The Huron Signal, 1887-9-9, Page 4- THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, SEPT. 9, 1887.
Particular attention is also
called to the "Yatisi" Corset.
This Corset is the only one that
the purchaser can wear 10 days
and then return and have her
money refunded if she does not
iidit the tiThet Perfect Fitting,
healthful and comfortable Cor-
set she has ever worn.
'lin 111141 see the • Vatter and "rmatherbone"
(0.10(1 at
J. A. REID & BRO.,
Jordan*, Block, Court House 13quare,Oaderich
7th Sept., IMP. 10114 -IT
'few Advertisements This Week.
Taxes -Om. Gordon.
Buit-Pridhaam Bros.
Girl Wanted -Mrs A. Morton.
Tenders N'anted-Rebt. Allan. Colborne.
Tentherbone Corsets- Jaw A IFteld dit Bro.
V.1'. B. B - Westervelt of- York. Loudon Ont.
A ehkra entanif ye. fishier saes.
A a' faith he'll prerd ff."
The leaves are beginning to turn. but Geo.
feewares photographs continue to come up
fle beihtly es ever.
A Bao you fail te. RNe the •ummer
goods at B. MateConnac'm. There s mosey an
it if you attend to 11 1. time.
If Ton meant lea that im tem aro 10 0. Rhyne.'
and ask for the Li-quor brand. For drum and
chenticals. mte.. also KU to Ithyrow drug
Pridham'Brow fly high. but their prices for
Rest -class suits are extremely moderate. and
their sults fit mom exquisitely. Sett their big
advt. elsewhere in this issue.
The riotous wear on North -it. Wednestley
e% ening was not • pleamant one to look upon.
but if you want pleasant scenes artistically
taken send for It. Hallows the photographer.
UNION will nieel regularly for the transaction
of Mullane* every Tuesday afternoon at 2-319
o'clock. in Knox church. Kverr woman in•
tovrested in the work is cordially invited to
For all drugs, dye -stuffs., perfumery. parent
medicines. chemicals. etc.._ bent (1 wale!
and lowest rate.. call al Goode's drug -store.
Albion Block. 8 -ial atteotion paid to flaw
pensing of lens and family recipes.
W. C. e.druegtet.
NeXT COISFANIF-Depeeitors In this company
ha%e the best possible security for their mon
PT. all being invested in mortgage on farm
ProPerly. Depositors have a first lien an ell
the company's aseeta. Bate of interest paid.
from I to S per cent. aceeeding to •nnount
mot duration of deposit. Farmers having sur-
veil* means should tall and twe the manager.
etk at the label of this paper.
Mayor Seeger was in Toronto on Fri-
M. Hutchison, of the Big Mill, is at
Mrs A. M. Roes sisited Seaforth Sat-
urday last.
Wednesday was the dustiest day of
the season.
J. T. Garrow, Q C., was in Toronto
ot, Saturday.
Wm Loutit, of Wingham, is visiting
friehila in town.
Mies Brophy. of Cleveland, spent two
weeks with Meade in tovrn.
Miss Cook will leave town shortly du
two month's visit to the States.
• Mrs and the Aliases MeMicking have
returned from the Atlantic coast.
Mrs Samuel Fisher left on Tuesday
morning for her horns In Chicago.
Fred Bonarey has returned from i leen
Sound, acoompanied by Mrs Arnold.
The model school stodente commence
their course of instruction on the 13th.
Miss Fanny Oitbons, of London, has
returned bore after, two monthsvisit
With friends.
The professional bsurolar is not fond of
work. Nevertheless his uiutto is not
us arrest."
Miss Grace Polley let Tuseday after -
mein to pursue her studios at Alma col-
lege, St. Thomas.
The public; works committee had their
seen overhauling the midewalk on Weet
St. during the week.
It is the mild September, aud the lu.
cious bivalve will shortly oupercede the
toothsoese isecresas.
Seer roa TRIAL. - John Eno, of Dine
gennon, has been committed to stand his
trial for horse -stealing.
Mies Bedford left for St. Thomas,
Tuesday afternoon, to visit her aunt,
Mrs Joslyn, of that town.
Archie Dickson, formerly of the Bank
of t'ismnieree here, was in town during
the week moompaitied by his bride.
Rev. Charles McManus, who haa been
vatting relatives in this section,retallied
to his Atone in Windsor Monday last.
