HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-10-14, Page 4'. 4. it >)am.,. A;,' ,l' .;"rLL.' i4;,. vSi. :k`.+pt...,d. P'sAl",:-t'I,,i.. THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, OCT. 14, 1887. 1 FALL EXHIBITION 07' DRY GOODS, TWEEDS, & MEN'S FURNISHINGS J.A.REIiD&BRO SPECIAL VALUE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT Dress Goods in Melton's, from 1Oc. to 20c. per yard. See our Special Line, 24 inches wide, at 12}c - All -Wool Dress Goods frotu 20e. per yard up. A splendid stock of Pluahts, Velvets, Braid, lac., for Trimmings Good Silk Plush for 85c. per yard. Extra value in Mantle Cloths and Ulstering. Wool Shawls, Fascinators, Tato O'Shanter Caps, Hoods, Hosiery, Gloms, taus, at Very Low Price& TAILORING A SPECIALTY. The Largtutt and Beat Stock of Tweeds and Coatings in town to select from. p' TW *DS CLT OUT FREE OF CHARGE1 Underclothing Very Cheap. All -Wool Shirts and Drawers from 45c. up. CAT.T. sEE lT©CH ac PRICf78_ NO T, ccuriaLB TO SHOW 421-001:0111- You 003:a-You will save from 10 to 20 per cent. by buying from JAS. A. REID & BRO., Dederick, Met- thh, 11a7. Jordan's Block, Court House Square, Goderich. rice New Advertisements Mb Week. Art Classes -R. Crockett. Wools -Mrs. C. H. Oirvia. Sutter Wanted -This Office. 112100 for • farm --Ona Neibergsll. 6011 Rases Wanted -Wm. Acheson. Amiga,.'. Notice -Sheriff Gibbon.. A Rare Chance -Heron Land Agency. Grand Open House -"Mrs Partington.' Farm fortlale-Joba McGregor. Klntall. Sen ant Wanted -Methodist Pareo.afte. First Prize -Forest City Bosisnss Crideo. Our Special Cher -H. W. Brethowr ! Co.. Brantford. TOWN TOPICS. d ektel's tunawp ter, (fats' motes, .es•/allA ke'll portal U." 1t you want anything in ell paintings, crayons or enlarged portraits, Ku to George Stewares photo studio. The berthweetern Fair is over. but the rush to F. & .t.. I'rldham's, the fashionable tailors null c otinues. They have ler let-up on their n.tbods of turning out flat -class goods at lowest prices. The eeathing effecta of • cap of good tea are oitae dilated urns by Mope who claim to have • personal knowledge. but if yon want to drink tea that is tea, go to G. Itbynai , and S ample lila celebrated LI-gnor brew. Tong Worcx'a Cll.lwrue TgnrznAwca ll+low will meet regularly for the tranesctiee of loudness every Tuesday afternoon at 1]0 o'clock. In Knox church. Kvery woman in- terested in the work 1a cordially invited to attend. Did you roe those beautiful Art Garland and Countess double heater coag stoves at Maunders t lien'. they .re sole agents. Their new wareroum• are full of all the Gurney ('o . Ieadirg hoes. Tbe cheapest house under the sun. Slow and easy will travel a long way with out being jaded ; and It t* because he sails along smoothly and turns out excellent wort that It. Hallow* haw built op for himself a reput•tfw second to no photographer to «stern Oatarto. For all drags dye -dunk. perfumery. patent =edictner, chemicals. rte.. beet quality g od lowest rater. call at Goode's drugstore. ,Aoelebdion Block. Special &heathen paid to die - prang g of Goods. nae ons and family recipes. Fiat TAlfoIIxo.—Custowava ready torrid np and be..east.,$ for a fall suit or overcoat W strictly the choicest good. In the market, with • cut •.d make 1n strict aroondance with true taste and true art. should inspect McCorinac's Immense stook of sew tall .foods, fall imitation and nobby overcastings in all the new shades. Dost fall to sea them. Tut HCnow AND Bot•CR Loa* AND v car - Missy Corer v. -Depositors In this company Lave the best possible security for their mon- ay. all be roosted to mortgage on farm P roperty.I►epodtan have • 0ret lien in al: the OampuYs meets. Bate of Interest paid. from 4 t0 5 per cont. &acceding to anent and duration of deposit. Far users having mar - *Oa meats should can and ave t he maa•gsr. Peoplebd admired the w heio&s gore=d y of harness. robes. (rusks, •&Mass, wlerkk wand ladies toe club eves. at the Bele- riots fall exhibition. Wm. Acheloos I duetli g •flits whole merge stock d above geode, •1 reduoed prices for crib. Give hem • call. The ohmada t harness shop in the tarty, Hamilton -et. a.derlcb. et, Was. Galloway has returned from the Gault. The blest st man sometimes makes the most cutting remarks. Mr and Mrs E OE Russell, left