HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-9-2, Page 4THE HURON SIGNXL. FRIDAY, SEPT. 2, 1887. New___ Goods�. JUST OPENED -AT J.A.IEIII &flO Dress Moltons A Special Line at 10e. and 12!e. THE BEST YALU V. IN TOWN. New Prints --Choice Patterns Another Job loot ut Ladlesand Children's Cashmere Ilona from 15c. to 250. Per il'aar. I1.tance of Summer Bleck of Drew Goods, Laces. ole.. at HALF PRICE. J. A.REIO&BRO.. Jor,ian's Block. Court House tigooze, Goderich loth Aug.. M. NM-ly ken Advertisements TkIii Week. Timbers --C. A. Humber. Fano for Heat -Jae. Hoeft. Jr or Salo --Huron Lead dormer. Y,ne Tailoring -B. MaoCerneaa Voter's List.Ies7 -Wm. Campbell. )ready-made Clothing -F. te A. Pridham. Cook and Sane Wanted -Mn .1. i. Darrow. TOWN TOPICS. A cistern awnwp p- toldvi notes, An' faith he'll prod tt. A BAu Miis-if you fall to sir the annimer goods at It. MauCistraaa. s. There's mosey in it if you attend to It in time. Notwithstanding the fact that 1:eorge tttew- art halt done a big business in oil portraits. he stall nukes photograpba his specialty. G. t'. Robertson. Crabh's Block. headquar teas for all kinds of schoolbooks. First day of school optional' rulers and pencils given away. FLY YOUR Kris. Bov. We got some high- flyers in town how. but V. a- A. Pridham aro Poorer* and don't you forget it They ore giving straight talk in tlieir big advt. about ready-made clothing this week. "Who will be the next mayor r ls now be- ing asked on all sides. but there is no doubt whatever that 1f you want Rest -clam photos before er after New Year's you will be able to Ret them at H. Hallows. every time. You can stet me Heine to avert disease. and you van buy Insurance against accident. and you can get medial ore.ori vations and U q u..r Tea that will warm your heart at George Ithynai drugstore. Oa Commercial Union opiaitre varies. but ell agree that for value in tine teas. coffees. swam. spin. canned goods. extracts. vine - /for. coal oil. oatmat soaps. woodeowarr. eta... at MoOillivray's is the place. Inc Wuting's l'tlnraTIA a TElrrtoARCc Uxtox will meet regularly for thetr•nsactioa of Weiser every T:usday aftergoos at 2-..111 o'clock. in Knox church. every wow'? in- terested in the work Is cordially Invited to attend. For all drug.. dye -stuffs. perfumery. patent medicines. chemicals. etc., best quality swat lowest rates. call at (loode's drugstore. Albion Block. !epeeist attention paid to lir pealing of pprn.cr,ptious and family recipes. W. 1', Goode, druggist. `;wonders & Sun have'lust received &nether let of those Gurney stoves. They aro the heaviest aid finest gnashed stoves at "Aepries In the market. They vie selling fast and giv- ing good sati.faetion. ('a11 and see them at the ch^apeet house un ler thenen. THE Hvoow AND BRVCE LOAN axes iwvent- WexT (briPAITY.-i)eposltorn in this company have the hest pomade security for their mon it. all helng invested in mortgage on farm property. Depositors have a first lien In WI the company's meets. hate of interest paid. from 4 to 5 per cent. acreeding to amount and duration of deposit. raiment hasing sur- pl c . means should . all and see the manager. M rs Judge Sinclair and daughter are visiting in town. 1) Donaldson, of Sarnia, was in town two cloys last week. The voters lista hate been posted up in t!.e clerk's ulnae. Miss McKenzie, of Stratford, is the guest of Mn .iordan. Gilbert Finlay was recuperating at the ho:o.estead, Guelph. last week. Mrs 1'. Adamson los relented from 1. lug Ranch and New York city. The Kincardine 1.-rieir says : Mrs Netnews, 11.1 Goderich, is at Mn Gentles. Mies Minnie McKinnon, of Lucknow, is tisane' at the residence of Mies H. Ilan. Miss Hyde, of Stratford. is enjoying l:oderict menety with her aunt, Mrs Daly. We regret to learn that Dean Swift is will suffering from his protracted ill- ness. Greenland has nu cats. imagine cab in a country where the nithte are six istonths long. Mrs Holmes and family, formerly of (lcderich, ars the guest of her parents, lir and Mn S. McGaw. A. F. Green, of Detroit, is visiting hit relatives in town, and taking •ujuyment out of the sights and scenes. Mrs Gan field and family, wife of the late President Garfield, is the guest of her friend. Mrs Hawley, Hears Read. Jones he keeps • hlnakamltb abo.p. His wife • poultry pen Jones be shoes the bora. Asst kb wife she shoots the hen. As yet it is undetermined • high is the worse -"The man who can sing and won't ur the man who can sing and will." Mw Pardee, win has been visiting' at the reeidenee • f ex -mayor Horton for some time, left for home Monday of best week. Mrs C. A. Humber is visiting her pe- rmits sad Elands in the vicinity .4 Kineatoa, --s• Cunni*, • goal is like starting • new.. paper. 