HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-9-16, Page 22
AGRA. ¶.d what wosdeefel skill in caning .ell G RAPIlllea OSIC.DBi1413 41.118O0I.T19.
entering thew people possessed. All the
lowers of the tlore of India skillfelli.- ,d tfNK need resect ass cosec y the
One of India a Most Noteworthy ►acd ser• raprewutsd In 11"."4- as fa ih• b.+es rescues: Aa.sldessss..
Oltiee. I fully as et peiuted be our moern nutlats.
Itieb ilio tasysow, rare emeralds, jaw I The following has bees issued ley the
per stone, mass-agsu, gold-sto,as, Niagara District ;Ira Growers' Aesueds-
!uv Cswwb ■
t t♦alew.e sees eendlaal I mother of pearls
, and all the rich noised
tion, sod may be td lsteree to oar
readers :—
The gastit) of grapes, goy, Dr Irving
C Cruse, of Washington, D. C.. that one
may eat with impunityis sometimeastonishing. Percuss at uropean Grape
Cure lustitutes a,u•usse front 3 to 6
kilos (6 t., 12 lbs.) duly. Grapes eoa-
stitute a perfect ,atria.t, which its -
eludes iu remarkable proportions the
nitrogenous albutnonuid and respiratory
priociplea Indispensable to • good alimen-
tation According to the analysis of a
Fiench chemist, a striking analogy ea•
.1. between the juice of the grape and
human milk. This chemist buds in 100
parts of each substance as follows :—
WO Urwp•-
Albumeaotd sad altraesaeae
matter 1
e 1 7
Sugar, m. etc 11 • le 0
Mineral subuaaee. water. eta
Some of the affections which the grape
may be used fur, Y a reepiratire aedici
net agent of great value, are those ars-
ing from trouble' in the digestive func-
tions, diseases of the liver and spleen,
female derangements, catarrh of the air
ptssages and that state of general ex-
haustion that keeps up el troubles of
the ropusitory operates. The doctor
also says : "Overworked persons may
derive from the vegetable milk of the
luscious, but iootlensive 'grape,' a
rational means to re-establish the physio-
logical conditions of clear thouy,hte and
correct expressions."
A .roes tae" "'ae1 TwCMy e• 1 marbles could be seen in their eompo-
■tttte.s ememsesteetoerael sition. But in many places we noticed
I Wit. 1a I''eeee1. !the pretty dowers were leafless or pet•1-
1me from the hands of pitiless plunder -
We hate reached one ..1 the most his- I eta, who, we think, would not blush to
eines' and noteworthy cities io India. own they bad even stooped t. rob the
Who has not heard of the great gluten- I grave of its covering. The door was
int marble mausoleum, one of earth's : originally in mosaic, and partly inland
grandest monuments, the Taj *that I I with silver squares ; these together with
Who has out read 4 the ealebrated • the Peacock Throne were looted by the,
Peacock Throne, which, with it' marvel-' invading Persian, Nadir Shah, 150 years
ores wealth of precious stones is said to' age,.
lave coat twe.ty•five Indiumsof dollars! ( The British Government are restoring
\\'inn has not read of that wonderful in imitation cense of the interior beauties
temple the Pearl Ilostue, so called .w I ..f the Tel, but the work. compered with
account of its architectural beauty, in the ursrsnal, is very inferior. We climb•
which the ancient kings of Inds were ori too the top ,d one of the tall minarets
wont to read the Koran, end return I front whose elevation we had • spleudid
tt,anks for victory in war 1 Ani what I view of the river below us, the entrained
student of the world's history has Klan .d city with its ouuntless shining dome',
.ver but ever w hastily the names of la ' and the tar stretching flat country
din's great Kmperues and rulers, and has 1 around the city From here we visited
not become more ur tem famelar with Ithe 1 art, within obs li is the D.wsni
the caner of Timmer, the Teeter, Akbar ' Khas or great Audience Hall, for the re
the /heat, Shen Johan oe Aeeengeebe 1 c.ption '1 the people in olden times.
