HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-9-16, Page 3r 41.1 THE H U lioN SIGNAL, FRIDAY, SEPT. 16,1887, 111E dtILT. AI lltll►A00N,, t•o tkilJrw, the oldest and the 'email - ' t of the live. Twelve years it was e'en she had married gaud -natures. bard -working, ■mWuuua Will Hams. whom every slam said gonial "Isis hearse ;" and they end, atm, that he had duce womanly well it seeunng Mollie Senders for hi. wife. How gut deo til• cowing years looked to them ! Mollie was graceful, lively s..J the peel. Men girl in the country, and everybudy knew she had taken the premium fur her boater, sud was fu -fame) for her brea3 ee.:;ug. But it was '•Mo15e" anti, sever "Mary," and very few ever kitty hi! name was Miry Jame. It was oily u 1 O Yas7. Taw fire, glace slse had been less sprightly and qui:k of feet, tbst he had palled her Mary Jane. She did not mem to stony 1 $YORY FOR FAItMERi. "I'm ram to lean, Mary," said Mr Hamas, M he arose from the dlaaer table mad clewed his chair uiMdy serer the room. "If you've anything to wed, get R ready. track.' "There's belles and eggs," answered Ade wife. "Bet I was thisiking—" "Well, get it ready then. 1 wouldn't go, bet Bob's broke the rake. and it's gut to be fuel ; mud we have the teat of that hay to put is before night ; and it looks like raja, tuu. 1'.1 be arum. in Awe minutes and I don't w .t to have to wait. Put the eggs iu bran, as 1 ams go tag fast, and lis the butter up right hon, but she c-eulJ not Ret around as she away." And he tensed and walked he f uscJ :n, white be impruved in en* swiftly • few steps, then p'tused and call- marinas a111 cepahllity every year. She did out reason why it was, but she felt Ho casae. "A c.ntiuual dropping wi;l wast a stone." Si.`.was *rouged from her reverie by the striking of the clock. a She lain the bib', iu a kill, feverish slumber. in his cradlc,anl hastened to the w ark. When she had the dishes washed and her hair combed, Lw much better she should feel, she thou_!it ; but she mast feed the two hur.drrd young chickens, ducks and turkeys before then, so that it was after three when at last the dishes were ed, "Slake out a list of *hat you really need, too." "I wish I could have Late !" sighed Mn Harris, loud enough for her hue- band to bear. He fruwued diei•ally. "Oh, yes that's the way ! What on earth do you want to go to town furl It'll take you till sundown to get ready, and the baby'd squall all the time. Can't I get everything (' "Ob, yes, I 'oppose so. I Luster I can't go ; I've enough to do here, but 1 thought perhaps—" She paused, and her husband, °p if wished r'.1 in their places. Hob had waiting for the pias, turned and wI4- ohne up for a jug of water tett the men. ed quickly away. Mn Harris' thoughts He was uuly eleven, but he could work ; were bury enough ■a Rho hastuued to the hu fatties had seen to that. The sun ea was so h't she wondered how the niers e;.ar. 'Oh, dear !" she sighed, ' I du watt a I ' old stand beneath the samhing boat calico drees out of this hutted money, and it wou't be 20c. a pound much Ling- er. I'm afraid Will wont get it it I ask hint, but it seems as if 1 could wear this no longer ; it's eo warm." And she looked down at the faded brown worsted that had been worn all winter and until mow—July—nearly ell lip', trembling lest his volae had aw•l- the time. It was a very warm looking tined the baby. dress, and vu this afternoon hue flaming "Sun'. awful hest," was his comment, cheeks and motet features did nut need ie he piled her arcus full of packa;ea much to assert how uncomfortable she "l'. uh yvu'd bring the swill pail a yt u war, for the day was very warut. She come lyre's. These hogs Haven't laird a was iatatrupt.d by an emphatic, "Whoa Weasel ,n m hfu: to &rink, i11 be booed ncw,efltp withuut before the buster *ince morning." was quill ready. The baby above awak- ened have by bis father's hood nitre, s„I up a eresl them a time or two herself, but s! e loud sermon, a & Mm. suis. came said 0. thing. The large twbacoo pail ice impatient was nearly cull of swill, but she can'''. d down to the uerruts7 accents.tt ow, and used all her strength to lift • "Mary Jaw ! It doeso e*t as if n te his reach at he sat there. He turn- ". scold "I tell you, 1 pity bee,' Joe Ames was eying. 