HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-8-26, Page 8_jFw,1- 7 1
J' -
T U E f I. U 110.X SIGNAL, -FRIDAY. AUG. 21;, IS 8`16.
HURFIAH FOR To SCHOOL OPENING Mrs W Dizou. I Itrucosdoold, was the
FINE TAILORING -1: WO 111491s' W lug&
guest .4 her iTist", me@ Jt4in Honour Nil ift &G, S.
last view -el, sm.
AT- With 1,!.as ..0 ur It lice floor 11 Gentup ru 'I h
Never- awl Al. J Loulivild pleased the ml WAWM-A WM 62MALI I' lk,',
lor third clam leach. TV SERVANT. nm I &on show air,pArord to Show a asessfalls" aamonob"t at
strib. I"oth are old No 5 sclaulaft. Wr.
Two Ivi-jjr- I welfare
with inaiiy ot iwrs, extend our bratty V Point Fares, T UPON
afriongratuiati, 16. avid 6 anuu-t women t w&114 It 0% ICHCOATI.NGS in all the New Standee and Sty Is a
IF 0 ImpliAti.-Iser, wit'. AD essidiews varnAL of KnXiself. Irlosis
FRASER, PORTER KAY'S I IRL WANTED -A PPLY T") .14A. d &of." huttinisis.
wit,' a&6s-t Rev. Of. I'ad it. this pariah ir tk ! Vbtfy, Vn;(.n-.tII. off An ivauX11W L. f Not% stood Stylish
Canadian Tweeds.
for a time, preached here on Sunday.
:B00:EK:__ Sr_r0_-R_-E1 N'o iteelit allso-wid so act as to take ad.&-horinen.bour. a!I Good* bought by th yard cut fross,
ornall"gra of mao'beir,ea •folly. charge. Or,
A L4.0 will kill itself .n a" clo iv* 131 imlc-jimiiix, L D.
diet of raw putative. The fasotist.,
LvlI* I nederich. Atoril 71h. M7. fuln-
lariew porconsLaild of starch :aid I 4UNTA.L ROOM,;.
'a'" a Welablais bdS- "a Pom Udice.
trust b.,.,,L.d t. Lusurd porfect dig at-;
ion. i -_
The Coessibeas, lworprwle,it neboopatter IV L. WOOLVERTON, L. D. S.
etas 1-ijari-l-ae" by Jobstooh 31. Gcde Huron LAM i2eftev.
Kennedy foul-liaher of the Esswit Center 1,11ch chat titi ! !i*A'h I u- r. I to
rabril-41. balle tw Vita,
=AIrdi%r14 to
SCHOOL Lberal, It- -Ill li-arvalt., la-loset both as estnwbm of to" JL U. DWARD N. LE%%Ib. 1`111111 HUMON LAND AUENCY
The first train over the Satith's Falls' The 'ILAL
brissich tit the C. 1'. R , ons the view air 4i4if-17hwon froPSALK
11inbass, between Montreal acid T,,rotatu. ran o" WANTIMI-SMART AXD AC. bIrCalat Lto*ns. Prilitti, roe" OP 8 4 L X -144k)D FRAWN itat
uv*r purtivii of the istio s,,%euty_fi.,, TivE-traimiya the Dr 0,.od.bujutww 5 1-2 PkIt (K'S.
1- conditions - fitic orchard.
_!Plj to 11MIP k BRO. 113-tf euracref Hasuff 1r,,m Ili
S U Mika ill setelity-firse, affilitites. --7;Z -, -- squir,. kp;,:y to
PPLIESpw@rs %ppl 7 Iiuoivvebbv Ila
stritiols. upp. Colborne Hotel. tiodertch-, if,,r,n Lend Aur.11.1 ooeeri(h.
