HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-9-2, Page 2ONE SINGLE FAULT.
One morning Marshal C., Nets but •
steteral, Mediae bim..lf to need et s
wehmaa, applied to a opuses is tk.
lea• Saint Durausigue who kept •
immeshed kedging home fur noes of that
slur and also carriages foe hire. Then
was roue, and ouly one, II boat she could
rtseommeud to the general, • scot of
vwrseer tel the rest, but it was precisely
sou •ccuaat of his good ja•Iaties that she
desired to retain hint in bee service.
All the same, as the general insisted and
was an excellent customer, she timidly
concluded to yield.
There was ,iotbing, however, un-
usual its this man's appearance of man-
gier when once established in the
general'. household, unless it was an
cattails" politeness or polish of dresser.
of, a .crapulous care to keep himself
apart from the rest of the domestics, and
a rare exactitude in the accomplishment
of his duties tb•t rendered hila torahs
able to hat matter.
Ten years passed an this way, Muller
fallowing the general wherever war con-
ducted hies. Tens was in 1807.
In one .d thew periodical wanderings
they fuuod themselves at Begun., in
Dalmatia, where the emperor bad con-
fided to Gen. C. the care of the govern-
ment. Il was in this little city that the
adventure -but atop ; I am ahead of my
late day when the governor general,
w Muller's employer wan thou called,
was to receive at dinner • large party of
Lis own personal staff and a number of
the principal officers of an Austrian
coapt stationed in the neighborhood, he
was obliged to call into requisition the
services of all the servants in the house.
Muller was, of course, included, and
when tbo hour arrived he was waiting
in the dining room, Mia napkin son him
The crowded table and the re-
a1uiremenla of the guests doubtleu pre-
vented him from noticing any one in
particular at first. Dinner was nearly
over, when suddenly, as he stooped to
remove • dish for the beginning of the
third course, one of the Austrian
elbeers, happened to turn a little to give
1 ' tote, uttered a sharp cry of sur-
priseMuller, no loss disturbed and
unnerved than the officer, became u
Vine as • ghost, the cover that he was
lifting fell from his band, and he t1uitted
the Mlle -a -manger in • state of agita-
tion remarked by a11. Neverthele s the
*cents bad pawed ao repidly that no one
esu able to say whether tt was the agita-
tion that had caused the awkwardness,
or the awkwardness the agitation, blit
dinner was finished without Mul:er's
1n the meantime, however, the
poser*l was not content. Heat least,bad
*peal that the Austrian officer and his
coachman were not strangers to each oth.
er : also, that the astnnah.neut was not
Gist of a sr.aster recognizing an old serv-
ant A strange emotion.'profound alarm,
had shown itself in the expression of
three two men as they found themselves
face to fate. Moreover, the preoccupa-
lion of the Austrian's manner during
the remainder of the meal had not
s*c•ped him. Had a war been going on
between France and Austria General C.
nevoid have felt convinced that Muller
was playing the role ct a spy -s suppo-
sition under the existing state of things
impces`bk. It was more reasonable to
Vault that the coachman had committed
a crime, the revelation of which he
dreaded. He must enquire into it ;
a id u soon as they left the table the
ft +serd sought the Austrian, intending
fi . question him, but he, too, had de-
ported from the salon, as Muller had
4'parted from the salle a manger, and
t tither the one n.,t I'm other rep ,rted
again during the entire evening.
General C was excoedingly annoyed by
t its double diaappear•nce, called up the
a •rrants when the guests had tone, and
learned from them that, after his auk- t
wardtte*s at table. Muller, in great dis-
tress of mind, had fled to the stable and $
locked himself in, and that, after a
while, the Austrian officer, who had in-
quired his whereabouts, hurriedly joined
him there, and reinained with him • f
long time ooneeraing earnestly. Later
in the evening they had come out to- b
pother, and together gone to the neigh-
buring hotel, still continuing the conrer- v
+tion. h
The next morning, pot to the general s
wee seating himself to dispatch • not• to
the officer requesting an explaoatinn of
the affair, word was brought to hien that
the .osehman was at home again, but,
with bw horses.
"It will b* hotter to see him," said
the petal to himself, laying aids the
roots he was writing end starting for the y
stable Aa soon as Muller sew his
cmmire, however, headranc.d t.. meat „
rim, and respectfully prevented him a
le'ter, coached, as nearly u 1 can +coan e
it, in the following terms :
•'1'pnn my honor u • gentleman and b
go diet, 1 will answer f,r the fidelity and 1,
Rases!, gravely, terw$.g to the mash -
man, q.wyy a vaivag taw d..iai.s.
