The Huron Signal, 1887-10-7, Page 1)7e4 FORTIMTH YEAR. t WHOLE NUMBER 1119. i GODERICH. ONT.. FRIDAY, COT. 7, 18h1. J D. McOlLLICUDDY. P atlases l 81.30 A YEAR IN ADVANCE J. Wilson's Palest Medicines. J. Wilson's ZON WEISS PREPARATIONS. AYER'S PREPATATIO`1S. RADWAY'S do H AGYARD'S do BRISTOL'S do CARSON'S do NORTHROP & LYMAN'S B ILBUR>ti'13 do DAVIS' do CUTIC URA do WYETH'S do PARKE, DAVIS' do DR JUG'S do MITCHELL'S do HOLLOWAY'S do CHASE'S do :iRENWEN D'S do WARNER'S 410 Prezcflpflon CASTORIA. SOOTHING SYRUP. AUGUST FLOWER GERMAN SYRUP. $T. JACOB'S OIL WIZARD OIL NASAL BALM. HALL'S CATARRH CURE. PRIDE OF THE VALLEY. Propnetory Arc1es! BROWN'S BALSAM CHERRY BARK. WILSON'S COUGH SYRUP. LSON'S NERVINE LIN I- MENT. WILSON'S- SANITIVE BAL- SAM. WILSON'S RHEUMATIC LIN- IMENT. WILSON'S ANODYNE JELLY. WILSON'S CAMPHOR ICE. WILSON'S CHERRY SYRUP. WILSON'S CONDITION POW- DERB WILSON'S BALSAM HONEY. WILSON'S BLACK OIL WILSON'S WORM SYRUP, and every popular Patent Me4 i - cine that s male in America► Domestics ihatee. Legal Notices. Strap* }Animals. Huron Lanb Agency. JAS. WILSON, (1 iRL N NA TED --A 000D fli1tL SALT BLOCK FOR atLli ! 1AMS O1i THK PRSI US -A rims • HURON LAND AGENCY `11 la wanted immediately fee general lJ t-to-yearsld heifer. The owner ton have 1 *en GG homework. Highest wages will be pail. Mrs AUCTION BALE QP VALUABLE PRO- it by provng prvpert and paying THE DRUGGIST /S T D. McDonald. 1t. PF.RTY DANlD WILLS. &,utth half k, 1, ate- N _ REAL ESTATE OFFICE, • Dentistry. M . NICHOLSON, LD.S. Jl•DENTAL RO0118. Eighth door bew the Post Otos, W at.. TVL WOOLVERTON, L. D. S. • Otflce--Ow Fellows Hall. North St.. Ooderich. ('bartres nodi rate. All work war- raatrd. Gas or Vitalized Air given forpala- tes extraction of teeth. 1116- the People's Column. mil09AltICS' 1NSTTTUTIII. ETENINO CLASSES. A meeting to organize classes in .{rithmr- tk. N rising and hook -keeping, will 1.e held la the clew" rooms, on Tuesday, A p. m., O.1. Ilth. All Intending students are expected to attend. et. fly ORDER or Tog CON Breen NOTICE WANTED. A GENTLE- MAN.'horougbly able 1e. Eaglieb and Preach composition. to maim la prepsrfng and delivering a lecture In French. named. -new ideate ot: Monitor and Electric Pow - gr." by John Russell. the excommunicated. The chief waterial for this Is matter to and from els Presbyterian Church of Canada A pan of this la in pamphlet form. Appll- canto for the *bore oma have a pamphlet semi by oaelasieagr� 16ct* with address. There is a fortune Ihh at.d lhashoveie re.eb.. and a reply lecturers Lambert's 'Tante of f.8dele.' Address JOHN R 1's - SELL Goderick. Sept, Wk. 1111. 118-31 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP The paetaersblp beretelere existing be- times J Dowsing. George Aebeson and Jae. Wilma bas this day been dissolved by mu- tual cemseal. Tose accounts of the late Arm will he radered Iesmediately, and settlement most be mode with J. Wilson. who has charge of the hooka. I la 19th de/ of September. 1117. Wesson : R. C. H ars. REVISED CRIMINAL ACTS. Tb• Remised Orio is& Agee o1 ler. fee dM *envenom to the Magbsrates of Hume Pare been received bythe Clerk of Phe Peace. 1 RA E WW1, Clerk a aha Peter. Gederlsb. Sept. 19th. ta7. 