HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-9-9, Page 6e
(he Poet's Corner. I The result .es the ehimpfete .. ,
H U i o l $ f(:NAT,,fil!T►a Te F.44:17. 9 1^.N7.
Tb, beMed.I,as Rea.
Of all the things to nature that artltcts the epee
of urea.
'Here is ambles that 1 know of brats the de-
predating hen:
If )euf serf • wild • ed woman firing brit k -
amt. front the shed,
You can beta ben bad busted up her Mille
flower bed.
she piwc►rrs rod she serer -hes *he cackles
and ale hatches,
And forty tbouaaad cowboys ceeldn't keep
herrn •pea;
She ore sent nu earth le fret tie. to excoriate
the intoe,
She's • Omni guto,; outs.,,.., ., the depredat
tor hen.
1 thrrw • brick mud eilserd her. as Abe hustled
oat my bean•.
Rut ?Maus t'w'sari statue was uuaahed to
eihithcreess ;
1 asw her d ergiag rifle pits where 1 d put toy
pansies Ir.
/ aced a geed acrd rock and hit nay hired 011111
011 the ah0i.
Mlle bouts all Mounds and aha. kli....he K11-
006 sod he • ark lea,
Phe Peke. me rt wine wrnee: thongs 1
hnit•eu't 1 tart to pen.
1 uer.•r need bad language. but now Ii,. nitre
with anguish.
Alas' I've brake the re•ccrd, itis that depre-
dating ben.
nut ;now thru'unt my cat/Ind there Romig a
ul.•auatit emr11,
And the newt. tut that perfume i.n'i hard to
Fur when 1 rose this morning, saw 10) cab -
bags. bed a wreck,
1 ..sight that depredating Ileo and fiercely
e rung, her heck ;
1 hear her Raz and crackle, ou mon- 41.11
errant 1, and cackle,
fir make my satomer r garden look l.ke some
byen.i n den.
Phe far tat Tong hall bossed me, she far too
ntutrh hacoat me,
111 t at at luncheon time 11MIa) a humdrtd Jol
lar hen. The Klan.
rta;:seholo 4.111.ts.
eat. ort' SILK, --Neter use a lauds
injures the goods Instead, ails, ea
holy such the face of a soft piece
velvet. Shake the velvet to -casein
and wipe between every p'ait if
would preserve your frarmenta and h
it retain its new look.
Tia Vett a or Tkut Ioao..glt. s
Surely happiness is reflective, like
1t ht
of heaven [ es rn
• mid every coo t
bright with n"i'es, and florin::: with
nuoent enjoyment, is a mirror 1raoaut
ing to "there the rays of a supreme
ever -shining benovoletice.1
To %%.v'i Corrie Goote•i _-'f„ w
Cotten goods visitation.: a black tigu
pour boiling suds on the go.»], and
stand for a few minutes. This seta
c.)lor, and when neatly washed
ironed, instead of a laded garment,
have rine as bright and fresh as wh
lint trade.
IvrLL.ENI E t•1 (:ECIT Ti ,i .HT-'.
Great thoughts uttered in ii..h!t a
"winged wordsconvey the the :)al n
aures of the penes" to generations tl
follow ; and laden with these chair p
c...us freight sail safely across gulfs
time iu which empires have suffer
shipwreck and the language of co:nw
l.fc have sunk into oblivion.,
A Pig rout Di.rrrrn•r.-Four tab
spoonfuls of oatmeal t.. one pent of w
ter ; let it stand for a few hours un
the mel it swelled. Then add t
large apples purred and slice.], one eta
ful of sugar and tahlrip. sinful of tlo
and a little salt. Mix ail well togeth
and bake au a buttered duh. Th
makes a very tine dish, wbleh may
eaten safely by the sick .,r weli
Tia 1417 Or JlnaK.ii WATIi1OO -T
leading medical journal of France h
published a it.n.ph:et',retrat,r. again
the'strayat•art 11 _ of artificial mineral
waren, which, it mets for'h, do the dou-
ble damage of chll'ing the stomach, thus
laying the fou..Jat:on for gastric catarrh,
while the limestone held in deposit in
the carbonated waters find its way
the kidneys, and e•'entually pr.duees
Br gilt's disease.
