HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-9-16, Page 4Particular attention attention is also
called to the "Yatisi" Corset.
This Corset is the only one that
the purchaser can wear 10 days
and then return and have her
money refunded if she does not
find it the Most Perfect Fitting,
healthful and comfortable Cor-
set she has ever worn.
Val and see the *Tatar and -Festherbontr
('.11110 .1
J. A. REID & BRO.,
Tib SspL, BIM. 1I,$ -1g'
a. adiessammemas Tads WMIfiv
neuter Lamb Bale-Mre C. 11. Wats
Illamace ef Mr for Mo.
Beret Creed Act -ha. Lewis.
thiers smarm ye, fakfanotes,
An'fitith Ain sweat U. -
A BAD Mies -It you fall to ere the fall
goads at B. it accormee's. There's mosey in
it If you attend 10 1* In near.
as. Stewart Issis just returned trom the
mooting of the Photographers' Association in
Toronto. Ile has the latest wrinkle&
The big Toronto show is reckoned the most
successful of De kind ever held In that city.
but the photo@ turned out by H. Sallow' mac
not be surpassed anywhere In Canada.
BRADTAI•DE CLOIRIND. If you want a 0011
of resdynsade clothing that will bear favor-
able comparison with most fitted goods, be
sure and go to F. 41. A. Pridhaufs. It fits lit*
the paper on the wall.
Comm. Issussosrcg. - As long se you drink
Liquor tea you need not fear dying. but for
fear an accident should befall you. Geo Shy -
nos. the local agent. is Issuing seven days'
policies with every pound of tee.
TH. Womoses CHRISTIAN! Tgairgnomeg
UNION will meet regularly for the transaction
of busbies. every Tuesday afternoon ot 220
o'clock. in Knox church. Every woman in-
terested to the work Is cordially invited to
roc all drugs. d'meuffs, perfumery. patent
medicines. chetnieale, etc.. best quality
sud lowest rotes. call as Illoode's drug Noes.
siemens of Wong and family recipes.
Albion Block. 8 MI attention paid to Ai&
e. ti e. druggist.
In order to get more room. Saundersk Son
have rented the store next door to the poet
office. in order to display their full line of
Ourney's Co'ys stoves and ranges, for whom
they aresole &gaits. They have about fifty
second hand stoves in gond repair.which they
will clear out -thew. Tile cheapest house
under the sun.
FINE Toitonixo.-Custompers ready legend
upend be measured for a fall salt overooat
of strictly the choicest goods MI the market.
with • out and make in erica osceolixisce
with teas taste sad true se., ehould instmet
MeConnac's Immense mock (drew tallgoods,
foil suiting, and Robby overcastings Ii* an
the new shades. Don't fail to see them.
ENT CoMPAN V.-- Depositors in this company
have the best possible security for their Mon-
ey. all being invented in usortunge on term
property. Depositors have a fins lien is all
the company's assets. 14.1. 01 interest paid.
from 4 to 5 per cent. accenting to amount
and duration of depoeit. Oar men having sur.
p.us maws should call and see the manager.
Mies Alice Trainer returned home to
Chicago, last week.
Mr and Mrs (a.. Elliott, Southot ,
are visiting in Toronto.
Miss Mary Elwood left for Toronto
cro Monday to attend school.
M. Hutchison. of the Big Mill. re•
turned from his trip on Saturday.
Mn John Tees, of Turnberry, is vet.
iog oli friends in and around Goderich,
at present.
M C. Camorms. M. 0 Cameron and
V. Holt were in London Saturday las;
on legal business.
Mn Carpenter, of Detroit, me. Wm
L.zzie Ferguson. of Goderich, is iu town
tr,jsiting old friends.
Rev. U. It. Turk and freely left town
for their future home in Atlanta,
Georgie, Friday last.
North -St. Methodist churoh was
Supplied by Rev. J. S, Fisher, of
Hofmeorille, Sunday teat.
David Curry has given up the boot
and shoe business here, and will, we un-
dereiand, locate in Ciintou.
The model school student class as
enabled on Tuesday at the central
school to the somber of 26.
Potni roe saran A immoral'. -Monday
last Jane* Hays, of St. Andrew's ward,
was appointed town poundkeeper.
Town council was further adjourned
Friday night until Monday, owiag to
some of the members being oat of town.
