier than that the articles of food na'ntd aro tolert(04 Her `: i":•' seta east down for a m *Ilene, but in larger ,Feees tide, we may Intercalate Weeently plwcke'f np heart enough to soy another ureal ; the soup may also be ate 4 y: Bot you forget how old it is. acd the (eviMg how ►g age it aaa panted preparoa from strapped beef, thiole it'. betty well dnnc , litter eaten with it. Gradually • aauc the Llem eta awndrea htlers erful of the arta:les already mentioned N may be taken every two or $'true heirs. This am:)unt will be sutli nest fur a long time. II, unddr this regimen, gastrin digest• i m takes a norm %) and rapid course, the sense of hunger may be felt oftener than every two or throe hours, but the patient shnnle not yield to his cravings. The time will then soon arrive when more censutent food can be taken, es- pecially properly evoked meat. The opieei•.n that so-called white meat is el penally well borne has nut always been confirmed in practice. It may, perhaps, be the ens with pigeon and chicken, (ta , but the veal is certainly barely tolevete I, o vine probable-, to the 1e g. amount of gelatine it contains. As • rule, boiled molt as better toleretea than roast ; asd, eold mast better than warm, and this is particularly true of game. With the letter. fat gravy, and the fat of pork .specially, ploys • very injurious part. Meat sot too strongly salted is well borne, bet the smoking pr,cess will spoil this advantage. The flash of geese •a.1 decks is difficult t•) digest. Most patients' will dislike to dispense with vegetables, but the very lightest ..f those only should be allowed until after improvement has made some p we may then allow carrots, spis•ch, and tnnete'.es ; lettuce and aslads, and se pettedly potato salad should he strictly forbidden. if the patient chafes under the prohibition of ►11 kinds of p.• per's', he may when oonveleseent, partake of stew.deranberries, strained and sweet - seed. Dyspeptic cannot bear raw fruit at all. Its al. moos where eircawtstencee will n ot permit the diet which hu Men de seribed, • milk diet will be the beat thing. 1 or elation place •ud time aro favorable, Krukenberg• direction : ' ' When you are hungry eat buttermilk, sod when you are thirsty drink butter- milk, saould be observed. This milk freed from the large mass of coalmine, is • real pinatas, anti • dietary worse of at is wily serried cot hi the attontry daring the summer season. Pet cantina prss.ribts that it should met be taken e imultenennsly with other food, as the rule not too dunk when yon est, and not to vont when you drink, b even morn im- perative fee dyspeptics lien for peeress suffonnz from adiposity. Patients are meet dote atilt In menage in meted lb their diet atter %bey heen to feel teetter i sad when in weawe'iee^e" nI eh.ir swag feeble& avid their neeesseelty reeseed .tenditinq, • steams desiro for food is ^'feasted, an earnests' *Mit es% fa Fun anb Fancy. The tresseree of a Amok is Rveftth N. (J., has made his annual repeat. Two item read as fellows : "Kolar, promised to the rector, $15 per nwutb. Salary paid to the rector, none." "Wbet I dislike eb,u° large hotels," said Min Culture, "is their *wart 'ss - nest" "Well," reap- 'tided the Cbisieo maiden, rather bewildered, "those (army puddings never did ogres with me rat her. " "They have a larger sale to my d.a trice," says • well know' di egotist, "rhes any other pill on the market, mod sire the best sabot mtion f•'r sick headache, biloiousnec, indigestion, etc , and when combined with Johnston', Tonto Bitten. Juhesten's Tonic L,ee.r Pills will per form what no other medicine 1.4' d..ne before fur suffering humanity." Pi11a e5 cents per (wont. Bitters 50 cents and 1)1 per bottle. Sold by Goode, Druggist, Albion block, Ocetrich, rile Agent [c) It is • clergyman who males in Grand Rapids wit'$ Lloyd Breese, of the !