HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-10-14, Page 5NM lore, Sit- ter - tread hip, rued dna o for that Sect Mr West s o1 mak- Ik.ly et to t. A. meteor was, Sat this who r hie e ef- rake and most dia- has more, 1 de - and 'mast n he l the upon Dover. 1 the r end- dur- tow, over 1 the .d by o were f the fluring the • ex- tipab- lye in ser. dy, of stioa- g the total total 4.1 9; sal 8; total overs OMNI dal 4; Ws 2, 18. e 16, :tone, bales were tl M6; writs, or M- ini 7, fitted DOerI* sa11, e• 1; ty 1rraud les 4; nasties e ase e 1; o lder • et !1y 6; e sti TIMM Not IKesl ( est 'wird carry owing nab r. se. 6.Y ffih, Sono .rite P., lof• sold lords h the 1s be tack. 1 by alles li. ]r.n *hog TOM e ltry g • Is pow- 0 read •s of -Pol- that aid . A as kid .) • Ammar Wet. wu tP passed at tree settee s Ili w the e -- Amelia .ale of fares sleek .ad iwple pas% the property of Kr. V, w ch ts, DNB kt 1s., cowl. '_1, Aah*dd, by John Kai. aeetiuweer, euseteneiug at 1 *Adak p s., on Friday, Oct. 14.b, 1887. H.. when Iso list, term., *e. Pebbe hale of tars stook, (roe to all, ea t6e fair grouuda at Smith's Hill. .at.r tauspwss of the Colborne Agri- esiuslike Society, on Tuesday, Oct 1&b, 1007. An tuctiva..er nit' be on the groeide for bone who may teed hu serrieea Tor further particulars as posters. A.e1Ioa sabot farm stock and unple- ased*. tie property of Mr. Jobu J.psor, o. {.t 1, es. 6, W. D. Ashfield, by John Kea. auctioneer, eometeseia at 1 u'doek p. a, e. Wednesday. Oct1Nth. 1807. he Larne will also be offered for sale or tet. Flee poetess fur further whalers. Aectios sale i.f household furniture, t6. property vi Mrs, Aso Mvrri., on the monism nest to th. old kirk, Codericb, by John Knox, auctioneer, commencing at 1 o'clock p m., on Satord•y, Oct. 22nd, 1887. Ter.. cash. For list of articles see posters. Auction sale of Lars stock do , the ppreperty 01 Mr. W. C, bunt, on lot 28, Maitland ooseeoua, Colborne tow.sbip, b Jobs lista. a.ctioceer, commencing .1 1 o'clock p. s., oo Tuesday, Oct. 23.b, 1887. As Mr. Dunt bas bold his farm, use sale wi'I be without reserve. See posters fur last, tens, to Audios gale of farm stock and imple- .sete, the property of Mr. Thos. Mc- Phee, o. lot 20, cos. 1, West Wawaaoeh,' about two miles frost the Nile, on the boundary line, by John Knox, auction- eer, 000umeacing at 1 o'clock p. m., on Thursday, Oct. 27th, 1887. Bee posters for list, terns, da Withdrawn. uction sale of valuable salt block, beTug • part of pvk let No. 12, in cos. " A " of the town of Goderich, at Martin's hotel, Goderich, by John Koos, auctioneer, at 12 o'clock, noon, on Satur- day, Oct. 13th, 1887. See paten for further particulars. All parties contemplating bowleg a gals, will cumuli their own interest by getting their bills pleated at Tut SI..NAL office, where only reasonable rsta are charged ad a free 'notice as given under this head as to tisne of sole. GRAND OPERA HOUSE Friday, Oct. 14th, 1887 ONE NIGHT ONLY. '110 Engagement of the Popular Comedian. JOSEPH H. KEANE In his latest drawing •nest.: !rs. Parbu�loa -An album of tun with a lamb sa every Pate? Admission, 25 and 35 Conti Bund Seats, 50 Ceuta. Fest 1a penmanship tido i year at 1.g.aec. It i IhSs etrat►rov r. nriteto in •�leesad of tet year. cite for W E RI.Tt irORK. Lades.Ost. tam Farman AUauoll! will fielL the Nb 51y p�areOsesd the edetek Fee. Feer.geI am sow prepared te el bl the ytoe ctattt�the barn or stales. i bey ere Amain. • Praise ub.Id bet Haye placeurid by et BALED HAY AL5AI'a rut ON NA.NND. 1 .