"Hob" McKay has gone to Chicago,
and has secured • positron on the clerk -
is staff of a grain elevator in that city.
Mir Georgie Martin has returned to
the Wesleyan College. Hamilton,
whore she will remain until next June.
H. 14 L S The first Fortisightly meet-
ing a th. term of the High School Lite-
rate moiety will be held this Friday
Knot church Bated of Hope will meet
on Saturday, Sept 17th,at 3 o'clock p
let there be a full attendance of the
Invensemea. -- Daring the month ef-•
August there were 10 internist's le
Maitland emetery, 7 adults, and $
&see Marek Iset, the inspector in the
Booth Riding of Huron has sensed over
forty coseetioas for 'strewn of the
Stott AO.
Wears glad to leant that Master Oa- h
eellis Hodge i. in fair way !,/ recovering ,{
from the severe attar* of illness alluded
to is our last irises.
R Martin has been beady eagassed
for donee toe past getting his mare in •
$t for the speeding in the ring al the et
North wester, Fair.
Dr MeDonipili win he ia Goderif., ow.
us Iteted-L4, the 3rd ed
S•PfeFittors '1:-. atterweds on the fires
F4.2....rtray of every smooth.
Saunders & Sou have the contract fur
heating with hot water, the borne re
tend, pureheed by Jane' A. PleIntords
and oespied by it 8. Williams.
Oar thanks are due to Dr. and Mrs
Maws fur tropes of FlYethington pap
on """iailill reports of the great meth-
eal engem kb mess at that city.
BlAtroa'• Cot:ex.-Thos. Parker, of
(Judaic& township, was tined $l and
roes Wednesday last for assaulting ti.
0. Wilms at • threshing oo Teseday.
To Ter Bw Fast -Quite a number of
oar townsfolk availed themselves of die
cheap rates to visit the Industrial Exhi-
bition in Toronto during titer pet week.
Kthronosi Tate. The crow petition
against M. C. Cameron in the late Do
minims election, will come up for bear-
ing at Goderich on the 16di November,
Y. W. C. T. Union will meet on Mon-
day evening, Sept- 19th, at 7 30 o'clock,
in the lecture room ssf Knox church.
All interested in this work are invited U.
FALL Patorriso --Merchants and oth-
ers who web Fall Printing done neatly,
cheaply and promptly will consult their
own interests by having it done at Tug
BIUSAL t tbs..
BALANcit ON HAND. -Th. town
treasurer's statement for August showed
receipts to be $3,012 31 and expendi-
tures $1,720 W. leaving • balance un
band of $1,20L77.
ColtaltSPONDINTis WANTRD.-W• want
a reliable correspondent at every post
one in the county. Those who will
undertake the work will be supplied with
stamps, stationery, *ie.
Dr. M. Nicholeon. the NS eat street
dentist, makes the preservation oi the
natural teeth a specialty. Ons adminis-
tered from 9..m. to 4 p.m. for the pain-
less extraction of tooth.
The Parkdale Ti,,..'*, edited by our
old friend, A. G. Gowelock, tensed out
a bondman* special Exhibition number
last week. The place and its surround-
ings were well written up.
Lamm Arris.-YVedneeday Walter
Hick, of the Huron Road, Goderich
township, showed us an apple, uf the
Imperial Alexander variety, that meaa.
ured thirteen inches around
Nomrueourzes FAIR Consul PI:At:-
me --The out practice for the fall
show choruses will be held in the Town
Hall next Tueeday evening at &o'clock.
All concerned will please attend prompt-
Goderich Prohibition League will hold
its next meeting in the lecture room' of
Victoria st. Methodist church on Thur.
day, 26th inst., at 8 p. m. Conte one,
cow all.
0Na Trim:Avers NANIas WANTED. -
Each name to be accompanied by full
athlete and 26c., for which Tent SioNe.
will be sent for the balance of 1887.
Subscribe now, and get the full benefit
of this offer.
Mrs Hooker and two children left for
her home in Kamloops, B. C , Monday
last, after • visit to her p.renta Mr and
Mn Geo. EV&DS, a this town Her
mother accompanied her as far as Toron-
to un the trip.
Hz WAR BREN Loo•raD.-The Strat-
ford Herald says that :-"U ndoubted
information has been received showing
Ald H. A. Jameson and family to be in
Kansas City, where h e has a job on one
of the papers."
