HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-9-2, Page 51 b THE IIelION SIGNAL, FRIDAY, SEPT. 2, !SS7. F. & A. PRIDHAM NAM *IS 4 ?S Ntlllsya ruuc ANU HAVE AUDED READY-MADE CLOTHING TO THEIR ALREADY LAKf1E BLJSINK38. \Ve Preach Nolhing Bit Whal We Cu Per!or. Not so with other houses. Just look at the press and set the lot of hush and uo:tttense thy have published. One pleat big lie from be;Tinniug to ending, and remember good church people, too. Now, what we want you to understand is this, that we are not those kind of people who study some Lig thumper for a week, and then have it published in the various papers and think it Smart. Our aim is now and always has been to put nothing in the papers that 1►aa the slightest tin a of un- truthfulness in it.. No, air, when we have got to resort to that kind of thing WE WILL PULL UP STAKES ANI) QUIT. Remember we are at present in the midst of a GREAT CLEARING SALE OF HEN'S MITTS. Every suit in the house has been marked away down, as we must Clear Thein Out before Shock -taking. Come now if you want to secures good, nice, well -male Suit at a Bargain. N.B.—We rive away free with every purchase made a celebrated HIGH-FLYER NORWALK KIT This is to each the young people,—our Goods and Prices will catch the old folk. P. 8z .A_ PPID F- Ate_ Pointers WOO L If Tou Wart a DINNER SETT. Look at NAIRN'S Stock lin Wart a BEDROOM SETT, NAIRN ha, cin If To Wart a TEA TT, NAIRN ha* a I1 auteortiuent Farmers AIEellou! TO WEAVERS ! Colored & White Carpet Warp at ]dill Prices. Gala EIZ .IEDNE PLANING MILL ARLI"HE_U 12 Buchanan,Laison Robinson 11•Ntir•tlt Maw Of Sash, Dtwrs & Blinds U 1, •LL K(Kiri or Lu,n Ler, Lath, S'11 I ogles rta 1 b ,,tier'• in Cartel of e. srl dermal.:low SCENE FUAU1TURE A SPECIALTY. IIA Ord./ pro.tytidattrt•t•.al to. Oo1•eit* Alli s tr. sY HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY ns Cowpony u L..ar.i. y dtwtey Fares. Security at Luwsat Rate. of I,.trre.t. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. NEW GOODS. We have over Three Thousand Yards of New Heavy Cloth DRESS GOODS just arrived, the best value ever shown in Goderich for 12'_)c. a yard. CaII and See Them. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 aka 5 pet rent. I.,f-'reat Allutred on Lkl•.ratt., atrerdeny fu urtourt and Gine left. -•Cur. of Market square and North i ia. uuderich. U'MtAC'E HOIRTON. M as •c gle ISsbridt Au -c. ith ttoi. tat (HEAT HEAT April 7th, ISM. 1110.0-tmI Ooderiod SAUNDERS Ce CRABB, The Highest prices got will be Riven for wEs F Wed In ar for goods, such as doe ud came Tweeds, blankets, Librettists, Unions. Cheeks Gres wart White and high colon of Alil White. various shades of Tarns r. Industrial and Art Exhibition These goods ars well nude. of loos ebre Wool and good t wise lbrougboot. at all price, Manat cl'riag sad cartons work • sperm halt y. A CA LL SOLICITED -rte E. McCAN N If You Wart AaytMig it CHINA. NAIRN has the finest display If Tou Want Anytkig IN BLASS, Try NAIRN'S before purchas- ing elsewhere. Ter Pure. Unadulterated FRESH GROCERIES! ('HAS A. NA.IIR, N. —HAS THEM — EVEBITHINO WARRANTED. TOUR TRADE SOLICITED Heinrich. April ltk, 1Jg1. dRiI1tD D01111011 1 I11USTRIlL EXHIBITION 1887 TORONTO Sept. 6th to ice. $30,000 IN PRIZES ENTMES CIMS MUST l>N. This. being the Dominion sad !actuarial Ex bibulous osabtaed, will be the greatest exhi- bition et tbo agricultural sad Industria) pro- ducts of this country ever held. A Grand Mgram=e of assensl Manic. MM.. Is helm prepared. Realm �MAWS* n at stogie fare sad cheap an- t to Maeall iakt a always devise 1).e cud rata. of 'Irks SnsOrt hat of t1" Jebila Tar re. Pets LIMY sad fall isbt=atlon ad Mess N.JARL De 1111114wPtafieat YR' �Tev oiw Fariliors! Allouliou! ilarisatelf=ltriesii iso Spinet Per. nie sow prepared tow'Hay Me M at tbe ban Or MOCK. 1 wUl also bay a qquantity et Hay during the fall. Orden ter Pee=ing should be placed by the 1st of August. BALICD HAY •LW•YS KEPT OK YAKO. 1 also saasboter'e APPLIC BARRELS, FLOUR BARRELS. SUTTER TUBS. SOFT WATER CUMMINS. ke. APPLE DEALERS: 1 Ptak. APPLIF SANGRIA A SPECIALTY. My facilities he eapplyl.