HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-9-16, Page 8THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. SEPT. 1C, 1887. HURRAH FOR Til SOHOOL OPENING m. zdith Horton, oromitst of the L. la LOOSISS. , Poolliartin chuioh, is name • week or ' n so hotittays with her ceases Miss E. b h. Holicro 4.1 Godere h. and r 'setteeo lowed* T irate' iiIatltI in Iburu sad JOADITA• t FRASER PORTER & KAY'S': ' in the queen City this week •re i,ur ' b • r ti, a tame u , • I 11 elution and F ' d tiewiug the wool•rs of the exhihitloiti• 11 Li i i field . Their net uru is eagerly watched for by many fair towed., who 11 - .. I hope to hoor • tl.rilling nairatios of 4 there ail Veal ores. A (loop Orval: -Tiii SiiiNAL will be , sent to any addr... from pow until Len. 1 c AND OET YOUR 1, 1868, for . subscribe at woe. i 11 1 13001C STOPEJ SCHOOL SUPPLIES Dunlop. Mater Uodertch. lith hia slam% v last viral. Thoniab, was the ' Mum Smiley, guvot of Mrs R. lave week 1 illyricim. -Wis. Mallough ha. been ailoouted market clerk of this burg. Edwin %fortis is iu Toronto this week ...emu the woudeot of the great exhibit - In,fl. 1 M and J Draft. of Kingsbridge, visit-, ed their satyr, 31re 1) Ouinninig, this! - AT week. Mrs McLeod and Miss McLennan a 10.derich, were the guests 44 mig; eek. Horton this.ek. The keen sir of Saturday last led • w several passing teams t.. buy • lour of PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. mita st the store for the driver. SLATE PENCIL:1AM 217LERS ea"."-- ha"iieuvered A bealiti. .t. fill spring un the bank of the creek un his farm near the lake which, he said, trot ki. • sand by, if the Scott Act is y . .....,.. .. again, for plenty of pure eater feat the thirsty soul. Given Awa Py indomiteble perseverance our I ratepayers eh, utidettook the burdens TO CUSTOMERS TI I E F I RST DAY OF SCHOOL OPENING of pushing the appeal for the new school ante ii, have been rewarded by getting the deciaion iu ita favor from His Honor Judea Tuns and collvaguee, who were appointed to decide to thdy W Young was debarred from iti benefits. A meet- ing ti select a site will be called shortly and Reeve Bock will OVUM oflicially to LARGE STOCK spoken of before, J G Clutton, J M sidniiiiister the oaths to the trustees Williams and Percy Stewart, who when (Z:1P invested with authority will advertise for FORMERLY OWNED BY JAMES I M RIE, AND COMBINED tenders for the building of the new school WITH THE FRASER k PORTER STOCK, house and for a teacher to teach the rising generation tet this thorishino burgh. 0 ENT HAVRIG PURCHASED THE WE ARE PREPARED To SELL GOODS CHEAPER THAN ANY HOUSE IN THE COUNTY. tar Usual I /iscount to Teachers. FRASER, PORTER & KAY. Cur. Sentare awl North st , oriel Centtal Telephone Exchange, Sonare, (31-01DMRI01-1. NEWS OF THE WEER Lastest Intelligremon fro 111 1111 Pa:1n Crisp Hem. of Interest Mr Peep., Wise Want the hew% In • Harry Bator - motion B.tSad Mew a to Mini fear Meader. Vim'. Sir Dieshaw Manockjee Petit, • 'Par.. see mildowner of B 'inlay has iu twenty years given away 81,000.000 for various benevolent purposes. Pretty fair for a benighted heathen. The death is announced of Mr William Nelson of Edinburgh, the head of tho well-known publishing firm of Thomas Nelson & Sons. The special intermit which moat Canadians feel in the deceas- ed is that he was the brother in-law of the late Hco George Brown. Mr Nel- son was in his 72nd year, and leaves a son and four daughters. 