HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-10-21, Page 5r THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, OCT. 21, 1837 6 Assealles Mass. All mtAint,tits Mlltl ls.aAd la te ams lot -W Aeolian sale of hoseshuW furniture, the property of Mrs. Asa Morrie, on the retiens q L.to t►. aid kith, Gu4.riet, `si. 7 Joba Mama, asetles..r, eoraaeseine at 1 o'eleek p. M.. as Aaterd y. Oot. 21.d, 1807. Terme saab. Fur list of articles ere posters. Auction saIo of farm stook Le , eke M'e 7 ut Mr. W. C. ;/.,et, un :.i 28, eonwat'wt, Culbore* township, b7 Jobs teas, aadioseer, oomt.eneina at : Weloek pp m., on Tuesday, Oct. NW, 1807. As Mr. Duret hes sued kis fare, the sale wi 1 be without reserve. bee posters for list, terms, ten ' Laotian sant of lam stook hod imple- ments, the property of Mr. Thos. Mo- llie*, os lot 10, eon. 1, west Wawanoeb, attest two miles front the Nile, on the boundary line, by John Knox, anotias - wet, ooamenoine at 1 o'clock p s., o. Thursday, Oct. l7tb, 1887. fine posters for list, terse, dta Withdrawn. All parties contempletimg having • sale, will consult their own interest by getting their bills piloted at TUX 8iusA1. (Ace, share only reasonable rater me charged and a free unties to given udder Our this head up to time of sale. FOR FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS MEND TO H. W. BRETHOUR & CO. B ANTFORD. OUR SPECIAL OFFER. We send Samples on application, (roods by mail or ertpreatl. Wey express charge on orders of Five Dollars,—Copia to be returned and money ,efuntled if not satisfactory. m ss c+oo=s. We sell Coal, Useful Dress; Tweeds for 141c. Handsome All -Wool Caxhwere Cloths for lac. Beautiful Checks and Stripes for Combination. We have the Very Newcst Material, and Colors. Silk Plushest in all the New Colors, Very Cheap. Handsotne Stripes and Broches in the Newest Designs. Drew Ornaments, Braids, Buttons, etc., etc. NASAL BALM OsNiNavcc. Dixon r.0.. Oat.. May Itth,1M7. 111 wife wffw.d nor Oto years with shut llstra dos dhows, catarrh. Her sass was one of t.e worst knows la thew parts. She tried .11 of t e catarrh reme- dies 1 over ssw .dvertiw#. taut they were of as taw. I aaally procured • settle of Nasal Bast. Shp has used only sae halt of It, and sow foals Ulm • new pantos. 1 fol it .ay duty to say ibat Nasal Bala Osumi* be TOO HIGHLY ,eosnttneaded Ase catarrh trouble_. sad ass plwed t. have all each suOlercrs know through Its sue they wW receive Instant relief and CURE. CIIAS.]IcOILL. Farmer. ARMBRECHT'S TONIC LOCA WINE, —TOR - FATIa-UE -0r- MIND and BODY —AND— SLEEPLESSNESS "Exponsoos soul sitgytla reveal to u1iIsea peas the most Mab ha the Vrtlet- `� It (Coo Ia wordd. the powerful restorer se the vital fomes.—Dr. Schwan. Arssbr..M u Coca Wise.lhsaga more tante thus le.. meantime. novae Ou..Hpatos. See Modleal Reviws. Armbrecht, Nelson & Co., : Duke St.. orosesnor Sq.. Leedom. Ragland. tl world.�I•druggistsw isp druggists tkr.haat X121- F. JORDAN, Goderioh. GET the BEST 1 THE WESTERN AIIVENTISER OF LONDON, ONT. 111STLT IrrMD! 111101111111710 AATICL11! All 114E flit! 1101.111.1111 f117ARTtfIIT$ I , NNE 110111110 1! 