1"What with her being everlast- i.itty .,e her feet, her sick baby, and Wille uwn faint boding, it's • wonder Meg atico." "1'ah•. *" answered coarse John Male. ''That's the way 0' women ; give 'els an Ueda sud tt..y'll take miles. The unly way they're say good is to fire 'e.0 Ms to du slid keep them at it. And as to that young'un, if she .arn't altere pectin' of it, it wouldn't be so tarsal "I know better," was the retest, "Mother remembers when' Will Run his wife w..• married, and these was a smarter, Uk.feer girl anywhere. And Will war good, tees. Then they's• bus- ied three children, and another says her hard work helped to shorten their live*, sad "O!►, you're • perfect baby yourself, that's my notion," sneered John. ".laid I tell you, proceeded honest Joe, "if the poor thing goes un the war much Longer, there'll be another gray* over there, kr shes nest to sick now, and 1 si.h B.11 could see it." 11e began t; sec it. Ho sat un the milk stool, hst.ntng. He th ought of lung ago and tem, the changes noticed at supper. He remembered how often she had received, as rewr•d for her toil, ishOef-atiiterfnlirliTC got meant them so, but he was in haste a1 - ways, and she surely was very slow ; but then if, as Joe was saying, she was sick —and the words, "another ?rave ever • Races wewar as M limy Yams. Damp lima is male's& to •ocuuat for irequesnt colds, ouasamptiee, and toe - n etters death ..f • whole faintly ; and where the mischief harieg sot taken i teat direetuon, it is developed ie the j t Ehug "Kh, wutaunan, sa.d . u* to Ib. other. curable. All Hedy lw.u, shortly bed"' i "p„ Je tse11 pass alis 1l • 1.tt.lal is, (lir 1 putting sin, ►huuld be made dry by a hear a the t,lk sp.ktn, ab.•ot it t" "Oa, goal bre. 1VAen.v..r'kat is impossible. I*7," replete the other. "I can tell ye it u • L„ud piers W pea the ht►ea h_. Intel ; ye we, alien a Man net a wui. Irma has been wartit fur Ice -•n& twenty tepee the hl.ukets of your bed at night,,ycar that's a sailer 'teddies" and when theytvs been mann (lir fifty year, dot's la g'wd.0 waddin', but when the luau s deed, that's a jublee." 1 wka.wa. Ther. is no remedy kerma to medical seismal than eau Bawl Dr Fowler's Ea tract .d Wild Stawberry as • cure for cholera murbu*, uurrb.e,, dy..usery, or any form '•1 summer eumplaiut sIU cties children or adults. S lean .d • rHeuni.tisui, •hick when ooty Two tioutch r.bwrv.'s L.uJon wen items in trent that cause, u Reaerslly ice- abort tM Jubilw clam utbu dnv in a position to get plenty of haat. Those wbu have ezpertcnced or. signal e vidence of the mischief of damp linen are apt to be careless 013 the suhj.ct ; but the oarele•.oeas will iuecitably en- tail its punishment, which ►s likely to accumulate insidiously until it is too late. •albe•tree el*tam alias. "For three months I oould not eat • full meal lir do • day's work. I bought a bottle of Burdock Blood Kitten, began using it and in three days my appetite oriented, in a week I felt like a new man. it was wonderful what that one bottle did for one," writes Arthur All - chin, of Huntsville, Muskoka, who sof. fered frown Dyspepsia. .0e The Verve er Wilt. lawyer who bas a good deal .1 criminal ••_ lie is_em�lnysd_Lty all kinds oweicals. being always eng.ged by the defence. Not long since MacAndersoo flares," scented to ring in his can. His was celled upon to make a speech at. the lips closed spasmodically as he caught grave of •brother lawyer. He de Icer ed a salon on the deceased that brought the last words of the cmversation, as they closed the Lunt doors for the night. and ellen the familiar eouad of horses' l "Well, then, wiry don't he get her hcofa warned her her hus'o.Ind had re- some help 1 He has himself and Rob torted. She stood still by the door un- and us. and she—didn't you see her tum til she beard his voice speaking to He day toting the things hack and forth horses, and then iu a louder tune : whilst he leaked on from his seat in the '•Come out and got these things " wagon ! elide me mad. watt till I She went out with her finger on her i get married !" And they p.ased ..et of hearing with these words. Mrs Harris came up to the doer as usual to get the milk. Het husband watched her o!..ae:y at he said : "I can carry them in for you " The 1..'k of wonder she flashed in his face made his heart beat rapidly. 