HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-9-9, Page 5Trh THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, SEPT. 9. I87. 5 HAVE YOU SEEN TO WEAVERS Colored & White Carpet Warp at Mill Prime. The crgwds that congregate on the street corners, not talking Commercial Union, but about PRIDHAM BROS' CHEAP SUITS and the verdict of every one is that Pridham Bros. "are • wonder," selling those elegant suits, cut and made right in their own eatablishment, and every one tits like the paper on the wall, FOR $7.00 A SUIT O. GRABB, Aiwa Ith. 1/11r. I 110113.1as Sedisrinh. Ci•ODMINIICIS PL A KING MILL RelADLIMIED Id Buciianan.lasoni Robinson blariVAAVY1:1111,1441 0. Sash, Doors & Blinds 1.11AL/LRA IN ALL KIN1116 411. Lumber, Lath, Shingles mad builder's ni erie! of every description. awl upwards. They are owning like hot cakes. Of course you .1o not notice them because they are so e like the ordinary ordered clothing you see every day and what you have been in the habit ofNV' air A fiCreSSIN..,r peo.fillVi101111,114tAte.S4.49ECIAtol..71. ing *16.00 and 1118.00. for. If you wish to save money just call and see therm You will be more than Orodmish AIM 1. YU 1-17 pleased. HURON AND BRUCE OP..7::)=12Z= 7Z=P-46A-RTIA:=INTT.. The needs of our patrons in ordered clothing are various, and they require careful study. It has been ours through long experience, appreciation of a FIRST CLASS TRADE, and careful se -lection. to create and foster a denem.1 for high-class goods, and we have the satisfaction of knowing that in excel- lence of quality, conibined With moderation in price, our patrons are agreed that we maintain the reputa- tion we have earned as the leading tailors in the County of Huron. Our FALL STOCK is now coni- aet,„ iLthiligsfou the ftnetit ever imported into Goderich. Elegant Overeoat8, Beautiful Trona - (.rings, Magnificent Suitings, ke. Your early order is solicited. F &_A__ JELA..M_ 1 ederleh Mare** I Wheet.110all old, 111 busli wheat, Wall mew ' Goturaicia. 8 pt. 7. OW. WOO ,..... id • 0 71 ; SO 70 fl. 90 L I WESTERN FAIR wb.,..... (dories!, • beak ........ 0 l'e o 0 73 I wheat. wooer) V bush 0 66 06 0 011 - Industrial and Art Exhibition HEAT !Kisses. Ired winterl V hash 05 * • ad • EFL iadiefateet.eei..ii.:wi.. ::.:: i eigrey 7,0, :111 II parmers; Attention, LONDON, CANADA. 1214 0, r H I 19th to 24th Sept., 1887. Oats., . LOAM AND INVESTMENT GOMPANT - - This Company Is Loaning Money 014 Fara. Security est Lowest Astra of Interest. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. ININT31011 SANK 11111.1110CIL 3, 4 end 5 per rent. interest A litneeti Deposits, according to ansensset and 6Iite ifft. NEW GOODS. We have over Three Thousand Yards of New Heavy Cloth DRESS GOODS just arrived, the best value ever shown in Goderich for 12c. a yard. Call and See Them. COLBORNE BRCS., C3 IDMR IC 1-1 OFFICE :-Cor Market Square and North Street. liedrrich. Ilasseete .nalovvp.ljewiciortim., HORACE HORTON. Goderich Al.e. 5th DOA 19114 • blab • • A••.2 • se e1A11,•• •• • • Irsi ..••••••••• b 2••••••• •• •• •• •• •••• $ 01 0 se 4 050 Fsildtreo. balk • 116 0 * Hay. • tea ........ ..... ......... (10 el em Dutter.lik 0 12 so 0 13 Lank Dosi ••••441•11 don .. 011 0 14 tr'heees. .. . .......... 141 is e 12 Shorts. 0 tea ................. . 13 ar 1314 /lean et IS ft. n as =:e.• we •• ..•• •.•• ..•• .• •• ll'hopped Stott. • el* gruelling& west- .. .••• ...... . . ..72"Higbret Mire. 1=11" be T ea f°r LIB ERAI PREMI NTS .1la e change f r such as fine and coarse Tweeds, Stanches, Sheeting'. Criteria. Checks. Orry and White, and high colors of LIVE STOCK, MACHINERY, ETC. various shades of Yanis r. The goods are well made. of long fibre ---- - Wool and gond twist throughout. NEW GROUNDS, NEW BUILDINGS, NEW RATE Manufacturing and custom work a IAEA are being provided fur the forthcoming Jul* I Exhitiitiou at an (-snowed rola. of $120,000-00 MALI/ A a Salaam DOLLits will be repre sentrd by thr Live -dock display. GRANO EINIIIITS IN PAINTING, STAIUAliT AND SCULPTURE The Committee on Attractions are precise IlletkePleondur licIPmicra add,w omo '•"pos. itaklica"nitironr e reF(r. of the Prise •11 information writ); to tbe Secretary. A. W. PORT, Pres. GEO McHROOM. Sec. a es ametatiy, •• s oh Aar- A CA LL SOLICITED _ear CREAM BALM CATARRH Cleanses t h Head. Alla Inflammation Heals t11; Restores th Sensesof Taste E. McCAN N. GedericL Josef 11/94m THE MAN who is going to do the best by the people Is the sae who will do the best trade with them. sad la this belief 1 have determined to spare no endeavor to meet WITH Hearing their approbation 1. 1.).. disposal of goods wft'. quick Relief. A positive Cure. in the lieee which 1 ha" the "ler u) offer to the pubLic. My aim is to try tad A paricie applied into each aostril and is agreeabie. Price 30 coats at Druggists; by please, sad thus far 1 have met with swail. registered NI coma. Circulars free. LI•kly BROS. Drumbeat. Owego. N.T. CFRA.14/1.1 DOMINION & INDUSTRIAL EXIIIETION 1887 TORONTO Sept. 6th to 1 $30,000 IN 111, S ENTRIES CLOSE AUGUST OM. This. being the Dom Info° and Ind Infiniti Ex• halation. combined. will be the gesadeat exhi- bition *the agriculteral awl Industrial pro- ducts of this country ever held. A Gam* Fraproainne of apeedal Attest - Dens Ss helms Ilevalleed• Return tiekets sI single tare and cheap ex- tender" as all railways durtsg the fail time of the Exhibition. TIps Greatest Everitt of Up Jubilee Tear For Prime Lists and tau laformation ad drew: J. J. METIMIIMIL N. J. INLL. Preeddesed. Mgr. end S.V. 3111041w Termite. Farmers' Attention ! Harteiggrateld pmellaard *be 5.4,5.4 rev. MPram. 1 sae sow prepared to r Hay dm km .t the barn or steer- I will aiso bay • teaMlty a Hay during the fall. Orders for Prthg should be *Awed by the IN of Await. .A. LEDI-IA:Y ALWATI KEPT ON III•ND 1 111110 manehature APPLE BARREIA YIANIR HA RREIN. BUTTER TURN. SOFT NATES CISTERNS. &e. • APPLE DEALERS: 1 make APPLE BARRELS A SPECIALTY. bly facilities for eripplyitig dealers sad the PubiklfroleullY tow tosequalled la theCeenty. Stenure (opacity. 10 NI Barrels. Daily output 'capacity). 