HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-9-2, Page 8H O li P li A FOR THE SCHOOL OPENING FRASER, PORTER & KAY'S BOOK STORE AND GET 1111It SCHOOL SUPPLIES • AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. - SLATE PENCILS AND MILERS Given sway TO CUSTWolEI S THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL OPENING ON LY. HAVING PURCHASED THE LARGE STOCK FORMERLY 11WNE1► 1;Y JAMES IMRIE, AND COMBINED WITH THE FRASER .Ir PORTER STOCK; VE ARE PREPARED TO SELL GOODS CHEAPER THAN ANY HOUSE IN THE COUNTY. p r'ual U'1•,count to Teachers. FRASER, PORTER & KAY. Cor. .Square iurl North -,t.. and Central Telephone Exchange, Square' -_� Ci'ODMFLICII. 1 • FROM WASHINGTON What Has Transpired at the United States Capital. Tr.11.a the CMG Mervin. negates's,. Lally "L.b.rees- seldom/ fee ebe 1erplae leedtr.t l.ngrees is Amsrrlrar armory Green. From our rtwo•ial l'.w a pondent. H.t.t11N,n03, 1►. C , Aug. L'Ittb, H$ . After testing the new Civil Service rekulations in the 1V,,r Department the Civil Service 1'ommisai. nrra state that the experiment was n success except in acme minor particulars that can be readily adjusted to meet existing con - anions of the system in •eueeti on. As a result of this imamisation the Commis- sioners have certified to the War 1)e - p ertmsnt the names of eight persons for that number 81,200: vacancies and names to fill the forty•sight vtteancies in the +1 000 clam will at once be certified. These appointments will be made with due regard to the apportionment of the offices, aoctrding to the 9uotas of the several Stater of the 1 nion. The new rules will be applied to the clerks of all the Departments in the Treasury, it is supposed, being met in odor. it is given out that Secretary Lamar is .treououaly opp sed to the new civil service rules, and that he will exert Lia influence to prevent their application :n the interior i►epertment, though, i doubt the truthfulness of the report, for, Mr Lamar having been a college pro- feesor fully appreciates the scholarly at- tachmentsof his subordinates. i have it from good authority that the now Commissioner of Patents has mode the unexpected and iutereatine discovery that the pay -retie of his alias contain the sautes of quite a startling number of Wier or women whose salaries ars not provided for in the Coegression.l applo- priatio n bills, and who are aMeead as "taborer.," but whose labors are nut perceptible at least to the public un Their fair "laborers" aril cbielly distinguished by their attractive person al appearance, and it is nail they are protected by statesman high in the coon telt of the Dation. iiml. Allan Rutherford, formerly an Auditow of the Treasury, bet now a pro - mum, claim Attorney of this city, and a clerk named !greener, of the Pension i ►Nioe are under arrest on the star** of perloifling ((overtime/4 records from that Bursae-thepenalty being tire year. at pawl servitude. The clerk easi.w. Lie Mime, bet the Iswyn, ateutly denies his guilt and attempts to saddle another with the offence (thereof!. The Treasury has rerie.m.d and re - coined into diets shout four and three .4.arter millions of trade dellen ; the time for redemp•n.r. wilt .spire in a few days. and 0 is t.wlieved that very 10(1. ea now Left netatanding Pte the fast that more than aitteen mtlhun diol Ian have been paid on pensions Phi. menoh, the MAIM 01 Tr.a.stry rec.iplr