'Phis once beautiful city, and the city of This, like all great buildings in Agra or
Delhi, 140 0111es disrant,etill sbawc souls Dslhs,ie built of white marble, supported
.tet the public buildings of the Great Mo- on mawiv pillars and displaying won-
gul dynasty ur • sods of striking engin- drous Wets and skill in 1's rich inlaid
licence mosaic work of different marbles,
The Ta; Idabel, without doubt,may be precious seines and gilding. The mil -
classed Y sloe of the srahitedural won- ing here was ore /Melly oersted coin
den of the world. To nes it, is to see plately with silver filagree work, but on
a work ai art expressing elegance, pure the city being captured by • powerful
taste and wondrous grace combined. It army it was stripped down and melted,'
may be compared with the Great Pyre- and turner into coin to the tune uI
utid ui Egypt, on whose apex we stood a $90,001. la Persian, over each end of
few weeks later, but where the Gnat the room is sculptured the words "If
1'yram:d shows manly the wonder- there is • Paradise on earth. it is this, it
fel power and mechanical ingenuity of is this." Hen originally atowd the
roam, the Taj Mahal cooamands our ad- celebrated Peacock Throne, w called be-
miration as $ work of surpassing beauty cause it had the figure. ail two peseocks
and wondrous design, This white won- standing behind it, "their tails expand -
der of India we' erected about 250 years ed and the whole we inlaid with sap -
ego by Shan Jehen, as a last restiaq phires, rubies, ernersids, pearls and
place for himself and his favorite wife other precious "times of appropriate
and family, and named in honor of his colon Y to represent life.' The throne
wife. This wife, when dying, made the itself was nearly all olid gold,and inlaid
great Emperor make two promisee, also. with precious stones and costly
both of which he kept—that he would gents. The guide hen took an oppor-
tt marry again, and that he should tumor to sive us a crammer as we stood
give her the grandest tomb ever erected agape. He told us "un the best auction -
for the dead- -br th very natural re
gaests for • woman. He kept both
promises. The tomb was onuplei-
nd after twenty two years, during
all of wtieh time between twen-
ty end twenty -tire thousand slaves
were employed oe it, and the ant is
said to have been fifteen or twenty
millions of dollars, although the labour
was forced and the marble supplied free
of cost by the King of liejpuotata. It
is situated in a garden .,f Nome twenty
acres, thickly planted with rich foliage
and surrounded by a lofty Mune wall.
The high arched entrance gale is one of
thews moire Indian domed structures
to which the general men ' g sof the
word gats does not apply. The Taj is
Ts1i HOoeaBOLO.
i.s•.M et...M Mine Imago M is. eel$• The Me/ads•s week.
deei wad eee.e• tT.ewet ceaeamers.
The tact that it is so lrilsug affair to
May Permits +ost st lbemssltes teenage • house is awes more fully real- 1 Namv
with merely.w
k.isg wilt' their whit• ' toedby the 1.miei ked ut the *tab-
drw.'s esstreiates ere and what familia,
teey belong to. But the rimttow num. I lishmwit than when dm is unable from
bee of pantile,.. le, wileildren attend 1 filmes to follow the beaten path. The
the pablio sohouls, know nut►ing ef their i rest of the family also 'uddes.ly rt•* tee 1 Then are few wonted w1►o canoe,
aasewut, oao.pt .bat thgey ase dohildthem , that she is the main spoke to the wheel i with a litt'e toaehiug. b000'me eous-
ooeeuussall*whew otalhufor rer. p I potent to out, tiu
t and nuke their
The law holds ea responsible tor our I Ile has to soot up his gloves aged news own woad children's house and
paper himself, and if meafurtuue appears sulk themes. That the saving tl.ya
io the shape of • hot button he bece•w.s o,(ect.d, even in smell families, is eo•
truly wretched. It is 'Irene. Iwo I deferablo, su nue w,ll tell you Chu
utterly helpless the twirlied u.rn it' II hatidies the tails. In lett. families
1 who.. inct:0es .r. limited, ea sea those
genre' sewsn becomes when he gas n" of wooer tabling and matey px•.feseiosal
one to look after hew. Individually wed even, it is important that acme one
collectively he has • great love for twine ,should be able to Jrwemake. I ser .41r
waited upon, all the way from hseir•g' to dresamake. If wore ar lees material
his boots blacked to teeing read or sank he purchased than ossuary, if aeosa
courtesy and tea at Item sight are
sores be unsut•als!' in appearance ur
W sleep. ,:•3alety, if some •re trite forgotten and
uecsrwry. Only trove frequently if a A lady said to another nue dei in a ht tee waittrig ..r going foe them iurolre
young perigee u forbidden harshly to te uh.
