The Huron Signal, 1887-9-16, Page 1FOR1IETR TEAR. WiEOLE,NUMB R DK f t• skiIt 0 n COUNTY NEWS• torics lir rf7tti ' fir i Erna YY MEETING. Ole $uron #ignal Saturday last the annual congress of IA 1.1.1ALt4IIEm EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, AT TUX 0111,1tE: NORTH -tiTRKkT. a0UkR1CH. a Y • wad '.awoke local newspaper. devoted grant, hews wed the dissemu. ivat:oa of e- nuwlydtre. MATE* rr S1 $N'MIrTte11 ti1.30 • year; 73n. for sic mdoths; Pk. hr three maths. 1t IM sab..rrlptiem is not paid i• a•fv.nre. subscription will be charged at for rate of $L00 • year. AOTEMTrsrtttt M ITED r legal sed ot)rr eaott•l advertisements, Se. per line for *ret insertion. and 1 cents per line for each subsequent lamellae. Measured by a neaparetl wile. Imee2 notion, in aoeparid type So per Des. Lotti notices in ordinary reading type lc car word - Ithe L -sited States 1Varden'a Asmociatioo for the regiatrati..n .d criminal, was held in the theatre of the Nortual School, Toronto. The principal matter before the gathering was the identifies nue of criminals. Heretofore identity.. dun has been confined to phttograi.ha, color of eyes an1 hair, height, weight, and, perhaps, the "strawberry stark,- but the results were not always satisfactory. The mew Rerti lup method, which has been successfully operated in France fur the past four years, and which has re- cently beam adopted In Germany, Spain, Italy and Den nark. was thoroughly ex rlained to toe gathering. The iJenti6 cation of a prisoner by this system rests upon the knowledge of the following in• dications : The length and width of the head, the length of lira kill middle and GODER.ICH. ONT FRIDAY, SEPT. 16, 18b7. GENERAL INTELLIGENCE I X• A'YEARDIN ADVANCE RUBBING IT IN. .trcnrdieg to the Hamll Hpe.lalor the (Kaitenallets contra,' the t ph wares 1a Demi Britian and Ireland, a color the dis- patches to suit themselves. The statement Is ■bout as true as *aythine the Spc..tafoe says of the NatianalWs usually 1s. - tiouatu. a SIG - A•1.. And that psngrsph is about at true as anything the Shiest prints. What the stile L Sfoctotor did say was that the Tnsh news received its this ooarotry, by way of Sew York, is colored in the interests of the Nationalists. And so it is --Sptoorriral•: L., As the tiprrlitor did not say "the Irish —Then nt.'s much moving these trews repaired is lhi oottstry, by ..f times, and everything at the hack -stoop ! \i.c York, is in the iotet+aeta oft oonventfon is worn threadbare, evil to the Nationalists," its defence In this I the cushions ore the benches I was caw falls to tie ground. What the told, however, by way of uo harm, that spoliator said eau that the oable de- the little engineer, with the mild wanner WHAT'S UP? Things That Are Happening Around Ue. Cegl.eeers e1. call Tie Waser- Wars. l seem ie Proceeded With Tits Tear About Ilse tree MIT Tie 6leett.a Trial. spatch" "are from Nationalist wurwea and grey Garibaldi, who came up son and colored for the American Market." time ago and examined into the water - "By way of New York" was neither man- ' works scheme, sent in his bill at the last Boned nor implied. The impression meeting of the council, and flatbergaat- sought to be crated was that the ed—if I may b. permitted to use an ex- Nationalists controlled the wires and Rtaslaess Wards of sin lines and under Its per r little fingers, the length of the left foot, „et only what news suited thee ym l the length of the left forearm, the length Advertisement.. of ;.est. Found. Strayed �Vacant, Stine:ion Wanted and of the right ear, the height of the figure, Cbanrea Wanted, Dot ex.gedin4 8 aeapariel SI par month, the measurement of the outstretched on !tale and Parma on Bale. not to lines. Si far tint smooth, Sec per sub- weneent month. tamer advte in proportion. Any special notice, the object of which L to promote the pecuniary benefit of any ta4l- ridwal or company, to be considerer) an ad vertisensent sad charged accordingly. 71eaa terms will 2. 