Mr Dean Swift who has been so
severely ill, was so far recovered 64 to
be able to be around town on Monday.
Miss Adelaide Chilton returned; yes.
terday to Loretto Convent, Niagara
Falk, where she will graduate next year.
George Stewart has been attending
the mooting of the Photographers' As-
sociation in Tornado difring the past
J. A. Macdougall, of the (kasha
waterworks department, is in town visit-
ing relatives. He leaves fur Torooto to ;
day 'Friday).
Palmeri:men. -0eriag to the absence of I
Marl"' fllsemer from town, lb. regular
mmtinz of the Iowa council was post-
poned for a week
Dv. M. Naturist -in. the W as1 street
dentist, &makes the preserestion of the
nature! teeth • spesiality. Om adagio*
tered front Qi. es. to 4 p.m. for the peia•
leen extraction of Meld.
Look at the label uf this peptic
am visiting the loilisartal Exhibitriast
()ego a nessber of °odor's\
Mr* Robert McAllister, of Grey, was
the emit of A. J. Meager, of the Big
Kill, this week.
A. McWilliams, B A., of Montreal,
w ho assisted Rev, Dr Ure fur the past ;
three mouths, *peat • few days in town
during the past week.
Dr McDonagh will be in Goderieh for
consultation oa Saturday, the Srd of
September, and afterwarns ou the hist !
Saturday of every usouth.
%aliment ot Olsagew, has hems
the guest. cif his brother, Robert Ute,
D. D., the esteemed pastor 01 Knox
churifor the past few weeks.
Or McLean and Bon Smith, aho I
*mai to Woodstock .College Saturday
laet, returned home Illuaday. , owing to *I
that institution being overcrowded.
Mrs T. )1eGillicuddy and chiliren
leh for Stratford Saturday last. After
a short sojourn with her parents she will
proceed to her future home in Toronto.
Mrs Hosea, of Brantford, and Cbaries
McCormick and James Hamilton, of
Minneapolis, who were the guests of Mr
Janson Itsid,, hays left -fur their several
M•KINO luraowituction.-S McGee,
having purchased the house remissly oc-
cupied by T. McGillicuddy, has made
some substantial iinprovetueuta in the
county is represmited at theInternationel
Medioal Congrese at Washinyton by Dr.
Thos. F. McLean, of Goderich, and Dr.
Win. Shan, of Blyth.
Pao,. Hort-ice's TRAINSO Doug. -
Prof. J. L. Hopper will exhibit his
woaderful troupe of trained dogs in Vic-
toria Mall, On Friday, Sept 16th. For
particulars see posters.
/rev Stommorr.-The selectors will
meet at the clerk of the peace's office on
the 16th Mat, to asoortain as to the num-
ber of jurors to be sent in by the muni-
cipalities for next year.
are pleased to observe that Z. +1. B.
Duncan. formerly of Oarrow & Proud -
foot • taw office, has suxeeded iu pass-
ing his barrister s exam.
We regret to learn that Coreellis
Hodge, son of our townsman, D 13
Hodge, is suffering from a severe attack
of inflammation of the lutigs We hope
to see him up and around shortly.
Messrs Walker and Vanstone,of Owen
Sound, arrived in town on Tuesday eren-
ing on their bicycles. They made Rood
time considering the weather, having!
left Owen Sound Monday morning.
Four eons of Consul Chilton, W. B.,
R. S. C., jr., Percy and Carroll, the
two former from Washington. and the
latter trim New York, are here on •
visit, they arrived iu town on Monday
J. A. Reid & Bro's. fall stock of dry
goods is now nearly complete. Their
goods are all marked at very close prices
for cash or trade._ See their special ad-
vertisement of targets in this week's
Flan Clitaree.-We hetet° thenk our
old friend, John Russell, isf East street,
for • present of choice grapes. He knows
how the editor enjoys toothsome things,
and he made his donation Wednesday
Titiateo --We beg to extend Our beet
thanks to Harry Morrie, of Colborne,
for • basket fall of "Kentish Fill -Bas-
ket' apples Saturday last. They were
true to name, and filled the basket in
mod shape.
Tosses+. -Manager H. Piper, of the
Zooloirioal gardens, Toronto, will please
accept our thanks for • press compli-
mentary. The has greater at-
tractions than ever this year and will be
worth seeing.
D. Crane arrived in town Wedueeday
afternocn from Toronto), where he has
been engaged in businem since last year.