JENITII•Ms ".ow. - Edwin Long's
celebrated ere of picture' on "Jeph-
thab's vow- will form the basis of the
sixth discourse, no /emus scriptural
paintings in the Victoria st. church aim
Sabbath evening. -o, _ _
Th. Whitby Vie
ro-h. evidently a
poor Opine of the town sasscii collec-
tively and individeelly, .s it says, "the
of them are net fit to mange
the affairs of a tribe of red Indians.'
ExerismoN Suing. -The pens, shale,
otc., in connection with the North-
western Fair are now In course of con-
struction. Street lospeetcor Gordon is
prosecuting the work, and is having it
done by corporation laborers wurkIng by
the day.
W. C. T. U. -The annual meeting
of the Goderich W. C. T. U., for the
election of officers and other business
will be held in the lecture room of Knox
Chuilch, on Tuesday, September 20, at
2.30 p.m, A full attendance is re-
Tau WIATilltit. -Helms (etas, the
Toronto weather prophet, predicts warm
rummer weather until the middle of
October, broken by • comparatively cool
spell occurring the latter part of Septem-
ber, which month will hare unusually
high temperature.
Conitto To Towle --Mn Mary Van-
essa*, of Colborne, who recently pur-
chased a house on Anglesee-st. fres
Wm Young, intends taking poesessioe
it shortly, mo as as to give her
daughters • belief opportunity of attend-
ing the high school beta
and daughter arrived in town Wednes-
day week and domiciled themels es in
their summer residence. It re now us•
derstood that Mrs Turner will not sell
her prcperty, but will have it improved
for future occupation by the family.
Hems° MI A emu era aim -Dr
Sippi, well known in Goderieb, and who
reedy sang so acceptably at the Grand
opera benefit conoert here, has lisea
appointed bursar of the Asylum at Loa
dun, at a salary of 91,400 • year and free
hese. The appointees' is a good one.
_are-troAretzArlettlL,ese TWIN Ptiople's
tion of the Methodist church
Victoria -arse, will re orisons.) for the
amiss winter mouths nett Monday
evening. oe this occasioe they will
hold • grand fruit social. Admission 15
cents, fruit served at 8.15. A good pro-
gram afterward&
AN Owienow.-In the prise list of the
orthweetern Rxhibition, whorls will be
eld in (Leftwich on ()ewer 4, 5&ad
,AOS Of 11*) slight omissions have ow
erred. Yearlinp eke have been ined-
ertently omitted hem the heavy draught
as, bet prita• will be awarded not-
ithetanding the ensues. Mao Sinop -
ire Dewa sheep will heehaw. with tlt•
ordshire End Hampshire Doom 3.
Tellt IFIT7
Tams nth W. -Gown* Aelieson,
who hos bee on • trip to the Noethweet
la sonemay with Re. T. M. Campbell,
4 Owe Smut remised Tuesday even -
tag. Mrs Aeliewa, who had been
the eiseinser at Orchard Beach,
M.i.t.,set Mee at Teruel.", and acoosn-
ponied he home.
Tatnaa's • Nullielt or Team is H.
..a. -Aa beset farmer, Iroise asked
why he did not entreoribe fur a Dews -
paper, excleiesed. "because my father
when he died, left me • geed .tarry
n ewspapers, and I have sot read dime
through yet Ibs. sawn taste fur
n ews was remarkable.
RIAD Tula ITEM - WO have received
another large shiposi tat of envelopes,
which now wakes oar stock the game
osimplete in Goderich. W. eteU dim by
the thouseed amid printed, at the
lowest toseetble figure. We invite all in
n eed of envelopes to call aad me our
stook and get our prima
T1111 Mailloit WILL aa Cri•Nuen.
In lee of a harvest hose festival the
pastor of Ventral et. chetah, in order
to pay mote soon dee against the church,
asks the fri-nds and member* to supply
a big oath oollectiou of B200 on Oct.
204. This was erroneously animated
from the pulpit :last Sabbath for Sept.
A rraathATED AT LUvitmow.-Ths
Lusknow Sentinel this alludes to the
sterns 4 Blies Wye, at the receut
Caledonian Coned in that virmge :-
Miss Wynn of Goderich, sang "Within
• Elioboru town," and "'The
Blue Bells 4 Scotland," and was very
meneromily received, singiug in good
New Sonora SetrioN.-His Honor
Jed,* Toms, County Clerk Admen
and School Inspector Tom, to whom
was referred the Colborne school section
dispute, have decided in favor of • new
section. The new school will be telt
in the vicipity of Dunlop, and will be
composed of that village and the farms
surrounding it.