Got'"burty tarts--Propare A pie paste, 0 8 T, -BETWEEN SAUFORD
laithfies orwal-rcierat,ower the tx,ti..t IJ and the Point Farm on the I* it trial.. •a 4) R 8 A L E -CHEAP FRAME
be light brown kid qlo r tier riaht hmbd 'ER
AT I . A Toy mw E AU , & IiAlftrr. BARRISTERS. Fhuo**-7 r mon- I slah" eased I acre
it with pt-gordered sugar, then p!&,.e mat.ling. such j.h,a., _1, i; ST Ili, S &-e.. ooderielf mW&IML Uosdorricit at'
alternately a layer of pickled ausl washed 111le- Its It. 11'e..11juseltr Mastin's cl. II0,jj xernand. Apply las Hurot-I.&IsdAgency.
geeltet ri" Iowa one it( sugar. Yale it I0 RENT-lm)t'8LE STORE_
hree--lu-%rlers A an hour. ()s,r ON THE C. HAYS, SOUCIroitt, ae. I I
in front of John Colborne. iteur I)tRc4,. foressir rat more mooll ewe =OW Gt&W for Grocer. Apply to Nunn
Fiy, cake--Thrre pints ,t 11 --tar, in 2441,for-1. a stortrur--un 4,itnaiser. The finder "'reel, 4 odrarleh. eir& te::mph office. W Aeftry_
e ill be mullastily, rewarded by lest joe, it m , 11 Pri
cage I ut.di t. lend as OB per cru]. 20 -
cup of batter, one of stor"t milk, ts,,; wut. LajjAuD,a.*urAr tn.. 6rjdce _ !r "_DWELLINII. HOUSE IN
d fine half cups sugar, whites -,t sal- JON% STICAVAIrr. ARROW it 1PROUDFOO(Yr, BAR T t statements. Apply to Ifissigin
:;"Ors rL:1a, three tu-114ri'llifuhl h4killell! G
BLATE PENCILS ANMR-- U_ Lnuare - 9odj:rTj' Proudfoot.Lod e\grwey.
-owder. -at- ated une-half pounds figs, ONTARIO bTATUTZ5. Y. IV&. Sellic" as
therored &I'd cut all strips. T Oili LANDS FOR SALE AND
hXselt,t Is hereby- eltess living cepieve DO, ()Tits- OAMERON, fIjLT ot
:i r -JAMERLIt. _INCVIJ talenvistion furnished reatioecc.sagacanxida I,
White fruit cool.. - (hro pot,und 4 flour, to Sisk nice. M. vic.. for luir. for %_1 Beirriate".
Jualln"ofthe Peace for Iluron (*ounty, effort in Chanurr a ompasay's lAvels. Huron 1 nd Alforacy.
'ooeb j.--und ul"hubtar. me loitered of butter, have been 3uslericil. 1i. a . t onseralits. Q.v.; P. W.;,, ----
I r.,43eavcd at the office of rise ('jerk 0. (aunror. t'. C. WANTM). I"no, revoleseve ssuinewberia, in
Given Away ove t-,und blanched alwowle, three of the Pence. IRA LEWIS, P"we.- The Wco? Dust hare wable *,,-,xmmno.
po:uiscs (if citr.wl, one grated cocoanut, IM31. Clerk of t be Peace. "'Isson, good pwsi• .lead afru.sela.
Iro "WE FIST DAY OF SCHOOL OPENINC""hites of eb:zteriii eggs, twu iuAspxoJuI& IS*)LUTI(L IIN OF PA IT N E I.- Assignee"oft.0,11b. Pbbwi:i. \',, fit. -Two firitt-cla-w, partially
I ,f beeking I sarjotir ; flavor to taiew D. 111P. =7- ion air.% eif f IT ii i - a n I be T, - tied I I, , f C., jeci, I..
To dress cuctim here -- GAther or buy N 'ss 1 " -N Ex's NOTICE TO CREDIT- T host- art- aN -I. - the only Ittvial , t A that van
o,,ce In i be bi.Lnrftf at a reassemble Gjasiry in this eloarl-
from market early ; twat and plot off heretq i%en that file Partn..r- AC Its lent I o- whole.
ship heretofore exi-t avic lvrtwr, it the nastier. at JON.%; STRONG, of the Villatage of Ford.
ice until dipper ; then slice as, this, a, *Ivan,,,, In the Prin,i,,,, *aid pulAW,1111i; halt, wick, U-samy of Huron, 11"""'cul Mier" (WANTED T PU UHASK -A wood red -
and known bylbse jI.d Ann Tongue k -p-, an lassolverat. ) " islily, on lake or titer
posisible and put with sliced onions I,, a I desire an pleasamat Iw,
HAVING PURCHASED THE McGillicuddy r"thel. has this dieff been bank. for small family. ]lust be ad.