1t st•na oat as • weekly, then it becomes • tri -weekly. then flier's,' into • daily. Bile Mary Miller, daughter of Mr ,1 it Miller, barmier, Tooronto, left for hum* out Frady after a bog stay in the' eireular boa The Teem/ Womes's Chtistun Tem- , t pennies union .111 .ire • paras social and entertainment •t the house of Mn . W. Wtnnn, grate atreee. onpneite D. a Meleeee's on Taredey, September Gib. Doors opened at 7 refreshment• NT, ed h $t 9 ,.'•loch. Admission fee 15 oiste, Mrs Garfield sad her family „eetom- retied by Mrs ltu:hard Haley ani Mrs Steveueue, wens guests et Peart Farm, Goderich, Monday, Mrs J. R Grant and Mn Hubert Dodson, of Hruesels, were visiting their mother, Mn Urant, who is labrtng from a paralytic stroke. Judge 8enclaia, of Ha`i1-•a, was io town d.riog the week, Atte menet of Mayor Seager. Mentally sad physically he har+lust uo weight. lir McDonagh will be is Goderid► for onnsuliatton 0o Saturday, the 3rd u/ September. and afterwards uu the tires Saturday of every month. )tauter Jack Pardee, of Sarnia, sun of the Commissioner of Crown Lauds for Ontario., left for home Tuesday,. after spending about • month in woo. Her. Henry Irvine, pular of Nile circuit, preached very acceptably to the people of North-st. Methodist church last S.bbetb, moruiog mad evening. ATTLNTION-Th. ruemtoer* of Huron encampment are now going through a course of drill to prepare them for the upeaiug of the agricultural exlubotiuo. Dr. M. Nicholson, the West street doutlet, make' the preservation of the natural teeth a specialty. Gas adminµ- teted from 9s. no. tot p.m. for the pain- less extraction of teeth. W m Ball, of St. Thomas, Dakota, is visions the old folks at hone. He says Tea 81,01LL is indupeosible to Lim out Nest, and tut, he consolers, the beet local paper published anywhere. COIrTLIIPLATRD St MMIR HOTEL, -A rumor current in town the lege few days is, that the owner et Ridgewood, H. Y. Aitrill, will pot up a lugs summer hotel on his property ata not distant day. Albert M. Humber, Who has been attending Michigan Medical Citlege at Ann Arbor, is home on vacation. He looks as if the sir r.uth of the forty• ninth parallel did not disagree with him. Lo,R AFTER Ary. -We would call the attention of the inspector of weights, to the tradesmen doing business, as rs. ported near Eseter, who advertises "Quart measures of all shapes and sixes sold here." A contemporary, apologinng for base- ball umpires who, favor the home club in close decisions, says that "umpires, of course, are mortal." If this impres- sion gets abroad they had better look out for themselves. Wsltom1No Tea Bove Home. -On the return of the Huron's from London on Friday evening they wen met at the station by the town band and $ number of torch bearers, who escorted them around the town. It hes been asked why • city has been called a "she." The answer seems au easy one. Then is always more or lees bustle about a city. Resides a city has outskirts, and a he could not under any circumaaaces, have skins. "A Fins Coir." -The celebrated trotting mare "Elsie Groff' owned by A. M. Polley, of this town, dropped a fine sok Friday lest Tb. youngster is as lively u a cricket, and the prophets say he'll be a fast one by -and -bye. ?few Mitt -lento. -Miss Cameron, is in Toronto, arranging for the purchase of • full stick of fall millinery. She purposes going into business on her own e oo..uut in the stand on Hamilton-st for- merly occupied by Mn Mitchell. The Young Women's Christian Tem. pentium untou will meet in the lecture room of Knox church on Thursday eve- ning, September &h at 8 o'clock. A full attendance s requested, as then is businese of importance to come up. LuCSRow CALRoowIeN OAMai.