41 eases be strictly ad• tiered to Qpecial rates for larger advertisements. or exhibits, and for a collection of cards of adrertisrmenu tor eiteased periods trcollection known it thy ofllceofpukka: .ou. description without photographs. the notation, according to a special combo- Jitilg8 IIf•IITIEBT. lary, of the color of the hair and beard, �taiy egeitop►d Jchests, mica U carved as well as the form and dimensions of fg rat easssamito s with tae ordtw►y Dew.p,per the nose and ear. These different opera- if 1111Asa where A,' -alae. work is turned out MeoLlr rates. Ererythityt in tins print- tions necessitate the use fib item] in- i n he done ou Ow premises from an stromeuts each as tali compasses sod poster to • visiting card. t per co AYetammvataatioe..lost be addressed to'slsdinq compasses, and of three g..dust- arms, the measurement of the trunk from the bench to the top of the head of a person seated. In addition to these particulars the method provides for a descriptioo of tits scan and peculiar ms-ks that every indivdual more or less M. rlleCJLIJtre.T. Saar et Tna amiatAL O.d.:tta Ont. ed measures or rules. The promise of measuring does not take more than four or five minutes per subject. By follow- ing the instructions the probability of ►L etstistias til us that in C-areda identity becomes almost particular to a are 10t; boys born to every 100 certainty. The photographs when and yet there are those who won taken are clawitied and kept on files for der why them is a yrepond.rance of reference. The "heads" and other bachelors in many communities. measuremeats are tabulated, and par oculars entered on back of photograph. Rao Ds Polo--; says there is not • The facility lith which a criminal might Methodist to the Dominion Cabinet. b• identified by this method was shown There used to be two—John Carling j by the distribution of a number if cards and Mackenzie Bowel!—but the preach- j bearing masuremeuts of certain crimi- er of the church they attended one Sun- nate. The figures in two or three cases day held op Edward Bake as s -t ideal were read ori In one instance the re - of a Christian politician, and the brewer ot'rd was searched trod the rime 01- the and the buoiler withdrew from the f Prisoner given in thirty-five second& It church. was possible, a speaker said, to search _. _ — __ the record of one hundred thousand TES Tory paper used to have a lot to I names and arrive at the identification say .boot the "bsld•1•e.del young L b j of a prisoner within ten minutes. -rak," but if the repr.wnta•ion from In ancient times the highest type of other pointe avenge as (many yea.. as , human knowledge was slammed up by those thst attended from Goderich, then ! one of the philosophers in the phrase, are none of thea spring chickens, but all ''Know thyself." If the Bertillon are tough old rooster. Messrs John system fur the identification of criminals aeon and Campion are booth between forty and fifty pram of age. Ten tfl'ice of High Commissioner to 'England frog Canada is still vacant— that is to say, no one has beep appointed since the migration of Sir Charles Tap- per, nearly a year ago. Bot the doughty doctor from Contherland is now doing About a year ago F. W. Johnstone was beanies. at the old stand in London, sneering at young men's political gather - and it would not surprise us If Impute in Was le teeetimgs of "prodigal sons," and his regular bill for salary and insides• this weak he has been doing the "pro- talo—not forgetting the glassware, gas distil" act in cocnr„tion with the bill, taxes sod parochial due.—at the "Young Men's Liberal -Conservative clom of the year. Sir Charles T.pp.r is Cusventioo," in Toronto. 4ou old a dog to .hatie hie bark. were adopted in America, the authori- ties would sown know more about the criminals of this continent than the lat- ter DOW know about themselves. Tian thing of running down young aeo'. political clubs, sometimes works after t►e taabion of a boomer'sis. so the het Dontisien election the eon speakers oontendd that the of Canada for the heal vier ending Jose 30th, 1686, was over $300,000,000. bet Robert Porter, the Tory eandidate, on every platform denied the oontss- tiom. By the "Statistical Abstract and Record," recently issued by the Depart• moat of Agriculture we find that the gross debt of Canada at the time men tamed was $473,164,341, the assets $60,006,434. and the net debt B223,- 150,101. What dere Robert Porter my to thea figures soot Twit Ottawa meaty election for the Legislators, whisk was held Wednesday test, ie another .ridenee of the death of Toryism in the Province of Quotes*. At Mot last general election Cormier, tSe Tory candidate, was elected by sow 360 sof s majoririty. The eletioa wsa pro- tested on aeoon at of eorropt petaetires, and rather them face the marts Cormier seetge.d, and a new election was held. At the eloetioe on W edheads! the pre- vious result was reversed, Roth" the Llhessl a ndidate, beteg retermed by over 1101 of • asajerity. This is the dM time in thirty years that Ottawa *smarty km returned • !Abend candidate, and it locks as if he has soles to rta1, FORTY "Young