11. watched her arrange the tnilk, giving a 'tit to the heavy pails and jars uccaaiou- I ally. Pickinz up the empty pails, she, turning toward the 'kitchen, glanwl at . hint. Haw tired she lookel ! He took ' the it*pi!e away from her, and closed the, milk house d,'r. He place•l both hairdo women are getting awful skew. ea to s.eak in he started off. have dune three times what yes the same time," he added. M a1t11 ■p from the cellar with a henry Hinge • oe jar its her arms. He sat in the ng waggon c,mpo..d:y as the placed ,u were marked to death, and et no butter To, and watched her R'i hack mak.tin;;-cnoui;h to get it, for I Can't 7' g' buy so mush out of hand." ! sympathy except tram strangers. They "�owk Use large you topeket of rl�s. think you've changed since you married "Nur what do rieel r M akst, She watched him drive away, holding 7 d gkathe pail carefully poised over the wagon I me, and I guess- - tie paused a.td drew I She odd h the Hees. She t..ld late (entail, and then nee- bed ;but the nest instant she was in the her close in itis arms; oast It is ail so, ! •laid into bis face, she add- house. Theta was ca,kiug to do for I Mollie ; but believe me, dear, that in 01 her sh -elders. "1 see Johnson, and he wanted 1 ut- I '• M ,!lin,' he end, in a husky v .toe, ter, so I let him have It on the seccunt : "tell me, have I been abusing you .'' there. There wasn't any left to get the Shr I.mked surprised, and he went oa calico, but I get it myself, se try ad hurriedly nn,t get a::ything more till you have got "I heard toaigtt I was a brute ; that suite.) g, ng i supper, and berries to p•d if the eel"I guess there'll he enough left fpr ! bl(�ababy w..olJ only sleep ! She unrolled sone" calico." i the c'lice+. It 'medal only a glance to H. looked entered. I tell her that was not enough, and. she "Calico ' Did I cleat t Rbay'e that ! awn saw the a•uoult was seven yards. fur r" --- ---- --- i She couldn't have her dress after all,aaa "M• ! • dress" ( her batter must go on a bill for black - lit aerial t It was un- smithting, end she most take a slur from Did bee face lou noticed. the one who should have given her hs'• sick, ueart-weary, she felt a moment "A dross : Why, you don't need • ;ter, because it mad gone w deep in peck- 1 sing as if she should drop with fatigue a dress : you've got • dozen. What airs;At, that forty-two cents which "he had She arose coop, and baying washed the that one 1 That'll last • year yet. j paid himself" for the calico, There had pails, took the tialor, from Rob and sat "11 is so warm, Will, it nearly makes , been vet three dollars' worth of butter ! down in the sitting room, when they a!I me sick to wear it. 11 1 bed • calico— I She sighed Nd took up her burden sat. The rani hal cooled yti,�e air off,and just a cheep one ; ten yards will do—I I eosin. The baking was dune when the as she rocked to and 1 iwslw• the child babywaked, and she thought he seem- asleep in her arms, aM looked up to could pot this away for winter &gaits." "l..er. Tremor ._ay k rvgreeles. ed better. She at him up in his high find her husband's eyes on her. She I If you do not heed the warr.ir.,s o[ na- amiled. ture and at once pay attention to the "Mollie," nil he, "would twenty -fire wsaintsin•nce of your health. How of'en yards of oslica and two hired girls he any ' we saes person pet off from day to day my haste to make money 1 forgot you could nut stud this, and that it was net that I no lunger have your happiness us view. Dyou believe ins Then he suddenly left her a:eoe, for it is a hard thing for a pitied man to come to eoufession. She sank ou the floor tied suffered hot tears to flow. Tired, tears to the eyes of *tut the undertaker and his &mistrusts. Finally, with • greatees flourish, addriug himself to the pall- bearers, he said : "And now, gentle- men, you have beard the evidence, and all that I ask of you is that you will ren- der a verdict of acquittal in favor of this innocent man. I leave bun in your hands, knowing that you will at leant give him the benefit of that reasonable doubt to which he is se justly entitled." Lader, mut). 