HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-8-26, Page 71f THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, AUG. 26. 1S87. 7 Fun ana Fancy. Basking water--temp.awes teetering. The Arts of tae leanly si,ole- •n his wed- ding flag. Nota leen. (Butte, sign) '. This testae nut glutted. Talk is *heap. The elan who talks tow muck Beta au liberal that he gives himself away. Furmerly the foolish vinous bed no .lel ; wow the foolish virgins as to, fres with kert.e.m.. There is • wmasu in Conwec.ieut who wean • No. 'J shoe. Whom she see her shoe down her husband walks .routed it and ways : "Yttrium, 1 11111 " An old farmer remarked ou the streets, when asked how kis lay "tee dryiig,that if It gut dry as feet es hi. workings' 11 would be ready fur the tanto as quick as cut duets. Aide/g the preemie at s recent Adrian wedding were eight pick.e-coater•. Tris is just .bout .noegh t.a held the picaiw the couple will g.( tool d ming the lea two years. Mamma -What are you dutur, Neel ! Ned -You told tete that when I felt an- gry with y..0 I mut a,uut fon. a.mwo Well t N.d-1 hate counted 737, and 1 am just as made as I was ne(ore. "Then is mon pleasure in giving !ban iu receiving," was the proverb that • mother was trying to instil int.. a youthful mind. "That's tree about oastur:uil, mother," was the a^sser the ▪ "Nu," said an old maid, "I don't mics • husband very much. I hive &.anted my dug to gruel every time I feed ham, and I have bought • tailor's dummy that I can scold when I feel hike it." "Yue girls waut the earth," said a State Street father, when .•ue ,f hi. daughtem asked him for $'i fur a new jacket, "Ni, papa," mid the ingenious child of ?J, "not the earth -ou!y New Jersey-•' . - '''..-;'• M_Ydsr.ea *weed I Aotipt1a ' - • - +' Nem Ms Lama nese. { The total .umbar of perms. killed by wild animal* and veatmotts makes in the tea divi- sions d flewgal during the official year 111Ked was the highest iu the last t5.• years, peed ssrunt.d to 11,833. As is wsu.1, sine -tenths of thee. deaths were cau.ed by .rrkea But of 12,223 buffaloes, oxen, Imre,. mud punas de- 'stroye.l in the manner only 311 were kilkd by maks. There annual returns do rot take •c- entint of sharp, gnat. Lige and nwx.kee.. the destruction of which is very large The hyena is credited with the drstructiow, of 773 limit of rattle. In (t!.egu:lrxr the number of eid sou killed (ell to Na then 337 en the year Wore, Old the reeesen was that a .hikari 1,:.11 1..•n Emoeel he an attempt to just . 1 jackals' leo the lewd. of "odor,r, P:•.ing over at furreN141de void mat^lee!•. •t :ter -seers dint 815 persons were killed by jackals t1 by crocodiles 4w alligatorc gt to por. and T$ by rlesdiants-wletl.er will .x ,kaiestio i■ not stated -12 17 buffalo* suet uta.., 1 hi: a hone, 1 Iry a deer and 2 Iry nh:*.krats. the bite of the latter having brought ois mortification or tetanus. Only le deaths mere put down as mad thews wheel is regarded .r a tuanif.at understatement N.4 a single death we. imu..N1 17 wild .,.leads .n law town and *Muds („...ie,.„„. mit 13 peewee. we. b.1 fr.xn snake Tle tial mimeo of 2...10.1 ro}nen war paid fox ale motructnn id a o.1 mimic/. and venomous wakens M c 41p•red with 4:Z,87e rupees the year Mims. '7,mave h/taa." Frew 10 Ae. ly5,aes s Orrell el Town. One murniser many years ago a well-known dry toed* irrr.:r*t, is a city not • thousand mils duw.t trust New York failed. He celled on a friend •e he was going so his (dace et Lowness. He wore • dilapidated kook, and appeared to he thoroughly -demoralised. HIS friends explored a•foai.trmest at his ap- The eirpianaaise was. "1 hay sii.d: 1'.e Rut to came to this, and I may as wen begin today." I would hot be a foul if I burl fouled," mid the [rimed. "(:o down town as yen ant end yeti are ruined cue k Go home • dn•s yourself In your bet ; waw diamonds, if you have got any : brims oat your horses; dads into the oust* with your heed up" The bankrupt merchant had nese, *Asir► to Sae the valve of this ad - Aa 1e drove pad the windows where this "am sat who held his fate in their bunds they "'delated : " Hello! there gore Smith. I dlinet think things are as bed with bine es mea said. I gimes he will outer out all right" Aad his del &meek.'