The Huron Signal, 1887-10-21, Page 1VORTIRTH //MAR. !
WilJLl NU3IHK7: rift.
McOILLiCUD01'. eLrrsa
tic Suron lienal , WHAT'S UPS
rt 11LmU.D 1 Things
It I. a wIdMwakc Ioca1 trwwee!p•a peerr demands. toasty mon sad the Mss.micMlti. et ass
tui knowledge.
MATTA sr s1 mlr eireme
11.30 a year : :iso. for sit slsetbs • tea for
three worths. o frit♦
fib. sa trINI i.e Ie- act seat
ail vases. eaaee, sel,ssrictltw be charged •t
the rate of !Mau a year.
Legal •
per flue for
Nit each s
a ..e.,
her casual advertisements, ar.
i - • and 3 erns per Ilse
t l ton. Measured by
Local notices in noaperal type Sc per line.
Local notion hi ordinary reading 13 pc lc per
Basheti cards of .1* lines and ander $3 par
Advertiser/teats of Lost. Found. "Preyed.
elteatiews Vacant. ?Mutation Wanted and
nes Chances Wanted. not ezceodisg 3
Mrd 1I per moan.
le and Fats on bale. sot to
ter Pre* areedh. S0. per wb-
n.tia.mtssalb. Larger advt• is proportion.
taotba tb, object of which U to
as glary benefit of any indi-
II. to be considered an ad
Id *Bartel ooeordlntrh.
atilbrt.rmll w111 in 41 carp be strictly ad-
apssant NOM kir larger ad vertbetnests. or
adverckeeggese Asir extended periods made
known et ilboullbee of publication.
A tally equipped Jobbing Ottos is carried
leos with tile a
e otdlry newspaper
♦..I..ta 1 ertd..s work is tweed .o$
ass ress.m•tie rates. everything la the tMnt-
Yee sae ks demo oa thy presided
from as
p..ter to • visiting card.
A/I eeasealeatie s must be addressed to
Editor of Tr. 8IC,W.
0od.rlck Oat.
the Ea N[LLss,obaneellor of Victoria
4 lipeleobourg, died this week after
• Mort gems. Since the death or Dr
Ryerson the Methodist church has lint
no greater educational weaker. Fur
itrty yeses he had occupied • position
in the front tank.
Ir Canadians ma eo to the Visited
State*, and eo.apete soocessfalily with
the native -bora tesidouts, why should
they fear the competition of the Ameri-
cans if Commxeial Union were an 10
knowledged fact over the broad con-
tinent 4 North Amerieso 1
Rosser Teem*, of 8icaeee, M. P.,
for West Berea, has been the anbjeot of
a prelim's/try smesiestion in the matter
of the West Huron protest. In his
evidence b. .wore that he was not eon•
suited in any way is the plan of campaign.
but was Iserety ealgatted to deliver .d-
dressee at points enigma hie by the
eleotion soma.ittee. II ridently Ur.
Porter knows too little fag a nam 00 -
copying his responsible position.
Tan words of William O'Brieu, editor
of United /reload, for which he wee
esmm sed to ooert, and which through bantling led to rioti.g sad
bloodshed at Miiieletows, Ireland
w0 : "I tell you that the sawfish
people woeld despise yea and my it
served you right if you were to iie down
without fighting lar year homes." The
lamellate is that of • patriot -mot a
CoL. ALM Dsltlsow, MS.P., sad P.M..
' a.rui t• bas written a letter to Mr
r imes es the esti side of the
u".1 nabs .ggittios. In his letter the
writer fairly slops over with "loyalty."
OoL Demises is a loyalist with good
cause. He Inherited wealth paid his
anssson f.r Meir loyslty,sed he Womelt
hes fed for year at the p.blis crib. Col
Denison is • "loyalist" fer creams por-
poises only.
for point. of Information and Kam
pointer., and left the question to the
euuncil to decide. As I said last week,
That Are Happening walker's views are mon iu .card with
Around Ua my own than those of any man inside or
outside the council or its advisers that I
The betaxtNl, mar.-rtarr t'.sar. the sae- have yet heard, but although the ma-
desllatib. rear. raw Average *'rep.
