HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-9-16, Page 7-
The question how •• can hest educate As the boys grow up, us oks tha.shiss... Ube ether 1.51.1.wurk.s.,? Kai , !: SA, POI I EgooTs gi s iii 0 Es
111,1121101111111Lilmsssea Fashion's Fancies. • Wbei Illeibeini alesoold Da. IlluillteM niers Proilloo due is ••.
I'...L.....M. so....
- -----
111 heeds of our shadow is toils es- The nee hionen rentha email and hes. of them ; then the) foal MA Mt
AIM Ilittiely with lower sad Log r europium...ship *Mew here.
tirs hitereet aU neer Om coerstry. or.. or roo,'' imiiisted ,,,,, the nods siso L- t the children male • noise mime -
elm ie mood tom, where of Moiled gamy hove keg posood pok i treats, tosses ; their happiums 1.s. neportmatt
and wwk. All anomie for brain woik. h in with • slight face inuoultlit•
re sire crowded to 'aorta. We hove Tb. minuet fem.' a of bead*, of feathers
tooted our moots to think great
mod •wtol`e lb. bilulY sad of tbst.st ErIsch nlinery Zsser!
.sdoui of life, but we hate forpoten to n ate small close she, es to loos iu
he wisdom which our granotoothen • ittul'i adding. • t I ifi ore hies d.h,
1u IL. t.ti.I.g slightly
urn, the knowledge of doing well sad
as your nerves
Respect their little morels ; if they
betel comealui-ois, worrying theta will
crier made ib..w tell, and patience will
probably do their rk.
Allow thenoas they grow older,to have
opinions of the r ort; ;Ye t'ie * -
dividuale laud nut me.* echoes.
Remember that without phy•io.d
the dail: tasks that lie aitmod ett, Wilt felt boinsets of pliable fit made 6111"1",•14`1, .11'•'•gnel t winible"
ithuut 'klatch all things must go,awiy. up ... fold, podr, en a tram, pre- ,
t mita ire& happy lino, which
ir a
need et skilled bands is being pas- Mealy as cloth would I. • used are .b.....oi • stresitimbon GOA and body.
I.' Bea lin mind that joii •re largely re
tally met in our larlte cities by techtsi 1"11121 wear ; ib-.. "6
a" " stiff fiht
schools for boys aud girl& It is ,hom, or oleo moral), zi.kod rjgor for er, and hare patienze with faults aud
pp iamb • for yuur child • inherited char -
bonnet• with rows of pitiking a'l over
itainly the duty of •very mother in the ie a h) prefer them.P11111 eturvicirred h." g••
he land to educate her daughter care leas, showing small nose's done in Talk hopefully to your children of life
ally ia all dello:atm mitten Let each the shots. .4 the felts, or else lulu 11. Poasibilitiv• ; you bate 11(.4
with beaded •heat or leaf pattern in t4. d'Pref• 'btu' bc'ause you h'T° rid -
little one over eight years of sate have •
borders. err (('0.141441.41 sant e A itre*".r
week in the kitchen alternately, •id twist in front and pointed piukedY"elicla Teach boys and ties the actual feels
each day of this week Niel' Ler an hour's of rich, replied faille are suflicieut ..1 life as soon as they 11110 old enough toi
or isolubt,or,e justrort„ oi Emu, disk teimmeou (.4 full maraud 1.11 underatand tbmis, and give them the
Flo d wh.t their spe :Lel tastes *iv
this instruction be systematic ; begin Lower clowns and no•:'..Aing brings,
with simple &elms . let the child of eight arritigiiig out frotu the cr are
begin with potatoes, paring them and features the new round inats to The
brllus nc
taking out the eye* carefully. Tench rarr:tr:i4ntv:tsr lis Ustrilit.1 mini;
her that only billing Irak*" mutt be much wilder on one eide, some turned
poured ()VW theta, bow to tell when the up it" • sharp point. against the back of
tee -kettle is builig, that half an hour the Mown. ai.J others rolled upward in
will usually cook a potato. Show her I ithr"b:imit •itt"lidCriAtistailt "rr" toward,
how to pour the water off from them
Turbans will he in eil again in all the
when dune, how to shake then) to make low crowned Eneltsh shapes, and with
fume slightly higher indented crows
pointed towards the hoot. Children's
hats of felt are mostly white, or in the
grayish Gohelin blue shades ; they •re
,aatirely cf smooth felt, or else the crown
only is plain. •n.1 the bean is t1 long -
napped brueli felt.