1 For several years the inmates of the parish prison of New Ortolan are been suffering from a peculiar diseose, seterup ponied with a swelling of their heed and limbs, frequently terininating in death. Tbirty.nine case, of the dis- ease and five deaths hare occurred since Jsnuary. The disease has generally been attributed V, the damp condition of the prison, but a physician of the state board of health who has made • thorough examination of the matter states that the sickness is canoed by in- sufficient food. An old bachelor of Avon advertised for a housekeeper recently. A pretty young women from Toronto applied for the position in pertiona.--The bachelor had • marriage certificate all prepared, minus the name of the lady, and as soon as she arrived he took her with him to a clergyman's house to be married. The lady refused to give her name, and de- clined the offer of the rentlernan's hand. She wanted to go home Si ono*, bat hadn't the money ; but the %darer' took up a collection and raised enough money to amid her home. Plymouth church in Brooklyn was re- opened Sunday after the summer vas- a t ion. Nt.. Beecher came from Stamford, Conn., to attend the service and occupied the family pew alone. Rev. Dr. J. S. Willa, of Milford, Del., occupied the pulpit. Bar. Dr. White, of Summit, N J., will occupy It neat Monday and Ihr Parker, of London, the first Sunday in October. A member of the churnh committee said that no ra- tion had yet been taken regarding the selection of Mr Beecher'. suoceesseir. He doubted if the pakten would be offered to Dr Parker, or if ha would accept it if offered to bias Darin* the dirausoion in the House of Commons M..nday night et amendments made in the Houra of L Toe to the Cord Mmes Bill, Mr Grakion Dolvenceel Lib ersi . member for Lanarkshire, was sus penteed for retinue* to apologize for a derogatory referent» to the House of Lords. Edward Harrington, • Notions - list . megaton for West Kerry. was ales suspended. The House at the time was ermeidering amendme.Its made by the Lords to the Truck Bill, in reference to 1 weekly payment of wages in Ireland. Mr Harrington, after being warned for his irtrarattoes daring the debate, wee by itt. R k h's seat, he replied passionately • "I will not reausee my seat. You have beim watehing to pienee upon rise ever sine* I rose. I elision my right to speak ." Ifir H•roneteno wee thereupon auspoad- e.1 mut retired from the Hose. snotl rbeers by the Pars•Pito members Abut341,000 has been expended oii the London exhibition buildiugo le" ye.sr. The Michigan Central railway exten- sion t Loudon was formally opened two Monday. Hips. Edward Blake has arrived home from hie sojourn by the **aside, looking hale and hearty. President Cleveland, on Saturday alternoon, appointed Mr. Richard W. Dunlap to be United States Consul at Stratford, Ont Andrew Cathewood, of Vittoria, was committed to jail for six days Monday laM, for refusing to answer questions in a Strati Act rase. Is the hills village of Drayton, one night last week, four stores and the pati- os°s were burglarised. The burglars are supposed to be local men. At • game of baseball at