''I .hosld be fussed to gait your
service," he answered. "I should re-
gret it, her I here bare retry happy with
Fee ; ..vewthsd.m, I amid leave im-
The behavior ed the moa, as well as
the reottmmead.tion of a* Aker as well
knower the Comte do V., decided the
Reseal ; he ceased to gewgaws rim ;
Muller reused in hie stable, at the
end of • few months the ►resident was
In all probability it -mold Isav bees
*Cooed from the generale memory, whoa
• terrible a*csdeot recalled it.
Oise morning Mul.r, while c,eduat-
ing the horses to water, was thrown sad
cruelly trampled by Nem. Carried to •
house near by with • fractured skull,
his eunditi on was such as to Inv* but
little hope of his reouvcry, in foot be
died before nightfall, eme.useiou to the
last. The day following the interment
the general directed one of his aides de-
camp to enter the chamber of the coach-
man and make • list of its c otent,.
"Perhaps," be thought, reviewing the
circumstauues surrounding the man,
"perhaps thea are papers that will re
veal hu idenity, or money which, as •
careful and economical liver, he has
laid aside, and which must be sent s
by family, should we discover it."
I halm pia is imagine the surpeir si
the sid►de•eamp on entering 5• tarry
out his instructions to find folded away
at the bottom of fbe coachman's trunk
an Austrian uniform, the epaulets of
colonel, the brevet of this grade, and
diplomas of various distinguished
girders, the medals and decorations of
the same being in many Lases ornament-
ed with magnificent dismonia.
Naturally the aide-de-camp, ionerant
" .1i.g this Mediate.' pallor, Ite moof
mase at &abetty, but masa* feel/ the
mime committed when he reldield its
ewrmity, •a:d with stoppaug to think,
distreeted with grief aad sbj.., my
Isrether, profiting by bis times of absence,
departed from CarI.b•d and from his
.'sentry. My father, tguuraot of what
had occurld, ad ieleeueed at the ass
of his Mme, was furious whoa the let•
teas de .hange which they had drawn
upon him biome to come se, and re-
fusing to acknowledge the signature.,
pursued as forgers those who had pre-
sorted them_ In tracing them from
band to band, it wits Dot long before be
diseases/red from whom they had origi-
nated, and yon can picture his despair
whoa he fuuod it was bits rim son who
had issued them, and that h., his father,
had publicly dwhonor.d bins by the in-
quiry set on foot. Satisfied of this,
notwithstanding his auger, soy taller
sseritioed his entire fortune to acquit
thew bills, and wee eves disposed to
psrduu Henri, when be learned the
circumstances that had burned him into
crime. But all our researches to dis-
cover him were useless ; my brother had
"You remember my astonishment
whets 1 recognized him as the servant
at your table and that be, no noire thee
I, could conceal by emotion. After
dinner, as you also remember, I went
to seek him, resulted to force him to
return to his family. The idea that he
had killed himself to escape dishonor
bad long appeased the indignation of
a my father ; I knew that he longed for
1 his return. But Henri was indelible ;
resume a name that be had shown him-
self unworthy to bear he positively
would not, and I was forced to promise
not only never to reveal the, secret to
you as long as he lived, but to c•ntt.tne
to conceal tee fact of his existence from
liwy father ; it was useless to renew •
a Now and a grief that tame had some-
what softened."
of the dinner incident, concluded that
Muller had stolen them, but when he
reported his ditoo•rery to the general,
end also his suspicions, the general •*-
f ared him that he was entirely mistaken,
and ordered them forwarded at once to
Conte de V., although he had nothing
but eocj.ctare and the affair related to
cuwnect Muller, the coachman, and an
officer of rank in the Austrian service;
One morning, several months after
the death of Muller, Geo. C., sitting in
his officio was astonished to nee the
Comte de V. coming into the apartment
It seemed that he had not received the
package forwarded him by the general,
and learning by chance of the cinch -
man's death, had presented himself to
claim whatever papers or articles o'
value he had left behind him.
"They have been swat to you alresaly,
M. de V.," the general replied
"oeverthelees, under the circumstances
though your name and position are
sufficient to establish your right to the
articles, does it seem just to me to re-
fuse me an explanation of your connec-
tion with • man whom I retained in my
service, knowing that there was a secret
in his life -a elecret that he desired to
conceal 1"
re.pnnded the Austrian, "and
I am now here to give It, all the more
willingly eine you retained him in your
service upon a simple attention from me
in spite of the mystery that surroneded
him The antrum, the epaulets, the
medals and decorations were his by
right, and he esu justly entitled to
them, having won them gallantly as •
soldier. one fault alone lost hien every-
thiog : he has nobly expiated it, how-
ever, as y will acknowledge when I
tell you all. Muller was no other than
Henri de V., my elder brother. There
is nothing extraordinary in his story
save that which you already know, and
the fact that he was still a very youth-
ful soldier when be gained the rank and
the distinctions, the decorations of
which you hays seen.
