HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-10-7, Page 7THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, OCT. 7, .lam
The Ower Dean/ at tertrwliab lamps DON
to Yar--Ttfe 6ladeones and the ems -
venom - tae- cladsene'e P Isssssl
i,.web-Nddloi rp Nee Idesbaad'e
.a VOA' (si,r, la Jnr T.eI a....
While the elect d the '"forthwith elation
upon Obs future .4 parties sod statesmen
absorbs the ateentea uI 1..litici•tte. the . "e-
ntry of this flow Cade eanJulate is dulatted
to be • perigees.' one for the Gladness family,
.ad, in • spacial rum, fur Mrs. Glddona
I Irr polituoal Lower is essentially unlike that
.1 Lady Hul:aud, ate Lady I'elaterst. , or
Lady BeacosefieW. She has maker p,msotal
beauty oar rad wealth, nor blse-Woud bows
not • Loudon drawing -room But wit bin ten
years sbe has lmoome an acknowledged power
in shatiwg the armee of political stets, and
this shower low its source iu Its intellectual
character and her high womanly integrity.
The Nortbwielt contest bad is it sosoetkiin
aceutdiy penman between the families of
Gladstone •ad the rot and branches of the
Gro.venor seek. When, all but fifty years
ago, Gladstone married Catherine OIyanea,
daughter of Oa Owyhee Wynne of Hawarden
Comte, Fliatabirs, the bride was • tall, long -
featured, amiable, bet sedate Kiwhammies,
g! wMn, w 4sscribed bl as u14 trawl
of bee father, were *by to •vekwssdnes. Ohne
was well .downed, sod by nature, w well as
by ationesewts, well suited for the companion
and closest friend uI the owe who has been
the greatest of England's statesmen. Family
sans, which te time included eight chondro.,
newly divided as to sea. .lnorbed her early
prime; and • more lovable or tonna household
does not mist is the country. Host of them
are either attached to the paternal lions or
near enough to tr called to its hearth. Nome
of them arm brilliant in the shadow at their
Ikeda?. greatness. But all are accomplished,
dutiful. and exemplary.
. The home is Mra Gladstone'$ The inhter-
itamee of Bir John Gla.let.sw's eon was oLiedy
eomenseial sad !weren't; and great a finan-
cier as the Grand OM Man is for the Empire
'be was not particularly thrifty io k.epiug hw
Iowa affairs in good shape. Ile spent money
lavishly in trate! •od to the acquisition of the
resouros of mental pleasure wick which He -
wariest alerinls. Their cl.ikln•n were taught
everything which money could procure. Dur-
4ai all the iwterveting yew between mar-
riage and the maturity of the youn;lcet it
was impossible for the family intxime to he
inervased, except by tlio emoluments 01 vele*
i� interval.; and it is doubtful whether Mr.
Gladstone is a pound better off tar the
princely .Glary he has bad is C•binem. Nose
of the Gladstone sons added anytlaiag by mar-
. ,
age or otherwise to the (study incense; and-
-the daughters married wisely, two of them,
but r.ot well in worldly sense. Io their ego
lightened and testier devotion to their family
the Gladsome ba.* shown that perfect pro-
bity and healthful sweet future a hich w
eh•r•eteri.tic cif them iu all their social rela-
e Whenever the ying.trmbcre of the Glad-
e tinnily went abroad in the vicinage d
e w.rdcn, they sere . ery likely to meet the
J ng u.ruave., ..I the l:,ustrww far:illy, for
iVivn u.a.t peas Eno', Hall, the ancient seat d
the r..+Im, to reach Haward.a The Bever
1h., while it dieitlee rliabhir. f•1om
Cheshire, eases. keep them apart sroard the
suss. noise• it demeuited Ole Keenan* sled
panto{ test v, thein a formidable site for
vs .a. said fort.6emio & Chenor is the
!.Me commie : and the reify all bat invite -
hie. molly and h..ary. dill bar whom re
ib. et:ri. Ui and Ih rtMigliwes of Homan
Lambe ork. Doi lewdns became Ik finita!
a:lies awl domestic sesueiator. GLadetooe. •
;km, a all 11111 10. c,.ntent h, Permit Earl
Grocer ie., • man .A wealth, to he the political
m:..113•111 .A the d.4saiti. For twenty-two
- este lb. Earl sat for Cheater. Hi. Sera wife.
n deullter .4 the Doke of Suttee land, died
learner hem seven children, of whom the lits
cacti:dot. Lord Heavy Grosvenor. is the
amnia Ile i. 98 yew of age, and . Imppsedes.
u.nwtity. The fennel wife rd the Duke d
Westminster is • datg{.e•'r of Baron Cbeeham.
