HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-9-9, Page 7allir
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THE 111;110.N SIGNAL, FRIDAY, SEPT. J. ! `7
•e Tb. tfee.ed.
I rally lee t..er p..nhw MI
,. r...,:... f.a . wart rue Ray I •-
Perhaps roe . •' neer tea the my
the were. , ee ..r• idol are IA••ds� .
1.W run:, tee..,:.,Oa)
few.;t where 1,on doles here
te',th an atoe.d,re 171 atrl e., _
lora U toad .1 splendid.
That -1.rl • s Il h gtnelorr eyes ase thenar,
tel. it Mule .4dude 46 'mead her Sem;
'1 be 'r., '-hrig am collar. "'alma-
a neat;
linea at sire neat cher.
Ne Owes • sunk, a poet. • leak.
oke', karma the an fn..s t•*ped', book -
F.( cnnnlel.oeunosiu k.11. irr hot,►,
Aust doesu', shy eta them i
-hat anew... Insiders. steres .ud.pars
%huhu •40.11 ire MAR end rata, F.
la be e...m. • emcees dllleg Mar* --
A trioxide nob) 1
'1... tl4.1„e 1,1.., It's r.ry me.
Iter lurk has bean., eatr*esely hash
I don't belie, • slid. ewer k.d
A statue nibble!
be oernman l'.r1et rat etiwtree M Meer
tt'Mrr 114•- u.rldng i.• leer;
'I be ter) wool) firiti+n poor.
Nebo of .welbtuto.
-her re tontine tLbt.K, rrr the sly;
heir mkt. ars tee Lao the, fl),
Ito* heireems are rat her shy
And bite but .eWuln.
A married woman, flirting shore.
tnd wltb • club twin. 1 •urian.
11.'r face m, naturally 1..4.
ttad.u,a.r like ...d prayerful,
Victim br dogma .he I 1,wtch,
I rut eh' I far she's owl her ,a..., .,
And Rule le 16e nab &heli ouch
Union. she • ca, nu! 1
The keen reporters tach kw neve,
l lete1lieed angle Mere far cyte,..
The aft rim Ilah' *g lea), nal use
Tor ad rent lata;
While "Iris 4.0 I t, -merry bead-
r'uh with their daemon. 11e talc
The asking that is d.e.. ua land
la mut surprW.•.
Threwth the •IailR
Pram ii-, 1-+ . Ang••tr.
1 heard • wore.. tes.tor r.rhfe. eat f th:lag
Through the .ora;
Tito wares wore b,gb. the bitter winds were
Yet breklitag warm
'if skies serene, of sunny upland, Tying
Las under
In,o/ peace tery111114,
110 111rVu ee replying.
Mole anew.* fusel.
inottema, Indeed. like crash of snake mat-
•raw the gale;
lout over all that sweet woke kept repssl Ir
"l "hailed' hot" - Nem Prem.
The Mere of weeps" dela..
hem The Clearer ..a N,r•alier.
At Sandringham the Prim breakfasts with
hi" wife and daughters. but et Marllaxr.ueh
Hone his habit* are less regular, and u often
as aot his first weal come* of s sardine on
tun with • cup of teem, .r en oeca.ton--t14
rt tett is G*U1-s l.rstdy-and-.o!a This
"'email and early„ is partake* o1 in the airiest
of monewies before the dressing room tire, and
derision* progress His Heydalllghueea "arts
and read" hie lettere. The neat business -
always ss important Item whth the 1'nane of
Wise -s the chole, el the suit til eYntl r. IN
imams M tear. and the edsctia is to him •
matte/ of much care. It depend., of mune,
on the programs for the day. H
.nary tells hoe that be has is oyes • Itar..iw
.r attested a "Mary" meting .r( learned pro-
fesmors, or run down 4, W,nwleor so ewe "mani-
lla," as he still calls Her Most Gracious
vlajesty, the black frock east with the silk
!icings with • pair of quiet uepentioables
tap follow, is the oiler given to his trusty
valet, ttl..rsld ft ndown or a little luncheon
"somewhere'. with Charlie lten.sford be down
1541 y's '.111 .d lar.., oke ►oust thing in
tf� uI cbessbi.•rd mocks s nlbd for, Lunt
err crit mar be reseed 1.. hien the
Prince le sure, to reject it if it has bare worn
tire tines before. His Ronal Higl.rsees never
• par of wooers aware than •is name,
'IRte east -offs become the prep/arty til hie mat.
who, it may be judged. has an arisbl. post.
