HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-10-7, Page 6I) soar to th 1 that timid teres do n boat many' us a lases to pa ayes Stave skips ter i hind saw he tray ashy undo from to hi pay 4.f/it, 11101 woo 1 3rd, Mea , west I aft Allot stte Iter trots tool, funs aalo,• some lady t erne. fire p the try th J Cityt took 1 }pen. Part often than with pass emit es msec those Off aI and 'tike' three fret beat' sten some the $lm quiet: bank Mail whin were Mer, Lon sort wet Lain an i lend e R., aloe pros the be t atty. pole nen boat rock ono bee abs ti Is the the rook be the we S U Man was it or G er frit \pt Mrol t*D 1) oom bar writ er t day tr Sb sow ue ail, TM br we no had d ha an tie a MIK to i0 the P Me Lewd as ow. I. I He heads us un Its 1.311.. e. ,11,1 ..d tome t'pwardhel•v1. a taw' arse- etas`Aeotos. Though aft we (tint ►u.1 fat or by to* way. Though storms aid d veto ss•,oft •'►Sure the May. Vet. w h: n the tu i 1s err gone, We knew Ile (rads LLD un. 11. leade us un Through au be uequfet years. Pant all our dreao•laud bap s, and doubts and fear. He guides o.•r slips. Eery"'sh all l!..' 1411484•4 moo. (Nua. of 1'r: .a. ami ,neve' end d days. We know Hi. wdl is done And soli be leads us on. And He et fast. After the weary strife. After the reeks., fever we nail lite - After t►) dr saran•.'. 11ie a •h'n; pain Tb. wayward e'ru(4lu. wS.c • have proved rain. A tier the toils are paw' Will sive ms rest at lest. is 3iwl.er Mays. Now hie, s s ba..ditht.r. Iva nuc try • If rola this time see Jost ,sur of all thew lueuy :hi.,.,. ▪ illy 'weber seat in use. a She says my eyes are violet - Awe whet sove "eye le Mao - Dui 1'hawk they are just two cram Dotal thee look r. ti • She nap. my Ihr erc-rt rreles red, And makes Wee%eth e'1,11e; They waver lank nk.• time t . me - • Slut motller'.a1ways right. Kloster. rarh .he k f. like a roes: • And the. 1 surely Mame' 1 never would bebeve U -let ▪ What mullein* My s ls ea , Oikeseri mytoiolie!r•',)nlnCT si Now that s.o very Wier?. newer folks wild It why i'4 think - Mat then. 'twits metier dear, • At Mwsaee. Doctor W invalid -Tim nature of year disease demand. that ye. (,Muer my directives iu,pl,e.tly Invalid 1 will endeavor to do se !Meter L. the first 'dace you must take the 1{ewthorne ester three or four tato. a day. Aft."' each gime you must walk. Eaermse I• indirpnowl is your Oa... invalid I will do M you ay Divisor I've yowl be moderate in a kegs thing, '.articularly in amnking. One eigig. after each i...•al, 110 etyma Cell amens to u,ar• run rod report progress. Nett day the patient reported. like a very tick man. -- Welk Moe are you coming ou! L,val:d - P.mrly, decor. •'What•• the matter" deathly sick t niy stomach." "That • very sern►a ' "Yoe sae, this t., the first thine I • is nlmoked.' Ile looked Maly • Brief InteresNtets. n..., mil .t.r rose* a.. II was in one of the stately marmot*. of :n Beacon .treet. Roston, that ter story open.. He was declaring his love in language that only s Boston youth can use, and 11“:111 1. must be ,ober. "Dear.st P.•n.k..e,"h. said, "if 1 had loved :..sew I...I avail Van. told you that i loved you long ago. 1f - -" But he end.knly stopped. A (arawny, whither-am-1-dnftiug I,ok had .no over the girl's face nasi his heart flank within him. "If my words are displeasing to yam, Mia• Frnelop-," he went on in his broken tones, "if 1 1 have said what I ought n1K to say or rat-; ought 1,4 to hear; if I--" ' +"Nut at all," nat.rrupdad Penelope. lonkim , w,klly slant her, "but I have oerteiily kit I my sp.•ctacl.