HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-9-2, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY. SEPT. 2, 1887. 3 Fashion's Fancies. 014 roes pink fur evening. Crocodile cloth enters the lists. Deltic is a new shade of gray blue. New shades of nod are can ounced. Sleeves have assay styles this genes. Liege buss are wore on the :shoulders. Huts are larger than they were last year. botch asps are much worn by hula girl& The avers stripes of last year are Mill fee Notes. Dark -brows velvet is made up wish salmon silk. For misses, new spotted 'limbus are in- troduced. 1.- troduced. • . Panels decorated with small 4irda are • novelty. lglack moire antique is draped with black caahtpeipe. Lintlturpe pottery is the latest London •zcttsmnnit. ensure trimmed mantles are trimmed with chinchilla. Indian shawls maks vraceful mantles jw:tbout cuttIug. Lather flowers are being used by milliners as • novelty. Beaded woo!sn costumes are eupplsnt- ill; braided ones •tette.. rsaelyMMew A yentas wu Wait- •f .aecial aristocracy, b •is had berm or. an •.i.. dad yacht! g tour .n the South Sena for averal asuati,a mind out of mesh of all tsltlpra .hu and epistolary eu.n.uawwn ta, retued • home the other day. He was met by an old and (Mthtul employee of the house. "Well Mike, bow goes it l' said otoe young man. "Bad enough, Master blotto,, fa y our peer Jackdaw is tied-" ' 1. he indeed. Pour Jack ! He bas Roue the way of all flesh. How did lie dmf" "Wall, they dots'' rightly know, sir ; but they think lie must merest him• self." "The g,e.•dy fellow. What did they gine hien so rnnucw 111 eat for 1' "Well, sir, it seems he must have oat too the place where the dead horses wane lying --" Dead ad horses 1 What dead horses e" "The carriage horses L was a v. ry had day and a heavy road, and they were kept standing." 'Whet' 1 what day, What road cemetery, "The road to the cemetery, •:td the ~ ( RLV. OR. YYILYNNR; LAMP. ( liar 1AcKa raorxIRL Fur and beaded trimming are used for day of the funrr.L' plueb coatuutra "What funeral Fawn color and pale Cray plush clunks I "Why, the mistress' sir." are new acid popular. "moot my mother's 1" Astrachan jacket. and mantles: ruck Red • •las it lir � quilt, with red plash fining, n lir that she did nut lire three days after him." "The master's ! Heavens, Mike, do you tell me that I have lust .nth my "The gam n sir, rest her soul. She n ext to is f alr kinto t.woli the muter's death w much to hea rt English ch .tee for opera cloaks. The largest sized buttons are not look- ed upo•1 as being im good taste. Very lime trains are reserved for brutes, matrons and for elderly ladies. Vests ate worn with every sort of skirt, and are !hurt, long, or tight fitting. Bonnet strings are made into pretty buwe and trimmed with jewelled pica. Cape 1. r babies are made of holey• comb atiu bordered with swan's down Cashmere, chines* crapp.e and soft silk are used over skirt. of figured material. English girl. war Swiss muslin gowns lot dressy afternoon war. Sailor hats for ladies are s„retimes finished by s buckle on the aid& Bath wrap* in long dolman shape t.ke the pace •1 large circulars s, long worn. Chem.'s leather as match the color rd the .•,stuntm is being urtrl by the ailliners, Orly astrmchan trims plush, velvet, corduroy and rough faced cloth in Kray tints, Curl orris -needs are novelties. They are used on all sorts of dresses, silk or wool, In many of this most popular tuitions for this canto CotnW,n sen.