HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-10-21, Page 4FALL EXHIBITION
Dress Goods in Melton's, from 10c. to tOc. per yard.
See our Special Line, 14 inches wide, at 12}e.
All -Wool Dress Goode from 20c. per yard up.
A splendid stock of Plushes, Velvets, Braid, &c., for Trimming&
Good Silk Plush for 85e. per yard.
Extra value in Mantle Cloths and Ulstering&
Wool Shawls, Fascinators, Tama (►'Shantcr Caps, Hoods, Hosiery,
Gloves, &c., at Very Low Prices.
The Largest and Best Stock of Tweeds and Coatings in town to
select from.
Underclothing Very Cheap.
A11 -Wool Shirts and Drawers from 43c. up.
NO T1 mule] H TO UB W "Dffi.
Yon will nave from 10 to 20 per cent.} y-UtAng-from
Jordan's Block, Court House Square, Ooderich.
Oodmtcb. sopt- me. lea7. 2111
New Advevelseme.ae Tale Week.
Tobacco /'used -Robs. Gore.
(3e1 the Beet-loedoo Advertiser.
Wan Paper at 6e. per Roll Fraser, PIM,
nayThor f
••ed Black Spanish for Flab -i.
V tatter.
Caa.dl•a Badness University -Thea. Res -
Tonic Coca Wise--Armbrecht. Nelson k Co.
E xecutors Bale -Sager k HartL
A osiers re, train' notes,
An' AIWA he'll newt q."
BAaoslxa IM Caimans, --at the total aims
Carriage Narks. to make room for the winter
N ock.
All orders left at Geo. Ftew•rt's for life-size
oil pointless will be carefully and promptly
attended to.
Li -quer tea at lowest rales and of beet qual-
ity at Geo. Rhyne.% the 'headquarters for
drugs, chemicals. dyestuffs and everything
else to tr. found In a first -clam drug store.
The fine weather of the pant few weeks
has been • great contrast to the preoedins
tau but there 1. al wars uniformity in the
worst (tuned out by R. IL Sallow* the photo-
The falling of the leaves should be tugger
live of changing summers apparel, and
:mirth* on of heavier raiment. Ton can
mane • Suing change by calling upon Y. and
A. Pridbaai. the tailor..
THa Worex'a CHRI.T1A• TIM /RANcx
UNION will meet regularly for the transection
01 business ever Tuesday afternoon at 220
o'clock, In Knot church. lever► woman in-
terested in the work is cordially invited to
For all drags, dye-etnRl, perfumery. patent
medicines. chemlcab, eta.. beat quality
sad lowest re'c call at (Goode's drug -store.
Albion Block.OSpectal attesting' paid to die
peesimnt or prwcrtpttons end family recipes.
W. C. Goode. drusmtN.
rise TAlLam ea. -Customers ready to stead
repand bo 'measured for • fall suit or overcoat
of strictly the choicest goods In the market.
with a est sad make in strict accordance
with trustees sad true art, should Inspect
Ma: insure Imeaense stock of new fall good.
fall satteum end nobby of ercostinss 1. ago
the new abodes- Don't fall to see them.
bee ereadrles pat scrap Iron In their
N imbat Heeteb peg tree Gurney
thes they
t ested• S. &leaders oe dos are the sate
for these celebrated store. also for the
w v k..w _ "Art assn. beaus,
arid sus thea at ttttetr new wart
ro▪ om. oast to the past oleos TM cheap-
est bones maw the sun.
THz Ht.Ox AND Bal'ct Lear AND irrrutT-
motT Cosrraxr.-Depoeiton in MIL company
have tet best possible eseurity for their moa-
ey. all being Invested In montage on farm
Depositors 11.1. of iinte est to all
p g gated.
=dustiest mar-
nommen barismoaa-
Phis means ehewM cmll and .e. the mamas,.
E $ANS Or►mt.-Puring the w
m•lMer st this Week and nest week at the
hamar la std or the poor ot Ood.rkh, aay
person pvir4tl.st•g 1 Ib, of tea Ceps eta watt
M tinware t7 seeds sr any otter goods la
the "tars wW remit a ticket free to partici-
pate 1a tie drawleg of • prize of one beautiful
parker coal inv., value its. Remember the
center Kimonos -et. and Square.
i7aib's Blurt. Oodarich. Great baneful center
loos and tlaware and all other goods,
kr. bean Swift is again seriously ilL
Walter Shannon has teturved from the
The fall Assize Court will be held in
town next week.