• eadrs foe Teles/.•
Tr a roam sweaty* haw
As • sample gemmae et • ei• rfe htdy'.-01
rather c( one married lady's -wardrobe, as
yet mostly ensued, les me refer to that credit-
ed to Lore Wi:nam L•yti• of New York who,
with her husband. has just alighted at the
honed Union. It at rumored that the ward -
rube of this pretty dem*-blood onnw•ts of MO
costly and elaborate toilet& Setesty-fire fire
for out -door wear, with parasol., hate, lass,
gloms and benm to commend. Some el
these esatutues are said h. here oust tiro fated -
me muse of bum $1890 to $20211 escl, -real geld
bladt•ed white thread lases, real 1l,med print,
donne sea Irish 'sant 1.cn,. Her jewels
are abler moment .weal., Prow.. Albert
:'rete , far • n.,ath'a slay at Gibr.rtar, took
eighty Mem of lagt;xe r•, ate! lir A,.gkeu.ultars
comsat b.r-ne ... c••°elere with 1nn., nudes
amu g that beggar, .,•re a yerra, *semi
dorms of am wt... of gime, hi. Lik ily ad
serum* mud .....r•1 ......A mob 141+44.
lard Tramre•eel enewa•r.
The appointment of the poet laureate
ie wholly N the kande of the wvereign.
The poet laureate i., in fact. an officer
of the toehold as much as the
lord or the gold stick in wait-
it.g, sod Atrial salary of £200 per
annum is paid out to the civil list. The
laureateship, moreover, is bald for
ife, and it is to be hoped that there will
no seed to choose another for many
ears lo ennte. When the time arrives,
.owevor, the fact that M1 Lewis Martie
has jest been chum to set, Mo to speak,
as deputy poet laureate will doebtlese be
uri .d in kis favor. The story roes that
Lord Tennyson was so chagrined at the
reoepticn accorded to hie jubilee ode -
is "agnates Seculars" as he Balled it -
* Mt refused with unusual peremp-
,:'ness to try a rued having special
emu to the imperial irstitste. it
as is 0us.quenee of this refusal that
be Prince of Wales animated the name
1 the author of "The Epic of Hada" to
is royal 'mother. and it need seemly
said that Mr Monis- -who meat not,
by the way. be coafou.ded with that
other poet Morris who wrote "The
Earthly Paradise" -i• doing his very
ntmn.t to turn his nhyl °emaiss$os to
find account. -London Figaro.
nee he be e.eabe Wails (Carr.
• How many young ladies, said se old
Serattt(a beau, and I bee your perdu
for saying it -how many young ladies
look beautiful at • distaste*, but wiles
ru eome close to these they Mee • eat.
•1 look. their hair will look creasy, as
f it bad not been washed in • 'smith,
r their false tangs will not match their
.-k hair. They thunk they deceive es,
g.ntl.men,with powder when we always
look under the chin sad see the mu -
mush. They don't set's to understand
that • lover who is each • fool as to b.
1.'011 with Paint, powder sod false
tangs is not worth catching.
1111 wave net for potato' perks, %-
itms benches, soot sk..Ie true sod
11 erase, tramps would imam in elti.e
- weather. - eau Orleans fico year.
TwN,e cites gee Me fames sera
1. Never put •uytking Itttu the OM
Ira the taloa ..t toothache
d. N. ver war outt..n in the Mlle it
they are dieshugm.yp pots.
y, Neter attempt to app'y • pwuklss
to the Inatde of the canal of the ear.
d. Never drop anything into Moss
sales It has bear pre. homily warmed.
6 Neter use anything but • syringe
and warm water for climbing the ears
from pea,
6. Never strike or box • child's ars ;
this has been knueu to rupture the
drumhead, and c•uw incurable de.flws
7. Never wet the lour. it you have
any tendency to deafness ; aver an"sled-
an:k wp wheu bstl.tug, 411.1 tottein from
K Never scratch the ear with arty•
Cubit but the Huger, of tbry itch. D..
our war the Lead of a pin, heir pus,
pencil ripe or as.jthiug of that astute.
J. Neter let the tent become cold s..d
damp ur tit with the tack towards the
wludtrw, as these things tend to & gr*
vat* any existing tad urn of hearing
10. :fever put mull-, fat or any ons
substance into the ear fur the relief of
pain, for they stem become rancid awl
teed tum incite intliuii ioniii. Simple
warm water will answer the purpu.. bet-
ter than anytting else.