* walk, hard in hand with art. Wukulj shoes beano* more eensi with ea,:h new invoice --low, d it heels ani - jLder sola being noticeable. .earls of Sutern enibn,idery are very 'noels liked for decoration a the Junior Lehi, and sidehoer,L Algeria* cloths in which are woven threads a gold and silver are a leaden' fabric in L sedan this season. White ul.lers are *mono the novel- ties eery fashionable (.,r this season for ' drivius and ,itching. Egyptian scarab. are the f,shi,nable bracelet, and when srruug on a gr.:d chaos are odd and pretty enough- • Shrimp pink with golden brown is a very *levant oombinatiun of colon, and is weed in French costumes. Madras plaid sashes are among the attrsctice new ribbons and come in all the desirable combinations of color. Tuxedo beta of *ilk jersey cloth hate scull cap effect ; they aro particularly pretty ou young girls, being very juicily and youthful. White felt hats either soft 't less pliable are tory pictures•us and pretty, and much worn at bush the seashore ass the unonistaits. chit* straw hat sailor shape with only a band of ribbon about the crown snakes very stylish head gear to wear with* mountain costume, •'fawre Te•ea,. May be tepemed. If you do not heed the warnings of na- ture and at once pay attention to the tsaintaivance of your health. How often we see • person put off front day to day the pircbaee of a medicine which if pen - cured at the outstert tf a diocese would hare remedied tt almost immediately Now if Johnston's Tunic Lirer ('ills had been taken when the first unsaatl.ess made its •ppearanoe the donees would have been "nipped is the bud." John- son s Tunic Bitters and Liver Pills are decidedly the best medicine on the mar- ks' for general tonic and invigorating rI 'opslfle& Pill.25:. per butt:e. Bitten boo pots and $1 per bottle, sold by Goods the druggist, Albion block, ale agent. [bi t~ The p••limmen interfered with the pommel libert.., of • mad dost oil the streets the r ther day, and shot its life out just necawe it want mad. The deg eoeldn't he'p going sad any more than the liquor miler can prevent people from becoming drunkards and wreeka and vagabonds, when they Oil the ligeor he is authnriaed to salt Why, then, kill the d..' 1 Because his mail- bags almess endangers human life.. But all the lives keit by mad dust hit., since Cain slew Abel have never done the helium .see as mash harm as one saloon .,n do in a single reneratna Yee, kill the mad dog, but 40 the saloon, tr., Of all the mad this', that ever poiensed human life and happiness, it is I.y the twatdead.y. -Wee., Advance. A wanderers amis. The :arrest Orrin, and ere that p'.ys . controlling porter" the health of the body is the liver. If torpid ne i•e.•ties the whole systole becomes di,eseed, Dr. Chase's lover Cale is made epeeist], for IAvsr and Kidney disesws. and is Ita•r•atml to .tire. Recipe bnok sad Medlin, tel. Sold by all .r,ytgiets pareota 1 "l'he died a Iia is it, sir. The pow uuld master took to his bed when he re- ceived the uewa, and never left it, till they put him in his o,flin." '•What bad mews 1 What was the in- telligence that affected the old gentle- man so deeply 1" "Toe run on the bank, sir, which has stopped payment. The credit of the house 1s goose and you are nut worth • Mistakes to Cacaos.. A professor 11 $•nglish litsrature has ip rep.red the f ,Ilueund list of words and phrases to be avoid in cuuver.atiuu and writing : Guess, fur pimples or think. Fix, for arrange or prepire. Ride and drive interehangebly. Rel as an adverb, instead of rce�y. se reel goal. 'Souse for somewhat, as I have studied souse. -Auntie ten days, for about ten days Mtur:ns for rains. Try an experiment for stake as eiperr invent. Singular subject with contracted plow nil,.as she don't skate well. Plural pronoun with singular antece- dent , erery man or woultn should do their duty. Expect, for suspect. First-rate, as an a I'. erb. Had rather, for would rather. Right away, for immediately. Party, for person. • Prumine, fur assure. Posted, for informed. Poet graduate, for graduate. Depot, for s'atiun. Nice, for indi.criseita•tely. Supping, for stavinz. Try