HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-8-26, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY. AUG. 26, 1887.
The . Mplcrious Toach.
[ In my researches through goons old
manuscripts, I recently cbaaced upon
the fullowtni dory, As yet Ica t
definitely fix the authorship, but my
suspicious pant all in ore direction.
Should they his realized after further hu•
veetigatioo, I shall hare no hesitancy
its eines his name dere Is lbs eon
precisely as it appeared in the menu
script, *Lich apparently las bs
fore seen the light •j —
"It has lung been a the Ty of mine
that then is a natural explauatiuu for
e very oocarence, however out ut the
course of nature 11 may seem to the
casual tenet ter. Acting upon this
theory I have devoted years to the study
sit so celled supernaturalism. Little has
been published upon the subject that i
have nut read. My library is tilled with
such works as 1 lwens' Footfalls on the
Boundary of Another World," Balloter'.
"Strange (tory," Da• -ib' "Crest Her
monis," Edam ides' "Spiritualia,u," and
the writinio of Swedeutorg. From the
weird legends of the Hate mountains to
I)rummond's "Natural Ltw in the
Spiritual World,' there is little with
which I my not familiar. Anything
bearing eves icdirectly upon supernatu-
ralism or the spirit world is of interest
to me. •
"The .tory of myths, (arias, ghosts
and goblins is one , f rare fascination
one enjoys a skillfully told ghost story,
even while he laughs at the idea of n
ghost. Who dues not experience •
thrill of interest upon reading Dickens'
"Thirteenth Juror," "The Signalman,'
of Bulwer's "The Haunted and the
Vaunters !"' Human nature naturally
inclines to the lore of the marvelous and
supernatural, and the rehearsal of such
tales has made certain writer* famous.
"I cannot say that icy study of super-
naturalism has led to any definite result.
I have not made ars remarkable dis
coveries, but have had 2,4110 experiences
that mystified rime. Among them was
,me of apparently an iurxplicat.le nature,
which it is here my purpose to relate.
"I remember enc., gums year ago,
while sested in gay study, Louden* over
e desk, a hand was laid upon my shoul-
der. It was my wife's custom ,my late
hours bothered Laura , to roue me at
times in this manner, and when I turn-
ed in answer to the summons, it was
with the expectation of seeing her behind
,11111My chair. Turtling slowly about I su-
mmered, 'Coming, Lein.' To my amaze -
meat the ram sag empty ! I had heard
no footfall, ,in voice, but had merely
felt the touch of a hand noon my shoul-
der, tender, it is true, bight, as L,urs's
touch always is, but ucimisatkable; I had
not been in • dims, it was not fancy ; I
had hest touched by a hand.
'•1 confess that upon turning around
and finding nothing, 1 was startled. I
sat • mucoent in thought, seekieg to
bring the occurrence within the ranie of
comprehension. My brain was clear,
every faculty Mire. Going to the door,
I epee it and called op the hallway in •
low vole :
".Lura e
"No answer.
"I Balled again, my voice echoing
strangely. The hour was late. Lsnra
was evidently asleep.
"I resumed icy seat at the desk, but
could not continue writing. My thoughts
were vague sad scattered. The myste-
rious touch upon the shoulder filled me
with strange emotions. What sapless -
ton was then for it 1 No human hand,
and touched me ; had 1 felt the imptesa
of • spirit hand ? Ridiculous ! I
laughed outright at the idea. Mystified
dissatisfied, I chimed the desk, put out
the light and went up to my bedroom
"j felt the Week. Laura, se shovel' ee tied moll I make 1 1 dettegoimed to
I feel the pressers of your hands at this tell ht* /M whole dwelt belting to Sed
moment. There was no deception • u some parallel kr it is hie lust exp.erieow
was nut • delusion ; • hand touched ems. se a pbyatcuo. Drawing ay chair close
Who was it ( What was it 1" to hie, I recited every incident ou•meet-
"Laura flamed quickly oust her ed with the mysterious touo► as clearly
shoulder, •e nervous people are apt to sad connectedly as I could. He was in•
When I bet it y',r moral said *ental do fmtw,a
do whets aloes in the Isom, late at breezed from the b0.41'g. get s.'y.J "raft. the sweets of tlettsry,
night. bad finished he hooked d carefully •ewer
the neem, uleoltb7 weetied-+ae. web en Mid you are iu derger et einem into a
"1 wonder if the bone is hunted i" then o(ever trop, es4ese sit iujudfeitiu• adult -
she ,luired. expression eipretua pertly humorous, partly4
observed : ee*tiuh, a food thuruugb•spukeu enemy
' 1 went to bed, but tee lo sleep. The puzzled, and• I will ptotic a vary etti:ieot e.pwhzer and
jun.-nit. trivet as it ata/ stem, nmystt6• 'Will you please take el your cost !'
