HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-9-2, Page 1FORTIETH YZAR
wuI .E NUMBED II11. f
J D. IioOlI.LiCUDDY. hsuruatt
futon Cignal
IS rc*.min'
AT TOS .shoot :
It b a wide-awake local newataper. devoted
cnty news sad the dlan
r,au.:iu• u( us
fill luau ledge.
MITC1 er a$M.4 arrI. s
811.50 a year; Tots for et: months; V. for
throe menthe. If the aabseripttun is nut paid
la adrasus, ubm riptiw wW b. charred a
the rue of Af.N a year.
let antI'IaG it alto
legal and other casual ad%ertlaemrnrs.le.
per Ilse for fim insertion. and a cents per liar
ear. b subse.,uent Insertion. Measured by
....reared sole.
Local notices to noopartel type 3: per line.
Local torios% in ordinary reat:ng type 1.: per
Business cards of six lines and under $1 per
tiltaatisae Vat -ant, li:tagiionWanted and
itwalaesa Chances Wanted. not exceeding 8
tinea ao.parteI $1 per month.
Homes os !tale sad Farms on '_pale. not to
exceed a hoes, $I for first motel. nuc per slit
segoent month, larger ads t• in proportion.
Any special notice. the object of whl. h is to
promote the pecuniary benefit of any Wt-
vlded er romposy, to be considered ea al
vsrtfesmest and charted aeuerdtngly.
Them terms will is .0 cares be strictly ad-
hered IS.
Semeiol tares for larger sal vett i.ew.ents, or
elcertterments for extended per.wl. nude
*mown al tl.s aloe of puWacation.
4011111114- (DEPARTMENT.
A telly maimed Jobbleg Oce is carried
M etnecllen with the ordinary nrwapaper
. where tint•eLtn work 1• turned out
at reasonahlr rates. Everything in tits mint-
ier -Er eon be done on the premise' .
Mites u•r.l potter to • einem' card.
All o•amlank.tions meat Le •ddresacd to
W EI AT'S UP ? 1 fullow•d sin.0 very tedious funeral pro- NEWS OF TEl WEEK • The t'r•a w«ew's J..••ro.ol states that
Arthur 0 Connor, M. P. for D.•u••u.1.•od
Sir Henry (:rattan Esmond*. M I'. for
I ,•
, I' h
IIIReI inOe Ijplp Dublin cc mar, will visit the United
States in $Jepreu.ber and address no n-
Ptarte. star meetings to he convened by the
Irish Nati. nal League of Americo Sir
the r that moved slower sr madepoorer hard• Ilrnry Emoted(' is a great grandson of
has ot.e ba.k on ,.,e of the Gov• tile", area. es' Interni for a4tsple Who
gpolicy Tee wear at tae tab. /ass T1t. year Henry Grattan, the (anions Irish patriot.
'raiment in the brasier of the sugar du• TM tst*adrn to t'eanenaaa wets way than the waterworks .!.station in the twat tae Mesa• to a Marra a.tar-
dar atomism on the t r•o-ouarb r
wile track un hu farm the fasten us•la
un wt, but that is ices no real txotec- stretch out far enough for them to cum ' I that ever has been orale ..n wager.
>; i { The coothnued cold stet rainy weather The first half was Maar in 1.08A and tE.e
— I hear my oW and «dawned (timid, ! summate the scheme. AJ XX. +
U k 1 t f c.• L to last half m 1 Oi f, making the mile in
tion W the ernurr. The „ 11-0.1./ has
T. Canadian protucl ionists are get- , tot
yrs vs come across a nap
tie; iota a tetr,:+:e tangle- The Toruhto pot slow tblugs in the vaned experiences
Wort 1, the ablest parer advocating a Things That Are happening l .,f my checkered existeun, but I hope Latent
Around Us. to ie richone them day*, ifever
protective tariff in Canada, and the only d f 1 1 1
saw anything with or without wheels
pn.trc:iohiat daily it Tor1,ntn j.nt row, --
tae ;t.rsranoal Grose. I. hands of the Guderieh town council. At ; mamma smiled sena la Sell
tire, and proves very clearly that the Oar reader+ flaw.