Mare Wrapped r1.w■ ..ase.
Aad Thiess we busy are
Wear =Aa tlrpiaat.
jority of the members are ..defied that he
ls richt in the traits, I question if anv
programs will be made with the scheme
by tho present council. Their attitude
-This year, it asoma to me, the leaves
this matter is one of sublime Lwow -
ars falli.g rather early,end the fire heaps •roe. They don't know when to begin,
ars aglow all along the streets and around and are as inntloa:nt of the idea of loeatios
the Square I al ws3s Nei and at the as was the bay who had his gingerbread
time of the falling leaf, and it's the only }w'hrsk01o n trhis bind by lb' elephant`s
time of the year Ibat • melancholy twinge
truck. and who booking at this unwieldy
permeates my inmost feelings. I take I brutes, and seeing the trunk at one end
glory in the tracing air of winter nu* u I and the tail at the other, saki : "Con-
as I did in the sweet Ion` ago ; I found you, anyhow ; I'1 punch your
and wheo the snowflakes fill Cha air, and head 11 1 only knew which end it was
the mercury slides down and tries to hide un." The coined, with its passed bylaw
in the thermometer, 1 ballon my and ns know.elge of where to begin
trusty ulster around me, pull in the bell, business, has evidently •whits elephant
poll down the fur cap, smilingly face the on its hauls, and it will require new
elements, and cry "Ha ! ha !" as one bbosd at New Teen to) _ tiilfi-
who meets old and familiar friends and catty that now obtains. *JAI.
views again oft -repeated scones upon the
stage of life. When spring comes around,
with its budding vegetation, and opening
leaves, and vernal sights, I as one
who prepares for another race, and, once
more stripped of hoary garments, and
careless of restraint, is anxious to start
from the awes -ie eager to begin the
race. When summer susses, my pleas-
ure mounts high over the ripening har-
vest, the luscious fruits and the other
rewards of toil which mast the honest
husbandman on every side, sod I find
joy a the promise of plenty and the
hope of fullness that prevails all around.
Bat when autism= Domes, and the grain
has been garnered, and the threshing
machine has been abroad in the land,and
the market geotations are low, and the
rains belie to fell before the fall plowing
is completed, and the fall shows Aare
been held and the first prises on our lin.
are sot an average crop, and the moan-
ing winds begin to whistle,and the leaves
begin to fall, then I feel as mournful and
as 1.11 of caterwauls as a belated Thomas
cat in an unfamiliar neighborhood when
weeny steepen and deadly brickbats and
bootjack. do most abound. Yes, there's
a sort of woeful feeling about the time
of the sere leaf and the changing of the
Events Occurring In
Muddy ?.rt ma reseed Premier -
Belligerent tositr.*srst•I..$.- •
rasaatNe nspsse-T•
sieves- A -'.0.915es
The first half of October was very
disagreeable for pedestrians, but since
Friday the weather has been delightful.
Our streets were is • wretched oondi-
tio., and "Muddy York" was the re-
mark of teeny • scan as he plunged
A Record of it. Run to Chicago
and Return.
ffederkb reit 1a t'Yleage Canadians
"IOWA Their •w.' algal* by the
Wry rel.,.It Rel
5saday sad a■ ead-
rsatl.a.d sieges..