•• .a 'n 11. rine 1, on the one side of bin and a Baptist church of the other wb'o says : ''1 live between wied anti water." —Mar•luette elating Journal. A tem tee lessnee.a There have peen many remark•Ws mires u1 deadness wade by the use of H•aysed's Yellow Od, the greet h.esee- held ettsedv for pain, Iudainm.liou and I soreness. Yellow Oil cures Rheumatism, Bun 1 brunt and Creep, and w woeful is teenaily sad sateri,aliy fur all pains and iu j urnes. 2. ttleNs to the 44arta. The superstitu ■ that huw eo heirgs should sleep with their heads to lf:e north is believed by the French to have (.'r its foundation • scientific fact. They affirm that each hunt** is keel( an electric battery, the bead being one of the eleetrodee, the feel the other. Their proof was di.tuvered from expori- mena which the Academy of ficieuaes was allowed to nuke on the boy of a mut who was guillotined. This was takru the intuits' it fell and placed mem • pivot free to move as it mi,eht. Tee bead par:, alter s little veetttatioa, tun - ed to the north, and the body then remained stationary. It was tun - ed balf way round hy one of the pro!rte • .I., and sgsi a the head end of the He needed enecuragement—"Young tenet moved slowly to the cardinal poste Dictionary. "Such attacks are +nus. etf,c• Tnan,' said an apostle rdemly, do you wally preveu:ed by careful regulation of realize that when you retia st night sou diet, and the cireful avoiJaree of expo ,'0147 la called before m►ernir+g dawns?' sure to cold, fatigee• and undo • mental ' -1 h ,pe e" ; 1 *04 a young doctor, and I .•.bison -mush aa..iety ; when they c: me treed encouragement of some kind." on, •batiuett:e trent (eel is desirable. The best regulators tor the st-emach with rest in the recumeent p•,ature, and . and bowels, the best cure fur biliousness, perfect quiet." I sick headache, indigestion, and all affec- The writer in Reyneld's System of tea arising from a disordered liter. are Medicine says, "Iia the milder forma, a! without eseeptiuu J..hnwn'e Tonic Liver tolerably complete ah.tinenos from feed I Pitts. Small in size, 'wear costed, mild. n . -Ibottle rte sper b tl Fuc (•ser -mud -twenty hours will Irc•.Inrit yet effective. -5 eta. by Ica do inure toward effecting • cure. This I Goode, drugs;i.t, Albion block, G.de ah'tinenoe secures fur the stomach that I .ich, sole agent. [al extract. 1 1 I W who (Ailey that they are "bilious' of dos- week. The colors match in my case iug themselves with cathartics, to "deo • every time." I the system," shout -1 be discouraged. tie en Tour faint. Ie nrut CMOS nsinre will curs the Fa- Don't *Hew a colo in the head to sloe: - tient if he will gine her a chance. q and surely run into Catarrh, when you an be cured for 250 by using Dr. .I.rxcuure:a or n �t •rc.r• I Chase • Catarrh Cure. A few applies - The "Meow Wath" 5 Idea Imn.g Ladtes 1 tions lure incipient catarrh ; 1''to 2 b,xe. -biller Merle.. cures ordinary catarrh ; 2 to 5 bcxea i. ('0.1:.9) w.�, .,-�•r.a guaranteed to core chrome catarrh. Try —Ela.• "•1 6,�.,.,r. it. Only 25e anti sure cure. Sold by Ilene is an extract hose a Savannah lett!.. i •;l druggists ly in the New York Erenioi Post: "A. i was strolling try the Gordon monument this Slack and white Ward on the Eyes. Horning 1 passel a gro.:1. of Horne ►.sloe4 awl heard one Uf then. say: 'I esn always 1.11 s Sever:.) of the French railway mom Yankee by ha walk. I suppose this pert pantos and other public bodies have re- liarity of gait comes from welkiag so mash solved on having their printing done on on snow.' Naturally I I...Caine neer conscious of my moAetnenta and wondered i I had the manner of one who momentarily expects the feet to slip up iota the air. There was • cer- t..n commiseration d tone in the remark 1 had o.erheardt sa o1 pity fur people who must, peeforce, spend the greater part of their here tither wallowing in snow or trying to keep their equilibrium on top of snow. But, in fact, I believe we mist own that the true Southern woman, she wise hal carer been North, and reev-r pot Mr foot on snow, has a way d carrying herself that is far pleasanter to kook 'Ton than the movement of an ener- getic Yansoe.