I over all disbursements foots up thief, and a half millions for the same period -- thus largely augmenting the already enormous surplus, which seems a vety trouWes,►me white elephant on the hands of the /loverement. National Bank depositories now hold I$20,201,264 of Uomertiment funds ---by 'far the lamest amounts they have ever bad in their history. The last Cabinet meeting was one of Acting Secretaries -- Secretary Bayard the only member prt sent -the &then br- ing away on their t'ac.tii r. Cul. Daniel Lamont, the President's Private S rani; is said to be interested is a Democratic pictorial weekly. s,.on to be launched on the great nes of New York journ*liam. I hear that the new venture will all into res uisition the wonderful talents of Thos. Nast, who has done an much to win fame and for- tune for Harper 's IN eekllf. Delegates to the International Medi- cal Convene are arriving daily, and it is thought theta will be from two to three thousands -perhaps mon--in attend- ance. It will probably be the largest and most important meeting of this character that ever ataembled, and its deliberations are anticipated with general interest. Several public meetings of the chi tens of Washington have been held lately, in which were toldly presented chargee of malfeasance in the manage rent of the affairs of the eity Water De- partment, and the President wag even petitioned to remove the District Com- masinners fur neglect of duty. But the fact that the asooeeting officers of the Treasury Drpxrtmeot have at least certi- fied to the correctness of the Commis- sioners for nine years pest, will, I sup- pose ; aegnit them of all blame and put a quietus to the agitation. Among the other enrnerons attract- ions the Federal City is • great Gestin Omen for eloping coluplrm from the Ytatcs 4.1 Maryland and Virginia, and writ • week passes that does not witness these romances in reel life. "The creel parents" generslly telegraph fix the erred of the fugitive.. but geld ion ie time to frustrate the hopes of the de terminad lovers. The G..vernor (lensral se expected to ,-stern to Rideoe Hall on October Lt. Mantirne an eztenav, lot of repairs are Leine made to the Vtoa-Regal median. alodeelrb seater. Oo.nrRral, Meup I. s. Wheat. Iran DidI bu.n ted Ts M Wh at, tFaS new 1110 alt wheat. teed wiwtoarl 1 tlt.swt•.... e m 0 Whist.t4pringipboob . .,.... •7w• Wheat. q oose. w book 0 M 0 flour. 'fall. p cwt. 2 m• l ed Flour..,.l..4 p cwt t 1M 1 • Fleur once i`` bak.rs, a cwt.... a la t N FN ir. •permtl pp.�.- 1e boot . �. ant • , J M Peas.VtvnA .......qOMf Oto Harley, w lesesi ..: A:.,0 0 0 0 /0 PMato.., p b.r\ � ,. M • 010 Ma).wton tin a.w s.tt.r.ils ���1., 1110 011 �s erect rnpmettg i+ji .. 0 M M s N l 0 N • 0 11 Shone, a ten....................13 M 0 13 a0 ran rn1( w.... It 00 MSI M ('lsmph-A Atm& POOPS 0 M" 01 w Wesel n g'. Soot M' 0 m Mlles ,,......»......k• • • .~,. 