HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-8-26, Page 4TIM lift * SIGNAL. FRIDAY, AUG. 26, 1837.
Dross Vatons
A Special Line at Me. and 121e.
New Prints-- hoice Patterns
Another Job Lot of Ladies' and Children's
Cashmere Bose from 15c. to 25o.
Per Palr.
Halence of Samm.r Steak of Dross Oooda,
Incas, rec., at
J. A. REID & BRO.,
Jordan's Block, Cutlet House Square, Oodericb
10th Aug.. Ist7. txei-17
Sew Adrmele eenesTete Week.
lea -This Dees.
Ontario Statutes -Ire Lewis,
tear Sale- -Hurn Lead Agency.
Hoy Wanted -J. A. Redd d Bro.
Nurse Wanted -ors %t• u. Knight.
The Mikado -Templet-as Opera Co.
Hoare tet sale-3in Martha Ilteksoe.
A eaters aetawp xi. tat/.' notes,
A *Jails Ae'e! prrwt it. -
Geo. Stewart, the photographer. 1s still do -
hag • bug busae« in oil paintlags Go to his
studio and see samples
A H.0 Mrs -If you fail to see the summer
goody at B. MaiK ormac s. There's mosey m
tl if you attend to It in time.
G. C. Itobertaon. l'rabb's Block. headq.ar-
tenloral) kinds ofacboolbooka. Vire day of
spool opening ruler* and penctla given away.
Get good LI-gnor tea. and have your life in-
sured at the same time at Geo. 11h;Tuai drug
store. where you can base medicalprescrip-
tions carefully and promptly attended to.
summer is last fading away. and soon the
dull autumn weather will be upon w. bet
apriag. summer, autumn or winter roe can
tet photographs that are photographs •t K.
The •ut rship of "Junius" may he a cop.
nadrum, ii. ever/ body knows that F. t A.
Prtdbaeout stylish goods of One mate-
rial sad et. If you want something nob-
by call upon them.
Tea Wbwsees C'nmtsriA- TsyrctuNcs
Usios well meet regularly tor the transaction
of business every Tuesday afternoon at tie
o'clock. in Knox church. Mery woman in-
terested in the work is cordially invited to
For all drags. dye -stuffs. perfumery patent
medicines. chemicals, etc.. heat quality
sad lowest rales. call at Goode's drug -store.
Alban Block. Special attention paid to eta -
roaring of prescriptions and family recipe.
W. Goode. druggist.
Toe Hunter AHD Bnt•ce LOAN A1u iNeewr-
rtnT CortratrT.- depositor* in tbu company
have the brat passible security for their mon-
ey. ail being invested In mortgage on carni
property. Depositors hare a rare hen in all
the company's aa.ets. Kate of interest paid.
from t to 3 per con:. succenting to amount
ane duration of deposit. Fat niers having sur-
plus means should tall and see the tnameeer.
Saundra 6- Sou bare another lot of those
F... a- C. Gurney roves. These are the heavi-
est stoves and the best metal in Canada.
II/sanders & Sup are the role agents in Gude-
rick for betb the Hamilton and Toronto foun-
dries and carry the greatest line of stoves.
ranges ata fur•sace. In ''amide. Call and see
our prices. Hot water hating and plumbing
a spe:ialty. The cbespest hue*: under the
Miss Kate Denim has returned to
Tits Fwuas• ASS Curs usu
row turns out that the amount *speed
ie tbe tevellima, seeding Le., of the
agcultural evens reaches to the edge
of rocs
/diorites &wisest. Cututsu. -It ha
h. au decided to invite hydraulic eogin.e
Walker of Pert Huron o visit (lode-
rish, mod examine into the feasibility of
the waterworks scheme.
Dr. M. ?lichen." the West street
deotie1, mak.. the preservation of the
natural teeth • spealty. G. adminis-
tered (rue 9 a. m. o pans-
p.m. fur the pil-
leextraction of teeth.
.- Mrs Sash Black,uf West
Prost, u r.oev.ruag from her injury, tied
bupes to be armed agatu Bowe. She in-
tends buidiug seine residences on her
property &kelt to Janice Watauu's.
H. T. Bested., private secretary to
Hou. Oliver bluest, is at own vtuttug
relatives, and is accompanied by his wife
mud daugbter. He hasn't loot deal
More he began ureetl.tng our ozone.
Mum Lizzie Hunter, of Brantford,
who has been vtuttug rel•uves iu Kin -
audios, spent a few days in Oodertch,
the guest u( Mn J. W. Vaeatter,
previous o retuning home last week.