'line complexion is only rendered un- sightly by Pimples, Liver Slots and Yellowness. Three it is well known are caused from an inactive Liver and bad Wood. Dr Chase's Liver Cure euritics the blood and whole system. See Re- cipe Book for twist recipes. hints and suggestions ..n low to preserve the cou- pleaiun. Sold by all drug;ist. Why I•aatwh Left Ih.(burets. - Med 61. - What ! Never tried Juhnston's T.'nic Bitten ! Then do so at once, u • pee tively the brat general tonic on cue teark.t . I've often heard of it but thought that it was to be placed on the list of the many trashy preperata.n • that flood our market, but since you recom•urnd it so highly 111 give it a trial. De, s , 'good for any oumplsust iu which a tunic tau( benefit, aid can be taken by roan, woman, lir child. i,l) . and $L per b.tIs. at Geode's Drug store, Aluwu Wink, Soder ich,sole agent. e Judge—I will have to Mies yo- u thirty Jays ou breed and water. l agraot -- Thank you. It's mop than I4/0044r re. mate- 110 severe . t t OM. mercy. Why, for the 1st* -thirty days 1 have l s -g4 00 water dttltm ' ilii.& sou. J edge. A lady was relating to rte the other day her trials mud tribulatiwes in the nutter of arranging the hr•usehuld ma chinety so that the inevitable hitches and jars of the inner wurkit.gs •huuld not he apparent to the outsisie wnrid. In lescnting the serious icdio.)ncrasies of servants which had cents tinder her notice she said : "Sante years ado I Lad • good settled white soman as house servant, :ho, though et most ex mplary deportment in every utile: respect, seemed to consider Sut.days as in no- wise different from the other days u( Hot week. Final:y I said to : "Hacoah, why don't you take y .or S au'!Ays off 1 You should tike suave a&vant.see of tie opportunity to go to cohere...." 1•'u oast appreciate ray feellaAs when she replied '•Well, Jin —, I osed t, To reettlar to church, but 1 never ju.ed. My cent door neighbor was • sLuutin' member, and I tell you what she d:,ce—she scald- ed toy dog. That's then twenty years ago and I ain't never sent to church since."—Washinktun Capita{. "0 nonsense ! Where's all that ging- ham you got r' She glanced at his own garments. •'Part of it is on your own shoulder, and the rest was used the saute way fur yogi and the children." He made no reply escept to chirrup to -the horses and begin to turn the wagon round. Then, catching • g.iwp.s of her face, snmethirg of bis hatter nature (Inc he was not • bad man at heart) stirred within bite and he said : "Wall, Til Ree ; may be I can gat i1 ; •.d if Td known I'd be this late start- ing you *tight have gone, though I don't WO why you wanted to go, for 'tsiat Wen three months sines you went to wn and staid half the afternoon. Get • up, Charlie ! ' And he was soon out of Right in • cloud of dust_ Mrs Monis felt like sitting down on the shaky door -step as she turned to go in, but she knew she could not. The biby had tired itself out crying, sod "They have a larger sale ineny di. trice," says • well know: druggist, -than ary other pill on the market, and ;tire the best satisfaction far sick headache, biloiousueu, indigestion, etc , and when combined with Johnsten's Tone Bitters, Johnseives Tonic Lover Pills will per form .hat no other medicine has 'lane before for suffering humanity." Pilis 20 cents per teed*. Bitters 10 cents and el per bottle. Sold by Goode, Druggist, Albion block, Ooderich, role agent. chair by the window. The sky was cloudy now ; the men were hurrying back and forth in the hay field, and Rab wee riding the rake. She picked her bermes and had slipper on the table as the men cube in at six o'clock and the first big drops of rain descended "How did y.,ur calico suit 1" asked Mr Harris, me she