The "Major" looks as if the Queen City
agreed with him. He dropped up to at-
tend his sister's weddiag.
"CALVARY. '--The suhject for dis-
course next Sabbath evening in Yicto-
ria-st. Methodist church is the famous
painting by Michael Munkacsy, entitled
"Calvary.- This is the fifth of • series
of sermons on great Scriptural painting,
Cusros Hmesm. -Residents of our
town who were present at the Clintoa
raoss last week represent the conduct
on the grounds as the meet disgraceful
ever witnessed in Canada. Liquor Sow-
ed like water and bleckguardisni was
Lean is representing Ooderich at the
great International Medical Congress
now in mares, at Washington. He
left Saturday last, scomnpanied by Mrs
McLean, and expected to be absent
about two weeks.
A New Parse - The Storolool ie the
name of • paper which has been started
in Blyth recently by R L. White. It
gives good promise. but whether it will
"fill • longfelt want," time alone can
teil. Blyth has not the reputation of
being • good newspaper town.
Woo CAN Vont. -The voters! lists of
the Iowa °Detain 1116 names of which
712 are entitled to vets at municipal
eleetions and elections of the Legislative
Assembly. :119 are entitled to vote at
inumeipal electioas only. And 81 at
elections to the Legislature °sly.
A Gitive CH•ItoR -James WaillOU
of Morris, • man nearly threescore years
and um, charged grab indecent assault
unow the parent of • girl nained Jam
Currie, about 12 years of age„was
brought Weirs the judge Monday last,
and elected to be tned on Fnday.
Hs Dower STAND IN NMI "Rm."
Dena L•wyer Hodge. of Mitchell,
ines in town Saturday lam, but didiet
produce soy prom( to back up "Hill"
Davie' contention on Bob Birmingham's
Ise Lawyer Hodge wouldn't hit* to be
responsible for what liar Davis says.
omovatow.-In the lines list of the
Northwestern Exhibition, which will he
held in Owlet -Mb on Oct 4, 5 •nd 6;, one
or two slight oiniegions have occurred.
Yearlimm oats ha.. been inadvertently
omitted from the heavy draught class,
bet prime will he awarded notwithetand-
Mg the omistiams. Also Shropshire
Dien aberm will two shows with Os-
totelehite and Hasspellire Dowse. 31,
Look at the label of this paper.
Mies Gamegua Imo had the store ise
Hamiltue-.t.. lately et:copied by Mrs
Mitchell es a groeny, thormiehly relit-
todosisd has placed to et • eumplete stook
of the gavot ( nadieery, aad
wall be able to show goods and receive
orders ea *ad after Saturday, Sept.
F. C. a C.- Attentim is invited to
the advertisement of the Forest City
BOWDON/I College, Lugedes, in another
column. Tpi iiiistaution is thoiraughl
ia awn , nee practical and we I
taught course, nd has highly
.u�.1u1 in the prapsz a yeasg
men 4ouj women
flfr Imagism TO Us. -We ham r.ssst.
i4 forwarded to mealy of those who ant
arrears to Tus litisusat their mooting*,
anli the poising, eta, has ainouuted to
medicable. We hope these parties
will not compel as to repeat the deo,
for if we do, it will have to be duos on
postal cards. Kindly settle up aa meat
! have oar mociery.
Immoral.). - The Clinton Nem Era
, has been enlarged and otherwise 1. -
proved recently. Robert Holum', the
; present proprietor hes proved that he
.isa. the funds ar.1 the "know bow" to run
I a trat-class total paper. The New Ens
; has always beim • credit to Chutes but
nese(' 1111Ore DO tit211 DOW. May it.
Ishedue never grow lea
Rsethems. - Rev. G. R. Turk, who
has been pastor of North- St. Met ho •
dist church for over • year, has resigned
his position and accepted a call to the
Atlanta Consfregational church. He will
be temporarily succeeded by Isaac P.
%Valeria who acted as supply so accept-
ably in the place of Dr Putts in Elin-St
church, Toronto, last yam.