300 barrels. Gave nne • UAL liallirfliettee Cearanteed. BusffiEss couot THE most usqualliled sitcoms Jo* Mingo Ms saw stay ir te win." eat. I have made op my mind to If Toe Waot a Till HEAT SAUNDERS 434 s INT Are prepared to furnish eminates for beating !PRIVATE HOUSES 0a PUBLIC BUILDINGS WITH Hot Air or 1101 Water A. F'MN7C7 SANITARY PLUMING. Poi nters sokAir-" for a C. ""NaY Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces If Toe Wad a DINNER SETT, ('ALL VIA» Gar ran F.*. Look at NAIRN'S Stock The Cheapest House West -et... next door to the Poet Othae. If os Waet a BEDROOM SE11', ' UNDER THE SUN. NAIRN has them at all prices • HAMMER NAIRN fall assortment away anti' I block tho MOM data We mice@ 1. Dry Goods of Swear •••••••li aaill bring down Groomers W Give me a 0411 and 111 Small the way round. NT*. Wad iv GRIM, NAIRN has the finest display OH- Manager of the Toronto Howe. B011111 VORIS Chrystel 331ack0 MeastatiMwers kbadi of OUTWIT, Oink MINT TIMM BOILERS. BALT PANHTS3-;FICH STACKS and all kinds of Skeet Iron work. SWAM AND WAVE* min MTINGIII ccestantM bead. Goias& ready Ow delivory : fes 1111.r. Now /Met Deem t a.r. Neer Seem A galPleti 214 -bad TbrUktrig Outlt Holler, Engine. Separator. ke., all In geed wartime order. win be sold eheap. Mall orders will Twelve prom* attentima. Works I Opp. C. 1.5. 114•4404i. P.O. BOX 361 eadartelb, May 101.8. NIL THIS NEXT SESSION or THE CENTRAL CHAS. BATES, 5.p aad Renidenee. nett O.T.R. fltetioe. Ueda -telt. Ont. Any 15.0. 1107. 1110.4. OR ATKPITL-COMIPORTENO. EITS'S COCOA • BREAKFAST. -RI • thorough knowledge 01 11.. eatural laws which govern the operations of illgeonloO and netrities. and by a careful amplicatlea 51 18. 5., progortlea of welleelerted Caws. Mr. Rpm has provided oar breakfast (shies witb $ delicately 'termed beverage whIch mai save se amay beery demonMlle It is by the Judicious use of swO athelia of diet Dial • esmatit ligesirre be gradually built up wail 10e:reek resiM mem trentener to diesels- whirs& of guises meled lee am essood us ready to attack wherever Deere a ereq peint We may • fatat shah plagg oursol sonar' foallerl wi.h pure sod mad • eraterlY Illunrixbud frame "1 lea XerritY te.- Made simply with hollow water Or evillL Ho* only ia pocket' by Untecers. labelled this J* EjJI CS_ MdIsamopetbie Clutotate. wiT 1.61W100 111e0411411W1 Bal. of 1887 for 25c. STRATFORD, ONT., Jill Begin lionday, Sept. 5th. Team toes and wawa desIrtag atkoraugh Was training should owns sod SOS OIL ensr cemonniiinna aparteseatamemeMint steRpracticai roams of amity sad £.113.a - t5.* in excel. we ean aware our pstao.s of esteplete astipfari ion, Seed for W. EL SHAW, Principal. TII line IME The autwaerittere Wive lost eamidefoll wee limekiln. which can turn set NIS As every tweety feel leers and are gear W eltered to enrol, all enstowiers with • • mistime of good truth lime deity. will he to tito alinwitege of every am re. quiriart lime is .all or eerremeed with do. as we. are prodored to &eel liberany ear. ties waddle. ts parchoss. 811* 5.skaidad saolkoOMerSr& slap of tio 0.31. Itesermi. B/ICHLER & BICKIR, PROPRIETORS. • Yee lot Aoythlog la KLAS, Try NAIRN'S before purchas- ing elsewhere. For Pure. Unadulterated FRESH GROCERIES! CHAS A. 1\T _A_ IR. 1\41- -HAS THEM -- EVERYTHING WARR 4NTED. YOUR TRADE SOLICITED Oederieh. April Nth. 157. Gocierieh. July 1.. 