for Waubausheoe Friday last. Mrs It 0. Reynolds arrived home from a visit to Chicago on Tuesday last. Mn Lech, of Oodeticb, sop the guest el /Ira J. E. Davis, Mitchell, last week. The North -St Methodist Church has its coetetsplation its arcual "Harvest Home. ' Mn Daley Irit for Loudon Wednes- day lest. after • two months' sojourn is ear p!eas.nt town. J..ho Londesb r u h, of Tuckeremith, « died en Wtdoday last. He was one of the pioneers of Huron. Mr King, formerly of the Bank of Commerce. spent a fes days with his friends in town last week. Dr J. D Wilson, of London was in town during the week. accompanied by Mrs Wilson, ter Mw Fio. Cameros. Mrs James Watson fell and mote her arm meetly. As she is an aged lady the fracture is more serioes than it would otherwise, be Dr McDot•gb will he in Ooderioh for .sneeltation as Saturday, the 5th of November. and afterwards on the first Saturday of every month. Arraegementa are afoot for the bold. Mg of a *natal in aid of the poor by the Tome People's Susie(; of North St Methodist ebnreh, on Fnday. Oet 2181. Ree. Dr. tReitms has retested to Go- ads from the United States, and wiU peach and lecture daring this mouth and N,...mher in Port Hops, Teterboro Dow,m•s0il15, Cebewtt, Paleametnn air probebly 14 Htimuton. 1 Tee FAT OO TSB LAND.— us are dee to J. 0. Leteel for • pre.. .""1 tk. 40 varieties of epithet whtok he ea hihked et the Northwestern Fur. Aho to Jaws ♦ikeehed fore exhibits of beets, potatuee.*ad other toothsome vegetables. Is this regard we might *leo state that the ,doles of the &.r ws;„;, %mg reoip►eot of • atssj Fwd of cabbsgs. It's often hotter to be born lucky this to get out► - 1.e when gifts are setae. Dr. M. Nicholson, the Vest street dentist, makes the pr...rvation of the natural teeth • specialty. Ga. adminis- tered from 9 a.m. to 4 p.a Eur the pain- less extraction of teeth. Knox church band of haps will meet tomorrow (Saturday,) at three o'clock. A full attentioce is requested, as it is intended to make arrangements to give an entertainment at an early date. Will J. Edtnanaon, representing Dr. Chase's family medicines,was in tewo o0 Thursday and he reports the sale of Dr. Chases Liver Cure improving, he re- ceived two testimonials from Ooderich. Ss. advt. Sault St Marie Express: -Mr. J, A. Doyle, proprietor of the Albion Hotel, left to -day on • visit to his old home at Goderich. His post will be tilled, in his ab*ence, by hie brother, Mr. Jas Doyle, who is here on a visit. "C&oo,rNo Telt Rrvu Otts BY ONE." - Margaret Lindsay, relict of the late Christopher Lindsay, died on October llth, aged 77 yearn. She had been • resident of Huron county for more than half • century, sod was universally esteemed and respected. ImreovT.O.-Mrs G Cos, who went re- oently to Chiago to consult regarding • • species of lameness which had been troubling her tor some years past, hos returned, and has already experienced benefit from her trip. She u now able to use the lame member for walking pur- peso& NOTIEWHsTIRt Fars DIREeMEATI Mssrtreo.-A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Northwestern Exhibi- tion will be held tomorrow 'Saturday, Oct 15th1 in the grand jury room, Court House, for the parpese of taking evi- dence in • ase of protest and sifting another ate where suspected fraud ex- ists H. W. Bagnaoro & 00., B&ANTTORD. -We don't know to what extent the well-known firm of H. W. Brethour A Co., do hestness in this town, but the fact that they have now enteral their fifth year of advertising in TAE SIONAL is wfaoien/ proof that they consider the investment is • profitable one. Read their new fall advt. "Mate Pa1TINmoe."-This (Friday) evening the popular ooneedien, Joseph 11 Keene, will appear is his latest sitc- oms, "Mex Partington," at the Grated Opera House. The play is toll of so- eentrioities and laughter producing epi modes, and those who want to banish the ' blocs menet do better than see "Tbe Widow," "Ike,'rand "The Deacon." MOsCAL Tsrliaaxci EvixlNo.