..f ouuldence, "Twice • meet for twenty -; -__
associate with soother, a feeling of stab- "
born resistance is •reueei, aged the in years, John bias asked use when he li.0aa A/ Tlxe ow
tiwaoy, though claudestine, should fiud his clean skirts, anti
.11 this if tetra be winds 111 ttwtlinv. anleeenesv
saysxtoe xU -H MTRONG[R. time they bare been in the same draw• I hnishnng in.'' Isck 6uttta.tte irn t alio cher•
Every parent should have the confidence er of the same bureau, and 1 have tc its no acw.uou:y w home dressmaking.
tell hent every time, ' she concluded i But phis is needle's. G yen a wumeu
dultfully. Iorgirl with truly w.Jiutn taste and tact,
Her cewpanien burst into a hearty i wwtvrate healthatand,.ith itemsidna1
laugh. "\Vey," sal she, "fur user I the excellent cut -paper pa:terus tarnish- e„y-""",,
thirty years James has asked me the , ed at small oust by McCall, Bulterick 1
..If sante (vestion and I have al ways I and Demurest, there is no reuun why
r,nswered calmly, 'Icft hand side .-1 the •be ehuuld nut wake Aer own dresses
drawer next to the to and thew for others t the family butler
and she will make welcome those sago- ' p. than • prufeosional, wh.es time is murrey
cotes of her children whom she chooses. Theo each c,ngrstulated herself that. and ehu will net have tit weer out th,
A artful mother will not allow her
she had not the uuly forgetful man IS clothes, would make them for her. This
children to go to parties or picnics or existence to wait upon. It generally •applies to tilt hurried, worried botue•
ter other gatherings, unless then is some e ems easier topick u afar need wait moiber, as well as to the grows-uy
married woman as chaperone. There is P daughter. Kitchen helps are less ee-
too mach freeduut allowed young peo- upon the members of the fiwily 'has 30 pensive than eeamstrrasee, and will pro -
; and yet • neither should be tory insist on their doing it for themselves, bably do their work quite as well ; if
careful not to censure girls who many but with children it is certainly the
she cant have both w touch the better,
rim* are imprudent because of their weer plan to make them wait upon but even then she Omelet know better
very innocence. Mothers, cox., should i than they what she wants, how she
be careful not to "nag" at their chit- tbemeelves as much as pxoosib,e. The wants it, the best way and the tutus-
dren ; nothing more quickly first essential step is to provide places mum cost.
fur thine' like hooks for clothes, bur-
lit purrha'Dine, a very little observe -
mar for uwderearmeuts, bags for ahoe'D ti..n will teach her jus: the aiuouat orf
"fuundatwm," l it•, stil,ni.g,
and stockings, 'betties for books acd a ding, silk, twist, braid, bones, isle :vire: box for playthings ; then you can well leered. and how many yards of welt of
insist that things shall be kept in their the diirnut widths of etode will male
right plates. the dress
If you have boy. you may be the 1N THE Wit irk INTtN DA.
means of training up a John who will I In culling end makinz, first, screed
and last, be careful. Know 705 pate
not here to be told a Lunched times a tern tits you, that it is i.either narruw-
year where his dean linen is, proviied cheated our Ing waisted, and that the
he baa an orderly wife, There is 06 , sleeves are the right length. Get out , .
danger but shat Imre will la a cell for your waist and draperies tint ; if fsoinds .
end plaeungs have to be pieced the jour
all ycur strength of you do out keep con- an be c„oowaled
tiouslly on the jump for the tea! or Ike not fairy tlist a waist when 6nish-
insaginary anima of all the rest of the ed will fit exactlywas when c iiy
family. As a rule, with a few except- ur that you can hoe. s sleese fitted So
The Flone, the liea_th anc�,the/
or •memeYawe Nom Lee..siks&
wad Mere .ett.lwelery If yes
Kees new 1e se 11.