FINS PZARs. -Friday lest our old
friend Walter Hick, of lid 89, Huron
Road, Oode rich township brought us in
• fine lot of pears. A dozen of them
weighed 6 lb. 2 oz., and they were of
excellent flavor. They comprised Flemish
Beauties, D'Angageme, and Doyens,
Boa. He has had • tn./ yield and fine
sample this year,
HZ HAS °or: Tame Slag. - The
Mitchell Recorder thus take* a cut at
"Bill" Davis and "Me brudther John" :
"e (reek of nature is reported from
Locknow in the shape of • calf with s
anake's head. This is not so bad a /reek
of nature as a WAD With • snake's heart
and fangs. We have one or two of the
latter about here.
1888. -The Face against the Pones pp•
74.76; Tbe Discovery el America, 115-
119 ; Lady Clare, 128 130 ; To a Sky-
lark, 187 ; The Gulf Stream, 131-136 ;
The Conquest of Bengal, 222 228 : The
Demon of the Deep, 266 271 : After
Death in Arabia, 272-274 ; The Forsak-
en Merman, 298-302.
Moan Coes PILED Ur.-Envineer
Chipman's bill against the corporation
was submitted Tuesday evening Wt. It
amounted to 975-925 for travelling ex-
penses, 925 for two days and a half of a
sojourn in Goderich, and $25 for sub-
mitting his report. The matter was re-
ferred to the finance committee to
report upon at next meeting.
itioturrron.-Janies Watson, of Sun-
shine, was brought before his honor
Joie' Tome last Saturday, chanted with
assaulting • little girl named Currie,
aged 12. After hearing the case for
the prosecution and • portion of the
*videos, Hie Honor equated the
primmer. J. T. Ciarrow, Q. C., appeared
for the prisoner, and the County At.
0.7 prosecuted.
Naw Revert Digrairors. -An Order
in Council has been passed changing th•
Inland Revenue districts and divisions.
The following is the official list of the
Windsor division : - Windsor -Jaime
Go.; office, Windsor. Brant - The
'Sequoias of Brant, Norfolk and Oxford.
Ledon-Miidleaex, Elgin and Lamb -
ton. Stratford - Bruce, Huron &ad
Perth. Windsor -Kea and Kent.
8. Sloes returned home from Tilbury
East, Kent county, Monday last, whi-
ther be had been to attend the funeral
of bis uncle, Joseph Sloane, of lot 13,
Middle Road, of that township. De -
sewed was in his 70th year, and had re-
sided in Tilbury abet 54 years. The
funeral was one of the largest ever held
in that section of eousiry, as dermas -
44 was widely known and universal,
A Stow WHS.-The afternoon mail
train from the east is from half an hour
to an hour and a half late almost every
afternoon, and potions* oo the part of
our people is beginning to ease to be a
virtue. hal it pawed* for the G. T. It
authorities te sorry the mail by an ex-
press Jested of • freight train to God*.
deb and points west of Stratford I It
min% be that there ir a aoow blockade on
the reads.
''AWIPUL CRARnlat.”-Thons of our
readers who have had to foot expreee
bills for goods cowing over tem roads t,
tioderice, will be able tc appreciate the
following In an advertisement by a
railway eoespany of some uncalled for
pods, the letter "I" had droved fres
the word lawful, and it read :-"People
to wheat these pelisses ars divested, ate
eroded to ewe forward sad pay the
awful sharps ea tbellaelle."
Finn Murex -Mosley last Charles
McPhee, the well-kaowe grape grower,
of ho 6, es 9, Consorts, presented es
•ith a basket ef menet grapes Mr
McPhee has over 1,000 vines a um.
Greened variety, besides a number 4
Demme, Rogers turd Mali, and e4.
stem that his amp this year will remelt
between eight and ten tons Orders by
wit addressed to C McPhee, Niter'. 0.,
will be promptly attestiled to.