Fraser, Putter & Kay .re selling wall
riper at bei a roll. See adv't.
Mise Lizzie Stewart has gone to Ben-
milier, to visit friends tar • week or se'
The town 'paid $27 for constable'
fees in c,oueet.0.0 with the Northwestern
Miss Maggie Cook has gone to speed
the winter u, Stretford, with her sister,
Mrs W. Pridism.
Rev. Mr Aikens, Toronto, preached
an impressive sermon iu Knox chunk,
last Sunday ersnir.g.
The Big Mill 1. .hipping large
quantities of lour and receiving largo
quantities of wheat.
We regret to learn that flavin Burnt►
ere. an old employee of the registry of.
les, is seriously ill.
Hoary Horton has disposed of hie
atone cottage on Newest* 81., to Wil-
liam Rhyme for $900.
Mr H. L Rotbs.11 was 1n town this
week. He had jest returned frees a
trip to British Columbia.
Mime Marine firant has returned home
after a two swathe' visit among friends
In Brentwood and Toronto.
Mn O►eeoey, of Roscoe Farm, t
igmoodvife, has boon the guest of
Mr Straiton and friends during the
Cosrist. -Tse lint minim' std
literary sweet, under the auspices of
tet Ooderieh Probibitioa League will be
vet b tie Temporises* hall, om Ttm-
thy eveaimg meat, Nev. 1st.
The finance committee of the town
council have reported against the placing
of the exhibition perk debentures un sale
at ••• t.
r::istt arivz Marries; -The annual
meeting of the Conservativi Association
of West Huron wits be held in Oodertch
Wednesday next
Fred Cattle, who was prostrated with
fever recently in Saginaw, has recovered
sufficiently to return home. He looks
as if he had a hard siege.
Dr McDuagh will be in Goderich for
consultation on Saturday, the 5th of
November, and afterwards on the first
Saturday of every month.
MORTUARY.-The sexton's report of
interment in Maitland cemetery for the
month of September showed that 2
adults and 2 children bad teen interred.
BAND or Hurs.-Knox church Band
of Hope will meet Thursday, Oct 27th,
at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, to elect of-
ficers and practice for the entertainment
in the evening.
1'. & J. Storey have endeavored to
meet the demand for potatoes by im-
porting • large quantity from Lower
Canada. They are going off like the
proverbial hot cakes .
Dr. M. Nicholson. the West street
dentist, makes the preservation of the
natural teeth a specialty. Gas adminis-
tered from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for the pain-
less extraction of teeth.
RIL(rven.-Mies Iduscher, of the C.
P.,R. telegraph office has been promoted
to • more lucrative position in Toronto,
and has been relieved at this point by
John Leu, of the Co's staf.
Customs collector, A Farrow, return -
et from his holiday trip last week and
relieved Mr Knox, of Stretford, who
had performed the duties of the office
during Mr F•rrow's absence.
No MUD Mtgs.-Robe Beattie and
C. A Vaatter, of Stratford, pald a visit
to Goderich during the week. They al-
ways enjoy a visit to a town when there
is not "sixteen itches of mod."
Secure. -Don't forget the social in
North-st. Methodist church this (Friday)
evening. Refreshments served at 7 u' -
clock sharp. Admission only lbs A
✓ od program bag been provided.
Commit ix Btratem.-S. A. McLean
bee purchased the interest in the butcher
shop on H•miltoo-st., formerly owned
by 8. Andrews, std will oowduct the
hesitates hereafter. He intends to refit
the shop throughout.
A CALL ExTmMDSD.-Knox church
000grret gaation, at • special meeting held
on W.deeed.y ermine for the purpose
of electing a colleague for Dr. l're, de-
cided to cell Be,. J. H. Simpson, ot
Breceddd, to the position.
Maiuso AM Avivvt. -Birt, ratepay-
ers of the town have memortalized the
eonecil to eonstit•te Elgin street an
avenue, and burin the tree planting this
fall. The matter is now in the hands of
the public works oottimiltee.
Rst-tvet Snncsa. - Next Toesdsy
afternoon at 3 o'clock • series of revival
services will be begun in Victoria -M.
church, under the leadership of J. H.
Sedweek, one of the well knows. Savage
Band of evangelistic workers.