A FUT. -An exchange says :-Hume
people will &tend behind their counters
u ntil the spider knit cobwebs between
them and their oldfashioned goods. gu-
ise out at people going into live stuns.
The contracture an busy pushing for-
went Mr Phillip Holt'a buten on North -
street. Mr E:ijah Moore r inao
The hoteater heating, plumbing and
tin work, is being dune by S*uuden &
R. W. McKenzie is selling his large
importation of glass fewer than glass
was ever sold for in Goderich. lee los
gravity lucks. Buy your building and
other hardware 1ruin him and save
money. adv.
"Tut Poi FAat.. '-During the
season just closing the Point Farm has
dune a larger business than ever beton,
and h« Keened for itself a name ranking
high amongst the summer resorts of
g• nada..
I'RtrAaudco FOR THIS Boom. --The
Hares land Agency u puttuig on a
fresh coat of paint and getting out signs,
preparing for the bonze Some of the
"cru•ken" better stand from under
whets it strikes the town.
Fst•rrr Scherrtxc.-The fruit growers
association at London hes appointed
Magnus Swanson, of Goderich, to select
the fruit for canning purposes for the
Colonial Exhibition. He ahipied a
consignment Thursday last.
Cions or &moot Hounar. -The
work of public school instruction will be
resumed at the old stand, North street,
Monday next. Principal Embury will
be assisted during the modellschoot mea
cion by Mr McCall, ori Glauworth.
"Tui tie snot: o► MATH "-The third
of • aeries of sermons on great =oder'.
paintings will be delivered in 1 ictoria-
st. church, by Rev G. F. Salton on
Sunday eveniug daze entitled "The
Shadow of Death," by Holman Hunt.
CH RA r Ex.-rsa,oN..-Kingston only
$6.711, Montreal $9.70, Quebec $11.70.
Tickets send to go any time between
Aug. 27 29 -30th, and return until Sept.
13th. Tickets can be had from Harry
Armstrong, town ticket agent let G. T.
R. Gudench.
"ALWw 1 . 1.0 Mort A V OIR Ot
TsAxaa "-Our bast thanks are due o
Rev J. T. Ltgear. of Ethel, and his
ss w
amiable spouse for a toothsome remind-
er of their connubial Hithe shape
of s piece of their wedding cake. The
couple have our best wishes in the
Ite:lore AtivssTI*INO. ---in his ser-
mon Rev. Mr Kerr, of Mitchell, said
hat the church of England very proper -
y refused to make secular announce-
ments from the pulpit, and that the
columns of a newspaper was the proper
channel thrnueh which notioof the
kind should roach the public.
wuCRt THESIS 1s loss.
t A Btu FttatwST.-Till. steamer Oa -
ed t•nu, let the Northwest Truespurttatima
Compaq, arrived at Sarnia Moody
from Duluth and Port Arthur, with Eve
Mon -
thousand barrels let dour sod auto(hoe-
• «ed tee of .. d cake toe apart vis Mou-
✓ 'reel, sled num hundred ms.. of British
Columbia salm:es for Cauedise pavan
Bleu Ore kaadred possessors.
BT tieseiree'. Curs. M Fserrvae -A
harvest boar leaned will be held is
eonuedion with St. Stephen's 'Meech,
Gud.nch township es Wednesday Aeg.
31st. Rev. W. A. Young, B. D. of
Guderich will conduce special thaoke-
gniag services at 2 p. m.. atter which •
festival will he held ou the commodious
premises of Mn Brown, Tea served at
5 p. to. Admission 25., children 10o.
Rmuuay.•s I'uacuanse.-Mr Peter
Murray, ..f the it. firm of Willisme &
Murray, has purchased the brook resi-
dence and cottages at tbe bead cf New-
t gate street fruni Jobe Breckenridge
Heis golug to tear down the cremes*
and build • book stable. He hes let
the e'ntrazt for h.Awater heating and
plumbing to Saunders & Son. Mr
Murray is a valuable &nouisitioe to our
Vesey Elwood, of Sarnia, is visiting I
relatives to town
E. N. Lewis, has teen renovating Me
Neuse on I,.tghihuuse street.
Dr Aleck Hutchiseu, of Montreal, is
visiting his parents iso town
The new independent land were out
Wednesday evening serenading.
Me and 1ln Steve ferry, of St.
Thomas, were in town this week.
Walter Brough, an old Goderich boy,
is visiting old friends and old scenes.
Dean Swift, has been very 111 for the
last week suffering from inttamnation. r
The Hon. A. M. and the Misses Rues
hare returnsd from the Atlantic coast.