"Hu mitatary sdvancament had been
so rapid, indeed, that my father had
reason to believe that he would iinally
attain the highest honor in the gift of
he state. I nfortunately my brother,
offering from • wound received in •
battle at which he had distinguished
himself, was compelled to take the
waters of C•rlab•d t or his recovery.
There, surrounded by a number of our
nand* and compitriota of unlimited
means means and extravagance, he found
isogelf plunged at once into the maul•
strum of play that rages in that rendez-
out day and sight. Furgettina that he
ad only the pay of • colonel to depend
pen, Henri was speedily •thrown into
tames of chance with partners who
certainly passe.ase1 more wealth than he,
but far len honesty. The end you est
"Before • month had pealed he wee
ruined, and saddled with the obligations
which the world roils "debts of honor, -
et •re of all dobe the least honor -
Me Perhaps had my brother been
1d•sr, the necessity for acquitting them
_mediately wn.ld not Bary seemed to
Tent. Perhaps to repair them he
ould never here resorted M creme ;
ut in his despair and Inexperience he
et his head, srtd believing that until
Rend coedeet of the coachman. Muller b
Coat. C. will greatly ob:ig* me if he h
does sot seek to unveil the secret in the
iife of the msec.
"Corns tot V-." th
"Pt14,if 1 wish to know it 1' said the oro
is premises to pat had bees snake good
• wasthescorn•ndbywordofhiseom-
panics, he yielded to temptation and
and fueged the name of our father, et
at time • man of large ardit through-
t Germany.
A Pteisi g St/y.
"1 feel it me duty to say." writes
Jcho Borten, of Desert, P. Q., "that
Burdock Blood Bitten cured my wife
of liver camplatnt, from which she had
been a chronic sufferer. Her distressing,
painful symptoms soon gave away, and
I an highly recommend the medicine to
all sufet iug as she did." 2
rhll.se*hte teaeetleas.
In large assemblies cf men there is
more of feeling and lees of thought than
in small ones.
When you see misery in the face and
hooks of your fellow -man, let him see
,mercy in thine.
It is only those who have done noth-
ing who always flatter themselves they
can do everything.
Men are estimated by their weight of
character. Alblock of tin may contain •
grain of silver, but still it is tin.
If we reprove or chastise before we
feel a painful regret on account of the
necessity fur it, the proper season for so
doing it has not yet arrived.
Contentment converts sverythisg
near it into the highest perfection it is
capable of. It euriches our moments as
well as our days and hours ; and Its
genial rays dissipate pain, care and
melancholy from the mind subject to
them. In short, its presence may be
said, in a measure to convert the place
wherein it exists into a kind of heaven.
A fart worth Remembering.
Mr. Js. Buena, of Toronto. states
that his little baby when three months
old, was so bad with summer complaint,
that under doctore treatment her life
was des'paired .f.- Four dose, of Dr.
Fowlers Wild Strawberry cured her, she
is now fat and hearty. 2
tllaftre% •wtl Vat.
It has been a matter of extensive be-
lief in France that the drimkisg of water
in considerable quantities has a tendency
to reduce obesity. by increasing the
activity of oxidotiuns in the system and
favoring the burning away of aceumu-
lated fat. The error of this idea has
I just been shown by Dr. Debora, who has
proven that the quantity of water taken
has no infiuenee on nutrition or body
weight so long as the solid diet remains
A 'eaten' Menem.
"I had gut so had with dyspepsia that
I hardly cued whether I lived or not,"
says Frank A. Swain, of the Toronto
(1101,, (Jflc.. Three bottles of Burdock
Blood Bitten cured him, and he says,
"ft now seems • pleasure to live." 2
Iaspteenr Paisley, of Chilton, has de
'Wiled, as fines collection in Scutt Art
M1ss, the sum of 12,700.
Ayer's Ague Cure, when used seeord-
iug to direetio e, is warranted to eradi-
cate from the system all malarial diseases,
such as Fever and Ates, Chill Fever,
intermittent, Remittent, and Billie,u•
Forma, sett d:srrdeve of the firer. Try
it. TM experiment will cost you noth-
ing if • cun is not effected.
•'tar seen sawed Amin'"
No "hardly ever" •boot it Re had
an Mtaek .4 what people call "bilione-
ness,"and to .mile was impossible Ilse
a man may •'smile and smile. and he a
villain still, Mill he eras no villain, had •
plain, blunt, hon.et man, that .ceded •
remedy **eh se Dr Pions A "Pleasant
Pergstiv* Pellets," 'which .ewer fail to
ems bilker.sss and dimmed or peeped
livor, dyspepsia and Annie cosstipa-
t ins. 01 druggist&•
Sew Mr aces Are weeks geodesist alfa
Venn the Tomato Glebe, Aug. 1.