Lib -Coes." met in To- ronto Wednesday to establish a • Pro- vincial organisatic n, and every one wanted a Government position, if they were like the delegates from Goderich. Tb• fact that there were no more or no less than forty is suggestive of • tale in the Aral,ian Nizhts, wherein a gentle- man by the name of Ali Baba figured. Tris Hamilton Spectator has just dis- covered that the reason why coal has gone up in price is because there is • wicked combination of coal producers in the United States. We are glad the Spectator has at last got the right ides oo this subject. Heretofore it has en- deavorod to prove that the increase in the price was owing to the fact that the Canadian duty had been taken off. Hindsight is better than no Meld at al. Sous weeks ago we proved that "Bill" Davis, of the M.tehell Adn.ratr, had pub- lished a falsehood about TEs Bluwat in the smatter of the alleged libel suit of a pwson called Brown. Since that time "fill;" has been frothing at the mouth against Tns Siowat, like a CUT suffering from hydrophobia, and weekly spews furth venom against the editor of this paper. Those who know him beat will pay little heed to the vaporfngs of the "Twice Rejected of South Perth"—orae at the polls and again at the Tory see - vection. Long ago the Bo -soder showed that he was feather brained, and now TEtt 8tottAL has proved that be liot worse that a ms -meter. The family of the stricken Mitchell editor km our deepest sympathy is their af>lietion. • cad thing to bare bereavement in • family, but it is better to have tripe ow t1e dont than the bead of the kouee beth demented and • falsifier—ea is IM nese with William R Davis If the fallow has not published • falsehood about Tws 81oiAL why does be not produce kis proof ' We bare already gives this sissy mote 'pees than his limited 8.1*1- lllgesee deserves, and tow we hep hi. beak igtn the nWi,,os frost whieh we dragged him to exkihit bit. to nor read - e ra as the ektt.pinn liar of Mitchell and veljnigt t/wnsbie4 pression of the late Washington Irving— that august and sornotuic body of municipal legislators by claiming $73 for services rendered during a two and a half day's s-journ in our invigorating r town during the midsummer. His worship the mayor, I understand, had calculated that $:.3 or $30 would ewer the bill, but it hasn't dune so, by • large majority. The engineer .as upper- ! ently conscious that he was making s big all, for I am told that he stated in the letter that accompanied his bill . f charges, that anytime between ret w and New Year's would do in whi, h t, pay him, that is to say, he was willing to hare the taxes collected before the town treasury would be nperatcd against The matter has been referred to the finance committee, and it will le in order fur that section of our "moat potent, grata mod reverends" to cite the little gentleman from Brockville befote them, and if he fails to attend, then it shall be their bounden duty to bring in a report stating "that the charge is moro than they had imagined It would be, but as the claimant failed to appear before the•:n when summoned to make explanations,aod as no previous arrange- ment had been made with him, they had no alternative, and therefore recommend that the aoco•int be paid. But, where- as, in accordance with the bylaw carried on the 12th of Miy last, it will be ne- tltrilreg to Lay the pipes for the piojeated works, we, your committee, do hereby recommend that the laborers be hired by tender, Chinamen preferred All of which is respectfully submitted," &c. That's the way they anted when tbo town printers submitted legitimate advertising accounts, and I am anxious to see if they hare progressed in wisdom since that time. —Talking about the construction eat the works I might say that Engineer Chipman in his seventy-five dollar re- port stated in effect that, aa there was .o workable project before tbe conned, and as it would be impossible to perfect t Tinian is one aottaber of Parliament in Huron county who is not afraid to come out flat-footed for commerce' onion, and that .use is John McMillan, JL P. for the South riding. At • recent meeting in Tuckenmith he placed him- self on record in an unequivocal Inas- ner. He had taken • good deal of troll - baa to go through the Trade and Naviga- tion Returns to get hots and figures bearing on the subject and proved cola- elusively that not only would the fates era of Canada i•e benefitted by commer- tial union but the majority of our manu- facturers need have nothing to fear. He also to3k up the argnments