Miss Belle Matheson and little Jessie
Lawson have Roue fur • trap un the
On Saturday the infant child of Mr
and Mn T. '*% Diener deed, after a long
Mrs. W. C. Bisset and children have
g..o. to Londou to spend a mouth with
Mn Ma=nes Sw•reun and Mrs Capt.
Duncan Mcleod ate on a visit to (needs
in Kincardine.
Mees Annie Campbell left for Ottswe
last Saturday, to attend the Normal
school class about to be formed iD that
S, F. Washington, ierri•t.r of Hamil-
ton, was in town Friday last. He was
ependeug holidays visaing friends in this
Miss Lang, daughter of the editor et
the Kincardine f+ft••i.m, who has bees
visiting in Ooderick, returned home
this week.
"There is so 11 In the month you know. -
So spoke t., the maiden fair her beau.
Thr maid whose beard he'd won
"•I'•1 gladly rive you an an oyster treat,
But there is raw 11 In this month, wy sweet.
And the oyster seseon's gone."
She blushed sad answered Io .roes"' 1.1.
There b no 44 la the month g know,
Bet In Ice cream tbere is one.'
OaIT.--E. R. Palmer, at one time •
efficient of Goderich ar.d owner of the
o.lebeeted trotting mare, Lucy, died at
his residence Detroit, Sunday morning
last. He had beet living in Texas for
some time past and returned home in
poor health. He was a member of the
Goderich lodge of A. (1. I. W.
Rsratitn AND Irreoven.-Knot
church hes been thoroughly renovated.
The main/ghee been tinted a light cream,
and the walls • green atone, with the
ren* • dark maroon, corresponding
with the ornamentation on the organ.
It prawn*. • fioe appearance and will be
oompied as usual next Sabbath.
A PLIA.ANT SAIL, -On the evening
of Thursday, the 18th lett , • gond num-
ber of the young people of Kim: church
hid • most enjoyable sail. A strong
wind blew, making even the sight of the
sea • commingling of the "wild and
grand,' and yet none of the party were
aseetck, or experienced any lel ?treats.
How rite Ptttt. Windt PAire-No
wonder the C enervative prem worked
hard for their party last year. Those in
this aunty received the following sums •
from the Dominion Treasury . Cliental t
rrra-Ren et& $686 01. (loderieb Rier,
46 30. $.uforth [ion, $$27.99. $i. -
r nee., $698.58. Wingham Adrau.rr,
041170 FRIAR Tierrtrrytnee -W
earn that Les Wynn has decided to
to Loudon for the farther cult" -
/Pion of her voiee,undesr the instruction
Dr. S•ppi of that city. Miss Wynn
pee of our lading vont liW at present,
and with further training will, beyond
doubt, oceopy • front rank among tbe
singers of this Preview.
(lontatea ('tuna Hounav - The
Grand Trsek Railway Co. bee arranged
for special eheap eseursioa. for Friday,
August 26. iimel to August 29, 1n Toron-
to for $2; to Detroit for p; sod tel Lea-
den for $1 60 Return Pekes will ales
he mewed at smile fare to all points on
46. T. R. , gnnd to return on same day
y.in aside :ea to the above tektite
he tenet on the loth. ifttod to Ne-
on 29th frees any polite fur fen sad
Oruro. or TSR Hutu S.• 1004-T1w
High School will re -open roil Monday
text the 29th, Mr J. B. Kaiser, of 8t.
Catherine!, taring the place formed
tilled by Mi.. 11p6e1d • W. ieri'w tl7•
there is a pro.,eet of a good attendance
for the coming term, which will be the
last that the tobol win be free. After
this year a fse of $3 for the first half
year and $2 for the second halt trill be
Boors Warcgta.-A fakir calling
himself "Doctor Redwing," who arrived
by boat folio Sarnia Saturday last, per-
formed the bogus watch act un a he of
our gullible residents on the evening cf
that day. It is said he took in over
$100. Constable Yule should have
treated the fraud and his black and
white accomplices after the summary
fashion iu which he dealt with the
thimblerigger on the 12th of July.
Yor'LL Fran THIN ALL Oras. -The
Brussels Pen says :-It is astonishing
after all how many people reside in
Goderich who were former residents of
Brussels and locality. The names of
Dr Holmes, McGillicuddy Bros., D.
McDonald, Ed. Saeger, Vanaletine,
Hilliar, Kay aud others ire to prove that
Goderich is indebted to this place for
some let its best residents. 11'e won't
say anything of persons who have been
quartered iu Caatle Dickson.