and to, fur try to do Canning. for small. Cate, for acute. Funny, h,r odd. Above, ter foregoing. Looks good enocgh, for well enongk. Somebody else, lir somebody's else. Like, for a.. • Not as god, kr so rood. Feel badly, for feel bed. Feel mod, for feel well. Between wren, for among seven. Seldom or never. for seldom if ever. More thta you think for, for more than you think. These kind, for this kind. Nicely, in reply to inquiring health. Healthy, for wholesome. Jo•t as x,00, for just as lief. Kind of, to indicate a taoderats de- gree. The matter of, instead of the matter wit► An ere, as -newer-ism ai•••" with Mere nrsaraabee taprw.eas. Dr. Y.Jwasd alellayau pimento ,n the cur. teat number of The North Amerman Review a saws of arguments awl • bkslerly us eelai- ' saw au..11ary, which 1. $c s.sleu •.Phe New &wow Nuthss .. sod the Old." Under weer d se attack opens the old L uew Nothing in 5y, 3.1 orally • di fame .4 ,u principles, he boldly tamale what he raps the attrition .4 tf. Catlw4:a '!korai to -.Ly pupa.l the t.e1uny, tis school .y.teu• said the .l l.. Re,.ew.uj the Conten! ,J tha u1.1 patty, i. I lankier* .1 am p.ier.le cu11•paraa) with sb. 1.1117 s h.d. musk arise iii tawullst the I.'seent New - "There were shit .!.en, ' Lr .rys, at now TO. repta•s a.h.1.•d Orem SeOl ac r ri.d.t.g lrlarem A queer scatter .s Nowlin...nod u. The London Bgrwlw*an d June St, as tallows: 1u the 1'hewn., il..,.,ut yesterday, belnee. 111x. Jwaise Ch:tty, tl., twee d Col against 14 u. mew .ria for Learing. Mr 1 FI Tow- ner nes trawl! of the pla•stl/. Mr. 1'. A. M. .... r......4 et parte our an Balaton lujasetwi• W ,,'.trans the defendant, Mr. Jasns., Masa, until N. trial of We schwa from &dhow, pledging or ..aherwiae dcadint w ith cert!.0 cops and halts, clasps by deli.- mulg the mule articlus to the plaintiff, .0 except awl r the 4 1.51 ion of the court. awl Ince exposing than los exliant.w without the plaintiff's consent It appeared that the drfenil.at wad the wlrbrat.d pugilist • awl as cl.suttwo.a, well Jammu as Jan Mao , in our er.'wt clues, and in whole quarters of the agrin,lturel d..tricts t4 gnat lutes, swig tggiutu.- •tuow .A noels od a. foreign nation N1ty, Iaeeer..ng idiocy entire ttw:r manner, I Ia,guagr awl trwi,o•.wh sad he ratite of their mushier, ubak.t:i; worn the puWlc ..-Lays In Matey places nw a foreign tongue as U. com- mwo seh.ck of dolt- uct,11, a01 piul:.crng the strange spectacle of nit..•: An.ernana.4 clue t. te:!y .1 !, .•i l .bock *150.:17 t,nk,ng on the speech ail .I:-.:.wte..•t+w ul other ,:aeon:h The scheme •q the church, lie a:!eget, i. to Verner this •y:r.t,and ".o f.rtl,era,ux d this (t Ian- German. appal. nig tar" imperfectly I1se k l,gh.h a1gu. ga are appointed IwsWw over Iiugh do yw.k.IJg oatgrrgatuunn, aiwl renee.al ly wheze dere •. the . t. ..a.. .J the 'tilteuex in the congregat'.el of a few lirnnan peliko&g families. This Llan has been ro .tuna. fu! that the ectleai.atical anctrwiri.eup.al prosu:Ce of \Llraukre, with :'. Gel man Arcld,isll.q, and . t. (:.sari tl•elotwal auiuu.ary, has teen largely liernu ue.l, and similar designs for the mumesllate Immo" are e, tertai l d for the First aret:ts•lopr.os of Cincinnati and St. luta The e. niJ: aiut of Mr- Ps.wderly against im- migration he drnwu.aw as mild and unworthy th:r subject. omit tie -.aye: -Thing* bnit hap pe,liwr within the last few years all over tle on.ntry, std s.pcially in our State and city d New York, a teem tithe tell rh.ch rook) let a gerwrat.ou situ bate Mirrssl the country W a white heat a anger." After this !re loomed* to more seri•:. ehargrc: The e•r.. f Atert1• as ^ •r• le. rn rat h••r:nan parent are hetes .9 ore "Jt1• u 1141.10.11It. I.ar •. hw;.r..-ho on to wt 1...::. for the h. :now „emir of speaking the c.w.i.w l0.,1. s-t:.r ae.gln*-sed e risked niiniltitisolo10. to reg...' sb Arer:cas say ..1 livr,u.. room, rid n a, -a ,.