51; save.r.k'ns., ... •...,• .... M " 0 'on THE ESCAPED CJNVICT3. Dentistry. !hr O .tale $t -J seise. wade t. Valet ` ,i N It• HOLSOY, L1111. taw Ara to the states __ DCNTAL ROOMS. Kidhlb dor below the Plot Uam, Wert.. KKi'u.to,r, .tug. :11 -The asuospwd ti -Aleut /OM -4 convicts Imrenot toren rraapt tired. -- Whet] they heard the shooting they threw ,,`i L. W(N)LVERT(►N, L. D. S. thett,telyei in the 6, in of the boat avid • Plan 0" r Octluws Hall, North tot.. Uuderlob. Chartres n.u.lrrate. .111 work were were .a'e there. A guard with a glass rantr•i. Gee er Vitalised Air sura for pals - could see oothioe )tut the hand of .same less retraction of 1e.tb. ltlet- who controlled the machtoe When the • prisoners would not transude( the alarm Domestics Wanted. esa given The fates seemed &ga-- iner authorities. A tag could rot Le I`,VANltD-A CUING AND Nit'ItSE found to Kingston hart,. r The I',lief- Derives* wares w.p be paid fur wane-, fain was tinnily secured at I;arJea.i-Ias.d. teat Drro& App17 to Then attend, n was turned to Potts- HI-uttg•RS. J. T. O**MUW. mouth harbor, but, most tonnes! occur- 1 - ranee, not a tug nor s'.rt.e yacht seemed to be in it. The asyldn. yacht Julian } - - Oahe People's tolumn. • soft the yacht nipple were token. Mean- frIMVERS.-AN A-.SIJ1U'AlENT OF ._- a euauti•, tor sa at low prima. Aeply to MA►I\.. R.trtp MgAIrW tY (', A. Il l_M11l:It. Ili •-'t. acr•.es the Take. rim Chiretain cat i - --- time the convicts were stare and Ienzha. Of Lurasr awl ceder - through the patten, 1'benne), the Rip- t pie scoured about C..as Vincent, mud the head of the island. the .Julian pushed onward to Pigeon l'ththo.0 m. There ' iho depot'', warden learned that a yacht -lowering the dr et ption of the .Idea,-' had passed an hone }cervi ly and fan eight or (en miles ahead. Z -Mbba the adhere gave up the chase and returned 1 to t'urtsinautl� 1Varden Ltve!1 tele. graphed the prlii e • threes at Owego, Sackett's Harbor and- ether points to leak out for the coaricts and arrest them. Hs was satisfied they could be detain- ed for having stolen propisrty in their possesains. THE.'n!CA1 "r i.r•'(il:n. The escaped c•nvic's were trusty 'e! - lows, "just the kind of use., who erne,- ally eat np aurh-lffiroi,'-tai%, the warden to•dey. Win. Brh.weles was a man about 41 years of age. an English- man, and committed to the penitentiary, from Owen $ .und for ten years for malt - slaughter. He had nerved three yam .I..hn K.•Iley was from Welland, an Irtshmu,, :it, years of els. He was en engineer by trade ani had foxed his wily Mtn the• penitentiary foe burglary 1. r which he received five years and awed. tau yours '•B..th rarn,'f_said Warden Lirell, •• were w0 1 -behaved, in•lustrious fellows. The ad n• t a mark against them on the r ds " it is thoa_ht that Are "'ape was ittated, and that the fellows bed planned it to a nicety. Up to the presert writing the convicts have not heen heard 0 . Penitentiary officers here zone down t • so nth ohm* in search of totem. CCMMERCIAL a •14. rise resole are Dlsrn.l.e the Alt Oyer. .'Os111tIIOIAL riION__I.tPok-sf. I•. Coeesrtrut, Aug. :0. -The following resolution was pawed at yesterday's har- vest home : "Resolved, that the estab- lishment of free commercial interc.•urse between the United States and Canada would be of creat advantage to both countries ; and that it is the opinion off this meeting that every legitimate scans should he used to aceonuplish tLa rust desirable obiect." THE MILLER• WANT 1T. 11 fro:HANI bMtii••, Aug. 21). -At a meeting o1 the ,lltller s Association of Huron, Perth, Grey, Bruce and North %Vt11 neon, petit at 1'almetston, the fallowing rts-lut:on, after lengthened dis:uesion, was unanimously carried with one exception : -"That we as an associa- tion would approve of a cmm�ier- dal utlion between Canada and the Uuited States upou a fair Wei., believ- ing it would be in time interests of the e mmanity as a whole; and especially would it aid sod awiet the ruling best- ow of the country by giving IIra an en- larged market for our prcduatl " at',f AL0 i? t.ogalen 1T. BrrrAlo, N. Y., Aug. 30.