• Weseatweter abbey. 'lir propo.ad it000,000 cathedral is New York, open to eyelybuly, and to he the burial piece of e'istiaguiwnet Asrriaar. may Drove uasld, but the general complaint of the Eng- lish midede•1s is that there is more room than tham is worshipper. Then, ft is not easy to make a "Wtanintsr Abbey" bets .1 a d. The iinedh . d that edifice didn't know they wow. m•kimg • great historic show plans To my, es Use Babel bottoms did, "(,o to, now, s1 e bund a cathedral which shall meek up high into history," is very mask lib a man's eying, "I will plant au apple sr.a melee which a general shall sur- reder Meanly, as Lan 411," or "an elm that shall be • 'Washington elm,"' or "an acorn that shall grow into • 'royal oak,' where • fugitive prince stall abide from h.s pursuers, like Charles 11." Tb poets tolls lea that the i ib•4ral abbeys, pmeasid.a gr , "grew ew. the gram"and that the head which "rounded ' P aura dame and grained the sides of awcien t am Il•" bsilded better than it keeper. A tract fora great hietoric Middies is too big cents*& to be hes to architects, masons sad earreatera Always Seedy M a merman. Peen ass Dense. lett While a minister was preaching last S.ndsy in • Dakota tows which ie kaving • bonen. • amnia the eam prgateow who was sitting wear • whither stem and aid : "1 beg ywr pardon, FJdw, bet jw.t one ward." "(lo on, Deacon." "T'hefe.1, a maple of big, fat mem, who loot ss if they Might he capitalists, nes•id• her. looking •t the eb.rehyard." "What's that?' "Coest. o' fat -looking ea tabus ng over ala lessee and acting as they wan to buy the lots the cbwrth is mi" "1s thea tor replied the minister, beginning to get excited and sw9'pi •p no the altar nut to ass out ; • on go right not and talk to them, brother; go right nut and 'tend to the matter. (live Owen an opacity lee It, and f1 they've got the mmoowuss� to y this real estate wee .nukes this c*,e,th d Milo the street so owek tt will maks their hoads swim." testy • Formal Ainsweloastere. los T•. ser. ►•,..1 5,... Swell Yeats( Irdy (at the role Gmew&: "With Jnlwny es third, River w sound. Rail lee beet and Denny at the Int, it's kid stows to kers, mike -Manna we make two mos." Ream slwwri•01: "Ile yes kslosr )tsw+. Ward, Olketiant (il ti. and w stetson twenrial1v Mies +wilhin ,wan r swell Yo es.g Lady (with haws ler): "Cerminly Il.><" We ar• emu to Ret the better of Tot, ter.* if we do hot gnpplw with her. The Miler a man knusa hone.! the mews indulgent he is t., th-, faelta tel others, 1 tarts Lrral.a .lee a Mates r. I.. /.•..J.,,11.,,....4 Perfoa* lista t..a kisses. f..r oder ea brise bd. •, a L.. taw,' Ise ,.woi•.I 0i4:1 ta. say *sal'. 11, to • 0.g 11.o.s at the wrung thus; lett h1 .• .1 .Ulu! u U.. y base es., suaxvwled .0 wa.hog th.-..wad.... rote uttraly o w".,lues thaw ala • 1.5:4.1 r1.1.,xle et -curries .l Dahlia, in whale ..lae sossmemes of tee family 'dared • pod/mired part. Tae okay le [Let a grntle- no.u, •.'gegen) to s I.rrttr y4oyt lady elm la..l i tit ).t reit *Jw ht, d.wsole .4 tarnty peen, •rut .woe wext•444; to pay a x411 et the lion.. of the two... ,f I,ie tailored. Ile stayed a short t.u.w with the heed d the family, a. ,n duty L Nuad, prulral.ly emlia., tether u.0ly.n.nri•te n•n..k., ..w tog to lads anxiety to ear} this i..- terview Dud we.e tae pout; lel) to shoat his affection. weie idighte41. At lessen&. Ise t...k ti.r ...mild* mune of Irot..4 to I...l f..r ire, sod, 'allel g at the dog of Iter .ted\', 115 howl• rdtl item.,& .: osier calked out in a Iona 50.ce, "Cour .n, awn* ii, !" Tlr glontlr-u.rn1 •Q\•4N..l 1'.r 114r.ta11.N4, 4151 ea.- le.vsl. Naturally I,.• sea. rattan- ..trproesl, and n.•t \vr1 much id.eliesh 4. 