•' Ladies Who Were Traveling. Fran far .4 aeries* Rcyiater, Pare, A lady salsa waa Iniog in Ure.den a few the other, before you came down, that yeesra age this arieedote: Sl.. was .iU,fl the $maids rams must be Mane ,or• done in the gallery nee day, gazing at tiro Ilridget.'- Sistine Madonna, when two or three Fnelish King Otto, of Iirvria, whose mental women entered thereon'. "Nell '" exclaimed one of them who had never seen the famous condition is really pitiable, ha. now painting before, "1 must sae I'm disappointed. taken to peeling potat.,es for a pastime. After all I heard about it I expected to see At last •ocounts he cetim d to have a contract to peel all the potatoes used is the Munich hotels. new a Rode ('aught (old. A shin young ,men in lbs height of fashion was violently sneezing in a street CST, when a contpanie•n remarked, "Aar, N. Leifer fi. New Orleans Tinrea-Dr*.onwr. Chawles, de•b boy, Low d'ye amt J (bat A good true story now current in Fath• o otwdl Culd." Aw. deab fellah, lett avenue tell. bow a young assistant rector of a I my ea a in the lower ln•11 bother day, clench has tarts his way rapidly into feat 1stnL sucking the ivory handle, W social fa.or- He did it by making the ielfi dwesdful cold, it chilled tee almost to .'opal ladiess of his eongv 'tion Felipe. Nat they were ro nsab k for the best points is death." If Charles lied used Dr. liar- hietstmorta 111 making • Pastoral call. and vey's Red Pine Gum his a'Id would not .rhes the eonrersetiun termed on rehgioc's trouble him very much. For ale at J insoles, he would pick out some utterance ed V. ilwu•s prescription .lruj store. tf hu I,o.tem., declare it admirable, and from sa le oar' it on the senting Sunday. e ooca.icn she would proudly beat him intro- duce ntrod.►ew an embellished toren ni the conceit, with such an introduction as: "One et the brightest minds 1 know," or "From • beautifal source come. the Am." Oottld etre thereat/re fail to pet him! He is • lies of a tivndred bobs. due north, the same results being re- peated until the final •rrtstation u( or- ganic srurement green instead of white paper. The mo- arn fur the alteration is that they te.ieve the cumbinatiou of white with black characters endangers the eyesight of their workpeople. Black on green has always been recognized as • rood con• bination, and many railway tickets are w printed. •'1Ia,• inyutnd Bobby, after the two lady callers had gone, ". Marie your maid's nate name 1" "Certainly, Booby. Why 1- "I heard one of those ladies tell Thera is no cutter, safer or inure eleesst.t cough remedy made than Ilag- yarde Pectoral Balsam. It cures Hoarse - item Sure Threat, Co ahs. Colds, Bron- chitis and all throat and lung trouble... 2 Preat 1a $Mai. Prow ,ke ('h.eweo Ifrrol.f. ilk most inveterate .enlper that ever opera at et in It,. Chicago grain market is )Iillion- sire 'fetchin.ees. A scalper, the uninitiated dhunkl he toll, is* trader who lumlw is and sot with rapid deal*, satiated with .scall proem, and making as few losses as passible Most operators want to donhle their money, and mane stand rue 1 sag proem. Not so Hutch. kit omen to 1.4 $woken are to dons out as ism as they eaa show • profit to his creche What do yea mean by • profit Mr )futeh imam r inquired • young 1 raker tea other day, on receiving hie int order from the aslpsr. "1:rat heavers "' was the reioind.r, "haven't rens been herr Inter enough to know what a profit tar "Yes, 1 know what •�t is, 1".t 1 don't know what you, exwne. er a mendacious. profit.