* 11 there they are. Throttle.. As you were saying, Mr. Waldo---. i I only ase • little girl. • With heir ' hitt'. rethe • will. Who !tart two cyrl..y am and mouth, lake any (Ales (-TM. Likens' a R. nemiw.:. A Blo t of Tsoda Ate Martell Paradise. When the 'bun iron, the noon train aniced in front of the hotel a stout little man in a gray traveling su.t and a soft bat descended. Ile had a florid Lerman face, indicating a quick temper, sad the usual number of eyes, which were mull and blue and protected by targe polished sp.ctac:•a of pebble and geld. I He made no attempt a. eater the hotel. true • stepped up to \Ir. 'Curtis, nodded, and said: "You .le brubrietor !" THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. OCr. 7, 1887. WhetiWhet Se M 11111111 Awes 1r- Awes tee Kew reek ?'meso Apra SA Hanlon!Yr. Hanlon! H. ti«M tread • pater before the Oabed Club its Brooklyn last sight upo.a "What Shall We Du With Our Chem wed" Iuo Hetes v, M hell, the questws u has beset "What norm .d La "Whet be required of ma - Mete" but DOW. wad to illustrate the winsome! extremes to which p pop.11ar nn,a lmay go, it is seriously mires easel wl.•tke. eons vete .Ilan •seek et all This *teethe( prop endo.* la advanced by the labor uu4ra 111.41 Ireteuce that free labor eon - MSS Mature the a mpetitios of cos - riot labor. In 1eM Lab.* la* w abolished in New York by law. There are waw 1300 cowA:to unenitloyerl, atl.1 sewn the existing contracts will .v p: re, when all will he idle. There are l.eis1twpr as and rewapa loured to ope III: approve of this atNlltu.e of affair* New keit he. a prison po elation o/ 12,140') leagde, of whom there ars- a.allablo for productive Libor about We.40, whom industry, cote. 'f avail..l ut, wuu:d co. au competition with em the wage-earuu'a des. In manufacturing t1 alone there are ;Olken free lookers enraged owon in this state. The ',rtu.s then i. that 6000 convicts should be kelt idle for fear that their lat.,r would Delete the a.rr•ge wage. .1 799,(110 who aset free, supposing that all the convicts even are 0000engaged in manidecturing. These OUtem- vlCts werrengag.d iD act's p. Miu•tltion before, and will be aga.n, after their incwn aorrstio, tilt,' those who object to their employment under The tort of m:outaauu.g these 12.1.110 co nsicte is over a milh,rl and e quarter of dollars • year; and it is a grave emergency that would j',vtify estate in wast- ing so much a year. But the cot its Jolters and m(star. Gents id the peri( .moot. (tr. .+l the pro- blem. Thr.• convicts err nearly ail destined to returned so be retd to c:rty. 'Their average age is coder 23. The average terul tl im- prisonment is five years, which i. about the see and term of study of a .ousts graduate. The speaker advwated the .•mployinent .d tart of the convicts upon public works mit- aide the prison walls. Ti.. manlier to to employed in 8113 inbtry .11:1J 1. ar a Axed proportion to 111e wonkier engaged in that lu- ducommie the pri..•11 *1..1 'a, and that pro- portion should lie ..o ! or as 10 l.-ec!ude any genuine complaint of ienupeurt t.•. ••Yes sir." "Hal rivet a pros' mind!" t w' just i• •in • Jame.,"(nir. the "Nei a Ne young .'001.!1 rot blay de piano in de ilat !Cut. " I keine ! ' �•'k'.., .. ta.,...:ni .! .T.,:a•.., th.'y're all • No, sir." 