1/0.01M/Ver 11..1 his Bart. mil lame. all the to.4 aleptt..l ten a ▪ ixil;iitly- Leo%er.ut..N. with another %..tar of tar Male et 1. -•� 'C.• utak. wetter, still wo'ae, the hearth.* ierd st once iwiten le imitate t!te mewl u( Inmate; bei a truly biotite way, oral un.itleidel with meek mg hotelier. Thee in itself wee ero.ugl. 4. molar suyirrly somewhat suspie. ...s. 'r a- jar I -s.. 1....•r .Ian mit mew to lease ., V Nw1 4 NU« ,\ \' diem* het I w. wuuhl 'SAVO been t.m.d4•.1 to do -wake as .'s:.nght w the iwn.t awl wring its neck use the .I.,t He at -opted the bird as a o54.:: 11dt.v..er, .td colon then or at a sulaaitwa: 'mast view b ek. t41 hi. eugaygewent. H. even went (nether, fur lee las hh..titutud an active' fur breach ted promise. ?we Oplwt..s et Whisky. Prows The Al Law. o.l•,ar J,r.a:,. , .I. non lxuallawt.ia • r1h1Ilnmu\1>Ye OPINION. o,•a Nho N. I send you sown of 1 seed ,yuu sono or the amt wumleoto4 law iseesS wwweief al whisky that ever drove whisky that rim filled law .trim.... from a with au..k•s the boots ten.. or {sainted Load- of man, or palsied e eepr. a the twain of towns in cardinal reel. .lad it k the mingled 1t 1s the marled owls sonL a wheat and of turn and strychnine. cern. Is it you will In It you will tied the 11wd the .unaniwe and naounabtlle float made shadow that chased the narwhal cla.e the each usher ever the bid. shadows over yt'esture, $ w2• held., the breath hllle : the fortieth car et Jour, the card of Anna, the while le 111 the lark., the dews of poli«, the hoodlum night. the wealth of etagere. end thirty dare aan,•ter sal autumn's in prime for thlaklag rlcheontenl. 011 sodden you could AgbL IM.b with imprisoned lLtt. it. and you w1U lhg.awe� lariak m had you nlU the voice at aaatfwd.s hear the 'Moe of men sin.dng'-When Jobwny and maidens sie.ging Coto*• Marcbfgs the "H*rrestHums" Howe,- mingled with minded with the the laughter n( the laug,'er or children. brays. Drink it. end Drink It. and yon 5111 yon will ter: within feel whhia year blood your head a seams a theater -led dawns., 11.e swelling the boozy dreamy. tawny desks b1le• ti1 missy high old air ninny Perfect depTtP sppireerr*.a ur sixty days For forte your. tial. th1sllqul.1fie, hasbeen liquid my has been winde the meek and within 1h • h a p p y mlhl-eyed demijohn. tater of oak. I.rag,ng longing to •eor;h lits Ur touch the Mom .on'. thee.& of m -a. thetttwg Crew With las Triter. from Me Bs.roaun Aaaskt. Then is in Wa.kington a .mail boy, not more than 10 years of age, whore Inde:gent mother keeps him sell supplied with pocket mowey. TI... yusang man opened an account with the dual seniors batik some tome ago, and on April i he bad on deposit frets about R''. Two or three days later he had • lalling out with the tete of the institution For nearly a week be tried to think up aua.e method for settling the *Dore, sad at last he hit area a P►ar*. He went to the bask and drew out 430 fres. his store. Then he went over to the Treasury budldisg, which is just across the street, and had his three "tens" converted into thirty "masa" Next Ise proceeded to make out thirty 4lt- poet film, e.sch tor $L Them he carried to the bank, owe at • time, compelling the poor teller to make th.ny separate entries in his books. Tie- following day this young fiend drew out $30. Again be visited the Tnr.ury, but the uu,e be had hi. money changed into silver quarters, bright fora the mut One hundred awd twenty deposit ticket. were thou prepared, and a corresponding molder of entries bad to be trade :u, that unfortunate teller's big looks. Then f. r them days au annietlte was declared, but at the end of that tines $30 was agape drawn .Nat, and this time when the boy visited the Treasury building it wee dimee that be wanted. Time regulation deport slips were par''eat''ad mice sire, .rd to teller gutted his tette wbe, be waw that he ea. agam to be made the victim a that hut'. vu.rtct,rename At last the 300 dime. were ell in the bank, •sol tr• y,N,n( voltam prepared to