- "A pr•fit," Hnteh then explained, "is • profit Any profit shouI.l 1r estrafact.ry to • man who isn't • hog. Voting man, 11th. r a prc.gt - To'•. SIR er RS, or ail, or even ten cents. And if yrs, can't do any het - tor, one emit ix hotter than nothing at all. Go 111.101 and fill that order, and he mw • you earn nen ax.,114, in' matter how moll." the I.nker reel he hail hem, trailing on fiu:chin- ann's termini tea seventeen noaesve days, filling seven) small orders enrh day, amt in 531 that time he hall not made a 4,o. Sone - tiptoe hie petit• were only .iAkient to Ay enmm.eson.e and a dollar .w two over, but the aid wean was always setisiel. Whet 1M Noes Waned. On et the first thong.queue Victoria did w hearing that William 1V. was dead and that sea had .weewelad to the there was to call .woe of her mother's ladies -in -weigh "Am l really queen." s.knl the excited prnoeaa 1 owl are, didost, trtad mw," re - plod the laity in -waiting. "And 1 ran do what 1 chem., hy nicht•" continued Victoria "Certainly, your n•ksty." -"Thee get ono • pep of greens tee. Magnets Morel is mkt IM me h... it; twit 1 mean to know what Iowa it Me .in Mie." dint the vneng (ewe drank Aso eat 1 h.d a ' ,nowt At of the shivers and has Hover liked am sin.•o. p A w dot oughi t• weave the ankh* et aM 4., if. heart lam lege hem sisal at Viewed. Fleck silt oral, _ — Lily bulb. should not be planted where they will sutler from water in winter. More bulbs are lost from too much water than from severe fiesta. A warm, loamy soil is excellent fee lilies. ,-mow GOODS Ready -Made Clothing and Ends of Cloth blethers I If yaur daughters are in ill health, or troubled with • paleness that seems incurable, or if they suffer gentral debility, nervousness, languor, weakness, or less of appetite, procure at once a bottle of Johneen'. Tunic Bitten and you will root regret regret the ewe lay. The Tonic and generally etreng'h ening effect of this medicine is truly marvellous. 50 eta and $1 per bottle, at Good s 'rug store, Albion hock, Guderich. sole anent. ,d) A severe Attaek. "I never fust better in me life' than I hare since taking Burdock Blood Hitler. - 1 had a severe bilious attack ; 1 could not eat fon several days, •e d was unable to work. Or bottle cured mu." John M. Reehal%t"ter., Tara. Out. Fee all billow troubles tree 11. B B. 2 To the laedlaal Preleaden. sal all whets 11 'say Ph'sphatine, or Nerve food, a Phos- phate Element based upon Scientific Facts. Formulated by Profaa•or Austin, 1t. D. of Boston, Maas, cures Palmon- ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner- sncs Attacks, Vertigi, and Neuralgia and all wasting disesees of the- human system. Phuspbatins is not • Medecine, but a Nutriment, because it curtains no Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates N ircotics, and no Stimulants, but sime ly the Phosphatic and G•rtrio Elemeuts found in our daily food. A single bottle is sutticiont to convince. All Drudgut. sell it. $100 per bnttae. bowleg • Co., sole agents for the Dominion, 55 Frere .treat East T•.ennto • r AGYy0-S )(EMI fit; :L kC URE R ftE UIMA-T (SM JCR Elf AI S WOEL I? NVDERC. Are pleasant tot^lee. Cordial a their owl Per etc•.. Is a •ale ware, and ef.-etwel easowyew et wwaria OLilrw or Adak• An Old Time Favorite. The .stun of green fruit• and summer drinks is the tine when the wont forms of cholera morbus and bowel complaints generally prevail. As a safeguard Dr. Fowlers Extract cf Wild Strawberry should be kept at hand. For 30 Team it has teen the most reliable remedy.. 1 _temoomoontrewinl_. Wan D' CHASES' MN' 10Eilo0 LIVER CURE t • lewd be Mated Owl at res' n•d Ender road. SZTGH 13Q0-NLOP 7 FASHIONABLE TAII4ORa arltorieueer the PIao.--West street, nes door to Nark of Hoatreal.'ia Oud.rkk. Sept. Hod. 1017. PARISGREEN, HELLEBORE, INSECT POWDER dT RHYNAS' T =1"2 V ' GIST. a FAMILY GROCERY 1 The undersigned beg most respectfully to inform the 1.habltset, of Gado rick and ea rounding cou,dr) Ihat ha ing bought it'll Ertl' 1 Olt ('ASH is the hast marten or Canna and Ike United State.. a car) superior crock er FRESH CA-ROC=Z=0I Consisting of FRESH TEAS of this season's importation, com- prising Young Hysons, Gunpowders, Japans and Blacks, amongst which are to be found some cf the very choicest imported, and desire to call special attention to the same. Also a Superior Blend of COFFEE, French Broken Loaf, Granulated and oth- er Sugars, Syrups, Molasses, Raisins, Currants, Figs, Nuts, Or- anges, Lemons, Assorted Peels, Extracts, Flavorings, Sauces, Pickles, Jams, Jellies, Canned