'manure' for the directory, and the old lady 1. "Iain I shtay -- reeks. n I.e de.l'earnest- witL the g Mss on Lw. Lrl. ho.kiu' .,ser it toe lam"atter his breath as be walked tato tha item 13.11 t..0 nusupeo, t1'r ft' r' .rvJppy'esge .tsml•'. sir." ▪ its til "les dere tone in de vdlitch!" druggist briskly to s [1 .,rk "1 th one see • e its full dl cwt.noar., mud they are gettiug un- "No, fir." Fashion's Fancies. Felt hats are •aka'' the piece of straws. A Liverpool rr•pbet. Rev. Mr. Baxter ,.1 the Church of England lva just delivered three prophetic lectures at Liverpool. There i. nothing vague about this prophet. England is to be ♦roseate.' l.giela- Cuna_,•• s r i '. h vita grow in popular from Ireland, India and her coking -a; i Lucien Bonaparte is to become King .4 Syria fav x. and liter on Emperor of France. Belgium and 1 New corsr_ •s ars elal.jrately draped the 'thine Province are to be annexed to and trimmed. Francs• in P4041. One hundred awl forty-four ' tboeand watchful Christiana are to ascend New raglans are fuller iu front end fro, earth to Heaven, and the millennium is longer all around. I to commence on April I1, 190L The lecturer ww Pctti„otts . f jersey wehbin, are the I thatleh1eelad 7made nsany ;rwlikv'd No nn a. latest garments in this popular fabric. yet has taken up the ehallenee, pls3ihly be f cAUS. eve one is convinced that no mistake Si.nrtuhe velvet la • newabric that rat imitator braid patters on vrly all tae b.,.•u wade, p asiWy tor other reasons. over wool grounds. ' Polonaises with only a hint .of l.4'i,ing will be worn over velvet and 'moque betol.o moire skirts Some ..f the new r. 'ugh wrn,l'en stuffs cone in large blanket plaids, others in rn.Jwm sized chocks. A little touch of gilding on a good piece of deeonted delft gives it a wo ue)er- fol resetnl.iance to liner wares. The favorite colors in the new felt hats are slut brown, grays, (lobelin blues and tapestry greens, in fine graded shades. In men's neckwear the improved puff- ed scarf Ionto, up avis in handsome pat- terns and is made to q• w.th the "revised waistc•at. " Girdles ,of sea: and other kinds of fur will be among the winter fashions, but women cannot be expected to get much out •-(them. warmth The sante latitude in details is seen this fall in fashionable garments, hats,' bonnets, frocks and wraps that has pre- vailed So bygone seasons. A big bow of ribbon, with long mops, placed on the top of the crown, with the loops falling downward in front, is the , latest fancy in hat ttirnming. Wood, bronze and tawny tans are the preferred autumn tints for the principal parts of suits that are made of *et, fab- rics. Those codon combined well with almost all bright ones. If • lady wishes to dress fashionably . he most beware of following the .tyles as seen in the exaggerated cuts and colored plates of fealties journals. Such pictures are caricatures of curreu' styles. Itousehotb Mints. • To clean zinc dissolve two ounces of alum in one quart of vinegar, use as hot as you can, afterwards rubbing dry. Everyone should keep a bottle ready of equal ports strong lime -water and sweet oA wet: shaken together, to use on burns and scalds, or for chapped hands. To mince the tops of fruit jtrs, that ran not he started h hand, dip a cloth in very hot water end apply to the out- side of the rap; this will cane it to ex- pand. When you have spilled anything im the stove, or milk has boiled over and a • uff.,mting smoke escapee. sprinkle the split with a yuan'ity of salt ; this will atop it. Empty spools are Mk to use to hang towels and cl.A1 ing'Cn. Drive nail* through them so the head will sunk in \the end ..f the spool. No danger of rust in using them. Cavewn RwRtrr Arrt.ay. Ten pounds apples !after they are well and rtered) to fivepounds of sugar, one virlevar, till