reduce the store. Ilia wealth o. mettles but he wail noti- fied that the hunk wool! insist uisih tbs tkirty days' notice allowed by law, mid far • time tae teller maw Mitre Them A l'Mmee. That is to say, your longs. Also all your breathing machinery. Very won• deeded machiuery it is hot only the larger air-passaues, but the thnusauds of little tubes and cavities leading fru them. When thea are eloggsd and chocked with matter which ought not to be then, your lunge canuot half do there work. And what they do, they cannot do well. Call it cold, cough, crimp. pneumonia, catarrh, consumption or any of the family of threat and nose and head and lung obstruction.. all are bad. All ought to be got rid of. Then is just one sure way to get rid of them. that is take Rosohee's German Syrup, which any druggist will sell you at 75 cents a battle. Even if everytbng else has failed you. you my depend upon this for certain. 'owl" Truth, says Milton, is always consist - mit with itself,and reeds nothing to help It out. ael • Meek Agewt Kr Goode, druggist, is not a book assent. but has the agency in Goderich fur Johnet.en's Tonic Ritter., which he can heartily recommend for any com- plaint to which a tonic medicine u ap- ic.ble. This valuable. medicine tem been with most astonishingly good re- sults in Cees of general debility, weak- ness, inert/entitle panther to females, extreme paleness, impoverishment of the blood, stomach and liver troubles, loss of appetite, end for that general word out feeling that nearly every one is troubled with at some part of the year. Don't f..rget the name Johnsterw's Tonic Bitten 50o. and 11 per bottle at Goode's drug shore, Albion block, Galeriah, sole Vont a) Ladle' e.ay. The completion is only rendered OM - sightly by Pimples, Liver Spots and Yellowness. Those It as well 'mews sis es.sed from an inaetiee Livor and Mil bbvwl. 1)r Ohms's Liver Ogre purifies the bkaod and whole system. &es &t- one . -dye Book for toilet reelpes. hints aid •taggsstiome .*e hew in preserve the OM - gleams. RoM by all intoPet. 1..... . . Meow N • Yew. M• Is t•. ry ea reeds kr...... Otey.. • 6.•• Au •i i en egf.••r c 0e .1 u.:- iseltry 1 ieli eel rew.u.u,g Ike f.ak 1,.•u. the le....t 4.,4e ur Wrwog the boil ,. taw .1.4i Iwt a Ms...mew w will ,to well to Imo, a small Let at baud 1..r the purse", of leytsls "tit 1.+tit..o a..ar se the esti nig tr.'grewme. Turn the. (knl .that the aatveer Leek cans Ir held ' the 1-11 banal Bad Italy ka.•.1 ns lite Ln.. ..q awl use a fiery elw.p ko !,• with a .re.11 It. .II'k blade. Filet Cot ..A i..,:h .Iruur.tnl. at ti..• 1..s• ).ant, alai loom .rn5•.* (1.e ..5..•I )..cut.. W4414 a t 4elet bind 11,. 44 tool a difficult wait,. ; 4e01 1..441 an•.egt'. •.d illl air tr-*,led to aqe s.w.wr41,1111 with a ttierl ate Widgets". war turkey. Iecauwe sett' alnoog Oiler WS are plrlildut rie5at th« leg j.iut4. Neat rut .d the brat joint. til the wing* ori ala t(ome.a, slat liken lino j.Nrd• overeat lir Italy. This met!: d .4 c mgt u .41 tam tint Joints d the and v.aog. l..•t,.ra .i. o.atutg tam lion. t .r body .a,w that troubleo•me (eat a b„bl.mg 11..e.• u,..,.1.e,, while they are being thse.iIItlnl F..sl.aenlll try rip about the pouter and .platte. the dist gravy. .after the wings we .rn5 sail cut nil 141 war)-tle.e;rlet or w,•Id.N., end Lona the wtulr .ole W...., which n, -Id the Ire•art to tire Irrkleu.A; then carte t:..- brra.t lie medium thin .Ise.,,, au.l eche ,the bird, g.ria gr.,y 01141 •tolii.g$ 4-1: el.:. pl:•b•, 1f t114 didrra ars t.wnr:..nt't tray leo m.o.. de L. cut off mon of the Saab... , ',elk to ,iesemiarr the ,ar- t:a..r: 11114 c oh he /1..5- with tone or lase wall am Ile, ,.u..•, •n5l.r.ta..ds the us.4.u.y ul the hind. If a curvet w,,I study the location of the joi..is while c,.rV I4g, rod take the trouble 1.. cut .:p w,eral cascamrt by striking the litsiota ari.4-4 . 11..11.. are Jule d toetler, .ul.e•• Kn an& ear%wog. wtoil.l 1,, reel•. The )*rude Id 4.11 b11.1. war rero.lo: ly lineal, au 1, 11117 oat iu i,iut .1 j•::.rt.i. that one is a guide be . 