a. aarayrM. a'onnel . (their present rate of speed 'rime won't'
high tmt.ti upon raw smears is nut .•uly I
Rob rt Bonner drove Mand M. 4atur-
I h
■t in a uta .aa been 1,t r M le
length t wuened to the UM that the Ju. Wright, the ugly mud original Ono
peole of Canada have loot pen bees . prt•tor of it" P..iut Fenny gas been do- THE PARICDALE MYSTERY. ' to *ogee extent. on the last half. a hon aha Imine 11.5
A large force of _.rale infant and wmrvetlous 11,00 ..f 1 041 too wagon
I twediaol) need .4i Iii pikes- N fug a healthy iesiseas *ram tis leaeon
"protection to native iudt:etries, to tM
extent t f $2,004,000 annually in tae vied to know that victory has at haat
Tom` i which is n
gathering small grain. Corn will suffer -' 131. Mr Bonner urged the more only
1,w dn�te To s dole. I'm
!voice I:nv3---feta--damerict for the. • three quarter trick. fit 1t•.nner
K A Tragedy bleb two tea. far Mam. d rise wei_ha 341 pounds over the regulation
11 Grad estates, where the nail be en- I
Yrtrnh.r- y y weight. Be rays the word has neat r
perched upon his owner, so to speak,
i crowed a bile etictiuns are being mad',. 1 serol Maud .. 's equal. and that shu is a
ntatttr c[ the lower trades of sugar. and
p' Bethe Grand Trunk train on Jiundw Mrs Thompson, of Baachvillr, 1 Ipelter e today thin gran ever was be -
When it is remembered that the leader and that now he is reaping, and iu the I 1 r I celebrated tht lts0th anniversary of her fore.
writer •.f rho 11'.,•01 u 1.n -.en as the time to cone will continue t.. res h hod f theI r J. 1
I we►uini. the
y. a r rep,
p, the I Pricahnu., who was to tort!. Inst �aunhc•Th levitation' t•.
and dead on a
g 1+�N 1 d I I her•slt p Thews is nothing
trap. tl • following rat a i ! show, 3
that under a pretext .of protection we For years past J.J.W. bas been curve/s1, to Welland, .here a was 1,i. BI Rella Gentle h 1rd f vague about this prophet CnglsD.l is
It• r Mr Haxter. or rho Church "f Eas,-
$troncest advocate of prv,trctiext tin. trusts of hu push, perserrcenc•, soap, !with
street un Friday morning, her ;noesis ware 'written by trio u1J lady lend. by just delivu►cd phren pr,phrt:o
l entre -, enterprise an go Shea erten- ' with a bullet wound in his head, was lectures
at Liver a.t
us ISr : :rel a rad rr astunts ,
raw. a 01 the cuuul volunteers b wiunis
have bean really petting nothing of the doing has Istel brat to make rough places'; rs`'d Monday Holdall, assiThe bys11Tr p ' y g land. hadiato be atanded ! heraco l tri :,Lucien
eepsu atteral ..f first r zea at their sh.rd i
•.rat, and that the Government t Ottawa Ire -
smooth and crooked ways straight, and J.C G d t Saturday I ins mmpetitlitta at Ktncrair. Fifeshire,
a - ansa I ray, con Uc ed on
ort ay
has net eitb-r iwcspab;e or hyp,crttical hos striven to Ret do Altnidtay D llar morning • careful and tedit.ue port- I Scotland.
to the arrangement of the surer duties : at his disposal In aufffidient a WIUUN t, I mortem examination of the ho Iy, and i 1110 T Steen way. leader of *be hfani-
tt' tt rote t it .r+tem enable him to catch the fickle goddess by
is only intpureecay carreun
d nut u re.l• •', her back hair, but until this season he
war• and bene prutrelion Rory lame seal halt•
with 1,a . . All the above is uaredne'd +u never cone within an acs of lean; titan•
1loiuparte is to become Kin;/ of Syria,
sud later un E taperer of France. Bel-
gium and the Rhine Provinces are to be
from facts "nowt' thereby had c.usider I tubs 0pp.sition, adheres to 'the op' n I annexed to France in Mal. c tie hun-
a ;.ar+now are. t: p c , ed it to be tolerable .retain that Mr that the (;overnrueli: will dissolve the i Jred and forty four thousand wstcbf..l
i'riestman was murdered. The dont•ar I Legislature and go to the country again Christiana are to ascend from earth to
holds that, though it may he possible, it !this fall. heaven, and the millrnium is to 0 om-
is oat pmhabls ar natural that for I Archbishop W•Ish has published • thence on April 11, 1991. The lecturer
challenges any minister nr indtviduil to
show that he was m•saken. No one as
yet has taken up the challenge, possibly
because everyone is aonriuced that no
mistake has been made, possibly for otl.-
•r Lemons.