Mr and Mn Robert McBrien, of Chi-
cago, formerly ..f Goderich, were in town
during the week,in oonn.Mio n with their
property in this section. Tby bore ev-
ery evidence of being in • prosperous
condition in the Phoenix City.
Ha Gor Hie Rome -Our townsman,
R. Bellows, the photographer, Saturday
Wt reeved an order from Rev. Dr
flexion for a number of photos. Mr
fi.lk•ws appears to hare caught the ex-
ios of the talented divine to its
Il extent
Nrw Parr.. -The Budget is the name
of the latest claimant for public patron-
age In the newspaper lin. in Huron
County. It is published in Brussels, is
Tory in politica, is edited by A. H.
N. Jenkins, formerly of Dunham, rad
Maims that it will "fiU a lows felt want."
TM. KRANs COMPANY. --The Keane
Comedy Company planed "Mn Partner- I
on" on the boards in the Grad Coen
Hoose Friday seeming last, •rad erees d -
d in giving a fair •adte.•• a goodly
Aare of eurt•im.nt. The pies., es
drnm•tied,ggave rood some for *emeriti
displays, and "Mn Portieres'," "ike,"
}fi..e,"The D.s.e.,.. "The
Poet," sad the "Hind Girt" filled the
kfL r every betsee.
As Armee Vore. -Owls' to the I Aae.•th, the fairest Mill le an the heel,
book is sonaristina with tet he tw
pr- .4 the e1 her lees Aeon. et
sad varstabio portion of the North -
maws Sabibitise peas Net having boss
mislaid, that bterestiwg depsrttseat was
5...e+idnwy abase from our otherwise
full repett lad week. Blame tet jdise,
A Savona AM./ sass. wm.
Smith, IR.M-.L, boa Hien suavity lar
the past week with • .even steak d is-
lammalioa .f the eye, sad tears are ea-
t.rtain.d that the 1M will be attest-
ed. Of bee there bas been some im-
provement, but her GODS u Mill a very
Male one.
Ezrt_,•Antnintr. -The Knox aura
}Load of Hope will bot} their *sued en-
tertainment us the ovssi.g of Thursday,
Oct. 27th, in the bantams A goad
programme is hi course of pr.paratius.
Sliver oollectios at the dour. Children
beloegieg to Band will be admitted free.
Doors open at 7 o'clock, programme at
H. 8. L. b. -The astral fortnightly
meeting of the High School Literary
society took place 1 •t Friday even[es.
After the routine bovine.s the fol-
lowing program* was presented : Read-
ing, Mies Martin All.a ; reoutstion, Mies
Finlay ; chorus, the members ; dares.
selections, Mw Rose Strang ; nolo,
Mies Strachan ; address, Mr Meddle ;
recitation, Mr Oovealock ; readier. Mr
H. I. Strang B. A. ; chorus, the mem-
Tassarsss'. STAT/111.11T. -Treasurer
Horton's statement fur September is as
follows : - R.osipta :- Bedfast from
Augnot $1291.77, M•itlaedeamen $65,common schools $96. fi.sa _ _Mit
taxes $7006.-$0247.77 '-
printing $30.84. weever streets $5/1111.
schools $404.84,oew part $!974.01, pub-
lic works $47.25, sundries $2, rakef
$15. C. C. 11. bill payable $1200,
interest $5 74, salaries $20(.14, balance
$4868.74. Total, $9147.77,
"Tat Orem Coral. "-A fortnightly
journal published in Chicago, called The
Open Court, has come to hand, It is •
aeteetihc-religious journal, and has
amongst its contributors many of the
strongest intellects of the day. It is well
printed and all edited, and although
only established bat ?ilkreary has al
may attained • targe 'isolation, and
made • rapid literary edema. Amongst
the contributors to the issue of Oct 13th
is Col. T. W. Higlrinson, W. M. Salter,
$dmood Montgomery, M. D.
F. M.
Holland, 8. V. Clevenger, M.D., Dr. P. To the Editor of The sweat.