Slish, issltaO popper freely ; lbour ^ cup Iiiisoli, ed I,y m bit ua! rusnot tit The Ision4evat haA abobabilgaved to Inc flee. the ; )anent towks. first -about '11.3m.aslb.
4-Oari"Ifsar quisilar ifia.bgs, .,ad by I,:.un The b ....... 4o ill kk•...In.jed benefit of his creditors under 48 N'le car. SL
U. McGilli'llddy, who will pay (Int. Creditors slower file their clanns t*w' ED TO REN('.
'. A dryt-claw real.
tope. the late arm. and to whom an sceousels due. on (w before the Ueh day of eVi, njbci!7.`."11 X.T.. table for I&I-we family. 34 ust be
E.-4 oinotette-Outi pint rich sweet the late tiruo must be paid. after which see I shell proc I. distrite te cloe to busirecas portion f town.
,he he,,,, wa:;l only to the cia. n o
Dated at tioderich this 3LKh day of josiveles t are . In" I
it of
LARGE STOCK I creation, three tableolsoolAuls flour, three; li;87. 9 which I shall I eft a% r a.), ice.
WA.\TEIT TO PUR( HALM -A %.cant to
ryws well beaten, half Tablespoonful salt DANIEL MCGILLICUDDY. JUIN KNOX. Trust". for buildir
THO.ket. M"iILLICUDLPY. No. . King -m. Faso Imr-pows, *Fut be about So Its
and pepper :;fir flour stA milk sm"OLh, OIL, III Al,,Tt"IM.. Hamilton, fauser.7-Of deep. and an *au&ft,qr wighdamse.
FORMERLY 0WNED BY JAMES NRIE, AND COMBINED! add the ailge. Aloft a large sp,olj lix of
ul of Hamil,son. Iftill July. IM. io$4(
butter Ili a baking pan, pour in sold bake EAPER FOR SALE --A BAI90%I% : FOR SALE- -Part Tf-.r. I.- ,;,. 5 on the,
twenty minutes. I R' is offered H a Chimpion flesPer. :301 concession. Township of Ashfield. so
little uned,outl mow in 11,oresihrepair. A' -I' LOS" 410 Jmraftce. acres. nearly All cleared.
WE AWE PREPARED TO Lily cake -Taro cup@ of s3X&r and one a Firr-:1rosof Side, in god order. Apply tot -- ___- ----- ___ - --
cup of butter mixtod ti Bother, one cup ,f 1). K. STRACHAN. N07 -If FOR SALE_ - Form landq iv .31fiellanol. coluse.
sweet milk, ene half iteassopootiful of sod I -1PER CENT -ANY AMOUNT OF: Ichiltan. F:ne wheat land. J., Ow
a- SPECIAL 02 money to lend at Si Per cvnt per annum 111
IL!t4I make homes tot farmers' sow. Ex.
tune cup of cornstarch, two cups of fl.,ur, NOTICIL towbb& -interest yronrly, we have w!]lent climate. Near rsilroail., schools and
SELL GOODS CHEAPER =A%l "D to lend in ~ or more sums 5 clourchea injus $3.0v to $10.0
vine twelybonful of creast (,f tart THE POINT FARM. VKH CENT. .* ext door South oi mrsUlai's sum down 6alivas a an esay t" per acre. eniall
whites of five epg& FlAvo.of, and frc harness shop. SMAtiLl, & II.&I-TT.
Iope rbrl (from 113-tf
THAN' ANY HOUSE IN THE COUNTY. rith chog:,.sInte firviating. Families in the Town who desi'r (lederich. FOR SALE -Lot M. T*wu of Godeitricb. I
f the car % and llin"CoYaloveo sit hou*rkeepnos, i- stere. Lot 714. Town of Ussler.ch. I acre.