gar. sod it pay• two million dollars duty in
whirl. Mere isnot gar .-ca( of yrut..tio.e Avid , t'tishod by overwork owing to the steady
this two million dollars of minim' is at the flow of ueets in upon him. Today be victim could hsn4*t have fired the •lector isr►tiur landlords to appoint a
rate of or t' emits 10. or r newt on the Y IH' y
for revenue only. and not at all for prime. , that it leek. There was c••nesderahle tenants in round table conference on the
riot). Flat it we i.e.' um..wtim%esit•houldh-., a must succesnul se•ton, his brow talk around town 1,D Saturday a',..ut the lard ,estioi.
there would no: be one dollar 1,t duty paid ' wreathed aith the victor's oa.m, as it amount of life inwra•ace carried bythe t
on cane .agar." I 1 ' The authcrities at Washington have
dead moan. This is shout $19,000-- dectaed that cream am frogs
$$ 500 in the North,estern Masonic aid . Canada u properly duitable at i itt. me
Association for which he was Toronto
agent, $6,00011 the Canada Life, and ' "'f ten. per cent, a1 veloreo as a raw and
other smaller policies which made up the I enmar:ufectured article.
$19.000. Mr Prieetman owned property I Eight members .•1 No. 2 Engine Com-
m Toronto sod Perkdale, and many i pany of Plainfield, N. J., hare been
people say that he was in very easy car- I arrested os a change of arson- One of
ass Oilseed that be had fired • num-
calor. New. this +a pretty high City. to be fatal buffet lust in the eau[ direction
coin nittee to meet a committer of Irish
� stands calmly cuntrtnplatinq the shwa of
W. commons: the above quotation to' were, bis face illumined by • conscious
those of out (blends who have been (Ito pride, his lips curved with a sweet smile,
fending the w;ar duties. The fro/ / is; and his pocket-bouk bulging out on both
crrrect in the main ; the Canadian pro- sides. Long may he wave to cater to
•ective system is beginning to limp i the wants of weary wanderers in search
badly. t of rest, health and Like Har•oa's insid-
orating breezes.
THE editor of the Mitchell _tiro--!. _-I observe that public indignation
eomstancee. I tb
]Issaiuretasr• With all this comes to light the infor bet of places by wing kerosene.
Editor et Tng Prose► hia got himself into a corner. I tsation that he •toted t.. wake a will an + The sentence of death on 41x•
OoderlehOstSortie stall continues to hold the fort in the June last, which he did not finish, but Cherry, the 12-year•old colored girl of
�r� weeks ago he published an absunl !else -
matter of the gross expenditure and air- which was completed and st;rand by the Columba*,S C., who murdered a whit
=loan loose is tyro heavy to eensove
to Clinton ; but we can spare • few of
.our town councillors. They do wean
nail us to build up the rival town.
hood about THE Soot IL in the matter of management in connection with the pro- neceuary witnesses on August 18th. just j infant sloe was tending, has bent
the alleged alleged libel suit of nu. John Browr. paration . f the new aoricultural ;lr,unda. seven days before his death. The If-orf.l touted t•i imprisonment for life.