Carus, and Prof. Thos. Davidson. Ste, -Some people have remarked
Tea BAzas.-Saturday last the bazar that our annual show is very call re-
in aid of Me poor relief was opened turn fcr the amount of money we *peat
formally by Mayor Seeger, with an d- on our agricultural park. They cannot
dress of endcreatiun. During the week deny that this year notwithstanding al-
e fair amount of business has been done, most everything, weather included, was
and it is proposed to keep the bazar against us, our *how turned out to be an
open during next week. A Dumber of exhibition and • great success, financial
our local roalits, o•naisting of Mrs ly and otherwise. The park is one of
Tome, Mies Skimmings, E. C. Belcher, the best investments the town ever en -
Walter Hislop and others have given tend into, and the competition between
valuable assistance during the week, and , the electric lights showed conclusively
Tuesdayevening the town band die. that if we desire to keep up with our
coursed melody. Owing to Rev. P. J. neighbors, especially as • summer resort,
Shea being unable to come to Goderich we cannot afford to be without that sys-
at present, the lecture has been in tem of illtuntatton. As'a means of
definitely postponed. advertising aboe it will be worth iota(
coot twice over. We know what be -
"Tag FAILUtt or Tat Srorr Aar."-
Tuesday evening a lecture was given in 1 remis of a merchant who does not ad.
Grand n House b Rev. B. B- ertu• and heap in the swim. Whyy i should not towns advertise as well as
Keefer, under the auspices cf the W. C. I merchants I Halt • dozen electric light*
T. V. The chair was occupied by M. 100 the .ulnare wall make our town re
McGillivray, president of Goderich Pro nowned all-over the continent. There
hibitory League, who gave a short ad- . is no reason why the see of oar •itricul-
dress on temperance work in general. i tarsi park should be restricted to the
During the evening musical selections 1 fall exhibition alone. Ti. grounds
were rendered by Prof. Morgan and his I fall
be the centre for all the athletic
Keefeter, "Fairy." The addrem by Mr. I sports, and ought to be apportioned out
Keefer was • scathing denote iatiun of ! amongst the different clubs at a small
the liquor traffic, and an appeal to his !anneal rental to each.
hearers to work so that prohibitory legis- 1 Why should we not also have an an-
lation would shortly be enacted. He de- neat show of tit not for the egr-
the action of the Canadian Sen- ! page of exhibiting' dune, but eon for
ate in unmeasured Serene 1 the purpose of sales and the attracting
TRIED To GeT Away. -John Eno, • here, by liberal advertising, of foreign
buyers. In the town of Smith's Fella
they have held such a show about the
middle of December *very year since
183& Last Tear it was bold on the 11th
and 12th of December, and buyers were
premed from Bunton, New York, and
nearly all the commercial centres of the
continent. By nine o'clock on the
moraine of the first day over sixteen
hundred team* and vehicles were on the
street and on the day. of the fair over
125 tons of poultry change hands.
The prices paid tees ranged from about
100 to 12c. per pound for turkey' ; 6e.
sesame* posses of the items. Hollow
Myst. Bet every .emteaes h 1.11 et
bsaati ul tkr,.libieg life as *bee
Aaath is described as "tall sod grace-
ful as • palm, sod when aas inured it
w ee as 'bough a wind 'impelled bee.
She seemed nut to .et one toot beton
'` • oche' as do the daughters of Ines,
bei mum to steal uow•r4 tf%ti the
stirring of her 'gannets as store ik.
sons of God." The story is the must
u nique production yet given to the pub
lic by this young litesery guise
S HOOL BOAILD Msertnu -The •shoal
board Bret on Monday evenitsS. Pres-
ent- ii. Msloom.on in the ober, W.,,
Acheson, H. W. Hall, Julie Bader, A.
Monte, M. Ntcholeoo, Rea Price sad
Clete Swanson. Minutes 01 previous
messing read as.d approved. The prio-
tripal'a retort showing an average attend-
e e*, of 191 boys and 272 girl•, was re -
caved and filed. Inspector Tom report
d to the board the necessity of alters
lions in the schools. The report was
referred to contingent committee. Ac-
counts :-E. F. Armstrong, $8.GO, was
on motion ordered to be paid ; John
Yule, $3. 76, was also ordered to b. paid
insurance, $13.75, was ordered to be
paid. Commaniustiota were read from
Mies A. Crook for promotion to sutra
school, Maria L Fletcher fur sure, Miss
Annie Campbell for a positio a, Mw K.
Ball fur position vacated by Misr Mar -
Mies Ralph fur No. 4, at $300,
Miss I. E. Sharman for an immure of
salary, Mies E. Wiggins for a department
in the public *chisels. The following ap-
pointments were then made : - Allan
Ei.boey, principal ; Mies Blair, room
No. t; Mimi Biomass, room Ni. 3; Mips
Crotty. www No. 4; Miss A. Campbell,
room No. 5; Mies K. Ball, room No. G.