We offer no apology to our reader ter
placing before them, in the follcwing and
.assae4l.g letter, from the pen of a
msmhar of Teo $swru. staff, a sesisi
and racy aware! of • trip to the Metro.
pulls of the West. The usrrtive is out-
side of the bewen track, and deals only
with matter which an observing man
put down in his notebook while viewing
the sights and scenes of which he writes :
We left 0 xierich by the 18 30 train
on Friday, Sept 30th, and arrived in
Chicago on Slturday at 8 a. to. Just
before reaching the city, we noticed that
there appeared to be blocks of land, to
the extent of aeme thousaeds of sere.,
which seemed to be devoid of redden,
and were either used for gracing pur-
poses or were in the hands of •oeeula-
tun. At the station from amidst the
Ithrong we succeeded in singling out our
friends, Mr E. F. Moore, Robt whitely
and John Cox,
1and Stanley Hays and Miss Trainer, also
told Goderich folk, werethere to meet
Mn R G Reynolds. We were immediate-
ly conducted to the carnage of Mr Ben.
Allen, (another expatriated Goderioh
mea, who some twenty two year ago
went to Chicago and has since succeeded
in gaining a reputation in the front rank
of the pushing business men of the gnat
Western metropnlls,) and were driven
to the residence of Mr E. F. Moor,
where the wants of hungry passengers
were hospitably attended to. In the
afternoon we want "down town," and
visited some of the
ankle deep in mud across some of the •I'JHTs AND w•xNI,I.
crossings. First we called at the business place of
I had the pleasure a listening to Rev. Mr Ben. Allen, and as he is well-known
Thea Trotter, of Woodstock, in Jarvis to many of your reader a few figures in
connection with his jewellery establish-
ment may not be amiss. The premises
are situated at 141 State -at., in the mer-
cantile centre of this most progressive
of Western cities, when he at present
traacacta • busies's of $1,000,000 a
year, with an increasing tecdency. Tee
capital invested to carry on the immense
trade is $400,0)0. Some fifty employees
beadle the goods in the store, eight
traveller are employed on the road con-
tinually, and the daily expenses are
*250. The trade extends as far East as
Ohio, and Kest to Utch, taking in the
South western Staten. The next point
of interest visited was the splendid
wbieh is one of the features cf the city
pointed with pride by all business Cbi-
cagosna. The ground occupied is
175 feet frontage, by 263 test depth.
Zech faced. is finely finished, with hand•
some entrances and relies ing prajeetioaa
Over the main entrance are toe .obis-
mane feminine figures, representing re-
spectively "Manufacture" and "Agnsel-
tare." Over the Jackson street portal
rises the fewer, tapering into 4s
e1. 304 test above the pavement. This
tower is surrounded, at an altitude of
900 fest, by a lookout balcony, oom-
mending a wide view of the city, lake
and surrounding country ; but it is sot
open to visitor. The massive buddies!,
crowned with its lofty tower. is one of
the city's most prominent landmarks,
beige visible to vessels bound for the
port from • great distance out in Lake
Idahoan. The building cost .bout
$1,700,000. The membership of the
Board is over 2.000, member pay-
ing annually $75. Admission fee $10,-
000. We were .dmitNid to the gallery
while tire broken were in
street Baptist church, in this city, on
Tuesday afternoon last. He is a young
MID, considerably under forty, but as
an elo ioent, forceful and cultured
speaker, he has few egad. in Canada.
The sudienos was comprised ebieIy et
preachers and prominent laymen of the
Baptist church, and the sermon was
the question of Christian education.
fulisge,aad the soughing of the wind and was published in full in the lliobe of
Ube creaking of the toughs seems to me Monday, bat the charm of the speaker'.
'regnant of decay, and emblematic of vola. his earnest delivery and his clear
di.aolotlun and Death in human kind, .*uscatioa, added to the power of the
and— dinoowna whoa spoke*.