they are soft ; sot them n tsugar and vinegar ; ouow a few mini' and then ton '1 she at wee Asses. but if you tat oonstipted, or hare sick - headache, taste in the mouth. rush of blood to t • head, bilious en.nplaint, Of any sitni difficulty, you should Re at once to youe,druggsst for 1)r. Pewees "Pleasant Pergitive Pdksta," the moat etheieut means 1011 eradiating it, icy ear. reef i ng .11 d i•orderi r f the liver, stomaeh and bowels. Small, snaar-elated, sens- ible to take, and cai(r)n i'S * or ;-%1 Itf,s, Af theergi.le Slag llllai s Attlee t• 01s Knees. A strange scene occurred Thnrrt..v last et the railroad nation at Buda Peeth. King Kilan of Servia and queen Natl.ali•, who hate agreed that they sever can agree, lade good -by to each other for an imdefinit ,' riod. He took leave from his beautiful wile on the platfornn an toll sight ,If the public, and ate. coldly inane g her 00 the brow am! tatting hie little h..y i�.the head he got into the train, II Inch bre hon swiftlyick tat his dacuu- ' tented Ser.ian suhjerta Quern Uh• ,e urn the 1111�-wnnwsuls,eo mend proceeded to Maden, near , wh.re she will slay till autumn, and then take up her residence its Ouida s "winter city• . Florence, where she panel her childhood. Henceforward !Llan and Nath- alie will never li,e together again. AU for DlBerraee la the Wend. t'evot the Ir'a.:.i.Utoa Crit,.•. Mo, vr," tl:::.dere.! tl,e old gentleman. "I have made op thy maul that my daughter hall never marry a n:ail when plays poker." "She might du a go - t dial treom. air•" Nat proved the tion ut tlOt.an'!a cf risen, and its tictitw neem mover from the' iufacuation. nthe c0144 never ••Esso.e MO, s:r. but I'm mire she could. She might marry sone lhiluw who thinks lie pias pevker." The old nun thought it over. In Cyte.', wawa mime reins. Dyspeueis is .dreadful. Disordered liver te misery. ludeprtwa is a fh • W gu,d nature. The human digestive apparatua a one of the must complicated •1.d wuuderfttl things w eatiotucr. 1t is easily put out of order. 11re.ay food, tough food, sloppy loud, bad cookery, '.ental worry, lata hours, irregular habits, and warty other things w hich ought not to be, have made the American people • nation of dyspeptics. But Green'. August Flower has dune • wonderful work in reforming this sad burins** and making the Amrrieau peoule w healthy that they esu enjoy their meals and be happy. Remember :- No happiuo. without health. But Green's August Flower Mines health and happiness to the dyspeptic. Ask your drugei.t for a bottle. Seventy-hve goals. timely Sere a 1 the t, a grounds to sprinkle on u e carp, to on aweepuig days, and sate much trouble in dusting. woe Teem A tamers% That is to ay, yvur lungs. Alan all your I reatl.ing machinery. Very w 0o artful machinery it is. Not umly.•ths larger air paesaxes, but the thousands of little tubes and calitics leading from their. \1 hen !hese are clogged and chocked with wetter which ought not to no there, your lungs cauu,t half d.. there work. Aed what they do, they cauu"t dp well. w C'a:l it cold, cough, cmup, pneumonia, catarrh, consumption or any of the family of throat and nose and head and lung obsuuctiuns, all are bad. All ought to be got rad of. There u just one sure way to get rid of them that u take Ruachee's German Syrup, which any druggist will all you at Tb cents n bottle. Even if everythng else 1.as failed you. you way depend upon this fur coition. euely The Last 131e Ever Tramiel Too "Don't y :n t:, ' ,' ....