.bildrss'. miseooduoR Does not every
Christi•a believe that the parents are
responsible to God fvr the richt irsta-
l•e of their shildr•.1 If we wise to
keep oer ettildno's clothes olmo we do
not allow them to play with sooty store -
pipes• And we know that the pure mind
osis sullied .i11 never be clean again.
Will it not be well to give very valuable
ruse to the acquaintance of our chil-
dren's associates, and in this matter,
d k ht
1. Take sound, ripe grapes, in baskets
or boxes from three to six inches deep,
set in a cool place to sweat, for one or
two days, then line the baskets with
paper and place in layers of grapes (re-
moving all unsound ones), then a layer
of caper and w .n until basket is filled,
then Dover closely with Doper and keep
is • dry place with temperature as near
iii 6r 40 degrees fah. Y possible, Grapes
thus put up will keep sound and fresh
from two to six months. Even temper•
ty" that between the peacocks there attire is desirable.
2. Take grapes, set by to sweat .. in
No. 1, then take sand and wash until
water; runs off clear, dry thoroughly in
sun or oven, line box or basket with
paper, then a laver of grapes ;each bunch
wrapped in manilla paper) then layer
send and so proceed until filled. "Broken
ur unsound fruit never ti be used. This
process has kept the grape fresh to the
following Just..
riFQMg.NTRD writ&
1 Take sound ripe grapes from the
stem', cover with water, heat slowly un-
til thoroughly cooked, drain through
flannel, without external pressure. Use
one Ib. of white sugar to olive of juke,
built tee the centre of a raised found- the estimated value of the real. We heat again until hot, but not boiling.
anon of red sandstone covering over an I next visited the King's palace, his royal Seal up same as fruit, keep in a dark
acre in extant ; the building et of the baths, the zen•na sod ladies' bath place. When wanted for use add two -
purest white polished marble, and sur- rooms. And while in these latter, thirds water mud sweeten t, wit the
mounted by four small and .one great let us pause an instant. Could taste.
central dome with • brass tinsel :tin feet we, toe Hundred years ago, hese 2. Take six lbs. grapes, mash well,add
higher,bearing the Mahommedanstarand peeped through the carved marble screen gal, water, let stand in an earthen jar
crescent. At each corner of the square into this large,airy roxom,wilh its playing or three days, tkete run off the i'quid
w magritioeot tapering minaret rimes 123 fpuutains, mosaic floor, frescoed ceilings which is at the bottom, being careful not
feet, wring • singular bilbi`r a to -the Hind richly tapestried platforms. would to disturb the skins and seeds that have
picture. we have Yen • score or more of the risen to the surface—or strain through
To see the Tsj Jfah.l by full moan- choicest and most beautiful young prin- fine sieve or cheese cloth—add 1 ib.
light is one of the sights O1 India, sad comes of India,caged and longing fur the auger to each quart of juice, bring to a
fortunately for us the night of our am- bright, gloom -dispelling sunshine—the boil and while at that temperature can
vel, Y the train drew into the city •t vied, free air of the outer world and the in self sealing jars. Flavor improve*
eleven o'clock, we had the satisfaction pleasing face and familiar voice of some with age, and will keep any length of
of speculating whether ..r 1,01 this, that or absent and dear one 1 Would we have ' of time.
the ether great white dome,tooming out in ..en the sad, meditative countenance of i ,:RArg JELLY.
the clear nxonlight, was the queen of all a Lovelorn lady snatched from theons Take under ripe grapes. mash. bowl
temhs, she tared, to grace • profligate king's three minutes, 'Derain through flannel
But a mere pissing g'.impse of this harem ? 1)r would there be one whose bag. To every Ib. of juice add one Ib.
illusionary cloud -like vision was cwt personal charm. had made a Flsaung , sugar, let come to boil, skim, boil one
enotteh to satisfy our impatient longing ; Impression on the royal despoiler, bu'' nunute and run into mould.
