HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-10-14, Page 6THE DommEs MEET Oa Saturday atoning the diemseion
Ike Work Done in the
Day,. Evasion
• cm the tmolution anent sonsie for
the entrance examinatiou, was coutiuued
Two Brown, Strang, Holmato Huston. Turn,
! I P. 8., elackeinzie, Regan, Johnson
land Nevin, the ounesusus et °Minim
ing, that while it was very desirable that '
"Wee" a"... lb. Asa.`1411". IN'. the leachers should do all in their '
irreales lbe sboutenonis rearm
epees Illeorte.
The mini -annual insetting uf the West
ewe n leachers' Ameciation, was held
and Saturday, the itta and 8th of
October. Despite the unpropitious
character of the weather the attendance
wits large, and much interest was inane
tested in the disco:mom of the various
Ittlhjecte. The werk of Friday morning
mittee. hearitig report of the IMMO,
and arranging f e future werle Not
much ev.util be dime twing to the
paucity atte:nlanze, the pouring ram
haviret kept mail away. In the after -
Doom horrett:, th• teachers began to
power to teach MIMIC In their azhools, it
was out advisable that it should be put
in the currictituna for entrance ex•
ienination, even aa a benus subject In
• division Mr Nevin's motion was declar-
ed lost.
ed by Miss Ade:ahead, performed a
number of chemical mid eloctricel ex-
periments, showing his method of
teaching clidniistry to beginners. His
apparatus was ouch as was obtainable by
any teacher, and his demonstrations '
the various forces, decimal, chemical
end mechenical, ef chemical attraction,
chemical and physicist change, were very
For *event yews R. H. Breen. ef
Kitic.ardine, suffered from dyspepsia, he I
host of reismaies wittiest relief. His
elruveist recommended II. ti which
he declares produced "grand results,"
fur which he gives it his highest emote -
Bisset •11,4 returning home from Cartier
on Taseday of last week, where she had
been eneseed at the social, the horse
she was driving took fright atel became
uumanatteable. Mrs Bissett jumped Ce-
le* lifut bet in jeineilig, her diem Oat
caught m the beeery and she was dragg-
ed for sums distaace, when she dropped
and the wheels pasaed over her leoly.
No bales were brekon, but she reeeived
seine bad hruisee. SAO 14 gettin4 Orel* it
nicely, and will be able to be sheet
interestirrg, Instructive and amusing, a
nation einem! those nearest the perfer- .
mance. lii oleo gave an eihtbirien of
the electric light on a small scale
pone in, and despite tho unfavorable It was then moved by F. Crassweller
westher, no lees than 100 answered to Pell bY W, H. Johnson, that J. E
their harm. a hen the irate re- read the Tome, I. P. :4 and Geo. Ittird, sen., be
*A l'ee fellow:mg c .uilott te4.5 were ap- spriinteti delegates to wait upon the
M T inured seconded by F.
!/1.1 Mies Johnson ; iietne„,1 Vino* grant to support u tints
system of promotion eittnination in 'the
hi* anneal address, taking as las rubject, i Crassweller, that the thanks of ens as
"Criticisms i near Educational 'system.- 1"61111°"' les coteeyed to all those
After aeetriotic reference to the pie- ladies and ontlemen, who so kiudly as 1
and to the lusted in making our entertain:neat on I
sent Term the jubilee year,
goo,' infl„nos the Q,,tee, het exerted 1, Friday evening such a grand success.
has beer. made in al teenclee.ef art and Ilikado fandrill, exceptionelly well
Stu her reigu, and the progress that' We cousidered the Choruses, recitations
single text-buoks in ell subjects, con -
&clueing trimly the premat
too closely con mode 411.41 11 !lit it
would be Lotter if we cool I rRue. to a
Supurintendeat .4 Ed Jcat •n, t any
rate, have an sivieey boaid, eloctcd by
the prefessem to waist the Minister
his deliberaitteis. Ile ceasidered the
legislative grant to &demi.. aheold he
apportioned I II accordance t.ith anon -
deuce ef the schelerr at lichee!, the
number of days required by law, and
dated by the audience. That the severe
Ie7 acid a coPy of this resolution to the
teeter ..1 the Mikado party, the leader
of the cherus party, and to each of the
The reedution committee bused Xi
the following motions : •
I. Your committee are of the Opitliqn
th•t some of the tett books authorised
by the Department are nct ,uitable for
use in our public saved', more eapecially
the public school Inatory &Lid public
adored geoirraphy.