0 tit: e... }tOu$ehold Itint1. st'/Km( l:go. t ( ra • t., Calf's twaius fried --Tek» the brains and beet 44) 111111 am crit..all and pep- per ; ley 111 I6,•t Iari*. Cwkts - T's.. &tile 1.1 .erre, two egfr, our cup of butler, .nee ha.f cup ..i • •root Wilk, out le5a$rr.ulul •e1 *oda. Cup cake--Ume cup sugar, may table- • puuuful butt.pi onto cup .w:k. our en!. tater+ cups d.aur,•,st. Ie..p...'u(lal 11.41,1414puwJer. \x�- Pudding .aeg awal together four terapr,t.lels of swiss, is.. uuu.W .f busier ; aur iu a Imesof boiling •ale&; flavor to lade- )/ sat ball. -Take c..ld roast beef •..d chop fine, sees& 11 $sal, .alt, $,rppa.-r RIO! ease, put 11. uue r4Y, wake tel.. little balls and by its butter or dnppiuxs. &:reef, *rouge cake -Tete teacup. of "Fygar, wilt 44 cream, tau of flour, four eye., este I•.sposdeful of h.►w•i powder ai,al aea.pox•.lul n 'tract .4 !sou 11 ; haat* Lemon )Lnnalade---Take lemon, peel 4*J extract the seeds. 144.1) the lei aril soft, add the juice and pulp, with nh , tit , .f •u ar to ap wad u( !c Ise Bull to thtcleu. Show cake -One cup of white setter. half cup of butter, ol.e a1 .1 a 1,411 ..1 deur, half cup of sweet Milk, teaolr".u• full ..f baking powder, whites of (.ur eggs ; flavor Stith alwoud. Corn Cake -Teo cups •.1 1,1.11*:. seal, tau cups it cold water or milk, win -bait of dour, ()toe half cup sugar, owe ser:, tee ttasp.;ufule cream el tartar, one tea- spoonful of soda. tivrf trip. -Clean the tripe :irrl..Ily aid sok-in malt water, ehat14iue 'vest time. ; cut in dices ; M.it until perfoctly dime ; dip in butter ; fry a light brown ; .euaun with salt at.d pepper. A weaderIl enter. The largest organ, aid one that p'.ye • centr.liug part on the health of the body is the liver. If torpid ..r inactive the whole system becomes diseased. Dr. Chase's Liver Cure is made specially 1st Liver mad Kidney di•eaats, and is to cure. Recipe Zook and eldiginw;l. &old by all dtulct:istt. A belch TO Normans. Uartme Uarlarel'. itwly Sismae5IN0• ea Use a0mw•ee tree r: t'rlldrea. At dos s'a... 11, if e'rr, tin' to .ther roust re- sist the di.p ootiws to fatalism. Rer..guuing, like a brave, sensible *041,11,, that 4uur*er w fraught with peculiar penis, let her acquaint herself with tlw nature of dared and madam bee guard•. T.. bayou with the ewes oh%ems of thew .L,gerw-took rine and seaweuWy u. le.by'. cloth:ug. \Iakeehangre, notably in 2.o...4., cautiously. .l w..,lrn glrt.eut, a 11erdy the chest red abdomen, *Modal he w..,n next the .kin all emitter Io..g, at least until the dull has con' lets his .rowel year. It need u t be heavy o. thick. Esohsnge that emu in win- ter fur one of neo. !trate weight, cud, u the meat increore.y this for one .tall thinner. It mitt be of ewe! ai.1 kung e,r.ei. to protect the vuln.r..L:r leo its indicated by day and by night. The .1.y fl.u.ne: meat not I. worn at n ight- n„r vice term. Lunn i• cool -r, the person.te n esa vratmiq (naw it with danger- ous spell&'. The wearer run. ale it mud wavy, r:t, down to rest or falls to sleep iu a draught, and ir, five minutee fersiwrati.n ie checked. Italy is cs,ulorteide nod the .k.a is congesting. Flannel Ian. slowly with animal heat awl n.oi..Wrr: the 11idites ,d 11 oat the cuticle a4 the chehl mines about keeps the puree og.eu. Second -Do not let the little owe get ex - 054. iely overhsrtsl-,r, .botdd this occur, wa:ag0 in lumen the seats* of nether ofd. The 111rw-. monad w *slimmest iy the . 