HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-8-26, Page 5i 1404/ . Till•; I� ►'l:i►�i SIGNAL FRIDAY, AUG, 24, t,4M7. :stalest. Mrs Elkin ..f .hubura, u visiting daughter Mrs Reid. Mrs H.dd..e of Wellington Syu's., is - at Murdochs. ~Wih Murahrrn, of Toronto, paid as a timidly visit teat week. Mrs H Litman. of Detnlit, is visiting a1 present with her tether, Wm Doyle. The Murdoch Brue , with their ata$ returned from Brussel. cat Friday. JoLu Davis, formerly of this place, is back amongst los $*MU. The farmers in this we hot are through harvesting, end the .hied* of the threshu►g .airing a quite ammonia. Posters are out for the purpose of letting a contract of rr*vvllinq on aha rued between here ai.d Lucknuw. "1. are glad to report that the council has not forgotten ue this year Our teacher, 11 ill Mclloit..`h, is hack am.•nI us again, taking charge sit his (lock after spending a pleeaent vacation to the harvest held under the itoatnitis 100. 4oderk bNarsets OODsxtclt. . l9, 1107. {that. Ira1R ias bash ...• 7u • le ;: Wheat. Fred winter, p beak • 0 b v 0 00 WIkat, Iypr11141 b bush . ...... a Iib r o w Wheat. irk -mem • bush .------- ti W * see Flour. desks P cwt. .... •........,. 7 10 M 0 00 Flour. mixed, • est ...... ,... 7 N N 000 Flour. 'strata' bakers, • owe... IMPS 10 Pleur. Iottani) per. cwt 2 N et 0 00 Harley., beets .................. 0 10 it• is Potatoes. • bosh .. • SS ! • • y.• IM ...................... 7(M et •M •i. ��` .. •12N •11 flt1 wp.•w.� f� vee .. 0 00 M 0 11 Shee. _ •te• 011 ts • ices .�........... p 00 M 11 10 Ream • ton �_�.+.+- �..,.�I 00 tr 11 M (Tipped Bing. • less•..• •....... 0 00 , 000 `oreeniogs. Y cwt 000 •• 0 G, Wood .... «........, S 10 " E OD Hldea...... ..................... • 00 " sheepskins . • re " 0 Su THE NEXT :CESSION OF THE CENTRAL !dusEtriSlIdlIAIINEzhiFttillillal. 0f1887 for 50c.1PLANINC MILL t� tt+7 A M:WILD 10 LONDON, CANADA ; TO WEAVERS I Bachanan,Lawson Robinson 190 to 24th Sept., 1887. 0.310r.d & White Carpet Wan) at L:31 Prices. L113ERA1. PREMIi1MS C. CRABS,root LIVE STOCK, MACHINERY, ETC. NEN GROUNLS, NEW 11111ES1AGS. NEW RAg are being.rovided f R, he forthcoming Jubi- lee I:thibith,t, at an estimated oust ut $120,000_00 ■aLF a rILI.1�1 MLLtaw will Ix repro .anted b) Ibr I,Itr Murk dkwlry. GAPND EI ;HUTS IN PART IC, STA ;URA AIS. SSUiP7UAE The:%On i. tee ..n Anractloas are proper - 'lig a ..'e..t.dytr.trtramo.e. Better than ever. Semi t our :.ddreel On ■ i.Mu•t card for a o 'h. Prier Lid. 1Fur all Infntwaatluu write t . the `terI r1 A. W. Pt/ttTti. PSN. ANP uentioon. ess. 111 -Meow ;TIRES Liver omplaints 'liousneea Impure Blood Dyspepsia Kidney Oomplalnt April 7th. Itgr7. .M1 Ian (redone's. F3r11181's' A011h1011 ! tiering {Niel))' purcha.e.1 t hr Isrdr ask ret. Cpl Mar Pre... 1 .ui now presumed to Prams Hay b, 11.e 4.111 at the barn or ataca. ) wilt also buy a yywaat�ity of Hay during the fall Orders fur Presided should be placed by the let of August 33 A. D H A Y .LWaly I:r PT ON 1 alio manufacture APPLE f.terne A FLOUR It.RRE'.S. HUTTED TUBS. SUNT WATER CINTCRNS. ac. APPLE DEALERS: 1 make APPLE BARRELS A .'•PKCIALTY. My facilities for rupp!yin`` dealers and the public generally are uneuualled in the County. tltorage cacao. it) . 