• . loci .edeerate.'r, a ram nal n.. ,•erten 5..i J. to Ji. Jaiol.fa to his ,riy,a.. ta.n. Ilia. 1.. say. `Bae tp sin .tiwnemer •-. Yu. seeir p Aulerae,. • • • Put s few yews ago. awry *Ma.r.. minas." to the I?,• t*rW [.diad& a( (Ia- rt.sei4 wed • peeler.: otter, •,�.•� � I] tae u s/ nor ar.s. h MUM* U.o J.ie ur rls.vaaLd. wi.lri, a. lamely • de.tberase Ihrsb epee; Wityltnivauw ..r pit .a the sort..4 locum •-. t :was are bat tiorn fon ..J 'i, .l. And he further states tt:at when a rrtlwr, strasce was raided agass.d this l:.allci, I;hatanl at lnd:a•,al.olis ka.tet.J bestiality 111.• »esni- fweeoaal o c,.ted 4elctx r.tr..ca lode a Wier of 1•le- Two BIL Atteri i Ural sif t rrutoleat at sweat iro_:b he tutus his attentun to d. aar:::,}•rs bow,: .eek upul t s:hc.J.. aGll«oto of d•,i!ars, i.e .!tc: *.wr, hair horn approgr:ate.l awl 1u1r1 ts.l..-tble 1oanhc 1.1,4. (heisted to the support Of "sectarian i.:.t.5 •,- titss under uw contra of churches, and v.- lowiaily.ItIlia Walnut Cetlmlie C;hurvl.. 1t ,say lar .utlLbeut, by way id iliairation, t. refer to the Cathodic Protectory ill Winches- ter, to tint Neale of the Sateen of M. rre rn Y.:ghty-lrst-!tricot, aid t. the Fornalhtt f Asy- lou, of tole Stater. of lii,.asty to Sistreigotle street, ,m1:reeae o.tlt0ta$mas.itpelrtad by tle city tr.•as::ry -nf !tow York. at an rxprlr of from half • n.ifiecn to it maim of do.Pan a year, and tl.e two latter loth sp.nl blocks ori Croom gives by the city through the Amur of the Tammany nag, and north hunt! sale ul imo.sew• . rank Would It trot 1.,, etp:gh to aualw the elder Kowa -Nothing le turn in 1!w r gra.es could they hear .1 wart .ems sad prat public properties are the. tta'..-d ever t. iste.pnlsib!••, privateers(' sectarian in.tatuti.wle, eepre.alty if they eo:Jd karts that the lo•esta and merest and nun., whir iwtendluw..sre the. 1. ,colt..) by the public, are 1••it the tonne rah...Meted t, de - Wainer unit. .,tu,tlnw.rit. 111:11• 44 and other public Instrtu- twwsry b1 latguaaw at bines brutal of Diet oilh e rne, while u•iulg.1,.T :, unit a:rent ria Ilaere- ra al•r16taroku „1 their min uw a-titutes awl d tbetos►rme. 71..• "extrareteioary teal" shown in gel'n►R up these poae.ei.ia5 rentals ,s t..uhpre.l, pee declares. by josh :..y .d .w:r enrol. mod uuui- tutioa:a, Ly the 43%'I or to leap .!,hitt, lnuu attending t'ietu, au,l a'ao "t• oo:.ke ewpi..y. Ment for awl give a:11t.:r5:,btr I:..u.r. to ti:e rapidly increasing hoots d n,.ssk .nl unn� who a, .e ere -Ailed •.i:o atw.n and so -milled el.rily emir rlR*.lir Le•u,.... fur which a very "astern nap er.ta r .:,.nos that thea have but little 413711igo.,•.s. to u;,.l tl.rir 10111.1,41.014- al rutra.wr,r■1 stamp aid garb " He thee pr.s.w4 to n,'...bty doom•n the clingy with paitst.d intrigue and .. snbter.,un l sepeol..a, prim pane W the intenrst .4 I/•w•e, awl d.chore that the alleged "dnad..l, pnd.c t..l and .1esp..,mini nick eb n MAI .ehen,esia. p.7 th-.'der Krw,w•N .thi,gs, will hod to day a I.wel,edf..11 gr.•..tar just,- fiestlone." 11i. eeoielneirm i. 11a,1 rho• r:1.0•1.. ria .er:rntaly tlrrr.acwt, ,u..) t l.ar , be • rate 1-., h to dewinoylnsg the r. d is.ee off.r•el.l lig '1‘.4•.o - rust. .s W any l ut auuuw» vlas.l• : rlp•n• din. the reading 41 11,. Itii4e .r way .A:.rr dhtisseti,ehr religions+ la.,k ;all pi Avila!, :tie roe hynin-ringi•re in M9119.441 -4w..: re- pa1:,nR all rt,.tiu;r 1.,•s a 1114.,k41•: gala. ;.ria'rro• 5441 any roaring in-t.I togas and beheading the appoint ,,l sof .:1..11ainr W .,!.s, in.h1u- 11n. ; b,ri.l.l•lnln, arup.d.