-Bot then, if I haven't almost start- The park preachers, or rather some of
ed apoe a sermonizing tour when I sin- the eontruvereialtsts, had • lir:dy time of
ply wasted to talk • little horse sense oe it on Sunday afteriooa. A Mr Pell, •
the prospect of things for the ooming blatant Eoglisbman who gloci•. in his
winter. From what I've been told infidelity, and one Donohue, an equally
there's a hard season ahead for poor noisy self appointed champion of the
folk. The winter gives promise of Roman Catholic church, abused one
being a le.gthy one, or I'm no judge. another perso.rally under the protases
How do I know ? Well, I'll tall yoe. of a debate aloe the lin of Christian
October started in cold, raw and rainy, ice The debate waxed .o '"em
sad has now settled down to fine, soft t •crowd raG►ed in to take • bend
.ad sueshcse loo fine w be wholesome, i. the dispute,• whoa a poets of polies
y- htl.tled the pprvttneipala of fib•
-sad •"weather -breeder," as old sailors in different dir•etioes. If the debates
have it Whoa you get fine weather on Mari Hill were as lively as those on
daring the latter half of October, as we the Handto, .tared in 111.111.4e461:::.8
he Queen'. Park,
hs" beee havi i tw eau look set good
ass then Peal mess have had •
fir T go many were epithets than "bab-
for.gualb early i• November, and atoms bl.r" applied to him.
then daring December, January and It s. ezpeated that the anuml report
February. Then is another reason why 01 the Ben•.. of 1.dmstries will ha
I look for an early and severe, if not • issued this week. It will be • perfect
meem iue o/ A.sts sad ares es the
brag winter, sod that is that the kens growth, wealth sag of the
Gird their leathers early this fall, and Provisos. It will doubtless be om of
though you may laugh at the idea, peal- the most Copular 60.10 of reuse..
tory ""ears •and t'•Gpsetabi• old lad"es will whoa the 10.1 politied emotion
ng Oses-
tiea get dsm..i.g the gttlsaKo. of O.m-
beer me out 1.1 my stateme.t in this re- menial Union this whiter. The Melia
spirt. Yoe see, Nature is far ahead of ties are gathered from i.depr-i --t
human ken in this regard, sad whoa ► .seal have mon than the rAiabl-
early oold weather is likely to obtaln,Gbe Iity. of the berrierepared park•
fib• bird .teal brob areatwn ice doe 1ttadly pAs the book ls
prwp•rea met free to all1 who will ask for it, I
the ohmage, sed whoa the feathers of world act be surprised to bear that, like
fowl fall early, the new growth for wig- the tract of 1I184, it will soon be oat
ter comm eorrespesdr*gly early, and a. of t . Tomato "-odd has gots• into now
Tea leaves are hist falling, sod the
antosss winds are begianiag to Mow
mournfully, bet ep to the time of pies
to prem we have no ieformmtioe that
the Gov rement has made any more to-
wards s.l.sting the .its for the proposed
pwbla bnildkBge is Dederick. After the
lath of Normalise. the Tory paper ice
West Hares will Imre elaborate anid.m
with glowing b..dli.w in eomm.Miss
with this matter- bet sot until thea.
A peneeke la hike the orb of day, he-
eler* it rims is the ysat and sits is the
so*peat gNiay who thhlk they are
pemlpkk~ wnwld ..Ter take • prima
et so y/lMkeral fair.
"Hs was • men site bed ,.mired
' • aye • eatmetry paw is *911shes hoes t ear-
aleaa:- .a... lea .sal aa.a.
..sly spall or octal we•tber 6sed. ever/ ge arten on Melinda street. It is the
promotion made by Nature to help the only out-and-out Conservative arose in
inferior ereaterss. But, there again -it the all; "art•d has • very large
seems that s•
I am d.Mid to .ermo.ite urban circulation. I maid not be sur.
prised to hoar that the World lisw as big
this wok, if I do.'t pet oal an alrbr•ke; a t>ity eir.wlatios as the Mai( and (Nei*
se here goes : together. I are whims to se. hew
-i hear they had a high old time the World sed a mw Conservative paper
t week whoa Welker, the sginesries will .ell together-
Wean Oris Foo, a Chiaame., implored
caper' from P•• A.m., was in tow.. i. Shaha.bmry Hall tem eight ked week
They had two of the oneseil is on the gabfest, "Why I mm • Heathen."