10.O00 Harrel*. Daily output Icapaelty.. SILO barrels. Glee case a tall. na4Mf+rt/+n Guaranteed. CHAS. BATES r IShop and Residence. near O.T.R.1;latioa. Goderich, Ont. July 21st. I0/7. SteBJm .t oke M.ssaeb, Mow. R*awl. sad lilsod. em f Pointers Needaehe, guM srl►tsw. Versate l* ('wespleint., sad Nelida fp the Sydow'. HEM. THE YOLLUN-171O ' "For years mist 1 have suffered from df► petiole and I was recommended to try Hodder • ('on.lpund. 1 did au and Wand It a i,ertrct cure. K. J. CL-RTIS. Turouw, out." Sold everywhere. Price. Tic. ON N00DER'S COUCH ARO LUNO CUF.E NO+er Falls. (luranteed. !rice. UM. 4 lee. THE UNION MEDICINE CO.. 2111 l Proprietors. Toreato, Olt THE GREAT REGULATOR BOSINESS COLLEGE,"�D DOMI9I0I9DUSTBIAL EXHIBITION STRATFORD, ONT Will Begin Monday, Sept. 5th, loon" m•• and wemea desiring •thoroawh bushman traininsgg should come and see as. With our commodious aperimeuts.cumoeterit adf.practical emirs, of tardy and deteeinem. t ion to excel, we eau aesure our morons of complete satisfaction, Seed for catalugur. W. H. SHAW, Principal. 111.1.00 THE MAN who is going to do the bat by the people lo the tine who will do the best trade with them. and In this belief I have determined spare no endeavor M meet WITH their appeebatb• in theilegaaal of goods in the lines which I have the beam '.o *for to the public. My Ms is to try and please• and trios Ear i have sat with THE most unqualified *nooses. Josh Billings has said. "Testay le to tete.' sad I have insole up my rabid to HAMMER away until i knock the bottom out of high prices la Dry Gooch of .move eeecriptiea. and bring down Groceries to hard pan. Give me a call and l'fl guarantee malefic. tion ail the way rows. 1'_ 07.7.)=.4 "A., ., SINN- Manager .f the Tomato Hoses AMES& TheCanadian Pacific BOM The People's Favorite Route between MONTREAL - TORONTO, QUEBEC OTTAWA, - KINGSTON, BOSTON DETROIT, - CHICAGO ST. LOUIS, KANSAS CITY, AND ALL POINTS EAST ANi, WEIT. is Map. Time Tables, Fans, Tickets !a. apply to • ' R. RADCLIFFE OFrI(' E . West Street Op= T (Mice. Don't Forget the °Mdevick. Jen.. utk. IA7. tIAL Th. Worn LAMP so Camille Power No Glebe. No ('hlmaey. No Smoke. No (Mer. No Heat d the oil well. Posit t.0 7 N e r R ve. tVIiiT LAMP Guaranteed. Mode In all styles TahI. Bracket. to attach to thaw• dales Library. d r.. Oke_ Pries. - 14.50 and upwards. Tug? G k White Machina Pianos and all from the ese*.lt.\r•r.d rno��� kwre- e\sa• GEO. W. (THOMSON. p=m NUOA ■eue*fIQ1F d Sibor\�• 1887 TORONTO Sept.6Eh to 17th. $30,000 IN PRIZES ENTRIES CLOSE AUGUST qa. T 1., being the Dominion and industrial Ex- kibttods combine.L will be the greatest exhi- bition of the agricultural an.1 industrial pro- d act* of this country ever held. • 4r.ad Pre'r.se.se et special Attrer- ohms le beta' prepared. Return tickets at single fare and cheap In- cursions on all railways during the full time of the exhibition. Tbs Greatest Ergot of the John's Tar For l'nze Lists and full Information ad dress : J J. WITNROW. President. !1CO4w N. J. MILL. Mgr. and tecy. Toronto. GODBE[CH BOM NOHgS C & Black eufaoterete of •11 kind. of STAT?O.EST. ■ARN1E. U►RNiNT ASO TUIIULA. BOILERS. GALT PANS, SMOKE STACKS and all kinds of Skeet Item work. STRAW AVID W LTV Met 11711131418 constantly on hand. O• hand, ready for delivery 1 s M.P. Now aleel UMter. 