RealvvIian John Re, of Coltrane,
shamed wsth horse steatit" was brosOt
before his Hone ledge Tome Tuesday
last, pleaded "sot g.�," sad was re-
manded until ant Twomey. It Woks
now es if Eno was ereaseeted with a
peg of cattle thieves who have been
enwintitting • merles of depredations ia
the toweghips et °others*, Waimea&
eel Hallett. Already stagiest is
known to jestifiy the setherities in
taking motive seers to brig* ethers to
Ty cleetrene.-It has been
to es the oar local essitereteltistutg
snake an effort to get up a proton*
tosniesesi in thrdench donne ono of
the &ye of the Northwesteru Feu.
Hero is • chaise for Loma Conissiseis
sad Lawson, of Delay, 1 ijah Martin,
Itubt. MeLeas, and the other quuitses of
Goderich, and geed/tither Morris, of
Colborne, to put their heads together.
pea get up a good day's moot.
A Coo ?Aral --Lee Week the
Miaebell &conk, closed the lint decade
its (teem and hise mese to fel
ptoud of the poetise it bee attained.
Before the adient of the Recorder the
Bluebell Adruoute had the field to itself,
and the Davis Bros. sought to own the
south and the fulbosse thereof in and
around that clashes The Recorder
chewed all that, and eve if it heist
made the Adimik decent, it has made
ter Devises heat their burrow. hide -
mordacity of thia boon cieferred ape
Mitchell, the Recorder is • spicy, newsy
aod well -edited journal.
Tn. &err Arno -A oounty conven-
tion the tesipersoce people of Huron,
will be held at Clinton, DO Taesday,
Sept. 20, fur die purpose of re-organiz
ing the Scott Act Aseciation for the
campaign against the repeal movement.
Every friend of prohibition in the
eounty is cordially invited to be present.
The convention will be held in
the Rattenbury street
and will commence at 10.30 *Week
a. no In the evening, commencing
at 8 o'clock, there will be a public
meeting in the town halLte be addressed
by the Rev. John Smith, of Toronto.
"AN Auiorrovne IlAwao."-We have
reeved from the putlisber. Wm Bryce,
Toronto, that new Canadian novel by
two well known Canadian litterateers--
Mr G. Mercer Adam and Miss A. Ethel-
wyn Weatherald-entitled„ "An Algon-
Via Maiden." The story deals with
'cistern Canada silty years ago, and is
highly esjoyable readier, as it Is partly
historical and gives an insight into the
manners and customs of those who lived
in the old Family Compact days. It is
quite an addition to cur limited Cana-
dian nett so, and is well worthy of
perusal. Enquire for it at the book-
required to do business with the Ameri-
can silver duller is a sore affliction, and
tbe efflictiou is made doubly sore when
the "cart wheels" turn out to be °neuter -
fret. It is reported that a bad onin of
this denomination has made its appear-
ance. It is evidently made by casting
from a mould taken from a genuine
piece. It is not stamped by • die. In
color it is somewhat lighter than gen
uine 'silver, haring a clear, sortpy appear
arse and feel which prevents ordinary
grit or dust froqg adhering to it. The
lines of the arigaring are not at all sharp
like the original, and the coin ia coli
oeably thicker, the milling lines on the
edge longer, and the diameter slightly.
shorter. The " s" in the word ''pluribus'
re noticeably bad,
ing of the elector+ of Huron for the die
come of the subject of Commercial ,
Chien with the United States will los
Wit in Clinton on Tuesday, 27th of
Sept. Addresses will be delivered by
Goldwin Smith, of Toronto, Thorned
Shaw, Hamilton (Editor of the Lice
Mock Journal and ecretary of Central!
Farmer's Inetituteo Valency E. Fuller,
4 Hamilton (Pressent Central Farmer's!
Institote), and others. Any one
mg to speak in opposition to Cornmer-
cial Union will be allowed an opportu-
nity to do so. The chair will be taken
at 1 o'clock p. m. sharp. Should the
day be tine the meeting will be held in
the open air, and under cover, if other-
wise. Arrangemeuts bee been made
le reduced railway fares.