Nise! Gee by the p•pmw, also from ub-
aerratum while tavelliug throurb the
country, that the hotel men and uppo-
ne.ts s.f the Censer Temperance Ad
analready organiaing sail are usitlgevery
effort to have this Act repeated. Neither
man our money will be .satin+ t% make
a desperate light at the polls nest year
No. I would ask. ‘Vhat are the Tem-
perance people pew!. dotvg i Ale,
those who have been battliug fur
year* to elevate the murals of the pecple,
Surely they will nut submit to the
liquor ring, hacked up by a small vote at
Ottawa and the opponents of the Att
who were caught to the net of the drink
iutereat to help the dealers wipe out tl..
Scott AM and return again to license.
The tight will be the same as in Halton
comity two or throe years *gym, only a
much larder scale. Nu doubt several
counties under the Act will be engaged
in • httht about the same time. If the
Temperance people and the Churches
and alt who bare tho wellbeing of the
community at heart would come out un-
animounly the victiry would be certain.
In the past six months the Scott Ad
has worked well. and if the fines *re :on-
tinued tc be levied as thick and fast for
the next six months the change for good
will be uimistakable. There is no bet-
ter evidence in regard to the working of
the Ask than the desperate means the
hotel keepers reeo:t to soling it. Know-
ing the lawless deeds of • number of
these men since three years, an any
reasonable man believe that many n1
these men would care to go back
to license if it paid them to sell
contrary to Ism. Oh, bot they tell us
that boys and men carry flasks and bot-
tles in their pockets add can 1 e seen
reeling drunk in cities, towns E^d
villages iu Soett Act counties. It may
be true that men c..rry bottles which are
bought at licensed hotels in some neigh-
bt.ring town or village. I may here
state that I hare lead quite • number of
boys and men working for me in Scott,
Act counties, but deny haring seen boys
or men reeling drunk. 1 hare heard
hotel men in these counties refuse to sell
liquor or beer by the measure, as it was
too risky. I cannot say as much In favor
of the licensed hotelkeepera, hr so long
as money is ready to pay for it whiskey
is sold by the(•wrt and beer by the pail-
ful. I had boys and men working for
me in licensed counties also. I know
without a doubt that the Crooks Act is
not working any better, 11 as well, as the
Scott Act, especially iu co,nnlry towns
and villages. Let it fell to the lot of
any one to have to remain over Sunday
at some of the country hotels, as I have
bad to do, and I think they wall be con-
vinced about which Act works the best.
The bar -rooms are closed in licensed
places at 7 o'clock Saturday night, and
up to 7 o'clock Monday morning, but
the doors might be better lett open than
to bare bock rooms kept full of men and
boys drinking all day. Talk about
drinking and getting drunk in Sett Act
places there is sot a comparison W be
made. As far as carrying flasks and
bottles, it is as common in licensed
places as it can be. More drunkenness
can be seen in Perth county in one day
than can be wren in three Scutt Act
counties in • week. In closino I will
state that neither of the Acts cos be made
altogether effectual, but I hold that the
Canada Temperance Act is the best of
the two until we get prohibition.
LONDON Taat-atxs.
Faversham, Aug. 2.
As long as the la* gym the right of
liquor license, 5o long will the wave of
intemperance ani bitterness roll over the
land. Thousands of homes will he
rendered wretched ; countless little
ones run ill-elothed through our
streets, while the steady tramp of
marching recruits will fatly till the de-
cimated ranks of those who have only
lately gone down into the shallow depths
of a drunkard's grave Northwestern
A Pew Ilbreinanird.
A despatch from N.. York states that
Charles H. Reed, • prominent lawyer of
that city, one of the men who defeated
Guite•u in his celebrated trial, recently
attempted suicide while drunk. He has
lately sunk into great poverty and dia-
gram. end was recently arrested for at-
tempting to roe the till of • saloon.
roe rsehebslss.
The Prohibitionists of Tesarsei have
been furnished with • very dross argu-
ment by 400 eeevieta in the Nashville
State Prison, who have sittsed an appeal
to the p.r.ple of the state on behalf of
the prohibitory Gmewda.ent, closing se
follows : "Wearing the garbef dugs.,..,
bang d and counted unworthy
t i mingle ith the morale of net Slate,
we ?et the same love for oar wie.r,
t1e m
de►etinn to tear meths., toad
the mom siutmn for oar .late/e, laid
for their sake, toad the cake d our AM-
MO, we appeal to yeie to wore as ars.
Ma sad fres the Reale it os • mule
!nested by the heeds of teem, dissemesso
armed by the law of flet"
IretrdTwtsawla• b. Arv.te
K ,w
(5. 4rre►«•i. t..y..t
We hail •5-,-aat.4. In s .wore' ia•ar to mbar 1•
Ib eac.atlal '•e'm'us. t'.awl.lesion Wakes.'