- Rev. B B Keefer will, on Tuesday, Oct. 18th, deliver • lecture entitled "The Failure d the Scott Ant." Magical es- IeetIona will be given during the evening by Prof. F H Morgan, and his gifted daughter, " Link Fairy,' the wonder- ful child vocalist. The entertainment will be under the patronage of the W. C. T. U. PRISoNER EsCAPED. -While constable Gill, of Exeter, watt bringing • prisoner named Heffernan, charged with cattle lifting. to jail on Saturday night, atter the arrival of the 9.40 train. the prisoner bolted and swopped is the darkness Al- though every effort was made by the atlistable to receptors his man, he fail- ed of seems, and Heffernan is dill a free bird. A Went -maid STCAL ex Arrt.ta - Sontotime hawses Wednesday, October &h and Saturday, October 8th, some pinwale unknown entered the orchard of H. Y. Attnll sad tole all his apples, amounting we are told, to some twenty• fire bushels. Mr Attrill has offered a reward of $100 for Information leading to the ee.victi.,n of the thieves, and it is hoped the Minders will he brought to beetles. A Tara o1 Tories — The following weeks for itself : Moved byinspector Tots, .eeondsd Mr. F rassweiler, and volved : That the thanks of the Tesehers Areoeiation be conveyed to all those ladies and gentlemen who en kind- ly witted in making our entertainment os Friday erasing soca a grand soocres We oonsrdered the choruses, recitations sad Mikado fen drill ex downy well resdered,end .11 were hterhly appreciated by the sedation That die ..eretary sated • copy of this te' }iso Smithtown, the leader of the Mikado party, to 8 P. Sall. R. A., the leader of the cheers Met/, ted to sash of the lead pap... wuT • M•av,Acrt's.a SAT& --iota- Utak Ellis, maeutacterer of kait:ed good•,Purt Dover, formerly of Wiughaw, 'Tiede : " I du out by any measle deem the thirty-three manufacturers who re - wetly suet in solemn 000ciave at Toronto as being to any •ppro able extent repre- sentative, as I am persuaded • very large properties of Canadian mauufact urns are of the side of unrestricted trade. I repeat. only such d our mauutacturere es lack brains and energy need fear Com- mercial Union," Hs Knows How To Do Ir. -The pas- tor of Victoria -et. church says : Pan of my creed may be expressed ie thus words "I believe in the expunging of church debts." Now if every church in town will seed to an appointed meeting, live, responsible Christian workers to the total number of 260, who will pledge themwlve• to do a few hours' work in accordance with a very simple plan, I will guarantee to pay off every church debt in town within six mouths, at &cost to the workers of bet • few soots. PAesgD AWAY.—Leet week there mim- ed sway at Linwood, Oat, Minnie, be- loved wife of Rev. T. J. Smith d that Mrs. fiimith was daughter of our townsmen, D. R. Wilson, and was well and favorably known to many of our readers. Deceased taught school in Goderich for somaears, and was an earnest and devoted member of the Methodist church. Her funeral took place from her father's residence to Maitland cemetery on Friday last. The sorrowing husband and other relatives have the sympathy of the entire com- munity. Mg.HANICS INttmtTE.-A meeting of the directors of the mechanics institute was held on Monday evening ; al1 the members were present. It was decided to arrange for evening classes in book- keeping, writing, arithmetic and draw- ing. The Secretary was instructed to advertise the meeting for organizing the *lasses, which will be held on Tuesday evening, the 18th for the commercial course, and on Wednesday erening the 19th for drawing, at the rooms, at 7,30 o'clock. Books to the amount of $110 were approved of and will be placed in the library at once. The book com- mittee were instructed to get up a new catalogue for the library on the most improved plan. Doctor McLeod's Case --Some days ago our well known citizen Doctor McLeod was arrested at the instance of the medical faculty, and taken to Sea - forth on • charge of practising medicine without a license. Immediately after paying the fine and cats imposed, some $36, he was arrested on three similar charges. On the advice of his counsel, E. N. Lewis, he refused to pay the tines imposed in the latter eases, and was therefore committed. Steps were at once taken by E. N. Lewis to procure his release by • habeas corpus, which resulted in the doctor being discharged en Saturday last at 2. The jailer acting ender a telegram from the clerk of the court of Queen's Bench, Toronto. E N. Lewis has the credit of issuing the first habeas corpus ever served on Gov- ernor Dickson. "Reminiscences of & Bungle," by "One of the Bunglers," Is the title of a book which hu been Wood from Wm Grip Printing and Publishing Company, Toronto. The following extract from the preface will give an ides of the scope and atm of the book : "The North-West Rebellion of 1885 and all connected therewith have been so puffed up by pen and pencil, and the generalship and management so eulogised, that I feel no little diffidence in having • shot at so sacred an event or attempting to ridicule the actors therein. But I have waited for a truthful and unvarnished account of the campaign, and as no abler hand seems willing t, write it, I will give my idea of what 1 here belled • 'Bungle,' regretting my inability to do it justice." It is circumstantially written, and keeps up the interest to the close. MATRIMONIAL -The Paroles Adrer- timer mays :-OC Wednesday last Petrolea and Ooderich became more closely con- nected by a very happy little event that took place then in the marriage d our /enol and much respected townsman, Mr 0. B. Robson, who hes been fortun- ate enough is securing as a partner for life one of the most charmingoung lad ies of the Huron district. The happy event was coe.omated by the Rev. Dr. L're, of the Presbyterian church, and was strictly private, none but the relatives and immediate friends being present The bride looked lovely and charming. She was &needed by Miss Belle M. McCetcheon, of Wingha n, while Mr. W. J. Clarke, d this town, performed the ditties of groomsman. The presents were both numerous and coaly. After the wedding breektaet the happy couple left on the early morning train for the (fast. We joie with the many friends of Mr. Robson here, in wishing both him and his lovely bride all the happiness and oonjugal blies that is posaib'e to ex- perience from the marriage stale. BAzas—The bazar in aid of the poor of the town will be opened in Crabb s block, corner of Ktngdon-st., on Satar- day, Oct. 15th, and will continue until rhe following Saturday, Oet. 22nd. The following ladies are members of the com- mittee : Mrs A. M. Roes, Mrs M. O. Cameron, Mn R. S. Chilton, Mrs Luby, MrsJ. Miller, Mrs Harrow, Mee Kent, Mrs W. T. Hays, Mrs J. W. Smith, and Mrs Wilson. There will be • free concert every evening, and the band will Jso be in attendance at the does of the bazar. During the week • lecture will be given by Rev P. J. Shea, of Seaforth,'abject "What is • Maa without Edseation r' The opening ed- am* on Saturday evening at 6 o eloek will be given by tnayor Seeger, also ad- dressee by ex -Mayor Horton, R. S. Chilton, t . S. eoteeul, F. W. Johnsen*, C. Crabb, L Campion sad others. Members of the ,hour of the diffeeet aerates are invited to .mist at the evening's entertaiassest. The pubiie saw woediall' mooned to petresise the Wear. sed pats., lhs veil es MI6 THE WATERWORKS. What Walker, the Port Htlr:aii Expert, has to 8.7. 61 Takes au meet lea sae SNnes gas. Iona S.IIs.es a sewarkie Ment- ens M Worked trent (Mew Mena aw—• UMW{ Pun. mei rows eery. toe's Great Alamitos Cyelopilis. sow COUNTY CURRENCY. the leading authority for the melti- le sod sold to trade tad eta awl ' beplied mullion& This W 4144►.nd -- r r soiWnjgg and etaismoringfa fro= script loo. Wednesday last, M. Walker, of Port Huron, the well-known waterworks ex- pert, was in town, and made • prelimin- ary e1smwatioo into the proposed water- works scheme. He visited the Flats hear the Hawley well, and after getting &t the facts of the owe, MK the mem- bete of the council in the dot k's ufioe. lir Walker, in addition to being • waterworks enslneer, is • coutr•etor for putting in waterworks systems. He is in favor of erecting neoe•sary build- ings at the foot of the hill, sad of plac- ing forcing machinery there with •.stion attachments. He opposes the sestets ut using lifting pumps at all, sad is also 0170511, TO THE t.7111 OE A liTA1D1t1& The latter, be contend., would cost from $8,000 to 1111,000 and would not give rein for the interest on the amount of money ,speeded. It was quite true that by the use of • ataodptpe the so- gine• woeld not he required to work more than half time, bet the are and steam would have to be kept up cun- OnuallZ her imr the engisa might at Thew- t red for fire purposes. NOT serviciENT 0140 100 WITEarOwaa if the whole bank between