Ribbons will continue to lie used for
bonnet trimmines in widths varying from
two and a half to four or five nich5s.
them mealy and hoer you stand them ea
the beck of the stove. covering them
with coarse towel to absorb the moisture.
After tem lesson let her do all the rook
herself the next time, and eu on till bbitpotatoes are as ;sear perfection as posse
tile. A little wise praise will lift the
spirits of the little wok wonderfully.
.t n omelet is another dish which child
..oin rowdily learn to onto well. The picot -hired ribbons ill nut be
abandoned, but the pewter styles and
the nicest qualities will have Plain
Among the first kssons ia etiokine
at all proboble sh.. has strength to knead edge, and egmitne:ownticat mirlitrehliboathaAat ..tineord
and a satin Land. The Loyalties are
the Om- or changeable ribbon.' of
color *hot &croft another, end the "flor-
escent" colors with the shading done in
the dye, and producing very pretty of -
Cocks' plumis are arranged in most
varied ways f trimming autumn hes
and bonnets, and there are shin WOWS
ostrich feathers in cleaners of tips and
demi long plumes which will be used
later for winter Ws. The clusters of
curved cock's plumes now in favor will
be retained in very large groups. but the
straight trolls and bunches of sharp
Pleader !tethers, called runts, are near-
er sod are feel on the most stylish
French round hats. Black oneks' plumes
are considered stylish taionningi for
hags or hosinets of almost any calor, and
in some clusters are edged 'nth gilt.
Velvet faille 'repeals's, heumillm,
moire and grog grain- will be the fabrics
tool for making bonnets. All them
materials •re soft and pliant, the corded
silks being move supple than ie any of
previous reasons. The velvets are plain'
n all the new colon, and are also
chanreable, shading thesowl two or
three tones of one eetor, or ail to tiro
eintraating shades ; striped sad plaid
velvet is in plait' colors and glace as
A useful 111110(101 IS small bonnet of
black velvet, smooth ea the frame, with
three rows of narrow jet grimy in oval
designs find along the front and edging
the crown. A wide chantilly Ian aosrf
is fastened by a jet ornament st the end
of the crown, folded, along the sides,
and form strings. The top trimming is
high 'leader loops cf black.
teach the child to make bread. It IS not somettimes linhiebed with a straight
a large batch of bread, but she can read-
ily make small qoantity of rolls for
breakfast Let her learn the ambition of
kneadmg ; it is an excellent gymnastic
ex.:emirs, which cannot be of anything
but benefit physically, developiiie the
muscles of the chest. We have seen de-
licious bread toads by shildren .4 ten
A little competition in the family moose
the daughters as to whom bread is beet
will help in the good MIMI of intone
. Let the young cooks thus learn
took meats, vegetables and make ten
Mid coffee thorotighly, then elbow them
to make este and desserts. While one
of the daughters of the family is receiv-
ing inatrucrton in cooking, another east
bare an hour's instruction in work up-
stairs ; teach them to do this work prop-
erly. Every healthy girl in our lead
should care for her own room, with
slight assistance after she is eight year,
old for the education. in order to know
how to sleep, dust and lay a bed proper-'
ly,. D.s not set bar to do it like stank;
go with bev and praise bear work. Whim
w ell dun*, ere her everything you east
ly can to make her room lovely and cul-
tivate in her the love which is innate in
even wcman's heart of neat, homelike
surroundings. We believe every one in
the how, if it is posaible, should have
• room of his owe., a sanctum where he
can claim exclusive ownership. It Cer-
tainly raises the girls individual WOWS of
dignity. geeing is a task which should
never be forgotten. A girl shoeld Kindness with the family horse is
be taught early all the different stitcher of the utmost importence. Atways
of the expert hand seamstres& Sheeultim1•111riZo'lly°•ilnlawia..irahl'dhrsob• tri
ih°611 do bit "in m•ndIng if F°6•ibl•' I he ▪ ie tired and w.wn out, it is astoPish-
but we do not believe any child should ing, how thews little attentions will m-
use a sewing machine befote she is a courage and cheer him up. When sot
in nee, he should be Oven • nameable
amount of daily exercise. No antesal
will do well without exeretee. It pro-
motes a gond action .4 their limbs, and
assists dijestion. The harness should
We 11111gd to Tsar Meyer.
fall -grown wornan. Machine work has
prostrated in disease many grow o wo-
men, and is too hard for • young girl to
& tempt unless the necessities of the faun-
ily regain it. Do not keep • child moire made to fit, thus evoking chaos
than an hour steadily at the needle, but
let her run out is the sunshine and
bream if her task is not done and re -
to to it.