12 PAM 1 MIAMI • Al . olonce of 1887 Free IN an sew nt ag year Mg. tlie low pries et $IPERANNUM$I T lm .tn/.ssealIAer aerason. lfwSaortfolis , rwtersetf.we4BevekeHr el Leascae, SOLLZQV1DEW' A Hssitd .umbrae(( this beautiful premium endure f. off rod esMertbers for N costs extra. SlTfs Werarr..r I and 144111161.41 terMess r be awarded aAp.b wasted everywhere. T iti to a h om wee NIS MOON Male eats. address. NrWOCO. IoN.or. 03;?. TUB ••NOG ILL'S" a lgaatlra etyma. Tam ems Immo one w wash ..w IN Jas. 1. MIR foe Alai IMAM, y ester eesam ate - dews. M. ments.kerimmlf. UR- TrtSlob. O Ont nt tar�qee rant ysrr. O 1E,1�.l.0 ON. 1e ga ?� Li2NE�Y MAN'Tr—i=3_ Millinery Show Room is now open with the Latest Styles. Ladies' Mantles, Dolmans and Tailor -Made Jacket-. A Large Stock of Children's Mantles. SEND FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES OR COME AND INSPECT OUR STUCK. H. W. BRETHOUR & Co., Brantford 211•Ltn et.atterd. Oot. nth. MM. HAVE YOU SEEN The crowds that congregate on the street corners, not talking Commercial Union, tut about PRIDHAM BROS' CHEAP SUITS sod She Terdie8 direery ewe is that Pridham Bros "are a wonder," selling thole elegant suits, cut and wade right in heir own establishment., ancievery one fits like the paper on the wall, FOR $7.00 A SUIT and upwards. They are selling like hot cakes. Of conrse you do not notice thein because they are so much like the ordinary ordered clothing you see every day and what you have been in the habit of pay- ing $16.00 and $18.00 for. If you wish to save money just call and see them. Yeu wit! be more than pleased. OIT.,==1Z=�EPARTM�NT_ The needs of our patrons in ordered clothing are various, and they require careful study. It has been ours through long experience, appreciation of a FIRST CLASS (RADE, and careful selection. to create and foster a demand for high-class goods, and we have the satisfaction of knowing that in excel- lence of quality, combined with moderation in price, our patrons are agreed that we maintain the reputa- tion we have earned as the leading tailors in the County of Huron. Our FALL STOCK is now com- plete, which is this season the finest ever imported into Goderich. Elegant Overcoats, Beautiful Trous- erings, Magnificent Suiting&, Ac. Your early order is solicited. P. 8z A_ PRIDHAM_ THE MAN who M going to do the beet by the people la the nes who wilt de the bet trade with tbam, and b this bsnaf 1 bars drtersfaed to spare no .suss .r to most WITH their applwbaters fa the dimmest .1 peds la aha linos wigs\ I bays dm honor to offer to the pulite. My Glut Is to try and plsasw sad than tar 1 bays so with THE most .nquan6d .rase.& Jodi 111111.p W sal, **Today 1.10 win.' and I bare made up my mind to HAMMER y until I kaaek the beelm oat of hfjh prl 1. Dry.0.Ms er ever! desntfplIes. .. sing dews emerges M Yore gam Give Mus • ran mea 111 g••e.M.s satir6o tb• •!1 the way round. see- M...grr et tan le.ws.1leus. Zonweiss! TH11E NEWEST Tooth Paste. AT J. WILSON'S PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE taoroismas_ HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INVBSTIBNT =PANT This Cow.p.ny is UMW" Mew, "n Par: aeon t'y et Lam' &tee q' lr«ea ut MORTGAGES PURCHASED. SAVIMOS RARE BRANCH. 