Campbellford Monday, Dr Macoun, pitching for the Oraspbellford team, broke hie right arm above the elbow in delivering a ball. The schooner David flaws, which wee supposed to have foundered in Lek* Seperior with all her grew, arrived safely at Marquette on fisturday morning. The Canadian Pacific Railway Wire loftiest oontinuous railroad in the world owned by one oompsny. The distance from Quebec to Vancouver is 31X -e0 Wm. A. Washington, the oldest living relative of Oeirge Washington. and the last male representative of that naip.. died Sunday morning at Louisville, y. He was 87 years of age. Rev. K. G. Price, a Methodist minis- ter living at Columbia, N. C • was polo holy cowhiled by J. R Johnson for Motelating mandalous giblets. about John.na's sister. A Chicago piper iiTy. Lincoln Park lode* Friday night met (..r the purpose of taking action on the charges of un masonic conduct preferred against Wee J. MeGarigle a member of that lags. The lodge unanimously voted to expel the seraised assinber It is said that in going from hie palace to West ininMer Abbey the Rieke" of London passes buildings devoted to the blow interest in which the comraissiou- ors of the church of England have in - vamped trine funds of the cherub to the intent of $360,000. The largest winners in A. resent Diaminion RAM AssoMation's shooting siostehse, held at Ottawa, were : gimes 's ()an, Tomato, WIG; thstreenne- Caesura's Otmervia, Ottawa, $471; 1346 Battalion, Hamilton. $448; at.d 43rd sigighog, (main. 3416 OM of the 1153 romperitnes St won aothisvg. A G000 Orree.-Tex StugAt Will be rant to any addless front now until Jan. 1, 1888, for Subscribe at once. 1110AAtal as obtocsign ireany trtizeivo not y person indebted to the late CASE ALLEN -please Antinen. , pay up and mare costs. 2111 Mite. CASK ALLEN. we, • Traiuyson is not devoid of shrewd - as, as ouster thie following front a didosi letter : • 1 heard ..I a geode. art the ,dher dry who laid • lager that i •ould get an autograph mat of Lord esioyeren, alio is resiesekeitily choir in et distribution of his sign nativist. be geutleinen in iioestion rat down acid r.dit a mitts title sailing the noble ted •hioh, in his iqeiniuti, tem the best ictionary in the English latignage- Vetoter• or ()Rel. -it's 1 That ei:1 ItrIoh on, Ittotteht the man who bet i be trbip. Itid it t By the neat prat come a half beet of note paper, on wh•ch was care- s ly prated the we r4 'A/gill-ie.' rut out (the correspondent's own letter. You an imagine his chagrip far b. floe thou 1 sn describe is. i Elentistrv. i - 4 ‘1 NICHOLSON. LL1.13. -r. DENTAL ROoMs. Eighth door below the Poet Oce, Writ.!.. sr ongstca. AcS-17 %%' L. WOOLVERTON, L. D. S. / / • O.. -Odd Fellowa Hall. North St., lodertch. Charges moderate. All work war 'anted. Gager viianzol Air given fur Pall, ess est mellow .1 teeth, IWO. . _ the. People's t.olumn. - REVISED CRIMINAL ACTG. Tta• Ihealled CriminalActa sof Iffff. kr die- lethutton to ibe Magistrates of Hums base been received by the (leek of the Peeve. IRA LEWIS. Clerk of the Peace. Goderich. Sept. iStit 1667. 