Bach education at home as we speak
need take little time, and in after
years whoa the child a a woman it may
bring her more sincere pleasure than all
the education she will receive in acade-
mies and colleges. !low many unhappy
homes throughout the land may be due
to ignorance on the part of the wife and
isother cf the little daily matters which
cmtribute to the comfort of the family.
How many lives are wrecks troken
down by the burden of life work only
for want of knowledge. Then is no
ditty which should appeal so strongly to
the Christian mother, who desires her
ilitoghters should lead noble. useful
lives, than the duty of educating them
to bear their share in the work they
inset do or attend to doing whether they
Its rich or poor. For there is no choice
io this workaday world of our "Ye
must either work or steal, hy whatsoever
elite y• call your steeling."
a .d develop them, inetead of spending nig 40". When she brainie evening star laid
tome, money and pat 'once iti forcing loomber her whol.• Illuminated disk (like the
th a iota italics that are rejsuaguant to lull mums) we. turood toward dm
lade delight ia rim; out ol 0.--I. 1.51.
day to Monday, Ea fa...rise least bring the
Dekko& Park Howl at Weyt....igr.
quirt remit he Ives tak.ai quite • Lowe, and
hie eorussianding egos., i* bremoing familiar to
the habit...ea of the place. 04. Cod,- I,a leen
lately joiord kw hos datigtiter, 11.01 Arta
(kitty, a young lady who inherit. her fattser's
Imadsons. feature* and graceful beating, and
alms 0s:1 lord manner* compare favorahly
!otitis the • 11.1 moor. .4 this p.wk parking
priests, Muster., whore Ty* (10^111 to hats de-
parted. Indeedvs s, the ole hearing of these
quiet Western 5.4110 pri.ate Weiaiu *inviter
contrast to the Istatant loudness of Ow Ameri•
CAN Wonli NINI et MN IN -re 1111 NeirCIA uf
notoriety -a goal NINCII they attain, if ever,
by the and of nutted I...orwta, pearl powder and
isd lantOmer By the nob there ie good
mann fur the quiet a51al. of contentment
which decorate. Buffalo lace uuw, It ia
figure Welt 1*.. colonel thinks the Mort.
tlw handsome 411,1 01 K1200 • day clear 140111
which he is rakish is by his .how.
The Largest Stook,
Greatest Varitit.y.
And 13-st Value
Cor. East Street and Square, Godericb.
LAlliEs) GENTs; AND cilllippviu wEAR
V hitt/ CLAISt. l'ICICES. A I.1N 1. (SP
Tease roustastlea. •
Venn. is esi tong .tar. 141w reaches the 1,8,d 9
ies genuine
- •
point during die mouth of August, when she ,
puts on her mod slot/iota' aspect as etrialug
star. Ou the 15th, at noonday, she ArtINNed
iu her greatest brilli.incy, being then about
41S: mat of the .,in, and her diameter ineasur•
French Kid Button 3oote, at 12.00
earth. •eol, Lein./ at her greateit
Owes ifafti• bar ."'14i was mai
As long aa it possible, kiss them
10" 14lio ha. r..r since been teasel- a.4-•‘ wed Severe.
ies' andgents' Tennis Shoes; _it 11.110 iutt 11 25
Ole niv a call. and We Nilt dhow yt. our ,11.14 k lb lila Mare w heftier you bay or not.
good night after they are in bed ; they
like it so, and it keeps them very clone.
li you hays a lost child, remember
that for the one that is gone there is no
more to do ; for those remaining, every-
thing : hide your grief for their mites
Impress upon them from early inflame)
cy that actions have results, and that
they cannot eicape conrequersoes even
hy beteg sony when they have acted
Art your daughters grow up, teach
them at least the true merit* of house-
keepiag aud cookery; they will thank
Fun for it iu later life a great deal more
than for accomplishments.
Try and sympathize with girlish nights
of fsucy seen if they seem abound to
ling 1051ord and iaorea.ing isi *tar and bril-
liancy. At do- ...sae time *lie has been turn -
nig Into and kas .4 her illuminated disk
towards it., paseint through all the phases of
the moon front hill to new. Until the 15,th
LIIIP ion -ammo/ ear i4 the p:enet's disk ha*
more than cuuntertmlanued the lease g tew.
tion which s illuminated, and al eirry
server mon have MAU:y.1 Ube fair evening oar
Ilea grown more brilliantly beautiful After
die 13t1i the illuminated eminent rapidly di-
miusahai until It become* exceedingly dim
Row motile hared glee U.
ti510i Th• J.