"1 did so. a wltulese us tunic. People who dun t
ed and worried me. It called for au *mount to anything never haus enemies.
which 1 could not, Rive. "Roll up your sleeves,'' he continued.
"I did so, weudenug at the weuuug any int re than trees that duet bear fruit
There was nu supeany
so u• fear to it, myWas it one are stoned for apples You never had
reason rebelled et1 any but • natural ofremarkable procedure.
s lution of the mystery, and 1 exhausted of the uld gentleman a concede f Ha hse ebial-in *arountd 'oewtridesstalko;
icy ingenuity in e..deaiunng to reach grasped my shoulder and seueeaed it, y
drawing recon me •cry of pais.grow that they congregate with eudlees
such •solution. I rsriv.3 the envie g(ret and flurry. The rata that toe have
recce over and over again. It is im- "Night after uizht," hey, sagely re- y
possible to pic'•ure here my unspeakable marked, frowning, "you have sat by this to) enemy prates that tee are alive.
screen. Cool, moist air hasblown on N.bw'y ever yet tem k the tr''ub a to
amazement, when, touched upon the
shoulder by a soft hand, I turned sod your shoulder for hours at a tone. What
fumed behind mu --- nutting ! The other results c .did have been expected : '
mystery became s part of my dreams. "Prim, dieter, what is the result r I
"A few utghts sifter this incident ukrd, ea¢erly.
occurred I was again writing at my desk. "Rheumatism," was the sentence us
A chilly air was tlow tng through the wire feply.
setweu 51 my side It had grown late, 'And the soft u
sekd♦ like r,rh 1"
but nest later than it was my custom to "Was ,aeraly-fie twitching of a
work. Without footfall, voice or warn- , muscle. 'fbe soft. spirit like stage has
ing, the touch dime agaiu upon the eaten I passed, and the fin and giialet stage and of the qualities that go to mate up I• T—
shoulder and in the same manner. I I comes next, unless you learn wisdom,' I I �Glsri.l pawn can be satiroly rem"' it as plainly as 1 ever felt the touch I "I could have embraced the old troe manhood or wo.nanh vol, bat, li:. of (torr. rho system by the use sit Ayrr's
of human hand. Quick as • dash I gentleman in my transports. With • the!lcorqutto• our euctnies are bound to Aim. Cnmre, which contains a sure .psis
tururd, ruin toLeet to reyeut anygleeful hop, skip and jump I nn to Lbs keep w wide awake and active. Disease tic. in the ft en o t a very rtabie prduct,
g my P never came from a river that has • rocky used in no other remedy. Warranted.
poaseseiry of hiding or escape. The doer.
room was empty ; the door remained "Laura! Laura !" I Balled.