The Sarnia Ofseereer says :-The Unit-
ed Empire has done an enormous traffic
Ibis season. On the up trip last week
she had 280 first clam peasengers, and
though the season is gettiog late she
took out se many an she oould comfor-
tably accommodate in her last trip. The
Ontario, of the Beatty Line, Ina also
done well, both with passengers and
250 excursionists visited town Tuesday
from Si. Thomas! and disported them-
selves during the day between the Square
and the Lake Park. They were a well-
behaved and highly respectable looking
party. Amongst the number we noticed
chief Peeing ut the police force, in sup-
port of the law, aud Rev /3. F. Austin,
a Alta* college, in behalf of the gospel.
"Pr -oto Somoot Tatersaticia."-Wo
have received a copy of "Public School
Temperance," from the publishers. the
Grip Printing Company, id Toronto.
The author is the celebrated Dr Rich-
ardson, F. R. S., F. R. C. P„ of
Enoland. who Is known throughout the
British Empire as one of the highest
authorities on this and kindred subjects.
The book will be sold to pupils and the
public for twenty-five cents.
ON "COOK'S Tora."-Henry Horton
and Geo. R. Cox, of the British Ex-
change are off to the Maritime Provinces.
They are taking in the celebrated
"Cook's Touriat Tnp," and will visit
Halifax, Boston, New York and other
points, and return by way of the Hodson
river routs If we mistake not O. B. C.
will bring back • barrel of seawater with
hien, and use it for medicinal purposes.
He's an old "salt," and will everlasting-
ly sniff the mighty Atlantic.
Stratford Herald gives the following hat
of the conteuts of a vagrant's pocket who
was recently arrested in that town :-
Oue plug of tobacco with bit off corner;
one clay pipe with broken &hank or
stem ;,,une pair uf laces worn ; two
matches ; one leather purse containing
broken box of pills ; one herbeaceous
plant with bulbous root, commonly
known as an onion, with bite out ; one
apple ; one orange ; one penny bun ;
three nails ; two toothpioks ; a looking
glass; jackknife ; spectacles ; needle
and thread ; three buttons and a bunch
of keys.
KINTAIL Joins 1101.1114 UP HIS END -
Saturday's London Free Press had the
following :-John MePhenon, of Kin -
tail, the champion shot putter of the
continent, a C•nadian by birth, arrived
in London last night, and desired to put
up • sum of money with the sporting
editor of the Pre, Press to corer the
reply of C. Currie, of Parkhill, in ac-
cepting his challenge published some
time ago. He was informed no accept -
anise of hts challenge had been received
and no money left here. He authorized
the issuance of • challenge for $500 or
$1,000 to Currie or any other "pukter
ut shot" in Canada or elsewhere, accord-
ing to Caledonian rules. Letters ad-
dressed to his care at the City Hotel
will receive atteation.
A Bets lbs. -The misfortunes which
beset editors am not only freqeent but
appalling. A contemporary has taken to
• swamp, and will probably never r. -
tern to the social circle from which It.
parted in stsch haste. He somehow
got • cattle show and • concert mixed in
his paper. The artiolig ran as follows :-
"The contsert gives last nicht by six-
teen ‘.1 Storni Lake's must beautiful and
interesting young ladies was highly ap-
preciated. They were elegantly dressed
and sang in • moat charming manner
winning the plaudits of the entire audi-
ence, who pronounced them the finest
hinged of short horns in the country. A
few of them are ef a rich brown color,
but the majority am spotted, brown and
whits Several of the heifers are fine
bodied, ttght limbed animals, and poles-
144.904)L Baling) M RIMING. -The regu-
lar smoothly meeting of the school board ,
was held in the !ibrary last Moeda/. I
Present the chairman Mr 8 Maleemerse,
and Messrs Acheson, Ball, Butler, Mor
ton and Swanson. The afloat's of last
regular meeting were read and eonfiret-
ed ; slew the prirseepale report showing
the Memoriam!. at ispening to be 683 A
motion, allowing thews sot eoetributors
to the public shoot forted to atteed the
sentral who'd on paymeet of 50 mats
per ssoreth, pipit's to the principal in
adverse's, less carried saaninsegaly A
communication regardmg the introdea
non of a new book, was diod.
entente :-111. Sharma. 817.75; IL IL
Watese 841.90; 1state G. Groot $1.110,
were ee motion ordered to be pea The
eastingeot onsitetittess was ordered to
report 51west enmities regarding shirt -
tem Inc St. Andrews's ward .shoot. The
Nord this streamed.
L'aell at the label ul this paper.