33151 TAXES. Rate ]en ell' p�, take settee that 3 per seat di,co.gl will he allowed ea taxes paid darfag September. and 2 Etre cent. dur lag October. After the Ilth of I evee.ber 5 per Boat. wUl be added to all unpaid taxes. JAMES GORDON. fiOeooderla\. Sept.flop. t, e7. I lS-USU REAPER FOS SALE. --A BAaoiix la offered is a C\omploR Reaper. very Bette used, and now in Hemmer% repair. Also • Ylre.P opt Sate. la good order. Apply to D. K. STRACHAN. Off -u NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN FOR IMIDDING e.l perms marchmalug the kW CASE ALLE'S from JAM ALLEY Nit doesn tt legally belong to napper, for :t has not been paid tor. Also any perms ladened to the la's CASE ALLEN please pay up and ears oast*. ei 11 Mos CASE ALLEN. Legal. � ONBT TO LOf►N-P R I V A T E 11uelld 5 PER CENT. Irhrest Payable_ Yearly. Orrrens--Corner E. N. HoteLEWi8 opposite '- 11art1n i Hetet EDWARD N. LEWIS, BARRISTER. SOLICITOR.,PROCTOR iN MARITIME COURTS, CONVEYAN- CER,�tlr. MONEY 10 LOAN. Straight Loans. Private Funds. 5 1-2 PER CENT. Orrice.: -Cerner of HamUtas aad Nswwpple streets, opp. Colbeene Hotel, Goderie\, eats QEAGER & HARTT, BARRISTERS, 1-3 &c.. Ooderlrb and Clinton. Ooderlch of - flee opposite Martin's Hotel. 13111 C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, &e. street OfflOodoe•ubah. ev, cornerer of Square •ad tress Wkgrapb .hoe. Prt vale funds to lead et O moult- 5108- GARROW t PRROOU�D,F�Oa1OteY1 BAR Ooderf�.rr*w,wa. Prous2bot. 171 CAMERON, HDLT & CAMERON, Ha r t leterw 0. (IS 11011... 1s C\.tee fie.. rle\. 11 amesus, Q.C.; P. holt, lt, 1l, e. Coniston. C. C. Rea 1111 Societies. ANCIENT ORDER OF UNITED wOREME2. Wawaaosh. Dungannon P.O.Ili 3t LIST OF LANDS W ANTED OR FOR SALE: lith layofJaly l'adcr and by virtue of a power of We __ ewtaitesd la • eertafn mnngatte dated the j 1 EARLING HEIFER CAME ES 1 PER CENT -MONEY TO LOAN. AD., P.m). and ahich will.; !Introduced at the time of sale. there will be ' TRAY -Came on the premises of sub- t-J� doom Land Age.cy. sokby Public Auction, wt MANIA', Hwy,/a 4C Fiber. south half int 10. coo, 2. Ashleld, the tow■ of Goderjel. ip the _County of Hum labour the tet of August, a red and white year - sat arday. the ifth ") ember. Aro,"-iwrrhroroeifer. The owner can bare 1tahre�animal revise proper( HAYL�3 "-, argeIN Lead Deg. •t 1! o'clock noon. by John loot. auctioneer. tis following valuable property. it : 4_pl[t al Dirk at another twelve conceemon ' A or the town of Ooderfth, to►aerl r the township of Ooder ich. and v. Mob said parcel or tract of land may be beater known and described as follows : Commeno- fag at the North west angle of saidk lot. number twelve, thence in a South -Westerly direction and along the Easterly limit of the Britannia Road as far as the Northerly limit of Regent street. Thence fioutb-eaaterle along said `Northerly limit three .halos. 't hence North-easterly sad parallel with the said Britannia (toad as far as the Southerly limit of the Meltisnd !toad. Thence North-west- alottg said Southerly Unit to the place of beginning. threea. more ur containing 1,.e.b excepting thenwut that Lembo of said land told by the Dominin. SaltCommo to George E. Hates and Jobs L. Attkln. There 1. erected on said properly a first class Hatt Block and Cooper's shop, both Of which are 10 a stood sate of repair. aad are la lrstc.asa working order. Thu salt block Dime ttf the most convenient salt blocks in town as It is situated close to the Grand Trunk hallway. TERMS -Tea per cent down and the balance in one month thereafter. Armoire - inmate may be made on the day of sale as to • oanaiderrble portion of the purchase money beteg secured by mortgage on the property. The title deeds nosy be inspected at the ofifce of ("entente. Holt & Cameron. Hann k GoderkM b. For further partics1 apply to PHILIP HOLT. V endo' s Solicitor, Goderfob Or toJOHN K VOX. A uctioeeer. Ooderlab. October lik..