Hs HA. FAITH is rue Towx.-Mr
James Mclnto.h, of the firm of Mc-
Intosh & Johnston, of Port Arthur, has
been is town durirg the week visiting
his friends. He has made some money
at the Port, end thought this was • good
own in which to invest it. H., purchas-
ed the residence belonging to Mr Geo.
Berry. occupied by R. S. Williams. He
bought it on speculation, having faith in
the future of the town. He also wok
some stock in the Huron & Bruce Loan
S c aiisert CANnIDATI. -We are
pleased to learn that lilies Kate
Struthers was among the successful
candidata from oar High School at the
recent third class examination. Her
'same had been accidentally omitted from
the published lint. It appears also that
Mr John Elliott, who was credited with
having obtained only a first class B, in
reality obtained an A. We congratulate
him on his well earned success which is
all the more creditable as he was unable
owing to his school duties, to make any
special preparation for the examination.
Kxtnnr. or Lome Pirtle. -About
600 excursionists from point. between
titration' and Goderich came hither on
Friday last on the Knights of Labor ex•
cursson. They were accompanied by
the Saforth band, which discoursed
melody during the day. At the park,
• series of addresses were given by A.
B. Ingram. M. P. P fur West Elgin, and
e thers. Mayor 'Seeger welcomed the
excunionista on behalf of the town.
Some of our residents who have hitherto
been noted for their aversion to any-
thing that approached labor were Ori
taken up with the Order that dthey talk
of establishing • branch in Goderich.
Baas BIASED. - During the storm
last week the electric fluid set fire to
the barn of J. W. Balkeld,Bay6eld road,
burning it, and its contents, a burse,
utensils, and all the summer crop entire-
ly. There were two hones in the barn
but one of the animals got sway. The
one that was burned ie supposed to have
been struck by tbe lightning. Mr
Salkeld was away at the time attending
the funeral of the late Mn Geo An-
drews, which prevented him saving any-
thing. The loss is supposed to amount
to nearly two thousand dollars, which is
partly covered by • policy of eleven hun-
dred is the Aatfield and Wawano.h
Dowx ox Boxtense, - An exchange
says :- The b..nu.ing cram with which
several cities and towns are still afflicted
has induced moored of our coot.mpora-
nes on both .ides of polities to declare
in favor of legislation against bonuses
and exemptions to factories. It may be
argued that the people of • municipality
have a right be spend their money fool-
ishly if they choose, but clearly they
have n'. right to saddle their posterity
and future inhabitants of the Icaelity
with burdens of this nen, as is very afros
done. A law providing that every bones
hould take the form of • cash payment
o be raised by current taxation wuald
probsbly kill the system effectually.
Harry Bolton, of the 'Bank of Moo- �•
tees!, Guelph, is spondee/ • few day fid
Visiting old fiends. Guelph seems to to
agree with Harry. $1
Dr McDonagh will be in Goderich for
eenaultation on Saturday, the 3rd ofl
September, and afterwards on the first Rn
Batutday of every 'eolith. •
A son of the King of Greece is in lovel‘.1(
with the daaghter of the Pnnoe of
Wales The roues man from Grease
says he won't have any but her.
Mn Garfield. wife of the late Preen
deed of the I. nited Slated), is expended
with her family on the 2:3th, to viiia hot
old (need, Mn Roohard Hawley, Bt#w
New Jrerr ase or TDR Pieea-
Abraham Thomas Bean, ReinhartOoiL,
of Hay; Divd W.iassilier, Ittenley y�
Joke P. Clarke reed Charles Ses11, of 6t1
Easter, ha.. bees Zuly app. .iutd oil
Joushees of the Pena to and ler the torn
pointy of Hurn. • th
11 termite Moerut. rot Sarno asa.-
Home Rule is proven to actually exist
in one of England's provinces, by an
artiele in the September Herpr.t a cm
the Ids of Ma. Dr Richard Whatley
shows that the island of Mena bas Song
enjoyed the right of controlling her .we
affairs. after a helium, tad has keen
gradually strengthening her indspug-
dee, until sow she makye ber
administers her own ))uttttee, tA1d
thrive• in • well •rtmlged system cf
..If g..vernenent, with only • governor
appointed by thewit to represent
her fealty of the Qwise. Rhee of the
Manz is sod ewsteess reeling their
*gooiest! qq.•ielnees bat the prosperity
of the i.ilipstian state fursiehes as en- •
enev.gine irsrtanes of what entitlement It
Romp Rale me dn. The article is i f
illustrated by views ..f the ekief intim of e
Ma., • portrait of the Governor, an .n- A
graving of the legi•LNve Hew of Keys I •
ie session, aid a map of the Wand. I
"Tea Mtsato."-Tb. Templeton
Open j Company well premien the
"Mikes.," 10 • oderioh audience the
(Friday) evening mi. the Brand Ilpera
Hones, The company will emptiest 33
artists who will printout an e111ereot
chorus, ep.ca' aceuert.s, gorgeous cos-
lum« and new and navel stage eunoia.