The reitth of the i..eee is enurm...t 'rl.e
P..tl inherited cash from his lather •au.anting
to Moran* and easter, urban and rural.
w!eine tus+.l vane it is kuarde a to gums at
He ham 90.000 acres in Che.bum, 70,000 acres
of deer torso by leave in Sutl:erinodahirs.
receives 1100,000 a year rent for the hooses oc-
cupied Lbyy the Dukes of Gnfbon. Marlboro
and WsWegton; owns the Bedford, Nortek
t ortlaod and W estmiastar peopetttss a Lon-
don; maims lmnropri•te tithes; has lease-
hold. of woods and plantations, and aide to
all this the pelts of seines of iron, tfa, algid
and oogmr. H.s actual income. for which
n either he nor any of his Meek ever did an
bones dy'. werk. *•.net be less than dii,-
OEM Hie � s�tyj p�pett� saersover, is
praMle.11y wwtaaewo tie sweets or the robin
making ail the imptovesse.te he pocket -
tag the teeters of dee mewtrd taloa.
Yet this nos wee ums.iimhrl He was rely
* Sanaa The stwdeat, orator and politicial'
who lived at the picturesque and umpreteniioes
Castle of Ri.watdea was. for ha da/an to life.
• poor man. But to him the Marquis of
Warminster looked for .id to elitist' to the
bjgba.t reek is the peerage. Tb. original
tide was only Baron, but it dated back SO
The Marquis was younger than Mr.
elcora ladetons by a doren years it was not diffi-
cult for him to amid • plans behiud him as
be roes speedily and firmly in the ..teem of
the country. They were familiar friends un-
der the ancient oaks of Flint thirty years ago.
The Tari professed • deep devotion to the
ihnharacter of his raided *.eaplar. H.
needed se assistance from Mr. Gladstone to
keep in Parliament He owned his temente.
and they were numerous wealth, with their
creditors, the shopkeepers of Chester. M re-
tain his seat In the Commons until the idea
that mei. were men and not chattels began
stealthily creeping into the beds of Englush-
nsmem sot bora with titles.
The gest oollisius between lir. Gladstone
and his nmthbor came about just twenty
ran •go. The subject was e Reform Bil
which ththane unman voters were going to be
Zie to send whom they passed to rot in the
Mows d Commons far thews. The Margwn
played meetly the trick Hartington mod
Chamberlain are playing now. He rsmainwl
nominally • Liberal, but he otxaasd the 11e -
form Bill. He drew thirty-one Literal* with
him, and threw oat the lloeernment it wen
up,u that theme that Mr. Gladstone delivered
the speech whose peroration is enriousllike
that d the "Hoeing tide." He said: "Too
cannot lftbt against the future. Time is en
our side.
e The recrrriliatioa, p.nliuo 1 and .molal. was
alerted by Mrs Gh d.toea Nee was her task
dincslt. The old man is tenacious o1 trod
and • seatimmnal friend to thew who are
invincibly Inyal to hien, but he has that nnblm
phikunphy of anal whish discards aunties
and ends in human rivalry. ante/calm Gad
eoihieiow only passing inters.e it is this
noblemen of astern which enshrines • Imes al
hr- arch enemy,i)isr•eti, neer roe d his writ-
ing tables in t.•gnifieent'theory at Ha-
w•rden. 11 ie this magnanimity wheel .sa
1.ae lips beware hmsn
oog nM Johts
John height
But the not..e of the Harrgqsia of Weston -
seer was not en pore He still yearned for a
seat swarm Regl•nd'm dukes. He slseidsawdy
moored tete GI•d.tortse, aid the wraps even
hinted at marriage hetwws the young
- arc award epmewlali.m. Te 1474 the
ie bombs the Deka d Wrsewon.ter by
ear of the ores* n,r.mr.ne► who heed •ttuerl
�e� r Corral wan im m ler.