!eau, during his stay in Paris, will cone IC is utsdrnto.d that Heen..l. A Chap -
closed as 1 hail left it. "The tenor creature came 'tinning
"Did you ever turn fiercely to strike down the stairs as if a fiend war after pints all arnn¢ements for the part
her. Canada has to make in the World's Ex -
an enemy back of you, and find meth- pusiuon, to be held therein 18,89,
ing 1 I wt frightened ; anger was "What has happened 4" she gasped.
the prod.' pant feeling. I was con- "Dr Erle has found our gh rat," I
acinus of twit the victim of a shrewd cried.
deception. felt that this mysterious "Where in s'1"
presence, ilia nameless and immaterial "In his arm," answered the doctor.
something, war inimical to me. I was "My dear madam, your husband is the
eager to materialize it, corner it, under- tint mean I ever met that laughed when
stand it. It would here delighted ate to I til him that he had rheumuatlsn. 1
Maness aa*mtse Tor fie pampa tied setas' sun el
erysipelas, ease Ayer's Harw•parilla, the
''prose bs .Inst .,t a reed h"neet aperibe obduraed by emmueut tuedtul
essay' ass "Amber" in time Chicago
wt►o tti.sa.
Ju-mrw,l, "euliteste one as 'Jd lathes tenor mea me earthworm.
eu:tivate catnip and Oteroashwort' ..Must o) tb. onto •b . M84 t.. arc
Tatty may raid lea pleasant tohe%r around,
fog work are fru* the eat, ' said M..'er
Car Reenter W. ft. Ludlow at the 'a.l-
gned yards yesterday, "end it gees eith-
uet *eying that they are broke. i here
had some very iotellignit i tit m at sure
w the yards cleaning cattet men • hu
bare been educated at 4Difurd, Cam-
bridge, Vale act Harvard, and who have
held high and responsible potation* in
banks sad well kaolin commercial
houses. There was one time that 1
ouuld have supplied a titan for any pro-
fession or trade, from a minister 1.1 t h.
:.1.1)e1 to hod carver. 1 had one credo -
ate ail • European university cleaning
oars for a year. He afterward taught a
country school, studied law and is now
admitted to practice, with • (toed pii s
ins cemetery. Eaetets are what hues
are to potato hills—they keep down the
weeds. The cultivator, as it gore tsar•
ani between the corn•hillocks, bring all
the useless *aerie to grief, but it sets the ministers of the Gospel working for one
'asset of the cora atilt like an emerald
plume. Our frisuls sometimes, like the at one time, and they are all sluing well
profession now."—Oakland
faithless Daub, lull us into bad content. ; 'frin theiribnne.
wherein we are despoiled of strength',•
ride a tot, alaiust the peaceful dreamets
pact of eminent success in his pro
fusion. Another oar nastier is s
pronminent lawyer in Oakland. He was
a first-rate car cleaner. I had three
channel and is fervid to battle its way
over discouraging and beeline atones,
but rivers that have no obstructions are
apt to to, by the name of ponds, and the
'very serenity of their ■tagnatiun breeds
unwholesomeness Cit•e a young man
• :tarn row in life, with plenty of dis-
courszements, and geed whalest lis
criticism, and he will enter the port of
middle age like $ warship, staunch and
full manned. Give hint a luxurious
career of petted idleness, with n.. enemy
to 'keel• t::e watch on the liekeut and he
will a.:;l ...it, port very likely free aid.
WA a eowt::rarti 1•lu:,•e to t!mc bottom.
Our friends arelpt to be blind to our
faults ; our enemies never are. Thuu;h
the c.rn'.nt Battery of the former we
grow in the wruog direction, as city
aldermen do—ah•:ut the girth. Under
the sharp i:•duence of honest criticism,
we grow as pine tree do --straight to-
ward heaven. Then let us cultivate,
Etc. to face, honest enemies, and be-
ware of the Lae security of friendship.
The one will make • hero of you : the
other will tarn you into tbu miold of
pint cup, unable to bold the full moa•
sore:meat of character development.
learn that I was the victim of • practical
joke, as that w.eold hare barred the
aupernat ural.
"Laura I cried fain,, to the door.
hope may continue to laugh.
"Better rheumatism than a g'ue•st is
the house, doctor, "I ventured to say.