11. Never be alarmed if a brine insect
enters the ear. Pouring warm water in-
to the anal eon Orson tt, when It will
generally node to the surfs.*, and can
be racily removed by the fingers. A
few Luff, of tobsoxu Le liken Ulu
the ear will stupefy the Insect.
12. Never meddle with the oar if a
Grouts. body, such as s bead, button or
sired voters It ; rats it absolutely alone,
bet hive • physician attend to it. More
Mintage hes hem dome by injdd.eioua 41•
te•1pts at the estntctun of a f.rclgn
body than model neer come (rain 111
prwroee in the ear.
Mark ('Mondani..
Dutch cleanliness is famous, and de
I serves uta fume. The Uutch are the
uuly people who live as if cleanliness
were not neat to, but • part uf, godlt•
, nets. The traveler, oro entering his
nwwl in an 1011, tiuds the linen 'nos -
white. the window-puls truwpateut at
I the air, tl.e furniture shining as if newly
ivarnished, and the tlu..r so clean that a
magnifying glass could not discover a
speck of dust there..u. There is s hes'
kit ter waste paper, a tablet for scratch
rag matches ou, a doh for cigar -ashes, a
box for cigar Mumps, a spittoon -every
man is supposed to make -a bout -jack,
Land everything to remote a pretext for
,soiling everything.
Even bi.aaudle-.tick sof copper, and
of the Mu of a dinner plate. It might
sustain • torch, but holds instead • mon
die, as larpte as a lady's small finger. N..
grease should to spilt (rota that candle
The traveller stands on a bridge, and
overlooks the vessels crowded in the
canal. Each one is as clean as the town
he has just left. The masts and decks
are varusbed, and shins like a recently
scrubbed house flour. The cabin has
its a itdows of clear, clean glans, each
one with its shite muslin curtains tied
ep witih knots of ruse-oolored nbboo.
Sailors, women and children are busy
every spare moment, washing, .weeping,
poli.hing every pert.
De Amici., au Italian, on visiting the
kitchen of a house in Delft, 000ld Bud
bet ooe word to express his feelings,
"Splendid." The walls were or white
ai untouched mow ; the unsung re-
flected like mirrors, and the mantle -
pieces were ornamented with • muslin
curtain, like the campy of • bed.
The fireplace was covered with china
tiles, that looked as bright as if no fire
had river been lighted there. The
shovels, tongs and poker. and the chains
ind books seemed made of polished
A lady in a bell -dress might have
gone into every hole avid corner of that
kitchen, nerd mise forth without •
smirch ua her whiteness.
asN.b and Me Teetter.
Upon a certain ooession, as the editor
ado, World Jubaruod sot in his aac-
tum, • young gran by the name of John
Smith rushed up nein and d.'mana:ed
that his honor be cleared of • vivid
stain. The Jabino.-k had announced that
some one by the name of John Smith
bad been sent up for thirty days This
John Smith wanted it known that he
wasn't the John Smith, or he would
bring • great, bey; ovuryrown libel suit.
"Certainly -with pleasure," replied
the editor of tis Jah.r,ork. And he
wrote that the John Smith of Pumpkin -
Pie avenue, was not John Smith who
pounded his aged mother, nor the Furth
who stole a harness, nor the Smith
arrested for bigamy, nor the Smith who
had a prize fight, nor the Smith who eat
the saw mill on fire. In fact, he cleared
him of all the crimes and nflenses on the
attender, and the result was that Smith
stopped hu paper, withdrew his editor -
tieing, ambushed and licked the editor,
and was the roans of bankrupting the
There is such • thing as hating too all
fired anxious to please subscribers. -
Detroit Free Pow,
lane •f *zee.
Ot.n that work on frozen roads, al-
though there is no tom, should be shod.
The rough, hard endue wean down this
hoofs very fast, and roues inflammation
of the interior ; the trusble may met h►
ettme apparent until later, 'when the
mishit s dilR.slt to repair. If the
feet are tender and hot, and a slight
k'seeees is perceived, sza'siee the
hoofs b.1.... tire +laws, ensue the
feet, and apply the needful remedies
without delay, and so save tremble so
the future.
• *albeit/ rear.