1 his resolution was amended by strik-
ing out the words " medic school
geography,- owing to many of the teach
ers not having examined the work4
"31ty little child muttered from se% ere
Cold upen the lungs, until she was like •
little skeleton before she took Borate*
Blood Bitters, aftt.r which *lie because
fat and hearty, ard trail cured of week
lungs, c instmatien and debility le west-
ing cif flesh, from w bush two dieters had
Sturgeon Bee, Ont. • 2
thought the method einntord in la:italic
school inspecting might 'oe iniproV...,ai... ,.
held that the Provincial Teachers' As- eoessed!er es about to leave thia pro
sociation, or at least the public schuol f salon and the province, in order to
mete ti, bad outlived its usefulniese At .
(7ursue his studies for another profeMon,
the cenclusion, a rote of thanks to the d bearing in mind that he has been
president fee his address, was melted by lunntiring in his efferte to promote the
A. J. hIoure, II. A., and carried un- our sincere regret at his leaving us, and
animousty. The Inspectors' staled his xtend to him our best wishes for his
irnethod of school inspection and asked 6future prosperity. Carried.
fer advice or criticiate on any part of it ID. h is this opinion of the committee
from the teachers. that the Department made a mettle, in
making No. i Drawing Book compulsoty
Mr. Johneon then dealt with the E r on unit mammy, eisocietied with,
aurae of the history ot the nieveinent Lt giving sufficient natice. Carried.
would derive from a systematic c .urse of in thbe:intdhsrtesohlautihondn, aainndayassa tuarkoden tahne
reading followed by an examination on
the matter read. He considered the active interest in the work of the testi-
course of reading prescribed in the tete, and had derived much pleasure and
Chautamma course inestintahle to those peefit from it, and though leaving the
whose education had been neglected in .roiession be should always remember
early years, and to teachers, whom it the friendliness and kindness of the
would inspire to better work. fin gave a members of the institute,and should ems -
graphic account of the work to tie under- tines to be interested in their work sod
taken and the rewards to be derived from their meetings.
Mr. Geo. Holman, the president, who
it, and advised the teachers present to was apporuted delegate to the I ['wields! I
take up the course mail by so doing ine ..,, e
prove their powers and pasitton. rescuers' Assoc:helms, gave a short remit '
A vote of thatiks for the pape ...1 of the business transacted at said Asso-
by F. Crassweller, ,„(6,„1- -h: nienvy. lei/Alen, and paid a high ocmpliment to
jo'n 'in i this ability uf Mr. 1-1. i. Strang, II. A.,
Nevin, was carried, lwaii.d--a---disc-use'
which Messrs. Holman, Crassweller, a resume of the sidient points iof
the address delivered by him am president
Tom and Strang took pert was engaged of the 1.1.4r. Tes,ben, A„,,,,i,ti„, and
in, all agreeing as to the advisability of
teachers reading more, and thereby
gaining m xis general knowledge.
The next subject on the prograname
Nevin, who intrcduced the subject,
began by stating that according to his
to a noel -miser.
Troia the 11-0.%,a;441.1
ee•eral Tear* been a tortolier of the faculty of
the Coked,: ni entity 11. -re. (01 late, how-
ever, the Duet"( has hem nie impregnated with
these beliefs am sUppeord to give e: en greater
Loci eat Cad nothing but t,riii.hle ever
since he. accepted thefts. Viral, he war court-
ssartialiat and lost his commission in the
army ; then his wife got a throne from hint.
Now lit is compelled to mem, froto the faculty
management will not p nett hint to teach
H an
tioneophy to the stm eerie
',fore them few week.' aco, which,
aorivriUng to prier -dent, have beeu
printed In the college publication with those
of the rest of the faculty, but was not. The
catt.o....I the doctrines it taught, and forbade
any further diertio;on of the subject before
the otideelts ; the Doctor wrote an
Indionent letter resigning his chair. Last 4.11
all he DNA teetered his resignatioe as lecturer
on anatomy at the National Medical College.
Being askod fur his reasons for taking this I
mar, he said to a Critic reporter:
• lt seems that my nor. ern religious in -
tyranny are too liberal to find favor with the
okl•fashioned conservatism of a Baptist
college. The college faculty passed • result-
tiou not to publish the addreees debiered
this year, for fear of offending the religious
dimes. But I had already arranged for the
publication of the address in book fore, and
it is now issuing from the pron. la main-
taining my position it waa Lecossary that I
shoultl relieve my colleagues of all embarraes-
iment by resigning."