How MUCH 1).. .Vt KNOW ?-Wei are
atucenta of words ; we are shut up in
echcoh and colleges and recitation neon
for ten or fifteen years, and come out a
last with a bag of wind memory of
words, and do not know hint. 11 .e
cannot use our hands, or legs, or our
•yes, or our arms. We do not know an
edible root in the woods, we cannot tell
the course by the stars, nor the hour of
day by the sun
T.. CLEAN LA. R. - Fill a bottle with
cold water ; draw a stocking tightly over
it. securing both ends firmly. Place
the lace smoothly over the }Mettle and
tack closely. Put the Mottle in a kettle
of cold water, containing s few shavings
• of soap, and place over the fire t.. boil.
Rinse to "event' waters and then drain
had dry. When dry remora and place
aGinothly in s large hook and press with
weights. Very nice lace can be made to
look like new by this proems.
REAL AVIS FAutg WokTH.-R.•cauee
1100e of rets and mice. g, a pe.
the oullar ie coated enh the )rt .0 oshi
as • purifier, and as • rat eats ytnllllyt
sad ao typhoid, dyseat.ry, ur tl
tasks the family.
Basett- Pwuple'sidewof test.Itydit.
ler So eedely that what Mall l»vei,nes• to
one may he the p,llti1e revere to sew
other. Itmuty is regulated by eo
arbitrary rule. Wowed eaouot be to.,
much upuu their guard, or too watchful
and reacting au the choice 11 a toyer.
It is homey to sutler the etecti.o.s to he
taken captive by beauty, Remus •r moti-
vating powers bef.'re the retest.., a coif
winced of the somidneait of p•tuciyle,
purity .1 faith and integrity to mind . f
the future husband ; f.., one must lea.k
b,yt.ud I11C days of courtship, hey..,...
the calm pleasant evenings, beyond the
day of days, the white gl..v.s, and the 1
eagbgs bl.e.ou,s, all tremulous with 11.e
excitement of the wearer. Ton after
years ea,n..t he suetauted it hrppinew
un good looks.
i .1lhert A. Mottle, of Santa Fe, S. M.,
I had an &hereat with his peewees in I
....putt t.. the )Masea.iou of cerium papers
1 aril m..nry, •hich resulted in the shot 1
Ifni .,1 three of them name•! 1fu,da I
Hervey Me•d, and Joe Downing. kill 1
.no them. Finally another pert tier j
Fred \lende arrived on the scree and
shot Albert, killing hail. Inc c "toner '•
jury salmued Fred.
A11 la Ib. rwa.L,.
r,•.••• U, , ... • e+
', I1.,a„Ivr mnln:u a ta..4 place recently
Jener..',.i11., Kr.. le,lore i:.tpuirs lure
R'u,. Iteuwn
and '1.ry satiation SS,. 11.e oaa-
tr ,tour pnrhee. They CLAIM th.•,r le.sme i.
Ne1ein 1',eI utr, (*sinew% mil.. (torn Rawls -
tom n. The iron ata 1s shout at t --ars of age
311.1 the hrn.1. 1•.w..t 14. Benno Woo. bra
t.nd. U,at sins -a blot wla,ut t',, knr-.. *ft
lee we beer {awes.
t U •. t all•,. ..add w for beau 4o shier
V • .nl surely nnu ort.• C.tarrh, whys
IIas .eh be cu'rej tor '13c. by wise Ili
0''4r • Cat..rrh Cure. A few towboa-
ts-. .\u11 uu pie.( etarib • 1 4. Y beam
.ti• a •+ coon,► '•etsrrb ; f 4, b le.aea h.
.osaaatrr,t •,. cure chronic Catarrh Try
h' (A.fy Vic end sure cure. Sod,: by
ell •:;11t1.1• ly
ft is • bel practiue to drtre sheep
...eh +.Is.uf the faro,, and espec.dlty
along •, Judy root, when the weather ie
e•. ware• that they ere ..1,1i1ed t..n
their ruo,lhs for breath (Nee such
..ter-heti"►, tlo.ueh its effect tray is. t
w immediately perceptible, is amble to
throw the o wen ,oK.;..uJitiau and work
eu u.iury from which et will not recu.er
to a utw.th. 1f shrop thud ire moved
iu hot wiYthet the dneer ••rght to be
up and un the road at the filet perp of
day. then call a halt at nine •.'doer ev
h.•f.•re, for the hest of the day. Sheep
aur cowardly at night, especially if it Is
.I.rk, bat on a moonlight night they
can be driven with/wt trouble untit
uuouicht. Sheep ought to lead a trio -
quit, timet life
t ales tt+ad
i nil complexion is only reodered .