1111141 TENDIMS WA.NrED. Tenders will be received up to nom Gs illatardey. armeseher MM. for the erection of • new School House. on Biesett's Corner 51 1. tuncesilon of Colborne Township. PUN and specifications may be soen on and atter Monday nem, at Rote Allen**. with st horn tenders may be left. The lowest or any ten- der nut necessarily accepted. By _order of the Committee. HORT. ALLAN. ANDREW 3111.IAAN. Chairman. docrotary. Colborne. Sept Oh. neff. 113-tf TAXES. 3 5 Ratepayers will plasm take notice that per vont discount will be allowed un taxes paid dories September ; and 1 per cent. dor- be Octoller. After the lith of December per cent. will be added to all unpaid tales. JAMES GOULK)N. Collector. Oederich. Sept. 1.13. 1164.1 'DEANER FOR SALE ---A IIAIMAIN 111 is offered in a Champion Reamer, very little used. and now an thorough repair. Also te Fire -Proof :Mfr. in good order. Apply D. K. STRACHAN. 2Wi'df to TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN FOR .'l BIDDING any person purchasing tbe - Harry Hislop it 1.1111 with iti fl %remit ion. Most of the farmers have finished seeding here. M Lockart has been re engaged in the school east ef here. 3 IUSIC. -MISS COOKE, AFTER 14 J. years study of music, be prepared to recel% e pupils for the rime. el lemons quarterly. Terms -55 per quarter. WM Strove?' Animals. lies Mackenzie, of Beyfiela, has been visiting her brother here. Miss Sarah Beadle, of Clinton, has been visiting friends here. D. E Munroe recently paid a tying 11 visit to leis uld home in Aldboro'. - - rsTRAY HEIFER -CAME ON THE LA premise, of Om subscriber. Lot K. Mait- land Cun.. Huron Root thrderich Township, a two-year-old roan heifer. with left horn a ittle beet dorm The owner can have the animal by proving priperty mid ming ex- penses. J. WHITELY. 8111.Int C 5 Fraser, • former resident of this p i our village ace is age n e'npluy.d in ' l Tor Sale or to Let. Misses Annie and Nellie Turner, of Dettnt, are the guests ofWaw• Y'a1111, VARM FOR RENT. -LOT 3, W. D., Colborne. 1 6... Asher id. fLake Shore Rea& containing Ed. Downs returned to Clinton last oIt7,gaiien,re"9:"Lf:Verr""psr,in„,1"""e• "air. 6 - week af•er srandine a pleasant time stable an.: oth,r building*. orelsaid *of one amongst friends here • me. good water. Well Mooed end all other , necessary improremeats. Will rent for a Rev. Mr Jamieson has for the post i berm of years, Apply to J AS. SCO FT. on 01141 fee weeks had charoe of the Presby- 1prt-wail"- tit-tf. terian congregation. 1 POR SALE. --AN ORCHARD OF Wilt- Habkirk and Dan Radcliffe, of I 1: 1,1w 0 iocroo ',tibia good boom. 'nobles a05 ndfit. Helen's, were the Emile 01 J. & 1 richtldsuriey7"aetar.treeTelte Bliina I malt Habkirk last Sunday. 1 block. The property will be sold cheaply. laud at terms to sod purchasers. Ad trees Quite a number of our yrung people, Mrs 5l 'Il.FHA DIXON. fluderich P. O. .. around here are lying lira fur the 11 4'. exhibition at lIodierich. VAP.MS FOR SALK - IN THE Geo Tyndsll's new store is needy tom- TOWNSHIP OF GOrEilftICH. Huron h h plotted, and Joe Ligroin is also erecting Two of the best Macre terms in the <amity. A spring creek flows through. Near- • fRurotbheerrt ,irotht.: qermrpi Illoaygeed. in ,s r thrler.ch For tart her particulars addresi ly all leered. Only 3 miles from the Town W. M. HINCE.S. Pitorineron. lioungblut's hoot and Ace store, is at , t.nd.ng the Exhibition at Toronto. I - 1031f Ooderich P.O. f Mr and Mn A. T. McDonald left rWO FIRST-CLASS FARMS FOR they will visit their