"Hum :" I don't know sir. Of the
"Its a few moments I beard the rustle two. I believe ghosts are the easiest die-
d her dream on the stairway. rued of."
"What is it, Gecrge 1" she asked as "Our ghost is very effectively laid,'
she bunt eagerly min the room. said Ltura, helpin.t me on with icy coat
"Something has touched me on the and smiling at the doctor.
shoulder again,' I replied. \\-hat can it "It only illustrates my theory," said
be ," I. "No so called supernatural occur -
"I wish I knew,' said Laura, drawing rences will bear the Beit of investil e-
very near to me and looking about the ton."
ram with a mystified and frightened "Not so with rheumatism," observed
ezpressi.n. "Ism sure I eau't see any- the doctor, dryly. "It will bear the
thine." light, and it thrives on night air. Any•
"Wen you asleep when I called ?' bidy can t keit ; but few can get rid of
"Ns. I was uiq..,
"Did you hnbl anything .'" "The old gentleman was right ; 1
"Not a sound. Sit down at your desk have it yet. My spiou has undergone a
seam, Georgie, just as you sat when the change. Give me my ehoice between
hand touched you. I have an idea." rheumatism and a ghost in the hoose, I
"I did so, bending over as :f in the would 'gladly welcome the gb.st."—H.
act of writing.
'•Laura approached me gnftly. I
c .old hear her footfalls very faintly, and
laid her hand just when the mysterious
touch had come, and even more gently.
"Laura "' cried I, springing up, "you
did it ' What • 1 m yjeu have made of
"George," she exclaimed, her great
D. Mason in Pittsburg Bulletin.
I hare been a severe sufferer from
Catarrh for the past fifteen years, with
distressing pain over my eyes. Gradually
the disease worked down upon my lungs
About a year and • half ago 1 commenced
using Ely's Cream Balm, with most,
gratifying results. and am to -day ap
parently cored.—Z C. WARREN, Rut-
land, V t.
dark eye ailing with -111 tan "1 did not MJ daughter and myself, great suffer
eSI ' n frontC CatarrhB1, haMve been curedsmell
d t. I know nothing about it. How m sit
n i " y s ream a m. y ss
can yon doubt me ?" rest..red and health grea:IJ improved. —
"I don't doubt you little wife,' said 1, C. M. graxm.•r, Merchant, Ithaca, N.
reassuringly ; "but I began to doubt Y.
myself." Ivy sed Dogwood retuning.
"I put out the light and we went up ---
stain together, both in a rather ember
mood. If, after all it eras a spirit hand
that touched me, *hat did it mean?
Dit it portend misfortune of some kind,
death 1 Unconsciously I began to grow
morbid upon the subject. With the
slightest basis en which to begin an in-
vestal/aeon I should not hare despaired.
But what was there to investigate ?
Without the aid r•f sight and hearing
reason faltered ; the simple act of feel-
ing the touch availed me aotbing. Whet
conclusion mold 1 arrive at but that the
touch was soperoatural
"Twice upon the street I was eon-
acioes of the same strange touch, in
bread daylight, when no deception was
possible. Unable to fathom the mys-
tery, 1 waited cautinualy, yet b..t with -
oat misgivings, to se* what it portended.
"One evening, while I was seated at
my desk, Dr Earle called ; an aged
gentleman, in whom eonversation I take
grit pleasure. Seating him **elle t -
ably in gay easiest chair, I excused my-
self a movement while ooapleting a letter
begun before his arrival. i had celled
Len, but she had not yet Come down.
Witbont the slightest warning which
had always been the case, the same band
Gln �
"Lighting a lamp that stood on the
bureau, I looked at Laura. bite lay in
sound sleep, her calm sweet facie partly
averted. I gently roused her, had her
sit op, assured myself that she was
thoroughly awake and then asked :
J, "Lara, have you been long asleep 1' •
"Fully an hour," she replied, looking
at me wonderingly. "Has anything
happened. George 1"
"Are you sure then is nobody in the
hoes. bat ourselves 1" I eretioned.