A lady's shawl &aid waterproof rolled 4 few 1111"ke will revelle lery liberal roo," for 500,OUO To LOAN. APPLY TO ' -;;th half lot X. 2&d ctos. Wawamosh, 1.0
the man IT of July. As I have now . eery ef- $ CAMERON HOLT&CANKRO.N. seem improved fare, saw houqe• barns a ijl
in a strap were picked UP in the lake fl^;enf "'butr of cooks, waiters, kc., I am well rich. ITN Goile, tables; Imusediate rest
CIP'l"'tial Di. --count to Teacher, near (hims4e.u. Today, and were taill. pr*jmrri for Inowndess, f.! parotesi.j, an 'be given.
j e -
irelarrally is fart of tots :and To. it Of con.. K. 1)
1 *41 to Rolsinie.ea go shipyard, fuut of 31c- Ia Afebe order and retry CONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE two Rated swornson thew lots: a")
J. J. WRIGHT- ilit! terms Of PftYw-cut. small amount down.
j Nab-streot, H&mjJt,pgT. Wtt Propricter. vit low ancient of Private Vianivies for invemawas
ever rates on *rst-cL Fos further Particulars lead list of lauds
.4-tialreages A pliably
Or was
mad for LAND
at IN goace. or
X to GARROW k PROUD write to HURON LAND &(;K%CV.
G)r. Square awl Nkjrt1it., wid CtAktiftl T-It-Ph011ie Exchalie, Square. &I 1111DOINO D"Y Person janrehissing, the L SEAGER, Luck 11oz In.
ft ! Grand. Open, 11o= I love CASE ALLEVA h.rw in,an E. pialb. Uutierica, OuL. Curtails.
C#ODERZCH. (tor 1101 befea aid f,br. Al )Lag
BAILEY avo it doesn't!awaily he:qvafftoe'k GXNERAL INSURANCE A0EN 1'.
Indrbtert to the CASE AL ()Vlrl(,F. opposite ('alborrw Hotel. Goderil.h. N
GODERICOH. P&Y ran and save costs. Risks taken at LOWF,' 4T HATE -6 in the (ol- Societies. a
93 ff
Mass. C_ Q;. 1411wifelfirat clam* Conattanits:
The orsdam Assurance - I,:sa&hIjphed I-.*
he having sold out title J:Ikpbaiar inDuarhatim. Tho %atiosinal.of Irv-1,-tn4 - Incorlraged I 1(NT OR OlP CEI
COUNTY CURRENCY. 80 OZP@Cts to start about the lot of FRIDAY EVEN -INC., I A 't , A"'
JUSIC.-MISS 0 POKE. AFTER 14 dasovel-in-ilmod-Tive only (omps.. &TIihoriz. ,
Years study of mv.s1,. Is p, ad to immm I'Late (;I&" in Camodst. y I
I Sdpt@asbar. ithe Plastax. 21 prepared
se Vedcrall Life Assurance Cu,C.qHsSasmb*s :
Pencillingo and Scissorings ftoo 5.3tr quegar. er. sm Plana. lwtf A. O. 1'. W..
18 7 Nee" In' 11' or Loolive Itourn over Ties:
Exchangos. The4oll..wisag candidates who, wrote at A u g, 2 69 'Q HORTH AND. -ISAAC PITMA RADCLIFFE,
Sestforth, were successful in passing' the TOWN A I. " 1 ellix,. ti,sierich. on the
examination f.': thiril class certlfic:ttes. AT835 O*CLOCK. eight. Instruction boolve for GENERAL INSURANCZ,
Ideas- from all oti bir Vincent 4 *only. TO at" 61 wrote and 23 roamed: - %I (:,,, - 0#1114. Even WY aud sirl ellerealid F.?A4'H MONTH.
laser, I., are shorthand. PIKAL LSTATE AN 1. 1S.TING DI'FTIIRKN ARE ALWAYS
I lipped 4eadeft-4 rash and Brown, L Comobell, T Dunn L Fabler, ONE NIGHT ONLY MONEY LOANING A(W,.NT. j V
trim Thr rack or she cre.j I. Fell, M. T. Hislop, T. Kyle' L. Latti. Only 1"Irst-rdavit ('11ilospovogir* iffe'reoei't"if I WN1,4701111K.
For Baler or to Let. !1' Money go Lead oa straight Lana. at the 8. 1 HALLA, M.A. REES PRICE,
frosus foreir Kovels"Sor- error, E. McNeil, Ilf. Morriser'", J. me.c't::c lowest rate of looter. Day way D 3,, W. Fhisocies.
Kerarle. C. McKenzie, (I Pollard, C. sell it. georrunter, G. W. THOMPswN,
!ShurtreL"1, E. Xmills, I;. Doswar, T. &'OR SALK-AN ORCHARD Ir Aill"Ol"VICK-Acerend door from ,4qusre. Ilmly
'rant, - AL Own &C'm W1111171179664-flumor. -%Tables and Worst Street. Goiderich. -at It -cord".