IVs gave the fela•ho,d an uuqualabed de- \s was pointed out by my esteemed and learned that some fifty perae•ns were Canadian lumbermen generally expect
vial. The .4 t,..•.o!r revamped the story, ' erudite friend, Lirty Jlulcahy, tut
mentioned i1, this docurbent as 'Ma'am to cut as touch in the iso sir this year
for different sums, whsch were to be paid
t • t esu apphcah n ant • •stn scot l h b d h hero lueated Drat of the insurance policies. The dead with the saspu's operations. In connee-
;area , •, „ suer -, t e 1,i ings ace as was cut last year, It nohow interferes
—" -- - it forth. We again placed an une plivocal 1 on the blind line. and wi:1 with dificul- mans reside:tee at the foot of Duels cine with this it is interesting to note
WITH the exception of the wheat, the
of Huron are generally ahead of
average in this Provi.ce, although
the usual yield. The yield of
only a single hum prodsct this year
ill be up to the standard of former
desist! on record. List week the editor ' ty be discovered by exhibitors or visit-
°( the :Wo.rtee attempted to tear passion ors. in addition to that, the speeding
I to tatters, and indulged in some of the track his boon built "long and narrow,"
language that is his stock in trade, but —like 'Kithira .Vlen's" c•tri--Makin;
The editor of the TTeosto News bas
fins annoyed at something the minor of
World wrote about him, and
.isls.lerises kis adversary as "the'
nauseant skunk is Canadian journalism."
in this case the comperieus is odorous,
(k pgsora harbor world be • busy one
if we had awesomeaal uni ,n. Those
• ho remember the town under reciproci-
ty will bar testimony too the feet that the
abolition of • customs line wou'd boron
business and enhance the value of real
estate here.
1•r to the time of writing nothing has
turned up to vary the dell monotony of
the quietness that reigns on the water-
works question. Sonia time before the
passing of the bylaw it was contended
that a perfestsd ethane was baton the
reopie ; since that time it hes beets dis•
oovered that no seMms, perfected cr
otherwise, is in existents.
he bungs no proof in support of ary
The Blanchester t:onrbo.. editorially
discusses with much rig•x the corres-
pondence just puhlished respecting the
increase in the Canadian tariff. It says :
"The correspondence civets no evidence
that any other ooesideration was taken
Moto account by the Ottawa Government
than serving a little group of Canadian
cspitelists, who endeavor to further
their own interests under the guise of
the National Policy at the pubic cert.
The present victorious party us Canada
is doing what it can to isolate the Do-
minion from the advantage of intechan.e
of its productions with the outside
world. So suicidal and unfriendly a
°.puma will inflict mare harm upon
Canadians than epos England, and is
about as sensible a proceeding as to fill
avenue aud tits other property is said to that it is estimated that the busy saws at up its harbors ..r Wow up its rail -Jay
be heavily encumtered. I the Chaudiere will cut somewhat less
James Page, who lives on the corner than tut year. In the \i,ettr. o
rnfh (.pito, appears an
of Larne and Prospect streets, Perldabe, Only two miles of the Red River Val- article by Mr liledat.,oe, entit'ed,
1 1 td I th I t
was intima e y acquit ri a wt s • a e
Mr Priastman, who w1, a frequent gist- ley wade remains to be constructed and ( "Electoral facts of 1887," 1s which he
ver sh .rt turns at the ends which Rollaeg
„M i lerellel up and ready f• r the rails this : iodinated, not the conviction, brat the
y at es expe:ted the entire ,.rade will be I says that the general election of 1tt8ti
assertion be hu
in Like the, horsemen will tell you is nut promotive tor at his house. What he says is this : ,
cowardly sneak that he is, los orris seeks i „f Spred And now it let e'aioned that, my house at fifteen minutes put 9 on
to throw the responsibility of the canard 1 by advice from some of the coencillon, the night of tin murder. He was in the
upon a lawyer named H Axe, but eves the plana and ap.citicatanns hate barn best of spirits, and after remaining fit e
that will not avail. We sty new that ' deviated from, and the building is not in tainutea tallies to my wife he ant I
sea nut towards his own h.wse. \Ve
walked together about one hundred
r Pruestman brou,tht my hit a bray to
no effort was erer mads, un any I accordance with the original design. Be
occasion by anybody interested in our these things as they msy,there is a cloud
behalf in the alleged suit, to Bob Bit- of solid, unadulterated puhdio indigo a-
mingham, of Toronto, in any way er tam visible to the naked eye sad larger
shape, and we ark the d,la.rate to pro- than • man's hand, so far as our premed
duce the statement cf lawyer Hodge, or I council is cone.rned, sad if I am sot
!any cies else whose word can be relied very touch estray in the signs of the
upon t„ support b1, contention. Now, times, there will be • greed clearing out
Rill, "put up or shut up." If yon knew i of the present incapablss at the next
Bob Rirmingba•n's record for tretbfu'. non:icip' election. I1 the free and en -
nem when he is boat knows, you would
n ever cite him as authority on the sub-
ject, or sad.*vur to serrnanded hiss with
the halo of glory which is popularly b -
Iieve9 to have bone the sole poseemion
of theists George Washington.