• as',- 1 softly, "that the sen ,.lovely'" "Yes. 1 think iC is sort of lovely, lett not as lovely as -hut what make. gnu ask'" "Jut: to Five yore' aChalk,' to say 5Aneteing. %u1 you dont sera, to Aare the 110140." 11 was the last walk she ever took with hits. Wby 0o Uved. A poet sent to an editor a contribution en- titled, "Why d., I 1 .e" • Tl.. editor answered, "{base,. you sent year contribution by mail 11,111 4 of bringing it i• person." 1L the history lif medicines no preps- ' atiun has received such onivertal Mom mentation, for:the allcvixaon •fotda and the permanent cure it. effects in kid ney diseases as Dr. Van Buren's Kiaeey Cure. Its action in these dietreatng complaints is simply wonderful. Bold by J, t\'i:soc. 2m A Nereus of Katwnl I.1. In Algona there id a,mall stream which th4 chemistry of nature has converted into true ink. It is formed by the union of two ri% one of which is tory strongly im)regna with iron, while the other, n,randen through a prat marsh, imbibe. gallic u anulrr ingr.l tint in the Grn,atnnn rd in 'setons and o.lh.r manner 4'I matter. atiefectorily written with thee si e aters' compound of iron and talk arab 'lie !fever missies Apia r No "hardly ever'' about it. He had en attack of what people call "bilious- nea,"and tc smile was impossible. Vet a than may ''smile and mole, and be a villain still, still he was no villain, but • . plain, blunt, honest man, that needed a I remedy such as Dr Pierce • '' I'leasant Purgative Pellets," which never fail to cure billowiness and diseased or torpid (icer, dyspepsia and chronic oon•tipa- tion. If druggists. Hay fever is • type of catarrh having peculiar symptoms. it is attended by an inflamed condition of the lilting mem- branes of the nostrils, tear ducts and throat, affecting the longs. An acrid mucous 1. .i.er.ted,I 41. dischargetrisect. no named with • burning sensation. There are severe spasms of sneezing. frequent attacks of heartache, watery end inflam- ed eyes. Ely's Cream Balm is • reme- dy that can be depended upon. Wets. •t druggist. ; by mail, registered, GOcta. Ely Brothers , Druggists, Owego, New York. ly • Mie Was Irons Strs•s. " Ah, see how beautiful that little star is :" he whispered in the shadow. " Little '•' she exclaimed with • tinge of .corn ; " that's Saturn, and a planet, not a star," anc,he felt crushed. Judge. kms a Meek Awed Mr Goode, druggist, ie not a hook w est, but has the agency in Goderich foe Johnston's Tonic Bitten, whistle he eon heartily recommend for any com- plaint to which a time medicine beep table. This valuable medicine has a with most atomshingly good re - milts in caste of general elebtlity, wesk- nem, irregularities peculiar to females, extreme paleness, impoverishment .of the blood, stomach and liver troubles, Iia• ei appetite, and for that general worn oft feeling that weary every one is troubled with st some part of the year. Don't fooled the name Johnston's Tome Bitten 30e end $i per bottle at Gode's drug store, Albion block, Iloderich, sole ti`Mt a ' The bog is a gra eating animal, though people d0 not always seem to (.A AD Asax up n,,. the 0.11.r teak:.: i:. S:iat like 'oats soot. ..d iiws. ue.er'.11. edsetek. trek IP It UN ties Wee • Bede Camgls fend. A slim young man in the height of fashion was violently aneez:ng in a street ear, shot • companion remarked, "Aw, Chawles, dealt boy, haw d'ye cath that dweadful add." "Aw, deah (shah, left my cane in the lower hall tither day, and in sucking the ivory handle, ao dweadful cold, it chilled me almost to death." If Charles had used Dr. Har- vey's iced fine Gum his cold would