-The games under the auspices of the IMO - now Caledonian Society will to held iR that village on Wednesday text. Miss Wynu, of Guderich, has been engaged to sing et the concert in the evening. -- Foam ie Misaloxa. -Tbo Knox Col- lege Missionary Band have held 258 meetings and given 332 addresses in nine Presbyteries of the West. Messrs. Goforth and D. McGillivray of this band continue their labors during Sep- tember. N moose Home A,iAIN -We are pleased to see our friend Mr Luby on oar streets again. alter ■e • wenoe of three months in the1'uited States. He peaks highly of our neighboring re- public, only the weather was a little too warm for him. He WAR La.giNn, MR PotsTea•o - Charlie Nairn, the drill instructor of the Huron Encampment, was off during the past week looking for pointers for spe- cial movements to connection with the 1Leeampeneet drill under th• electric light dating fair week. Hausa Ori,it --The high school Monday Inst with • larger number u pupils than ever before. The cental school also opened with • very full register. Miss Byfield'• place in the high school lase been taken by J. B. Kaiser, of St Catherine'. WHAT it ix --Advertising is on• of the powers of this world. it is an en- cygopedia o,e•n the wall ; it knows •1l, or it least talks about everything with equal self possession -history. science. Beano", strategy, n.mmerte. It assddles with every subject. firartyrs Recruit RD. -W• ase in re- seipt of Ontario Statute. 50 Vic , being the lint session of the fifth Legielatere of Ontario, 'begun and hordes at To- ronto ton the tenth day of February, is the year e1 out Lord, one thousand eight hundred and eighty -wren." Axil ComaeATHIN SroaR - We are is receipt .4 • sample • f ticftch granu- lated Wear, which arrived from (ilas goo by the 8. H. Norwegian last week, from the imparters, Lithtmand, Ralston & Cv, , Mot.treal. Thio is the tires that is fighting the sugar "combine." A W MIR Dw'm ti •n.-- N.torday .e ping Frank Goot.in of Toronto, a wait• er on tate .tesmer 1 nitrd Empire, was walking along the dock in Sarnia whets he •track his head on • projecting piece of lumber piled on the d ick, funning hies so that be fell into the river. 11. did set rise to the mead" SttgTrerl'Tms COAST -Monday last lieu 154. .04 James Baxter, John 'rug and Charles Bleck. left on the mall sailboat Mst.nr to shirt eh. oast ad aril to Sarnia sad Detroit The host is the an,.11.st by which the trip ' •• been und.rtakm between Om ports teamed. Dr Ale.k tlwtehisoe, oflluntr.sl, was is wen during the pact egek entities his pars tut, and left Mued y bet to M- ooed the Medical Cussed al Ltllamtlaee . A Pc•,stesp IbrlaitAlsrsetw The Goderich Pratt b tion League porpoise at an wily day givieg • greed entertats- wool to the Temperance Ha1L Arrestor, - mute an being made w preset s eheioe patgehat, Oui.tsting of epeakien and .. e'1 aid Wet rum natal mow that promises to be • rick tss�t. . We baro that IG.. John McGillivray W returned from Smith Maryville, Me., when he spent his vacation, and has again taken his charge in Melville chereh, Montreal. During bis vaoatimi the pulpit of Melville church was sup- plied by his brother, Ile.. Dtooald Mc- Gillivray, of the Missionary Band. An eminent Bostonian said be always regarded an advertisement iu a news- paper as • personal tovltatwo to call. While I sometimes hesitate about en- tering a stun, the proprietors of which baronet sent their audit w my residence, I always feel certain of •cordial welcome from the weuobsn ut we advertising Cm.'" HIM' Wnuet.-The biggest sed supposed to he one cf the beet tailors is the county, B. M•cCarmac, baa return. ed Irma lurosto, when be bas purchas- ed a very large stook of the latest de signs in fall and winter goods. As the tait.