{ D 11e7. "V THE HIGH CouRr OF JUST - i(1. QUEEN'S BENCH DIVISION. Panama toaj.demant of this bosor.ble Court dated the 17131 day of March. ler. and made in a can.o. McHrien rs. Ceaaar, the creditors of MARY ANN CE18AR. tate of the Township of Asbaeld. is the County of Horon, widow. who died in or about tee month of July.:08t. are on or before the Mk Sar ort October. 131. to send by poet preps/ I to Messes Burow! Prondfoot, of the Tows W Undone►. in the mid County of Herm, PI:Sniffs Solicitors. their C31rutMa and our- n ames. urnames. addrmesse sod iercriptle.. the t.4 particuse'ars omenfoaf, their .sear. Adie seearlt. We Ofwill los YM Sr 1 excluded `fro.. the heaaets or the said J.dgwnest. Every credit- or holdtss any ooesil it to producr the sum oefers Ise at sty Members in the Court Hetes, fa the Mill Town Of Otderich, on the Mb day et October. Pie;, at ten o'clock In the foresees. bolsi the time appointed for the adj sdhatlea on the claims. Dated this 17th day of 13eptember, /1e7. 8. HALM MSON. 11131 Local Master at ooderiale. 1 TDiCIAL SALE OF VALUARLE el FARM PROPERTY. iN THE TOWN- SHIP OF ASHFIKLD. IN THE COUN- TY OT HURON. IN THE. HIGH CSURT 011' JUSTICE, QUEEN'S BENCH DIVISION. seaman re. cguLO. Ponua•t to the Jadcmeat la this actfoa dated the 17th day of March IBM there win be soldAutberland M•lco.on E 'quire a Local mof the Supreme Court o(Jedlo•- t s at Ooderich, at ill coin'. hotel a the 1lrfaae of Dangasstee oa Saturday the 15131 dor of October.11e7.at Um hour of t wo o'clock a the afternoon the following lands, same- : -The East ballot the K est hag and Oa WW ort half of the East half of lot cumber elev- en 1e the sixth ooae ndoa, sa4Nru dlrl.loe of the Township of Ashileld. la the County of Haroe. eostalaiag one hu.dred acres, mere itr leas. About 90 acres are cleared. and IM free from stumps and et for cultivation. The u ncleared part is fairly wooded with maple, berm and hemlock. The soil la part clay and part .aad, loam. Tiara are erected upon the had a brlek house 10 z 1LS, with frame kitchen 18 x>R In good repair : • frame barn 3exMwed stable esxU. h- er with other necsmary outballdiags. Is an orchard of about ; acre In p.od bead °sedition. The hem lc situated about MOM from Deaaaaaos. 71 from i.sokaow sad 131 from Oederleb. TERMS OT SALE, -Tee per cent. down as theday of pale to the PlaletIW. Iloltette.,asd the b•la.oe without interest to be gold bio Court within one month thereafter. when the tteurekee•r will be entitled to a centrepiece as/ to be let into possession. The purchaser at the time of Isle will be required t0 nigra as agreement for the omelettes of h1. purcha... The property wUl be put up ..fleet to • re- served bid. in other respe-the o udltio of Isle will be the nding conditions of .ale Glebe said Court. Farther pstMculars may be had from JAS. CKASAtttt,, Egg , lel the premises. sad from the P1842'114 '0 Solicitors. Dated at Goderiob, the 27131 day of Septem- ber, 111. CIARROW & PROU°FOOT. Plaintiffs Solicitors. 8. MALCOMSON. I1Ht Lech Master at Goderich. MAPLE LEAF LODGE, No. 27, A- 0. U. W.. Mesta la their lodge Roan ever Tag Sso.AL Clea. Oedert.31, a the SECOND AND FOURTH MONDAYS 0/ EACH MONTH. VISITING BRETBR031 RE ALWAYS S. P. HALLS, 1f[.A. REES PRiCE, ]( W. Flnta.eter O. W. THOMPSON, feeLly Recorder. 3 Illurti�ht, Ualuator, &c. C. A. einr$Il, MII.i.WRiQHi. MACHIN31T,8T• TA L A AO31(Jw. E.tim.tea Mede rad contracts Taken tee Hew Heather by the Ilot Water System, Hot water sus Abeam Rollers, Little 01/.t an4 neaer water Wheels. Agrle.ltanl its. pkmsewt a, Mal Maebleery. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. sir TIIONS MAO• _ mum DRUG STORE. ennn crass ItIS:.i Amusements. OR SALE -HOUSE AND LOT ON Cambridge St. Cheap-ISledg. Huron Agsacy R 8ALN=TINSPRUPEHTY IN Town. Good hoose. Huron Laud Assn - For Bait or to Let. ey. illtItICK HOUSE AND QL AjtTEROF VOR SALE -3 GOOD LO WITH Jig an acre of land for sale -The house is one 12 two houses, Prtee I1420, roe. Land story and • half high. and contains S bed- Agency. rooms. a parlor. sitting room, dtelsg room pantry,;then and a good cellar. On the lot r in SALE -BLACKSMITH SWOP se. good stable. lie • it, and other outbidding*. Hard and soft water on the premise, 'Fiore we id tools complete. A wet Mbgala. sire n number of choice hien treea on the lot. Huron 1,..3111.1 Agency. - - Corner of Park -et. and Caorbria Road. Fur partieolarn ayyppl1y on the Tiaeti or by letter to MRS. JOHN BEXNETT. 111-3an Port Albert P.O, WANTED TO BUY -20 FT frontage on the Square. Heron Land Avec) . FOR SALE OR RENT -THE EAST `,IONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST 1 of lot 19, sixth con., West Wawanosh - . L ratty and oe best s. term IM acres, brick house. frame barns, sables, HURON LAND AGENCY, le.: good orchard of apple, pea.. cherries and ssrall fruits. About 10 acres cleared. balance hardwood and ash email. The farm is well watered. Apply to JOHN HA]ILE\, Gale - rich P.O. Terms easy. 117 -lit L."ARM FOR RENT. -LOT 3, W. D., 1. AahfeM, (Lake Shore itoadi. ooetaining 11: acres and good frame house, %/ acres clear of dumps. balance pasture and bush : barn. stable and other buildings. orchard of one a Jn, Rood water. Nell fenced and all other accessary Improvementa. Will rent for a term of years, Apply to JAB, SCOTT. on the premium 114-tf. 141ARMS FOR SALE - IN THE 11' TOWNSHIP OF OODERICH, Ifuron county : Lot 11 In the 3rd and II In the tth con cession. Two of the hest eo acre terms .n the comity. A spring creek flows through. Near - IA ea clawed. Only 3 miles from the Town W eoderlck. For farther particulars address W. M. HINCK4, Paot-tt*rrott, 118-11 Uoderirb P.O, TWO FIRST-CLASS FARMS FOR we. One in the township of Ashfield, oeeaining 150 acres; and one in Fast Wawa - oath, .Detaining I00 acres. For particulars apwly to Cameron. Ilolt a Canseroa, Gude. 2071 FOR BALE. West half of let MC Arthur Street with swan brick cottage thereon. Bettgsna [arra. - 101. 11x6, 214. 213, Elgin Street, St. Andrews Ward. 431. wooer of Herod and Britannia !toad. Frame 1 j story house on Keays Street, lot and half lead. Several lots In Reed's Sun ey. opposite new Elbow Oroanls, vi,, : No. 22. 2L 21. 3e. 52, 31. 36, 64. rd. All the =tore at LOW ItATES. Allele to 1 02-11 DAVISON a: JORXITON, FARM. TOWN AND VILLAGE PROPERTY TOR 8ALE. The Executors and Trustees of the Estate of the late JOSEPH HERR. oflkr for We the following valuable Property, namely : Building Lots numbers 120 and 121, :n the Town of Uoderlch, 1 of an acre each. Fairly fenced, and very desirable for building pur- pH� t acre Lot fronting 11111 Road, Township or Ooderlub, being part of Lot 3 in the Malt - land Concession of said Township. Nice Frame Cottage and Frame Sable. Lot number 3. South side of Millar street. Beastiller, 1 of as acre, mall frame dwell! g. Town of , (atoe. 1 of an acre each. Ilea 11Lots number@ KU and 804, in the fully =tamed on South wide of Huron street. Fairly fenced. The Mast 1 of Lot 23, Con. 1t. We.t Wawa mesh. lig aeras good land. 50 acre theorem and fenced remainder timbered. About 1 mile m froLscknow and 0 miles trews Wing ham. Good rods. For farther particulars. apply to CAMPION, ilarrister, Ooderich Nov. 4, DIN. smut GODERTCH MECHANICS' INNTI- TOTE LIBRARY AND RIC ADiNO ROOM. oor. of East street and Square Imp stairs. Owes tress 1 to I p..., .std frown 7 to 10 p.m. ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LiBRARY Leading Dai/p, Weakly and Rlwireted Petters, Manrzis.sw , dc., oie File. MEIIRER$HrP TICKET. ONLY el Mk granting free me of Library and Readies Roost. Application for mewn►rrehlip received by Llbrartas, Its rootmo. 8. MALCO N 0E0. 8TiY;;1(!, Oladetbeh.E3ilth, NwntNvy &uctioneering. E7TORN KNOX MINIMAL Ape - 1014101:11 sod Land Valuator. 0.4.t{.h navies had o oklierablr expertases resteriesetiesserlig trade. he is 1a a posltle. with Gioreug\ .etIstorties all men t0 him. Order'. left a1 pg�g�� e► adest M man la..y.d .. ma0�t °.`"f'I`' at.sded 1. JOHN AscMcseer. IfaA4 l - l Loans anti insurance. 5APER CENT -ANY AMOUNT OF money to lend at Si par Beet per annum -etralght loans-tntereet yearly. We have ales /1.80.00 1e lend 1n nee or more sum, et 5 PER CENT. Next door Smith of Straubet harness shop. SMAOER a; H A RTT. 113-11 Ooderle31. $ 600,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMERON MOLT a; CAMERON Oode rich. Itf3I MONEY TO LEND. -A L A R G E egl. amount of Private Funds for inrestmest st lowest rete, a er=-1Mea Mortgagee Apply toGARROW a PROUDFOOT To his Customers, Greeting LAMES AND GENTLEMEN,--. After a business eounecti teu>n of ten years in the town of Ooleride, I take this opportunity of return ing to you lay best thanks for this patronage that hal been extended to IIIc (luring all these years. Since I began business in Godes rich I have never experienced any. thing but kindness from the public, ANTED Ti) RENT -HOUSE with cellar god stable ; mat about stn. and the efforts that I have wade Apply to Huron Lind Agen:y. FOR 8ALE. -GO )D FRAME to keep before the people the dif- home. first class condition- line orchard, 3 minutes walk from the e.gqn•re. Apply to ferent lines of goods Whish 1) cat - Huron Land Agency, Goderfeh. LIST OF LANDS FOR BALE AND informat ion furnished r eepee1ing Canada Company's Lauds. Huron Laud Agency. WANTED. Fine residence somewhere in the West End. Mout bare stable aotolowo- dation, good appearance and grounds. WANTED TO PUIIC41ASE.-A good red- deace in pietistic' locality on lake or ricer bask. suitable for small fatal! Most be ad- jacent to parka. Price about 51.S1.OU. FOR SALE. -Farm lands u Midland, coun t Michigan. Flee wheat lead. Just rte piece to make homes tut lament' eons. Ex- eeheat climate. Near retinal.. schools an-' churches from Inge to Iig,/o per acre. Seal` sum down balance oe easy thew. For further particulars .rad 1St of lands the o1Doe. of wasted and for sale. appl write to HURON L.aND A Leek Box ale bet.. Osa.da, tetii�slt. keon South ride of Haselltonet. 107-11moR. W. K. RO88, LICENTIATE OF Royal College of Physicians. Edinburgh. -e on South side of Hamllton-et.. 1071mo DR. McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SCR GEON. Coroner Etc. Mee and redden Bruce Street. wooed doer west of Victoria Street. 1751. DRS, SHANNON & SHANNON, LF Paydclana, Surgeons. Acoouchen, ke. Slee at Dr. Mamma's residence near the gaol oadiroa O. C. Suixxow. J. It. Snat- Non. 1751 E. E. SEAAER, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT. O17F1(E oppedteColberue Hotel, UoderIck. Risks taken at LOWEST RATES is the fol. Swifter fin' viae Cowtsnlea: The London Assurance Established 1;20 Th. Natlnnel.of irrlaud-rnonrporsled tea. Hand -in- Hand - The only Cnmpa.y ant .d to Insure Plate Glass In Canada. PIF. Federal Life Aor31 araace Co. - fiIoneta O'OD>£RZO PLANING MILL EST.{BLISIIED 1e Buchanan,LawsoIl 1 Robinson 1sANe?ACTCRER$ Or Sash,Doors & Blinds R. RADCLIFFE, GENERAL INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE Axe MONEY LOANING AGENT. Only Firefcfese f'ewapwfn Rgw.eeet'A far dlmaey In Lead on strala5rt Inane at the lowest rete of interest going. in any way to salt 11. eorroeter. 