friends and take in • nook. enottit.ing acres.nd Elmer mutantsLsai % the Industrial Eihibition. Monday moreine for Toronto, where :;:::„:1111% fin aft"theafowrinibtn arpiy to Cameron. Holt g Camerae. Gado 11772 Thomas Cassaday left here last Satur- day morning for Toronto t attend the Indnetnal Ezhibition. He will exhibit ' his celebrated Tontine colt. "Colonel.' Hearse of Clinton, has been rusticating at the eld homestead during the past week, and left Monday last to take in the sights and scenes at the In- dustrial Fair It is reported that Steers Stalker & Fluker, with their 'teem thresher, did the largest day's threshing on the farm of T. & J Cassaday Thursday the (Oh, that has ever been done in this we - tion. Oar pathniasters should jump on those land "(soars with both feet. who allow the Canada thistle and other nolietts weeds to ripen and go to mod, to sow the clever fields year after year, and the remains to stand along the roadaid• on- , cut and unburned. DitArli. -WS STO sorry to have to slchrep,iele the death of Reuben, youngest m 1 h , afi.r 1interiag illness of see menthe. Famed away on Tuesday of last week. The ; funeral trek place on Thursday at 3 o'clock and was largely attended. A GOOD Orrin.. -Tar Riovat will be sent to Say SIMMS from no. until Jan 1, I8R8, for 2be. Subscribe at once. ME TAILORING! FkRLY fka &WINTER GOODS My Tali and Slater Amhara present the NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON. : ITA-11IJET•lr I VERY LOW IN PRICE. B. MacOorma.c. Oedliwieb. Sept. tat. Ity. ma-- - ' ) Legal. EDWARD N. LE‘N Is. Anuts-rr.R. POLICITOR. PROCTOR IN ld A 111 nut: cot.- KW. CON VEY AN• CER, - MONEY 10 LOAN. Straight Loam. Private rood*. 5 1-2 Plat CENT. ',ODDS; unser 1 Hs milieu and Newgete streets, opp. Colborne Hotel 6oderica. 2111. AO. 1; Hama Lomb Agency. frirs sows LAND AGENCY AND REAL %STATE OFFICE. LIST Or I. 1):11:4 VI ANTED 021 FOR 111A LI: `1 PER CENT -MONEY TO LOAN. °FA sinews 1.4tid Agency. - FOR SALE- 3 (ltiOD LOTS WITH two bootee. Price .430. Huitat Land QE AGE R & II A RTT, BA RRISTERS, Ammer. 1,-.7 ate.. Ooderich sad Clinton. tioderiel of- fice opposite Martin's Hotel. 110 it OR SA LE -BLACKSMITH SHOP C. H A YS. SOL1C I TOR, Evii....c......y. - ---___ _____ eons teras congeals. A great bargain. ANTED `To Bu v-210 Tr. isi'srtVV' '. Ofilre. corner of square • , floderich. over telogrimk ots..e. V510 /and* to Iced at a ver .Atat. frontage on the larotare. Hums dipacy . °ARROW & PROCDFOOT, R snits Attorne. Solicitors. etc J. T. lieoet, W. Pronetout. 135 OAMEltON, HaLT .t CAMERON, Barristers. S.Iltors in Chanceurwr. Set, lederich. M. C. Cameron, (J.C., 0. Csarraror. ('. C. Item. Tar Fall Fairs. FOR SALE. West half of lot XI, Arthur tPreet. with small brick cottage thereon., BrILDIDD Loma 114. 1911, Mt 2/3. Elgin Street, Bt. Andrews Ward. 43L cot ner of Homo mad Britannle Road. Frame story Loose on Rome Street. lot and half land. Seiimil lots in Reed's Survey. oppoo.te new show ()rounds. etc Nos 32. M. 26. 30. 611. $4, 35 10. I& All the above at LOW RATES. Apply to 10! tf DA V IRON lk JOHNSTON. ONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST au bawl terms. HURON LAND AGENCY. op_ WANTED TO RENT -HOUSE with cellar mil stable rent about ELIE Apply to Hurua Land Agan -y. T(1 RENT- NEW COTTAGE -TN Is a. Apply to Flume Lead Agency. 