Ward Scbool.-8L David's, senior, Miss
Cooke ; St. David's, junior, Mies Wig-
gios ; Se. Patrick's, senior, Mw Burrito;
St. Patrick's, junior, Mies Thompson
St. Andrew's, senior, Miss Watson ; St
Andrew's, junior Mise Sharman. Dr.
Howes addressed the board regarding
the several books that he wished to in,
troduce in the schools. A motion re-
fusing to purchase the sets was adopted.
A oosaplint was made by Mr Bridget
about pupil punishment ; tas mete was
referred to school management summit.
Imitates the extol/Mims Part.
by the Way send Incidents
of the Trip.
Later IFes/lanes roe •Nast, -TM tins.
sal .f Mime rdward tared -slew
Keeling • titauawam-To emit
Aet at do ----- _
Al lea1Ma-
prisoner awaiting trsnaport to the Cen-
tral Prison, Toronto, for six months for
horsatealing, got possession of the key
of the aide eutrance to the jail and made
his escape on Sunday morning. The
alum was at once given, and constable
Yule started in permit The prisoner
was recaptured within two miles of hie
mother's re.ideoce in Hullett township.
He alleged that he merely wanted to
see his mother and bid her goodbye pre -
raw to his departure for Toronto.
Wednesday he was brought before his
honor Judge Toms, charged with break-
ing jail, and sentenced to an extra three to 8c. for geese and other fowl in pro -
months in the Central Prison. portion, and altogether some $26,000, I
A C.AtTAvQra ClitcLit E•TARIJan1D. a informed, was left in the neighbor-
-It will doubtless be a pleasure to the hood.
readers of Tun STOMAL to learn that 0. Tease who know, my we have • better
popular Chautauqua coups of reading Bounty for poultry than Smith's Falls, tae so err AOT WAS IN Tulles Stu
ha been taken advantage of by a rem- and our park auagemeat should esr
bur of thereon' p.opleof our town. The tsinly take time by the forelock, and He assured as that it was, and supposing
Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle lied the ran in this enterprise in eur that it Hes as strictly enforced here as
has become an inat'tL:ion or vorld•wide section of Ontario.
B. N. Ltwa. elsewhwre,weengaired the w.ylothe tine,
renown, and therefore needs no emplane- _ and were at once ushered into • spaciouston. The local circle boasts • member.
•d wall -appointed bar room, well
ship of fifteen, and has ado as its supplied with everything needful to
name, "Huronlan," with the motto ; meet the requirements ot the thinly.
"Fina *trona! opus," (The end crowns We sl ikd our thirst. We had thoughts
the wort). The circle s Dow fully or• of spending Sunday here, bot • walk
ginned and is looking forward to plata ab,ot the place of half an hoer, soon d.•
ant as well as profitable evenings under sided as to altar car determio.tioe and
the presidency of Mr. 8. P. Halls, B.A. to push on for Halifax. Here we pact.
d from our 0.tawa friend, he haring to
lx Tors Tolu.-Jobe Shenklin, • return in the boat the following week.
teamster, was arrested Tuesday morning C1110041,10 Tat HARBOR
was set est from Brei in
17* .anises to eeaepy Louisburg.
feels Moes $u4. deet Roam., and
s UIR the coast of New land, The
kis', Weever, was icy heavy
Morals, aad only a rem•wit numb-
ed this port, whit was thea haus as
Chaisetl Boy. Lesef.11ow alludes to
to this iaetdeat ` Ms ballad of flea
Vent I NI :
A. '• leiL' d
rete west,'
Te e a •asst stet was
u emMsm Nwe."
The fleet however Meer ruched "Bus.
ton Teta," bei nsg wrested and diapets-
. r by a saeettes s. of hoary Mumma.
After this the British Government re-
oogoinag the immense value .f this
place as • navel and military poet,
coloured and fortified it, and it has ever
since baso the chief caval Manua Rt
North Amine.