Th. southern -bound mail train on the Sea-
board arid Honaiiiske Railroad iamb near kill.
Mg • yoting lady on Friday. Just bsyund
Margyttsvolle the toad runs tut dietaries
through a kind of swamp, which i* • favorite
place for falling. Nlisie Nous Juiciest was
you ; by so done you will retain your sitting on the ruilaitikuient indulging in
itilltlet1CO urea your daughter* and tot the seductive work of angling for eels
teach them to seek sympathy elsewhere. when the mail came tlosielering al.ong.
Cultivate them seperately, and not as There was PINOUlfil T....tta for her to fellialll
"to rarely wheat. ale 5,...,hut with Ow tonal
if y0.1 Witte turning them out by soachin•
nompreeetice Id I ulaels generally pre.aild
on inch occasion• she gut 1115 and dtaxtrd
=rum the track.. The e timer, diil his heat
to stop his train Int Ma. n5,:.14e 10 40.... TII0
1 locomotive strua Mini Jaques and hurled het
Encourage them to t•ke walk
tog exercise. Ybunn ladies in this
country are not good walkers. They can u 4.1..
dance all night but are tired if they walk i:r7r,l,rto"J:-.71.but:',.'Z'ijo.ww.ao tido
a mi!e. Girls ought to to ',kir 10 walk lir lying a inanglytt curpor. The trainmen and
as easily as boys, Half the nervous pamengens, Ismveser, were ass.aied 1., find mi
dionses which afflict young lathes would varyn.nchIs.g.":"*•11 ao41 1:icaor.••,11(4i1): angry
dieeppear if the habit of regular 'ler- Til-T:untgta'at lsolutt)
ogee was encouraged. 110.. s.ived Irvin a terrible (Math by bet twi•tloo.
Keep up a high stendard of princi-
ples ; your childree will be your keenest 1 Onteris se toisiosios.
judges in the future. Do be honest with
them so entail thiors as well as in great.
If yua cannot tell them what they wish
W bmuoe, say so rather than deceive
Reprove your children foetal.- beat ;
• child taught to carry reports from the
kitchen to the parlor et detestable.
Send the youogster to bed early ; de de parties, at thisol.,y picnic., and even at
cid. upon the proper time and ;Whir* to risitu-r, and loae,,, if not 0. their un-
it. c Ii INNWINISt. at least to their irritating
drawl and 11..'., e W. -4r11, commiststa upon
Remember that visitors praise thi
current event*. The ti.voinioi of thew loess
would uot be tolerated in the saloon. Nrw
York or Boeton, yet in Kiwis's] those adyrn-
turrm weir toed ith open arm*, 11.sicred
as though they urea 1l..,.rd. s,rGriclitoes*,
permitted to flirt • ith the pruttirst srir:s anti
sewn,' tel icashly ...coifed if, mo -
chance, thry h.oe to he rent hone ris a 1111.-
01 aesnrintoziv.stion. Souse usenet., las
ought 10 ktonwlotteg.r. 1.1.‘r stril began 1,, c.11
upon awnm in their 1 l. /c.1.I loo s.:11 ale, noon
and pelt dealer in the Northwest, has 5.3"itta "ft: .-e 10,14/1kra.i.
1: 'rem
He has been absent about four months Featberly (too I5100.1.11g,s• 14.v) -1).4 rou
and during that time he has made • iiverthr „oir )
..ung 6.1)!
Mowienger Tr% or.
bow Mr.
1104 Line
Finn Keno'. on- ., o, I al
time 1 wa• ,,se %Veit.
Servietel 11),(1 TI.n• kW. i•
Foot I "no, - Y. -, mei . t?•.r,
Ft rah The 2..,4, Thtt,
Buffalo Pars cowboy. art bcco.Mitg a bore,
M otir3. lial4e 50 ss. -'i LIAM, in the n:..4 un-
expected lib' .Cm.o. A irs trown*:,
mem to have him then howls over them un-
totoied Ion1 et the 1..airie. and milli, of the
met. have taken dolt. '5555 ii.d.o* to Chiba
Thr result is that note 1::04, cot. boy. at gar -
children as much to plows you or be-
muse they deeeri• it, and that their
presence is oftener than not an afflic-
and brumes. In cold weather the lips
and tongue cf the horse may be made
very eon by oontact with the low bit
The bit shoeld always be warmed before
being placed in a bone's mouth. Plies
ere very annoying to bores., and the use
lhe net. or some proper/altos that will
keep the Gies away, a well repaid.
are in driving ie of the greatest im-
portanes. How often do we see an as-
imal driven until wet with perspiration,
and dotted with foam, standing withoet
blanket or protect:op of sny kind frcm
the ei.id northern winds. when in each
cor.dition, he evidently suffers intensely.
besides the danger of contracting
seem Ir -mi which he will never reonver.