141 OR 8AL -000D/ FRAME bouse, fleet clam coedit/vs- Sae orchard, 3 at walk from the mature. Apply, ta Huron Lead Agemy. OodeMeh. . Loans an 6 Insurance. mom beautiful spot la tewn-roat 0517 01PER C 1NT-A N V AR101.7NT tilr a money baked al 31 per rent per museum --ensign! 1 ens -interest 3 early. We It.s% e alao 1120A to lead in one or more sums at 5 PERCENT. Neat door South of Iltraubela harness shop. 8EA0rI& Alt f T. 11341 tioderii A. I 'WARM. TOWN AND VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALK The Executors and Trustee, of the Emit. of the late JOSEPH HERR. oft+. for saki the follito.iier vairibillenorrbonignitlio mar hit. In abe Town ofntioderich, lof an acre each. 'fairly fenced. and %try desirable for building put, P timalf acre Lot fronting Mill Read. Towealtip or itoderieb. befog pert of Lot 3 to the Malt- . land Concession of said Tewnahip. Nice . Frame attage and Frame ntahle. Lot number 3 south aide of Millar street. Heantilier. 1 of an acre, small frame dwelt g. Handing 1s4. nninhem 5e3 and 110i, In the Town of Clinton. of an arm each. Bea 11 fully 'items* on Si, .th side of liuron forest. Fairly fenced. . The East I of I.ot 22. Con. le, Wee Wawa nosh. 100 acme. good land. se eves elearir, and fro., eel, remainder timbered. Allow 1 miles from Locknow and 6 miles from Wing ham. Good roads For er psrttenlaroo„ ary K C PION. Barrister. 0 ederiek Nov. 4. IOW &VW $60,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO C9A-MICHON HOLT It CAMERON. God. rich. 17:4 AIONEY TO LEND. -A LA RG E arnest ILe.1 Pettit*. Fund. tor luvestmeni it lowest rates on •ret-clairsolArtgages Apply to (JARROW PROUD Northwestern Pair. Dederick. Oct. 4, ', 6. ? collet. Ca luse. 8.p4. 27 sad Is. ti.oltersenith. gesforth, yaps di and s. ii.actioneering. Morrie Brasek. Myth. OeL II .04 12. laverhea and Unborn*, Romer. Oct e and 1 Oracle (losers'. ilaseinten. rapt. 21 1" 21 Western Fair, Leadea. Sept. Vito 14. Prey Moat, Ottawa, Sept. le tog. 'pothers, Rtaetford. Oct II and Ie. Cow ral, ouelph. sem. Ei to 111. lad eetal. Termite. Sept. 5 te 17. Northern. W &Mammy. Oct. 1 and North Perth. Stratford, Om 6 ead 7. Bishop Lewis is hopeful that inside of three years a sufficient sum will he mood to warrant the division of the Andloren diorama of Oman° sad the eetabfishireet of two disarms. The sem re/aired i. 1050,000. and of this he has hewn prom issd $5,000the Colonial Biaprm Fund, and .40by the Sowiely for the PromotiosChrist me Ksowletfre. TORN ICNOX, tIENERAL ACC- TIONEER and Land Tweeter, Oedema& Ont. Having had enwetilkwabes savorieses to the oartionerring trade. he la he • Pilwfliew discloser* with thorough sattereetioe ati eon in;ostro,s ectrosted to Woo Order's kW, et Martin's Hotel. or .,at by Mall to my edeirem Roderick P. 0.. carefully 'abseiled to. JOHN KNOX Griesty keetreasur. MIRA P E. SEAOER, E. OkNERAL INSURANCE AGENI. OFFICE opposite Colborne Hotel. tioderich. Risks taken at LOWEST RATK8 in the MI- towbag dret ohms Com minim ; The London Assurance -Eitablished 17/0. The Nationiilot Ireland -locorporated MM. Hand -in -Hand -The en! r Omapany authoris- ed to tasure Piste Gime !n Caaada. Federal Life Assmar.ce Co. illonsaa's Plant PUREST CITY 111 RMS. COLLEGE serer in Veils' Of ma rou Three 11aLeies movitfirrmairr.:.... IM isik;ite R. GENERAL INSURANCA, REAL ESTATE AID MONEY WAND( AGENT. Ouly Meat -dam Companies R.