This is the same compeer that made so
seceeesful • leer through Canada last
year, and paid Gud.nob a vin'. Priem
boo. and 75c. Tickets on sale at
Fraser, Poets tot Kay's bookstore.
"Dt'N.,telneea Ctvi;• Houe.v.
Tb harvest home dinner of the D,tn-
ganmon circuit will be held in the grew.'
of lir. Thos. Anderson, i Wswanoeh
side/ un Thursday, Sept. 1st, 1887.
Diuuer will be served at 12 o'clock
n oon. Addresses wi.l be delivered by
Revs. Geo F Salton. Joe S Cook, Henry
Irvine and D. 0. Cameros, sad music
will be furnished by Rev "Joe H. Cook
and wife end the Dumg*n&kua choir.
There will be a series of athletic sports
ou. the grounds. Admission, includiaj
dinner, 25 cents.
A Pura Onus* Ceekiens.-Opsn
your doors and windows and see the
finest order carriage sow on the read,
on alondey heat, from R. Parker & Co.,
the old reliable steam dyers and cleaned
of Tomato. Now) of our citizens sbnuld
erinl..thet ee-.^ance, as this drip has gone
to this trouble an expense to ri air
Wore their old fade 'meets cleen.d,
dyed and Gni ke new. Goods
dyed all ready m p without ripping,
and put in any ctdor desired. Testi-
menials are to their possession from
customers reaching from Quebec to
British Columbia. The nilly way to
test this is to give the worst garment
you have to operate on, and it will be
returned equal to new. Ladies and
agents can have their Old garments dyed
•11 shad.,. adv.
Div MON COURT STAn.TI.-,m. -Judging
(rues the report of the tuepector, the
Division Courts are admirably ausweriug
the purpose for which they were insti-
tuted. The inspector .how. that during
the last three years 180,913 suits were
e ntered in the Division Courts of the
Province, involving the large amount of
$6,618,400, or on an average of more
than 60,000 suits, and over $2,200,000
for each year,besides transcripts of judg-
ment and judgment summonses, which
ran up into tens of thousands of dollars
in the amount. The Division Courts,
the inspector says, an giving satisfaction
to the great bulk of the people in whoa
interest* they were brought into sent-
ence, and amending legislation is adding
periodically to their public value and
e ecieocy.
CANAL♦'. ()MIT FAIR. -The Toronto
Industrial Exhibition Association are
now confident that the ceasing exhibi-
tion will surpass all previous ore& in
pone of attrectivenees, merit, and in-
structive value. In addition to the beet
collection of oompetitveexhibits that has
ever been brought together in Canada,
there will bean endless number of small
manufacturing enterprises in actual oper-
ation un the grounds, making ohjeets of
interest,and automatic devices will afford
constant entertainment to the passing
crowds. The exhibition will be • hive
of industry. Resides, there will be fire-
works and brilliant illuminations in the
evenings, and balloon ascensions and
other special attractions daily. The
fur opens un September 5th, and all
the railways give reduced rates.
DOING A Goon Aid -By the uwenan-
ville :ion we observe that A. J. Moore
of the Goderich high school is still will.
ing to stand by his (Wend.: -On Wed-
nesday evening, 10th inst., a large num-
ber of relatives and conoecti,ns assembl-
ed at the residence of Mr and Mrs
Rtcbatd Shaw, Church et., to witness
the marriage of their daughter Martha
to Dr W. H. Symons, of Lockport, N.
Y. Owing to the absence of their pe -
tont, W. H. Warriner, B. D., in Europ.,
the ceremony was conducted by the Rev.
R. D. Fraser, M. A., assisted by the
Rev. Edward Vincent, of Nelsouville,
Ohio, amain of the bade. Mies
Charlotte Shaw and little Miss Marr
acted se bridesmaids, and Mr A. J.
Moore, B. A., of Goderich high school,
seed Master ()serge Rutherford se
new short line of the Canadian Pacific
Railiray to Montreal is new open for
passenger travel one hour and five
minutes less than any other routes be-
tween Toronto and Montreal. Passen-
gers for New England, Boston or Port-
land should remember that the Canadian
Pacific railway bridge across the St.