>p attai,Jarta, at rel,gsows 5 -rt 5.. Ir. the history cf medicines no preps ration has received such universal ems mendation, for the alleviation affords and the permanent cure it offsets in kid coy diseases .. Dr. Van Boron's Kinney, Curs. Its action in them diatreesing complaint* is simply wonderful. Sold by J. Wil. -t. 2m Hay fever is a type •of catarrh having peculiar symptom.. It is attended by an Inflamed cnuditiun of the lining mem- bruits of the nostrils, tsar duct, and thrst, affecting the lungs. An acrid mucous is i.cr.1.d .53*.. discharge i,acc.;m- patsied with a burning sensation. Then are severe spasms of sneezing, frequent attacks of headache, watery and inflam- ed eyes. Ely's Cream Balm is • reins dy that San he depended upon. Meta at droggitu ; by mail, rerivtered, 011Aa. E•y Brothers , Dreggists, Owego. New Tot k. ly The W mrd of God will stand • thousand readings, and he who has gone over it frost frequently is the surest of finding new wonders there. -Jesup Hami:ton. The beet regnlatun ter the stomach end bowel*, the beet curs for biliousness ask headache, indigestion. and .'1 memo tons arising (antra a disordered liver, .re without exoeptioo Johnson s Tante Liver Ptlla Small in size. *near meted. mild, vet effective. 211 sta. per bottle sole by • Co •d., dregti.t, Albion Week. olid• rich, .ole sweat- is) Resew days wee be dark eel dreary ;•' bet no day need hi errantly en, a -e•n whiab shies' the Mehl of Mitts o,. -Frederick R. Herten. A correspondent of the A naerirnn -4griettittr, iso says : The general seppo- anion that young turkeys must have free range, has not always proved tree. W. tare a small i.,t hatched in an incuba- tor. and being raised in a brooder, that have kept remarkably healthy, not a •Ingle one dyint, thuw,h trey are "tire tr i lbies me to feed than when they ars wish the hen. The hep riment hes demonstrated that clean, warm, dry quarters and careful f ceding, with free doer from lice, will enable farmers t., raise a larger percents". ni the young. Tine, at entiit. renter are, bot then it wi 1 pay, as the young turkeys heee.me hardy after "sl•paotins the rod." The . dei-. NO fray 01.51 to tern the hen and her h,nod louse, to roans at will, ha. caused the death tf many young owes, but there is nn doubt that if they ars .Irefully attended to every Three hours during tits lay, and fed no a variety of food, with ale 4n water, whieb should he von in a manner .o that they can only tet their beaks wet, it will not be lung bdere . levee flock esti the on the fats, owl the men.hon of wish will then he able t.. provide for all Om* .....•hogs The distressing plusses o dist eh - served to young girls awdl women. ie dee in • great measure to a bet of the red onrpwecles in the blond. To remedy this requires a wawikise which pr.duees these n.seesavy M/tle i.l.wnl eniNitwents, sed the beet yet discovered is Johnson's ami the I,la.ntila ogee wail that he had al- tauawl rose 11$50 o. On drfruJa„t as ',cunt, oil the cups and belts trelinig:k,g W the defend- ant, and that the object of the ado auto was that the trophies aught le re.lwwel from other i,erewrs with whoa they had Beni dee µ silted, soil eal.L.tel by the planted at au entertainment at the ('aunou street 11.4•-1 1•.r the t.ue*t ,j 11ie def.olave, and at w h ih the plaintiff held lila "dice 4d 1 •I. airtion, and that W., Offremora% was that ties plautt.ff bare the sin. security as 1Im perrw. 1111, shown la,.• hefts and cups had lens, del...lul. is appe.ar.al that the cups were alw exhibits! at (hied,@ and rleewl,ere, and afterward placed nk the wi..dow o1 a newagatter other, whence they were taker away fon estiotatlo a else- where by a Nit. Hc»ry Tyler, Mr. Jauwa _Matte's la,rithea•. agent, rain Lb* I4*iutiff stated that the d•-fcudant rt -fused w dcticer up the belts and ret., and that thedcfrn.Iaat was wmudwg to go to Au.r,ca. It was Meted that 11.e defendant was going w es. 1nil,it llw cups sad Letts at St Janina' 11.11 this evening. Ips tort phunt 1 did u.a deco, to interfere w.1h that •slll'wt..ot Ion Lor.l- Min grail led au u,lunctutu l:ut,l to -say, rr- strsill.n the •lkfrowasut fr.e.1 1.