Goderieb and Sarnia were sieved with water holes, and that scheme for obtaining power was out of the question. There were to hu mind but two wary of furnishing an adequate water supply to the town -toe one by sinking wells at the low level bolo -r the hill, and forcing the water up, and the other by building cribwork into the lake and running about 1,400 or 1,600 feet of suction pipe out, and then forcing the water into the town main►, The engine house, with duplicate en- gines, &c, would not ext over 88,000, and the suction pipe for lake service could be laid for about $3.50 per foot. If it was thought better than the water should be obtained from wells monk be- low the hill, TSE !SINKING OT THE WR1.L5 would be but • small item, and thea if it woo found that the supply was inade- quate the suction service could be run into the lake, and as the Michigan mac naively pat it, "You'd have old Lake Huron to fall back on, and she wouldn't give out -well, nut for same time, any- heow." He endorsed Engineer Chip - man's report except in the matter of the standpipe, and said, "I don't know Mr Chipnun, bat from reading his report would my hewas • pretty smut young md head en gotprettyhim and I think his .ma,a nit ahough I take Woe with him on this poiot." He also said that E?cINEg&B will LIKE DOCTO*t -they often got into ruts and found it difficult to work out again. He believ- ed if the suction pipe were carried ort by the side of the south pier some 1,400 or 1,600 feet it could be economically constructed on account of the protection which the pier would afford ; and if it were so laid, it would be found that the water obtained at that distance from the shore would not contain so much "rile" (sediment) as most people would tbiuk, Mr Walker also advised the council to send • delegation of competent men to visit Sarnia, Fort Gratiot, Port Huron and similar points and bring in • prac- tical report upon which they could at once proceed with the work. WEDDIY.i BaLut. - An interesting e vent took place at 8t. George's church on Wednesday of led week, when two daughters of our townsman, Mr Stephen Ball, were joined in Hymen's hoode- d*. elder, Rebores Andrews, to Mr John McArthur, of Henmll, and the younger, Mary Jane, to Rev J. H. Dyke, of Hen- fryo. The ceremony wasrformed by Rev John A. Ball, of Port Rowan, brother of the brides, assisted by Rev W. A. Young, rector of 8t. George's, Goderiok. The groomsmen were Mr Robert Hunt, of Kippen, and Rev A. K. Birks of Guelph, and the bridesmaids were Mies Jessie McArthur, of Hens11, sod Miss Sagan Dyke, of Hamilton. The brides were arrayed in brown satin trimmed with silk plash, and the brides- maids were edified in cream non's veil- ing, with lace to watch and baguets of forget -me sots The voile worn by the brides were d white tulle with orange biosso.s, and the travelling dresses were of grey oostume cloth with hats to match. There were about forty-five guests pres- ent at the wedding breakfast The brides were the recipients of a large number of valuable and handsome gifts. The happy couples left by the afternoon train -Mr and Mrs McArthur for Ham• ilton, and Rev Mr and Mrs Dyke, for Herfryn. 1). Arrt.*TOx & Co., vs. ALL (hw.a*. -Appleton's great American Cyelope. tie is a vast oompreheneive library in itself, and • substitute fur more than one thousand volumes specially given to ART, WIEN.'x, LITRR&Tr'lte end avgNre ; and u nlike all escyclopeodisc it is the cos plated r yel. of all knowledge as gives from the earliest dawn of mythological history up to the "times" vaulting sprit of the "A..riean phnrolz of 1887." This work with its 5,000 maps sad illlatrations and its 80,000 alibied aftl- tilea, is now the "herniae" envy of every encyclopaedia publisher in the English speaking world. This Cyedo pia is now ooesleted and follows yearly with its Cyclopedia anneal', which keep it shrove with the •ge,whilet those which are published is enstinaed edition form will have their first velem* from fifteen to twenty years old, whim the last one u ironed. it will thus be seen that such eney.lopwdias which are published in eoetineed edition form are one eontissed series of ferrel osissio.a, and never up to deme, even the very last volume. Se harramiag is this to the votaries of edema, that one bwsdred sad forty-six Canadian whole", of Ontario with warty a hke somber of Qts.bes and the Maritime preview, have retsoved their inferior work' from their shelves and sophism Nam with Apple - Y. W. 0. T. U. -The anneal ..MM( Et;ohaor* of the Y. W. 0 T. U. was bald ore Sept. &b, and a report was reed aft the work poem item ail ever tees,. 