Lvwrence at Montreal 1 now opened,
and that through trains are run to Bos-
ton, etc., without transfer actress the
city of Montreal as heretofore. Passen-
ger to Montreal or ..M thereof from
Toronto or stations West have a choice
of routes, either via Ottawa or by the
new short line. Remember that the
coaches of the Canadian t'aciCc Railway
are the finest in the world. Be sun you
get your tickets and wean sleeping
berths before starting from R. Radcliffe,
the only authorized agent of the C. P.
R'y iD Goderieh.
AN Gt.-niter. Orlxtox.- The Chat-
ham Rnotear my.: Goderich town
council have been hawking tenders for
their printing outside of the town and it
Mike* TH. 13NiN*L mad. This is the
way it talks : "Mouth in and month
out the reporters of the local papers of
our town are screwed to attend the
council and committee meetings, and
leak ;oto presentable shape the frothing*
of wordy inanities ; and maks seise for
men who talk nonsense , and waste col-
umns upon columns of space, and hours
u pon h..urs of time. upon a few men who
otherwise would 'serer be heard of, with•
out rec>mp.ma or even decent acknowl-
edrmetet. And the men afflicted with
bighead think that we are making no
sacrifice under the circumstances." They
'don't see that aide of it, Das. Their
Idea is that the newspaper reporters an
burning up with a desire to seise open
tb words of such important personages
mei that they thrive well on an air dirt.
A 00011815p CI.s A't►h. - We under-
stand there is a greet deal ..f talk among
the farmers about Armstrong's drain
missed rle«'.r, as to what they think
hey can do. it 1. eertaialy • wonder -
el eentnvance sed awe/ the best
we offered to the pabl.e Menem
nirtnen deserve great credit and
nppnn for the beg stony and expense
. rutted in iaveatint •n aminal• r nn "'S
needed. It i. Aso metinwed as to arnvey
the seed. dud grain to four didomit
places at the assne tune, erase tied
thistle seed said soy other very small
seeds to use ,,!ace, cess and seed. of its
c a« to another, and the %raw t•, au -
other, •Ilownig of no thistle sera or
reran, seed to be Wuee int•. the chaff as
the custom has hero. They can be at-
tached to guy lemon, Will unhand iu
jury to the mal to the Wet. Old Drills
with sound frame do as wall as tie.
uoee. They clean all kinds of grain and
seeds, and eau be arranget to rive them
different esmpla of wheat, and eau tsk•
ad cracked peas mid nets out of pees at
one oleantog. ties sdvertiseiucut leu an-
other page.
Goon Ale►, t:. - The rditor of the
Brussels Peat, who was here on the beg
excursion, unwinds ht.nse'f thusly ; -
Nature hu been very generous 1., 1.14.1e -
rich in making it one of the prettiest
places around here 'although the Ione
continue,' dn.uth and intense heat .d
old S•.1 has searched up the lawn., pude,
dowers, and trees a gr. •it deal, so that it
did nut present its usual hcighu.ees. but
Dame Neture etas not hien hacked up.
and consequ ntly instead of there being
• small steamboat for excursion parties,
tables ler meals iu the park, a few drink -
tug fountains, a half dozen bathing
Latest Int0tlgeece fk'um W '
Peep Nems of Igoeesees ter ramie Wb.
went eke sews us astern -Hoer.
mason Sealed Dewe ae flee
neer Seeder* (lame.
Chs •cion steamer .Like Superior
bright 149 hones aud 23 penes leu her
Leet trip. 'rimy are Li.euded fur rancbes
m the States and Northwest.
The following birth notice appears la
IQ 'h., Toro papers : "ou the 21st u, -
.taut, *t '221 Sluice street, the wife of
Win. Tisdale, Bel , of • a.n - 'hie makes
t..,n father of thirty children.'
The petition asking for a repeal vote
of the Scott Act iu Bruce wilt be posted
iu the sheriff's Mhos, Walkerton, on
Aug. 27, and will remain there for tan
de)* After that time it will be for-
warded t., Ottawa, and the Owerumtut
will hi a .lets f..r the vote.
The Brent County Council has paid
thr«nary of, the County P.,lice Magia.
trate under pretest, and derided to ask
tn. tioseruu.ent to cancel the appoint -
houses, and s merry -go round Lir the mein of that uttictal ole account of the
,Jm'ngsten, there is not • tnortai them-diucrias.e detedllltteee vett h- ottani,
excepting a fro 6shln4 brats and row without a corresponding benefit.
boats and •'umber of ban benches and Bind Tom, the anai al urud;gy is
hack where he started in life, in his
mothers car.. Bethune, his turner
master, has worked Tom for a gold
mice for thirty five years. Probably
he has been the most prudish!' Afrioau
ti. his owner aiitl neer, r the Petted
Sates has ever known. But the courts
hese et last given his aged mother ooD-
tr i of him and we hope she will be able
to reap some petit from his extraordi-
usry'Humeri genius.