3. R. I arvVilruseels, left on 1 Knechtel, U. McFelidlarn, T. AiclAuch. 10111hoi'dinors an Ise ctralCom. situated on 30ts
Friiiii, ,f I lot week on to trip to Winni. Ion, W. 3tcDqilal,l. 31. M rri&on, C. Rich's hurriy near rhe ingernariots LOAN -ATOP n fffillwrigh
poll. Have flats Sill be taken in the Ibost!1lcK3y, (rAmed in Lativ). bl(wk- The i,ioWty will be sold %es"Plyll $50,000 TII)ENT. t, Ualuator, &C.
au -I a terms to evil, refrornsaers. Adjriver
office -yA. til. Kay of Goderich. TEMPLETON X- 11ARTHA DjLKSqj-;. bi;vdauich P. 0. THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUs" CVy
Hubert Nott has arrived in Bragateek I A. HUMBER,
,ben Knitabsts, able le if .SAY on
lose Sent fr We %reival to lesions gavorkey at all per con
W. F. V"stone, of Brussels, I@ ilrue f pay 'H I XT
t wo car loads id &&It and cherry lumber' having 111(ild -It there. I X I L %%s"Lli 119AIT. ;kN ;fbe.
to Stay for some ?ill, Ifni JL The SALE OR TO R -IT RORROWE L To
III 110111ton &I'd he will Ito to the hub He retx,rts that times are going 1,, be il PZIwrtr of lho late ALEX, ID, on flarat-elissis farm security.
I- 1 1101 2- can. - E' it., of the towembi f -iol
shortly. crasspar4ing to &:I borne. I j sea I I" from in t,a ro w. z. i' , Apply to FWIMAI" mad. (',mtr""
,1,16 miles bad there this yea; un account .f the zii 6 miles from Taken for
Iflanderich. Ion aerria-go cleared. and under CAXERON. HOLT a CAUKRON. "Ouses "ftling by The Host Was,, System.
i, I d
Gana. Anderson, who h- weather. The con. er,.p basinz a' all"o-clafts 111vation. 11 acres summer fal.
ang total in Morro, left work last Thain- failure in several of the Western Staftes FAMOUS I low. which will be 6.ted NJIT fibil wheat. Awents for the Toroutaft.r.=-Is "oder"'k Hot 1`i`.tervvnds,1;.__FicnI"4. Little Giant
P 'r- and -,her Water tath"hi, Agricultural Jan.
YoUni bearing of &!I kinds of fruit. 311;11 W CAVKWo'4. HOLT jag ('AvqI,-ko",.q8'h Aov@
day and took to his bed with what is the farmer are beginning W food their Got I re me tables. drivLrew shed and private tUA4U to We I plententa..,atiji 3jachisety.
knuva avathsi black facer On Saturday! winter food water is sahm, scarce, sereral, 00ARTIST S 33 .1 z: = X.I. D. 1. ar I t 7.
I poultry house. c-mifortabble frame house -9 00dericle. 08L 4. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS.
he Wes able to go to. Winglagam and nwI of the rivers being entirely dry. rsesseres, pantry- ai.d surnm,r kitchen. Good - 19111-tr
Prone, (laser. hard and soft water. Everything -_ I VALUATIONS MADIL
his report it would that
the Dr., but (in Monday he died. Seem . I ' NOT( --The 4s I 6o motown. to fil"t-i-lass, repair. Will b? Said cheep. as $2W, CAST sTRF" ffOOlEiCH.