...pa The Duke's aranairwas
Is.ted w b. wer.bipedthe
.ad then a��
and euwesn tw
titioa TI►. links wee ea el
the firei to opwe kir. Glailnaeati Hems
IIula.orerai.a Nur was �'�w� �p
dames i. hie desertion He emrarlM to
every device known 10 natty polities to stat
away state is Liberal omn•tit tendon Hie
ese•uts mud msvante were ordered Inabin s
year to tote oa two u..miva. for Torissa •.d
:key tamer did mo. The plsi;Jr ^! 'a- ::ata•
toward the great Cwuewaer gradually ex -
model all t..u..d end throughout Tand
Cheshire the old Than families became tudased by
the memory ul hu former irsaust, his mo-
lested repentance, anti the fullness of reword
with which L. return W loyalty lad berm
ILLK 1:l.alatonr, msanwL: e, had bectesie a
*emu of .Nara lbw tall, Eno, un.hwpely
mid unc,uth figure is as familiar iu Loudon
and throughout the country as the Grand
OW Matt'. She is in... •trent from his
aide. tile rude with him thr.wgh savage
Loudon men h.le. ing her imams would
shish' his gray hair. She N accuet.wted to
lit Iii the Howe of Commons as many hour*
as 1.r, unseen except by the (urtuual few
in the feistier' er the 1.r.. gallery,
where she usually went, dues with
the Duchess of Albany, while he was Prime
Minister. She dreams geuerally iu black s.lk
Or .el ret, without .tyle lir adornment. Her
age, a a-rlaie, gracoo.ue.f of aspect, her
e.rnestns', her total bas of herself thi him,
tier tact among I.,litteian, her favor with
the t5.etygeen god her 1.,pul•ri:y with the people
all onmbise to wake her s political tower
unique and uupreadauted. The sympathy el
the electors of Northwich was intense with Ler,
and it was fanned luso fervor by arms mid
well -brad speeches of Herbert Gledst..q was,
although not eager nor brit8a t. givN
of a motel outdo;
The !feminine Lama (s Mg papld•r It
Cheshire. The Ladies of Patna Hall d..pns
pint cis $. unseated—es e1.ntbing hue {ke
. hrlekingsitter. exclusively. The wu411.0 d
the catstatuency admin and love kora Glad-
some to • decree amounting to mfalaadon.
The duensetic iu■urnwe was altogether with
Mr. liruoner. The visits , the Miters
vent nod received by Henn Gladness
and her mother daring the last three
would reveal more clearly than teews-
pater regatta the story d the defeat d
I�wet Henry. Unlike Lady Haadalph
Churchill's, their political "interferon*"
is not calculated to instigate talk of Par
liarnentary itpuiiy. Alias the net gme.rl
election it was emitted,. prowled to coast •
number of win on the score of undue Mike
ence be the Primrose dames, who. by thceata,
by petty meddling, by gifts of clothing and
pruv ri.mn, and by • discreet use of money.
rived certain candidates by eu.dnct which, if
committed by meq would Imre brought on
their heads legal penalties. Mrs. Gladstone
dud not resort to them questionable method*.
The d Mr. Bremner is first a victory
fur Home Rule. ftemmdly, it is postal tri-
bute to the rimers df a true wife and noble
women, whom eassevosity has been so basely
requited Ly the Duke of Westminster.
The tulluwiug is Curr•it'a description
of his fret epposraan at • debating au-
otety :
"I stall up. My mind was doted
rill about • folio ♦ul.. . of matter ;
t for want of • preface the veletas
ai weer published. 1 stead .p,
tremWiog at every fibre, though ro
mernberinss that is this 1 wee but imitat-
ing Tully. I took a,u , •od had
actually proceeded .beet as tar se Mr.