In the spring of this year represeat-
atieus wore made to the Caredisn Gov-
einment, thr•.u,,h the t1•.r l)d.x and
th. Colonial S.cretan, that it wan the
wish of all ranks in the lid Battalion of
dui Prince of Wales' Leinster Regiment
(Hovel Csnadien& ty offer the old colon
..f the battalion to the Dominion of
Canada. The Canadian Oorernment h..
accepted the gift, and the colors will
shortly be forwarded to the D.eminion
form India.
1. W Russell, Si. P., who left the
Liberal-I:monist part because ..t the
proclaiming of the National League,
h« written • letter to explain his rwig•
nation. He •eye • "I have dune Of
beat to persuade my party and the Gov-
overnment from proclaiming the league,
but Lave failed. The Government, in
my opinion, hare spent their last bullet
and have handed over Ulster to Parnell
I confess that my heart burned with in-
dignation to see my friends e.:Miring
a ban.! stand Everybody who never
saw I:.derich before wondered why the
town daddies did net wake up and look
after the comfort and pleasure of excur-
sionists in the matter mentioned above
or elan cease to be forever advertising the
county town as the Eldorado of West-
ern Ontario. 1f a few thousand dol-
lars were economically spent in improve-
ments in tf•a way instead of over -reach.
tug after electric light, &c., it would be
a great dal better fur the place and
w ould mien many an excursion party
that now seeks pleasure elsewhere.
Tea BENsnT CoNu setT. -The concert
given Friday evening fur the benefit of
the lessees of the Grand Opera H ours,
was nut as well attended as the mental of
the program warranted. The reserved
stats were well occupied by an apprecia-
tive audience, but the other portions of
the hall were sparcely peopled. The
instrumental duet by Misses Slack
and Dunagh met with the hearty ap-
pr.wsl of the audience. The singing of
Dr Slept, of London, was a feature .1
the evening, and his rendering of "The
Let Chord" and "My Queen" fairly
electrified those who had the pleasure ..f
listening to hint. Miss Wynn, our local
soprano, was herself in her numbers,
and wee deservedly applauded; in fact
we never remember to have heard het in
better voice. Tha "Swiss Echo Sung" was
particularly well assented. The sing-
ing of Afro Moorhouse, e! Pince: ming,
was a revelation to the friends of that
lady, who hal not heard her leer some
years, and showed that in ielled* where
path.., and feeling were required to be
brought out, she had a power that at-
tracted her hearers. A. B. Mender...i,
an ..Id Goderich favorite, was well re-
ceived, and gave an excellent rendering
J iStonetatt*an of Hamilton, his
.h. -
t.nded to the literary and dramatic f
selections, exhibited heavy work in
" Spartacus," drollery in the " Yankee
Courtship," and pathetic power in "The
tirely Doctor'. Story." All in a11, the u
concert was a good oue, and the levees I
deserve credit fur having got the t.lent
together. h
the I. nein and escrificing Inyal tenants
to handful of unre.senable landlords
deserving nobody's consideration,"
L,e Cornr4h, the notorious negro who
was on Thursday last week, sentenced
at Toronto to two years and one day in
the central prison for brutally assaulting
constable Beatty, managed to effect hu' r
escape Saturday last. H. and other five
prisoners were being conveyed in • hack
ren the jail to the central peen by
bailiff English. They were handcuffed
together in pain, but Coroiph had suc-
ceeded in getting • file, and managed,se
nen by the officer, to sever the
inks that held the bracelets together.
The Council met in the township hal
on Saturday Aug. 1; th. The Reeve i
the chair and members all present, th
n:inntes of last meeting read and ap
proved. The following accounts were
ordered to be paid, viz :-Richar
Young, inspecting graveling, $1; Fettle
& Seeman, on account, $100: Alex
McLeod, graveling 12th con.. $35 20
N G McCann, inspecting graveling, fl:
Robert Young, digging poet hole, $1
John Shaw, for trod. per Mn Brindley
$28; John Shaw, for 28 weeks at $1
week, $28: Henry Boegeil, repairing
Heuni.Iler bridge, /193; Geo McCabe jr.,
for bonus un wire fence, $10: James
Lev), gravelling on Wm Allana side
road, $36.48. James Levy, repairing
gravel hole. $2: :ll•,r account, $35 29;
Clerk for removing Iron pans off the aide
of the road, 65 cent.. A communication
from Mr Naegel claiming $15 for
damages .in the way of getting hie
buggy broken by his horse getting
frightened at some iron pans that were
left on the side 4 the boundary road
between Colborne and Waranoeh
After considering the matter, Jain..