-A large meeting til bluinees weir was held this ere g, at whichspe--hes favcringCorn • mercial union with Caned& were deliver - by Erasing Wiman, of New ink, sod Congressman Butterworth, of Ohio. Cunvressmau Far.luhat, of this city. pea - aided. A resolution was unanimously adopted declaring it to bo the sense of the meeting that the breaking down of the commercial her! Jeri between the tern one^tries would 1.e of great benefit to both. NRY, Clark -in Lattices. on the !11h of August l$Hr. ibe wife of W. ('lark, of a sen. MEW McPhee -tot Colbur�nr..-, c-. Thut'tulsy. An; int 15tk, 1807, )sales McPl.ee, aged 33 years. Auctioneering. 1OHN KNO!I UUrNERAL AUC- s TIOvr.Kft and Land Valuator. (nderloh Ont. Haying had ron.iderahk experience 1^ the anetion/wring trade. he Is in a position discharge with thenoigh satisfaction all coin missions entrusted to him. Order's left al Martin's Hotel or sent Ay mall to my addrnm Godcrich P. 0., carefully attended to JOHN KNOX Coasty Aneileuerr. Ist:-t travelling $ulbe. s ORANI) TRUMP e. %ST. Kx rm. MIxeol. Mixed. Oedewteh Le. 70 a. n. ILIA p.m ]as pwv Stratford Ar. I CM *.m I 3:llp.m 1701 pia was?. Mixed. $1xd. Evprrss. Stratford I Lir. I asa.a.m I 1:U p.m I int p.m Oed.r4'h Ar. le t' a. m 11 Rat ti tl p.m SURES Liver complaints Biliousness Impure Blood Dyspepsia Kidney Complaint akin l)iee,lww THE GREAT REGULATOR of IM $Miners. Over. ?.wets and Maid. .'wiles leadmebe, 1..MIM(naw. rooms. s -ample not., and MOW. 1 p tam ay.tem. amu, vitt ,ns,nwlwO "roe year. pool 1 bar.-..gFrad teem) 47. p�e�g.�terua dna 1 wr e.metnr.t.4.d f. trp i». p)4.44.rc(:ompessd. 1 414 Tito N H• perfect entre. it J. ('t'RT1. Ont. slam rv.rynbeee. I1iee, tae. ON 'INST.'S TIM M 518 UM. Cpl Sever hila Nweanw 1. 14tea, 1sa w Me. 1110 (7$IOW MKI IN It CO, tit ,o Proprietary Tenon. clew DO1' WANTihU- SMART AND AC l� TIVC-to learn the Dry Ooods buuwns. Apply to .1. A. HEW a 1110.1.112.11 VOTE R tl' L 1 I r. 1887 N U r IOI 1'AI.ITY lir THE TOWN OF Guint- itl( H. Notice is Gerrie peen that 1 bee tram, - mit led ram,- mined or delivered to the persons oneself •mrd in 11.e third and for eecttor.n of the Vote • Llan Act. the copies rryntrrd by .aid sections to be transmitted or del, venni to thetas , made p. stunt 1u the said act. of ail pennies ppesr- tng by the last revised as.esamewl roll of the said Muoicitulity to be rut,tkd to vele b the said Municipality at elections for siert.ers of ib. Legislative Asarnll sad at Municipal sbnttons,und that Mie will list wail gest piiared up in my olnce. in the said Tows. oil the 310 day of Au.:: ust, let?, and retrains there for Inspection. }lr•,,wa areallei upon to examine the raid I .t. and if any omie.uoa or other errors are found then -ie. to take immediate proceedings to have said errors corrected according to Dated this 31.1 dee of August. 1. '7. 