of those op- posed ta it, and showed that they did not have mach weight. The loyalty cry he answered by stating that he came to this country to better his condition in life, and meant to use all fair and honor- able means tc do so, though at the same time he could not see bow Britain was going to be injured to any extent by the I adoption of the change by Canada. Mr McMillan also stated that when an Or tempt was stile to renew the r+eeiproci- ty treaty with the L reitd States, a $ workab a project that any engineer sketch was drawn op and assented to by would los willing to risk his reputation Sir Edward Thurston, British Miaiater mt. without tests bang made wbich at Waabington, with the knowledge and might incur an expenditure u( noris consent of the British Government, thousands of dollars more, and as the wh.m%y certain manufactured g ads were necessary pipes for the scheme could not to be admitted free of duty between' be pr°cured until next year, so muck of Canada and the United States and al the working season having P.a.". it though the treaty was Rarer Anally sr- ( would not be wisdom on the part of ranged, yet It proves ooncicaively that the council to premed with the work. It England would not object to Canada 'c'a'ns to me,uodertheoimuastalrees,tbat leaking any oorre•erei•1 treaty with the the $73 asked year hyEngioeerChipmaa r United States that she thought fit. So well worth the sage auggestioas many OUTGUN is Mr McMilko's faith in vole- I times over. taenial union that he states positively —Taking about sags su,=ge.tios., that if it was advocated in the Horse of that idea of Fred. W. Johnston's, asking that the town of Goderich offer • site P•rti•seet, he is ready to suppert it so matter which party brought it for- ward. Win. O'Brien, M.P.. •Jitor of the United irrfer.d, spent the day at ltally- black, Sunday, with Messrs Dillon and Hartington. He rnesivd a telegram from Mr Laboeckere and 111r Brunner, requesting them to 'company them to London. Mr O'Brien, *oeontpanied by Mr Harriagton, went on hoard the Kinston boat for the purpose of declin- tag this invitation se. go to London, wheel a d.testive .set bias and said he eooit, w et he arrested; if he pledged himself not kr go to Iceland. Mr O'Brien re feted this eosditicn, whoa be was taken Into melody and assorted to the Immo trial Hotel by the defeat; who inform-- �d lira that lore Bead stli sew all night ii Ito would give o prom that he would slat mite • typos. This promise was ad given, and Mr Brim addreaed the G reed from the baloney of the ketol. In the merle of his brief remarks he said : "Be as there is life ts my body toJ tells wi 1 not hs silent until I.m pried• 1 flea proud to Nfer for M,tehellatowe. When in Ki.galown I wee told that 1 world sot be arrested if 1 did ant under- take to gr to Regleed. That shows that the Goveraesset is begieoing to devil as in Ifn1lead," Md•t.S .4 Wt dm fellows who were trying to disqualify him had bit off more than they mold chew. AJAX. During the year ending 31st Decem- ber, 12141;, there were shipped from the depot, Blyth, 11.132 tons, or Jl l c.arlo•da 14..p..,rro.aiail *ser Mures county. 4 tilted of salt, manufactured at the Blyth salt Clipped alad 1•e.Aeasrd rum sod works, The l cal sales to farmers aid resat Toe Piet. .1 lie direst others were also large, trews err aaes..ar.- Hun. ()liver Mowat returned Wedgies day from England, looking well and feeling touch benefitted by his trip G..1. Deadman, Brussels, bought a The hon. gentleman was met at the Jersey Union $tattoo by his son, Mr Arthur t ub, tt$$21at Foyer...do. aur lyamil- 2:•. n Mowat Mr Mowat stated that he R 11uCounter, .J Seaforth, has bee would return to England to conclude the apr'•inte.t District Deputy (:rand Regent argument in the St. Cstheune. Jltllioq of the Royal Arcanum fur Huron and h Lumber Company appal, the hearing Pert h. of which, however, will net be rrsumed W. H. Verity & S .n, Eteter,had their safe blown opeu on Sauday night last. The burglars truly succeeded in getting a few dollars fair their trouble. Roy. Mr Tong* resumed his duties as pastor of the Methodist church, Blyth COUNTY CURRENCY. Pencilling* and Scias3ringe from Exchanges. this year. FROM WASHINGTON What HMI Transpired at the on Sunday last, having recently return- ed from • visit to his native land. United S.;ates Capital. Close el Sbe ,Mdteal l..fere.ee t■ e... eeaoeeusesermes, rr.p..ed rarely Changes rs.res from lie eeparlesetls. ✓ .vm oar Special Correspondent. 