Gledhill moved, seconded by James
Taylor, that the reeve see Mr
Girvin (reeve of %1'awanosh) •od
that he be empowered w settle the
matter pr' viding he an satisfactorily.
Carried. James Gledhill moved, second-
ed by Jae Taylor, that the reeve he
empowered to get a new culvert built at
Paltford. Carried. A communication
was read from the county clerk regale.
ing the sum of $255.1.56 for county
purposes, ./saes Gledhill moved,
eecooded by A Young, that a bylaw be
passed let -yule 2} mills on the $ fee
county purposes, and 21 mills for meal
purposes on all th
-hen a favorable opportunity offered
e sprang trout thi hack and escapes.
In regard to the bank of London, the
statement of the officers a to the effect
that the ('resident, lir Henry Taylor.
I went to Aletandria Bay to staid pro -
o reechoes that were threate•ed, growing
e nut Cf his connection with the Ontario
• investment Society ; that he made no
secret of his whereabouts, but had re-
d solved to stay away unless guaranteed
✓ against prosecution in the event of his
return : that attempts to iaduce him to
go to Termite and conclude the arreag.-
; meets for the transfer of the business to
the bank of Termite haring failed, and,
, kuowicg that the news of bis departure
would create • run on the bank that
could only be met by calling in their in -
tested money at a great sacrifice, the
directors decided to close the -doors. it
is elaimed that the noteholders and de-
positors will k.. nothing.
e nteeble property in
the township, and further that the re-
spective amounts required by the diff-
erent school sections b. raised. Carried.
N Johns 'sieved, seconded by A Young,
that } of an acre be purchased from
Edward Young at his offer of *100.
Carried. .tames Gl.nhill moved, second-
ed by James Taylor, that the wire fence
bylaw he neested and further that all
persons that have been notified to nom,
ply with the said bylaw, be notified that
they are ,.quested to finish that fences
not later than the Lt of October.
Caned. The council then adjccrn.d
to meat again on the 21st of October, et
l o'creck
The t' P. R 's annual fall *enrolee
to eastern points has this year hien
placed .t low figures. Tickets will he
issued from Auto. 28 to Au* 30, sad wilt
be rood till Sept. 13.
On Sept. 1 the C. P. R will issue re-
turn tickets to &Jeer thirty days in pis..
of tickets new i«t.d for six aid tee
days Thr errant..mime will ha favor-
ably resolved by the paste, .s it really
plisse tide sates at about 24 costs per
For some time pat it has bees a
widetr known fact that trouble at •
mute ••r Tess serious nators existed h
the leonine Loan and Investment
society, of London, of which Henry
Taylor was president and Charles
Murray manager. Mr Murray resigned
a short time ago, and Henry Taylor
was elected in hu place. The late meet-
ings of the directors have been charac-
terized by very vig'rou. debates. It is
rumored teat on Saturday night an en -
wally stormy ses*ien wan held and
kept up to • very late hour. Present-
ably the result to some of the directors
was far from satisfactory, as about mid.
night detectives Ryder and Phair, of the
city police force, entered the odious of
the sectety, and under authority of en
attachment they seized the books and
paper containing the records of Henry
Taylor's business with that institution
and other Erma Ir is said that the at-
tachment was issued at the instance of
R. M. Meredith.
Rrnnr.N DEATn.-Another instance of
a sodden departure took place at the re-
sidence of the deceased, Tho. Walsh, of
the gravel road neer here, on Thursday
of last week. While ntounlieg • load of
manure in his barn yard which hie
younger eon had just loaded, it lis sap-
wood his long trouble of heart themes
produced its effect, which caused him to
reel and fall Over the load to the groeed
on the .•ppste sloe. It wan thought at
first that his neck was broken, which
emceed the sadden death, bet the fall did
not injure him materially, although he
died in • few minutes. Mr Walsh was
one of the first settlers, having Peered a
floe farm on the eastern extremity of
the 6th con., E. Wawsenah, and was
much respected. HD lee.« behind him
a wits. six sone aid three daughters, of
which four of the fernier and toee et as
latter .f the children ars tt•oelia , full,
it is thought his widow will Det 1•1111
survive, .he having been loeg is • kph
eooditinn. The whole lousily keit. tee
kartf.lt sympathy rd the whole emir
ateelty in their ellistion.
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