1 0 N.P. Sew Heller. A Solmplete 2p1 -baa! Tbresbiog Outfit Railer. Engine, Separator. •c.. all to good working order. Will be avid cheap. Man order* w111 receive prompt attknttm. Wsin 1 Opp. 4. T. R. Mattes. P.O. BOX 381 Goderich, May SIGs. 1011$. GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. EFPS'S COCOA e BREAKFAST. "07 • tberoegb knowledge of the mistral laws which govern the operations 0t dlaestio• and nutrition, sad b a careful •pplloatiss of the line prot•erties by Caeca. Mr. Rpm has provided our breakfast tablas with a delicate) favored ba. whir* may save us many heavy declaim' MM. It is by the jndicioue use of such •rtleles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to reset every tendency to Menem. Hundreds of subtle maladies are forting around us read to attack wherever there is • weak poled. W e may as mo• • fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well ed with pan blend sad • frame. -*Virg Suttee Made simply with hefting water or milk. Sold only is aeeketa by Grocers. labelled thou MUSES EPPS a Ca.. Homtropothic Chemists, OM, London Ragland WOOL! Farmers' Ittcmiau l Tim Higbee( prime going will he gltriR t Wool in exchange for monde. ouch as tl�d coarse Tweed.. Wankel., fibeetintrs. cheeks. Ur.y and white. and high telels t•r1nn. shades of Yarns Ir. Thee.- goods •re well madeof long fibre Wont end good twl.t throngbon4 Manufacturing •ad custom wort • specialty. a* -A CA t.L SOLICiTED , E. McCANN. Gortertek. June 0 101-11n LIME The subscribers haC Jeot cewptrted thi large limekilnwhich ran tun out 190 treat a1e era twenty tont hears. and are sew to .npeh ail customers with 0 emit y of good Croak lime dally. it w111 be ta the advantage of *very ass re- gslrtst lime le rsll er ntrrrespmd with es. so weanprepared to deal Ilbrr•Uy wltb gar Mos wieldier to porch's/re . The lila to Mt ae Ike A0Oerlr h .14. of the 2111. R�errve. BICHLER & BLCIBB, Jose 17t\. lt101. 1'4I twit I F'TMa& 'mew f Toa Waet a DINNER SETT, Look at NAIRN'S Stock If ou Want a BEDROOM SETT, NAIRN has thele at all prices If Tou Want a TEA SETT, NAIRN l.a, a full assortment. If Toe Wept Anything in CHINA, NAIRN hes, the finest display If To. Wart Anything ip, GLASS. Try NAIRN'S before purchas- ing elsewhere. For Pure. Unadulterated FRESH GROCERIES! CHAS A. N A,IRN -HAS THEM - EVERYTHING WARR•NTED. YOUR TRADE SOLICITED Goderich. April l0tk, 1087. * Sash, Doors & Blinds DYALana rV ALL RINDS Or Lumber, Lath, Shingles aad ba.tder'. m.,terial to ere-) description. SCNOOL FURNITURE A SPECIALT/. WA Jr.:nr prus.pU)jate•tt.d to. ttoderle\ Aug 1L IRIS - 7r17 HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY Tills Company Is Looni..y Morey illi Furor .Yecnrily at Lowest ilat.e of l..ferest. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 allot 5 p. -r ("rid. 1,•t••••,.1 Allowed on Deposit., areottlit«r t.. a,rownt and time left. OYFICE:-Cor. of )last 8,luare and Nor 1, Street. tiuder4Oh. UO11ACK MORTON. M4%AGEE' OoderIe# A..e. S'h 10•:. 1901 HEAT HEAT- SAUNDERS 8& S O N Are prepared to furnish cstinsoles for beetle. PRIVATE HOUSES OH PUBLIC Bl•ILDINOS WITII got Air or ilot ¶ter Al +�. SMII i ARY PLUMBIAt . Sok Agents fur THE E. & (. GURNEY CO's Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces ('tit 11411 (;Lr ran CA. The Cheapest Home UNDER THE SUN. Weet•at., next door to the Post Office. Goderich. July D. 11187. 