If any law nn our statute book should
be more rigidly enfnrced than another,
it is the one seeing fast driving. When
in me. blankets should always Ise pro-
vided in eold weather, so that they will
dry without chilling Prreest there
from drafts when warm, and either rub
(hien, GT let them 'tend in a stable,
where gold air cannot strike these.
gle as vas mow.
but if you are constipated. or have *ie.(
headache, bed taste in the mouth, rash
Wield to the hotel, bilious cn.nplaint,
or may similar difficulty. you should go
at "nee to pier dreg/int for Dr. Pierce's
"Pleaaant Penally* Pellets," the most
efileteest means for medicating it, by eor
or Deer is Mad.
Mr Henry K Doty, one of the most
prominent citizens and the boding hide
visit to every European country and has
Weems thoroughly acquainted with the
cultism, manners and languages of the
different people. He spent shout
$65,000 on the trip, bat this could not
be called an extravocant sum when one
takes into consideration the superb
paintings, statuary and other works of
sat that he brought back wi b him
It, Parie, epos the Roo do Hardy along
he purchased ff1i%,000 worth of *tuna,
and in Brussels be bought several
thousand dollars worth of those elegant
carpets, from which that city derives its
name. Mr Doty says that be was well
treated everywhere ramp' in England.
He is specially bitter against Mr
Phelps, our representative at the Court
of St. James.
"This man Phelos,” toys be, "is •
little, dried-up, snobbish Vermont law-
yer, wish a soul no hisser than a
usniy, I dyed my nneastach• and put on
sat dress suit aud si $20,000 diamond
pm, and called to see hen. A line
specimen he is tn represent our wealth
and culture ! I don't believe hie clothes
coot more than twenty dollars a
"1 suppose I ought W esti oa the
Queen," sire 1.
11. didn't *ay anything, mad 1 ens-
tineed : "Wmild you mind istredesing
"Really Mr Doty," says be. "I
do not feel like presentiwg an entice
stranger to Her Majesty."
"Oh, you oeedn't be *carol." say. I,
for 1 carry as big a letter of credit as
say American in London, &WI alien it
cense' to eultare and that sort of htrog I
&its to nit the socks off any of your
/coda and marqueezies.'"
"W.- 1, will you believe it, he heti the
impudence to shove a printed list of
vieetions at
"You will have to meaner these nn
oath before eon WE yos whether I ean
provost you to Her Majesty," says he.
I was as weed as a Texas skier. Here
*re mine of the questions: "Did you
ever have a grasdfatker, sad if en what
was his voestine t 'Are you addieted to
the ow of the doubts aegative 1 'Spell
plithit4e, strychnine and pheteonia.'
Foie questions these to pet to • gentle -
clean malice,. I told Mtn
tie pm to Mims with hi, Quest, sad roe
rip* to have my privite merstary write
litter to the Presidevit, eamplasniim of
P.**, sad dasaillag Mot he be dii-
Two strangers poising Rowland Hill's
church one day entered, walked ep the
aisle, and finding no mat, .trod for a
while end listened to the semen Pre -
smelly they turned to walk nal. Before
they rmiehed the door the preecher
"But I will tell you a story." Till., of
worse, arrested the strangers, and they
pawed. turned again, and listened.
"Once there wa• a auto- said the
preacher, "who said that if he hail all
Vie aim in the world aisle isitoesi
wrest as, and all (11. 10... in 111141 ussid
Med. into one tree, sad he mold eiliotit
the al and met down the tree, he world
A allimpte
A certain learned judge, when at-
teloptieg to be clear, is at times rather
perplexing. My good .onion, he is re-
ported 4.. hate said to a witness, you
must give all answer in the fewest posei
ble wotda of obeli you are capable, to
the simple asal plain question whether,
when you were crossing the streets with
the baby Oil year arm and the enmities
was coming down on the right side and
the cab cos the lett side and the brow -
man wee trying to pass the omnibus, you
mw the plaintiff between the brougham
and tie cab, or between the omnibus
and the cab, or whether and when you
saw him at all, and whether not
near the brougham, cab and omnibus,
or either, or any two, sod which of them
respectively -or how waa it
It is Some sever tried the tie
perinseal--that wbss otic Is bested ints
oho air by the bewails, of a bailee, its
tliialts of .31 111. evil lie hat eesaavittee
ILI. 0 ewe. a re.
• free GM.