•r and his stock are both weighty, and his prices light, it will pay you w all and we them. THE A• r TH AT D.iE"N'T P•ogtetr. --J. Flannagan of Dungannon was ou Friday hoed $100 and outs by Police Magis- trate Williams for violating the Canada Temperance Act. J. A. McBride, of Goderich was brought before Polka Magistrate Williams on Monday, and fined $8O and ousts for violating the Canada Temperance Act. Tut RIt•HT KINDorMEN -As a rule, the very rich men are net thus. who build up • community and create booms. A single business man, full of life, and eot.rprise, who is not afraid to talk, and talkasens, and knows how to advertise, is worth any dozen rich user, who usually only take advartsge of other people's booming to increase their value& sift. -.LD A New Poaurton - Thomas Milligan, leader of the town band, sines the resignation of bandmaster Parker, has accepted • position as leader of the Burg•••ville band, at an increased salary. He left Tuesday last fur his new sphere of labor. During the two years which he was connected with the Goderich band, he filled an important position as leading cornet player. THE NonrHwaTsa.ExMtamon PRIER LEST». -The prize lista in connection with the Northwestern Exhibition haws been printed ani are now in the hands of the secretary of the society for dis- tributiuo. In the vicinity of $2,000 will be off -red in premiums, and the list has been opened to competition in unmade and articles never before cootem,olated. Send to the secretary for • copy, and enter your exhibits as early as possible. A Boom IN Gooiatrw.-Oar townsmen F & A. Pridham, have established • new lune in Goderich in the shape of a reedy - made clothing tuanufactory. The goods are all made on the premises and the employmert of a large number of hands in this particular hue is contemplated by the firm. During the put years the members of the lino have proved them- selves pushers in business, and we be- lieve they will develop a large trade in their new line. See their advt. else- where. AN OLD TIMER. -Ben. Yoknm, an old Goderich fisherman, was a passenger on the ('ailed Empire Wednesday last. Many years ago b. went to South Carolina, and became a member of the State Legislature. In 18;3 he visited alas home of his youth and spent about weeks in Goderich, after which he returned to his home in the South. He afterwards moved to New York State, and some seven years since went West to Duluth. where he has since resided. Recently his wife died, and Wed...day he was returning to Duluth after having interred the rernaios in Now York State. Hetvi,.r ilom►. AT THE Moto -On Tuesday. Sept. 13th, the people of Nile circuit Methodist church), intend hay - int' • harvest home dinner in the grove of Mr Wm. Clark. Dinner will be served at 1.30 p. m., after which Re.. J. E, Howell. H. A. of Seaturth, Secy of Guelph Coafecsnce, Re.. W. F. Campbell and Re.. D. G. Cameron, of Dungannon, are expected to assn in entertaining aha people. An interest- ing program of music will be furnished by the choir. \-cions games such as tseeb•li, football, croquet, swings, &o., will be is order. Admission, including dinner, 25 Bente. HR trrLL RvtR THE DRAB -Some time since Edward Hopper, the they - man Imo his well known grey horse, and shortly after he gm him an animal to All the place of the departed equine, and things went on smoothly until about three weeks sgn, when the second animal sickened and died. Since that time until Wedaeaday lest the drsym s had been mashie to supply his customers in hie wonted way, but on that day we were pleased to observe that the o:d man had sue.eeded in replacing his loot horse by another one. W. hofs dray - man Hopper will have better luck with his last purchase than he bad with its predecessor. During the three weeks I that be was off duty, then was an aching void is the community that only the old and original dr.yao Hopper could fill. HE THINK-, iT', A 13o00 Otis. -The following letter from • subscriber in Chiagn, well-hw.wa to otsr Goderich readers speaks for itself. 1t is one of ninny encomiums that has found its way to the office of Tec S,•aNaL rs.astly : CAM' 4.0, Aug. 27th, 1887. Dttac Sea,- I desire to iuf•orm you that i wish my to be oast to 258, 08th street. rake great Women in read,,[ goer paper. 1 have seen many "Yank.•' country papers and ver few of them are the peen of Tis HiRox BtONAl. I see also Hist you have be - mum the sole editor 04 TRc Ilhiteal. i feel fully onntideat fist you will be able to keep Tee SI0WAL up to the high standard it hos attained. i also almost I agree in tete with Ts. Sweat Moil. ions beth oo goverameatel and home Iemit ions i 1 remain, your remedially. B. L M -Beata. ak Jae. Mirichas hes returned from &telt Ste Mary. whim he has diriag UNE past sisoonsr. He obi pct. the Mooing ear d Oudesish will imocove but health. HARvsia Mu11s.