0811114F.0•1694 of the Goofed awe its oeganisttion es Slapped me 08esiessell-(Ala est May 23rd. The tastitutioe was eremite- robes -The nee sods* 4114,404 id with 10 members. whisk had la- hent war en aamps& creased seal mow et the eo.menesseent of • new year there were 36, of whom 24 were .dive and 12 honorary. The tioeeuogm are bold fortnightly, and greet istereet is taken in the work. Light business meetings have been bold, which hews been partly devotional ; eon &pseial meeting h.a also been held. The aver- ve attendance has been 12 A Baud of Hop. was organised on July 18th, with 64 children, whisk insets fortnightly. The membership has ism -eased to 67. Loh family received gjgpar; cate- chism, written byMem Jol•-la Colima*, and trade are dribeted at the meet- ings. The uaiours d the bend epeeist of the hoostary members of the Unice, with . committee of eight salve teem tors to assist u the work. A committee for thee purpose of getting up • bellow for the l'oioo was selected. The banner will have the emblem of the Union, the red and white rose. p5101.d .poo at, tad the inscription, "lift up your eyes .ed look on 14. fields ; for they are white already to the harvest," -John iv -35, and "For we are t.boren together with God," -1st Cor. iii 9. A relief cont - mitts. was appointed to look after the poor of the teen both temporally sod spiritually. An enterteisment mew mines was also appointed to get up so- cial gatherings for tag year to raise money to carry oe the work. A social had already been held under the auspice. of the Union at the residence of Mrs Watson, at which $6.80 had been re- alised. Temperaee literature to the extent of $3 80 had bests obtained and 400 pages Ind been placed in eiroota- tion. The treasurer's report showed that the receipts had been $14.30, and e xpenditures $10.44, leaving • balance of $3 86. The following are the officers for the ewuinq year : President, Mrs Robert Heidestoo ; 1st vice presia:ent, Miss 0. Hamlen ; 24 vice president, Miss M. Freese ; corresponding sewer Lary, Mies Lossie J. Stewart : recording secretary, Miss Libby Hamleu ; treasur JAIL STATISTIOB. sr. Mies L. Wilson. Messrs Liviagetoas Bros., flax millers, have paid oat over $9,008 for lex deliv- ered at their mill in Brumeis this year. They have now over 900 acres of it spread oeL Donald MaLtehlaa, of Grey township, who has bus away at Ottawa a. • judge at the Provincial exhibitioo,hes notarised and brought with him two very aa• Berkshire pip. R. 1.). Williams, polies magistrate for this scanty, has mottled the awned that be bas no authority to pay to the Wing - h am eorporatioe the amount bet Soon Ant Awe levied is that tows. The Le.ksow besting refers to Mr Rowena, the arming member for West Brew, as • gentleman highly spoken ..f by all who know him, • very fair speak- er, and is all respects one who is likely 10 maks a first-class member. B eafortk Expositor :-We regret to learn of the death of Mrs J••. A. Aitcbeaon, which matured at Windsor on the 29th ult. Mr. Aitcheeon was, some years ago on the Expositor staff. He ba. our GI:merest sympathy in this the time of his greet bereavement. Mr C. Middleton, of Bayfield, who was injured • few weeks since by his horse running away, died from the ef- fects of hie iojunes • couple of weeks ago. He was nearly 76 years of age and was one of the oldest settlers sod most highly esteemed residents o! that din. trod. An exchange tells of a man who has been selling patent churns to the farmers, taking in payment notes payable on de- mand and made "not transferable," and pledging himself cot to demand p•ymaut within • certain long period Then he *banged the mot cu note, and ,-old the notes, and the farmers were oall.d upon to pay. FROM THE NORTHWEST. An leleresilar amd meaty Litter Fora a Farmer ■.,setae. A subscriber of Tne SIONAL, 1100 s resident of Mootgomery, N. W. T.. sends us the following interesting letter under date of Sept 30th : Soil, -As the harvest is