1VA,i113uTO1, D. C , Sept. 12th, 1887. The big crowds around the hotels have dispersed, the blue rosettes hove disap- peared from the streets a the Capital, and the greeting of "Doctor" is heard about ten thousand times leas than usual, for the past week, which means that the International Medial Congress, after • most satisfactory and successful mesion, has closed its labors, to be re- sumed at Berlin in 1889. It 1s impossi- for the erection of public buildings h Uoderieh is shoot as absurd a thing as I have hoard of lately. God.rich pays is much in proportion to ire population towards the finances of the Oovernment as any other plate in Canada, and it the town is worthy of hewing public buildings erected why doesn't the Gor_ a rnnrent get through with the job at ones and forever. This thing of • Gover•- j moat asking for a bones of land, jest as a tin -kettle, narrow-groge railway would tfn begging fora right of way. pets ay pipe oat every time. Any man who would vote for • mita to be furnished an - der exuding Wireametanes.. has an ase bo grind, sed should be eat upon nest Now Tear.* —1 w the erose positiow egoista M. C. D. is eotsigg on fax trial on Now. lith, if et Oa -t withdrawn by that time Yee NO, M. C. got tired waitiag for the pen. Ocoee to bring row the trial, and w he snorts investigetinn.eo far as lin a oideet is ens.ereod, he app led to, bat. 1he trial brrnstbt no. 1 .shed up to see hilt • week or two ago, end h. re -e me to Dr. 51tt:kid, ret Seaforth, formerly E4 Gtderlob, intends leaving shortly for Germany, and will spend a enuyle of years to the *eh ed. and hospitals of the old world perfecting himself in his pro- feesion. Bs will be accotnpauird by Jars lack;.). The gate receipts on Caledonian day, at Seaforth amounted to 1341, and were made up in pan as follows :-12'0 in 10 cent pieoea ; $7*, a` Ors dollar bills ; $12 iu two and Lea duller bills ; $97 in one dollar bills ogled $10) in twenty - live cent pieces. - Morris Branch Agricultural Society have purchased • piece of ground next to the show ground., fur the purpose of showing rattle, tic., to better advant- age. A course has been added this year, and trial.' of speed can be made by driving the carriage horses. We to even approximate the good results H Joyner of Clinton, pulled a son - following this msetin i. but that they are dower in hie garden the other day that creat and many than is no reason to immured eiehta.n inches across the sed doubt, for a large portion of the medical surface, or about twenty-four inches wisdom of the world, having assembled from the outer end of the frills. He says ►e has lots more just u large . Dr. and Mrs. Sloan, of Biytb, have gone to Washington, where the doctor for the purpose of a mutual interchange of experience and opinion, the coocls• NOR is inevitable that mankind will be largely the gainer by the development of scientific methods in the improved is now attending the International Medi - treatment of the ills that afflict he- cal Congreea. They intend Meting other inanity, Americtn cities before their return. In our opi - the doctor, were prise James Mahaffy, Port Albert, is puah- tically uoanimons that Cleveland did ing his new flouring mill through. The won have a healthy appears/toe. and that roller machinery will Boor he completed. he needed a rigorous course of outdoor Mahaffy is a pushing fellow, and the exercse. The President, as he faced the mills inf ,luestion will be a great benefit torr ear live thousand dt c1vrs, seemed to i to the fanner. of that neighborhood. wince uneasily under their critical gags. I Harry Knapp, a young Wingham bar - I suppose 1 may with propriety turn II ber, has eloped with a "sweet sixteen 's from the medical to the religious world , f .. A. Hslateid, tithe a Naiad ker —Ilse one devoted to preiierriog the ( father's watchful eve Try pritewamg body—the other to saving the soul of Igo to Sunday school They tried once man. Washington has been selected as before to set away, but tailed. This the site of a great Catholic University, time they reached Buffalo in safety. which will be one of the most important W Holt. Khiva , Joseph Benner, and imposing religious institutions of Grand Beud ; Wm Hodgins, Heiman ; the world. The location was chosen by Grob & Smith, Zurich, and Mrs Portree. • meeting of prelates in Baltimore, their Kamer, were each tined on Monday last decision having been approved by the 1.0 and coots by Police Magistrate Pops. It is said that $3,000.000 will be Williams, of Clinton, f:.r violation of the required to construct and place the second part of the •Carada Temperance University