-uii .g w.tl. lien crape ail belts, but re.1 rus:raml:u:( 1,:m fort& ere setwirts. ,.,.lits 1*als, of Beal irtrn.t- 1' 5 ra- 1*.o. 1 ..r raw There an roarer. of .ever:d impOrtaiit cl:augr. a: the head alt the lit It,s6 at try, liteselers an• i:LL.-rr d..oi in a 141 -tit tt.te r..very ul the u,anufect.,re of alaluu ,t. Ile. metal x•11 .a• p..shi ed .woos otic• tenth of its l,r.,.crt ,alit . 4n.1 * t.:errl•, wade of is wre11 weigh :dart hall as n:;•:18 n. at Albert Frioollatwkr ha. intim ..i a Iert.dde tieswic light It a m fr ii•At ts'ryr ph,ti•aot c i4us, nal alae Isere the exciting tool by means .3 :. knob, Interline' thew luck light ,el ratio: uid,..d,, The first Arab to Melt a iao.ltat.rn its • eowt;aarr r.1 manic opera is 11641 '1'a,..,.- 111• kap inti.., musk; fur lh. "Teutons tong .d t...• S1,11.16.•' The ...vain.. rot d. JIM.. 1•n.na. ,•n rip :bawd alt kw- I,.sl. Tar.. ;,,,o1:4•3 sr.•iro c,... ,f laud in:r, •••ver jr.•n,s •d .:u,.t,.•5.. 7'i,rre ern 16•1%,rul hndtrn 1.1Z., ern. , al al collar orae.., and ,Ii iia .*,uu. Sense 1'••' p!.. a.:Hired copses s.aar of. the I..in, ..uh.• tl„.r d,..*. cr, •55.1, awl .4.11, 11 5.•n 1..1,..1 by L•�rrrt It ie imposed to import. a 4411.5.1y .,f Iew:1- 111• tot fur uwheir.. ison into85,1,lh ,:rtes l/nw:.talinl. ,s tu twp,la a Jall.tew-mu ill dewratwn. Hous hole }lints. tioerebed sputs,',f out tom deq,lssy he removed by loped them au the sum Met • dish. .f water in over. with eek• when baking and it will seldom scorch. Moils van be kept ..sit of garments hp wrapping ahem is ..ilea adored chem. A "sate thing" in aplashers is a large fun opened and pinned up behind 'lbw wash -stand - Lemons user be kept fresh fur a lung Ouse an a jar of water, chauging the eat- er every day. !n. *weepiest carpets use wet newepap- ere wrung nearly dry •rid torn in rime,. The paper oolIscta the dust and d o•ts out soil the carpet. Coffee made with distilled water is sal.l to have a greatly improved aroma. 1t seems that the mineral melamine* in common water render the to .d toe autism berry actable but the drug will Dot diwdve in distilled water. For cleaning and softening the hair, • gcod thing is an egg beaten and rubb. d well into the her and un the scalp. and then thorvuahly rumen out with several warts waters. 1t does not leave the skin dry and harsh, as scrap u apt to d.,. It is a mistake to conk corn as much as most persona do. L .ne boiling will take it tender, but only harden it, tike an egg overh oiled. Ten minutes is lung enough, end it should be prompt• ly taken off that, and covered with a thick uapktu when taken to the table. When linen has turned yellow, cut up a pound of tine white soap into a gallon of milk, mod hang it ,',er tia an is a womb kettle. WIsen ilia soap !•s gum. pletedy invited put an the untie inii�ioij it half an hour, then take it out. Have ready a lather ul soap nod water ; wash he linen in it, and then rine it through two coli waters with a very little blue in the last. t No Rad,eal is lessened to by the ( nl+rtt�- tiro* with any au.•nti.w, lite tl. exwpc.•n.4 C'h.rlea Itra IL.,p l•- Ile is was•! to 1p•ak w.th eal !girth :uy log tr.! ,dal inial . aas^:orae!. Ta1.lenre .MI the iocr•.\M• Ill 1/,lld.p,, A new tanletrl d1111 hat been at Ituffalo }All and its entire troop of Iloliaus at✓-sl.lad church the oilier day In (till war paint. .At oho roc ut ranirn party at B,ckil 1•aw l'al:wr,trl-at a.ta,•Ilclruwut wa. eapw.•need over the claopag,.. It war .1 tow, ulowt renowned viutaete that were su;.µnnl t, lin`1" limo all dr k up. 7Ykere was plenty •.f .1. U r. l'hao,L, glair. is not well He is getting too tat. S.nor .4 11.. lust ar.ta:ratsc lemma. in Inn - Akio d.rura:..l tt.rlr 1n1..m,.