not trouble biro eery much. For salo at J i'sou'a prescription drul store. U To lee teedleal MIls.I... aaL all wheel 11 may miners. Pho snphatine, or Nerve 1 ooc, a Phos- ! hate Element boxed upon Scientific Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin, LL D. of Boston, 3Iasa., cures Pnlmon- ..ry Consumption, tick Headache, Ner- votu Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the human system. Plioephatine is not a Medocine, but a Nutriment, because it contains no Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates Ntrcotics, end no Stimulants, but simpp ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements found in our daily food. A single bottle u sufficient to c ,,rimae. All Druggists sell it. $1.00 per bottle. LOW ail & Oo,, sole agents for the Dominion, le Front Ptreet last Tomato. DrFOWLER'S • EXTRACWALD STRAiBEY L'FTE3 • CHOLERA CHOLERA INFANTUM +nose -�?1lCE/4 ALL C .11UuACD r 9 uf)1 AIN r c tr'l r,, ?Y'-( P£AC EA. Th.Peopl0'.Livery AT)) Canine. -Can the tomatoes to the usual way, and when you open the taus in the winter, take .1.y 11uautity and season with salt to suit the taste ; then add cloves, cinnamon, cayenne pep- per, • little t inegar, and a: ;Mile sugar. It is the best you in er tasted. UMW* $peeatale. Run no net in buying medicine, but try the great Kidney and Liver regula- tor, made by Dr. Chase, au' hor of Chore's receipes. Try Chase's Liver Cure for all diaeasea of the Liver, Kid- neys, St. mach and Bowels,. So'd by all druggists. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOK'SBEST FRIEND I I1' EIIRATED *I �' CHASES _Al'`1 woo ELION NES' G-OODS - Fall and Winter. Ready -Made Clothing and Ends of Cloth Rossi be Cleaved eel •1 t'e.sl sad ander feet. HTTGH D tiNLOP LIVER CURE NAVE YOU t$ liver Cwelplaiat Dyaie eRresaew laandrce, H -raja u the 6A ._esti...esa, _ say disease arising from • dermas kw. De. CKAas Lavas Cuts will be pond • ewe tae certain renxsdy. NATURE'S REMEDY (41. oto',.,: mxtt:: of Dr. Chess's Liver Ewe i Liner ('...plaint rests solely mak ti.. ,act Ike .. unpasi•le4 fromeatrre, well-known liver regulator Nessaes AND DANr.LION, combined with maw Aber invaluable roots, barks and herbs, hsei.g i elect on the Kidre1.. Stonracl, Dowels an 600,000 sols leer sar•4a1/ .sillies ft De. Clanks Rari4e A.al erre art/ in Canada .Ione. We sort every ass seer. a./ Ail/ woke Is tewiks/ wits Linn tem (h'ai••r ser try 44.. earafrewl nand,. 1lertaiu14111. ciwa AMM Fsa Wrapped areonl eevwerryv Maden( Dr. Chas's Liver Car is a valuable Haasehold Medical (;side and Recip Rook (le pages), containing over Seo useful recipes renounced by medical ase. and druggists as nerals Me. and worth tea times *be price of the medicine. rmMr. ISiex. es naso& TIT mases Endre eel ane■ eau. ss cit.Pobo. *OLD ST ALL DEALERS K1 0. SOa/AUS00 a 00-. Selo Aussie, Itlradteat Came Cat. A sate sed portio BEWARE OF WORTHLESS I11MITATIOIIiII As there are man Inferior Fanniesmeted with lute. ate"sowed and .and by Seer mo- principled mereh.nts trad- ng os the repetatloi of out ppreat.. (' s'.Nse. we warn the ladles against n.eh imposition' byavow- ing their ad.wlle• to the a.M•walty of weer that the tray ORONPTOR CORSET COI' fh alamp.l on inner eldeof all Cora'lineso•de 'MAW. whish ems ars gesdr. JOHN 1101, Proprietor, The ebeerlber 1a prepared to erwleh tee pea lir with The Finest Rigs AT RRAIsO'Altl.R PRl('ES WILL CURE OR REUEVE SILIOUSIIESS, DIZZINESS DYSPEPSIA. DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERINO JAUNDICE. Of THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIOIT7 Of BAIT RHEUM rNE STD/UPI!, HEARTBURN, DRi VfUS 114E40ACl/f, Of THE SA'INAtbd roger, M•Atone ert•Mitieket d,�J RrO1R1 T. ■LJURN FASHIONABLE TAILOR, //Remember the I•laoe-Weak street. nex deer to tlu f 111ontreaLw Oeeerk h. moat. t isd. ISR. PURE PARISGREEN, HELLEBORE, INSECT POWDER �T R 1.1 Y 1M- A S' TI -1 FAMILY GROCERY 1 The undersigned two moat reepr.tfully to (atoms the Inhabitants of Godertek digat rounding country, that laving bought l'll)*AI' )UM CAGB la Um but Wiarbla e: and the' unset Stater. a ret, wyertorstoek of • 1"n=31-1 - CCE :SSS Consisting of FRESH TEAS of this season's importation, com- prising Young Hysons, Gunpowders, Japans and Blacks, amongst which are to be found some of the very choicest imported, and desire to call special attention to the same. Also a Superior Blend of COFFEE, French Broken Loaf, Granulated and oth- er Sugars, Syrups, Molasses, Raisins, Currants, Figs, Nuts, Or- anges, Lemons, Assorted Peels, Extracts, Flavorings, Sauces, Pickles, Jams, Jellies, Canned Goods of all descriptions, Biscuits, Pure Ground Spices, Hominy, Maccaroni, Vermicelle, Tapioca, Sago, Rice, Brushes, Tubs, Pails, Brooms, and other tine(.' *Soles usually kept in a 'bottle city establishment. A• l%4PElTNf OF N M Coots much% aelze1TIO. WANT TO BUT A QUANTITY OF BUTTER, EGGS, APPLES N POTATOES REES PRICE & SON, Store on the Fquare, Between E. Downing'• and C. Crabb'.. Goderich. April net. la''. nes [IAVING ii rI RNISHWU lir shop in the Wes. style, put la Thee sew leartsarCbe re. :rot of them the oele- rated Itocheeter Li1WgChaire••nd ,died a journeyman Barber. we are in a peados to de Metter Wert thee hereto- fore. lady's a Children's Haireultlag wade a .peclalty oa all day. except Saturday. Rayon sad Scawort ;round. WM_ KNIC+IIT Wil West Street. two doers east of P.O., Ooderich The Greatest Luxury Obtainable for Impaired or Diseased Vision is a Pair of The Celebrated Axis Cut Pebbles ! The frauds that have been perpetrated on the spectacle wearing public by most spectacle dealers and peddlers by giving afettnmetl and fancy names to ordinary glass, ,peaks for the ignorance of the public generally, in the all-important subject of the preservation of sight. there are only two articles from which the spectacles lenses can be manufactured. viz : Pebble and glawa-call glass by any other name, it still remains glass. Pebble, 0.1 the other hand, is from nature's own manufactory. It in a natural crystal found generally in free- stone formation, and is harder than the ruby and emerald, ami near- ly as hardas the diamond. The Pebble is not more or less than a transparent stone, cut by aid of diamo td dtust, and the greatest amount of power is placed itnmediately over the centre of the grain found in all pebble. It will give to the spectacle wearer the coolness, freshness and a pleasant feeling that the ordinary spectacle lenses cannot by any possibility impart. All spectacles and eyeglasses are s;,aniped B. Land can only he purchase. from �� F_ 1i CRZiQ ai�N , Druggist, Goderioh. 7th Intal. fily Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. CPEO. BARRY, CABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKEU Hamilton Street, eoderich A seed ataeenseasat at I1teb•w. Red +nets. iltllty Ru to and T��rttorr Faruttare,,web s• ?s- t*.ee,tawa *Jae, h!bet- sad wand seated*, Cupko•rde. HMA-Mesda, Ma,t,rwsea, week -insets caw Leet'., o) ...•, 74 R, wablet esseuta•at of Cease and 54aalwysen bead also Betimes htresablr P1Mtan ihml* • i.-wg al sMh11N 4