--Fnday next a har- vest hese. f,itival IMI be held is eon - mottos with St. Oeuvre's church. Die - ser will be sewed is the schoolhouse at 8.30 p.m. Adesieion Itis• Ai 7 p m. , divine serving will .ill be held by Rev. G. 0 Mackawa.e, of Brantford. After Ike amyl... there will be • musical and literary eatertainmwt is the school- house. PRIVATE Sc.00L. -The Brantford Es- �Iu► says :--We understand that tae Misses Maears of Ouderich, intend opening • private school for young boys and miaow, in Brantkrd 011 ur about the let Sel.tember next, They come to our city highly recommended by leading elergymee and educatio,u►•ls. In the meantime until their arrangeeseuts are completed, parents intsodiug to Oboe their ehildr-.n under their are may learn all particulars by applying to D Glut, Reg, of the Bank of Montreal, ur the Rev. Dr.Cochrane. WttSMAR LA,•aglse1 CHAmr•Ioli* r. - Our lacrosse team journeyed to London last Friday to play the team of that city and aeeeeeded in detesting them by three goals w one. The Londoner. took the tint goal in 8 minutes, and the Hu• rens the following three in 10, 19 and 30 minutes respectively, thus winning the match, Time ,d the play two hours. For the Hur.os, the home playing of Ellerd, I'aesmore and Graham was ex- cellent ; the defence played well also, but had very little to do, the ball being kept well up on the Londoner's goal nearly all tap time. Our boys are loud in their praises of lie London team and say they wen seed handsomely and are waiting to return the courtesy shown them when the Londoners play here. The following is the correct standing of the clubs so far in the Weeteru district : Won. Lust. To play. Seale' t h 4 0 2 Goderich 2 2 2 Stratford 2 2 2 London 0 4 Y THE STAn,ent- IL A antater. - We ASV. received tram the Department of Agri- culture, Ottawa, • Dopy of the "Statisti- cal Abstract and Record for 1881i." The wore is a perfect magazine of facts and figures,not only inoonisection with Cana- da but with other countries. This is the second year of publicaticm, and all the important tables relating to Canada have been retained and brought down w either the cline of the financial or calendar year 1886, and a Large number of maw tables have been added. T.0 Dew chapters have been added, one on Constitution and Government, end an- other no Education, while the chapters on Inland Revenue, Militia and B•uk• ing have been considerably colareed. Special attention also is giveu in chapters iv. and ix. w the Reciprocity and Wssh- ingiun Treaties, the questions pertaining w them being of particular interest at the present time. The Tariff and the Railway and Fisheries are also dealt with to a conaidorable extent. The rolume will prove o,f greet value to all who wish to get an insight with the statistics of Canada on almost every sub- ject. "Tut MIK ADO. -A fair audience greeted the return of the Templeton Opera Co. to Ooderich, on Friday even- ing last, in the Grand Opera House, whew Gilbert & Sullivan's ever popular open, "Mikado," was presented for the second time to the Goderich public. The company fully maintained their high reputation, Mr Alf. C. Waeefan as Koko, while materially differing in his conception of that chataeter from Her• belt the original exponent, seemed to carry all before bins, his every word and gesture being accompanied by the audience with laughter and applause. The singing of Naoki-o-Poo" (Mr Taverner was of a high cissa, ineed the honors in this respect were divided between him and Mr Dnaglass Flint, who ably sustained the trying and ludicrously sdmn role of "Pooh -Bab.'' Mies Hattie Starr, the original "Yule - yam was fully up to the mark, her voice, though not strong, being sweet and sympathetic and bar acting spirited. The ot.grateful part of "Katisha" was allotted to Mies Alice Vane wto took her part well, had to look badly -a most unpleasant thing Gar anyone especially a lady. She did it. Altogether a most eiejoyatle evening wan spent. A FINAL CALL, -- During the pat few months we have sent out dunnige