4'M CAMPBELL„ 111-i( Clerk of said Municipality. ONTARIO STATUTES. - Notice Is hereby given that copies of Onta- rio Statutes. ps. Vic., for 114J. for dialribw'inn to Just ices of Ibe Pears for Hueco t'uwt have been received at tae elate of Um cart of tee Peace. IRA LEWIS. Illi( Clerk elthe Ponta DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER Nur. Nalcr is hereby' `leen that Ike partner- ship artnership heretofore exl•ling between the under- signed in the priuting and puhn.hing line, and known by the so le and Arm mune of McGillicuddy Brothers. has this day beep disuolved by mutual oonfeut. The hnetnese wiltlw'eooducted her -at mrby Il. Metlilliruddy. sel.o will pay • 1 debts of the late Arm. and to w-'o:n ail accounts due lbs late Arm nowt to. paid. Dated at Uudcrirb ficin 30tb day of June, 1117. DANIEL 31cO1LLICUDD1. TEO(L Mt•U1LL1C1'DIY. massy Am oewracisa. Whams. •rf looney knot t M t Har annum PINE TAILORING ARLY FALL & If I1TER GOODS My Fall and Winter Arne ala t retest Me NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON QUALITY : V A III TY I VERY LOW IN PRICE. B. Ma►cCor'ma.c. - - - 31►H► O.rlerlch. Sept. 1.1. Itti7. Legal. kturo/l. Laub ,Agency. EDWARD N. LEW Is, UAIRIf18TEtL S.11.H7ITOtt. PROCTOR 14 MtI:lrIiIK /AWE TS. (.'OA%5:1A.'• - -- )ttttNh:Y 10 LoAN. Straight Lo:.na. Private Funds. 6 1-0 I'}:It t'RN-r. Omni re corner lot Hamlin en end N �e7w'pet�e ,ii.' :., upp. Colborne Hotel. (itwferiW.. 2112 - It Ai A HART,-, I AniturrXII$. ► teen G..ierbb and (7fatew Ouderteb et. Ccr upyp.ite )tmrtfs's II*ImL 11Ftf C. H AYa, IIULICI FOit,' to R . R�.� y�r gte3rpvs lit iegO Woo street, 1:..• erlc otic taore 1?1 rale fundi to lead at f3 pee east. mem ('1 R R(HY A PROD DFO()T, BAIL 'T IittITERH 1 lolieliora, eta Goderich J. T. ()arrow. tti W. Proudfwt. 17t1 CA)IERt►N, H .)LT & CAMERON, Harr:stem, i'uliettors Is Chancery. til.. 3ederich. 3I. C. t'am••rea. O1.('.: P. lion M. �Q THE t11'Kt1N LAND AGENCY sew 1 ItIC.�L I4TATR 'O1f1CC. LItIT O:' L 1N1.111 14 ANTED Ott Fon -.1 LK: a�rCONEY TO L:)%N AT LOWEST l n .'. and am tet tore.... flt'tto)V 1. IND AGENCY. ANTED TO It I NT -HOUSE ' 11 %% oh cellar and cable ; rest about 14,0'. Apply to Huron Lend AJrn ). L'OR SALE -3 090D LOTS - JC send: '.owe mt nun. Print $13010. Ap• ply to lin.va Load Attct,cy• rr u RENT- NEW c•►rr.iilE- 1.'tsost hematite: spot In town -rent may &le►. Apply to Huron Land .(seney. L's R b ti L E -000D FRAME r house, first clam condition - Ane nn•bard 3 minu:es walk from thin memo. apply to Huron 1.a:.: _teem%. Rodcrn:b. a.Cameron. ('.t.c..... 1::.1- (,'(►R SA1E-l'11E1P ilf.%ME - _ 11" house -7 roon.s 2 stables and l acre -- (round. Apply to Huron Land Agency. Assignee's Notice. •r 1► It E N r -Dol BLE STORE- cood r,a..d fur Grocer. Apply to Rerun Land A goner• a�SSI(I N EE'B WTICE TO CREDIT- Cita of JOHN ieTRONO of the Cuba** d Furl wicn, County ttf Mures. General Store kteprr. as lasolvent. The buirlvent has assigned to me tor thi breed' of his creditors under AS Vic.. cap. M. Ont. Credits** Mom ale their claims be for.. me on or before ttie 1".•h day of sc•piembrr next. after which date 1 shall proceed to dines hut. t oe ate. hard only to the claim, of 'roach 1 shall alas hate am' ice. JOHN KNUX. Truster. No. 7, Kiog st. Kato. Hau,sltnn. Hewitt nn. a'b July. 1107. IMA Loans and insurance. •1PER CENT -ANY AMOUNT OF DEANER FOR SALE --A BAasAIs 111, 1. altered is a Champion Reaper. very IHUe teed, an4�o w is thorough repair. Also a Fire-PLwf,lfM., is seal older. Apply to D. 1. ATHA((''.HMAN. tMe-tt OTICE I3 HEREBY IUUVEN FOR. RIDDING anyperson purchasingthe 1 late ASE A LI.1:'d horse from J A 31 Es RAIL Y as it doesn't leoral:y belowgtoFoater. fee It not been paid for. Also any