1reaming scarlet face, will atop away the infant'. outer clothing, give him ice water to drink and .et him by on open window. If left to has own ,let ices., lathy stretched Minted luxurioit.ly on the grass or wad ate! pulls off shoes and stockings. If practicable, be per- fecto his work by 54.1.1.t inn a puddle or dipping anis , head in a water poi!. Many a g uiltless suicide has thus gime the way ted till earth. Thiel -Temper night air with discretion The nursery .Mould his ventilated. but baby must not sleep itn the draught Screen Me crib from wandering airs in the hottest wea- ther. Tie clangs that creep. over ;he dark- e ned half of the globe between midnight and .trgo is the terror that walketh by night. Train yoeeeself to awake between 2 and 3 o'clock am arid, testing the temperature of the chamber with ■ thertn.esneter, adjust the covering over the plump limb.; ; see that the gown as chilled at the throat, the flannel shot or bawd drawn down over the bowls. Three nee simple precautions, hint indifference to leer perils than those which they may avert has filled a home with mourning. Fosrth-And outranking everthing el... do n ot change to child's fund w long a his gre..nt dietary agree with and nourished him. One of Mr. Lincoln's homely res, ad- vising 050.51 • horse trade while crossing a creek, 1r sharply pertinent here. Gown fnut has slain Ise thousands, but the H• rodian murderer of babes from 2 veers old and under is tie mother's vicarious binkseing aftee variety in the Nursery bill .f fare. Wham putt wean tour child seek out nue• really ex- ceUent kind d food, and, having st•bitehed the fact that it suits him better than any other, cleave to it while be relishes and thrives u pon it remaining prof against temptations to depart f.om it until for ugly creek of the •earn( .simmer ha been faded. The milk that enters into the composition of porridge 01 whatever may make up his modest menu mut be sweet and fresh; the cereal with which it is esmbined the best of its kind and the mixture sever be ovsisereeteeed. Ea - ahoy experiments as you would labeled poison. Ib not let him drink iced milk r' iced water sad avoid the other extreme (`+.ad checks 111• gestate and really tot drink, hate a tendency to weaken the bowels. Keep wholesome re *pact for the "intestinal changes" Whir. your eyes and do ant interfere with them. Finally. ahunild baby languish .n spite of rise n;atwn, give him immediate change of air. gdlMe •'awes'. raHwbesa Mas tat. Iodo. 0,.r ay taking the entree which he dol. Mr. O'Brien has also dome some-Wtag of a worries is letting the light in upon cert.15 political sgimtinns now going on. The (hectometre of the alliance of Nr. Hoary (J•enrge with the dynamite asst,.r of the iri.h party ie im- teewting• het not at.e. on than .that whish Kr. (damage mak« for himself in hi. letter et reply 1., the ine.fation to take part in the mars.pg in this know he stases that se taw a the right of property 0 land is reoeg- oiled its irsdeed he '!"F11m.nt join in itiormuise- tog any inch lee tool for doing what dm lime d his d entry give him perfect right to de." That . to day, be ie uewdlitg to help is foreleg s dummy of veto.* lairs, or in en- emata( a amid seed the powers eta aha Ism, so Issrr as his pearlier n ti.rss about other laws are unerregiised Blind egotism end ..I Lbna•s *meat sgitu heeler than thio ; nod who have bs. teetered to nest Mr. Ni views with mew degree of elseiderr ties will wow. pwhapI. be Mels to srntlsINS thee at their true •slew Kr. O ileus de- serves thseke for gi.iwg Mr. Owego au op- portunity to Mow Memel( a doodahs iw •11011 • way as to n44m the eyes d thou. newt likely M bo deceived by his pretences. ria nosey ew When. i,".0 Hu r,+i • 1.1,, Anteing the pour, p.ott;c.ai:ly the thrifty aid Isamu:tom toes, the *1.44.4* of alae Isru.r- ho1d, be .he wife or dma l.t••r, ha+.such more ,tented in dispensing Car daily Of weekly rage thou Women owl a Il.p her ",.alai plane; men of brawn, when a,•urilde and kindly, practice a 11550 gtuennie rule of anjugal Irrtnwnhip than i. (44,44*! &fount Meta of brain. though thews latter's a*rteir:gs ere t'i such a reale of plw,ty ttat unlev we look below the . nrface regulations mei optipmum-me od the Woe we fail to dwover the lake hrauria1 is- lath,ss that ext.