A Skye terrier belonging to a Lee-
dom g.stlew.an, ays the held, is ening
her eight little chieke's*, They eosepy •
!whet and the ethi..ksee nestle in the
clog's long hair end seem enesfnrtaM..
They follow the dew shout snit the i.en*
strives 10 Nova chain ell the persons, care
QIMeoleel.wvees7y rt d., ossa] towhee- ;molls, worth
shilling --which heel clearly 0...1.104 r11 •
At a recent txan 11NI,,N1 l ehlldr.sraw reel u.t, .e1Mi. wn..' ,..11af• 1r.-. 1«.1:141r,
sad mar, rout let .4 1...141 .-"sew 1 ,w.l. The
audio 14 years of age •tleudltyt the Ian. 1175.4. oilagvrrlr•1 I,.el •pe u.. .n ;lu• ..
Nu.muu; i.q a.ut
dun Board Schools. the following re.dtee
were 'totem In answer t., the questions
asked :
•.Writ• • ohne neiiiib.t of the Con.
quest of'ire.n41" ••T.te Conquest of
lhlarad nes ,wg t 1 iu the Jeer 1170, and
i *till woo); ou "
Nanhc .illi of pie ::doling events in
the life of L .rd Nrla•,b r flue lad be -
'tau 1.1s anboes
.erf with o. soles:
1`rl...11 ....a • .nll•.r ; the Knot merle
bon a b.n1, • h.ch ,, e.a.d 31r 1,14 u
••W Let
is a comport:d eentence 1" "A
pro ' •mord vetch nor It • sentence about
own. t l.bg. ii1 general, and about moth -I
IUK n, 1.er11cu14r " •
' Why wan tie sr: of bulrushes, in
ooh.... M..ade was put, daubed with MIENa
*nu wul1 pail I • "Tr make Lim attak
mode,"," wan the ready reply of a little
"Tiley here a harp: sale in my du
trict, says • well know; iruggist, "thou
any otl,er pal on the market, and give
the beet satl.feetion for sick Irradache,
btloioua,sa, indigestion, etc , and when
O,bu,eJ won J tun s T4/1111C B.tt:rr,
Juh.i.t.ru s Tonic Lerr Pillstwill ves-
icant •hat n, other medicine has d•.ne
hef..ry for cadent': I4444autty ''
l!i eoseta per bottle. Bolero .20 cet.ta
and 11 par bottle. S-.141 try Gotwic,
Drn,e.'et, Albim
n' blue., I:od,rich, , •
Ae the ,w,.licol tiro' emits of some FLIRTING IN THE C:,i;Rld: '!
plants tun h., adduced only by distil0 RANITE &MARBLE's- ARKS
ambush r Luk
altar a mt.er... Th. awl all the hen p,ued
trighars awl tulear, •.-„ „( herr soft rwtal,
measle .s Ungar Iwpt ..«I .trsa,blrp.al seetpm
Ike Wed.., while die arch .r cutturg prtiusi,
with r.a.., .. e, a, e.Ners iu.nwu.0 1 ,w.taawe t,
the L.,.•I• .4 au .expert, slat t.ohiml hi.
alrtwl4• .a,l watch INA se.-, u,,. Isis .soar -
twiny. Only tit straight tbomit .d Breton
tr]'uru4 .r lr.C..... h1.u1r. cam tench thew.
The .,..t.l awl fie,,!, of netting arum
prnor wt.en rr enter North India Ilan) •o,.l
of hoe tenger end high w.rkw ugla.. useaI
0111wu to
bo (0,until ter !Sikh wars awl great
rlutiny ahuli•h..I the dimmest 1.r aunts dwllT
warn.( The skilful NI.d,au.wu,iau craftsman
her to emigrate for a ll.rlrlaaul, rrr 1..r ultra
dwuwllel int.. a l.la.k.u,-th it harmless occu-
pation. 1 r•11,ranlwr w the goal old tines .4
the Ewa Lots C....gauv insurers' anted ped-
lars. Penegue awl : tgl.;tue of t'rcat stature
awl big turbans.
"I hi y.0 sant any swords!-
-Yes, I.It s herr are tory."
"Ilerr," awl the rrnd,.i s Lana* won lilted
to hes loud cloth.. ttr.e they groes,) awhile.