North American Chemical Co. exhibited
their salt at Toronto, and Mr Race, the
manager, has been awarded all the silver
modes, three in number, with flattering
omplinients from the judges of their
exhibit. A chemical test was made of
the different exhibits with the above
result. Mr Rios has always taken the
medals at Toronto, where the jedgi. are
invariably chemists. A m.dal was
awarded at Quebec for an exhibit of the
same kind of salt, on account of its
purity, although • diploma was all that
was promised on the prize list. The
salt used in the manufacture of butter
and cheese should be of the purest kind,
if good, high priced production of thee
neomaries is to be looked for,
Some 11 0*. old subcribers of Tun 18to-
wet will miss their paper this week, and,
so that they will know what is the
reason, we will explain. For some past
we have been sedum out dunning lettere
to thou in arrear, asking them to kindly
pay up. We meant business when we
set out the duns, for we want the
money to enable as to meet our obli-
Ration& A large number of oar friends
answered to the call, but a nether have
failed to respond. This week we hew
struck off the first batch of loiterers,
and if the mosey owed us is not paid
forthwith the accounts will he put in
court for eolleetion. Next week we
will strike off another batch ot delin-
quents, and we will continue the process
until there will not be • deadhead on
our list. Deadhead subscribers never
yet made • paper rich or an editor
happy. Pay up.
OWLY FOR NererArlia MIN. -The
first decision under the new Libel Act of
1887 was given last week by Mr Jostle
Armour in the ow of Egan v. Miller.
The setion was brought by • eleggyme
against the defendant for damage' fur
bbel contested in • letter over the de.
fondant's signature which was published
in the Grevenherst Ratin.r. Under
soctior 1 of the Act, a motion was made
in Chambers bales vacation on behalf
of the defendant for security for nem
from plaintiff, and the order was pant-
ed. Mr Aylesworth last week appealed
Irene that order on the rotor! the the
AM was passed for dor protection of the
newspaper propellers, soul its benefits
ennli not le claimed by the defendant, •
private usellivideal in fell oemeseion of
die fasts, who was not on the eta, of
the **weeper Mr Kean supporbed the
order. The Warml jades reversed the
seder net the mends taken, deeldieg
that the Ant was pealed for the beat
itemitemet MON
sucessebal advertisers on (4111 COUt100114
,Tits Oirikeireisiosumee.aisihermirsuit -John in
oller Tliall Bull
This is what he says about newspaper
IMIlrattieker : "To illseeratimie an adver-
tisement is Woe lithos* down your
yon want to de bemires yoa mon lot
people ke,. it. Smodiug ad s ers
mess, chewed Immo a ly, are Letter
die reading notices They look inure
subs,autisl and busmen like,aud inspire
comefidence. I would as mom do Moo os
without clerks as without aimless....
FINS BROOD M•RII4 -A Clinton pope
says :-"Mr Jana Mooney has, or 11.11 •
few days ago, in his stable EU Victoria
street • pair of aa tine heavy draft
Canadian bred brood snare as have ever
ben seen in Ontario. He bought them
from Mr McComb of Morrie. They a •
aged 7 and 4 years, and weigh 1720 as d
1730 lbs. respectively and are perfect
beauties in outline and general ayk•A -
anis, and of markedly docile disposition,
without showing any s4 that sluggiab
eess often noticed in here, draft".
They posses blood sowing which wiI
pewit of thee being registered. Mr
Mooney will exhibit them •1 the West
cons Fair if he does out them in the
meantime. One can hardly imagine
aaything soporior to these mares for
draft or breeding purposes. They ars
worth probably $600." The foregoing
IR. F'18"11 1.1 timer'
item is likely correct in every pirticular 94001-• WV Fe
ship. 'the mares In''qn
property of A. M. Plky, the veteran
horseman of Goderich. Clinton was too
small • town for ouch good horses, so
3L P. purchased them.
A Joalisa QUILT. -Miss A. E. L
Treleaven is displaying and selling a
beautiful crazy quilt to the ladies of
Huron, to be presented to Her Majesty
Queen Victoria. Mia. Treleaven's use
tore for disposing of her quilt in this
manner is to raise money to enable her
to pettier • book of poems. The ladies
of Huron have a double motive in help-
ing in this work -the honor to their
country, and the pleasure of assistant/
native talent. The quilt is pronounced
by good judges • marvel of art and
beauty, relating great credit on bliss
Treleaven. both an design and workman-
ship. The iuilt has only to be seen to
be admired. The addresses 'accompany-
ine the quilt evince deep thought and
careful study. Miss Treleaven being
the author, we feel proud to claim her
as • former resident of our town, •
daughter of the late W. C. Treleaven,
who dwelt in our midst for many years.
We bespeak fur her a warm welcome
from the ladies of Goderich. The quilt
will be on exhibition at the Northwest-
ern Fair. Lubin wishing to donate to-
ward. the work will have an opportunity
of dolt,/ so then. -Cum.