letters to delinquent subscribers, and in a number of cases we have met with hearty responses, bet then aro yet s large number of penooe who owe an the �r and some of them owe etneider- aT"- We have determined to "shut olr' deadheads hereafter, and this week i the last that we will send Tun Sweat to pinworm who, owe as orsr nee year's subscription. If you can't pay for your paper, or don't pay far it. we don't want your name on our list. If you don't get met week's paper it will be became we look upon you sea deadhead, and if the amount you owe us u sspplemeated by the poet d collection, you will only have yturself to blame. The editor of Tug Sweat has grown tired of supplying a tot of deadbeats with .heap literature, end he wants no names on bis list that he Jotsn't knew to belong to honest people. Alter sett week a list of dead- head. will be potted up in this office, and no one whose nim• is on the list need send fur • copy of THa haeNAL until back eubseriptions are paid You needn't come in and toll ao that times ata hard and money tight W. know that, and that's what makes es insist epon getting whet belongs to us. If you were honest and paid us, we would perhaps be able to pay Some man who owed you, and he would be able to pay yes your Money beck. This final call oleo •pplies to deliuqu.nta at a distance. We have got tired of haying white Doper. printing it, and tran.mutting it to yno, withont remuneration If you don't ret your paper on the i6th of September. and know that you ere in arrear. 7,.0 can comfort yourself with the thought that we book upon you as a deadbeat. There la only use safe thing to do : Pay up at ones. Joseph Ckamberiaka es to ge te Auto -tea at the elms et the amass of Parliament, olid has desided M •iambs • es ifs mail this to prem. ?i rla's 111. AMrgris•Aar --Au anniversary ser woes ■4l tie held In the Prwhyterien , cberch at this place un otoday wad Monday, Sept. Ilse and 12th. ion Mon- day ever lee a tsemeetu.e will be held, whale addresses 0111 be de.ivered by a "miaow of speakers. )aria llsr. John 8oyder and on clwpiosd, hewed sad framed the limier for a driwi.g shed 20 a 90 few, an.i hod it re'sed in *even days. Taking into coosi,lets- tiun the wet weather this is smart work for the aniuttated. Some of our yOtill .oto, no: a LAN utiles from Bethel, cleat* quite a furoo with their lop Lucetee and gieys , u Sundays, and drive down the wuoessioa lines heavily laden. L)., "cumin,; events cast their shadows before r Belfast.. Farmers are engaged ur s•ow.no their fall wheat. Messrs. W Phillips and R Purvis have °peeved • butcher shop which s touch n eeded. Rubs Stothen and family left for Ot tawa last week after speuding very Om sent holidays, in this Maltby viciuity. H D Ruterfurd has noted the sten at trues, which is occupied by Wm Lane. He, we touters, iet.nds eking possession of it before long, and also of somothino, 4a more.ealuab:e. Garbraiti. Dunlop hill is hiring posted 4O* .oe, un the east side, J. H. Barker dnrej the work. Our Shoo Flies, under the command of Charles Morris, with his able fore- man, Jas Bogie, an in Goderich working/ at the Fair Grounds buildings, with hammer and sew making things ham, you bet A Btu Uentu%Klxu.-Our towns- man R. D. Morris has undertaken dui contract of summer fallowing aide acres for fall wheat for H. Y. Attrill, to bemire in 1898. Mr Attrill bee chosen • good man in R D., who understood. the job he has undertaken. irHnum ---- • Miss Ellen Horton, is risitind friends in Brucetield. Miss Maud Hillier visited :teriut week from Goderich. Mr W. Fraser, of Wiedsu, is spend- ing his raatioo with his uncle H. Bel- ton. A new blackb •ard has been gat Inc Nc. 5 school. 1 Buchanan, Ir., of (kids - rich put it iu its reetng place last Satur- day. Opinions differ with our Dunlop faders in fall wheat sowing. Mr D. Carney sowed the tint fall wheat 6•r this swoon during last week. Till this year Mr Carney has always had the best mops of fall wheat in Lseburn. The peaceful sod yet so gentle dreams in the morning of any maidens fair were ruthlessly broken by the com- bined shrill whistling of Morrow and Burrows thrashing machines, working within half • mile of each utter calliug up the hands to Dome. Rbsaeger. `Thi. farmers in this vicinity bare fin- ished harvesting. Ccun3illor Gibson has r.ised kis barn, preparing for • stone foundation. J Wilann, of Saratoga, 015 visiting friends in Colbnroe oue day last week. Miro Annie Elliott, of 5aratctta, who was stricken with a severe •u.