ere could not sleep until we had driven who suffered the untold agonies of a
two miles from the hotel to the gills of heart and a conscience filled with dread 1tsirP kr.LIwH—To BE EATEN WITH root.
this Beulah Land, but, alas : they were and lathing for her royal husband 1 No Take 10 ib. under ripe grapes (if well
shut, and no One is permitted within such thine ! We would bare seen a ripened add one box j.latine), bowl five
the enclure at ouch an unseasonable score of quarrelling, jang'ing women minor*, strain, add one Ib. fruit juice,
hour. A dozen native watchmen lay contending with each other for supreme- also owe teaepuon each cinnamon, clones
about the ¢ales on their bamboo pole acy of place and position in the rename, ante allspice, b'o'il fire minutes, strain
beds, and on our arrival amused them- or with jealous rivalry seeing for dot into moulds.
..Ices and explained that we would have footing in the 'erections. or hatred et s.I iso ..41.'41 P OR i.tr -
to come the following night be( -we tee might be, of the ryal master. Sums of Take one quart grape juice, one tea -
o'clock if we desired to behold the mese- them we would have noticed ere looking cup auger, one small teaspoon salt. oma
'lett effect on (this glittering wonder. out through that fretwork screen on a large heaping tsblesp000 ground canna -
In vain we tried the magic power of our wide arena below,in which the Lang wittmon, one tablespoon even full ground
silver rupees, AN, two, three, four, mix, , his courtiers are watcheug the proems allspice, one large teaspoon full ground
were offered ; Do. it was useless, the of a gnat contest between a tiger and cloves, boil slowly for 20 minutes and
gates dare hot be opened to admit us. an elephant, and the royal ladies esjoy Nal it for future u... Will keep for aTurning to the pose/thee e:erk who
We t»gao to think this le have laws I the furious fray as heartily Y .. do
1,013 time open. Can be thinned with I bad jot wild him • stamp, and smil-
sad regulations we inflexib as those of liege lord, We would not find one long- vin
ar to suit taste when used. Very mg in as idiotic ora he asked : "Drs
the Med* and Persians, w en a dight ing for horns sod friends, for it is the much liked, you understand the �iagwago of stamps?"
relaxation ef sternness was observable atm highest honor in the land to be made • "Yes, ' responded the mass. "placed in
.AYx• *Marts. right-hand oerner
the chole( gut Mien. A rupee was royal emend, with the scores of others,
ANNE'.t the
quietly put in the piles of his hind,- to his majesty the king, and thrice hap- Take ripe (repos, 'operate skins from I any place except mems that 'I in • foot.
then •nether, • great bolt was drawn, py is she who is made such. V. would pulp, boil Pulp three minutes, strain
the moire door creaked and a apace not have seen the lovelorn lady, droop- through lenn or cheese cloth to take out
seeds, add skins after boding them toren- wen Te.islm,
was opened through which we were al ing and fading for her absent one; that g w.. nearly dead with cholorra "or -
of to threat our heads and gaze at passion, as developed in the western ly minutes, add j to ; pound sugar fro k__..' nue bottle of E[tract d Wild Straw -
suit novel spectre. The dark ssnd.t .ns world is not known in this matter of fact must taste to 1 pound trait, let dissolve,
foaedation on which .lands the Taj ... land. They here no ward in choir tan- then buil I minute—not longer—as bull- sew so cured
n�h•'otasruir another
invisible nn we cont of the shadows of linage which signifies the meaning of our ing too 1".. destroy. the arms*. i though I would not get Over it, when
shrubbery and its color, but the 'raj it word bore. We would not have sero n preserving the juin or cameo$ two bottled cored me." Mn E Admit,
self stood out strongly in r. lief 'gaunt any of them listlessly poring over a sae grapes, avoid builcg beyond the specified Pest, Ont. 2
the deep'ack ground of sky, apparent- estional love story, for none cf them time, as further boiling Dames o fl rho
ly tripe/Arid in mid air, and the mina- coul I read or write. Bet what with in- tla•"r and aroma of the !nice, also ehang- -
reta and domes glittering in the btieht tripe's with courtiers, through their es and destroys the chemical and cued A Russian lewd Irstlypesyweijzav-
moonlight made you think of the City eunuch attendants. court troilism 1 properties of the sugar umed loin, living m Guelphs'! Monty, recently
Beautiful with its deeding brightness, *ional executions before the palace, re- 1 inial a blooded colt worth 112(10. He had
jewelled pavements, and wondrous betimes headed by their respective gone, i his farm fenced with his name, and the
museums. How a ta'ixing ' We tried who as they grow to youth and manhood 1 The usual treatment of atanh is very ,colt run into it and sat his legs all to
to formopen the gets got ot nearer, but : are struggling with nos another and with uneetmdactory, as thousand of despairing lessees on the "Is" and "k's."