( dealers and tbe public geserallrant1ed la the ('on■ty. totems* esp.riIy. 1DWGarro!.- Dolly ontpot Icapamtyl• Dee barrels. Ciro Yue a sell. Pdlafietlee Cearasteod. CHAS. BATES, Shop and Residence, near O.T.R. Platter, Ooierbb. Ont. July !1st, IPST. S1aLaet (� R ATO U I, l'OM FOlaTilia. EPPS'S COCOA • ,Goderieb. Jure e LONDON, CANADA 19th to 24th Sept., 1117. n,,: LIBERAL FPREMIUMS LIVE STOCK, MACHINERY, ETC. THE MAN • who 1s (oia1 to do the best by the poops is the .se who wilt do the best trade with them, and is this belief I terve determined man oo endeavor to meet WITH their approbation 1a the dlwosal of goads to the lines which I bare .be honor 1. offer to the public. My aim is to try and please. and th.0 tar I have met with THE meet taq..rlaed escetla J«► NIBBsp has ttafd. "'Ibetay lr te who," and I baro made epway mind to HAMMER away small I knock the bate= ort of lith prices la Dry Goods of every droertausa, and bring down Grammies to hard gait. Wren.* a mall and 111 gran l shier♦ ties all the way roue. 15_ 0==..A..., SRL Moreagwr of lbs Toronto 11 s. GODBBICH BOILER TOM t Bim, __ MT.TN'RO NEW MSNNSS, NEW Wt1CtIIGS, NEW PACE TRACK Sole •tze;.w for TILE t:. & C. OGRKR;T are beteg provided for the tortboomiog Jul). CVS. lee Exhibition at an estimated toot of 1�1Lia0,000-00 Stoves, Ranges andFurnam WILY A WILLM% 41.t4l1 will be repre rented by Use Live 'Stock Mettle,. t LLL 1\O t. i:1 rant r::. 4 BON' Amo Prepared M furawk eKtwa4s for heating •P*IVATX HOC'S1T$ Oa PCBLIC BUILDINGS w 1711 got Air or got Water •tot, SANITARI PLUMBING. MAN MINTS M PANTING, STA (MY ARS SCULPTURE The Cotamtttee on Attnetion• are prepsr ag a apisadtd rests me• a Better than ever. (tend jour addr.sa as a pe•ta) can for copy of the Prise IME. Por al( information write to the Socrstary. A. W. PORTV. Pres. ONO McIROOH, floc_ 1aiJ1.w The Cheapest $ovss UN * R THE SUN. w.M•at., ttiat)Inoe to the Poet Olf... G.derlek. Jeir 13, lir. 1837 VIVAT REGINA! 1887 GIOIDER.ICH_ • BOOTS & S H O E S The Largest Stock, G-reatest Variety, And Best Value IN TOWN. AT E. DOWNINGS. Cor, Eaat Stree and Square, Goderich. ALL Tus LR1 SSTT LEP Ill LADIES', GETS' t ; �CHILDEEfS DEAR AT VERT CLOS .'RIC A kiss OF LA' - Benaine French Kid B tton Boots, at 12.00 SPLENUII, VALUE. Ladies' and Gents' Tennis Shoes, at 11.00 and 11125 The subscriber waist te inform all loyal subjects of Her Moat Gracious Map -sty. (1':emo Tletai•• that 1 ns Mai soy mnast to keep any stock replete with everything new Mal tas••" h! la all deptrtseata NEW GOODS ARRZVZNG DAILY SUITABLE 1011 Autumn Wear. The Correct Thing in Drees Goods, Buttons and Trimmings to Match, Ribbons, Frillings and Fine Laces, N ew Shades in Plain and Fancy Opera Flannels, with Embroideries to Mach. 1 a= not Ideortislag goods at eo..t .r under. mask. •o my samrmus cie.toners. I Imre .o overaM•k seamy ..e limn and that is saytsg a great dial w b o wo bear so much about buss. e.4.prerds.. hard tittles, Ice. ALL GOODS MARKED 11 IN FIGURES ANO STRICTLY ONE PRICE. BR ItAK.APT_ -ny a thorough knowledge et the oatmeal laws whish govern the operations of dlgsstles and nutrltios• .ed by • careful app e:atm, of he Rne or I$m of well selected Moon. Mr. pw has pr -tial per berreaaekefast tables with