person indebted n the late ('Asn ALLEN please psyue re ma. • tt Msg. CASK ALIEN. ML SS COOKE. AFTER 14 llwll ysan aludy of music, Is prepared to ramie pspi a for the t'iano. 21 lhownone gusrterlyy. terms: -E6 1•'r quarter "1r30• • 8trapeb imals. ESTRAY HEIFER -CAME O1 THE Man- hood Con. Humien of the ron (toad. DoderieLot To n.hlp. a Iwo -year-old roan heifer. witb ten hors a little bent down. T.,a winter an have the animal b property • pa pease t. JAS. W141TEl.Y. 2112- � K For Bale or to Let. WARM FOR RENT. -LOT 3, W. D. `` Ashfield. (Lake Shore !tomtit. containing 127 acres and good frame house. M0 acres rlrar of stomps. balance par ore and hush : barn, sable and other bolding., orchid of one .--re. good water. Well f.ncrd and all other ,e•ees..try improvements. Will rent for a term of years. Apply to JAS SCOTT. on the 111-11. L`Oii S tLE -- .1N ORCHARD IIF ` two arms with a ino't h•,nm, stables and ontbaddin[s mi the premises, eitnated on herb's .mart, near the International salt block. Tice property will be sold cheaply, and al terms to slut ho mnaser*. Ad trees Mn MARTHA DIXON. Ooderich 1'. O. las It. L./ARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT - 1. Thepinpo'ray or the late ALEX. REID, Lot 3, eon. 4 k. f►.. or the township of (ol- born.. 1) milt's from Carlow. and a miles from Goderlch. Ian acres M ckare.l, and under Ara-eGla. cultivation. 11 acres simmer to1- ion, which will be planted with fill wheat. Young brari.g orchard of all kinds of 1: loll. Gond . ame,bsra. *tables. Arleta* shed and poultry house. Comfortable frame house e moms, Mntr • and summer kitchen. Gond none cellar..tard and soft water. rverythlng In fine -clam repair Will b- *old cheap. am Mrs 1te14 is firing tap farming and tolnll to town For f.rtber particulars apply to If MO AI.KX REiD, Carlow, 1'.(►., Hume Co 10t rj ARMS FOR SALE - IN THE 1 TOWNHII!P UT OOi►ERICH, Huron enemy Let It In the 3rd and 11 In the Ith non cession. Two of the beet Nacre farms in the county. A s ring creek flows through. Near- ly a:f cleared. Only 3 miles trntn the Town of Onderle ,. For farther particulars address W. M. HINOKY, Pnoraterroa. 101.1 Uoderlrh P.O. 17 -4 -(7 -FIRST-CLASS FARMS FOR sale. One In the township of Mille d containing 110 a re. ; and owe in wast Hows- nsah. containing 100 s. ere. For particulars a1 W, to Oamerss. Heft t ('amernn. Godes ilk►' 1W2 FOR SALE. Nest half of Int 1011. Arthur 9tres1, with scall brick eremite thereon, Rr•twtso Lora. M. KIP. 311• 215, Elgin Street. Int. At d On. 131. on ere s!Riroa and Ilritannla Road. Prow, li story boom, on Keay* M'roet. la dad halt lend. Sts ml hire in OsiO. Purvey. opposite new Stow Iltann•ta. ria, : Nos 21, 71. S. A. ms, 14. IA, alt. on AU the a at LOW RATIN -Wf TO tot-, DAVI*ON t JORNHTOY. L'ARM, TOWN AND VILLAGE 1' PIROPMRTY FOR HALE Tae Ereouters and, T}os- lmes of the legate of the late Jonr1.1i 11F.fl , offer tow male the hollowing valuable Properly, namely sulMI Lots awmhern /� and (11 , In Phil Tema of (ioderlch, 1 of saw *en inch. Fahiy Mtand vary desizabts for hotlines par. M*lt *eve Lot frowns" M114 Real. TaeiMip el (:.rlerfeh, bring part n1 Int ]tee Phil Malt - Med i'entemlew of said Township. $I oo risme cottage and resin. 0t.blr. 101 nwtilwr 11 Rooth aM. ef Millar street. Benw111e . l of •a .ere. small frame derail R. Mandl tg LW* nnw.h rs as. *sad 111 1m for Teem of Chats,. 