•tni.e about three weeks ■g,, is improving slowly. Rev H Irvine has organised • Bible class in this church which is quite a help to the Sabl.ath school, It has become so interesting that then is a regular at- tendance from the boundary line. F Washington, of Hamilton, is spend• ing his holiday ander the parental roof. Fred looks hale and hearty. He w;11 no doubt, find the wuutry quite s change from the Iaw.ot ,., The president of the B--- cl•ib has beets making quire • flourish is this neighborhood- He amens to stead the "no thank you" business well. It seems strange that kis right hand supporter Johnnie never gets • bite off the sante sake. Dunlop. Miro Helen Dixon of Brucebeld, at o.. time a resident here, visited among old friends hen last week. The Morrow thrashing machioe did come good work here last week. On its Mal this smsoo we noticed the familiar and sunny countenance of W. Ikdd, as Msgineer. who yet upholds single blea.ednees and has to tell many a fair inquirer that his old comrade, tall Don- •ld, is still alive aid loot • member of the Bss.diet greed army yet. Our architect, with J MaeAlester, re - tented to Stratford last week to resume work. ()ur jovial friend Jack before leaving ably performed the happy office of bust man at a wedding in Salfford, and, it is said, learnt which Gager to pet the ring ea when his torn comes - 'we suppose someday. A new candidate for the new school came to our b.rgh donne last week. This adds ep 4, 30 under school age, with 68 waiting to .heed AAs school if the decision is given in its lavor at to- morrow's meetingin the Jatdgs'. chambers. Godorieh. SraiiivAt. Our warlike gobble that last eyeing give the •sseaor ouch a warm greeting, havu,g for the last several weeks eaten rather too much gnome groin, failed to digest it from his crop, casing it tr swell to so immense a Was, that grave fears were entertained that it meet die from ever -ending. Oeste of our geed wife' pleated the leathers amend the snip and with • penknife cut it open these insists, and the nimble $egors of Jeha M.sAlister tank away 4 quarte d eats heat it The epeni.e was thea cawed up with thread and awedie, sad laic spa y, lies ninth trace the er hi reposed .lit to Uhler kid programing haver - Yost ilrairanook. Aussie 201, 11487 A ouuuetl meetiuo was held this day. Membere all present. The minutes ..f list regular, and two spvutsl uorettuaa were road and passed ()it 'ammo , f Mews Lockhart and Durum, the cleft was ordered to unto to the beparat. School, askimg rases to refund to the trustees of t R. S. Nu. 7, wrutn fully paid to the Separate School, Jae Mfulleu sod J E Naegale preeeseed claims fur damages dos to vehicle. oauaed by obstructions urs road. N , act loo 0 as taloa ,. wwg w tisk eI pare elate in the first case, and bemuse the council was in nu way rep..osiUs, in tae seawal. A grant of 75 tents pet led was gireu lone 411 rude griddling bottler* 18 and 1:1 t rt 8. Commuoicatioo from coma clerk certifying that 12 501 34 for gen• oral purpcws, feud $270 for school gnl,le is required to be raised for the county by the municipality for the outrsnt year was reed and received. Warrants tor the raising of school money signed by the trustees of the different &canons w ere raid sod the amounts ordered to he Levied. Authooy Black was granted leather fur (Irene in Dungauuon. The usual grants of $20 each were voted t„ the Dungannon tnnon and the Lucknow shook Mored byDunne,MDunne,s.cnnded byMI y .401 Lockhart, that • gruel of $40 be elven toward building • sidewalk is Dungan - nue -Carried. A epeeist nom of $,O w as given towards gravelling between to and IG cur I. The fullowiug estimates foe the year were agreed opo.: County rats 02,771,34; road and bridge $1320; salsrirs $1100; charity 82411; printing and stalioosry $80; suudden $300. Morel W Aleuts Derain and Lockhart, that for the purpose of raising the above •mouota • county rat. o1 2 1.10 DUN, usd a township rive of 1 9-10 mills per duller ; also a suffices:tt rote t., raise the ditfenut aehuol monies be levied, and that a bylaw confirming sal.