Knox Covera Carus -On Thursday
of last week Knox church choir, cn tW
invitation of their leader, Prof. W. 5.1.
Clarke, merit the afternoon and *woo-
ing very pleasantly at the Point Faroe
After • sumptuous tea had been served
by Mr Wright, the genial host, a pleas-
ant walk in the gloaming by the lake
shore, was indulged in WI the dark
shades of evening end the cool bream
forest the party to retreat to the large
drawing room where the rest of the
evening was spent in ranging by the
choir and speaking by the gentlemen of
the party. Prof. Clarke spoke of the
happiness he had in meeting the nem -
beg of the choir, but it was probably
the last time he would have the pleasure
of doing so as their leader. He hoped
that although his relation to the choir
ought be changed, the personal res7t
for each other wooed still remain.
hour of ten haring arrived. OvrParatt"tie
were made for returning home and after
singing "Auld Lang Syne,' and "God
Save the Qom]," the party was soon en
the road for borne, every one expressing
delight at the pleasant time ',met,
troderug.h the kindness of their choir
PROMIR/Trialr A moo •tvrioN HaeOLU•
rios. - The following resolution was
passedunanimously at the convention
held n Paisley on the 19te ult., by the
Same County Prohibitory Association.
Resolved .-That we ,t he mens at the
County of Bruce Temperance and Prohi-
bitory Alliance in Convention assembled,
desire to pot upon record our apprecia-
tion of the improvement in the adagio-
istration of the Canada Tempera's°,
Asit ia this county deriog the past
few months, and beg to UMW. th•
ot5oers, whose duty it is to enforce
the law, of our sympathy with them
in their work, and hereby pledge °ar-
mlets to render them any amest
Ana in our power, the better to en.
able them to Ascot* fully the work as-
signed to them. That we view with
concern the action of sortie authorities in
not imposing the peeing. attached to
the violation of the law, viz., when a
second offense has been committed, the
penalty as imposed as if it were the fret
offence, which i• clearly contrary to the
spirit and letter of the law, and this
convention wou'd heartily authorize its
committee of manseement to take the
necessary steps in order to bring any
such cases as may otter in the futere to
the attention of the Oaten* 3overn-
al.Tilmt(111RAT FAIR. -The Fifteenth
Western Fair to be held in London next
week, promises to be • great entrees ;
the entries are • long way in advents* of
last year. There/ will be an immense
exhibit of horses ; the management will
be obliged to provide further gelding W
amoommodate exhibitors. The new main
building. containing 26,000 feet, will be
crowded to its utmost capacity. The
Superintetideet of Poultry states that
the new poultry building (driest in the
Dominion) will not hold eoneeniestly,
th. large exhibits in this department.
The new el commodious hall provided
for carriage., will be too small for the
large number of eines in the depart -
resat. The mammoth structure tweeted
for the display of agnoultural meth' emit7
requiring power, and containing 15,-
000 fest, is needy all take up. The
exhibit in sheep and hags also promise
to be rm See About $5,000 has been
weeded in preparing • new half -smile
race trek. A greed list 4 attraetions
has been prepared; mod for propanes
Low raw have bees arranged with all
the railway esimmanies, espeeimly for
those goiag low/ deems.. With new
growealle, new loadings, big prise eel
greed ettnetioce, our readers will Rad
so better time to vet thiz, the greaten
Fair 4 the West
, It costs double the above to
view the Palace of the "Prince
of Humbugs." but Twenty -Five
Cents will pay for THE SIUNAI.
until the New Year. Subscribe
NOV. The Best Investment
you ever maJe.
The geese annual institute meting of
the teachers of Wire Huron will be beiti
in the High School, Goderich. on Fri-
day and Saturday, Ootolser 7th soul 8th,
tepees% en Friday at 10 30 a.m. Ou
forfote,,,,orossoiievilieliftisrteirinseitt el a
varied and intensities character, eon -
*Wing of readings, reeltations, tableaux
trams, e/ectroal experiments and
choruses will be given in the Grand
Opera House. The following is the
program at th• iustitute meetings -
Prettiest's address; remote of Coalman
tee ; report 4.1 401•4•I• to P. T. A. ;
nsusic in schools, J. P. Netin ; Iterature
lesson f‘sr entrees** ; ralistlie:ce. Mies
Blair ; the Chatatiqoa movement, W. 11.