Chairman,' wheat to my astonishment
■►.d terror, I perceived that every
sat riveted upon ase,
"There w.rte only six or seven present,
and the little room could nut have con-
tained as limey more ; yet it was to my
psiu-sirikeu im•tivatwu as it I were the
..acral object iu .stere and assembled
thousands were gazing on .e with
breathless expectation. I became dis-
mayed at.d dumb. 111) friends creed.
"Hier bins !" but there was nothing to
hear. My lips, indeed, went through
the pantomime of articulation ; bot I
Wait like the unfortunate fiddler at Otte
lair who, coming to strike up the sole
that was to ravish every ear, discover-
ed Oban au enemy had mal.eiuualy soap-
ed lbs bow ; or rather like pour Punch,
anima sew bite, gnsaetng • soliloquy.
of which his prompter had most indis-
creetly neglected to administer the
Such was the debut ..f Sack Curran or
"Grata. Mum." as be was waggishly sty: -
ed ; but not many 'eoliths elapsed be-
fore the sun of his tloyuence bunt lath
i i dazsliwgsplendor.
Nap fee Ore TMll.g Girls.
/1-u,• TLs Planniefpa,e Journal of Cavus Legge.
One d the most e.00uragisg and pleasant
restores d the peanut labor agitation is the
iutan••t "...se awakened to :t'' welfare
of the young women toilers of our cities.
This interne es d no ephemeral character,
but premien results of a highly beneficial
Nature. The working girl is no longer, as
m tines poet, simply a convenience indis-
nditpensable, to be got rid d se soda as possible,
and remembered only when her enviers ase
again needed. Nor does thou interest as-
sume the loon of charity. It aims to place
her on a sound Moines basis, qualified to
discharge her function in life in • manner
satisfactory to her employer and hon-
oraWe to herself. Her d.elula..s is rang -
abed and leer amoral worth immediated. lidel-
ligent women is quick to iv, Ye the dtlller-
ance between meebanitsl serves, however
mace and that which .priuge trona active
biota and willing hand, and her aim k. Snit to
astahlish • sympathy bawd on the tie el
womanhood --a sympathy that ills teeth
boih pxude d vocation and personal derotiost
on the part of the employed.
1 a • resent ssrsom before • largeof ogr g�•
tion Ree. Charles F. Gass el C1uat,go reed •
better feat • shop girl. in whish she galled
attention to the daggers than lased the path
a• thesew*
sewksg and whop sorts d the
the wt d w no or-
ganise.,W promote die selleal-
La and pleasures of social 111. ander the
aspics at good and pure women kir. Gam
portrayed the risks and tempo bio.. surround -
tag the social iatseourse aF ywe.S stew wad
wawa in lams titins. Young women had
.either time so mosey for what is called "so-
wciety," and yet the need of social intercourse
was strongly tett This nlwlmsl impulse for
wt.nctauou tom the beet in.t.scte d
hams. nature -t desire for love and marriage
and home. Mr. Gen straggly advocated
the estal4nkment d a palm where the
toad d bola metes meld asses h hemmed ehMees.
1 that was weeded to setablmb .eek an amend
hives's* was the aid which wtletta amid far -
wish, ant which weld„ under pm*��.srrm•.s �{er
Meet, hewn • pcb•bie t.sweaime.5 11,.
Goan dost nos ask for charity, bat invent/meet
of capita. The griming desire to help weds.
i.ig girls to the better Cbi.ye of life—thou
that are elevating and purifying—lads w-
prssinn in all our cities is the foto of
guilds that provide astruction for a monaiwal
aunt is the reriow ay..otiowe of life. Thew
also provide lectures, libraries .ad mad
These all Wiest. the feta* patinae of the
trwbsg irk.-wl.m dune*, and worth, net
looney alone, .hail bring to abs b..ssable
worker a reestpiad plans in the caner at
a.msasss.i% is wktoh woman M dsdi.sd le ply we
i..igailmint pari
Frew a Cr..imI.lWeIber.
"My little child suffered from a severe
cold upon the Ietgs, until she was like a
little askew before shoe took Burdock
Blond Bitters, after which she became
fat and hearty, ard was mid of weak
lungs, constipation std debility or west-
ing o1 flesh, from which two doctors had
tailed to relieve her." Ma. 8amtwl Todd,
S turgeon Bay, Ont. 2
Like duee not a ways ear* like. An
elevator dropped four stones in s western
eity last week because the attendant bad
taken • drop too much.