* be 'ra- pered -- Carried. R. H Aodersou was spp„ini.d collector for the current year. Win our ten lerod his resignation as totemhip treasurer. The clerk was in- structed to ask for epplicati•ona for the office, said •pp'icatiose to be in by 12 o'clock September 10th. The following accounts mere oedema to be paid : \Yin Manaul, minding gap. 11 23; J Canto 'on, culvert and breaking stoops, 88; • W J Olen, gravel, $10 40;11 Armstrong. cutting and grading hill, $49; D Haro+y, grading and travelling, $11; A Phillips, gravel, 13 50; Dungainom show, $20; Lucknow show, 820; Council adjourned to meet September 10th, at 10 am. R K MILLLa, vier k. Wm. Pignut has rented his farm t, J. Patterson, lately of the Wingham "Exchange." Mr Diluent tntendr going into the mercantile business. May suc- cess ever attend his labors. Robs. Stewart has gone to the Normal at Ottawa, to take his profesai•wal se- cond. Robert is • faithful worker, and is the right kind to succeed Nu doubt he will return with an "A." Mr and Mrs Snyder are visiting' (rieeds here, spending part of; *heir honeymoon. Mn Snyder was at one time Miss Colter, a 001 1•10a 'fie wish them every joy and • happy, cot - tented lito. A number of Btuevalitee are going to Algoma The Lightle faintly left last week. Mr Light's has taken up several hundred acres. Robs Gerota has also, sold his estates, &a. hen and will coon be on the way. We hope they may be succeeder in the new laid and will al illy be glad to welcome them to Moo- ed.. luce• .. Mies Jan. Masser 005 united to Ira Barclay, of Brussels, in the holy bonds of mairimocy last Wednesday. Her brother, of Hamilton, was in town for a few days. The happy couple west to Toledo for • few day. before settling down to everyday life in Brussels. May • cloud never dim their future and may the sun of prosperity always shine above their path. On Sunday evening last the Presby- terian church was crowded to the door, and any could hot obt•io sesta The object which drew so many was a gospel t mperaace meeting. Rev. Ae Y, Hart- ley, pastor, was in the chair. Ret. J. S. Cook,Methodiet minimise of Bleovale, opene ! "ie meeting, sad first addressed the t.,ugregation. It epee him much pleasure to stand in the polities he occu- pied and to see so many interested ia the great work of temperance. He allowed that • man was made worm mentally. physically, morally, domestically and socially by intemperance. He showed that eight times as msoh was spent in liquor in the Visited States as in all the church purposes, Ac. Dr. Snyder, of Michigan, made • short address. He said we were not as ter os in Canada as M Michigan, in the way of probibitiwt, bat was pleased to see the temperance sentiment was procreating. Rev. Mr Thyane was mesh pleased at the result of the Scott Act ; it might by bett`r, i bot in Itis aunty, Norfolk,"' it was enough to give eneosr•4ement. Its believed with proper authorities the Soots Act machismo would run, Re.. A Y. Har::ey said that statiaties showed a decrease of } in liquor drinking in Huron since the Hood Act came in /ores, thus showins that the statement$4 published by the boom party were falai by Government return. This, it is to be hoped, will sot he the last o/ the eras rally. but the time has come sad men must work or the great iron chorine of intemperance with Death for • driver, hones of are, and ditches for beds, son) heads for the weary, Wows for the weak. starvation fox the ehsldno, will again drive through the land, end men will blush and devils w01 meek, and tavern - keepers will swear that • time has email when the world is to be tweed again. . When death is telling its rsmorselsM knoll for the rotors et today, will dal shiidreo say et es they cursed us, they earned themselves in elk wing the mender hammiest, regain hie Sceptre, or shall they nay, "Then lies owe who worked for nes, for ehildree, tot: oouutry and lee kWda r The new wepe.elon bridge •t Prams* Lille will be rebuilt track 1,r teams. The only old petit left will be the towers. The work le szpested to be finished icy Alen 1t. MIMI