u del many stay osiers* hill. 11 may tthe w many try e,aotti h7 }adlclos um of snob articles of diet that • . oesYt.ta.a my los Irma tswM.g b01bty ual� dimes. H o .tot .t�'e ego tt r,re 5 ars us read! atkoit ma1�y Mere b poy�rahpo1 a� 04 s p epsettM t a1. o r j 4.1.011 keefi nos.' ,1 w__ e, re . . r frame_" - '((.11 Armee Qa e. Made simply with belling water Err mUk. only le rekets btGrocers. lahwned It CS . Hornerepthieoepwg 4 atm:twe . of all klads of STATIONERS. MEW SIFT ANS TUSULA.I "leech- Aug. )Rb. )fir. sect- Draper and Haberdasher. BOILERS. SALT PANS9,13110MA 8TA013 .ad all kinds of Same Iron wee*. IITT.Ale Atte WAVM rows 1rNII1is esmta.tty ea band. Oa hand. ready for delivery : 1 a» ILr. Vow Meet Miner. 1 a War. Sew Wolin. A Koiplets 221 -'pall! Throalog ONtft Boiler. Leese Eepantee. Lon alt geed d wors, eater. WW he son ehs.p. Yell orders will rewire promptatlntlem. Weeks t tip. G. T. It. Mat/on. P.O. BOX 361 Otli.vloh. btar 1111.. VML 'TSIs NEXT SESSION Of Tun CENTRAL BIISIIIESS COLLEE, STRATFORD, ONT., Till Begin /fondly, Sept. 5tk1 Young sea and women desiring •Sheared► b.alawtr training should rest. ted era e WWI oar commodious apartt•wtS eeaN,1.M maff.msetie•I .our.. of acedy and dstef,da.- den to excel. we cm amen err /fttr'mo..f ..0.01.1 Malefaction. Send gar ..t.Fle.► W. H. SHAW. Priadpsi. 111.11.. Bal. of 1887 for 35c. The suberrlbas bar. }ort eemdeted their large limekiln, which eau tees sec >M homb- re. twenty tom Mars. sad an Mw to supply all enstmers with a atr.t►v 01 fresh Hobe dally. It wUl M a tbe vantage of every wt re- quiting Ma moY ag me with •e. •• we an wormer ~kis ..ltemat per- use 'r Int.md r» .r take reit. Rea.r.. •a,th. o BROHLIR & B10111, Jana Usk. tor• I'ItOPRIITOe& 11AI N finsPOMOff&FillCf gilt; Just Received a' t1. 11lsdleal Hall by T. Jemmy!. sal willN h to molt Eta Hard them. (1x11 sad see these Rewe your T. JORDAN, Medial Ha11, t oderioh. ANCHOR LINE ATWI$T1iC llitrilltIM Pmvr(T_ I tot. N MW601. Ina 1w R• fr9 New Took. W.oatlmo•tf, Jag Nb August 17. tapL 1t, sad Ore. K Steamer afioat. Won PMss.gra• ell:1411'rfl.eond-(9a.a.&N 1 . GLA O'W d10*'V I cID_ Mtasetsere oe/yeator'day free. New York to KAMOM sat LOIND010131.11T. ....r...R.V.L."47"La Il : "`� either Salo.. Ttekee a lied and trans :��e�� tetters of Credo. and UV eR tw 0.Oa.0 10.eed as lowest ear rest Mit ripe qpi[ �ek ?* s T.ts or f.Mber 1aflr tseitr..ppb ID team NN OTMIHS, New York. w ARCRIGA LD DHM/OM, ONwisa. 1114 else me a call, and we will show you our stock with pleasure whether you buy or not. E. DOWNING ('rabb'a block, Cor. Fart s:. and Square. N.B.—TO THE TRADE- Leather and Findings in any quantity. at Lowest Prices. Goderich. June 22nd.!IM- maiwEvir TEs- onweiss! TNI! NRWILST Tooth Paste. AT J. WILSON'S WAUKENPHAST or COMMON SENSE SHOE Our She* tit ■M's. Women's and Cotidren. Shone 1s Complete. 1•11 eeeepio! T1NAa) American and E•gliah Styles. - WN T*1t asrsxs PL1t'a rsiti AMINO WONG. J. DOWNING & CO'YI. SUMMER MILLINERY MRS_ SALgELD Begs to ansosnee to the Ladies of Roderick sad vicinity that she has opened out a handsome line of PLAIN AND FANCY STRAWS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS. GAUZES, GLOVES, ETC. Special attention is called to bee PRESCRIPTION DRUG STO31L Riiiiar'kaLiI Cheap and SlishIy Trimmed Nab. WONDERFUL VALUE zx DRESS MUSLINSI 3. C. DETI1OR & CO'S Clearing Cash Sale -1 MILLINERY! FEATHERS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, LACKS. GAUZltS, BONNET SHAPES, HAT SHAPES, &c., &c. This u • OM NIM Sr, as 1 ink y..t.ua ..1 .f 'l,r %%Earners as .2.a ea f(feeit ran M •hapsrd e% MISS GRAHAM The tlquan, nett to A.egos & ('ray's 1Ry earl. Nlws. 0aterM\ JUMP !tad. lir. t7M