1 or *n sen osaeb. bra tl telly eft mood ow Month lid. of Herne street rot Shy fenesd. TM Ker ► of Lot , Cea. 11, W.st Wawa mob. 1m arrm rood -. m acres e4rn•* aural f.so*A reanata er timbered. AW,1 P mum nen. I.nekwsw and t miler tram W).g lar ond turtle peter Molars. apply 1e R. CAMPION, Kee 1 turas M •.tnarrister. GMorieb! to • par era -straight roans --interest yearly. We have OM 414 0* 0 to lend In one or more suns at 5 PERd'hNT. Next decile South u( tftraubeis hareem shopw :WAGER t H A K rT. 1411 t f Dedericb. SIT 000 TO LOAD. APPLY Tt S C.i 31A11027 HOLT t CAiIEBOX 0.4. rleb. TM MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE amount of Private Fundi for Invsslntent st lowest ewes on "rd-claaaMortgyr. Apply toDARROW & 1'ROVLVOIYr • E. E. SEATER, GLNERAL INSURANCE AGENT. OFFI('E opposite Colborne Hotel. Ood.rteh. Rieke taken at LOWEST RATES in the fol- lowing grin clam Comnsnlea : The London Assurance-ifetablished 17M. The Natlomal of Ireland -Incorporated Is32. Mand -in -Hand The only c.•mWnyau: hurts. ed to Plate 111am 1n ('ands. Federal Life AYursnoe Co. l llomsn t Plant. 10-11 j�. RADCLIFFE, GENERAL INSt'RANCL. REAL ESTATE Assn data RAN -DWELLING HOUSE IN 1 convenient situation. Apply to Human Lend Agency. jIST OF LANDS FOR SALE AND J tt:to-ttaaiioa furaisbed respectingCaaada Comp.u)'s Laws. Huron Land Assoc). WANTED rine residence smnewbere in the (vest End. Hest have stable a-:Cstmtmu dation, gold appearance and anuses. W .t\TED TO P7 1tt•HASA.-k-good mai- 4ence in Ltcasaat lo••allt) on labq or rive - Lank. enitablc for small fam•1 • Mnot be ad sc Jest to parks. Price about ii.3a.el -- WANTED TO RENT. A Arstcla's resi- dence suitable for large t mtly• Yost M Mose tar business portion at laws. FOR ?ALE - Farm leads le Midland• eous- ty, llirbr.nn. Fine wheat lead. Jug the pines to make hooves fa tanners' tome. Rx- e-,11est . l,waate. Nom railroads. wheals and ebur hes. from. 530 to OWN per ace. Small sum down balance on easy term. Yoe further particulars and hat of land' wasters and for wale. appy st t1i11ce, or write to HURON LAND *tumor. Intek Hex 121. 2116 tiodortob. OM.. Cmmda. Blenical. nit W. IlL ROSS, biCENT1ITB OT Rnyat ('callers of Phymiclarta Odlabsyb. 011-e on Youth aide,ur Hadlton•et. 1074.., DR. MuLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- LY (.nines ate. OOce and re*dence Wyo. a.. eet. seated door went of Victoria dere.•-. 1751. D",s& SHANNON. tn-.;':sa•ne. euryieons. Aoconcbers, til. oiler .,• 1(i'. PI million s residence sear the pfd tio.lero'b U. (. tlwai.soet, J. B. Sear- ••••` • 1751 - MONEY LOA:,INI; AGENT. °- Societies. QAtI�4ral class 1'o paain Rrpr..cated tt♦ Money to Lend on straight loans, at the Net cwt tete of intertest gottolt• to ouy wily to L T ORDER OF 1.7141 T !✓: D t mu It. not -rower.. 1%i,hKMK's FIVE - r1eeond door from Square, rev. Ooderkb. ASS -11 MAI•LE LEAF LODGE, No. 27, `�t,•eb T'O LOA\ AT a PER 1 Meet. in their' Lodge Rouen ever Tint V', r7Or ' CEN•I•. PIONA1. OAloe. Uodai•i.1.. em tits THF. TOttOX*'O GENERAL TitUVrs co'T I SECOND AND FOURTH MONDAYS OF are prepared to EACH MONTH. pa 'bra money at l per cent.• pay able 1..lt.rely, VINITINO RRETHitEx 'ARE ALWAYS TE101�8 TO BLIT BORROWERS, WkLt0ME. Apply on dm -clews farm emeriti. 8. P. HALLS, M.A. REEK PRICE, CAMERON, HOLT t CAMERON, M• W. Finaoeler O. W. THOMPSON, M 1y Recorder. leen Goderic4 A gent* for the Toronto petal '�rpsta (•o y- Messrs. ('AMINOA, HOLT ('AMrIuntt have Woo • large amount of primate tads to No. on first -clam tarn seoarity. Goderieh. 