Ont .pretot thew w four .I. un„e mei snake*,
elw.t.o W001r., unhas el s la toode, /*W W
CO each in sal„r, r,wet.n.e. mare. Then the
dealer put threw through %arsons set ere testa
to satiety 1110 cu.tur..r, leu-kuthgg them away
maim its their 6.duy;•t.laoe ,humid there Ito he
rale, awl gca,g w1 hu road. But there were
maty shaper and sires awl .ort+ .t couriers
of great p4 -,c{ hauler 1111.1 ler Ikxilde. L.tb
plant and .hittia crowd. Tl.. I4•rk steel .l
Sh.re.,.wu, teOS- rare In the market, reputed to
nut til' tilt
net. k .d an a1,,11 --air 1•:..M1 1 aut,l.
.s croon -;
the P..r.ian and Centra! A-wl sl.eci-
004.*, .•:rraitly waterer its circular
rare No !ink ;ha. • go could est Ua..m,the,,
..• h«,trr that height and length orf arm, with
lera.ltto of chest torte needful gifts of nature
t., utiiiaa 11
,r or .tan•
u.tyl (lIlunsi, whew hotels bung below the*
knees. The latter meal.le carried an awful
steel usce ru preference to s sword, and
aua.h.tI idols ami idolater• with his own anus
*eau oocasiotla
The Largest Stook,
- G-reatest Variety,
And Best Value
ill TOWN, AT
Cor. East Street and $quare, Goderich.
AT \-Ertl' cLOt4E 1'R:CIi.s. A LINE OF
Ladies' Genuine French Kid Button Boots, at 12.00
r,1't. E N 1111, t.- .( l. I L.
Ladies' and Gents' Tennis Shoes, at_ 11.00 and 11.25
bite me a , a:1, Ahane %%1.1 shun l ot. uu: • ocl with yte•eure whether )-ou buy ur not.
l rabb'm 131•I, 11 Cut. !cast .t. aad sapient -.sapient-.` *-TO THE TRADE Leather and Findings in any quantity,
at Lowest Prices.
DedeDederickJ nne :rad, lent.
tion, su..ur g•o.1 qualities can 0417 be
proved by teat&
A Brom edit firma.
The largest organ, and one that plaits
a coutr,Jlioe pert on the health of the
y . t ne her. torp d or inactive
the whole syste,n lostr.eI,ra diseased.
Dr. Cease'. L ,sr Curu le wade specially
for Liter ..,ol IC.dnry diat-.sre, sod is
guaranteed to cure Iteciue book and
wtdlciuc 81. h..11 by ail drt1441.14.
5'W.i).'et:N IN iN31%.
weederr•1 *4.111 Mrp:arr4 he Ifir Cee .1
501.- two .r d qts TttMe Kern talnde.
Thr 1. gh-also ';auta•.aetaJ curl erquaitel
tempered Ideates, the rented eiu.etee. ,d extra
Ic.r.1 .a.-:, .,rp tl.r 1, ..a wr:.:.eos o! highly
bn,.he.1 dural..lira coos- to India with tiniest
-icor► nrunwr,a., ." t i:r E -.•t, the Mohan,- f
m.,lar.., w1.,.+t1••..rrtnlnllta mater the ..utero -
.s* atrl t.-a..--lu ttu, Hp.1,4i, rule eau no
I..rc•-r I. -Ion tint eras, d,.arslinc Ir•ing the
prehah,lg 'swims-. The arultaratiteely hew
sorted l colo" .s Ste, Boor duality nowadays are
may tole- limed ,o the pea aysof loyal princes,
oust of there, I.., rh.,u.. m tltwr ariouriw Ice
Preg:. no r•.: !..4.r.
Noce taint sg., the chief clerk .4 the Treas-
ury I/rpanm«rut Mier I an order prohibiting
clerks from vetting a«I pee enadiog the cor-
ridors during bushier. I1w,M. Prier to this
regulation the TA -gamey girlaspent cunaider•
able time in visiting each other and in walk-
ing leisurely around the ourrid.tn with favor •
Its maac.tline clerks For a time the new
order eU.ctually suppressed the abuse aimed
at, as all Introns Lound visiting sad walking
Mout illy were re;e teJ to the chief clerk.