Meats rare.
A Cren rot Cnot.tta Mouses —A
positive enre for this dangerous com-
plaint, and fon all acute or chronic firsts
of bowel complaint incident to summer
and tall, is found i. Dr. Fowler's Ex-
tract of Wild Strawberry ; to be primer -
ed from any druggist. 1f
A little girl who wanted to deeeribe the
•beent-minddneu of her uncle said :—
" His remember is so ,find that he has
to use his forget all the time."
creed lewles.
For several years R. H. Brown, of
Kiecsrdine, suffered frau dyspepsia, M
says he treed several Pphysieians sad s
beet of restate* withwt relief. His
drn,,,iat rseommeoded B. R B whisk
be declare. prodssed "weasel resells,"
foe wkieb he Rives it his highest reena-
mwdatio_ 2
A Rowans --tea one dente 'Tum
1T" 00 saik a . •..dull Shelia* tour lin-
r5yoa Oe ' 4aa.asa?, the rem.rkahl.
little Dem for the Tooth and Bat:.. Ask
yew drawest or address
"Iter. TPsobee;Nsi be Weprrted.
If you do not heed the warnings of na-
ture and at ones pay atteutir.n to the
maintainance of your health. How often
we see a person put off from day 10 day
the purchase of a medicine which is pro-
cured at the outatart of • disease would
have remedied it almost immediately.
Now if Johnston's Tonic Liver Pills had
been taken when the first uneasiness
made iia appearance ibs illness would
have been "nipped i.l the bud." John-
son's Tonic Bitten and Liver Pills are
decidedly the best medicine on the mar-
ket for general tonic and invigorating
pwpertuea. Pills lac. per bottle. Bitter.
50 cents lied 11 per bottle, sold by
Goode the druggietf Albion block, sole
agent, chi
The distressing paleness so often ob-
served is young girls and women. is dee
in a great measure to a lace of the red
a rpuscles in the blood. To remedy
this requires • medicine which produces
thee• necessary little blood constituents,
and the bent yet discovered is Johnson's
Tonic Bitten. Pries 60 cents, and S1
per betels at floodso drag store, Albion
block, Goderieb. Bole agent. [hi
Nos and 1M sees.
How much • mac is like his aces
Fur instance, both a soul may lose ;
Both hive been tanned , both are made
t igbt.
By cobblers ; both get left and right.
Both need a mate to be complete ;
And both are made to go on feet
The both need healing ; oft are sold.
And both in time will turn to mold.
With shoes the last is first ; with men.
The first shall be the last ; and when.
The sates wear out they're wended
D IM ;
When men wear out they're men dead,
They both are trod upon, and both
Will tread on others, nothing loth,
Both have their ties. and both inches,
Wbeo polished, in thu world Wahine ;
And both peg out. Now would yea
To be a man or be hie slices 1—Bestou
New Louses aid users are renamed.
Glees is imparted to collars and cola
in steam laundries by passing them be-
tween two hot revolting cylinders under
heavy pressure. When this machine is
n ot used suitable p,liahing irons and the
expenditure of physical strength in bar-
ing down open and vigorously robbing
the linen, prcbably account in the main
for the polish. Whatever preparation
May be used is &tarot, s good "Follett-
i.e. with $ smooth iron is needed to
bring out the gloss A laundry glom
mild to impart a good polish to shirt
bosoms, collars and cuffs, is made as fol-
lows : Melt •lowly together two ounces
of apermsoeti sod one ounce of white
way When aid add a piece the size of
a pea to sufficient starch, made in the
mad way, for • dozen bosoms.
• Profitable Liar.
Few men have areomplished the same
amount of work and good in this world
as the celebrate 1 Dr Chase. Over
000,000 of hie works hate been *old in
Canada alone. We want every person
troubled with Liver Complaint, Dye,
ppswppwat�� Headaehe, Kidney or Urity
roebiea. to buy a bottle cf Dr Clew
Liver Cure, it will eon you. Mediates
and pe Book $1. Sold by all
Comore QtYiNeUs.—Pan them, pat
them in water, boil them till you eon
them with a straw; akin it:to a sae,
it it with hot syrup and seal.