our old Huron farmers are wishing they NOTE 1A C-)mpan * that %I is lte!d As pi v inig up fargai2, and af,jayi to Feb. 1. 11111116,
Mr. A. Carruthers, It. A. bus been un. were swain settled In 4-&LA4& saviss'*Tgan. %
town For urtherpsinicalsirsafiriyismRso Talon, con farm and town pmperty at low
animously appointed, clasetcal lastatter fore in old H uron. as comfortable as be. ALEX ItElly, ()eirlow. P.(y..ffS,cSmCA l0a *a interests- mortgairevis purchased. Ne oow
of the high wilool, Soisforth at 0 -ton charged agents for the Trust and Leass
AND TWO Lams FOR of ('an&djL- the Canada Liasided
Cred ('001pian Y. the IA"M t~ il'obappeny
HO',str, 'hear --oe Nime"trou-st. N
Eve'l, lug:. 2691887 -,,Oram,- ottagov 7 roomo: wood stable. All tris of (*nada Interest. IL 4Std -, ;per a agglary of 11111,0W. and his testI.(M_' MI-DI)NALP', MILL B;',:'
a 10Hq KNOX,
late seem to indicate that a stronger man: 4 o'clock Thursday morning of this w,,k avoodrepair ;Isroafrorchwill. Forparticialares V. B Borrowers can obtain money is ma* URNZRAL AVC.
for his special department could hardly the cry of fire was raised in Walton Wlber- k I a r.'q or O#t T 10 K. R. WATISO-N, PaInt#W, dAY-Iftille mtiW befor,-. 1 01 Tlo%*ZKFt and Liberal Valuator, Goderfeh
have been stlected. nm'sr Opera: If DAVLSOX k JOHN81O\, Having had caomddmbl. elpPrivues I-%
and it was 1100111 Ascertained !hat the saw OX Gooderich, N, 11.1110babactioneece
mill of Lewis & Ches. ',McDonald was in 0 or disclose I It re
care "It t! trade. be in in a position
The 8ftfOrth &JI0,1111111 says When t orough, antlet"ges, all am
FARMS FOR SALE - 1-4 THE 7zm= missious on'r-sed to him. order's left sea
we announced the illness if llfr. John 641111011- The flamesibad inside such head. TOWNSHIP OF GOI)FRICH. Hurom mania's HavigaL See sent by WWI to my add
11.91 way that it was iml*,"Ible to sure the Cents Amusements. P. 0.. Va=.tszbdd tak j4r;M
I last week we did not expect t4o y : I.?wtll in the2rd and it in the ash eon Geder -
two called spore oto norm to announce Ili@ bul.dius(, Do all set to work t,. Loop the MIKADO cession. 0 of the beef 81, acre forms in the 11,10 (CIIW A
death. He passed fire frolu spreading t., the. lunAter piles county. A PPri*g creek (Iowa through. KM-
IY 411 cleared. 0817 3 M,Ieq from the Tf . ()ODBRIft NOMANIM'
With,14 Grea, ('80 ArI Effl'ient Chorus. f rVTZ LIBRART AND RICA DIN
forteaddreas noom. nues. at le;uat street _ad square (up
vacefully away on and saw li,iffe. How the fire Started 19 •aa W. M. HINCKS, phorki osim PAYMITri X
Thursday night. 'I ar. Hugall was aOaderich. For fort-therparticni
native 011yorlisisfaire, England. He ague MY*t*rY a, Nr. M,:Wn4ld wall at the I V.1 &mn .i b, I stage Is. lg!mv. Mat ILL
K, to this country in 1842 and Settled oris mill before he wrong to bed •and gorassy. open I'man I to a p.m., and from 7. to I@ P.M. AN P
jr thing was all right. K,rne hint the 1,1670 FIRST'-ST-CLAt!8 FARMS FOR, ABOUT 2000 VOLS IN LIBRARY
Dundso street, near Toronto, where be wave 1,110 work of an incendiary, Iont t Tattle- One I" the township of Aslabilleld. I PUMP FACTORY,
he removed We4affe and 171iobjetraw
remained until 1853, when be Irices, 50c. & 7,5c.! containine I-Wacrr-;and oxrin Fast We*&. Lw114iobvy Lived
McDonald Broz, are thorougl, going men I ii -bah. roostithilosig lip) ares. 6iio, partirulare; Pllprrj, .7a,1--;tw*,.d-c., On AW141.
to the Huron Tract and settled on tit* who have the q, wi will .4 earibrybt.dy. 1 -rats on PA: .%t rRASKII. PORTER Collector. Halt k ('amerme. Gode. I r IGODERICH, ONT
Huron Mad fit the township of Tucker. MrMBKRSIIIP TICKET. ONLY 0,
smitt., About four angles west of Sobij.'rth. In this mill wait "a' K A )"S bookstore. se .00.