Tet IAke R,
which is spacious and well shelterd,ia re-
nowned se one of the finest to the world,
its length, inchidia' the Bedford basis,
being over tee mile. The oldest part
of the town is along the water, in the
neighborhood of the dookyud, some of
the buildings hen present • very anti-
quated appeal -noes, and must be u u!d
as the P.C.'itself. I could imagine that
Me walls of souse of them hate echoed
the shouts and soogs of the jolt; ten of
the "Shannon,' when celebratteg their
viottory by a glorious spree asiore, 74
years ago. 1u the Bourse of our wander-
ings we came to old
51. PAUL.* tartrate,
whew rest many of the old plusses et
Heli1.a, the pews has a sadly Digl.oted
hook, the graves being overgrown with
rank gees and weed•. Many of the
tombstones are cromeling with age, and
on some the in.criptiuns are worn
sway, but we deciphered sense that
dated as far back as 1796. la front of
the gate is • haudeome arcb, surmount-
ed by • lion erected to the memory of
Wiesturd and Parker, two Nova Hcotis
Aileen killed in the Crimean war.
G. B. C.
No. 3.
Friday n..,rnIsg saw us atomise
throesu Nortbern boo lead Strait, with
tits me teoutta colored snores of Primes
Edward Island cm one hoed sad the coast
of New Brunswick on the other. Tide
islacd should be, to judge from appear-
ance, • fine t4rieultunl country. The
land appears to be gently undulating and
well wooded, and pressen a beautifully
grout appointees', as compared with the
parched look of Western Ontario. 1
meatus that this is largely doe to •
certain moisture in the air derived from
the proximity of the saltwater. The
vegetatieu hen is much more back-
ward that out Weal, as both here end
in Neva 3.&Oita we saw several Gelds o1
green oats, and the potato tops were as
green as with us to June. Our first port
of call here was
st'YL LJL•4IDi,
which is beautifulty situated on • fine
bay, and is quite • summer resort Find-
ing that we had two or three hours to
span, Uncle and mien. oar Ottawa
friend and the little New Yorker started
en • tour of Inspection. After wallows
a while, New York suggested a 000ktail
We fomd4, however, that as this Sett
Antti ford, they did not sell mixed
drinks ; but a couple of bottles of Bees
were produced and disposed of with
promptness and dispatch. Some of the
passengers varied the monotony of the
.jeerney by taking the train to Charlotte-
town to await the boat there, but as we
had come fur • ea trip we wanted all we
could get of it, and so stock to the ship.
is said to be run in • rather go -as -yon•
plass fashion -something after the mate
nor of • O.T.R mail train beteg*
Stratford and Goderich. 11 they oot e
to a berry patch, they stop the train, and
all the train hands and such of the pass-
engers u may feel so disposed go and
pick bernea The distance to Charlotte-
town is about 40 miles, the trait left
about 2 p m., and was in Charlottetown
in time 10 meet the boat at 10 p.m.
This city which u
is situated at the head of • deep bay
which almost divides the island. As it
was after dark when we got there, we
could not see much of the place, but
noted that the natives were blest in the
possession of the electric light, the Scott
Act and other evidences of civilization.
Early Saturday morning we were in
sight of the Nova Scotia coast, beadles
fur Picture which place was reached
about 10 a.m. The last time 1 had bees
here was 22 years ago, whet • buy at
esa, and 1 found it now the same sleepy,
old-world, jog -trot, kind of • plass it
was then, but if scything duller. It weed
to be something of a shipbuilding port,
but now there was not • sign of a ahip-
yard, and only two squarerigged ships,
besides a small craft, in port. Here we
had tv
which had been our home for the last
four days, and, speaking for myself,I left
her with regret, as I considered the time
spent in her the pleasantest part of the
trip. I had grown quite attached to
the craft, and fel: loth to lases her.