H. McPhee, formerly teacher at
Kiagetrielge, has been engaged to super-
iatend a dope/insect us Di, Jerome* col.
lege, Begins. This is his secood yeas ID
commosetimme with that iostitutitaii. Ho
left by the early train Wiednesdey.
treeeoree• statemeat, which es ham ex-
amioed, as learn tliost Lie receipts 01 1.
Caledotaisa games were $644.80 and the
expediter's $763.00, leaving • balance
is the hoods of the treasurer of $81.71.
This latter will form • 'best see towards
the next year's games. The detailed
statement res la seen in the ohm of
Treasurer Nairn, censer of Ellitmilton-st
sad the &pears.
-A recent analysis, just closed by an
Araericau Board ot Health, a the
various medicines aud tunics generally
known as "temperance drinks" beings
out souse startling facts. There NOR
SOD weed bitters which committed no
sea -weed, sulphur bitters without a
vestige of oulphur, beef tonics without
even a anapicioa of beef in their cum
poeitioa, and hop tonics which were as
hi:pleas as • dead grasshopper. There
was otie thing which they all contained,
however, and that was alcohol. In fact
one temperance medicine which is ad-
vertised as being without stimulants,
was found to be heady half alcohol,
quite enough to mum even au old beck
number church deacon to go on a wild
spree and paint the towel red. With
nsedicine which doe. not medicate,
stimulants which do nut stimulate, pro-
hibition which does not prhibit, the
popular solution still remains : "What
Intl you take t" This is • great country!
ing, which we take from this Wiodeor
Record refers to • person not unknown
to some of our Guderich residents :-
Prof. A. Burkart. Stratford, passed
through Tilbury Centre the other day,
and spent Sunday in town. He Is
selling drugs -rank poison- by which
whiskey can be converted into Holland
gin rum, or alintet anything required
Some of the Illy'una in town took hum for
Inspector "Lan.." Elliott, and Satur-
day night the hotels were closed as tight
as an oyster shell. The "Pr d." visited
Cumber, Woodslee and Essex Centre,
mid reports a brisk trade, but was indig-
nant because he was ordered out of the
Windsor House at Comber. It is quite
' • scheme and is a but dime sa% log 10
hotels. A small bottle judiciously treed
will be worth 8100 to a hotel man, mid
from the prosperous appearance of the
"Prof," who is • *tout, elderly man,
with a gray beard, he is doing a rattling
business, and dudes who think they are
getting the "pure quill" are gett ing sadly
I left, as their headaches next morning
Moog'. Scoot ELAIIINCIUL-At •
meeting of theboard recently held, there
were present, the chairman, John IL
Tom, and MUSKS. Malloch, Turnbull and
Halls. Mr. Tom was re-elected chair-
man far tbe current year. The resolu-
tion of the Board passed in 1866, allow-
ing only residents of the county to attend
the model schools was rescinded. It
was reeolved that the practical stork of
the candidates be examined by the In-
spectors, who are to devote three days
to each model school, and that the per
°outage required to cbtain • certificate
be 40 on each subject and 60 of the ag-
gregate. For practical drawing book 6
is to be completed and handed in at the
end of term, certified by the Principal
of each model school as beiog the work
of the candidate, provided there is no
. Departmental regulation to the contrary.
IThe secretary was instructed to notify
each candidate which of the schools
they ars to attend ; any farther appli-
cations to be divided as nearly as pos-
sible between the two schools. The
number now allotted is 38 for each
school. The Board then adjourned
MEeNANIcae inseting of
the directors was held on Tuesday
evening, Thos. Weathers'sl president in
the chair. The directors present were :
Messrs. P.aid. Foot, Naftel, Sharman,
Humber and Manley. The secretary
reported that he had received the Gov-
ernment grant for the year. A. J.
Moore was authorized to purchase the
list of books that had already been
Detected by the board, and to hare •
shipment sent on approval, so that the
full amount of t200 may be expended
on sew Looks at once. The account of
C G. Robertson, for supplies amounting
lo $3, upon being properly certified was
ordered to be paid. On motion it was
agreed to commence the sale of tickets
for the year 1888 after the 1s1 of October
next for 1111, as an inducement for new
members to join. The secretary was
instructed to find the coat of twenty ad-
vertising cards with frames ; also to
procure 300 circulars, and report to the
nem committee. The subject of even-
ing classes for the coming winter was
discussed, sod the matter let in the
bands of the class commutes to report
at the next mooting.