1 sightly by Pimples, Liver Splits as•d
Vrttowness. These it ii briifl known alta
caused from an inactive Liver and to..
blond. Dr Chase'. Liver
Cure purities
the Wood mid whole system. See Ile -
cite Hook for toilet recipe., hint• 41111
lutf felniona on how to preserve the Coal..
pleiiou. ,.W by all druggist.
n The Oueersnr-tIenertl is rilrrered t
!Ike the rentuant of a .,:,h -r coat.
TI :.• 1., 1. 4 dress was of a bright red. but
10.do-,l :...f it 1.1.1 twee worn many j art On
her le,...0 .11e 1.015 a sunflower u( the largest
1t appears that B,own'i twnel*r `'lam and
Mary were to have etelfied at the 5171710 4me as
it William and her sister. ` Iutillpr. to .lour uQ
rr- sagnce.n t Pe g Ids were exchanged. 'Mary went
„f with William suet her meter went with Hain.
1.1,1111111 `wIi'elae lett.' ihad ray et el.ot dtanfrom se
you wh.., their latluh-an,.-.lof•-.mr•la/rulw.►p Hke
•ve start. -,l to putout on horseback. and overtook
them atom four miles from home, They wets
111 buggies, and the old man grabbed the horse
- in the tear buggy by the head. Peeing the
the predicament they were in t!,e rasa ss coup,
gate t..the
110. ails p horse and were soon out n><
art• °I(ht.
They evr.1!J not go rack to haat the
itt- other pair, ,e•, after talking the. matter overt
they concluded that they would m
ld gut arried
and and make 1t all right with the other party
when they got lock..
*eh Ther du! 1101 ....in to 1«• bothered &boot it,
rad when asked if there w.0.1.1 1•« trva1le when
ret tbntywent 111,111e, the groom .,-.!
let u, 1 guess not. 11.0, tr.r's are about
site alike. Intl 1 never went t • see this one. 1 will
sad .rake it all right with :tam then 1 get hums."
yrs -_---
en Tire Mare at wales' Wein
tt..ra ,. L..•.tr•n L,,ur.
in eterytbtng except the imlispen•a61e
nil tawny beard that falls like a roll of dead gold
e.- nik b, the extremity of s ntaesive chest, Pr:nee
eat Albert Vector, the tartest non of the Prince of
ra- Wales, model. Mundell on (bode'. henna He
of is se fond of knickknacks as a lady. Hu
ilii private apartment. are the nearest approach
to the talented but vt.lsar a.::l.. r -se' ideal of a
young livardeman, r'1't114. He would not
1.10.11 hu hair "therein.. than with an itory-
backed broth t•i rave hu life. lieu de Cologne
a and otherrfumei hat«
til 111 t'uir 1 )aoe in h„
hath. To write a not.- on !.aper that was not
11.0 the triumph of the trrfumrr'• art would,
p- in hid own imytuation, be un&orthr of
or his tastes and position. ate has .tarl.d to
er !d , 111 fart. ea an exqui.:tr td the 4:rorye
M IV. type: but luckily for meted and hot Ilse
na•oon, he is pr miersn1 from luau f the moat
•fyeetunsabk traits of the "Firm Gentleman's"
character by the endive shyness of hie.1..
h. 1"1nitrota H. differs again from mo»t es-
in Tatung • moot -41,6y 11.1,1111 to pay
as promptly for the luxus.ol 111 wh.ca, rte in -
at Anises. Inde. -11, he u•,rr.14I his attendants to
worry hi• tradespeople to send III thn,r h.11.
'harp. and freta and banes if the astute shop-
keeper-ahse to the talus 'd Iuv.,,e the
attire Kung of 1a.glan't upon t1teir book.
In decent limits stela, in delivering their
iota 1.:kr his lather, le. Vine 1011 C:14111/111
--end plenty d them -foal. P1o1e. 1'nncw
Albert Victor'. idea "f d'ruikai mufti le a
frock coot anal Inornder or Kray troopers. He
seldom wears a cutaway ctas, and even when
tra.eling hardly ever appear* nil a sunt a dig-
er , le. may be dwerlled sea
• eery stately and anbonn young man.
return to Rideau H.11 on October 1st.