over I suppose a few notes from this part of the Domin- ion will be acceptable to • number of your numerous readers. The season has been very good in this pan, and the re - salt is • bountiful harvest, with good samples and large yields, wheat running from 20 as high as 50 bushels to the acre in different parts of the Northwest ; oats, 40 to 80 bushels ; barley, 25 to GO bushels ; with potatoes a heavy yield and good quality. ANNUAL Rias. -This N. W.T. is well represented with fall fain, both along the C. P.R., and in other settled porta. The fain in Eaten' Assioaboia were put in rotation as to day of the week, com- mencing with Moosimin, the first town after crossing the Manitoba boundary, so se to let Professor Saunders, of the Ex- perimental Farm, Ottawa, and soma fourteen remoter. of the 5 Eastern prov- inces, visit them a11. Mooeimin fair be- ing the first on the list, with Bash prose to the amount of $700, drew • large crowd and • fin. exhibit, especially the butter and the school exhibit by the Moosimin school In the evening there was • banquet in honor of the pressmen, which was attended by 90. The next day was Wapella fair day. It being • small village and the Ent fair, it was on a small scale ; but some good samples of stock, grain, roots and vegetables were shown. Whiteword was the third place visited by the Eastern men, and all jott- ed in saying the quality surpassed any- thing they had sein the older coun- try, - try, some of the articles being better than they had ever seen before. One turnip wits 3 feet 4 in. in oircumfereoce; • cabbage over 2 fed across the bed ; sunflowers 20 inches -in fact, the roots and vegetables were, to use a slang es. pression, "simply immense." While the display of bread, better aid Fume - made chew, if it was at the Godseish fair would make the natives open their eyes when their own came in second beet A sample of Rose potatoes shown by the writer of this, 55 potatoes weigh- ing 60 pounds, only took s.000d pnze at Whitewood, and did hot get a place al one d the other fairs. The amount of grain at any of the different fairs was small on Recount of only • few having got threshed, bot they vera good sam- ples. 'Ilse rattle ams in for • good deal of praise from the reporters from Priem Edward island, particularly the working one. Horses, sheep and pip were pod ; and cot to forget the ladies, who exhibited a very fine assortment of la- dies' work, also cclleetione of patties, LI: and wines from the native LIta The collection of vegetables eon - bawd one yellow onion grown from seed, which weighed it pounds, also pomphus, squashes, citrons, tomatoes, tobacco, pipe Dorn, Ae. BRAweg VAav --Professor Saunders is attending the fairs and viewing the eo.ntry to settle on • Iocatioe for the branch experimental farm for the N. W. T. Rrwaw WHEAT. -The different sats - pies of wheat sent not by the Govern- ment to different parte of Manitoba hes proved to be shout two wears earlier than the red Fife, and • good yielder, so that la a few pen iroson wheat in this eoantry will sot be heard of, and this sew wheat is hard and reported to be equal to Fife for willing. The weather has been very warm the lest week, as high as 116' in the sea, for hours oe one day. A. M P Mr. Hess, mansfactsrer of the tows (dock, S.eter, finished the work of ereet- img lie same os Friday last. The elnek rens well sod keeps enn'sst time, bot the tone of the bell is not quite elesr t msegh to be beard any great &st.nes. deme Iatere.ttaa atslrstks imam Sower - mer Mekse.. Herewith I seed you a synopsis of the returns of 3od.rich jail for the year end- ing Sept 30th, 1887 : Number of prisoners committed dur- ing the year, 62 males, 8 females. total, 70 ; number of prisoners carried over from last year, 6, total, 76. Of the shove number, 14, elected to be tried by the county igi a criminal court, 6 were acquitted, sod 8 found guilty. Of the number of prisoners committed during the year the Government defrayed the slpeoes of 24 ; the number whose es• pewee were defrayed by the municipali- ties was 46. Total number of days i11 custody, of government prisoners, were 458; total number of days its es•tody, of municipal prisoners, were 3440. Nation- alities of prirnoere committed daring the year : Canada, males 33, females 7, total 40; England males 10, females 2, total 12; Ireland, males 7, females 2, total 9; Scotland, males 6, females 2, total 8; other co2t.tries, moles 1, females 0, total 1. Religious denomination of praooers committed during the yesr : .Roman Catholics, males 2, females 2, total 4; Church of Euglaid, mates 17, females 2. total 19; Presbyterians, males 18. bwles 4, total 22; Methodist, males lb, females 3, total 18; other denominations, 7. Number who were married,_woks M, females 7, total 36; numbs; who were unmarried, [teles 29, isms$,. 