Y. W. C. T. U. CoNCIIITT.-Th•
eert ander the anemone of the Y. W.C.T.
U., which was in the house of Mrs
W. Wataon, Tuesday evening last, was
eery successful, some 60 Ibieg present,
of whose the larger number were young
ladies. In the shames of Rey. Dr. Um,
the chair was taken by M. McGillivray.
The prorramwith the singing of
"Bringing in °Zs/tares," by the onus-
pany. Next was a solo by Mies Skim•
minim, which was warmly racoreel. Thie
lad• aleo gave a number of isstrumental
pieces during the evening. Z. C. Balch -
or and Miss Berry followed *kb "Lar-
board Watch- in a capital manner.
Mies M Strode gave • recitation, of the
pathetic order, which was appropriately
rendered. H. I. Stsane, B.A., reed a
eery instructive piers, avert sten gave a
abort and pithy &dams on timperseee,
coupled with emievatolafory reessrke on
the moms. the society had &reedy st.
tallied At 9 • in. refreshments wore
provided. Mis. McCormack, of Cleve-
land, and Miss Maoism aloe fueveral
with solos during the *venial!. The is.
struniontaliets were Misses Berry, Skim -
mums, /eraser sod Mr Clarke. lolm
Benderenn, president, and her eo-wovir•
SIPS. deserve treat credit for the messes
%het bee attended the brut commit *odes
the sospiese of the moiety. The proceeds
astif.d $6 SR
Frirosa."-Ilendey rreoleig task
the seenshere of the %Jeri& Chlemiasism
%misty showed their earesialliera el the
semis= readered to the moiety by J. D
thewart-spho su ably performed the
dories a neasesirer of the Caledonian
gimes in Godonc/a on the lost tet July- -1
by presorting bign with a handsome
plans gold nue 1). McGillicuddy. on
.is.If of the enemy, made the address!
se the occasion, and the ring wise pre•
seated by Chow A Nauru, treasurer of
the society. The heetoind ot the!
souvenir was brought atonal in this;
wise : So well satisfied were tile mous- ,
biers of Godeneh CaligUmuui Society,
with the .Worts (lust had been suede by '
Manager Stewart to ointributir to the I
success the goatee, that it was thought ,
°sly right that moue token of
don of his services should be toad. to I
him. For a time eff "is to male ;
him &earl of auy aektowledgminit of the
illerviees Ilendered proved futile, but he !
was finally prevailed lapis* to accept the !
memento of which be was the recipient
Monday evening. His preeenoe ..11 a
business trip was taken adirautage of by
Ine friends to make the presentation. !
"J. D.," in reply, stated that he would ,
cherish the souvenir as emblematic ,-f
the circle of friendship which bound ;
him to his friends of the tloderich
Caledcnian Society. Anythino he had
done to contnbute to the success 4.f the
games in Huron's county town tad bent
• labor of love un his part. and was fros-
ty given, without hop. of fee or rimmed.
if in the land of the lie Pir, he hoped
be with theta next year, when, with osI
grounds and old cousmittee men, he was
confident that Goderich would he abWiu
partieepate in • series of games that
could be exceeded by no other place on
the continent. (Hear, bear and ap-
plause) The ring hes in raised letters
on the back the initials by which Mr
Stewart a known front into end ;if the
Province to the other "J. 1), and on
the inside is the inaciiption "Presented
to J. D. Stewart, by the thelerich
Caledonian Society. 1887. " J. D. left
for the Seaforth games by the 7 o'clock
Iran Tuesday morning.
Irtgbifal screen*, 11`anSe mid atillreealtea
la ea Maitedi Wbeimaer.
- - -
Seserse maltase •tereetleam Mat will be Offer -
ams lbw eft -ammo
LG. -Dune dm pee-
forisi43allowsce:of Sept.tin
ei Romany Bye" in the
theater at Exeter lestpauerime iaireinektilmembusadild.