Which are hating .si...s.rly a.h.r{Iced ea the
at...rgth .4 doer Irstr.el..t 1c.ra.iserneare-ed
though it awe p osed a he summit M Me
seas.), owl leo tat injured by it The Beard
.d 11. -with keel slowly taws scans a 15.
matter. out ter beet at,.lyere W ties •+puss
stew+.! tl..' Ire. rice of elide sial iaWtteslwl
amount 5.1 ■1,w1.W is t'e'es es i) Iadteita
that) they a •.ul•I I.- lieu.•Ma or in
'suite1.4 Nur effect •Ii.la\.r nines
t1e t..auld, su.n sat 1 ...n.yw.sNl.Wdy
safe to partake .4. Inter aa.wiva-
tu«.., hswrirr, rsv.•:J..1 the +shearer+ i.. the
sale/ w..f• Langer leoportems.4 '115 poison.
aaJ ►oo.l..,tlr Il••.ehh !t l ,v E I..., reused
the seer.•.' . f 1.r. 1' wy.l,ri:, t' r pw.qu..'tw ug
LIr 114hirrrou• .tui.
TL« p M+deer u.duwl taut the• use of as www
will ninon. • a an.1.1'w rn.I.:r ...1 1• a pw-
1,w•mon. •i ..-. The nee. 1141 .1 w ill a.lr,wn-
1.11.h is to 11111.3,1 5u uuwlo.tewatw• hI,,*t..)
tant.tl,t, 4h lite Newel. In Mui .1. 1...-1. hope a Ill
1.81. fir health.' 141.1..leir••, wu.l u. torah, 1..
tear'. tlewt Meat 11 Meet le p.astak.r. of In
.uth.0 ant yasnt.t7 t.• ,,,ytre ter •care.. and
14..,1- to j..•i.erdy the life id the lodisl tie.
A Tercel, street far Mary.
One lent diy I it.lp a a,wu.l with • basket,
and a tired l ...knot wan got on the .(tett cora
The batter eons onnpla,ne.l of a tevld.le odor
.a the car, as .4 rrl.rthiug putrid. Ti.. ora•
iluctr in 1,.i mold'. rya Lasted the wowan's
Imak.1 as emitanet.eg the mimeos of trouble.
Bye and bye pwtple dropped into the eat. The
twee of each par was indentiy attack with
the fear( .d oil"( atnl the Isom .nn.nr opinion
was that there was rw.rthin.g dead in the cat.
The cu.J.M4r wi,l 4o the tired kook.ng eau
that he was *me it is se .uutetlung awful in
the w man's basket, ►sit I.e del not like to
steak to her stand It The peaser.gers on. bet
nu , like the Aral., "silently- awls away,
each vowing he had never smelt anything like
it in his life. NO one would remain in the ear
long enough to pay his tare. Itut the woman
with the basket awl eke tired Iuok.ng man
still revitalized, ale former looking w !report-
able, that the conductor preferred Mending
the smell to tackling tier about the basket,
which ler was sure had a dead baby it it al
least. When near Itatbur t -street, at last, lh.
woman ,ret out Straws tower the ghaady
odor ,till rermnwal. ('p n the aa:Juct r
tta.tntu.ntng illi+ ml.. tire.' I.s.king man got off,
inti saying: "Yee. i've chew, them all up
pretty well, it's my peseta; I work in the
guano factory turning the guano uvrr. I'se
been on my feet twettc Wens ur 1'd hare got
out myself."
Thier. are !slay nee ■la
The M'eek'er, F....•et•-.
"G,nfotnd that Jon..: Hell newer pay •
pent � own, but hell gore his last cent to •
aao who clai:11 10 be in dutrre."
"!roes be owe you?"
"Yoe, sad Pre inked him a dozen timer
for it."
"Work him the way I d:•L"
"How's 'lout'
"1 went 4. ht4 ss a fiie.d in di.trres eand
Iaone: it.. atn•usnt 1,. owed me."
N erd on the Alderman.
Judge, who has uts:teil an alderman to sit
beside him on the beach -"Mr. Alderman, ok,
you think toe prisoner is tuilty! Just *Wa-
iter emir opinion to me."
Alterman -"Judge, he is no more guilty
than I am."
Judge. hesitating a few momenta, then
aloud -"I shall nw.ten:e the prisoner to 5w*
years' impriionate t."
Why • thy is tailed ■ She,
it has been asked wf.y • city i. called •
"she." The .newer seemi an easy um. There
ea always more of 1e.n hustle shout a city.
Beanies a city has outskirts, and le cold not
under stay clrcuni,tanais hove skirts of any
A• thanes. ter pleats►es.
Mrs. Ire Feeeirty-What a lo*.•ly baby that
is we just INused.
Mra De Fssbi.w-Ye., it is male.
"05, I'm sure of it. I rscnguiasit the nun.."
Met se fs.vr.Mws 1. nweme With.