handed him his coffee. She lucked him in the face. "There is only seven yards," she said. • Well !" "Well, did you think seven yards would make • dress for as big 'a Womac as I am, Will i" The hired men laughod. "I amid most put mother in my lock- et," said Rob. Mr Harris looked at his wife. She was very poor and slender, engine, per - daps • hundred paved,. Her fingers .ere scarcely larger than baby's now, sod he saw they were not as large as [e) i Ieelwble TeellMemey. Mr J R Wrleht, repretrwtiwtt Mime Evans, fuse £ Mamba, wbi.leeale drug- gists, Ideal/gal, says—Nasal Balm oared use ..t • leas steadiest ewe of C.tarrh atter many other readies tailing. A Rawaao -01 one d.nsu "Taasaa Iv" to any we seudin„g the beet four lin- rhyine on ''taAa* a2Y,'' iJ<. remarkable little 11.in ter the Teeth and Cat!.. Ask your .lrwtgeat or address Hay fever is a type ••f catarrh h.. Mg peculiar eyeptuws. It is attended by ea inflamed c nditiun of the !Uwe; ,uIut- braaes of the nostril., tear du•-ts and thn.at, affecting the lungs. An acrid mucous le secreted, t h s d iacharee a acc, m- oaned with a burning sensatwn. There are sever. spasms of nnetNog, frequent attacks of headache, irately and wtl.sm- ed r) es. Ely's Cretin 13dui is a reme- dy that can be depended upon. :.5 I. at drt ista ; by mail, reaieter.d, t1Ote, Eoy ROAInfra , egos! it. IIeteyoi New r C. L. MCINTOSH Nest &tor to Illoyna.' :crug Store. keep* cue:.aptly widurxj to his .e•i•II- srl.•ctcd lunch. choirs Fresh Groceries, whieh w,ll 1M round to compare favorably, both as regents quality and price. with any other stock .0 this vicinity. A SPiCIALTY. Di retaining tbapths to my enstoinersolir rbeteWrruwtee, 1 wuu'd also Invite any era who will. le Gail Rad inspect my stock. C. L. McINTOSH. 8out b -West sale ut the square, Go.leiicls, Pets. Itch. W*1. Blethers ! if your daughters are in ' ill health, or troubled with • paleness that seems incurable, or if they sutler general debility, nervousness, languor, werkiie a, er hoes of appetite, procure et once a bottle of Johnson's Tabic Bitten 1 and you will not regret regret the out- lay. The Tonic and generally strength- ening effect of this medicine is truly usrvelliws. 50 cls. and 31 per beta., at Good s drug store, Albion block, l;oderich. sole asreut. [dl was lying sobbing in the cradle. The ; Rob's. tie•, she had taken bia lot to be dinner table was just as they lett it, and 1 herr toes het red cheeks •.d bright Vat meat be done before supper. She bine eyes then. Her cheeks were scar- y* • gtanee teweed the green trees let with fatigue and heat row, but not •,r" emd white tolb.tone of the graveyard dos by, and suppressed quickly the bitter sigh that arose at the thoughts of the three little cleaves oral there which 11 Ad her esered deet. She had long agn help to you ?" "Half the ge autity will be all suffi- cient. my dear," she answered. And Jos tO!d John, as they went up lobed an hour later, that he really did believe Will must bare heard their talk in the ban. But the girl was forthcoming next day, and stayed for many • day, and the baby, nut having a tired, overheated mother, cut its teeth, and rapidly grew strong and fat, and tbs runs sod smiles round and soft as they were thee, and her .yes bad a weary look in them. ''Can't be tee fault" ran through her husband's mind. She certainly looked bsdly, bot It did ellen it wa better than. Sh• sat down 1 ned .eco to him that she onnld mind an to sxoth* the snblwng baby, and vndt r I mush as that the harry, quick words and the purchase of a medicine which if pre- cured et the nutstart of a disease would have remedied it almost immediately Now if Johnston's Tonic Liver Pills had been taken when the that uneasiness made its appearanes the illness would 1 have been "nipped i the teed." Juba - son's Tonic Bitters to - Liver Pt is acs I decidedly the beet medicine ern the mar- ket for general Mak and invigorating I and properties. Pills 25c. per bottle. Bitten 50 ants used 31 per bottle, sold by Goode the druggist, Albiva block. leek agent tbl 4NE& The Canadian Pacific Railway Toe People•, F.tvs lie Rowe