Meantime an eateoaite I..t of repairs are
beuig wade to the Vice -Regal residence.
A RIWAan-Of 00s deWaa "Taw Bre
or" to say ono sanding the trot f..or lin
rhyme on ' TLA IICav,'' the remarkable
little gent for the Teeth and hitt.. Ask
your demount or address
Wesel •eeealate.
Run no risk in huyiug medicine, bus
try the greet Kidney and Liter reoula
t••r, to
ads h
Dr Chaste, }ase author ,
is r . Chase's
mottoes. Try Chase's Liver Cute f..r
all diseases of the Liter, Kidneys,
Stomach and Bowels. Sold by James
Wilson, druggist.
A resalable Life.
Few men have accomplished the same
amount of work and good in this world
as the celebrate) Dr Chase. Orel
300,(100 ..f hie works have been sold In 1
Canada *Ione. We want every prroe'
troubled with Liver Complaint, 1)ys•
pe;•.ia, Headache. Ktduey or L-luty
r•.ubiea, to bur a bottle Lf Lr Chases
Liver Core, it will cure you. Medicine
and 1 Hoceil.. Book t11. bold by all
new a bade Gash. t old.
A shun young than in the height of
fathom was violently sneering in *street
car, when a cenipant•,u remarked. "As,
Chawle)e, deb boy, how d'ye catch that
dweadful cold." ••Aw, dealt fellah, left
my carte la the lower hall totter day,
and in sucking the ivory handle, so
dweadful c.1d. it chilled we almost to
deal's." If Charles had used Dr. Maio
vey s Ked Pine (,uus its e-.ld would sat
rouble him very much. For salt, at J
V,,1wn's prescription drug •t•»re. tf
To ted Collie.' rrate.aee, sae. alt whecb
rt may reerea, .. ,, •. pl. -
I P1:'.phatine, or Nerve 1'ooa, a Plod -
phalli Element based upon Scientific
Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin,
`M. D. of Boston, Mea.., cures Pulman.
ary Con.umptlon, Sick Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertik•• and pleura:gia
and all wading d'seasea• ...f the: human
system. Ph.aphatnte is not a Medeci:ee,
bus a'Nutrimerit. to-tause it contains no
Vegetable .•r Mineral Poisons, 1lpiate
Narcotics, and n.. rtim,i ant*, but *imp!,
ly the Phosphatic and f:artnc Elements
found in our daily food A sin tr bu
is sufrlciont tit .,.Marr tie oto
se 11 It. $1.00 per n,:r.e. looseiG
Co., sole agents f..r t:Ie Lominton,
56 Front Ftreet East T.-r.t,t.)
half a dozen grasshoppers on a farm
make the field ring with their imp,.rtu
nate chink, while thousands .f germ cat-
tle, repotted oeneath the shadow of the
British oak, chew the cud and are silent
pre do not imagine that thetas wA
make the poise .►re the emly inhabitants
of the field, that, of enures, they s
many in cumber, or that. after all, t._
are other than the little, shovel
mows, hopping, though load and to
hearse% inertia of the hour.
Two Wallet. or Lir, -Toe wheel of
life Hies round, and we moth it,eapeettcet
that the motion will some day slakes,
and that then life Data be ordered snotw
and omissions be mare gond. Het real
wisd.tn ropiest• in seizing the dying into
»rent, and in pressing upotr it the seal
of the eternal and enduing ; that is tato
Imo? course of moral endeavor ander
which life ►ersives its due form, like
the 1,10.k of marble tinder the
hands .'f the semitone The 'tonal
4.1.1 endurwig here, on earth, eMapt. if
the morally artistic use of Gone.
Latta DMSaalrr royale, 1tl4es.
116o. 7%. .•''�I. o..• r,y seur
Inlet distance roles *ore a festoon rf the
army etetcew• 1n India 'tl. t .w,n•n.. (.slot
Iteaml'itt, officiating A.11. N, li. •f tip \lige
1hn.lon, has trued a fam).hle .n wh•eh the
"Real reports are repr.alutied,\,g.sneg 1u:1
particulars of .a, -l.
The most .m,-.rtant .eIsrim.nt, •nV..
numbers engaged. wan that whwh was'Yinder.
taken l.y Gen. Luck d .nng the camp • ea.