The captain, purser and chief steward,
the officers with whom we came most in
contact, were Redal and courteous in
manner, and did all in their power to
make us feel at home ; and with good
quarters and a well -kept tahle,we should
have been hard to please had we nut
done so. I would here recommend any-
one contomplating• trip down the Uulf
to go in the Mirauichi, and would
further suggest that in
they ehoeld take cue off the dmi.g
saloon forward in preference to those to
the after cabin, as the boats in the
former are fore and aft, while those in
the latter are atbwar:ahips, which are
apt to be uncomfortable if the bust
should roll much. After throwing our
baggage into the waggon we strolled op
to the principal betel Feeling, tired atter
our walk, w• enquired of the urbane
c'erk if
A number of Toone people have lett
thio place lately, to spend the winter
with Uncle Sam. Among those who
left are :-Mies Bella Reid, Meme
Archie McKenzie, Jas Rad, Allan
McKenzie and John Hunter. No won-
der Detroit is • prosperous city, when
there are .o many from Paramount
cheered with stealing • bag of train it the railway ferry boat we arrired at
from the barn of Andrew Drysdale, News had been received from Wre
Goderich township. The theft ie alleg- Murdoch, Manitoba, regarding Mr and rid" Lan ung. the terminus of thl
dn have or early n mitted morning. and wfh hrs A ave Dryden,
of tie,
e' have left of th at 1d30 Our train should
nighty y R. R yenormous amount of a e carried by
the grain was 'nod to the wale of typhoid fever. They are at present in a b•X!I R
Sheathe, owing to • leak from • small fair we' of recovery. Their oldest on. the' "pahty," and the time takes in
hole is the bels, who dropped grata on Jas A bryden, died from the same dl• cevipltesg on • special ear for their
the roadall the way from Drysdale's' to ease, on the 1st day of Oct. benefit, delayed our departure for hell
8lteuklia'a The bag of grain Hes The first annuals. opening •envieof an hour. At New Glasgow then was
(nand in • buoy enured over with the Hope Methodist church, took lace snothcr • s snoopier delay without any as-
cane•a bhenklin was ht before p srrivedo e•os., ditto at Truro, and we
tl lent a mora, Rev F E Narita preaching arrived at Halifax about 8 p. m., or an
the Mayer Tuesday afternoon and n• it eke morning, sol the Rev 1(r Han -
mended until Thursday morning, whim nonf h G
• farther remand was held, owing to the The day and the rude b .
, n t • uelph era *rues, at night.
eft •
absents of material witnesses• amid be desired, the beadle', was fell
"Ha irs's" res Normans. -One of on both occasions. The tea meting
the distinguishing attractions of the Ifo- was held on the following Meekly
rester /terp'r's is a'arvellous romance night. The ladies of the congregation
by Mies Amalie Rives. railed 'The fiery provided an excellent iior in the old
of Arcot." It purports to to an auto- church, when the pso0+pp.trod to
biography of Arnot, the fourth um of partake with a relish of the first pert of
Noah, whose swpardonsble sin in taking the proem'. After tea the people re-
s wife from a wished family brought torted to the few church for the la-
tdteets•1 part of the eoterttaittsi.at,
which was enjoyed with as peal relish
es the first, the speakers Wag Nov
Masan Nugent, Lseknow, JiIhrd. M.
A., Ripley, and Mr E lY Risheits, of
Parealowae. The eh.tir beanpoles' the
speaking with singimg. Prom&
emossted to IMO
spoil him the cons of bis father, sed
prevented siestion of him in the aerie -
tarsi narrative. The story it told with
$ charming mastery of Oriental fetlitg,
and thrill with a briniest •xnbae.ee
of passionate imagery. it 1 $ press
poem of vivid dramatis peter. sloths/ 1•
superb beauty of thought The mug at
hour later. After capturing our grip
and ronning the gauntlet of noisy bbsacck
men, ate., we selected • hack and were
soot' bowling alone toward the Osseo
Hotel, when we took up aur leaden.
Finding that none of the "piety" turn-
ed up, we began to felicitate ourselves
s having seam them, but es the
sequel will show ws wee somewhat pre-
mature. Sunday morning being bright,
alar and warm us started out cher
breakfast nn • tour of exploration.
is an old city, and rich in bietorieal re-
misleenees. Founded in 1749 by Lord
Core w.11is, it was first Balled Chebocto,
bet the name was afterwards chewed in
eemplruent to the Earl of Haile.
D'Anville's gest lent, the Frena
stale 100111 -elks MON lima, ear tlyss-
peat►ed-lt/ ser hatribesrea
"How much does it cost to maims an
encycltps diar was asked of re' hart,
and he said :
"That depends upon the melted mi-
med in slaking it. The Ameriass Cydo-
peedi• cost $500,000 before • penny was
realised. The reaps and sacraria. in
the work cost about $115,000. The best
lithographers were employed and may of
the pistorns coat brodre& of dollars."
"How is an eneyclop(.•.ia miler
"Well, visually atter the method em•
played in compiling dictionaries. Editors
are engaged for the different departments.
There is the religious editor, the medical
editor, the historical editor. the mimetic
editor, and the editor on mtscellemeous
subjects The beat authorities in the land
are chosen to edit the work, and Large
malaria are paid. In the prtmeea of com-
ptlation an alphabetical rule is observed.