Cemee' letter to the faculty fosaus
preface of his book.
FRIDAY, OCT. 14, '887,
Inteeding klusegooso "Dal you ever see s
Maa from Dotoe.: "Osly one. hut it was
• regular old tone with all modern lespeose-
"I @Ismail my it die"
No, sir; didn't take • thing. The sheriff
had been Otero that very inueuing, and tie did
the ewes -pine. You newer sew a cyclone en
Oisaraintntfd in your Mee'
timid iss suirtbouf Per Kea
Fromm TA. Vete Ere/ See.
Miss Clara," he said, "I would do &Hokin's(' in
the world foe you.'
"Well. go rail spend the evening with Lily
"Lily Brown ! What Nrie he asked. et-
11!le Bellevue le weary.
IFQ.4 Tile 04643Ats Wu. id.
' neer, George; My doar, this steak is
RIMS to a crisp.
"And the Imitator* are not half thaw"
"Aud the bread is sour, and, in fact, there
_Is not a thing llt to eat, and l'm as hungry as
• boar. What mettate hove you heels doipg
"I'vo been swinging in the hammock, dote,
dreaming about how lovely eierything will
1\THW p-oons
Fall and Winter.
Ready -Made Clothing
and Ends of Cloth
lisne be t franca Out at ea east : eider
mritemenoter the Wi AI street. i.ez door to Bank of Montreal
R 101 16\11 A S'
Isaias •PProer% et it, it nem** tem
sailtied tic Take first 1,111Mer:
Minister of Foreign Affairs, leits firms() •
to Russia, atnouneing Russia's arieentaoce of
the Porte'. proposal to send an Ottomap.oz
rank, but instead of the latter bent sobordid-
that the Ottoman nuatentracree
ra7: second rank. Russia alm
Ow Orin for which the appoiettn7s7trifir
sbali be four months. mooed ot three,
znentiatted in the Porte's proposed.
g wing
praising unstiutedly the outspoken frank•
nem with which he criticized some of the '
late &Ole of the Department. He &leo
explained • resolution that be had intro-
duced at the Provincial Association re -
belief every teacher can sing enough to of the Levitate.. Grant.
teach it in school, and then eutered oa school management, mentienieg first
that the schools were much better man-
aged now than they previously were. H•
considered that a teacher should be phy-
from the time of their entrance in the alca• Ily,.intellectually and morally fit for
his position. He should be careful of his
imhea 11° "ferret' to the N°131"1 I character, and should improre his mind
School methed of marking accent, con-
sidering anent as the main thing in
music, and oenoluded with the following
" That in view of the fact that it is de-
airabl• to hare singing taught in the
public schools in general threighout the
province, and thet it is proper to give as
much enoonragement as poseible to much
an object, Resolved, I. That this Con•
ventlon recommend the Education De-
partment to ad.1 vocal music. both
practice and theoryeas a bonus subject to
the curriculum of the Entrance Examin-
ation, II. That • copy of this motion
be sent to the authorities of the E•luca-
tion Department in Toronto
The resolution was under discussion
When the meeting adjourned, it hens
speed that it was to be the first rnatter
on the feet' the next morning.
In th• evening a large audience eases -
bled in the Grand opera House
A very varied and excellent program
•had been provided, consisting of the fol-
lowing :
Chorea. by 10 roieen. under the Ride direction
of Mr Haile "rennet:* Dome.
Addrer iSloeltielty A. P. Halle It A.
.-tlow tie Karol fD. lc horror
F. William!
Choree :Tome rabbet, Tr1,4, It on I ho times
'Tableaus Vivant' -The !elide muter
Imenagentent of Miss F.
Theeitatien ." My letr.1 Tees *toddy"
134r Y. Cosetwellet
PecItatioe ' The Battle of Interims
oboe ."1 rear no Foe" .. fetcher
"All A111.1111/ tbe Wirier
Read Inc "Sinewy Brown's liteter's We,14
en exposition of his mat.ner of tesching
his pupils. He tionsidered the um of an
organ or piano great helr, and thought
that the pupils shorild be taught music
Mores .
fair rase
the Thule concluding with "OM fears
as clews,- in the sinefeg nf which the
audience reined.
The thanks of the trustees are drit. to
by continuous and systematic study and
reading. fie should attend to the morel
and :esthetic training of his pupils, see
that they MT. clean and tidy to school,
and try to make the schoolhouse and
grounds pleasant and cheerful hy having
flowers in beds, or in pots in the win-
dow, and see that no litter or dirt was
allowed to remain in school or yard.