Goods of all descriptions, Biscuits. Pure Ground Spices, Hominy, Maccaroni, Vermicella, Tapioca, Sago, Rice, Brushes, Tubs, Pails, Brooms, and other meft.l articles usually kept In • firstela.e cit) establishment. as rocrL(TNw Oto NS NOOK k111.11.11 w401.11r1TFY. WANT TO BU A QUANTITY OF BUTTER, EGGS, APPLES t POTATOES REES PRICE & SON, Store on the Square, Between E. Downings and C. Crabb'.. Ood.eieh. April rist, 1Et7. IOW HAY( YOU y tie Liver a M "..dtic r'ar�,re7�'a -.1. De.Lessee a any Lima wig In Mad a me vairsi Wer. De. t,rtAu i Livia Cees tad canals remedy. NATURE'S $CMLDY iLe.esgea0fied secrete or Pir. Char'. Liver Cure t Lira Complaint rests solelyilk the (act that it i impounded frow natures sea-k,nwn Sow 2.):= se.latar Ma.o.At t ane DA,.DLLgw, ceakt k ar *her invaluable roots, last* sad M baring . .oweef.l effect .n tea ''d(.)1, Stc.aek. ant Mood. 800,000 sot.D . re" ser-hal/ ..,:lira of Pr. Chase's R.ryt Seel were sad !a coma. .loam N * weer awery .tea srwaa aid rum waw i, freebie( alta Liv* CAR e:a.t w to fry tilt excelrr.1 rrewrtfj. SaariM Naw. Gram Myr (alt Wrapped •rcand eowy hereof ileo Clefs La Car a ral.able Noneekold Medial Gess. and Reds book (ti peg.+), containing over roc awful recipes �ra�wncvd by twedical ew and ds.�se� 1.. W t ad worth w timer the orbs 44 he imtidne t1 file t PiaTa1M "IlLA rA sad paddy y. er,.r,�j.�,:e.IS 11rf Cauca everts r All• Leas Pius, .h emits* Los SOLD SY ALL DEALERS ig ! 4O1r*M/OS a tails-. Sete riled•, host..( BEWARE OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS A. thaw ars newsy Iate►/er fonds, emoted withu.e, boo. pp,.I.,od rod and asld sw Caralisr lar soma an - merchants trad- ing on the reputation of oar gmegatm we warn tea lades in aga snob lmpoeltloo by .traw- WI thee. attenuate to the n.e.sdty d mats; that the MUM' CROMPTON CORSET BO. Is stemma ea loner Moog all Cemenegorlw Wktleset walak alas we eeawfr JOHN INOIi Priprietor. OLERAINFAN1 The nhsertbee le prewar*d to er•W. the web Ile_ with Theo Finest Rigs ♦T itltw*OKART.R rule' 4 (1 sl.)- A arra www ITN 0000 the Catkas I -LAVING R1C- 1.1 FL'RI[I$REL ray shop In the Wee .tyle, put In Three (esu Surber('helrs, too of them thevele- waged Rochester fitting C h .ire, and .dyed • journal—mut steelier, we are in a ,ueitiun to do Seater Week than hereto- fore. Lady's s: Children', ifatrcnttiag made a megiak= on W days J(*go .•torch.. n•tOr� and dcfason 'won 4. SC I3 -I T Nest three"... tw o .:,•m• Ssst q(t .n, t rdertei s- The Greatest Obtainable for Impaired or Diseased Vision is a Pair o' The frauds that lace been perpetrated on the spectacle wearing public hy most speetaci dealers and peddlers by giving assumed and fancy names to ordinafy glaa.. -peaks for the ignorance of the public generally, in the all-important subject of the preservation of sight. there are only two articles from which the spectacles lenses can be manufactured. viz : Pebble and glass—call glass by any other name, it still remains glass. Pebble, on the other hand, is from nature's own manufactory. It is a natural crystal found generally in free- stone formation, and is harder than the niby and emerald, and near- ly as hardas the diamond. The Pebble in not more or less than a transparent 9ton(•, cut by aid of diamond dui,t, and the greatest amount of power is placed immediately over the centre of the grain found in all pebble. It will give to the spectacle wearer the coo nests, freshness arni a pleavrt feeling that the ordinary spectacle lenses cannot by any possibility impart. - -All spectacles and eyeglaiises ere stamped B. Land can only be ptlrchnse'e from ee F'_ TOR�.E, Druggisk iiegayeala. •dols Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. CMOs. AiNUEL_. warn • MAKER ANTI i1N])ERTAB&g Hamilton Street, Goderich A at)54 stwertmsnt M ascii... DM-reem, !Wing R. sus and Pavia ]as1MnNure, asem Te- n kale asA weed .sesre•A1. Cap►wMs. Ystg ed -d., uresr s, as1 h-stewPs w R. A swassues•asertuseat of COMP" mead Ehmeds always ea brad arse ife1Ku Leila •i ressewahes -.two.