-premered MI Money to Lead oa straight loans, at the lowest rate of latereet going. in any way to suit the ea -rower. OF °Melt -Semi& deer train Square, West Street. Oerlerielt. SIKA-tt RADCLIFFE, (&I WM To LOAN AT 6 PER evul/ptriumr CENT. THE TORONTO OKNERAL TRUSTS CO"' are prepared to loan money at 6 per cent.. pay able bull yearly. on TERMS Ti) SUIT BORROWERS, on ana-claaa feria wecurIty. Apply to CAMERON. HOLT t CAMERON. Barristers, Dederick. Agents/or the Totem(' cieneral Tromso Cey. Masora CssegesoN. Huu.y & Cstageous hare also a large asionant of private Made to lost ea 105-claes fano security. oaderice. 0.1. 1. 1113. 11111.41 $900,000 PRIVATIE1tED6 To len, on fano and hews simpererat low eat interest. Mortgases pnrelaaret. No sen mossion charged agents for the Tonal sod Loan Company of Canada. the Canada Landed Credit Company. the London Loan Company of Cosseda. Interest. IL de and 7 per cent. N. 11. -Borrowers can obtain mosey to one day. If title eat DA V ilittrirloHNISTON. MUM Barristers, ke. Ooderieb Amusements. Govsnicu MECHANICS' INETI- WYE LIBRARY AND READING ROOM. ear. of Haat street and Square 011 stairs. Open treat toll p.m. and freer 7 to MI pm ABOUT '2000 VOL 8 IN LIBRARY Learliag Deily, Weekly end Illestrated Papers, Mentssetee, &c., on Pile. MEMBERSHIP TICKET. ONLT ELM, resells( free use of Library and Readies Applicatioe for taltreetrielp received by Libraries, la rooms. 8. MA LCOMSON. GKO. STIVENS. President Secretary. Gederielt. March lath. link travelling &title. ORAND TRU= EAST. Express. Nixed. Mixed. Ooderich I Lr. I 71.5.mm .11116 p.ni 1 1110 Strettord 1 Ar. 11:410a-na 3:13.ne . 7 MI psi 71.5.marr. W Mixed. Mixed. X Stratford 11.v. 1 SO a ail p.m arp GoIerteh 1 Ar. 1 WM ai &limn I MIND Sheriff's Notices. SHICKIFFB SALE 01 LANDS. county et Muriel Sy vines of a welt of To wit : I FUN helm, tossed oat of Her Moireitre Comity Court of the Comity of Huron, end to ON diverted and delivemd against the Leads and Tenetasfell 01 ADAM ClOrn HORN at the suit of DAVID ROOM the Elder. I hare seised and taken la Examitiou all the right. title. Interest sad mutt a re- demption of the ahem named Adesa ulowhers, is. t• and owl of the 1.110.. 14 Sado and premises. situate, kiss sad be - in tbe enemy of Rarest and Provisos of Omar* aid helm( composed ell the West bait of the Smith half of lot sevalme Twang in the rivet Conmonlea of the Toraberry. coataining Tweety- VS snare sr Met whkh Leeds sad itleseer fee Sale at my oats& le the Omer' , hi the Town of Ooderfek. ea nortwler, Ser Zoete elay of Normalise, 1887, ateantuteter ef Twelve .4 11*. Meek.POW 00.. Oodertelt. July 1357. ROBERT oinewAr 11141111 . Ewe.. Balance of 1887 It 15c FOR SALE -CHEAP FRAME hoose- 7 rooms- 1 Sables and 1 acre mound. Apply to Enron Lead Agency. IST OF LANDS FOR SALE AND 14 information furn,habed respecting Camas econpasio Lands. Heron Lead Ageracy. WANTED. Vine residence somewhere la the Woo bad. Must hate sable acememir dation. good appearance and grounds. WANTED TO PURCHASE -A good roue dame In passim' locality oei lake or Hver bank. suitable for small family. Mos be ad memo to perks. Price about $1.301.06. FOR SALE. Farm kinds in Midland, coma tgibceetichteme. Flee