The order still pnduess god need*, yet
1•aey mal" and female clerks, with a dupsi-
tic. fur flirtation, hate devised a plan be
which they may eujoy a promenade of a mile
without beteg detected M the min.oae of the
chief clerk The Treasury building is about
304) hy''MO ft -et in dituen.iun... 1. u quadrat'.
guise ,n form, with • central wing stretching
from met to wen, thus converting the bu,ld•
ing into • double quadrangle. Two eleva-
tor. Ltated 111 d,wta.t corners of the
budding carry all comers from floor to '
fluor. The length of the corridors of
oath story extruded in a straight line is s
full quarter mile, and as there aro tour stories
we have a full nude of corridors, funning with
their tiled floors, freacued walls and vaulted
ceiling% a mart charm:ear promenade. To 1.0
• found loitering on any particular floor is w
ton the great uwtiuvevery natitw,eveu menia
servants earriel a aw 4-1; the pr -*-ant at' At
plow woe the wglart 'ot defence ; no did the
liertules. wasdsrer ,.1 aura, of rya
ploy, awl the b:.cit older
Mort lore, it wa. a nat,.e,al ap-
pendage. endag;e. dos to the uw.stth-d Rate .4 popular
feeling. and las lees iuclu,atnwe. Thle rutted
Modem ,runts! and shouted the gr -at text of
the false prophet, "The Sword is the Key of
Heaton and nen f' while the quiet Hindoo
frequented midnight meeting's and brought
his teghar, o village mars, w • rawer
edge. The quiet dweller in England will
scarcely beliete the prodigies perfumed is
mord cutting by these onarse, ill-iouking bits
of eur,ed metal, noting no more than two
.4.10114!.. Thr Euglul.lu:w csa rowel in every-
thing .f be chooses to neuter the object. Not
Ices than half adown, perhata evert • dozen.
nave attained such swor.hsmaw.h.p with the
Oriental neapa,n •■ to he ackneeledged cham-
pions, the title of 'toaster of the swonl" beteg
bestowed ,u tl.em ley umrer,-J cw.,rnt_
1 had shut sumer.... s 1141 *e..1. wl.ru i was
told by au expert that my hunting education
was very deficient. as I Quaid not handle •
cin.eter to shop my ranee. I was told to exer-
cise continually ort a pillar of soft clay, and
them •oquire tis drawing cut •t the p��rroop{4rssrr
part of the Mete; then on a pillar loosely
stuffed with motile; then on a newly killed
wildcat or juke:, kneaded presser* to the
practice by the fest .4 a henry man till the
.arcs.* became a Lee• -•e, mit mass; thea on •
great bond carp, • 11.1. dad with beery,
y males, like elastic mail, oonatderes
an Al feat to teat wan an! sword. My
int trial at this experiment resulted in •
triple fracture .•t the goad blade, nlndry mak.
fyyluq in the air unc11'. only duk,tiged• then
tM .ru4ic tomo de force at pater wines
m • table, and ..usl.n thrown ep to • height
--a11 manner of strange and difficult tasks
which, bong only ornamental, I triennial*.
forsook frit the useful and more easy
decapitation of fierce quadrupeds, beginning
with a wounded wild hog of lull growl*,
and ea emaying the •hoping etnoke behind
the ear. sweeping oil the head nearly.
that important pert dropping between the
fon fart. Not long before 7 had seen • bide
young Gho orka pw.iceling dismount hers his
elephant, leasing it standing to await his
return, and follow o. fout moor as immunes
boar he had wounded with les rile. 0.
raring the pvowsrfnl brute it ehan.ped ite
foamy teaks to charge. He drew hu kook,,e
or n. aal•e sword, and ea it sprang a him toe
blade was buried senor piggy's beck, all bet
✓ eering hie. is two parte.
Perhaps rraden will not credo my alas.
mem d village prs,.nta, with owned std
shield, •tt.ek.K$ and slashlimngg • full -grower
tiger, when one of thaw p..wecful snasah h.a
aortal from the foist u,o, their fields. Yet
i have often known such ..nantntere, • loan or
two always killed and meant wounded, ded, the
tenger s akin .prated, ton, by the long. deep cum
d their teghar. 1 saw a champion swo d-
✓ am, • native soldier. Tele. went into the roes
bushes done with no other weapm-.i,ield os
e hoanler. His este was masterly ; but the
Odd man was mom sr rock down cad
severely hauled. A crowd cease 1.