stood a parrot of lite size starved out of
one single a nerald. Then un each aide
of the throne were great umbrellas the
emblems of royaey, covered with pearls
and gold late, with handles eight feet
long, of soli I g 'Id and studded
with diamonds. All this wealth of
riches screwed from the p or unfortun-
ate slaves be a despotic ruler, were
carried away in a dav,end the most of the
precieua stones and rare geius today
grace the person and throne of the
reigning Ahab of Perera There is
nothing left of this costly throne to un-
fortunate India but an imitation tine in
Lucknow worth prob•ibly t:ve theueand
do:lars,to represent twenty fire taillion•,
of his or bar children, If then is not
perfect oou6denee between the.0 it is
more than likely that it is the parents'
fault. Tuo many parents send their
children away to play, to save annoy-
ance. But they who sow the wind .i11
assuredly reap the whirlwind. The wise
mother will keep her children at home
by making it attractive to their friends,
DINTROYm a[R I!IrLuii i.
Aod the mother who allows sharp wt.rda
to pass between herself and her children
has already lost much of her authority.
If the mother has mother has made a
mistake or been unjust, slid will loge
nothing by making acknowledgment to
her children. She will need to make •
study of her children's dispositions ; no
two children are alike, and the same
rules will not do for all children.
The timid need encouragement ; the
naturally bold should be repressed • the
sullen or revengeful child should have
all the ugliness melted outof him by the
mother -lees and grief at his naughtiness
There is no factor go potent Y mother -
love. But if the mother.love is con -
coaled from the child, it is like salt that
has lust its savor. I have known de-
voted, self-sacrificing mothers who have
never caressed their children, or in any
manner (save that of faithful and untir-
ing work) let the wether lore f r the
children be shown.
ions, the life of a teethes is ane con-
tinual giving up S mind and strength
an arm hanging limp and nerveless. The
atitchinq, sleeves, bones and buttoss
take up the cloth in the tint : as to the 1
for others The thin worst hand of en second, you bare muscle, though per -
aged mother is a symbol of self-sacrifice haps not much, acd must have some.
when to put it. Your new diem nil
ing toil- afford little I
wi y esaurn if it pinches
is thus lost to both mother and chiid- your body and cords your arias natal the
ren ; and how quickly the children turn statue fray or break.
to any one efferent( sympathy and a show
Stuff should be hemmed with long
of love. How many young girls are
yearly ruined by villains who take ad-
vantage of the uatural cravings for affee-
tion common to all, only God knows. It
is wise for parents to be the most inti•
mate friends of their own children. It
will pay you to go to • great deal rt
trouble if you hove neglected this friend-
ship in earlier days. It 1. the parents
who will be the losers more thea the
children. Come what may, they are
yours and were once innocent. You
oaunot forget them. whatever they do.
They .will either prove a comfort or a
curse to yeti, and which of these two, it of respiraticn and digestion ; it shields know before you cut your embroidery
w largely for you 10 chorea.—Ladles' and lubricates the same, tranquilizes the last how tar 11 will go.
Home Companion. Scant drapery
irritable state of the parts, and favors Pe 7 spoor los trade to ap-
pear otherwise ; Dole at all is better.
A Lodi, leaps.