wheet land. Just is. to make homes for farmers' ems. Ex. &Meat climate. Neer railroads. selmais ea, churches from p.m 10 15.55 per acre. SmaP sem down balance on may term. Fur farther particulars and 114401 lauds wanted and for salm_apply at the sera. is write to HURON LAND aOlINCY. Lock Box 121, teederh:b. Oat. Camila. ebtca L. RoeR W. K. ROSS, LIOENTIATII OF , ea Southold. a liatetImmet. itrae Rend College et Plamdeimia. •S St la ertil T1R. McLEAN, PHYSIOIA-‘7, SCR GION. Carew fie. OSee sad redden Rome Street mean& dear west. el Taterla • Street. I711. DR& SHANNON & SHANNON, PaYllicbtola Ilmseerms. Ameatibers. alley at Dr. Shamemee reetillsome near Me geed Gedencli O. C. MaAssort. J. 11, Swan. wee. 1761 Societies. ANCIENT ORDER 01 UNITED WORKMEN. MAPLE LEAF LODGE, Na 27, A. 0. U. to., Meet• in their Lodge Room over Tun Stamm. Odlice. Goderien. oa the SECOND AND FOURTH MONDAYS OF EACH MONTH. VISITING BRETHREN ARE ALWAYS WiL017MX. 8. P. HALLS, )IA. REES PRICE, M. W. Maumee O. W. THOMPSON, 111111147 Recorder. Millwright, Valuator, &c. A. HUMBER, RHI.LWRIGHT. MACUINEST. VALUATOR. AGENT. /Ie. Estimates Made and Casteacte Taken for Home Hesting by the Set Water System. Hot Welter mit *Sssa Refiers. Little Mast and other Water Wheel.. Agricultural Int - Memento. 15.12Maradmiry. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. VALUATIONS KAM. EAST SWIM. - OODERICH. & 11111111.111m FANNING MILL PUMP FACTORY, GODERICH, ONT. MINS NU. WEPARTEENT FANNING IILLS, S20.00 E1101, ONLY A new LEFT. marrlibig cs'8 Pat. Grain and Seed Cleaner eepsraala 04 ODO 2tokla Cb. i% Wild Pee.. If *suers= gledr need. Fox Tail. mid ether ohneviese sadrefuse waist trees Wheat Or say E, Messing and met all mese semi M mma Ham. Maas and Clover gellartiaii diem SWIM VARNER NNW Olio MS ANT PAIIMISO BILL Ezeiseive territory allowed to good aerate with home. weestee *en oesboil• AQ IOIiRS ter Inas er bey 15.0 lege mese. Tanning MIll $li mod ilaremse for any MEL Old Mille Reed sal itemmed. PIMP INIWT-01...A.11111 TILL A 0111171111. PUPS, Drelanas sad treadire Pipes% Le. 215 Wholesale mid Itiesal- "'dim StiliMelell at halm tgat Par. THE ARMSTRONG rionimp• Arm "121T WOK. CaCIIDIE Ft WISC. Hem. UT TOUR PRINTOG AT SIGNAL I Legal tied per Iiast for ,r each set a nonpareil torsi not! Local aoti word. Herbage Advertise Pilot/time Business CI 1.nm maps Melee on lin esqueat mo Any meal promote thi -.ideal or eu vertiormeet These ten lured to. Special ra advertiseno known*. th JOB A fully eq on in comm. basimes. wl at resiombi ing liae can illuminated All comer .4 FEN 114111411I to the tan Sault.., for !sent years Manitoba. was a els rule of the out West A freely .per unfortunat "In cool Winnipeg i was Deoellat nipeg is • may,and w 3Teronier Manitoba the ridicul euttine tod hate peered railway six In a count! and C. P. the most d settler. T surd that discontent, she matt It wherever t is being do Manitoba On toy wa, ing extend direction, Minnesota conclusion by politicl. the time. Ha coal qrasti *raiment d imposing the cost (r, Tire Ng bald in 0 eith of Oct greatest al in Huron the &venal re takest Tat of Tory psp tins with Con. astir wet7 published sooners tl Tray shee the flaw lion. 1 limbed in papers, Is oonstit OM of West holding ri ssoosment •bly every "le aidous, I that the rtf the km