His continurd ft reside there until circular saw, hst, so ani sead b, iler, I gmRtiug free use of Library used Reading F
and shingle machines, R SALE. Urban,. ANNING Hill DEPARTMENT
mill, Ike I and along with t•elsbelotig. FO
about two years ado when he Purchased lRebical. with
I ,=:tt for "T"Stabs"I'Shily 1`11110011IM by FANNING MILLS, S20.00 EACH
a residence in than town, retired ing to DOW@ of the workmen Sent a al"I'l Wiwi halt of lot 21N.Arilitir Strew. wi . rooms I v
7--= W"tl briest coloarce threeim. S. Ial1AIA'0XIbvo%. GEO. MVZNjj. I OKLT A FEW LIKIrT.
forming and came here, to rexld& freesia IOM, olliciopt the b- ilor J'he loss I@ FIR. W. K. RILWO, LICENTIATE (jr, aar ING IAITA.-IFI. ',K 248. 213. Elgin President. 111--tsury. I IIRCMWG '13
askimeate'l at 46-ut #2'r,00'.r 1:!.W and A-F Royal Coil& of Phyak-nins. Lallehisaillill, .4t. A ndrows Wart 0eaderich. Islairich 13th. On&
A local exchange has the follnwinq thevs is I,,, instirance pi,ficy far ll Asia oft South f of Hawrailtee-st. iol4kno' ' ton. coo retro( Huron and Roltansia, Road.
d halt band. t hat Pat. Grain and Seed Cleaner
I'rawbr !i acuity hou*e ,va Kenya tialree
Walton is altualtosit in tit* onivist of a in The (;,,re Mutual. There is •b"r'u s' MvLEAN, •PHYSICIAN. SUR-, an sheriffs 3matk"
tracts agriculturist country, ton miles 00,00(j feet Pie, era kits In Peat's Survey. opposite new
4lumbeir in the jejord r..., ID PG'ZO'4. C one? kc. 041111afe and residue" Show (;raquJ%. viz. f?.r
Dofth of Restforth. There hats been and about :W.00o feet or "th-assighly %roraling at ~ ritual
oft. OOL*44 111owar west of Vioctivarie L
many different reports as #4) its pope. in 1,wa. The: Prut"' 8s: No@ M :14. 34. -n ft. 14. 5al, 64. OL le. Clbml , am 1.vbae mmascii
pr lptiftore came t I Welton 1.) 1 8 4, j sty. 1751. All the &be%@ a, IA)W RATES Thule "ftd areas Tall. said nalle. 7;7
Istum. We think the village containe and -.-- &A,]% see" "ad ;4;,; r ar oboe.
Al-pty to I se. labovemeraff In,,, Wheat r
ha%O done a splendid I)Uainfto, in fact I IRS. SHANNON & '$HANNOIN, 102 'it Davi-wic k JoH%4TO\. ever
about 2,92ffo souls, including everything Wall,,, owes usuch of its parps IM ,. time. at, - *:rat
perity to JL-- id,2rroons ram and (low,,
that contains the breath if life, wDell me I % era, clsom k I am Seed. Or nrpwulea them.
I this important indnestry. %Ieftfa. Me. Odle* as Dr- Obws*ll I w.;Ient-ol near the ARM, TOWN AND VILLAGE' H STREV
crpie, frogra, hens, snookee, harries, etc l Dorreld think they will eftere a porilastable, Proof (iOdW*b 6. C. t5NA.VNOI.W. J. 1. 29 A FPI.OPRRTY FOR BALK. S EKIFF*8 BALE OF LANDS. VIL
. have in our midst minto and sinners, mill to cut up the balance (J the Suit. list i :,..Dry of Ifformas I nfS ANIT radii eau
And Hard Khell Baptista, The Itatiberitters and Trunte" of the Iream& I Fly virtue of a writ of gxoiudve sorritney giflawed
Wd headed bachelors, and a few dried I last. of the two JQRKPH 1IFT, R. offer few mI# the Her maj Or .8 C. I neari Paribas. mawd While tiona". legislation &*A capital.
and will arrange rairit (All I, r rebut II foliftwiniff aAlvmlole I-roperty. namely To wit - in 00" asiverits
stmi" Animals. Nuilding 1A,Is numbpre in Huron. :Nlj %"IY CGur? of The (Z-:1671 .1
rop old missiels, in fact evrf-r) •gause dl -ed and delivered -1BAL0-
Town Of { nr as scar D-HtIhvL&nAsaavdTeqwm~Sef`jAVAM
all a 0 fly fOr man - bey to all hit" .&a....