;es Ia•an0 reporter in a speed contest
al Alexandria Bay, wrote an average of
.49 words a minute far are ooeseeutire
minutes That would be the style of
reporter to base when the Oesieeke
town council and the clerk all try to
talk at once in favor of supporting Clin-
ton workingmen to the detriment of
home skilled labor.
ONIMMIll.. .1014410
Two convicts, named Kelly .a4
'Fteeon, escaped from Kingston peni-
tentiary to the Weirdos% yacht Te.sday
last. The men were employed on the
richt as eagia.er and firemen, so as to
etre the warden from paying for the
'shoe. The amnion kad no right to so
employ them, and we hope their tempo
under the ereemstasees will all for a
strict ueemethiatIss • foie beads N tie
ALL ever the essntry it Se
that the city sed bows abs aro
rooming t0 mod. Tnon$o enostaa bee
tr,iNresn is heal seeming by $&,IIM,-
.Mi, and is pyls. intranet therellR it
thereto of S1ti1"s aifir & ward ..d
ease oatidwp'4iee ire roe hs Me few- now hiss 1. porshass no. of the Two" -
wows ; sod flo.dhrlmli is apperestly env 10 permits. se mein Whish will it
anted by se helpless a lot .1 fseapsbh.s be, what will be the prier pt41, si+
es ever lied to as "Infeltlgett pnblic' who will be msetginw director 1,t t!t• w -
ht.! .ressiLipal Isar+• par • cnustrsct.d ooatwo
Tag Ad. -orate of Mitchell has bees
slanderiq/ a lady of that tows, and his
• libel suit os its hands. A villainous
attack upon the character of the lady in
question is the alleged ;mend of see -
plaint. An abject apology will sow be
in order. That's always the A•frorate'a
lies o' defence.
Tat editor of Tills 81011AL has been
informed by or uneillor Colborne, that
he is not the author of the "Junius"
letter. We are pleased to know that the
. tairman of the finance committee is in
a position to make such • statimesit.
He is not the fist who has had to my,
"Savo me from my friends?"
Sas CH ant-sa Tr rens and Sit Lionel
S.ekvill. West in likely to he Mr
Ohamberlai,i's eulleagn•s on the Fi•he•
ties Commission. A special despatch
tree Washington point." oat that the
Veiled States Government eannoot ape
pole& a regularoommission• but will pro.
ha* .rtpiny persona to sot in conjure -
hiss whit Minister Phelps.
Tal/ effort - to raise snfbeient lands to
Rant the proposed Tory orgsn, Th. Em•
pin, has fallen throsgb, and Mash
Creighton. of Owen Sound, and Boswell,
of Tomato, the canvassers, ham Meows
&p the aping*, The Oovernment w1M
dependent electors don't kick the bang-
lers out iso New Year's sad 6:1 their eoal-
tails with boots, they won't be true to
themselves or p.st•rity, by any means.
—The waterworks q•iestinn continue*
yards. U. told ma that he had an ap-
pa intmeut to keep that ni;/bt,but did n•.t '-
say where. Ile talked to me about my te-
ing insured and told me no man with a
young tensity should be without it. 'See
here. Page,' be said, "I will let this 1
thing to seta Monday sight, when you
will have to come to time. I am not in .
a burry for the money. Par me when
you like, but get insured." He also told
me to bring op • hsg of land plaster to
kis house'_on Friday night, and he would 1
be there. His tut words were : '•Rall
you take a trip with ins to night 1 l have
just ons till to make." 1 said, "No, i
eaanot" He walked away then, remark
fan. "Well. I suppose Mrs. Pape is a'
too b* effected with uspvirs, windgalls, little lonesome "
"Now," continued Bir. Pace, "my ire-
heaves, think -seek, •pies°, ''Charley pension of the murder is this : Mr.