Paper door. aro 5554 to be coming ongoing..
ase on
We se good point j. themTl
• juusre(
tkic-w.0 hue dimiea-rltei
1`.r star aired Seen..
teem.. rt- /t ...•.e R..rys
(:•nl,niag las *luny. liana, considered •
braleky imploytn...
A toad We,Id.
r,•.... Ta • thews
T1e ti.•ltrrt•L,.l.iu;; dams this wane
..attic+ ar. the 5r
The rltomy fears, deepoadiog views,
and weariness, that many complain of,
would disappear were the blood made
pure and healthy before reaching the
delicate Teasels of the brain. Atri'e
Sarsaparilla purities and vitalizes tate
blood ; thus promoting health of body
.ai s.uity '.1 mind.
There is no more profitable stock to
raise than horses, always provided you
raise good owes if • mare be carefully
handled she will do nearly as much work
and raise • colt as though not bred, end
it costa much less torsi** • good horse
than to bey one. It costs no more
aside from the service of the horse to
raise • colt to three yaws than • steer to
the mine age.
Whet t. tl t
No • snuff, powder or liquid, but a
preparation pecu!Isr to Itself. Easy to
use, pleasant in effect, Mesal Balm will
positively cure Cold in the Heed,
Catarrh and kindred dia.,rdea._
i.00k not so much on other men's
faults as on thine own Thou knowest
thine own faults, but it is difficult to
know the true nature and deter.e of the
fault of others. A disposition to judge
others turns the soul from its true
.metre in God, brings it outward and
taken airily its repose. Judge not that
&hula be not indeed. - Motions.
i• the discovery of a leading physician,
and after years of experimenting it is
now olferel you in • perfected a:at• as •
sever -failing cute for Coughs, C.•Ida and
Throat and Lung C• emplaints.
Faith will throw is the sot of prayer
again and again as Wag as God own -
viands and th• promise eseou,rgeth.-
Ma se .alar awae.s,
Dunt allow a cold en the heat/ to slow.
h snd surely run into Catarrh, when
re sea be cured for flee, by aeis/ Dr.
Obaso. Osdarrh Cure. A hue
time .ere Weepiest wean* ; 1 to 1 home
.weeks (ordinary catarrh ; 1 to 6 bas., is
rr steed to aero .heti. eMssirb, Try
Oodf IN reed Noe tette Md by
ah 4••••=i8.1
rrllaruCNAli t. TN. r..a&aL
Mow Tuoilisse rlt • MOP. MN
twee• W be
Ilolaly 5.4 lane. reel.
Lari.a L.
Credit lo. 11.r points that l..ijuw .taut stun
aid mu w should be gismo an winnowed gas
gnomonic o..tr•u.Iwrrwry elm writes fur Thr
New York Evening Poet Rags hie;
A fps... is. wed LI any autos to he drgewd
whew essefelly seesawed silk ate oriental
apMoie'mt..N-. Terre ate.rues! .wp.i.dly p+wt
au -d.0 1. d aul int. It has been tried fatn,-
aldy wish ale cl.•yy..l herr wise.l with.ru.
are. Again, the Ito... •sees ready the day Int.
5,new, cul it.,ee cluv.. .4 earle i«tat tawe piece••
.'wee Mel pd... Io.nl.• the pnear, .cel thew *mg
it wile, f..ur spoles, .hues ...lore., ditt.. 111wt.r.
.4 -'e". not I.rok,,,, four Limo,
thine., sen Iat.aru, ell I bell i• a atee•I.wn
• sneer .utti.•.rut I.. user thetas; wire.
duo, pulp 11.'., tl.,otgh a war, loam/An/4 the
h.-eeI..; then all nosily ;.45415s to sidScient
pull'. I••Iq•et eful .aa, .t,.l the Was., aft. r
es -motels .1.e tarn.', 10 the ora:. layer tt,.•
:.root, abode )rimose dna .t Less Lem •a.
'suer mp'+. ter rr. Peel A.w Ntw•fpiway I...al IM,Ra.wt.: ■eel .steel slat 1,,
1.. ,iia+• .1\ .puree. Ina Ira w.lh tor,. ,..1.41c1.1.1
Lotter, bell a te.ele•selul .d .alt, a yesartc.1
d,lto.4 1••'t'Iw. w Mile Rrrtnl nntunag.Iay
.,\ 1.•'...- .4 Ir..l. met•, ul ).rand.,
cieqq 1 b..' put on 11ir line, stir with w
r oaten Nisei.. t.II w pulp, then isn't.. �•,ier
tees2 trued, awl stuff ,t .hale h'4; haste
regularly, are e « w nth 0..51 tr..o,. Femur Meier
Mei 514.4.• mew 1, a part. \..t .nfrerysueutie
two r•LI I.4at•... rut 555 die,• azul a oleiut.fal
..( Ia•il..t +teat euwte.l vm•+•rs Ib. r,cIs.. .4
the fat; alts, par tam s.IJ..s� twenty cbertuutw
cut in then..