"For six years I suffered with my
throat and enlarged tonsils. I was eery cede -stitches, three to an inch, and well
weak ; I doctored four yeses and had rinsed. Du not try to hem thin goods
advice from three doctors ; they said I by hani : you an't hide the stitches
would have to undergo an operation I and machine work is rtmillele .lid.a . is
tried B. B. B. instead. One b.ttk beet weed 011 overhand.
curled me." M A Squelch, Raglan, Ruffles must be straight in wash geode,
2 bias in stuff, though staff never raffles
prettily. One-third over the length re-
usseed MI far N.dr.
ed.1toren when finished is a g.wod rub.
Liuseed oil is not only a valuable re-
storative for sick horses, but is exceed
nutty useful in cases of inflammation of
the membranes, peculiar to the organs
or plaiting*, either kilt, b l or knife,
allow fJ times the required length :
for rucbtngs, Jerrie
If you are
Itessmed. healthy action. Put a couple of band- t facings be sufficiently deep to pre -
clude the pessibilny of any wandering
breeze diaclo.ing to • cold w.ald your
"ahem." Be quite ours that year skirt
is of uniform length ; then leave room
for lengthening, since there are so few
dress fabrics that do not .honk, and
one that is not intended to be washed
may yet be caught in a shower.
1 n everything buttouab:e. H•etks
tear ai.d ars likely to leave a gaping
space, pins cut the threads and cause un-
sightly holes. Plass a large needle un-
derneath the buttons you are sowiI.g an ;
the garment will button easter • ed the
threads last better if they are a trifle
loose. Hantupe should suspend each
part ..f the dress separately and evenly.
In hrm gads the seams need only be
gorged : if likely to fray, the edges may f
be turned et' and overhanded. or cov-
ered ; always well premed. And don't
forret toe pocket.—G,xd H•issekerp-
Mn J M Phalen, of Sydney 111isi.., full of seed into a bucket and pour a
N. ti., had chronic rheumatism for two minim and • ha'f of boiling water upon
years, and gut no relief until she tried it ; *ever it op • short time, then add a
cured her. 'I was like • skeleton," says will be fit for use. 1n case of an irritate
Burdock Blood Bitters. Two bottles couple of quarts of cold water, when it
she, "before mina B B.B., now thanks ling oough add some honey.
to the di.ccrery of such a veiwble
remedy, I am entirely restored to
health." 2
were inn,, give to understand by the
.resited gestures of the keepers, that it
might go hard with our necks if we per-
muted. Considering that our heads
were ie and our bodies on the outsets of
the gates, and we were two against a
doyen, discretion decided that we should
yield psse.ahly to the powers that be,
and with well esprwased dissatisfectloa
at the stringent laws Of india,thal do e•R
permit eager tourists and seghtw.rs to
invade every send tomb and temple,
palace ..r peeler of the Empire .t ally
minute inside the twenty-four hours, we
moodily betook outeetr* back to the
hotel Next morning early found its
f din"ing • gn•'I0 ehreegh the well kept
gardens surrounding this beauteous
bedding. Front that great mom to the
do.Or of the Taj, 900 yenta. is aro artificial
steam, Wrath g with darting Aetna, me
walled with poiished merlde Blahs sand semen of the tombit was seeweieiew
haring os MAN •idii a wide marble teed the air of rwvereuee the barefooted ea.
iwoneemele. Within the mein room rti- tit•e ihowetsis he wevesaty in *boat
the king, their father, for the empire, ' pitmen can testitify. On this point •
and, what with the oft -marring poison- ! treetworthy medieiit writer goys :— A severe TrtaL
ing nr drowning secretly of the prime I "Proper I..e•I trestment is positively Francs. R Rmith, of Emedale, Muekos
ministers or king's fsvorities by these necessary to memos. but many if not k•, writes. "i was troubled with vomit -
promising youths, or the smothering of most of the remedies in general nee by ing for two years, end i here vomited as
one of their own number by the king. !physicians aff.•rd but temporary benefit often • eve times a day. One bottle of
those over symnp,thne4 for Indian w,. ' A cure certainly cannot be expected Burdock Blood Bitters cured a." 2
men jog along through if. quite merely from snuff. powders, douches and wash.