6, total 35; somber wh000a 1 neither read nor write, make 6, females 4, total 10; number re- ported temperate, males 17, females 7, total 24; numb.* reported intemperate, males 40, females 6, total 46. Offences for whieb prisoners were committed during the year : Abusive sed obscene language, males 1, females 2; assault, sales 2; attempting suicide, males 1; Contempt of court. males 5; cruelty to animals, males 1; debtors, males 2; fraud amks2; horse sod cattle atealing,n ales 4; indecent assault, males 1; larceny, EMUS 10, females 2; lunatics, males 8, females 2; readying stolen `oois, make 1; vagrauts, males 16, female@ 5; other silences, males 5. Deily average of prisoners during the year was nearly 5; average number of days in jail for each prisoner during the year, bit; Worms* of committals over last year, S. Not one has been oommittd dtwhet the year ger being drouk and dieoederly; there is as Leers/se of one for resell, alio of ogee for abusive langesee..Isst year I ce rind *ver 6 prisoners, bet the year I carry over 10, an Mamma of 4, alae showing that liminess is mommitesieWl with mesh batter ptte.paU tine it did bet year. Wit, Thome. ♦ League mum meeting .sa hold at Langford on Sunday Oetober 9th, During the togs the platform eollapeed, •sem a (lemmata* reporter was injured. T. M, Healy, M. P., chaffed the reporter on his Ora trial of . plank bed. Continuing, Mr Waal geld that there would soon be se htmdlords left in Ireland. He would deal with the landlords in mooring their rights as he would in driving rets from a hay afsek. The landlords were more bothered the plan of am thee they were y the kiiline sf bar if., Tbe deadliest to hit them was their pathos* He that the mortgems et Lord Gnm- woeld not leave ``its alines farthing N bless himself with. The high were attune enough to subdue the paltry Loyalist crew. Bbemasattre Perna Require et deseripetos, since, with rare eisoptioo, all at sante tom have wiper• lseeed their tui RhoeseatisIa tat easily dislodged,m only the most pow. ,group penetrating remedies rest& lo its very ousdatimn.. The most sessessfel knows, and it is now frgaetly) reverted to by medical 'nee, is the appltestiom d Hut sow famous remedy for palm--Pd- son's Nerviliae. it is mare t0 temp that nothing %et diesovsred has aford.d equal satiefeett„e to tbs suffering. A (nal non be made et a mall Boot, as temple betties of Norville* out bus bed at the dry .teres flog tem soma, large bottles 26 ousts, &Wise sal. —it do pro tit 16,w . asetio e sleet p. m. , fate potters tart ?tibiae sale ell the fair seder the amt isitttrdi Socia 1897.! An at *mead. for t Harvie,,. Fol posters. Audio. gals ala, the Fro oil lot 1,eon Hem, tart« o'clock pp m , 1887. The t sal. or rest, particulars. ♦etdioo sal the property v t pweises next at1 Knot at 1 o'clock 22nd, 1887. ankles ass pa Amities sal pperespp oettY d MI Maitland ems by Joh* ;;tics al 1 o'clock p. 1887. As Mr. the mala wi'1 pastors for list Audios male masts, the pr Phe., on lot 91 about two mile boundary line, ter, commoner Thursday, Oct. for lest, terms, uctton salt • part of " A " of the Martin's hotel, auctioneer, at 1 day, 001. 1541 further particu All parties tale, will *mil gating their bis aloe. where charged and a this head up k 5 GRAND Frulay, ONE N ent JO' KE la Wet Mrs. • * 'd • "Au altos et Page•" lthnission Barred Met Lando*. w dloThc Attead•nosl0+I WY,mRFLM' r Farmer At► Vress bT U th w111 bay • f•IL eve far tae let of Asir 1E3 01. * 1mann) Fl.o 8 RARR WA R C'18T' APPLE I make APPLE My belittler N •11o.itstorarI• ea, 1 oatpp.' arse ire a GA CHI SM. 1144 July gots.. mime tOO THE Gri of tN 15.065,1 lure. new WUmprasei ARA "For row"' 1 Perla and 1 foostoreoi rue r por4ot rnre. 4 ever.' Oa P0f16f Never Fall. THE t 011-i1