.hart resin -or rather gatterings of the Mr Foo i. as Amerisenined Celadal,and
c.omilloee othews, whe IiMc.ed with Icas eves takes the oath d ee &
the d thuds Sem. Mr
eager sin .the 511145 of wladom the* gees however hes sot the fell mimiomhry
(ell from the lips of the Ni.hig.mder. spirit ; he sharps a smog &enemies fee
Walter is a good now 'Esker and fines to them who wish to hear htm Mesa
Pod .ashes M hi pomp•, .cal he la (Mr1ytity. His sail -Gospel is est
fres and silks/at pule.. & Usitaries
also a emboli ell human mien, sad be
dyed up ear musisipsl I.gtsllidrs
getytsu them "mat r R. WW1 /s
shwa* Is a qd.1, hissdly way, and Sim
*5'5IoN IN Ta. RTO( I *OOW,
and the scene and hubbub preesated
balled anything we have ever scan in
the land of the Beaver and Maple Led.
Sane 200 men, ezeited to all appeaesenee
op to the extremes' pitch of loamy,
were shouting and gesticulating wildly,
and although the words and actions
may have been comprehended by the
experts in "pets" and "calls," we were
*cable to eooeeive of anything to equal
the uproar outside of • lunatic asylum
with the noissst of patients hawing •
gala day, free from the restraints of
keepers, legch•les, handcuffs aed
strait -jackets. At 1 p m , sh..rp, the
excitement *lewd, and then an testae
ta..oaa-alseet miroculo wee
st omit apparent.. The hoarse shoots
massed, the wild gesticulations stn
the frusta waving of hands was ss
ly ..mpeeded, and the men who had
been to all is the wilds.*
oma most traria emacarori to get st sash
other throats, .t moo pat on sew
manners in amine and word, and settled
down to eondast t esssdves as "oede-
mas. The battle in the stook room had
seamed for the day. (ton them we pm
°aided to
Tilt rota Once,
.s imtm.ese Mildly. fuer stories high
prewar, meted se A lot d supportedimmense by immea iron pillars, and
white mea yigs.omdy 'Weeded tke' .n whisk a velem* of heal.... almost
mare ldelphersse ndimesis 1 the imnwdibi. to Oweadisa remises is trs•-
•"heMismir erlslss► Mt Wang Obis erMed. T1s fee aede
Plaid timed Apse. as‘
IwOt V ... r.. , aon
the sale of *tamps, stamped envelopes
and petal cards was $1,9"J,1113.24.
We next passed through the
TH. 1'AUILa HOt'ra,
when thousands of people are bossed
and fed daily. The Palmer House, aii
immense fire -proof structure, occupying rrepartaserr or, seam.. .t war •e tits
almost an entire .quare on the south- needier. Civil neer lee, es
east corner of State and Monroe street., , The Caseo severe the
W one of the finest buildings in the sky, preen heart sir.
representing, with its tumours and the•alas a Soy -
ground upon which it stands, a capital' ren.
of nearly $4,000,000. It contains 718
rooms, and it is claimed that its decors- `Fran our Special Correspondent.
tion alone costs an annual sum of W t+Htlrs:Tu r, D. C
$100,000. On one corner of this it.- - Oct 18th, Inti;,
moose building is located s barber shop ,
the floor of which is inlaid with silver Econ thus arty attire preparations
progress the long session of
there is the largest number of "chairs"
Congress, which will asset un the first
dollars to the number of -500. Here ',salt in
in the city, and hither the fashionable Monday of December. MC ,ogss
1 men from Chu neighboring Statesaoy canreto-
almost dailyseen un the thoroughfare.,
of the Feeral City. seeking out their
winter quarter, and looking after the
immediate wants of their 000stitueota
It is the general ("Onion of well posted
politicians that the Fiftieth Congress
will be $ busy and stormy body, as much
important legislation will be considered
--especially in regard W the surplus, the
tariff, sod penatoo-seven of the latter
bills already being in oourse of incuba-
tion -tis say nothing of projected legis-
lation on the Iaa,r and railroad ques-
tions. And then, each of the great par-
ties believes that it is possible. to prac-
tically decide the next rresideotlal elec-
tion by it course next winter.