* e ,betwen hu.4at.l nmol wife. Fier wive*. as a claw. have lee spending money, and are rarely cognisant .f their hu.b.tId'a true lauane ei a.uditie.. Is this just to the being • mm has prs.I.iaed to honor as well as to love! Women are 1ocus.1 of being "'wen," and any one who has e.er ter.ed on a collecting .sonlm its*. knows hew, iu I. er1I4tI4r a hat of peible sulr.cr;lers, name after .:.tine is omitted with the lemari, "No use going to ler, elle neves gore," or "Sbe :n.ew eio weep," std yet the husband til "she" ie iu.ariably a man of Means or ample undo•eionia, inawe, who p•tsextravagsnt h.a:s.bold and personal bills fox his family, usually with willing good D atum. It is only when mullet' i. milted ler that • tiglate g the Lure- string. instinct- ivel take* place, and the ueblueliit.g query is made, "Who, little woman, what did you d.. with the gin 1 gate yo0 last weekr' We have beard such a question put to a l.eluved wife by • man whose yearly eateu.s, were at Isnot $20,000, and who the next week goer the sante wit. valuable diamond est -ring., ted alwevs encouraged her to deem extra.a; esstly awaited luxuriously. Meawr.ry and seothlkms. .r. -ns,: -r'. Moya . :,* for Jr..r. Perhaps Use laws neat adva,tod in the di• rection of socialism are the labor laws Those which tic the aged children to be employeded in factories may, inde, be considered as per- taining to sanitary legislation, always held orthodox awl allowabl-, however rriali.tic in wILsoI•T phos., GRANITE & MARBL E WORKS, St. DAVID -ST., GODERICH, ITwu hours Cast of Wkttely's Hotel., Manufacturers of Marble Monuments, Headstones, Mantled i toes. and all kinds of Furniture Trimmings in Foreign and American Marble ; also Window and Door Bills, and House Trimmings of all kinds in Ohio Stone. All work dralgiud and executed in last style. fgrwiumis BROS. deal largely in .11 kinds of Euup•en and Canadian Graaita, to which special attention is called. It wall pay to tall before ordering eleewhere. y(rI LEON BRC) els G Bench, June 2014*. /ar7,, �st o DRIVE IN TEAS! Basket Fired Japan- New Teas-- Wart anted lure. 1 It... for Si This •r, . i. equal to any 10 4 at tee. l0. toy polars Other Japans from 30.. to Me. ler lb. Extra Good Young Hl eon. from "..R'. Ib. up. A .p41trccW[y In Young Dyson Tea in . Ih. !..t. ora)-. for SI ab. Try my :Ac. Young 11) sen. and and it :hoc a !arape•st w t: r u:i Let. }:41*- 'u.a n in a •.a hangs. At C. CRABB'S, Goderich. ODSI Jest ("petard cc: a f dl sew( at. of m) own ltnyurta:luta ala ac 11ng at 1111144.•••31, priers. Weal 4'...b res, Waal MWwee, 115.15.. sal Petah. Tssreds sad lsllew.de. at rib. M asresAlb• fiN('all and sae. Alwq. p:.anal to allow stock. Lytle nut ferso-r i14ui4Ohl .. *P - 4pril'th.-Imf7. > C. CRA$$. 3,d.rioh. .!. yy. NEW COODS ABRAHAM SMITH T TAILOR & CLOTHIER 115 just received, and a wow opening • Iar,ie a.sor:ment of READY-MADE MEN'S AND BOYS' SPRING SUITS. .5140 on Lat.d a Targe stock of the UTEST PATTERNS CF TWEEDS AND CLOTHS For the make-up of Sl'ItINU r.t•IT1. ORDERED WORK A SPECYALY I ABRA 3AIt1 45M I'I I '13_ a Eat Sidle Square. Gut:a•ricb. ?(arch 24th. 15e:. :010 MISS VSS2+�NSON Tlie latest French and American Sty'es! HATS, BONNETS ▪ HP Feathers, Flowers, Fancy Trimmings Etc.. Etc t Etc. '�.e urncago ouse, Agent for Domestic Patterns. nature; not eo the eight and ten -hoar lase ' W.8T STREET. WO1J%RICP_ chick are now so frug octet. It Ma io mors Ooderkt April 11th. IgM. radical step, after saying that • maw shall not work, to say to w 1at way or ways 1s shalt play; and "Fundy quite as salu- tary a one. Bet the laws *1hicht enforce upon the operates -hie sixteen hours .,f lei• B urr have not yet srntur'l to say that he shall spend four liners of that leisure iu a lecture gallery and the rest at the Young )(en's ('lar5stian A so iate..eh They have AND LEALII�G only sought w close the comet greic.ry. And, ` although 110 law taw yet Wet. pawed syiog how notch the empl•iy.r sell pry, two or three states hare ventured to say that he *ball pay ounce a week. To t.10 tan last ti«;J d observation, we ; Anyone can advert:se, but I can show- the suck. d