•4 •.,u noir .try ' f the .luislrt with crow•:,•, 1l;. ;cud o,nnoJbrd- quilt•. At the 1:.ying.d the heitolatlon •tone. -f the Im genal I °smote the ()tiro.. used glamor.. Iu poblle in the Rod tear. Tlw leave. wore, ,l, borne :ban • .hillosg p.ra• and set m a plain Lit .4 terta.ia- *Ie,h. A French lo,il4rol,ox .Bo ray tll:tt Aimee. Lorraine should really 1e•Inunt ✓, Fr.uwt, 1.. !Ire rennin that tl.er., are many wore brunettes than blondes thwre, and heave it is 111.1011 Frenal than 5 .-r...... The novelist, }:,gaiie John, fetter known as E. Malmo, sine aelwr .J "Cllr (►!d Maus'olk's Sucnt," 111.11 at A x1111 r1l, h., native town, at the age of fi! `the was tlru dauelNrr of a vomiter. All that is 11.shsl now to elite the C..,• srrvsuses and I,ilural l'nirw,lrts into 3.5. party 11a W.V. nbanl..•, S,nree ilia einiar,5 An,1ie..a,hr w I�,nlels the 3.lanpuia Trrngg, has retuned home, he has n:trutlnt al the hstrop.an carious 4 inviting au„g his ra..oryorn, it is 6J id, with official nett.n..al- 1lie. Mary -Anl.•ra.wa w oo e,licts the report that aae won,kl inns ry Forbes rbes Itvlwtsun, th. A /resit.!.. llnoewat of Ornate. Aron rk.p.,.1. w T'. L•..d... r*r.lr 1"-•tryp,ma. Amass the nul.erwis collectors of c i - ties of every kind who abound in l'arls there is one wealthy o irtuoe, who cutter. b•ewlf by collecting de*U.. brads and ak.•l.-t,.s few tactically carted .m mulcted in nawrlrh•, earthenware, won) .r p m:w,as aka -a Tl.w he ha& gathered t .Rider in a kola d u.ulr,nu of death, which at first sight seen.. hwln ,. aid "nncallrm," bid. on cl.wr il.rr.ctiowl, (roves hi.l.ly ink•resung- S,0111,1 .4 ti.“ heals hart bear dstatclw.l fawn douse 011 nl•dir.al rosary bind., winch wen Mealy ornamented 01 ane aide with the tweak .4 • `meg .da saint awl on U. idler with the grinning No. of • ekel.•l..n. (ha ..f the newt lei.1....., yet a1 ths same time swish artistically ete- ontad, of the figure. . that .1 . skeleton en Itageil in taking bons d ha Won. the 'e on- gstartewarnas - whish have lases clammy,/ bee ea 11wir 4.511. The collector Laa gn,•n a Iing,llri.nll reality b. 110. .rhj.'.i in los swueenm Icy locamong.ust hare and there among Mein the oL,I'a d led irusinnl. A fresh egg is very clear nation held op to a strong light, and 1 the air cell at the large cad is very smelt. Ir. fact, the smaller the air csll,the fresher the eag,u the cell expands as the egg becomes stale. A fresh egg ha• a s mewhat rough shell, 'awhile the shell of a stale egg is very 'smooth. When cooked, the contents of a fresh egg stick tc the shell, and must be removed with the spoon, but a stale egg- when ben:ed hard, permits the shell to he (reeled off like the shell a an l'orange. It takes a longer time to boil w freak egg hard than it does for • stale egg, and fresh eggs are more easily beat- en icto a froth than stale one& As erery thread of gold is valuable, so is erery moment of time --dawn. The Appetite gay be lacier+ad, tine i11/Ative !manic atreeitir.s 1, sad the Bowels regulated. by taking Ayer's 1911x. Thea, HIM are purely vegetable in their composition. The, costal* eeltbea calomel tet any other d.w;gerowu drug, aril may he taken wills p,rfrct safety by p•r.uu, of all ages, i was a peat sutl•rcr from Dyapepate n ail t:ee,.tipill ion. 1 Iced n. .igwNt.. l.etilar Krratlf ,Iahlhnat. 1, nal lea. con- etaatly *Mimed with tloa aebe *sal Inlet - neer. 1 .ou.utl..1 our (:uully donor. who prrr-rib.-.l for robe, ai I:.riuu. time.. it/Ai- .nl aIvrllntg niers Ib.n tclupwr•ry relief. I filially romu.cxral ':.Lies .t )er s Pith. lu a short time m)' dle.•rtIoo and appetite IMPROVED tray bnwrla were regulated. and. by tb. time 1 fielded tau Iw.td, of thea. l'Illa my trn.k•u.