Ladles Onto.
The e..plerioe i. (Mir rendered so -
sightly by Pimples, Liver Spots sad
Yellowness. These it is well known are
named from an insetire Liver sad bad
blood. Dr Chase's liver Cure purifies
the blood and whole system. 15.s
aps Book for toilet reaps., histe and
seggestirres on how al
preserve the IOW
Said druggist.
Cleanses t b s
Head. Allays
Restores t he
Smell Rearing
A quick Seii.ef. A positive Cure.
• paell.le is applied Into each aosrll sad is
agreeable. Prke 80 cents at 11r. tats; by
. ahs registered, m n ata. Circular. free.
AR -17 t ELY BROS. DruggYta. Owego, NT
Yu 1' . Orr BUM NEMS COLLttis.
ett.. in Titan Or Tilt mu
Three Impartments. l'nequallertustroni
Practice. Ilandsonw l'a•.ak:erue free. •oldness
WboTER ELT& YORE. hoodoo,0ut. Wim
GODERICH, Qom; ire
FAyeetwe ■ILL, f►ePAOTNR/T.
Alt. rt. MErr Eta NOriel
Pat. Grain and Seed Cleaner
for thoroughly mnemonic at one cleaning
cockle, Chore. Wild Peet 3i.u.uard :seed.
TbtstleSred. Tux Tail. and other ohnoxets
seeds and refuse Drain. frotu \I'hcat or any
grain. elraniag and sat inui all barons ,red at
the same time. (i -aue Grua and Clover
8e rd, or .teperates them.
Ca'aRl' r•R1ia %EEM Soft.
1•'110 INT t'a1111%1; MILL
Exelwire territory allowed to goad ageats
with horse. wanton and t *peal.
for loan or boy to 1111 Lits ..lona
Fanning If ill Sieves and tureens for any 11511.
Old Mills Repaired and Reales ed.
lhalnaze and Suet... -1 1 'itenz. Lc.. kc.
Wholesale hod Retest.
Indian %.pplied at Peters that ray.
Warns,: umLL a%0 rear dentia.
QQDRRICH- 5110- m
"By a thorough knowledge of the natural
Loss which g overs the operation@ of diet stlon
and nutrition. and by a careful ■ppliestiun of
the Sae prorertle. of wel-retecta,. Coosa. Mr.
E ines has provided our brae/feat tables with
a dellotdy) Savored beverage which may save
as many bevy doctors' bills. It is by the
Judicious use of suck ar:iriee of :let that a
conetitutton may he gradually built up until
strong enough to resist every tendency to
disease. Hendreds of subtle maladies are
fleeting around os ready to attack wherever
there is a weak ppool1at. Its may escape man
a fatal shah mimed by keeping ed res weU foetid -
red with pure blood and a properly cu.u:sad
frame.'_'•t'ieif S.rrier Getze,te."
Mule simply with boll'.ag water or milk.
Sold only to pockets by Grocers, labelled
JAMES�S 1 CO., Hon L
Chrystal & Black
Ilona rt,:urere of all kinds of
amd s11 kinds of Sbeet Iron work.
ooma•ntly un hand.
O. baud. ready fee delivery :
t i M.P. New Merl Welter.
1 It R.r. \re. Weller.
A Complete 20d-baei Threabipg Outfit
Boiler. engine, Reparator. kc,. all in good
working order. Will be weld cheap.
Mail orders will recelre prompt attention.
Werke n Opp. G. T. R. Matte..
P.O. BOX 361
Goderieb, May IRB, iHN.
Tle aMu lbws have Just completed their
large limekiln, which oan lora out 300 bash -
• every twoaty-foot hoes, tad aro pow
spared to mly all rast4rsers with a
▪ eater of good fresh lime daily.It
will be to the dvaatage of every am t,
,drtor flies be o•U or oart*epo.d .tftb ms. se
we are pestered to deally wkb par-
ties wishing to pnrch•4r kiln is situated
eysh. Goder,nb aide of ibis t Reserve.