00. 4. 11113. 131141 $200,000 PRIVATE FUNDS To len. oo fans and town properly, at low est Interest. Mortpiea Ptsrobaaed. No row m.r,on charged agents ase the Trust and Leas company of Canada. the Canada Landed ('r'dit ('ompany, tae London Loan Company of 'anada. Interest. 4 sl and 7 per cent. N. 11.. Borrowers as obtain mese, 1a ole day, lf title salistactery. DAVISON & JOHNO1ON, 1570- Oarrets's, lo.. Ood.riel. Amusements. 3lillwri9Ate Ualuator, &c. C. A. nusinan, MILLWCrnR-r. MACimCF.:3T. VALUATOR. AOENT. cdc. F-stlmat.a )fade and Contracts Taken ter House Heating by the Hot Water system. Ha Iveter and Stearn Hollers. Little Giant +' sad other Water Wheels. Agricultural Im- plements Hill Machlaary. PLANS AND SPECIFiCATIONS. VALUATIONS MADE. EAST STREET, - • GODERWIL rot. 1. MI >M4110 Ro-O , me- et ItECOANICB' Molars 1'i- FANNIN'C MILL TUT1t LiRRART AND RLADTifO ROOM, tor. of Beet street sal d./uars Imp sales. Open from 1 to a p.m., ase from 7 rn aan ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY Lead ;mg l/e i,,- 1V. (i tend /ltwsfroted • !'triers, M n.'.,:isss, 4•'., on Fila MF.MBKItzNIP TICKET. ONLY •50 granting tree nae of Library ss* it1.oadiag Boom. Applfsatinn for membership received by Librarian. in rooms. S 11AI1'O]DTON. 0E0. YTIVENO, President. Secretary, Godmrich, Marelt lath, 101011. PUMP FACTORY Sheriffs Notices. . -•sc---_ HEI:IFF'A SALE OF LANDS. (4.antyof Hums Ry iIrttm of a writ of To wit : i noel ironed ironed .int of Her Majesty's County 4'0..3 Mof i h. 5 •ownty Heron, sod to mo dlrs•tsd and d.Hrered opines the lend* and 1anemewts of ADA34 ('1.F:OH1/ItNstth.� "-s'••"'^ Rider. 1 here felled and taken In Kseritlew all the right. 11th.. interest awl .gutty e( r,. deuMlon e1 the shore stained d AMtw 1 i.ehnrn. In. to and out of the follow. Inc land. and premises. Ntuste. lying aid *- lag la the t•onnty of Harm and Prey -Mee of Ontario, and hilar rompo.u'ii of two War half of the 0 .trth halt of let aom►.r TwwwtJ In the First concessive of ted Too noplp M Tur,lwrry. roulette's" Tommy -Elvis ..res. Nuns. or 1.111a which Lada end Tomeasewt. I 0011 offer for Plato at m) sec.. In t1• coot. Mow. In this Town of IHdar1.4 e• Tars fop, fh. MON dela of 1 m,rmh.r, t SR: at the bene el T+N t. of the elect neon. lesrl0s Oer.. Itteterlpb, t Jelly Mb 1nit;. *Ass RT 01HSON(* rl -t3• S toil, Il.rr,lt. GODERICH, ON T. FASSan TILL DEPASTMENT FANNING MILLS, 120.00 EAC'. e ONLY A FEW LEFT. lRMB2IiON0.13 .Pat. Grain and Seed Cleaner l.:eekle. Chess for tboronghly separating ■t ere eimaS�weed, lalt 0 t14 Peas. ]tnsmrd flank Mod. Itos Tall. and othee ebsaslew seeds and refuse grab. from Wbst er nay Kral.. Meaning and wing all a,se0 moodat 1 time mem te. ('Inane Oram and Moor Mrd. sr separates thews. • Y. moron w.-..-- ---- IMO. sir 1f11rs Asx F•111111111 ■Ra.. Roclesly. territory allowed In good a silib with bogy, wagre. and capital. • BAGS i3OLDDRB era mean or soy to m1 bats *loo*. tia*tm um ller... nal scene' tor any 11111. itMilts Repaired sad Rashvel, PEW rpMTS1EIT a'IR,102"-40T.&5050 'WILL & CISTERN PUIPS i Inas*, and Inaction PipMing. le_. t1. W►s1.salo and WtemP R• dlr.a amppapd to Friona Mat Ips. TKO AitIKEITRONG •.11r1NOS limL 1s0 rotor welts. Qf ,-,1111 rciliff_ Meth.. PRICES POSf11Aglt AT STAR 1