humanity which gnives and IM, re a 19111liki FiSIN 014 THE fenced. and vrcy desirable for building Vale. )it -\'sl the snit of 11AVII) Jj( the
country like oum litany onteiroisting E mpov ibro!t the frtlermlwir. 141 $7. Nloif- 'poem Irlder. I he,, Isolated and taken in rxrualles, V*un
'f X III sloven and me,",.m lat
aisial mystenowis events -ccur nearly Old Ilh,
1"4 t'4190.. Huron, Read. 446bder,eh lownstolls. llal(aerel,*ttrtmtinxMillRaeo.Tow "The ralliet, IltI* iut*ftvl avid equitt, tit to Islas
-ISOMer ChL Oak Am of f4ir-dis"ch. being par, of IAII 3 in the devaripties of the above named a, endarsig. ttePWr*d sold k".vx KRL
sogreary week, and Items keep invar W, •M 10 t h. t I be sh all Iwo a "by*e%&9rowner eau Awva tae Lftnt Colsessigualms of fablil To-aship. Adent, 4 jewhimn. in. to and ft,lt of t it* inflarall.
casemate- Ito of J. N . 0whorr" of twin "'Ishicars.
asta Wnselp mongers busy its &flooding to I &&final by I send IRS sez. (,:Is@* Formal- $liable- lo" lug land* and formiselon. situate lying and leves- MW KPASTWIT
wassid P W16 MT le. h aide of Millar street, (log 'a Ili* ('-htY Of Huron and r1reviscis of Ir T xtggr -4c-1
InGaIlprith an tho 19th at.. Pon-& (JAI 13 " borml,
)at *110 off 10. 311clionfetallf. ('se miller. 11 of an Deep, small frafte doesvill ff.
thboor nefarious faultiness, fit of the diurre.
1;1*U*l fo.'adjust Louovereberes ill* goved M& 104 the event Is half of 01 ",bar T,
'To -it of ('11pleas )"I an acre each. In the Firm (,"..arm of the 'towns
paper to he looliblislabod its Illia, Interests of ling 16uiblL to' and being o^baor
I'trussiold is ginsr tn harp anther Y 1 PUIR
of norm sor".. i Turnherry. foltitainiftial Termity-Inv#
Fairly sparvid. "'a"at an" -hick Isotac and Toll slams 1, Drulassarrand "Will tn
ZI fully &I' tested 0111411141111111 0140,
the Conservative party, but flieve, hawto a fto Fft-1-r `tt4J1ndrtbrh.nD,Iv#lL-*h0fj The F_ I at I-# ift (,op. I#. wee, we,, aftor for avah, at my offl". In a W Wesel. an
afasslk liagatiterve them it they eon make Hrxm. Assignee. fair tine r.#,. 1). U_@. Mr OIL&" "WM raw". In the 71own of (ji'dier"Ov. not sad
Mers SAW. saft"It. me a-rovies. good WA so slones eiieft.
1,a Osis a Tory town, as that day I at, am ff. to mireas marallArvit %thn P d1lieve sonviess,4 at P.Oleas I,., ravy.
sols. sed Nafted- rr*mi"dw "Iftb*PM. At'%, i*, Eil"A f
jhW slash now art" as larflife a ;X.Irvn me airs. an pan -log
IT of
herm (load resda. RA71
rA. r: 30 pan THE
H Joe Rbt%CIM4"- IN 4rdobvicav, ru MD A&j. Are. nor turflabor pa"ji;*6 Apply WAInMea sainA as
J" a any town in Huron. , I - ! al t he bou!Y T wail To of up *sm& aness.
Irime, 1"Wilaverfy of the Dairlisave :n.3r. law. Merriam, flat. pmfttoo j Jar wvmw sarwonk
W. HUSeims". gavoid I row 0 111111 of-ril ILI. I 9V- Tre-,
'Low "ll pno IAMT
islas be thopub4illeer rftho new paper, At. *A"". I pols, Nov.NO,1, tt4L 0"Orkla
we .. I 14;t
All, L.A. iii ffa 11"Pir, WN REAS4W.0 IT gMW
ie <
ax i