Oreille at Situ. Here a a.tr14,W eats
hrigadr, r.Nre.t'ug of ti.. iAt, lt+nuiny
Cavalry and the li.•Imeh lion-, nearly ROP)
all b.ld. was cal'..! o It leen. Lima appears
to Sane aim"d at going as pr:r t.cat a charx
ter a. prs•ilfe t.. the rnt..rpi.ee.. 1n his be -
1.4, dn1ance merr-he. serf.smni by • f.w
spe•ally trained a•.! eel., ted neon are .4 no
utile a. proofs .4 what the r•w•n•e"ts cal. 1•..r
lorm: h- ,'. o;a • f two entre
nlrhna nta
An nit' hire, • ver 14 yea....10. h-t.:,..lnwn
after the first -'A1 utiles l an, • for tori ..•.1 at MP)
uOMe. (In hers 01 the•OA 104.01'Ore e'haa.t•al
rah•, In th« man•!,, a4d ten dw.1. Than
ea.•salti.• tonl.l.en.t1 ,ntMt F'Gh':•.airy. Th.
. It1117171• 1-.-z mem uas (5,,,.., (.ntunate, for o1
n Ili.:rr wl"•.tarL,t •.--o.;5 Ie." were ,118.1.1. to
tv1f, 1} fere too* mmn n, As I w dlasa.d arcv.unt
le n( tla a11,10w101 1!.. Nesse of tic Iteya1
Artillery whiele *oh lata m ih. lora march
frust Katwpte • t.. Juoteilpor a el loo,
uk, weak
.e•. and are tertwe•dy as. 1.4 e!, w n t,. have
1N {owe I' .then, • 1 i vrat•h1*! tors. ....vg mow- '
ad as to fairly ,o..1 a oid.t en alto, a march .f
Slit daily,: While le,r.... ' II, TS sad 10
ti.lait 1 w01.51 f the . ! naw •a Rhn'I t1p.1i ,
Ana T,. (i17T Rrn or Vasrrx -A
writer ears hr rle.r.4 hu p.mieea of all
deMstil4, x.rrnin by mekint whitewash
yellow with o•opperes and cneerine the'
Mone. awl rafter. in the nailer with it
In .t ery room* in which • rat millet 1b, �
be pot site erv.tale n/ the otttrpI ., sad
Ilp•'!efflii it to the mown of the iia t.
r. A:1 )•• \
O/e?,RRf•1 GF'R,
S✓L 8}'iiLi.DE,LEPS
WIN • Book .LtTeat.__.. The People's Livery
Mr Monde, drnrei.t, is not a hook
Wilt. but has the agency in (ioderioh . s'"'grA
or .1•'hnu..ns Tonic P.itten, which he
can heartily recommend for any com-
plaint to which a t on:c wse•l.ctor a ap.
',beside. This ca'ushle medico,* has
bAmer, with most s•t.•nt•lio rly rood re-
sult. in casom of general d,Mlitr. •etk- f
new. rrregulanttea peculiar t1. females,
.atreme palmn*s., impn.enahme•,t of til
hlrM.d. stomach and hear trouh'es, loss
01 apppe*tit., an.1 for that toners) worn
out feeling thet nearly .vary "re is
troubled with st some part .1 the year.
Covet the nam Johnstone Tonic'
(Bitter. ;•Oc and 01 per bottle at (ifwidi's
drug atom Albion block, (Itld.rieh, rode 1
ari t. a)
JOHN KNOI, Proprietor.
Tht ober' fiber le prepares' to errlsh t) a pne
ie. with
The Finest Rigs
GALL A le P .its US Dope the Ceitw
Rote lisAer1•h,
•.lodceleh Feb. lith Ilia: Ipli
Cancer, and
'ram be
cured by
the blood
140 eel bedevil that
Ayer's essSarsaparilla hie
(r Scrofulous herr kHu-
mors. 1t Is pleamat
to take, gives
rad 111Ror tO tom bo ,
sod produces a more
permatleat, lartlaa, re-
sult than too mat$cfae
I ever used. -Be
haloes, No. L Iodale. U.
I have toed Ayerre
flanapar111a.L my fam-
ily, ur Scrofula. and
know, If d 1s takes
faithfully, 1t will
thoroughly eradiate
this terrible .Itwase.
W. r. Yowler, M. D.,
/ireesville, Tema.