�{k�t�e manufacture APPLE RARREIj� W wl'ERB(1ST E' BUTTER TCBs. isfvv�rrr ERNS. km APPLE DEALERS: I Mabe AM; StARRELP A SPECIALTY. Mr belittles ler sepetyt dealers and she pLIMN gene allrars to ted In tbe('omens. =Sat iesi dsyt. lip barrels. are ea a CAI. U.IMbrrter £_.._1. --CHAS. BATES wow lltedd•.oabzi (Tawai... mir sit.. jtllt. »IIa•e O11,PEs ver • .... faints Bilionsusss unt Mood Oo net nq� t in Diseases EAGRAEAT REGULATOR solld.rker es .i1Ik r p se. •lee en. r. ae4..tt/. rp sbe.,Nees. MAO T.e Mt t ()a Ise : 1 have sol red from dye - I rwoienieedeat to try Dr. nil. Idot .00wl tend le• e.r's. C1`rl11.4 .rens.Oat.' every M I C8U8N *ge 11186 "aim CIIM fit 1.e. THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. OCT. 14, 1887 FOR FALL AND SINTER DRESS GOODS MIN' ID TO H. W. BRETHOUR & CO. BR A.NTFORD_ OUR SPECIAL OFFER • We send Samples on application, Goods by mail or express. We pay express charges on orders of c'it'e Dollar,, -Goods to be returned and money refunded if not satisfactory. Z7RESS c00=3_ We sell Good, Useful Dress Tweeds for 124e. Handsome All-11il(11 Cat +re Cloths for 23e. Beautiful Checks and Stripes for Combination. We have the Very Newest Materials and Colors. TRIr r=NC-s- Silk Plashes in all the New Colors, Very l'heap. Haneheome Stripes and Broches in the Newest Designs Dress Ornaments, Braids, Buttons, etc., etc. S✓iS2.fZfIN�RY' � T��-N'T2.rEs_ NEW GOODS. We have over Three Thousand Yards of New Heavy Cloth DRESS GOODS just arrived, the best value ever shown in Goderich for I2 c. a yard. CaII and See Them. Our Millinery Show Room is now open with the Latest Styles. Ladies' Mantles, Dolluans and Tailor -Made Jackets. A Large Stock of Children's MantlesRS SEND FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES OR COME AND INSPECT OUR STOCK. H. W. _BRETHOUR & Co., Brantford. Brantford. Oct. lttb. ia1T. HAVE YOU SEEN The erowds that congregate on the street corners, not talking Commercial Union, but about PRIDHAM BROS' CHEAP SUITS and the verdict of every one is that Pridham Bros "a $ wonder," selling these elegant suits, cut atmi made right in their own establishment, and everyone fits like the paper on the wall, FGR $7.00 A SUIT and upwards. They are selling like hot cakes. Of course you do not notice them because they are so much like the ordinary ordered clothing you see every day and what you have been in the habit of pay- ingg$16== Z� .00 and $1�s.00 for. If you wish to save money just call and (tee them. You will be more than o===51"A.R NT_ The needs of our patrons in ordered clothing are various, and they require careful study.It has been ours through long experience, appreciation of a FIRST CLASS TRADE, and careful selection, to create and foster a demand for high-class goods, and we have the satisfaction of knowing that in excel- lence of quality, combined with moderation in price, our patrons are agreed that we maintain the reputa- tion we have earned as the leading tailors in the County of Huron. Our FALL STOCK is now com- plete, which is this season the finest ever imported into Goderich. Elegant Overcoats, Beautiful Trous- erings, Magnificent Suitings, lac. Your early order is solicited. P. 8z A_ PRI]J 9 M. FEVV A Polnters if 1* WiWaga DiNNER SETT, Look at NAIRN'S Stock lfa Weat a BEDROOM SETT, NAIRN has them at all prices Meat Oaraehrl. Prise i.e. If You 1s.$ a TU SETT, NAIRN has a full assortment 1f Toa Wiat Anything is 6BIN', NAIRN has the finest display If Tel Went Aaythiat la CLASS, Try NAIRN'S before purchas- ing elsewhere. TEE UNION MEDIC IMS CO.. ttJh-tr Peopriesw.. Teresa, oat. For Pure, i;.adslterst•tl FRESH GROCERIES! CHAS A. NAIRN -HAs THEM - EVERYTHING WARRANTED. YOUR TRADE SOLICITED Osderlab. Apra Mk- Fal/. HEAT HEAT SAUNDERS .0 S O N Are 'reared to roma summates ter hostias PRIVATE HOUSES .,n PUBLIO BUiLD1NGS Hot Air OwitiOt Water and SAIITIRI PLUYBII10. sole Agents ter Tui E. a C. OUEMOY WOOLS. Hoods, Fascinators, Clouds, Baby Booties, Shawls, Knee Cap Gaiters, Hosiery, Gloves, Berlin, Zephyr and PALL-- -- FA all other Wools, Wool Canvas, Plush - es, Tassels, and a large assortment of Goods for Fancy Work. MRS. GIRVIN. CI -=-&.X5 CASH STOR= From the very best manufactory In Canada. LADIES FiNE BOOTS A SPECIALTY, RUBBERS, OVERSHOES. FELT BOOTS. ac. BIG DRIVE IN SLIPPERS. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. All Cheap for Cash. H. GUEST 2117 • , Weet Side Square, Goderich. We base now in Stock the following NEW & VERY FASHIONABLE S ADES IN DRESS GOODS Heliotrope Island Blue Mushroom Brown G obelin Mineral Grey. 3. C. DETLOR & CO. NOTICE. I have decided to e•etla.e basses for acether seam. and Ladies will Lod my stock of Steres, Ranges ud haus II" ALL Les CUT Ff1g.'Ite. - Tho Cheapest lime UNDER THE SUN. West -et., .ezt (Mer 1e the Pat Oties. ee lerisb, lab' Y. t1>tr. 500 HORSES WANTED To carry oR tine urge ..d w,U. grted stock of FIRST-C.146MS Matt less Now eating at REDUCED PRICES at WILE. ACHE s orT's Mammoth Harness Depot. Having secured • lame Nook et Harness Noontime Robes and Blankets at wholesale a a.wtatwrsrs Woes, ram eocaieat 1 ran supply an in need of Harness, Robes, Blankets, Trunks, Valises, Whips, Sleigh Bells, a.d everything to be found in • ant -class shop, at prices never before offered In the County. Nevis( 4Mermin.4 to sell off the whole of my large stock. parties having Cask can buy at pion that will ~prise everyece o..e sissy and try the Mammoth Harness Depot .sd yea will ware moray. Remember aha stead : WM. ACHESON'S HARNESS DEPOTS MAU Book Aelee..te meet be settled at sale by Cash or Note. Hamlltos J aioder(ah.bans HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOMPANT i'hu (osposy is Loaning' lifonty o% AMP Security of Lowest Rafe of Interest. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. • SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. S, 4 std 5 per Oen& Interest Allowed on Deposits, aroordinp to amount and time 1jft. O/71��st-Corgi et gave Qed Nortb HORACE NORTON, Mee mar A...rl.. Able. gab t11•. MIM Zonweiss I TEE NEWEST Tooth Paste. AT J. WILSON'S pgnISORI'PTION DRUG ta1TOR/ QODIDRIONS_ THE MAN who is going to do the beet by the people le the one who will do the best trade with them. and 1a this belief I have determined t0 spare no endeavor to meet WITH their approbation in the disposal of geode 1. the nines which i ban the honor to ogler to the piebalds. My elm 1s to try arts please. and the far i have met with THE .sem eneelslaid .treses. Josh Bllllep W said. •Tema, it(so wta.- sad I hate masa my sled to HAMMER y tttttl 1 I knock tableaus eat et belt I pct a Dry.Oeede of every desert$$ a s. Nies dews ereserles to bard pts eta one a eon Ned re gun -1-• s.Ndsw tam an the way read. O'RE.A., OR- M.crse of the lyres Haas WORTH I2 ePEcTIIQGi. I MEAN TO SELL CHEAP STOCK 15 FULL IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. ATI SS THE SQUARE, GODERICH. NEW MILLINERY ! A8 PREVIOUSLY ANNOUNchb MISS CAMERON Lias opened out her New Millinery Establishment on HAMILTON STREET; Odra. Mitchell's old stand) And is now prepared to shoed to the Custom of the Ladies of ((oderirh and vicinity. Ladies' Underwear, Kid Gloves, &c., A SPECIALTY, and a Imre assortment win be kept constant ;y on hand. The Latent Novelties in Shapes and Styles Can be Seen. -ALL ARE INVITED TO CALL AND iNSPE('T (aO4)1*; -$a 2117 MRS. 6ALSELD'8 FALL MILLINERY 1.111.ALIDIS THE WJY. LAME' FELT HATS VELVETS, Plain and Fancy, PLUSHES, FRIZETTES MOUNTS, *INGS, Etc., Together with . large assortment of PLAIN .t \ 1. F.t. ('t 1:11414 .t1.o Agent for the PARKER DYE WORKS, Toronto. MRS_ At the 014 sand oc the nears, fied.rtee. .41 caaD'RIOEM PLANING MILL Ea1ADMIRED le Buohaan,Lawson1 Robinaou rAwvwacn rswe N Sash, Doors & Blinds Dtt*1i. 111 ILL Engle Ow Lumber, Lath, Shinglea and builder'. material of every description. MINIM FMSTI SI 1 WIICIM.TY. srA Order premehIlettendnd re. eaeeleh lane. a Mgt tW CTS UPON hr rs Pmaeb v - r. Kidneys PP L' THE BLOOD BLOOD SYFUP AMO ,elft Celle tee 'rwaplalN Nadwhoa .woes *5517. May Apple= *over w . ear. ^ Arseg1isa• te. the .,.tom slier S.I. ty James Jd boy druesto • Pea stases Pt sects auk,. ' 11t;*