What Has Transpired at the
United r.3tateo Capital.
men of the city daily resort to have
their faces slapped with wet towels and
to have their noses pulled without even
rising to remonstrate with their
aggressor.. Neat we called to see
an immense store under the proprietor-
ship of E. J. L.kman, & Co., where any-
thing you want, at say price to suit, can
_obtained. 11e F eeewheel "from
as anchor to a needs ''-le a verity in
this busy mart. In one day as man! as
20,000 customers have done business
over the counter, and 1,400 clerks are
wage earners here. The net profits in
one year amounted to $400,000 on a sale
of goods aggregating 113,000,000. Tbcy
pay • rental of $200,001.
for one day, and we retired to rest with
brain all awhirl with the sights and
scenes of an American city that was in
swaddling clothes only when Goderich
came into existence, but which, owing to
the business facilities which have been
its portion, now holds second place
amongst the great busine.s centres of
Norte America, and bids fair for first
plass at 0o distant gay.
which is • large estahli.hment conducted
by a former Hamilton man. Strange to
.ay, although there are thirty presses in
fall operation, the premises are located
op on a fifth floor, arid sasses is afforded
by means of an elevator. In connection
with the printing office Mr Donnelly has
• folding room, and a bindery in full
blest. He employs 160 hands. Ia bis
ease, as well as in that of Mr. Allen it
is fully exemplified that Canadians are
able to successfully compete and hold
their own with the greatest "hustlers"
amongst American business neo. Mr
Donnelly by the way, I afterwards learn-
ed was an old acquaintance of the editor
of Tim SIt.NAL • score of year ago in
Ontario's Ambitious City. Sunday was
a rainy day, and we had to content oar -
selves with going to the nearest church.
It wasn't the most fashionable one in the
city, but a good,
dealing with the "old, old story," and
full of fervent real and heart-atrakening
earnestness, was listened to with in-
terest ; and we turned nor feet home-
ward at the close satisfied that Christi-
anity is confined to no nation or con-
trolled by no boundary lines, and that
"God has made of one blood all nations
of the earth," and has instilled into the
breast of man a spirit of worship which
is plainly observable in all lands and
ansoogst .11 pecples.
Next week we will touch upon Bowe
other features which may not prove •n -
interesting to the readers of Tim SIOPAI.
G. C.
tip Ii Itemiartge
The old bridge near the late resident's
of John Stewart, Butternut Row, has
bus moved up some feet by the course
of the creek being changed. The oon-
tractor, Joseph Healy, did the job well,
but the fair ones are questioeing Jos, as
to why the township council did not pot
• railing aroused it. The hole referred
to last week has been filled with Mow
by John H Barker.
M" A Horton has returned from
violist' her sister, Mr Stringer, of Port
Austin, Mich.
ItMIARK AILL -A goo.* belonging to
Capt A Bogie, of Cedar Cliff, has lad a
setting of eggs dories last month, end is
now mittisg me them, eight in eambee.
The Capt intends to take good esu of
them when hatched, for • greed dinner
otter the municipal election. Doubtiag
neighbors who don't believe go and ass
that we are correct.