Around each bottle of Dr Chase's
Liver Care se a medical guide and recei, a
hook coots g useful niforinstion, over
rec.oyes, and pronounced by doctor'
and druggisi• as worth ten times the
coo .4 the medwine. Medicine sad
honk III. Solt* by all drug7ieta.
11 Cores
Wood prism
aresSiestka named lig Or
Meth. flabl ler Drieetela, seem& Weans&
sasiorialreisaMa andel. I1-
& Sam &Mr
Oh 4 1111.1.1111111114____1111
N. B. -TO TRH TRADE -Loather and Findings in any quantity,
at Lowest Pi -ices.
Godertch, June bid, MIL
• 111111.
(Two Doors East of Whitcly't
Manufacturers of Marble Montiments, Headstones, tfantlepieces,
and all kinds of Furniture Trimmings in Poreiein and
American Marble; also Window and Door
Sills, and House Trinamints of all
kinds in Ohio Stone.
All work designed and executed iu brat s.) le.
MIWILSOS 111108. demi largely In all kinds c f European and Canadian Granite,
which *peck] attention is called.
It will pay to tall before iodising elsewhere.
Godench. Jane Ma. 1087.
WILSON 3E3 013
Basket Fired Japan New Trim Warranted Pure, 5 lb*. for $I. Thu. Tca is equal to any so 41
at Ilk. Ib. by pedlars.
Other Japans from Nie. (0 85.. per lb. Extra Cocci Young Hyena. (((.1 1!.. lb. op.
A specialty In Young Hymn Tea in 5 lb. lets only. Mr 11 !ri.
Try n,y Youcg Hyson, and find mi lie Cheapest in the mat ket. Eggs taken in exchange
At C. CRABB'S, Coderiche
Jost opened out a full aawartment of my own importations. and ailing at
wholesale prices.
Wool Cnelassierea, Weal Welehies. Uusu.. wad Prams.
Tweeds and ll'ottenades at retires to Astointshn
dirrall and see. Always pleascl to show stork.
Do not forget the old stand on the Square.,
tern lib, 111117.
IINIf 0.
CRA. :BB, CiFod.erioh.
lIa* lust receired. and s sow opening a large &moil men' of
Also on hand • large stock 0( 55..
For 111. make-up of tIPItINti SUITS.
.41.33El..ift.1=1.41..314C SMITH'S/1-
MM gide Square. Goderich, March 21th. MEL SOW
The Latest French and lizericall Slyies
Feathers, Flowers, Fancy Trimmings
Etc.. Ito, Zhe.
The Chicago House.
Agent for Domestic Patterns.
Otateric April Oh, IWO
Marone can advertisw, bull Gan dhow the Steck. have havmore a k on hand them aas twia
bemire is town to intact treas.
[have sew on hand le 41111evant styles of Bedroom !Mites.8 dltftreni styli s ef eidebearele. 3
parlor motes, aim mF
eow anything in the urniture line, all of which swill he mild
in tbe UNDIEIRTA K I fITIP personal lineation. ant ite benefit now of nearly 10 years
eeperasies. think 1 have the beet Hearers in the Como r Heron 1 will Imprelhozmillor
tVe. I have everything tumidly kept is a Prot elan establishment, mock (
fliwinallk Habits. Wares. ('rap, Itembabnieg don when regaireit. .
Ouonsatee beers setietart los la every (VW!.
Geollerlalk. Sept. SW 11111il tess-aus
Obtained. mad all mistimes ki the itgliestent
Moe sites/ad 5*01
inily TXWIR. 1
Our.kw'eNto tl1 Prarest Oa
mot.. u 1.4WINO, $a*
vale se te gr1111
entahtlay_ triAk of Autry; a004we make .‘ C.11NOS UNLIK414 w'R OR
1•40P1 P4 ?INT. .",..
W. refer kaiak to the Poslowallow.tk• Ras
41 Iikow'hilam -0v- 1001 016. 4‘,16 q bb.