Johnston ; school management, Inspec-
tor Tont; *scientific ezperiments 8. P.
Mall., B. A.; elation of °dicers ; Ws-
Goiramiss Manic? Mrimso.--The
Sabbath School Convention io orange.
tion with the Methodist churches of
Goderich District was held rig Itatlen•
bury st. church, Clinton, on tVedroso.
day evening last week, Rev. J. E. How•
ell, chatrinan of the districois the chair.
The first subject, "How to instruct
children in noseiiroary work," was ia-
troditced by Rer. H. E. Hill, of Hay-
field, *her which it was thrown epee for
brief diecussion. Item. J. 8. Faber, of
Holmes/wills introduced die question,
"What Woomera of Sabbath School
scholars," which was &Les discussed, la
the absence of Res. Mr Hart, who was
to have iistrodegeol "Sabbath School
Literaigne,•' it was brought forged by
Dr. Williams, and elicited the views of
others present. Al the district meeting
ow Thursday, missiosary work in the
district was arranged MI tOBODS : - Oode-
rich, North 81, Clinton, Rattenbury
St., Seaforth and Hansel South will
make lord arrangements Goderieh,
Victoria St., J. E. Howell ;
.1110, J. J. Hart, Jan. 22nd ; BaySeld, J.
IL Howell and 8. A. Fear, Oct. 23rd
Vans, J. 8. Fisher, Jan. 2204; Hen-
son North, J. S. Fisher and H. K. IN45
Jan. 15 ; Dungannon, E. A. Fear,
2ad Nils, G. F. Salto° and J. R. Idaho
er, De. 4th; Bensiller. W. F. Camp-
bell and H. Irvin., Jen. 22ad. ideas-
tiooal work will he dose seedy wader
local arrangements. Rev. W. F. Camp-
bell was appdinted Financial Secretary
ins place of Rev. 0. R. Turk. The tot
Waring are the amounts required front
airenit for the Superannuation
Feel :--Goderigh, (North Si.) 992.57;
Goderish, (Victoria Si.) 94710; Clio -
tea (Rattenbury St.) $0010; Seaforth,
$87.06; Holeseeville, $61.55; Hayfield,
948.06; Varna, 950 98; Hensel. 935 67;
Heiman North, .99.12; Dungannon.
97761; Henaliller, 952.49.
owao of interest setae Wys Wb.
Ille Deep.
T. N. Daseisy'e .slimmer Jane Mc-
Leod sailed nerd) Thursday last week.
The Carter, with lumber for W, & 11
Dement, enved last week.
The Todnian, with lumber for H. W-
oad. arrived Sunday.
The steam barge Saxon, which called
in on Suaday, took os ooal.
51 o: received a eargo of staves by
' choosier from Pleasant Wed Sunday
The Unshod Empire took 1,000 be-
nds of apples and 000 barrels a salt
from Cluderich duck Saturday evening
The schooner J V Taylor, from Chica-
go, with sixteen thousand bushels of emu
for the T. elevator arrived off the
harbor on Thursday neght. Aa the wind
was eery high the captain dmpped
anchor, and sent • boat's crew in at day-
light on Friday morn* to try and pt
• tug. There being no ter available.
the captain kept at anchor till Saturday,
when at 10 sm. Capella Hebb witlt the 4
life boat took Capitate Dewey to the
Taylor, sad with tier eseistaoce of that
expeneneed navigator the *chooser was
guided in safely. During the afternoon
the G. T. commenced elevating the
Taylor's cargo.
A G000 Orren. -Tea SioxAt will be
sent to any address from sow until Jan.
1, 1888, for 25e. Subscribe at ones
Mem Asses Cook. of Clinton, was the
guest of Mrs John Hetes this week.
Mea P 8 Wallace took in the Torosto
exhibition last week.
Mn 0 Smith, of Stratford, is visiting
her sista, Mrs H Moreland.
llts fanners in this vicinity have
finished *owing their fall west.
Ire Walton was ammo from ..bast
Wt week menthe a speed ankle.
A Knight. of Auburn, is i'MPlitod
building a new bridge owe the Saratoga
meek. The structure, whisk was meek
needed, will be a greed me Wise Maids -
A GOOD Orraa --Toe Reerres loin be
mat to arty edam' from now esti! Jew.
1, 1888, for 954. Sebeseibe at pea