wee dscoiered t
mg io be me lira The
lioisoildiellas"fratift"ino for the exits, despite
the heroes Aorta of the attaches to
reassure them seed induce them tu go
out quietly. Toe occupants of the pit
goirsiord to an a•ful *toggle for .egree•
in he narrow aisles. Men sad women
witr• deliberately knocked down and
tremolo.' motto by thvee behind them,
and hundreds of pontoons were almost
cotter!, d•ouded no their terrible tight
for toe. rho vit ea. MIMI), cleared, but
a bars* number of the isoeupauts of dud
!woof, of the boom were seriously io-
jorml aud presented • horrible spectacle
os they reached the streets The oe-
cupenta et the gallery did not fare es
wellbere es* only use very narrow slit
from the upper tier, involving the des-
, oeist 04 • long thoht of stairs, and here
all aim...met indescribable scene of terror
I and slaughter ensued. The rush for the
; stairs was territi.:. and in a moment the
entire peasageeey was blocked, those
iterating who kept their feet teethe sup-
ported by a .olid mass of prostrate he
enmity. l'he shrieks, groans and curs-
es of the imprisoned, and the trampled, --
the wounded and the dying, were per.
tidtly heartrending, but there was no
relief, and in a moment scores of men
mid women were either suffocated ur
killed by beim, trodden upon. A fire
esespe *as at last brought to on* of the
gallery windows, and through this medi-
um the pressure was relieved and & great
many persons were lowered to the
°errs anon as the house had been cleared
of the livitio the work +of removing the
dead was begun, end sixty bodies were
taken out by means of the fire escape.
The sounded survivors were conveyed
to the hospital mid their number can
,ot at this time be detinttely ascertained,
bat it is very large. The total number
of lives lost ts estimated at Its"), but may
riTe"dhe licehatetliafre.tuesiin the flies during the
fourth act of the play Whm the names
were discovered •drop ammo wa• lowered
In protonic the current of air ftom in-
creasing the blaze. After this was done
the actors and stage hands threw open •
door to make their escape, when the
draft caused the !lames to burst throcet
!the drop scene and ignite the woodwork
lof the gellery. The flames overtook
the hindmost of the unfortunate people,
' who were wedged in the corridor and
!stairway, arid Itterally roasted them
!alive. There was no escape for them,
the fire being at their Nice', and a COIN -
pact, immovable -mass of human bails Tbefirernen reeehed the upper windows
and took out all the people they could
find, but most of them were dead, and
many (Alien died soon after they weft&
taken out. The surgeons in the hospifar
revived • few persona who were thought
to be dead Ilmen suffocation. but at 4
o clock this moraiug more than 100
°proses laid in rows on the floor, and
these did not compress the total number
of the dead, as • great asany bodies were
burned to ashes in the theater. Some
of the dead were simply suffocated sad
not at all mind .. ted be ed
The agricutural hall on the ,rosinds f
the Northwestern Lxhibttion will be
oompleted this week. The building will
be the largest of the kind in the county.
The Northwestern Exhibition will be
formally opened by Hon. A. 14. Ross,
AL PP., Commissioner of Agriculture ar
Ontario, on Tuesday, October 41h.
The Goderieh Encampment is doing
regular drill preparing for the grand die
play of evolutions at the Northwestern
Exhibition on the evening of Oct. 5th.
Tbe choral practice for tbe opening of
the kehibition, is being prieecuted
vigorously under the leadership of S. P
Halls, science master of the High
Mayor Sesget. of Goderich will de-
liver an address of welcome to outsiders
on the Exhibition grounds on set 4th.
The grounds will be brilliactly
nated by electric lighta supplied by the
Royal Electric Co., of Montreal, sod
the Ball Electric Co., of Toronto.
There will be speeding in the ring on
the forenoon and afternoon of Wed-
nesday, Oct. 5th.
A number of attractions not a!ready
announced are being ;arranged for by the
board of directors.
WI' burn.d.
The occupants nr the dreg% circles es-
LABE NOTES. coped without injury, the injured and
dead being confined to thed the
Meese .4'Interest he Me Ileym.Whe II long*
Ibe Deep.
--- •
The echooDer Jane MeL.old with •
cargo of lumber, part for FL Sword and
pert for Joe. Willnuns, arrived Monday.
Tbe schooner Kolfage with
cargo of lumber Inc H. Secord atnir-
ed in port on Monday morning.
The schooner Todman with • cargo of
lumber for H. Seeisrd reached harbor en
Friday, and at otter commenced to un-
The schooner Ariel with • cargo of
lumber for Joseph Wilhelm; retched
her dock on Saturday morning.
The steam:barge Energy, from Wal-
laceburg, with a carro of hoops Ind
staves for thioree Rice and others,
reached harbor un Saturday, and clear-
ed again on Sunday.