1837 VIVAT REGINA 1 1887 The subscr:her wt.bes to inform all loyal subjects of Her 'Sleet (irrcieus Majesty. Queen Victoria. that I am doing my utmost to keep my stock replete with everything new sad use. ha in all departmenta. NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY SUITABLE 1'(.1• Autumn Wear. The Correct Thing in Dress Goods, Buttons and Trimmings Match, Ribbons, Frillings and Fine Laces. New Shades in Plain and Fancy Opera Flannels. with L''mbroidenee to Match. NEW GOODS. We have over Three Thousand Yards of New Heavy Cloth DRESS GOODS just arrived, the best value ever shown in Goderich, for I21 -c. a yard. CaII and See Them. COLBORNE BR051, BOOTS SHOES The Largest Stoo Greatest ariety, .And Best Value IN TOWN, AT E. DOWNINGS. Oor. East Street and Square, Goderich. LAI]IES', G�NTS''dNII C91L�REP'S HEIR AT VERY CLOSE PLUCKS. A LINK OF Ladies' Genuine French Kid Button Boots, at $2.00 SPLENDII, VALUE. Lathes' and Gents' Tennis Shoes, at $1,00 and $1,25 Give me a ra:l, and we will show you our stock with pleasure whether you buy or not. E. DOWNING Crabb's Block. Cor. East .t. and Square. N.B.-TO THE TRADE- Leather and Findings in any quantity, at Lowest Prices. Goderich. June fid. 1987. 2101- � 4 -vs. EN WAU KEN PHAST or COMMON SENSE SHOES. Our Stock of Mesa. Weassas Mid Cbild:tas Simla is Complete. and comprise the Latest Americas and F.ng.Ish styles. t0 Wt Ta1L1 0. at['01NN PLA('C FOR t'r$T*N WORM. 1J. DOWNINC 8� CO'Y. 1 am not advertising goods at met or under. thanks to my onmerous customers. 1 hare no overstock of any one line. and that is wylug a pea deal when we bear so much about business depression. Lard times. &c. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES ANO STRICTLY ONE PRICE. A_ NT.TN'RO, Goderieh. Aug. 10th. 1007. (aper and Haberdasher. Met! Jur! Rec.)ved atItheMedical Hall b. F. JORDAN. and will b. tw41 at Prime to suit tits Hard Times. Cal and see thews before merriest year perehaean. - P. JORDAN, Medical Hall, Goderich, ANCHOR LINE ATl.1\TIC tX PRIERS ARMVICIL =mama Ida crousterows. iteamMlp "(ITTL eV NMT_- from New Tact. Wr.:.:*.car. July >r, Aetnst 17. Vogt. I t, sad Oct.. 11 Larose sada gesgi.g.r Weer IdlestIdlestMelees Paesegs. Weimer b I. !mond-Ulnas ljM. OX.A. OOW S7 "NTICZ_ Munsell eveAN00arday from N.,. Tort to as waw ova LO DoYDasss. Awe PossamL M Gismos! L^ndooderry. . Liver or =- clam; • inn.~In Y' Mther d __ Saloon Esteems" nabob at Reduced Rates. Tye vrDees' Clrreular es, l Cred it. dud Drafts for am Ammo at lowest Per. rent ,flan. For Rinks ("Iwo, T1e\Ms sr Bartter *ofatt lectin ap,0r b IlttvDERSO4 00O RUR$. Plow Tart. se £ICR7 as'I.D 1D[CLON, pederb\. IIS onweissTUX NXWX&T Tooth Paste. J. WIL80N'8 PRIBISCRIPTION DRUG BTORE GIODaI]tICJE . SUMMER MILLINERY MRS_ SALKEDD Begs to announce to the Ledie. of Goderich and vicinity that she has opened out • handsome line of PLAIN AND FANCY STRAWS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, GAUZES, GLOVES, ETC. Special attention la calied :o her R!Iar'kabIy Cheap and Triiiied }lals. WONDERFUL VALUE DRESS MUSLINS J. C. DETLOR & CO'S Clearing Cally Sale MILLINERY! FEATHERS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, LACES, GAD., BONNET SHAPES, HAT SHAPES, &c., &c. 11%4 is d Oenwise Bate, ss I infrwd ,nig ni f of !lie Derinem as soon ea ANA TOM Ae d;grtwd .f MISS GRAHAM Tit. ggeare. west to A.'hessa a Coes Dry Nees Stere. Aedanteh. hums find. tuff. !M-