11017. WAUKENPHAST or COMMON SENSE SHOES. Our Stock of Mee's. Women's and Cnildren's Shoes is Complete, and comprise the Weld American and Loutish Styles. WE TABLE NO •401.0110 11.1. ICE FOR CI *TOW II OWL J. DOWNINC & CO/Y. SUMMER MILLINERY, MRS S A ItLD flees to announce to the Ladies of 'Roderick and icinity that she has opened uut • kindsoiut line ut PLAIN AND FANCY STRAWS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS. GAUZES, GLOVES, ETC. Special attention is called to her limarlia1)1 Hats. WONDERFUL VALUE omplaints iliousness pure Blood Drs-pepsia J. C. DETLOR & CO'S Kidney Complaint kin Diseases THE GREAT REGULATOR at Mr Ittoassalk. User. Omsk sad Il.sad. 4 ores litailsedre, Caasiipalissa. Female aad laodd. Sipib. TRI1 ret.Li,wtsc •'For years part I has e suffered from da prosia and 1 vi es recommended to try Hodder. s Compound. 1 (lid so teed found it • perfect Y.. .1 CURTIS. Toronto. Oat? Sold r r..ry where Price. ne. DN. NOODER'S CGUGN Ali LUG CUM Never Fails. littranteed. Price. 23e. S 9111e. THE CNION MEDICINE 00.. 2111-ly Proprietors, Toronto. Ont. IN MUSLINS 11 ,Perimiler!81FcyGools Just Repaired .1the Medical Heil by Y. JORDAN. and will be sold at Prime ie IRO Heed Timm Cell and aro them before -*Atkins( year PorshiloWl• P. JORDAN, Medical Hall, Goclerioh. ANCHOR LINE ATLANTIC EXPRICNit SKR V1(7111. LITZ:11200i ski Q171111311111011. fiteent*Ip "VITT Rd sew.- !rms. New Tart. Witutry. July ft August 17. St. ep IC asta Warm tied oast pomandee Steamer •fkist. nines remee. en to Ain. ewes., c)eekses. 01.X.NAJEK1/431er 5WV Stetanere every illeturdey from New York In irLailli011 sat LOWDOXEMIZZY. Cabin Famed* to filsegow. Londonderry, 140 sad Ski seem* fere estriontl or prepaid. vermirier Selfst. 5108tr•pio Nalesst curates Trokre st Ratered Rat.. 'IOC at lowest eur el For limas of Teen. Whets or further Infer meters amply to EILNTITARINON RINOTIIIIMIR New Teak. or A a-- - - et IttalGIMIL Modeallsk. MN Twee' Cleeseer tio4:4 Cretin arid Drafts Par oaky A smosst mot roma onweiss! VHS Toot • AT • -OP MILLINERY! FEATHERS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, LACES, GAUZE/3, BONNET SHAPES, HAT MAIO, &c., &c. This is a Genesis's, Bait, as I intend going or nj .he Business as soon as Stant ran les disposed of. Jew Mr. The Square. next t.o Acheson Coles Dry Goods atom Clatierieb. MR - 1837 VIVAT REGINA 1 1887 ‘4.2" The subscriber wishes 10 101.. .11 tarsi subjects of Roe Meet Orations Maleety, gee= Victoria. that I Sam doing ary lassoed to keep my stork roplele with everything new mod ma ful In all annuluses... NEW' GOODS ARRIVING DAILY IL1TAISII 7051 Autumn Wear. The Correct Thing in Drees Goods, Buttons and Trimming* to Match. Ribbons, Trillings and Fine Laces, New Shades in Plain and Fancy Opera Flannele, TA* hatbroidened to Match. I am net advertising goods 401 roe or ender. t (geniis 10 my anmensus enstsn401114. alliVW sn overstock of say oat lift" and Dot is saying • greet dal when we hair se OM* &hose tarlasse dopromiet. bard times. te All GOODS MARKED IN PUIN FIGURES AND STRICTLY ONE PRICE. SZT.TINTIZO, sederieb. NUL SIDT• te. Balance of1887 WILSON'S 7,3714=6K‘all Su biscrib, Quic For 25 Cents.