For forty yeah i
have suffered with Ery-
sipelas,. I hate true
all sons of remedies
for my eomplalnl. bat
found no relief uatit I
commenced uslag
Ayer's sarsaparilla.
Alter taking tea bot-
tles of this medicine I
am completely cured.
-Mary 1'. Amesbury,
Rockport, Ile.
1 bare suffered, for
years, from Catarrh.
Which wile so set ere
that It dewatryed my
appetite and weakened
me system. Aftertn-
t� other remedies,
gettlag no relief, i
began to take fliers
Sarnaparilla, sad, In a
few ruontlu, was cure.!.
- wean I., Cook, SOV
Albany at.. Boston
HIgblsads, Mom.
Ater'. Sarsaparilla
in superior tome blood
purifier that f bare
ever tried. 1 bate
taken it for Scrofula,
Canker, aod Salt -
!thrum. and received
much Worth from h.
It is gnat, also, for a
weak stnntach.- M.I11 -
Jane liar,-., south
Bradford. Mass.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
I've;•real by Ili. J. ....44 Ay.,'t, , 1.••+el!, Ram.
Pres G1; six bottles, GA.
a..s- IL -Ie wN01y ender. -
"3)y huelru•1 sae toot!.ri• with
dyspepsia f' -r wore than feet tion.
Two he
T K .�nr a
e ee.t !, .i•.;..,s
Jot .m''n.
roti. \Cr got 0.ec•.ort•:+rt: mod Me
read I f. l:,,rd.r:lt Passel li, ones ; Gar took
oil ly two h.., t ora aLJ now to as such •s
ever, an ; ...'cion: A 1. t--w..rk all the
time. • Nes Ii•cb.t.l It's., ilarley,.
Ont. it It B. 1. u ,••null Ohl worst
Cast•• of oa.t••nic • Y•ptl...-'
Ali[L: 11T[0
The tu.dersira«t bI1( n. ,rt reepeclful!1 tes infirm Olt ,lattabtfeate at OtrderlN
n..u,di,er.aum . that bat nig b.•serin 1 IIY..iP et ,•rM h, tiny 1rw marketed
lo. t i.e fastest ai.ts P. a ter) superior duck at
CI'. " pOCirE + .ire.'
Consisting of FRESH TEAR of t!is season's importation, com-
prising Young Hysons, Gunpowders, Japans and blacks, amongst
which are to ae found some of the very choicest i atported, and
desire to call special attention to the same. Also a Superior
Blend of COFFEE, French Brokcy Loaf, Granulated and oth-
er Sugars, Sy.- ps, Mo'asses, Raisins, Currants, Figs, Nuts, Or-
anges, Lemons, Assorted Peels, Extracts, Flavorings, Sauces,
Pickles, Jam;, Jellies, Canned Goods of all descriptions, Biscuits,
Pure Ground Spices, Hominy, Maccaroni, Vermicelle, Tapioca.
Sago, Rice, Br.tshes, Tubs, Pails, Brooms,
and o:l:rr zo'..1 .ort S:caw ...n.') ..e1t .,.,lira' knee esiab!iebwrrat.
Teen wF al • ass** WA Ml i ML1etTED.
Stour on the Square, Between E. Dowa:ng'ts and C. Crabb'•.
Gwdrsriel., April 21.:.:W'. spy -
Takes pleasure tasaeosaeias that he Las we. ow amid a fell supply of
1•:xtellenr t'n. F:: -.:-(-.ass Wort. 1.eare orders early. ewtag 10 la0 spring rush of path •)
nowre. 14eti*faction assured.
far Remember the }•lace -Nous, street, nen door tellaak etlrestreal.�a
OnAerkh. March 31st• tett;.
ohne E L1011
Lk..r Coln:eine. Dyspepsia? Indignities. Bilioas1ts.
}undue, Meadache, 1 iznairw, Pain ie the Mel
_maiveriew. or any disease arising tem a
ever, De. tett t Liras Casa will be fseoja am
and ..trade ramal,.
rt. ins espied sec _asst ,r n.. chase. I..wr cele i•.
Liver terpla:M tette 1....41y wits the tact that K
r.elpe..ded trop aat5-e', well-known liver regulator
M+.rnAas A110 DA:.osuos, cdlabeaed with ars
1her mval:nahle rant. ?asks and herbs, bavwtg-
mweifel .sacci on t.e K:.:, e)s, 'toeack. Bootle se.