The steam yacht !Cards arrived in
port on Saturday afternoon, on her
second visit this season. There was a
number of Wiwi and itentlingen oa
Last week the barge Pinafore pissed
a boiler on the schooner Ontario, the
vessel that hae so long been aground in
the harbor. It is expected that the at-
tempt to pump her out will be successful
this time.
The sehorner A. C. King, of Chicago,
arrived in Port ea Friday afternoon, and
oinimenced duicharging her cargo,
26,000 bushels of oats, at the 0. T.
elevator me Monday morning.
The schooner Ellsworth, of Chicago.
with 26,680 bushels of oats fcr the 0
T. elevator reached the O. T. dock on
:FFridayafternoon. Thai Ellsworth coon -
unloading on Saturday evening
sad sailed for honie on Sunday morn -
The steamer ()uteri° of the Beatty
lies reached Lee's dock on Saturday
moraine. After taking on board several
paimengers and • large quantity of salt,
apples and general issechandise she left
for the upper lakes.
Twelve thoueend dollars' worth of
is' welry was seized by the Coatroom at
Montreal Wednesday ou a charge of ea-
The Supreme Come of Minnie (Teasel
at Ottawa. 111, yesterday. A decision
ha the Anarchist eases is not hersked for
until the second or third week of the
eiriligir. John Macdonald arrived in Toroe-
to Wednesday morning. It is under-
stood he will ramie there till Saturday
morning, and will address the Young
Meo's Liberal-Cooservative assoeettion
se Friday night.
Them ere no Imm lima four detent,s.
sr reels, in St. Catharines. assenost
whom, it )16 mei, is Robert 'Salmis's.
They appose Se he keeps' • close wersh
ea the ease sod 1.44.5*, o! Mr. F. 11/4.
John, whom thzemeera q think kaows
where he Gel
pit an
upper circles. The building was des-
One hnndred sod thirty bodies ham
been taken out of the thmter thus far.
Of these one hundred were men aad
boys, and thirty women. A se ore or
more of the injured were taken to the
hospital and • Urge number were take&
to their home.
Mrs John Andrews !we Caasidy, nGw
ul Gedanch, is visiting hers.
Thos. Canmy ie eajoyieg the wooden
of the Toronto exposition mid visiting
old friends about Wescott during the
A McLellan and his daughter Awe.
of Mi. , are at present visiting old
friend* bete.
Jon G Murdoch, general menshant,
and his sister Mattis, inter.d taking in
the Toronto exhibition, Thursday the
8111 inst.
Albert Towle has taken the contract
of gravelling 140 rods on our main et.
Seeding is almost completed in this
David Houston and Mies Lizzie
Cook, a this place, weirs united in holy
bonds by the Rev. R. H. Shaw, of
Lucknow, last Wednesday, Aug. 31st. 41
John C. Reid and James Murehierat
of this village, and who peened the as-
inine* at Kincardine, are at present go-
ing to school, the former to Goderieh,
the latter to Luaknow. Wo wish yon
amines, boys.
The offieers in Dewdrop lodge 1 tl 0
T. No 27, are se foliows :-W C, Bro 8
Murchison; W V C, Sister Sarah
McKenzie; W See, Bro Neil MoDiar-
mid ; W F Sec, Bro Joe Agnew; W
Tress, Bro Alex MeDaineid ; W Ghep
Bro John C Reid; W M, Bee A V
Murdoch; W 0, Bro W Dave • W
Oro J Martin : W Assist. Soo, 81;ter M
A Beaton W Deputy I( fluter 0 Hes-
ton ; W R H 8, Sister 11 lierdoeh • W
L H 8, Sister B Ttide
lodireng Friaawillyboterdenietengrope
asrtevrly. issaL
open meet
i -
At the Irmo Stele Fair, now being
held st DesMeine., Iowa, the Brantford
Bow l'etk •hord 44 Sliorthorne has won
the first prise of $600 Inc a 'rand beef
herd. This was in eimpetition against
ail classes of beef sninsals.
Who Weer hem
Northwestern gate 0o4erich. Oet.
pollee Clistoti. lteri. 5.sad M.
Ymiekevenelth. neeforth. 5511. 5. and IIIL
Owyhee sad V
Morrie RriuseAL Stylk=1 sod I1
. Ont. land
Ompt. IM ft
'tato 11
11 It
Ste II,
trend satral.
amtern it Mr,
untrial. Toronto,
ametharti. Walker's'.