3, 4 esti 5 per Gene. hideout /beast est is es..wae Deposits,a l New jut. 01121E�mpo, r�f lsle t /quare avid Werth MORA0E HO0Mainue 0611111414 184.015 /tan MN WALL PAPER ! DID YOU KNOW THAT PRASER, PORTER & EAY WERE SELLING WALL PAPER AT 5 CENTS A ROLL THEY HAVE 10,000 ROLLS AND MUST SELL IT OFF Before Winter, as they have a New Stock coming in. Call Early and Get a Good Bargain ! ERASER, PORTER & KAY. *AM WOOLS. NEW GOODS. We have over Three Thousand Yards of New Heavy Cloth DRESS GOODS just arrived, the best value ever shown in Goderich for 121c. a yard. Call and See Them. sty COLBORN BIOSI, C3-0 r) ICH_ Hoods, Fascinators, Clouds, Baby Booties, Shawls, Knee Cap Gaiters, Hosiery, Gloves, Berlin, Zephyr and all other Wools, Wool Canvas, Plush - es, Tassels, and a large assortment of Goods for Fancy Work. MRS. GIRVIN. 500 HORSES WANTED 1'. carry as the tarp sad viellmmertod stook of Fiasi'Creass M. ixzss Sew When* st RRDUCED PRICKS at ACHTSON'S H.vtar sseved . 1. s..Ment 1 ..sO `d nt v { �ssanaheisnes prtoe., fu era w .f H.rne.a. sobs., Blanket., Trunk.. V.li.e.. Whips. iWigh lEtaiiH, .Nsad r Nsaiensell=rast.e Mer .7.1� Cash •ups prMemy'� M nr�r.1/4= Ss "Mat sea a int 1t.WMM.. ACHESON'S HARNESS POT f MH'AU most AassN1 auk 5. .011104 sA este M Cash sr Sete. H. CUEST'S CHEAP CAZT3 STORE *'row the very best manufactory in Canada. LADIES FINE BOOTS A SPECIALTY, RUBBERS. OVERSHOES. PELT BOOTS, Lc. BIG DRIVE IN SLIPPERS. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. All Cheap for Cegti7 H. G U EST Wast Bid. Square. Goderieh. We bare now in Stock the following NEW & VERY FASHIONABLE SHADES IN DRESS GOODS Heliotrope Island Blue Mushroom Brown G-obelin Mineral C3 -rep. J. C. DETLOR & CO. NOTICE. 1 have decided to continue busicets for another sear. and ',adios will gad my stock of ��FAIJL WORTS INSPEaTI'INC3- I MEAN TO SELL CHEAP 1 STOCK 19 PULL IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. MISS GRAHA_, THE SQUARE, GODERIQH. NEW MILLINERY 1 AS PREVIOUSLY ANNOUNCED MISS CAMERON Has opened out bier New Millinery Est•bnskaant w HAMILTON STREET, (Mr.. M11.5.1l's old atandl And is now prepared to attend to the Custom of the Ladies of Ooderlob Gad viciaity. Ladies' Underwear, Kid Gloves, &c., A SPECIALTY. and • tarp assortment will be kept ce.Maatly a hand. The Latest Novelties in Shapes and Styles Qan be Seen. fir ALL ARE INVITED TO CALL AND IN/WiltT GOODS:11m 211; ]Gi6, air .x8 FALL MILLINERY! LEJDe TSE W. LADIES' FELT HATS VELVETS, Plain and Fannyy', PLU=S, FRTZETTPLUMBS, MOUNTS, V*INGS, Etc., Together with • Isrgo assortment of man( AND IANCY RIBBONS. Also Anna for the PARKER DYE WORKS, Toronto, adRB_ $ T.K2.1T.Ds LITS At the old elm" w the legman. 0.1.11.\. QODNEtiC= PLANING MILL *31ABLIIHID IS Buchanan, Lavin s Bobinin OAPVPStTUa.tl OF Sash, Doors & Blinds D0.&LAY IX ALL 0111,68 Of Lumber, Lath, Sh::w: sal l '. .r saw now= A IPEC21LTI. OVA bider prpk>Sen4sd mm. GeA1NM leers. f< MIS 14/ MAY BLOOD :"n" Manan wham sypti11(/lMe.eae..a v11/y. UPON itt=Wv- BL00D Ito eyoll sea. r 110