the 1..011. sad shot the beast The
nee recovered. "T!r Alen!, weapon," is
its designation. In their party fights meek
slide would .war that no other doodle arils
shook! be used. i aaaerlardy witnessed one
of those emote*. Aa-,rdernen, shield on aRs
la sums aad thrown time running to the Nuts
of gn•rnl-s ernes treep*sa it was en nett-
ing event (lansince wen continually .en.-
Img, awl eery ass Maimed his foe it me
grand sword play. Tke heal, lawn and antis
seemed to be the ilii.( points oa stuck. Reim
• Rehash eubjeet, pawing through a, ,n.de-
pnlsrlAnt state, 1 wan nld,getl In galh.p nil as
fact es nohurt.. aw11d go et the commence-
ment d this Ionia
Al the ammo lose .tad peas, vies- ter MOP,
two brother. bought a chief about land. (li e
was killed, the uthn wait aashrel. In ton of
three ria linseed I.y • battle rayed; the eisg
e l Gude • troop* wets hessuring some retrain-
eey hid -n ewes wl... refused to My rout&
Heavy cannon sore bonnong aroma else
aeshetry cracking; the e'lleg..wonb.wu• and
leedel retainer.. soder onto it night, maile
masa s daring Rally, *earl left th• )runt at their
cru to Meadow, It lia i Raw print
1854;.. 1* rue* cat Icing named away to
Meir Immo The .8 414.11014 serve. had already
jjtatad three days. That tough and Rehl.re
pw..awtry meld loon that is long year* they
{borne neater Awe hos. defeated- no, not ewe by
moult t.naps.
Arae -'raw mititary tfobdia nee also .
I insure • report end reprimand, and repetition
• of the offence brings a.lrnornitiun of suspension
ur discharge. Some of the girls .4 the Trehl.- J
,- tory a e smart as well a, lorvtty, ad boat* Just opened out • full assortment of my own importations. „- deviud a plats by sLich t" any juin ems► w,o. ri Portatiotu, end.ellla at
other clmead k [Meir beaux wttr.,rt fear of oke ''Wets (aahsor.rs, Word Dela/aa es. Ma.1:es aaleN alesPri..
chie�nterl hour
lune. \lrrtitg .t an peel! and nee Always pinnate to show Slw. k 4. aid fNlenades a1 •rrIes 1. Au•a1shs
apt place, obis" couple.. will
promenade the entire howl. of Me corridors of Allo not fog.t the old .rand on the Square.
.ore flour aid thee. taking *retiree. rhoator, -teed 7th. 11117. W."0. CR
. o a m .CMA ,ort.-rt4.rr. will moored to the 0J ABB; C3•oderioh :
next floor, and losurdycontinue their "•own -
1Two Doors East of N-Litelyb
Manufactwert of Marble Monuments, Headstones, Mantlepieces,
and all kinds of Furniture Trimmings in Foreign and
American Marble; also Window and Door
Sills, and House Trimmings of all
kinds in Ohio Stone.
All work designed and executed in b. -at style••
sIFITi1.BON RHOS, deal largely in all kinds of Europ'*n and Canadian Granite,
fah special attention is .ailed.
It which
will pay to call bt lore ordering elsewhere.
Godench, June "-9th, 1tk•;. WZLBON BROg-
IiuL-et Find Ja
Japan -hew Teas -Warranted Pure, 5lb,. for $1. This Tea is equal to any b d
Ocher Japans from ]De. to S.at �• !b. by pedlars.
A ap,echlty in Young perue,g Hyson Tea'nx. Ib.. Gnarl
,'. l„l� toorng HSI M.
fro+ Sc.Ib. ups.
Try my :Or. Yout.g HHymn, and and it the Cheapest .n the market. }
At C. CRABB'S, Goderich•
mgt" while they make the circuit of its corri-
dor*. Tins is repeated nnnil tote have ora-
tented the corridors of the four fluor*, when k
each twill repair t., his or her proper di1 Otos.
using both elevator•• for olios purpose. hating
walked a mile, killer) s half hour* time.
"knocked out the rye of 11.e chief clerk," aad
bad a '-Lately tier" while et etc wed.
The •e•ky Quer. asebbed.
The gap left by (queen Kap.ul.ni is mon
appreciated by the P..ir,w ..f Wales. For
several weeks the unfortunate dusky lady was
his bete noire. nr_rt.roq as he always was to
her. The Ihtke ,•f l' nlntrgh, on the other
limit never at atop tel to eol.cn.l his diabke
for her, and. midi 14r atre*gth of ler ignor-
ance of li,yph.a, seeetrul.!..and her to her face
an luiguhute ti..it .,d our maty ,-r,-lot_ All the
naval u.*1•« t...a ..e Contito-nt gave her a
awry we;• troth. s -el the fortuaie. iguu.ud Iter.