Horns" and other ad and serious Priestman was killed by the man with
ailments that impede i1, preemie whom be had that appointment it was
orerugh to make babies smile and of such a nature that he probably apnld
not brine the men to the horse, and in
week. Side tracks ho the ax,,mmeda-
cion id the materials wi'I be the hest I t
work done. Th. en;putaers expect to a
have the road in run 1iii order by Oc-
tober Yl. -
Jimmy M.Davitt, a well known New
fork borg•ar met with a violent death ; t
n Monday ■►urnisg while trying to
escape from a store, where ha had been
discovered. McDevitt plunged through a
pate glass window. Hs was ought by t
he atom sch and disemboweled. A coo
pe►sios of the burster, *b. was watching
on the outside of the building, was ar-
rested, and is now locked up.
perplexity of the country. He content's
hat the results of the recent electior s
re egnivalent to •n improved Liberal
rammer' of 22 per Dent., and that,
giving the Con servatai ss the benefit of
all doubts, a new election would 1 •are
he latter in • minority of 10X1. This
buts, he continues, is too narrow to
allow of a demonstration or the expres-
sion of ucdue a,ntalence on the pert of
be Lthersia, but, veer oil the ti[ures in
cold blood, a rationel Tory r r dissident
will probably ragged them as el marked
significance, and m•y even begin to in-
quire in a reflective temper, "When is
all this to tad r
Chas. klezander Percy, of tampon
Bridge, • young man 27 years old, and
by trade a wagon maker, carriage trim-
mer and painter. made a safe trip through
the whirlpool rapids R.turday last, in a
lifeboat built by himself, and opon the
construe -ion of which he has been m-
ewed during the past anomer. The
bust is about seventeen feet lout, with
air ch►mhers at either end, in floe of
which Percy made the toys;'.. It is
rigevel with a seat so that the tssvigah,r
can strap himself in it end travel out-
side if he wishes. The keel is weitht. d
with 210 pronds of inns, and bass of
sand are Greed in the kohl so that .1
will right itself. An ir:n weight a -
tached to a long rope trailed inns 11 .
stere so as to keep the boat strigt t
•1esi. Though it keeled in a threader -
ing way, the craft rode the breakers as d
great waves without Does apsltiur.
The sight was vary pretty one to thous*
on shore. After entet:n: the whirlpool
haste Percy toms nut and rowed how -
self ashore. Hes object is sot for slage,
he says. The journey was steeply r. -
perimental, and the bet having epee
tbnn. h all right he will wow model a
ilf.tnat on a large meals and •sk fur a
patent. The strangest part of it is ihst
Perm has an practical knowledge .db—,,at
building. His work was dens in mere'.
sod no one but his brother had hew
•Unwed to see the boat until Retards,
when it was Isesehed.
sateh weep to me fifteen men gutting
up at the council board and not one of
them able or willing to 1e11 how to
initiate the waterworks for which the
*sectors voted over $30,0)0 last May.
The town council have been holding
special gasoline after special meeting,
and they have talked themselves hoarse
on this subject, and they are no nearer a
solution of the problem than they were
talking/ over business they gusrrellsd
and the man killed hien. This opinion
is strengthened by the tact that the urban
whom he said he bad to meet has never
turned up, and my impression is that be 1
is the murderer. These papers were I
sever searched for nothing."
Lane %Mee.
The *chnoner Ariel delivered a cargo of
Boal at the Big Mill last week.
is 1875, aothwithdst.ding the tact The achooner, .lane McLttod, with a
that they lave spent $1,400 on the hole cargo, of lumber for W. and H. Dyment,
is the ground nn Bet street, and upon reached her deck on Wednesday night
"espert" teetirsoey, and braid out over last week.
=900 in onnneetioa with the prosier of The sch•••wer Tullman with aearen of
the bylaws. i've att....le l a quaker,' . Inmloer for BL lL floesord reached her
meeting where hmsis0ts at •vel slowly
dock early on 1VrfassJay mwnusg last
' wetik.