on a wlid business basis—of Act which cum $700,000 by been secured, inoleaive of the $3.10,0J0 d..na•ed by S4+1orr—Oa;1Vedn.sdav last week+ Miss Caldwell—oeu ne of the gsroos Inepeetor, Paisley was in Blyth, aa faithful. ; summoned Eve hotel keep... to appear Th, celebrated tariff conference at ! before Police 11 igistrate Willia•na on Oak View has ended, sod the distin• Friday, to answer to the chugs of the geished conferees ars naturally very re_! �tolation of the Smtt tct. There were ticent re7.rdiny the results of their t- tri the n•itfhborbood of oma hundred trusted deliberations, the public are Door-- I witnesees t., be scammed. Silent that a measure was framed, look• j Daring $ recent visit of Grand Trunk Mg to $ liberal reduction of Govern- Railway ufisials to Clinton, it was de - meat meatuses, both in customs ditties : aided to extend the present freight shed and Internal taxation, and that all of the accommodation byi the erection of 90 powerful influence of the Administra- � feet to the cwt end, provided the town lion will be exerted in favor of the ad- . aotbontiee would elbow the building to be eteeted over • street that run. soman 11m track at that point, Or Thursday afternoon last as • little boy of Mr. J .lin Kona, wheat buyers Sister, was playing in hie father's ware - looses at the oep t, he aught hold of option of the sot by the Fiftieth Con- gress. Mr Randall was not consulted in this momentous matter, and hence his probable course of action is a theme of muoh speculative interest to politi- cians of all parties. For the present the purchase of bonds the tuabling shaft whilst the elevator by the Secretarryy of the Treasury has practically nested. owing 4o the refusal of the bondholders to sell at acceptable prions, and so it k probable that the aaoast the Government will be able to hey at Its own pries will be much small - or than was anticipated. The Commissioner of the General Land Osea hos prepared a statement showing that the estimated number of acres re- at. ours: to 6 6 10 mills on the dollar on stored to the public domain under the the last assessment. Fur the rape Aegest l.rde s of the 'secretary e.1 th. the village misea $222 11. and tnr mte - Interior, revoking indemnity withdraw- tips] purp.ow $1,917.77, the rats bairn a s, is 1.323,000 ages within the limits 1 3 10 molls in the dollar for county rater d Indian reservatioms. This inelodes and 9 1-10 mills fur nllsp, the misreads, it which orders 11 resters- fluilding is lively in Stets st thin ma- tins Aare ap to the present men ieseed. eon. Already completed, partly 6:sisk- Th.' statistical report of the Atrrieel d and ender contract, bonding to the 'wail Ds mwt for the month of Sep I 1 mhos of about sixty thousand dodoes. timber .hnws $great reduction in the henna holdings heing the new euwdttinn of the gmwingro cps cum p erred with the Augest report, esaspseially town hall, the t►d,lfell.owa hall, Snell Bros'. botcher shop, Mews W H. was in motion. The child's ciothes wound around the shaft and were torn off its body. The manager happened to be close at hand and remt.vd the child from ita perilous position or it might have been a fatal accident. Blyth raises this year for school rates` $1,200, $'►N) for ordinary rates and the balance. $240 for special rate& It will in Born, e.:ttua, and potatoes, with little Parsons sad John Cn.eker each a tw.►- it any ob.nge in the small grain coma, atrre dwelling homes, which are all of egress to an eses of ram on the Atlantic white brat, besides wren! other p ct ri- enaand • lona eantinedea demob in the I lits resideneos Os1t States. Compared with last year awe is • Beeline of ten points in o..tion - __ .cd orf boar in muse. The celebration of the Constitutional 0eetenni.a •t Philedelphis the latter part .f the present were is anticipated wish general interest by patriots .very - where, for eves Gladenm has sent a .able hotter, regretting his inability to Weed. Presid.at Cleveland, the Goys/r- oom of the Revolutionary Mtatea, and others prominent y state sed ehnreh will be prre.rt nn this gsrnn.ntous ea- siventer: .4 American nationality. The two young ladies who were driven out In:.. the lake at Toronto by the 'storm W.d nodal,. •hi',a boating at Lome Park, we • Agnes McCormick, who lived with her brother-in-law, Mr Nate, Or- 1•ti.r street, and whose -widowed mother !resides in (Jhasar, and Bella Lander. sister of R V Loftier, grocer, Queen street Rest. They ware hent members .of Jarvis street Atapl8 ehsmh. All �o low • f prolog theft Ore IMO WI. at' fold nod.