•e oke Terge •IMarvtt•e.
"F.•r three. mmuhs I could out eat a
full mewl or de a day's work. I bought
• bottle of Burdock Blood Bitten, began
using it and ur three days any appetite
returned. In a week I felt like • new
man. It was wonderful what that one
Mettle did fur me," writes Arthur All -
chin, . 1 Hooey Ole. Muskoka, who suf-
fered from Dyspepsia. Q
The end which at present calls forth
our efforts will be found when it is once
gained to be only one of the means to
some remoter end. The ntersl flights
of the human mind are not from ideas.
ire, but from hope to hope
abase Rase.
In Greet Britain the question of Home
Rale is commanding attention. To the
man with a cold in the heed or chest the
Defeat way to ensure Howe (tole over a
add is to have en hand a hurtle of Dr.
Harvey's Red Pine Gum. For sale at
J. Wilson's Prescription drug store. tf
He is the maned plan who chooses
the nine with invincible resolution. who
bean the hoariest burdens cheerfully,
and whose rel:anoe on truth and virtu*
is the most unfaltering.
in the history of medicines no prep*
ration has received such universal mom
mandation, for the all.viatim affords
and the permanent cure it effects in kid-
ney diseases as Dr. Van Buren's Kidney,
Cure. its action in these distressing
eomplaints is simply wonderful. Bold
by J. Wilson. 2m
Greet effort (rota greet s ootit es is the
best definition of • happy life. The
easiest labor is • burden to him who has
no motive for perforai*p it.
*.tow Treed N."
What ' NOVO"' tried Johneton's Tonic
Bitters ' Then do so at one. it's posi-
tively the test general 'oak on the
i've often heard of it bet thought that
it was to be pie ei nn the list of the
many trashy preparation's that flood ser
sear et, hot eine, you recommend 1t ors
highly i'11 erre it • trial Dr, • ,
good for amy complaint le whish • trial
beef benefit, end man be take', by man,
VOMS11, or ebiki Ml.. and i1 per bode.
at Ooode's Drett Mora, Adores block,
Gaderieb,wl. ng.nt.
...Juin received. and • now nosing • tart? assortment of
Also on hand a large stock of the
For the make-up of SPRING SUITS.
Mug Lida Square. Dederick March B2`ZTH'flie
nfarch nth. lea7. lM1e
The Latest Frellcb alld kmecan StYiRst
Feathers, Flowers, Fancy
Etcetc s Etc.
'he Chicago House.
Agent for Domestic Patterns.
aederie April 9th. IOW
Anytime can *draftier. Dshow h r A mKocE R.
houses ,e town to rl.ct from. un bail than oaf owe
i hareem, en hand 10 dttfrrret stypes of Bedroom elates, !f dlakrent dyke o' Sideboards.,
Parlor Nedlrrea,, aad .lumen ary1181., la the Furniture line. •11 of which will be sold
is the 1-NDKRTAKiNO 1 give personal at•nt•oe. an She hese* sow of nearly 19 years
experience. I think 1 have time best Hearses ie the county of Huron 1 will heave eke politic
to edge. 1 lay. •verythlng smelly kept in a arst-ohms establishment. snub as (MRme
comae, Mhroude, Habits. Obyes. ('rapes, IN% Embalming dont w►e. required.
pi Guarantee eagle* estisleetien ie every ease.
Dederick. Rapt. Mit IM.
MN be
COOTS. Tem[ MAIM A/$ CftP?1116NTf
O►ulemd. sod an b*slnees to the C.B. Patent
OMee attemMd beat AN)DIKRATR PRES. f-
Osr ellen (. eaneNt. the U. le. Patent Oe
etiaialdire car obtain s 1• tees nils
r�gm•1et from '4$HIAW N,
+D.Lf. OR }PRAWINti. ate W. •4.
weal aakbe .oltp Orr MI RO R t1J► L IM PIZ con
• refkenos tb• islwpg.r,ho M.of lew,Orat rAadseMitho •t ti•
U.11/satTer coveter.
nue •esd regw*eeae res woo .limitg is year
We Mate' r (Ment/ write to
It A. IMI•w 4 rat, -
•. I�j
`a LSA
J H,)r., t.