Jim* 11th. M. 1Nb•6mo
OMslaed, and all bottom In the U.P. Pates
Ones murales to at 1MODRRATR PRRILI t
Oar Dace is apposite the 1'. A. Patent 05
See. awl we ear obtain Patents 1n Mae Ctrs
OMNI 1.110/IP remote from t/'ASHINOTON.
Send MODRI. OR DR .4 M'INO W. ed.
vies as to patentability tree of a s
we make AO r'HAPaII ("XL iea
We refer, here. to the Pnetaater,tkr Out
of leleae Om
Order Div.. and N oilcan of
U... Patient 0111ee. Tor circular. *drink
teems sad re(ere.aee to actual .110.1* la year
ewe /late sr C eumnty.wwrlte to
It Ai
'The Largest Stook
C+reateet Variety,
-�nri Best Value
I\ 7a.11'N. . o
Oor. East Street and Square, Goderich.
A r Y*ItY C'LIA+i: LACE lir
Ladies' Genuine Freud Kid Button at 12.00
81'1.EN111i. vAi t r
Ladies' and Gents' Tennis ShocQ,
at $1.U0 and 11.25
aloe me • can, $1141 we w i11 show ) 00 our reek alit. 111,1. a -air a t., -Ober you buy or not.
1'. *lobs 145...., m..., r:a.t-stn lid square.
N.B.—TO TRH TRADE Leather and Findirge in any quantity,
at Lowest Prices.
w 1zsoN BRose,
1Te0 Doom Last of Wbitel,'. Ilotrl.t
Manufacturers of Marble Monuments, Headstones, Mantlepieces,
and all kinds of' Furniture Trimmiuga in Foreign and
American Marble; also Window and Door
Bills, and House Trimmings of all
kinds in Ohio Stone.
Al week de.ig•ed Gad executed in herr style.
t1FRILSON BROS. deal lankly in
which special attention is called.
It will pay to call before ordering elsewhere.
Ooderick. Jane nth. 1M1.
all kinds of European and Canadian Granite,
Has Just received, and s now opening elite= assortment of
Also on hand • large stock of the
For Ibe make-up of SPRING SUITS.
Zest Side Sgtt•re, Oodericb, March 2Ith. IMO. 1111611
Anyone can advertise, but I can show the Steck. 1 have stone stock on bead taxa any tee
houses is town to select fro..
I have now on hand 10 different styles of Bedroom Suites, 8 different styles o' )cldebo■rda, 3
Parlor suites, ad almost any thing In the Furniture Zine. all of which will bet sold
in the UNDERTAKiNG I give personal attention, ani the benefit now of steely 40 years
experience. I think 1 have the ben Hearty in the County of Huron- i will leave the public
to Judge. i have everytbing usually kept 1n a first -clam establishment, such as C..akete. •
Collins, shrouds. Habits, Gloves. crapes, !c Embalming done w hen required,
irl Guarantee to give satisfaction In every cage.
Oederich. Sept. Ode 1H. „fi44011
1837 VIVAT REGINA 1 1887
The subscriber ohne to later. an loyal eatyeele of Her Most Gracious Majesty,
Victoria. that 1 am doles say eemoat to keep my meek replete with everything new .od use-
ful is all departments.
Autumn Wear.
The Correct Thing in Drees Goode, Buttons and Trimmings to
Match, Ribbons, Frilling. and Fine Laces, New Shades
in Plain and Fane Opera Flannels, with
Bmbroidenee to Match.
i am not dvertl.lng goods at can or under, laaaks to my numerous customers. f have
00 overstock of any mot lima sod that Is raying • great deal whoa we Mar mo mach .kers
business depression. hard times, kc.
Ooderiob. Aug. Nib. i1HT.
111111115, E11F11IE11Y SAO FANCY 1100115
Jest Reeslvml st the Medical Hall by T. JORDAN. and will hos mkt et Alves to salt the
Hard Threes. Call and see them Were mskinmt year purchases.
P. JORDDAN, Medical Ea111, Goaeriohe
4 r 9.
a3i t