1, weer+,. Y, eh.rr tlr .leinaad, i. tiwllgerwn\,
'sorb,ca.uwot fail 1.. 5..00ck with 11,«
man! ways .n which this "role... aha .len,
ace, a. call..' I.y lir I4 ye�tans{ is asry,td by
the Iraaura;rnn, awl IM entitle_. 1RlW►a„
shapes in the slope ./._.(fin se•tlrr.
w hru par er«I w ill. .tern, girlie. street
awl Burd .been+- Fire • roil Fern!.
method: Alter s..i..g .awls.l un brows!
water* awl carefully looked ower, put agcarter
.4 a snore to a gall_ i,( water aced three
usur•s ut salt; peal far 1r,. u,iunlaa t.1 ta..d.- ,
Jn.ro ,es sirs., I,rw a hole with ale harwb t•.
a•\tract Int of the waver; awl. it fine, pout s
is a stew -pan with a quarter of a pound
tied, a Iraq.,a.dut of .alt. halt • teaeo.w
Cul of prpr„r; . w 11'. 5,r 1.w pa few
w..uu4•' eddies s fees drops .4 5.4 bnrtb will,
gave: pnwer.l as sleet., with tM additi.a .f
• tablespoonful of flour and half • pint o.(
stronggravy; again proceed as at,otr, and
50.tu4 hal! • punt .d cream instep/ of gritty,
oleo a taldeya.wlul of sugar; lay Lose or four
slit.s of bread .al the disk, sift the sugar orer,'
put it si the corn, ssLmarder it over, cut in
rari.,ua .{apes, acid Mire under std ear the
sprtaeh. A little variety may be uaa4. by
. urnnunding lite versehp., wit!, sues!! di}�
moods .4 be.a. triad ,e butter. 11,
To promise spinach for a SWUM., seek,
drum, dry and thoroughly pound it, then
bring it nearly 1o. Merl, stin it, mix ivi a
.mall quansuty of .mgur, a■rad bottle it mol
colorise sutom. u t, te'r n • moue use a
well beaten egg; to thin it add broth. Re-
garding sauces. emeses newt take eipseial
cam utas the of should le perfectly sant sail
limpid as a dewdrop, the butter perfectly
fresh,the lances most carefully and lhborough-
ly.tirred carefully To guard against scorching in the
allgbleat degree a ba.si.arw is aeoemary, t ee
an inside sestet,
Sorrel stares ofpuree: Ow. 54 t'1.. ae'. met!.
ode i5 to work well four banttf,ls uI.urel, put
it nearly dry unto • middle-sized saucepan
with • taaapsrfnl of trotter; attar it meet's
add • tablespoonful of dere, a teaspoonful ,4
salt, half ditto of pepper, moisten to a thick
parse wen milk, crew_ or broil.; paw .t
through • siert, taut it hack iu the
warns again, add two ens, tv, 'sIUor. oaf t -
ter, and stir well. A sauce i• not possible
without its boapiwt, wbia. 1. as rewerea5ry u
Ne perfume to the v:okt, nor is • .vapor
salad perfect without the .reline Mere o4 •
'.regia+, chime and bay Marr..
F , sw ole! always he boded is water abwadv
prepared ley decocting :th.m agony heti.
m It
H••re is • wise cane►, half a e. ntnry old, for
g ene of all sorts, aid rgreially %einerm; put
td the crust of a loaf of bowl, pot the soft
part into the bowl. and add old port
ficient to ip it; lyt it .oak mil.
Then add two betjatir taldesesu.nful1 of (reel,
better, and .len augur, seaeer.lnsg with
powdered mace and man...' and the /rah)
yellow rind and juin of a !.lawn. !leas iso
together until tele mwwth. (jive it net
n. a 5u(w sue, it ug as it
Oran. M li'
buil: erre
A (Thin, ors fF, oa.l•dim ess* a.a
151.4 ,m this spoke std • dimness* tMesdo
Alter watiag ale t alum or Amis1m. exiambor
let therm stew with only water .u.nih le enter
them. C.'.hnne stewing nail they erne be
easily n *4u.I ILnwgh. Sweeten the mire
a hilt the apples are waren ; season with rd..
ra4-r. Irmut• i.cc.• mei nutmeg. Sone rely
thin st, tiler end. menu.., peel. stewed with the
s 4a, eh greatly Ivt d•_l.o..te .erne. TO..
ea.VA .rel' '1'. n 4 n" . leen ."�
p r•unr evert. 5. •at•n 5.155, ,.•,peon• li.l, p■esu.
rout pot it rabbit -in fact. is an oddities. to
all utaneer d tar... Wash • Io.tnd of fine[
prunes end stew them in orange juicy, &tiduet
t1;r y.•l ow rirwt of an orange pared tranMa.wnt.