-c to brnsla.9a s h:el JI•appw.ryJ. ■ ud 1 heroine sl sk; stet well. -, Darius M. Lugaa, Wllmiugtuu, 1►,1. ,, 1 was trnuhled. for over a rear. whin Loss of Appetite, argil (,s.eral lh•bilnt). I rnmllaener.l takin:;-\ter'.11111. and. lie - fore finishing half a bo* of this medicine. my atgrtlto• 011.1 sln•ugt11 were restored. -.3. (n ('lark, Danbury , Cuuu, Ayer's fills are the Inst medicine known to me f.•r rrgulathng .he l..wrta, au.l fur all lige.. •. cauewd to a disurdrn,l Si.anaeh mud lover. 1 suffered fur o.rr three year's with Ilrotnwl,e, 1ndlgrstiou an I Constipation. I load nn appetite, and was oval awl nervous most of the time. BY USING three boors of Air's Pilot. and, at the same time dieting wo..•lf, I wag com- pletely cured. lily d(grr.tiv-e organs are now In goo*l order, and 1 am In perfect health. -1 biul, l.ttr In rent, Topela, Kana. Ayer'. Pill. have benefited me wonder - _dully. For twrwntls 1 warred from Indi- gestion and Headache, was restless at • and had a bad tante In my mouth every i,rning. After taking one box of Ayers rm., all these troubles di.ap- pwared, my fu.l digested .x11. Mad my sleep was n•frr.htn_. Henry C. ITEM- totrsway, Ruckp ori, Maas. f w,, enrol of the Piles by the use or Ayer's l'ilM. Tb•v tint only relieved m.. ofythat painful disorder, but gate tae Io- er:.ao 1 \ igor, and restored nix lth.- J ohn Lazarus, St. John, N. B. Ayer's Pills, prepared to I1r.J.0 Ayn 3* Ce, L...14* a. ly alt DruggMis • of 1resen 1• H,Ittclae. "They brave a Target sate in my dig Irict, • says a well knows druggist, "than any other pill on the market, and give the 6...1 aatrifaction f -r tick headache, biluiousuesta indigestion, etc., and when combined with 74shtston'• Tonic Bitten, Jubnntod. Tonic Laver Pills will per- Iftum .hat so other medicine has done before for suffering lsumauity." Pills 23 cents per bottle. Miura 50 cents and $1 per bottle. Sold by (3u04e, Druggist, Altiwn block, Cuderich, sole agent. [el READ THIS. Every Man in Business should get his Office Stationery Printed. 110 NOT TEAR SHEETS. OUT UY YOUR ACCOUNT *OttGB TO WRITE ON. BUT GET YOUR Bill heads Statements Npte Heads Letter Heads Memo. Heads Counter Pads Paroel Labels Shipping Tags Business Cards Circulars Envelopes, eto PROPERLY PRINTED OK GOOD PAPER, and then it will be a pleasure for you to do your corresponding, as wall ars helping to advertise your business. Err See Vaal!. Pr-.. of Ib : Voir fe i.es!, ]Gr Slin•.r•,/arde , of at. 1.01111.1. .n•,.. to Ira oarI/ n b,.• --I 7olnu; hull, k1.•. 1t•c-ey. 1111.- It.... rr 1•.f e'1 t-".2 1-•••. {Tara i. oe !? 41.5 .10.11..1 Is terrier., m, nw,.1 ,..ops-,', ow 1 m If -I leor.oa.l ga5.4r5t... ..1i'.t .henes. r, Int it .ehl l.s.0 riot t •.r.• h••1 rot ,•p1. 1 11 READ THIS. i3 1 /nr Stock of Printing Stationery, ronsi.ting of all the letieling grades of Plein and Linen, nuked atel nn- Ear ruled papers, Cards, Envelope., &r., is the net emit - plebe we have handled, fuel we guarantee the quality and price to suit all who will favor n•4 with their !7 orders. ('a11 nn.l nee our samples anal get our price.. I..w't nee estaM. !'7v Ren no yeti in haying .n•Jieine, bet try t`e treat Kidney and Liver rowel- Lir A.., made by Dr. Chace, a.'hor of Ckaee's nominee. Try Cb ace's Liver Core Inc .11 di.asss. •tt the Liver, Kid- . norm, Mtomach and Bowels. Mo d by all dreggiste. Mrs. Cleveland i• tusk lug • collecting, of New Fnalked mimosa and ferns f.., the .dorament of the White hots. library after her return. .ori oto. Around *rich bottle' of Dr Charm Liver Con l• a medical "nide and ready* Meek containing useful information, over 200 ..cede., and prnnonneed h doet..ra Tnwie lienee.. Priv. SA emits, !riot 91 and drusgiMe as wrath ten times the trey br'ttle M O.n1.'a Agee store, Alhi..e cost of the mw.'t •me it[alierne and b' Ooderieh. 13.x!. anent. [bJ %noir =1• s .id by all druggist& "THE SIGNAL" NORTH -St., GODERICH. r 1