and contentedly. They know of no 1 go Fly's Cream halm is • remedy
m .15 odealauc .xistenee here blew", and 1 which combines the important rwlt:eaite• I se" a Rook Ismswhy do we in ons strange. latter day, at neick action. specific curettes power Mr Gonda, druggist, ee not ■ lweek
sentimental trey, feel for those degraded with perfect safety and pleasantness to eg.wt, but has the agency in Goderrch
hot withal coet«.teJ and happy people. the patient. ' for i .hn.t.em's Tonic Bitters, which he
the trod Akbtr's maas,lwm is a few — can heerttly recommend for any cone
miles out ..f the eity ; it is another eta- "i are,- said • friend to the editor of plaint to which a honie medicine Nap
pltoelee. This valuable medicine has
is with m.rt Ytonnshenyly good re-
mits in gas's of general drbwlity, eresk-
ene were rennin OA milt an hour ago? mesa, irregelarttee peculiar to female., �• ea Veelswares,
•''. at.epped anti oiled the press," and .ttreme psl.n'as, impot.riebant of the Duel all•,. •eoW M the head to singe
the journalist reached for the lever blond, stomaeh mod lits troubles, la• 1y ed ..eery res into Ostatele whew
p.ndoe• week, but in far loess deem. of the Dakota daily. "that you cell these
grandeur and magnificence. Here the pares you sr. printing now the seemed
guide wanted en, whoa •pprnaehing the edition ; how do tin i'Ser from those
torch of ladle'. mighty emperor, t e be
•e our guard .tamest • robes and hut
ate that had made their nest beneath
"I have used Dr Fowler's Ex tract of
Wild Strawberry for semmrr complaint',
awl have given it to my friends. It
gives instant relief when all other reme-
dies fail. I would not be without it in
my boss." Mrs T Boil, Weidman,
Oat 2
What noise is that I A wagon and a
dog barking with all its might, and his
hone is starting. "Whoa '"
Wire flews a Aa.ee.
That O to my, ynnr longs. Also •11
yosr brwatbi.R machinery. Very won
awful machinery it is. Not only the
harem ser passages, but the thousands of
little tubes and ssvities leading from
When these are *logged and chocked
with matter which ought not to be then,
your lungs eann.•t half do then work.
And what thief de, they cannot do
Call it aid, .heli swop, pneumonia,
.searrh, eleglniptiow or any of the
family of threat and assns sod head and
loo obsii stioas, all are bad. All
ought to be got rid ef. There is just
one son way to get red of thew. that
is take Roechea'. German Syrup, which
may des gist .i11 sell you a1 76 esnts a
bottle Even if everythng else hes
failed you. you may depend upon this
for mutate. lowly
The Siamese Priem drank while at r;i v!1 R.ti./.d
New York • eompenred of beer and 'w f /rev.
leetneed., whish the a enpneader be
hind the bar declared to b. the COLD it HEA I
"rankest' i. his eipwrienee,
Dere IteaaeraaMt 11111,
Found at last, what the true peblec
hes been looking for these many years
and that is • medicii,e which although
but lately introduced, has made f .r
itself a reputation seemed to mine, the
medicine es Jahnaet's Tonic Bitters
which in ren)onctlo. with Johnson's
Tunic Liver 1'i Is h.. performed envie
menet wonderful aures impure or im-
preornhed bled seem Weenie" purified
and enriched. Rilli useesa, iodmeelien,
sick headache, liver complaint, laneuor,
weakness. etc , anon disappear when
treated by these excellent tusk medi-
cines For Rel. by Good, druggist, Al•
Non bleek, Guderieh, sole scoot. (d)
.. 1
l`Ty CATAf R H
°gain' I .f appetite, and for that tiwneral woes ytve esu he eared fee 96e. b memi)r.
not feeling that .early every nee is' y Ostarrh Com. A few applies.
troutMw with a.esis t apart of the tear. tingle ewes iweinesse eata..h 1 to
Hay Fever.
Ara a J,itri
Stip or /'..order
Fent frees Jajirre
'.Sl r-rge