Stir it rep trwdiwn.tly. '4.1.'.. du.,e, anal when
tine 5(0..e. err 1•.,a., .wteeleu 11.. prunes •• )tit
goienty. ,(n
"I ha.e need 1h. Fowler's Extras* of
Wild Hires lorry, et.d foiled it a sure
cure for )umlaut cctaplsist. I teat ver,
sick, and it cutrd ase entirely." Alex-
ander W. Grant, Moose Creek, Ont. 2
The meet delicate, the eked ,eseibls
of •11 pleasure connate is'promoti*g IM
pleasure of othsra.-La gruyere.
in tri, •n. Mae resat.
Iy.penia is dreadful. Disordered
liver is misery. Indigestioe is • for tp
good net ore.
The human diyMireapparatus is one
of the most eniupiwated and wonderful
things in exuteuee. It is easily pot out
of order.
Cressyfond, tooth food, sloppy fond,
bed coot
cookery, mental worry, late hours,
irregular habits, and many other Ninos
which ought not to be, bare made the
Ames .can people a nation of dyspeptics.
But Green's A vomit Flouter bas dose
a wonderful soak in reforming Nis esd
business end making the American
people so lies!thy that they can enjoy
their meals sod le kepi y.
Remember :-N„ happiness without
health. But Green's August Flower
brings health aid happiness to the
dyspeptie. Ask your druggist for a
bottle. Set.aty-tire cert.. eowly
lo 611.
(i►r q>lplsl si a
Xhosa yeamso
[Aft TO. lama
oat maR.wclva asps sioroa la ...red 4 Co -
Week field bee 4 . dM4 Wend 11Willid •
not of grwt 4 setae Mime
mews a...,emperfue..:Rs.
Ohl ruse pink I
Crocodile cloth
Baltic sea new
lea shades of
' 'leaves have no
Large blows ars
Muffs are large
S wteb caps are
, gu/a
The seta strips
fav antes.
Dark -brown vel
s,lmen silk.
For misses, new
troil used.
4 Panels decorate
• novelty.
Mack moire an
black cuilyte4r.
Linthurpe putts.
!Cimino trimmed
with chiuchilla.
Indian shawls m
kr:Otaut cutting.
Leather flower
milliners as • burl
Beaded woolen c
it'd braided caw
Fur and braided
plus!' costumes.
Fawn color pad
are new and p'pul
Astrachan jscka
next to t!a..s. ..f eel
Weed cloth, with
Eotliah ch .ice for
The largest sized
ed upo'i as tansy to
Very loan tra
Dtidse, matrons aux
Vests ate worn .
and are abort, long
Monnet strings a
bows and tinseled
Caps f. r babies s
comb satin borders
Cubntere, chine'
are used over skirts
English girls wet
for dressy alterome
Sailor hats for
finished by a betel!
Bath wraps Ir. lis
the p:ace of large c
Chemo'■ leather
"d the costuwe u
Gray as,reel' tn
corduroy and rough
Curd ornaments
are used un all suits
In many ,,f tho
for the* seas.,,, coma
iu band with art.
Willik11.4 shoes be
with ea.;5 tier inv.
a•tstar soles beer
' st0f* sc iris of Sa
very ,noels liked f..
(linter nth!. and aid
Algeri:.e clothe t
threads of gold and
fabric in L nation (hi
White ulster' u
ties very fashionable
driving and }teeing
Erne tan *Carats
bracelet, and whey
chase are odd and pi
Shrimp pink wit
very *levant oombin
is used in French co
Madras plaid sat
attract ire now ribbo
the desirable ambit
Tuxedo hate of si1
scull cap effect ; 111
pretty pre young girl
and youthful.
1Vhtte felt bats
pliable ars t cry mot
and much worn at b
the muuntein..
.5 white straw ha
very stylish
with a in:mutant cos
"Were Tnwble:11
If you do not heed 1
tura and at once p
*ria intaioance of you
we see a person put
the porches* of a n(
cured at the outstart
hare remedied tt
Now if Johnston's T
been taken when
toad. its •pnearanoi
hare been "nipped i
eon's Tonic Bitters a
decidedly the best m
Its' for ;cues) ton
-nous. Pills 23:
ab., moots and 11
Goode the druggist
.4_ The polieelt►en i
pot -meal liberties of
streets the i ther dal
pat just because it a
eowldn't he'p acting
the liquor seller
from oecoming deet
and ragabonda, w
lugeor he se Guth .i
then, kill the dog 1
sew endangers hum
hem loot by mad d
slew Abel have nevi
nee tee math harm ,
in a single p.ners
mad dog, but kill t
all the nod thing,
human life and hat
repeat desd.y. Was
A w..46
The !arrest omen
• coatrolli g wee
body ii the liver.
the wont• system
Dr. Ch.'s L• r.r (
freer Iivsr ►red Kidn
ovars.toea to carr
deed) tit e $l. Boll