between MONTREAL, - TORONTO, QUEBEC, OTTAWA, - KINGSTON, BOSTON DETROIT, - CHICAGO ST. LOUIS, KANSAS CITY, AND ALL 1'OIX15 EAST .AND WEST. For ]taps, Time Tables. Fares. Tickets. &G.' apply to R. RADCLIFFE r Agent. OFFICE :-West Ptreet. Opposite Ti's 1r :Mice. Don't Vorget the Piece. Ooderich. Jan. Itch. craw. laalL READ THIS. Evary Man in Business should get his Office Stationery Printed. DO NOT TEAR SHEETS OUT DY YOUR ACCOUNT WOKS TO WRITE 1 111. BIT GET YOUR Bili Heads Statements Note Heads Letter Heads Memo. Heads Counter Pads Parcel Labels Shipping 'Tags Business Ca.rds Circulars Envelopes, eto came back to Ides Harris' tate, and chas- ed the weary look out of her eyes. ta.ese Rei.. In Great Britain the question of Home Rule is commanding attention. To the loan with a cold in the heal or chest the safest way t.,'ensure H. me Itu'e over a said is to have can hand • Mottle of Dr. Harvey's Reed Peet Gum. For sale at J. Wilson's Pieseripttun drug store. ti Mayor Howland, of Toronto, Ned• 1 ne•day afternoon wastrel a diepsteb 1 frim Port Coedit stating that two ladies had drilled out into the lake in an open sk.ff fres Larne park. Noth- ing could be dune to rescue them, and a.sistatece was asked. TM tag Jaeknsan was esnt (rnIsi Toronto to Hunk Inc these, het had to relent owing to the heavy sea. The Chicon earns over tonight, bot reports not ha vi seen any ages of the boat. The names of the ladles have not been aseersained. It ie feared they have perished. ration has received such universal enm mandation, tet the alleviation afwds and the permanent one it effects in kid- ney diseases a. Dr. Van Bnren's Kinner t Cone its shims in these distressing enveiplaints is siw.ply wonderful. Hold by J, 1VRLrs. !te hes aw,th•r's "nth' tnucb he anon gate impatience that were his habits. He aigns of • more etnnf'trtably stats. Sh• I took the milk psi'• and went to the now wee very tired ; she had dune • hard ban as used, after soppy. He wee day's wtek already, and was not hal deetiaed to here his ears opened. The 41•100 I teen had preeeeded him t.. :the barn to Mr Harris had • quantity of bay e re for their teams. The rain had neer d own, and kept himself and the boy and ly ceased, and he was gnishime the ma- tes) hired men homy. Of themselves., inv when lee csnght the *need of his nen there ala11 only the father, mother and 1 name, In the history of medicines no preps Moles by wstrb a reel Warts. Bear in mind seine of the technical rules by which Browning works. He nets the smallest number of words which hes meaning allows, is sparing of adjectival, u ses the largest relative number of Sax• on w. ids, uses monosyllables wh possible, treats consonants as the back - lone of the language, and henei as the e ssential feature of a rhyme : uses the ms .nre most appropriate to hie subject, taking no liberties with 'mescal mea - are, and eschews all vuigariams or itswe- eurteies which custom ba• sanctioned, boll• in prose end verse, such as 'i had itllf•*had tether." PROPERLY PRINTED ON GOOD PAPER, then it will be a pleasure for you to do your corresponding, as well as helping to advertise your business. READ THIS. rir Our Stock of !SW' the lea.ling graflee4 of Plain *nil Linen, ruled Mid 11111: ruleeel paper*, (a: ti., Envelopes, die., ill the nte1111, t/otn- rirr plete we have handiest, arts 1Re guarantee the finality J and price to snit all w1, will favor ns with their u' orders. Call anf irifirplespfl get our price. Printin. Stat'tlnerv, eonsi+•ting of +l1 • We di'vfni Orson. The largest organ, and one that peers • emits/Alin( part 041 the health of the body is the liver. 1f torpid or imitative Tthe who'. 'yaws bsc•enal diseased. 1 Dr. Cha.*'. Liver Cure is ensile specially ! for Liver and Kidner Menem, and is 1 guaranteed to core. Recipe book and medicine •1. Hold by all drvggiMa Merchants tae get their Hill Heads. Letter 11e40a tee. te. prtated et this 'ilea fur eery hole move thaw thee genworrnilrr D•7 for IM rover. and It helm In advert toe t4etriewla.eL OW end .ea mwplee anA get pewee. "THE SIGNAL" NORTH -St., GODERICH. ,. Air:�.`'^y's=asse�'�".'3.,►rea MEM •