0511( • 1:4;i1--S.ognd door from Square. West 51r,.'10(611 DRALatws IV ALL RMSS Or Lumber, Lath, Shingles ead builder's material of every description. SCHOOL rultmTURE A SPECIALTY. arA !r.:er proe.ptlylattentsd to. Ardent\ lAng. 1513 14y $54,000 TO LOAN AT d PER W . T0IS TORONTO TER AL ?HURTS CO, ars �•la�rad t0100111 money .t i per coat., pay (" hot f e4Ay, oa TERMS 10 St•iT BOR! OWERS, on Ire -clam farm oeeuriry. ASPI1 t0 CAMERON. HOLT a CAMERON, o'y.MAgitate ter the Toronto (lrenerai 'f mete 01.0.- Meows eowo. ('azammon, Hove a Cawaaoe have .y. • large amonst 0f private fuses te Pea t ea first -clot farm secertry. Gedtrle3. flet. 1. IML 1311.44 Er.uslibill &Mee $400,000 PRIVATE FUND$ r1gd111Msmi3m- MUM TIAYX1I s.w. MIa& i ll i Inn tied. Mixed. R ILWOVIIiMs-1leawl i:15pw - rad. To len. ea fire sail town property .et few est latent. ■engage. pnrehard- ko tpa.ln. rharusd 05v. a for the Trust and 1 Comnany ee�� (',wade, tate conada La Credit (;ma mwy. the Lawton Loan Ceenp.ty of (Moeda. inter(, $ e1 and 7 per news. X. ft Rerrewers ean obtain mosey Im o.e day. le title Astliptectory THE MAN who la golsg to do the bed by the people is the one who will do the best trade with then', and in this belief 1 have determined to spare so endeavor to meet WITH their approbation in the disposal of goods la the lice. which i have She honor to offer to the public. My aim fs to try and phase, ami thus tar i bare met with THE anq*i'liaed sweets Josh Ri:lings killi0sld, -To stay Cyto win; and I have Lffab rap my mind to HAMMER y until i knock the bottom at of high pi In Dry,Goods of every description, an b-ing down Groceries to hard pea. Give me a call and 111 guarantee sa:islac- tion all the way roosd. P_ O'=:)E.A., kilt Manager 0f the Termite Home. MAY APP14; BLOOD SYKP riod, have been duly appreciated by those who have favored me with their custom. That I have Leen successful I am free to admit, but the success that has attended my efforts would never have been attained had it not been that my efforts to seine the public ware duly appceeisted by that side and discerning clams. Another factor that has Leen of benefit to me is that I have always endeavored to supply my custom- ers with the purest drugs and chemicals, and have avoided Wholesale Houses where adulter- ated goods were countenanced in any shape or form. Again, I have invariably made my purchases cash transactions and have thereby avoided heavy discounts, and the saving than effected I have given to my cns- towecs in the shape of the purer and better grades of drugs, toiltt articles, &c., 4G I have found out that square dealing with the public and Fsof, extorting heavy tolls will brine grist to any mill, azul that what is good for a mill isn't inimical to the intereata of a wide-awake drug store. If any person k in need of drugs patent Medicines, or any of the varied) articles that are carried in a first-class drug store, if he cannot come himself and is forced to send a small child, he can feel assured that his messenger will be treated as courteously and es fairly u the principal would have bocn. I run a businers on bnsille3R principles, and know no (lifetime - tion of age, sex, creed or political CTS UPON I °pinion, he KM81em•ch. I4v- Again thanking you all for pant prs a I . BLOODfavors, and soliciting my fair share *eta wit t. rens nbwesese •pe rev =phone e 1M Meadrehse •covens 0130117. Nulty tol Tyrrop werer owe 00o. sessg0Ms. .041.- rtatwwtee the *room. 1' --",-11 -WI . mon *Yee airardoadaaIt.a- in the time to come, I have the honor tes 1»>, The public's obedient APT 1311116, JAS. WILSON.