Children required sympathetic and kind-
ly trestment, but should not be petted
too much. Neither should they be Dog-
ged excessively. Persistent Roaming
Recently showed that the teacher lacked
power to coven, the school. in accept -
mg schools, teachers, especially young
teachers. should not take a:Imola too
heavy for them, bot should try to get
schools suitable to their age and expert -
*ace. A few questions were asked Mr
Tom, and then the Association proceed-
ed to ballot fer officers for the eneuing
pier. The election resulted se follows :
Holman ; committee, Meese Berne@
and 'turret, and Messrs Kitty, E. A.
MeKermie and .1 Dehratty.
Having pained the 1..11owing mo-
tion, "That es • small token of
oar appreciation of the eff.irts ef
di• head master and teachers of the
Goderich high *chord and the trustees
of the same to make our assneistion
elleeeee, the treasurer of this institute be
isetrested to head over RIO being part
pireareeris of concert in Mr H. 1. Strang,
te be used as a small aid in replenishing
the chemical department of the high
eshool," the 'convention adjourned to
Inlet agsin st this call of the executive. •
Irse the press and send in that capacity.
111/111111/111111 raearrib.
For ware I have been greatly annoyed
.the ladle* anti gentlemen of Grelerteh hy yt mimed "yen pais in
Vb. took part in the (-honoree and tah the heed, centimes! diseharge into nay
!max el:rants or by their roritat ions or theist. end eery nnninseent ensue By
Why Lived.
It post seat to an editor a C7ontribotion
editor answered, "Decsnse yein sent
Aosrefesa Protestant aseerlatien Caw
demos the leittabers Otiose! neer&
Maputo, Pa., Ont. 5.-11se National Grand
Lodee of the Jupiter American Protestant As-
sociation ip rookie hese to-dos adopted sistoia-
Uses otexing the action of the l'ettrodre
herself Ap our rail.t fof the destruction that
teen glorious molest% liberty of con etre.
which, to treserre inviolate, ehould be the
mimeo of Protestant citizenship and Protest-
ant Christianity."
The undersigned bee moat reepectfully to inform the Inhabitants of Orderich and ser
rounding ecuntry. that hat mg begght CIIIICAP 1011 CAOH is the Lest markets in Canada
rad the I.' nitcd States. a very .r stock 14
Arw Whew On flour Illislers.
ANNN AIM.. roc
You buy a box of cigars-53ov 100 -and
instead olt logging theni home under your
arm, and, perhaps, giv ing ha:f ol them away
before getting there, you leave thous in the
cigar Mop. The proprietor issues you a book
containing 50 to 100 coupons, se the ease may
be. Whenever you het bite a stooks ybu drop
1n, get a cigar, not necesstrily out ot the sante
hot from the ease, w ere thry are 'away+
and the dealer tear, off one of your
coupons. You thew get year Havana at lower
rates eien than three for a 'meter, saving
something over • cent on each cigar.
Ir. the history of medicines no prepr•
intim has received such link' ersal com I
mendation, for the alleviation affords
and the permanent cure it effects in kid-
ney diseases a's Dr. Van Buren's Kinney
Cure. Its action in these distressing
complaints is simply wonderful. Sold
by J. Wilson. 2rn
Mew a Dude congas field.
A slim young ellen in the height of
fashion was violently animius in a street
Chawles, deah boy, how d'ye catch that
my cane in the lower hall tother day,
and in auckin; the ivory handle, so
dweadful cold, it chilled me almost to
death." If Charles had used Dr. Har-
vey's Red Pine Goin his cold would not
trouble hire very elude For sato at J
Witten's prescription drug store. tf
Ts tbe Medical rest...sten. ant all whets
Phesphatine, Nerve tome a Mos -
Iv::Element betted upon Scientific
Formulated by Professor Austin,
IL D. of Boston, Mass., cures Pulmon-
ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia
and all wasting diseases of the' human
but • Nutriment, because it contains no
Vegetable er Mineral Poisons, Opiates
Ntreutica, and no Stimulants, but situp!
ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements
found in our deily fond. A single bottle
is sufficient to cenvince. All I/ruggists
sell it. RI 00 per battle. Lowey &
Co., sole agents for the Dentialon,
66 Front Street Erutt Toronto
MalrIHIATED .=1/11
Consisting of FRESH TEAS of this season's importation, com-
prising Young Hysons, Gunpowders, Japans and Blacks, amongst
which are to be found some of the very choicest imported, and
desire to call special attention to the same. Also a Superior
Blend of COFFEE, French Broken Lcaf, Granulated and oth-
er Sugars, Syrups, Molasses, Raisins, Currants, Figs, Nuts, Or-
anges, Lemons, Assorted Peels, Extracts, Flavorings, Sauces,
Pickles, Jams, Jellies, Canned Goods of all descriptions, Biscuits,
Pure Ground Spices, Hominy, Maccaroni, Vermicella, Tapioca,
Sago, Rice, Brushes, Tubs, Pails, Brooms,
and ot her useful articles usually kept in • fIrsoclass city Wahl:shit:eat.
INePIE471410% CIF let It IMOD%
Store on the Square, Between B. Downing's and C. Crabb'st.
Goderich, April inse tee..
RA FlelteilelIKU
my shop in the hues'
style. put in Three
tele Berber Mates.
we of them the eels
tilting e hairs. and
tired journeyman
llarber. we are ime
;mention to do Setter
Kerb than hereto -
Lady's St Children's
ipec:alty on all days
• actin Saturday.
Razors and Se
Dew Complaint. pretrithientSteet". u"mt Bea
_rumness, or any direr arising from a derange
Inc, De. (NANO'S Lava' Cues will he fened a set
led certain remedy.
Die or ratified encomia Dr. Chars Lire Care i
Liver Complaint rests solely vrith the fact that it i
1111ANDO•NI AND DANDILLION, cowbird with raw
elver invaluable room barks mad heels, haveg i
xmerful Art ea the Kidney,. Sterasch, ant
Weed. 500.000 SOLD
qty. ose-fse// eillios el" Do Chase's R•rijat
orenaan and chili whir Is tres•Red .Liver COM
!trapped amend every bott lo Dr. lhewis LiwerCea
is • valuable 11ossehol!1.Illedical Gras and Reap
nced by nbedwal Aura and anemia. &A 1=
Meek (14 PNTA‘1, vette...wits over roe mogul
and earth tee tunes the prior or the mediae*.
TRY Wert CAW= COIL A =le acid ports.
TRY Ceases Cant A1111 Lin I PIUJL es et, Pe, bee
West etreet, two deers east of P.O., Ooderich
The Greatest Luxury Obtainable fbr Impaired or Diseased •
Vision is a Pair of
The Celebrated .axis Cut Pebbles
As there are many inferior
goods, oordeet with jot*,
hemp. ate., offered and 'Ad
as Coraline by seem.. un-
principled tnerehanta trad-
ing on this reputstlos or
we wars the hullos against
reefs imposition by draw-
ing their attention to the
neeestilty of seeing that the
in stamped on inner shier all Coraline goods,
Mame whit& MY ere meter
INT:stiTt1. 12 a eats, enre. and et/eery/1
dasitneyee ot creme la Ct./dares or Adams
The frauds that have been perpetrated on the spectacle wearing
public by most spectacle dealers and pe.ddlars by giving assumed and
fancy names to ordinary glass, speaks for the ignorance of the public
generally, in the all-important subject of the preservation of sight.
there are only two articles from which the spectacles lenses can be
manufactured. viz • Pebble and glass—call glam by any other nansei
it still remains glass. Pebble, on the other hand, ix from nature's
own manufactory. It is a natural crystal found gene'rally in free-
stone formation, and is harder than the ruby and emerald, and near-
ly a.s hardas the diamond. The Pebble ite not mere or less than a
transparent stone, cut by aid of cliamond dust, and the greatest
amount of power is placed immediately over the centre of the grain
found in all pebble. It will give to the spectacle wearer the coolress,
freshness and a pleasant feeling that tl e ordinary spectacle lenses
cannot by any possibility impart. All spectacles and eyeglasses are
stamped B. Land can only be purchased from
7th Ite.
Druggist, Goderich.
The People's Livery
The sitmeriber is prepared te welsh the eel
lie with
AT asemposkins mucus
(Weeks en the 40.10.1 memos et the
system. ell the imeies ea& feel
humms at the emme et the mem
thee Oarrecting MI' tie
eteenseh, curing ItIlloaimeek Dye.
.edpsdaxe Thymus
or the Skis. Dropsy._ oese et
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
Cirinc). imairtrtir,
Hamilton Street, Goderich
• steisciwortmeot ltitehm. Be*Immet. Diets' Rome awl Parket treraltareemell et Tel;
X IL -A semetemat el Oodles sad Arenas always.. hand atm Hearse, anti?