have c -o -e stock on heed tbaa my lire houses 5n town to select from. DANIEL GORDON, BINE'1' MAKER UNDERTAKER. may say .hat State ;I.r:talism-the allowable scope of drat* ints dentate with the acts and po.se.siots of the cirlxens-hes ir-11 ereoUy extended: sal t.at u.r*.1.t, ad usiseraal metalline, alit..oeels it. nu ease yet enacted, ag.per to be ice toe .eeg0 oaf :h and. We will then -fore nv..ch:de ...tk the perhaps. *nf0,411- 111at- Moth. that Democracy, s +.ae, crowned s ith 41000r, wk" r-tt:.rr what it a.osiden the w. -U lacing . f the cuwWiwtty &:.ass the liberty a the md:videa[. f1.• fever is a type of catarrh having p entliar symptom*. It is attended by an n.Aamed condition of the 1 It mem- branes tit the t1&rtrils, tear -duct• and th.nat, affecting the lungs. An acrid mccoin usecreted, the di.char geisarecmo t/au ted with • burning sensation. There are severe sperms of sneezing, frequent attacks of ho'+Aache, watery and inttam• ed eyes. Ely's Cream Balm is • reme- dy that can be depended upou. Wets. at druggists ; by snail. regi,tered. Wets. Ely Brothers , Druggists, Owego. New York. l y Blame net before thou test examined the truth, Dr Johnson said ; underataud Snit. and ties rebeka `I CATAR R H AR CAA BALI IS WORTH $1,000 Te 41.31 II 1%. 60111111111 tilt suffering from WPM 1 FURNITURL. 1 bare now nn hand 111 difetrta st)Iex of Bedroom Suites• m different stylist of Sideboards, 3 Parlor Suites. and almost anything in the Furniture line• all of %Lich w111 be sold A8 CHEAP A8 THF: ('ia .:APE 1T. AND DONT YOU FORGET IT. in the UNDERTAKING I give permed attention. ma the benefit row of needy 40 year* experience. 1 think 1 hare *be beet Hearses in the County of Huron - 1 will leave the public to dge. i have everything usnall) kept In • grit -elms etabli.Lu:eut. such as ('aals4, t' mi. Shroud,. Habit.. Gloves. (rapes. et, inmb•:waag done w heti iegwred. All Guarantee to give satisfaction in every case. OLD STAND BETWEEN P. 0. AND BANK tIF MONTREAL. G.derlch. Sept. til. 1». 111111'3•11 PATENTS CAJEATS. TI11(OH(tl1S `110 colowTD Obtained and a ue era. In the I,. toms OfUoe attended to at MOAERATR FSBB. Our sinre is opposite the U. S. Pete•& Of - ace, and we car obtain Patents In leer alma than those remote from D'AQHIA'OTON. Send MODEL OR 1IRAWINO. We ad - vis as to eslentabillty free of chart• and we make AO ('HAROIS UNLESS /iii oft. TA IN PATENT. We refer. hero. to the Post tnaster.'he Rust. of Money Order Dir.. and to oelrlal' of the U. S. State 0t OAee. For clreal.r. •dvf.r.� �������� term* and T 41i'e00 S to actual *Menta in your owm sand re ereCounty.eorae to s' A. SNOW s fe.e Opposite Patent Octet, Washington. D. C. AQYAR13•� L,1 EA LSA i EYGt ucH: CU.L Ho4.2SFh.r:s 1' FARMERS & OTHERS Not d I. n• wa4 ,.r :41411. A particle le applied Into each nostril and N •gtecable. Price M cents et Drugglt• : by &wad. registered, tenenta. ('Ir•eUiars free. 1 -ly I'kLY RR(te. Drumrtms.Owen,. N.Y. C. L. McINTOSH, !text door to Rhytani Deng Store. keep, aeatantty .441y t* Ms well - selected stock. choice Fresh Groceries, whlc* w111 be toad to cempve favorably. lamb as ►egtardeo mutiny •ed peiee• wUl my ether stook la this vicinity. TEAS AND SUGARS A PPICIALTT. is returning theist,* ta my retoaaers hr their patronage. I wNld alae Invite •a♦ eth We mho w/11. to nils aid tossed my *tack. 0. L. McINTOSH. flows ► vy eat all. M Mr Nara Owlerkfb. Feb. lath. Imam, Ft'L1. LINK. Or' PLOWS, REPAIRS & CASTINGS KEPT ON HAND, AT RF.ASION IR1.P rittI Ew iN 0. 49.. Humber's ew Warehouse, 4' Int, Id -et.. near ietarla-sr. ('Mach. I have been epeeisted Area* for I. T. Dingle a Model Combined Drill and Seeder ; also Roney Improved Fanning Milli Mannhetured at Oshawa. Out. There are 104150 of them In use. lied It Is the mow painter warhiro In the market. A mmple BIM am be aur at R. PRI(7Wg num *&TORR. and tI. Drill at my w•rehs*0s. A GALL SOLIOZT7RD_ artAST A11 E1161111 ION 106111. Cs. .A.TM3:3ER. Odssfel, Mil May, IMT. NW - 1I,