I've listened to men without ability or The schooner Koltun. last week deli. -
ordinary intelligence trying to exhibit tired ■ raw lied n1 hoops to P. McKwes
thsmaeiv*s as pu:itiaal candid/Iles to a Sod others.
tired •edi.see ; Fre seen the small boy The 'Ammer M G. Gordon delivered
meet *n a merge in the estly m,ww, and • cargo' of red brick at the herbw dock
esters 'Geese's and wary when the Inst weak. TAe brie
an foe •hs Aram,
now being erected foe Mr. P. Holt.
shades of evening were detsowudin=, end The three matted lane Rn.bod
whoa the orb of Jay lied set in a gbw .tight the shelter of the halloo the bo-
at p►pie in the West, without aeeoos- winning .4 libel week,and remained snow.
pkdisp the object for which he was 17 berthed therein (-w live dela.
seat oat ; 1'v at on • hard bench and I •altq'sr rge ohne/ amt dh [ argo rat
mned la a sw
o••eant •shorter h'"Frank .:n 4onday terxninw. After ds
so &odious.* wilh hie ithtle int aye and ' inswing her moot to Williams k Murray
Mehl* t. -.g -s in • wearisome dissss1IU the &ai'ed for the Port noir on Monday
of too Mears and tw•slythree mimeo% atl.rsaon.
by the Isaiah ; 1'es gorard *woe a ' e,F• f work .d the It*thhus hag hes*
poratise faker" .waking by the day al" Web."ee 1►r the '4 'aa •.1 the
pia sm asstML. there hetet het sass .w
with nee hand •d wantons the Mt1A ItblioohsVas ran lam aaeerned n,e
tel pit railer pie xe t wry .b.'e 1M .Lo*.
A review of the English crop pros-
pects received by cable nays the whett
yield is the best of the year. It will are
rase 32 bushels to the sere. and vire the
farmers 7 .0J0,000 goarters to sell. This
leaves the country dependent on foreign
supplies for at least 17,000.0)) and pro-
bably 19,000,000 bushel". as the short-
en' eof the rotato crop will cause a
greater demand than usual for bread -
Monday morning as a freight train on
the Cleveland & Marietta Ritleay near-
ed Oldham's trestle, the brides suss sea•
to be on tire. The engineer called for
brakes, but as the train hands thonsht it
was to", late to tare the train several of
them jumped. Fireman Adams was
probahty fatally hurt. The Ioniping
train men were severely Injured. The
engine and all the train except three
oar passed over the trestle, 61 feet rat
which fell with the lair three cars, drop-
ping them. to feet. Cause of lire un-
it is understood that the Minister of
Fisheries is coostdering the recommenda-
tions contained in the retort of Limit.
finrdon, wh.. e.enmanded the Hu.I.. a s
Ray expedition. Among other thing,
the C ,maunder urged the Government
sn suppress the destructive slauvhter of
whets in Hudson's (ray by rzplrrins
bomb lances, used by Americans, the ad -
1 viability of establishing • (:orerramo,rit
nvenne cutter in ilia bay, and the
noisomely rf collecting mange along the
arrest of 1..hr•tlnr--a task now perform-
ed by the Newfuaod'and Government.
in thn Hots of C..mm•s.a tirnday
.,Mint, nn a motion to grant £Th',915
Mr the purpose ,f eumpleting the credit
of the Irish polies woo ire. kir Millon pro-
tested s, ainat the ennstant increase 01
Ihs expenses of the polies in Ireland.
Alehne.h the prppei•tios had deeresssd
200.000 sines i litt0, the met ..f the po-
lite navvies had inerea.*d ore, 1230.000.
This waste of the pebti- money was me
dem to mime. A menstrnss ■n* • wiry,
polies Cites was kept up t•• evade the
pr•..seines of th. Menem Act by seais-
ioioieg • lamer military forest than wee
.•neti•ned by Parliament. The law was
ant enforced, and rents were not r..11•et
.d, mod the on:y MUM of ernpMyirst the
;tubae wap to eveste wi Imposed dtasffee-
hi•ree sad to camper,te the people.
Ward* le leo *ler sad Mherwi.. ..
R4abH, geedlera
Y') MA I. DST raft aaa TUC . LOIS
Is it trots that the higheads of oke
mimed ■re trying to maks op the
mousey thrown away on oke wslorwo eke
test., by kitbag the oatmeal shoddier an
d*..iag polies 1
'-Q" is res Coggin.
ea•a ma mimeo taosey T ling. -tan
ws wish 1io make a change M ewr
wate►wyriu system. and want soon is -
formation. Kimilly ialorrs ase elsir
menthe, of year menet! is the Aydreette
entiaeor abuts. W ary awt oat ie.
Wu -v Atµ "ori