600,000 SOLS
Nee e.w-Aa.7 wl, ,..* of Dr. Chosh Rerye lied
weer add 1. (*sada ....e. WO rear errs" was
and , kite se«, is t.•.We1 sv.b4 Lister Cam
waias to try AZ. ...r8ret oar✓j.
$01Uglaa Nil. CMII MAY Feu
Wrapped ground every lint. of Dr. (1..ys Lives r_
• a vI,rbie Hossehold Medical gild..,,d Sec:*
Suva lye pages), nntaiti.tg oyer 100 awful nope+
eroaoun.ed by seedier] 1' and druggists as Inc
W, and wostb ten times ib. prior of the wedie me•
Rin a Wae tibsok . A sasal psis.
i•.e y. 1'n. .ext.UMW,
TRY Ca sari @maty Me Los Pati. es ver pe• !aa
T 1D W • a SO. a CO.. sore Armes. 01.45.05
As them are many inferior
WWs' eorri•4 with lute.
pp etc.. offered and said
rCantinas by some m•
fincipled m.vob.uta trad-
ing 00 the reputation 0t
cyr arwtsaar 1•o.abr*t
we wenn OW LAI.e
risk Imposition by draw-
.egtheir a twKlna to tbe
asetng tbas the
le 'termed on deter side of all Coralinetom: a
Vitiated arida am* are saner
it ltrkr ari the deeps! swoons d tltil
Howo)s Kidnaps and /Aver,
ingot! graduanwe
y without abady fit
'system, sl1 the itr.•poriaha aM (�
humors e f the secretin• t ell the Rana
time engrafting ha&of chs
a,Tcuring 1lnoau,Dye.
. Drovirtlam000c ad
Jatatun gb.*i
t )DeabkhN seas trind Mon-
ether simila(nmpisi)y. s7I M
ba}gry initowst•. of 1QRi J
1. MIJIL1 • CO. 14e,rtitlgr, Arer>ls.
int strop is the late*
O":m put in These
mos 0arberCh ors,
ten of them thecrte-
tewad Rochester
fatting c b• ire, .r.d
vtrd a journeyman
Lather. we ■re to a
ppq�.�LLt,loon tole Se5* to •
ttta►k 11.a here-
�+dy's a Children's
mooning made a
tseeiaity ea all daya
pt eatarday.
Razors and Scissor,
from nd.
77\71\Z_ SAN'=C -IIT,
llNt Winer Street. tee doors east of P.O., 'Dederick
The Greatest Luxury Obtainable for unpaired or Diseased
Vision is a Pair of
The Celebrated Axis Cut Pebbles !'
The frauds ttlat have been perpetrated on the spectacle wearing
pnbiic by most iq etacle .healers and peddlfw by giving assumed and
fancy natnes to culinary gnus. speaks for the ignorance of the public
i, onerally, in the all-importantsubject of the preservation of sight..
there are only two articles from which the- spectacles lenses can be
Ioanufacturefl. via,: Pebble anti glass ---call glass by any other name.
it still remains glass. Pebble, on the, other hand
own manufactory it is a natural crystal found generally iin free -
•tone formation. and is harder than the ruby and emerald, and near-
ly as harlots the diamond. The Pebble ii not more or less than a
transparent .tone, cut by aid of diamond dust, and the gre•.atieot
amount of power is placed inlmetliately over the centre of the grain
found in all pelsble. It will give to the spectacle wearer the conlnetts,
fr.•.hness and a pleasant feeling that the ordinary spectacle lenses
cannot by any possibility impart. All Rpectaales and eyeglasses are
stanlpedB. Land can only }1e purchased from
F_ TO a441eINT.,
Druggist. God.ricls.
lib laff.
Exteesivs Premises and Splendid New Stock.
CiriiJO. EAT:limy,
Hamilton Street, Godericb
A weed semivowel: et CItelsea, fled fee Dom!ng Pon., and i artily rank,,'. atseb •• 1ti.
hi Chairs hair. ease ..d wood'ratedh, ('npt+earda. lirA-peals, Wenbyeas., wetiontre
Imealsa, Ref.•, White Bets, look leg Olga..,
at rte estahl. rams etrerrmMf Of reales Yd lgirowA. always a lenge ohm hM►sr, ter 11t►G
Pletare Traa.tae • Weigh
l• -A al **Melted 1!ll