Yam Oven Tea Deur Sea.. -Owe
jovial friend, the ,Comlies s re-
turned to Cedar Cliff from his trip to
Ediahergh, to see atter a legacy whisk
the members of the Bogie family are le -
forested in. During his stay in the old
teal he visited the happy 'cones of his
childhood sad gathered the heather
eons main. He was hospitably Tel -
earned by old meed., and juieedi■
heartily with the Martimas festivities,
taking part in the reds with the sump
et risk, .rad regaled his •stmtaiasrs
with stories of Sold and wood its
peed. -the land of the great lakes.
mighty rivets, greed feted. tad 1lfiseit-
shjs tretries. Oa the homewardanclerslastl, !Se vsy.
sers et
the est demise he Witb.k..msad brby
Ancther indication of the near advent
of Congress is the stir and bustle in the
various Federal D.partments incident us
the preparation of tip annual reports -
some of which have ready been submit-
ted to the secretaries. These reports re-
view the busioess of the past year, and
make pertinent su,(gestions as to the
needs of the service including necessary
appropriations of funds.
The report of the Commissioner of the
General Lind office is of special interest
on account of the widespread and far
main, frauds that have been uncover-
ed in the •equition of the public lands
by soulless syndicates and reckless ad-
venturers. It is shown that within the
past two and • half years more than
thirty million *Cr.. of land have been
reclaimed by the Government, that about
five thousand land entries were secured
by moans of perl.ry, and that many
other disreputable and irregular methods
were employed by these swindlers to de-
fraud the United States.
The Secretary of the Interior has
given orders to begin legal proceedings
against Jesse Lee Hall, agent for the
Kiowa, Comanche, and Wichita radians,
in the Indian Territory, upon chargee
of malfe•ance in foe. It is stated at
the Interior Department that the defal-
cation of Hall will probably amount to
from *0,000 to $n< 0,000. betas his head
is for the tatter sem, the Governante'
will not logo anything.
Civil Service Commissioner °herb's
aggressive and progressive mutinies*
later promo(ppted, find no favor with
partlean spoilamen, but meet with the
cordal endorsement of all who would
purify the public service of pentad le -
deems and manipulation. It is hoped
that the co...restive views of Mr Mer-
l; will be adopted as the pro.oaneed
policy of the Civil Service Com.cia.ioo,
for such • course would undoubtedly be a
substantial gain for the mase of reforms
ani would meet popular approval.
Mr. Graves, Chief of the Bureau of
Engraving and Printing is having some
trouble with the Koight • of Labor, be-
cause he claims that better work can be
dose with other machines than with
hand presses, in the printing of Treas-
eny drafts, bonds, stamps, ..d silver
sertibeates. Th. Knights say they will
brim* the controversy to the attesting'
of Congress -having already flamed a
hill embodying their grtsvatta..
There is great and general interest felt
at the Capital as well as in the country
at large in the trial of the Virginia
State olRoisls for contempt, now parad-
ing on a writ of habeas wrote, before
the United States Supreme Court, as
the issue joined involves the settlemoat
of a constitutional creation of law be-
tween the State and rodent Goverments.
Another interesting case that may be
presented before the Court this week u
the appeal of the Chicago Anarchists -
The Puller murder ease of 8t Lads,
whish has attained notional notoriety in
also beton that tribunal.
The movement to have the next Nat-
ional Democratic Cunveatioa meet in
Washington has msterialised tato a esti
public meeting to oom.idsr the pro-
iect As • mons to the desired end fit
is the purrppo s.e of the Wsrli.gleade . i10
give the Demoeratie CommiMM a rami
e.tertainment •t its session here Mat
winter, in the effort to captor* that or-
A Washington Jade. has • decidedly
original way of dispoei.g of a "hermit. -
oar erontry's troublesome impartation
from the Emerald Isle. His Home de-
cides it to be a oommoli •onspireiy, -
" that and notSing mora"
11r. Fisher. 14th am, bas wild Ida
farm of 50 acres to Mr 'flus Webster
ler $1,930.
TM Zion .hernh 1. w.ldpr,ysisglap-
pet*. .t present, whteh wee very mash
iaY Is MIN lel