The old encydlopudies, such as Cham-
ber'. and Encyclopaedia Britannica, are
followed as regards the subjects they
treat of. The moderr euryclopuedia, how-
e ver, has very much of a newspaper
flavor. It is based upon the principle of
American jouraliieen. Its timely and
intended to hit the spirit of the are.
The bioTraphi.s of promisee men are
made an especial feature. TIN American
CyclopsJia is the greatest undertaking
in tbe art of book -making ever attempt -
in this 000n.ry. Charles A. Dana, of
Tse Ne.., was and is the editor in ehief.
He fixes the prices paid to 000tribtrtora.
He knows the valor of every word that
s written. 1f an article is handed in by
a specialist and soother comes in from
an obscure professional man in any
science he chooses the best"
"How mach do the centributore to en-
erclopsd1s maker'
Geserrlly cos pay magazine safe, --
that 1,510 per 1,000 words. Many el the
arttokaa,bewevar,esoat for more than IbM-
There are some oottribtton who receive
$500 or $1,000 per 1,000 words. Many
of the asticies,bowever,00st far more than
than. There are some co.tstbrtoes who
receive $600 or $1,000 for a skate arti-
cle. They possess exclusive information,
however. Dr Melly, who is the au-
thority on cancer, and editor of The
Medical Record, furnished as exclude
information oo that subject aad ea
coy others conceded with emery.
Of course a apseislist 1 paid far more
than ordinary. writers. Ohm a page eats
us $600. Thea, we eta page after pogo
at the eat of M. Many of the writers
are eren who bold W fosemost rata in
literate*. Cossa9esutly they deemed
Lace prices for their Hoek."
"How mach mosey is invested in m-
'' t is a dinette qusstios to answer,
We bare ran Tato the minims ea salsa,
but it should be remembered that a
clopsedise seas tumor sold in bulk. am
inetalmett plan is always adopted. Oer
contributors pay for each volume as it is
"In cane • volume is lost, can it ke dr-
"That depends cn who the knee may
Ism A regular contributor, ciao who hoe
bean buying volume after volume for
Heon can certainly be seeommodrted.
is name is down as our books, and we
mores* him as a pairot of the house.
A genion set of seemlopintW omit a
grow deal of money, abort $150 to $60.
ooneisestly they are sold it Mee&
menta and the parakeet eer is pressen* --
New York Mail ODed Eipeea.
Perhaps no local disease has peabi-
and bond the seediest profession more
than reseal catarrh. While mot inn editlw-
1y fatal N is meat the most dYlewasimg
assesue and disgusting ilk tis flea k
heir to, and the reserde show very I.
or me Mee of radied mess of amnia
catarrh by any of the modted* of modes
(4 treatment until the islydudiea of
Ely's Cream Wim a Mw years ago. The
seesaw of this prep.rseios W base mak
gratifying end .mrptiimg.
FALL P,rpntm,-.Meroyale sod
eiseao hh--
o rs who *irk Fall iiris,Uy w g wets 1M1r
elseaplown y and
hav1g It nsie aftSawa dim
All (lirttliA 1.[2
Auction axle
1pbr.e` ru.s i
`y John Haas, softie
operty of Mt
at 1 o'eiwk p. ■
2twd, 1Ae'l. Tori
articles eel posters
Action sale of
Da'w y of Mr. W
Mau1od eosssmi
by Joke ,wos, .i
1187. As Yr. De
His sale wit bo
posters fur IW, tel
Aeolian ale of
meets, the proper
l'he., oa tut t0, iso
about two miles fr
bosadary 110, by
ser, commencing
Thursday, Oct. 271
for list, terms, &e.
All parties eon
sale, will consult I
getting their bill
chaonce,.s Mesa;
head up to ti.
111 iia
shit dlaer mlae d
cele was s.e of the
parte. ile triad al
dist I ever saw al
of .s ass. I Heal
Kant Daum. Oh
of 11. sad now fed
fed mar dsty 1
eased be TOO H.
for catarrh freta
hare all melt m>w
use they wW rent
' -I
aid scl
km most
t 1* • we
rammer tb real d
{bAAnsbessir 'u Coca'
I Dt
K e•bhe te'e'the'
41- F. JG
GET tb
A \ balance of
Ito all ss at tit
Itslsvwslsswosf 1
A limited wsmlar
peters is emse it
weirs Wsterw Ad
Agests wanted •e
valuable Were ss
sees ea•h 4*mw At' e4
Tar free
address. LR 1
Ton aq Mve tet
111101 Preen
'm. ter en MAI
baso • t