"Who could there be, George ? Te:i
ire what has happened."
"Seeming my puzzled expression, she
ensiled, looked at me quizzically and
limed me I felt angry with myself for
having waked her, yet Riad to have her
sweet eompat)iombip.
"Laura," I began, comet -ions that I
was abost to aake • very foolish state -
meet, "I lave just had as ei-
perieeee that 1 cannot explain. You
know what my views are nn the subject
of swpernataral'—
"She tnterrapted me with • laugh—a egaenend it. Pain
ed, amamd, Mr"' to
eseant girlish laugh that did me good. see what this new plan of the mystery
Taking my hand in beth her own, she Meant, i whitled about with arms ex -
said . tended. Then was nothing behind nae.
"Oh, George, 1 rosily thought it was Dr Karts nu tenet!' *ted on the
For iry and dogwood„ poisoning boil
wood ashes enough to male a strong
lye ; wash the poisoned parts with this,
and let it remain • few minutes ; then
wash off ip luke-warm water, and, when
dry awr,int with grove. Two or three
application of this will generally effect e
a cure.—Bustin Budget.
Persons who have suffered for y
with Asthma will find • quick relief
cure in the double treatment of Sou
ern Asthma Cure.
Alunar watat.
D•-morest s Monthly gives • summer
outfit for • lady with a slime pocket hied-,
which is so gaud that we copy it l:e's.
It is within the reach of almost every
w.,ma.t, city or country, and she who
hat the wardrobe mentioned will leek
neatly and tastefully dressed, though a
millionaires dauehter be contrasted
with her. The gowns should be care-
fully made and fit to perfection. The
advice herein following is given to a
leacher, but et will tit any other woman
u Kell :
You do not regenire a very farce num-
ber of drssaes, but they Phoned be care-
fully selected with regard to usefulness. 8111
Debeoge, • most serviceable material, is
revived this season, and this, or bummer
serge, would make )'ou an rxcelleut
traveling wit, and be geed fur sated
wear on toed days. You should hare
an old 'Tress for rain that will not be in-
jured by weather. A checked gingham
or striped seersucker, and a steed wash -
dug cotton, not • cheep our, in two
shade of bloe, will sulii a for school
wear during the summer. with a black
lace ticha fur the neem, and ill black;
straw hat. A black torah with black
lace bonnet, and fiche, ur barite. fine
jetted *Aar, will prove the best church
dress, and you can lighten it by a group
of pale pink or yellow d owert daisies or
cowslips, and some loops of ribbon to
match at the left side of the waist. You
had better not buy kit gloves ter cam- and then it will be a pleasure for you to do your corresponding,
mer wear. Oise pair of black lace untie. as well ae helping to advertise your business.
one sit eucra thread, would serve for
trItrrl"a church sear or calling, while good Lisle
A lady in Bt'nekville state—I was in •
st.nd,nq cold in my head that was pro- (•chs.. weer. A teal ulster, and ,rico •
pounced Catarrh. The Balm trate ion- w.t.r•pre,f, will be indispensable, and
mediate relief and perm•aently cored rut should have in *admen to a pretty
me. It was so pleasant and agreeabl
to use that
emote wrapper for room ear■r, a cheep
i6 h ltit" g
and stoppage of the nasal passs. agemnsl .. Ger wvrnw¢s . it need not cat
Show fns the man, writes Sterne, who
knows what life 1* and dreads death, and hi
I'll show thee • prisoner who dreads s
1■ arlet. awe 1e the rola..
Tit -anemia is dreadful. Disordered
liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe to
Red nature.
The human digestive apparatus is one
of the most c,wplicated and wonderful
things in existence. It is easily put out
of order.
Greasy Leta, eineh fiend, sloppy t•"d,
bad cookery, seentai worry, late hours,
irregular habits, and many other things
which ought not to be, have made the
American people a nation of dyspeptics.
But Green's August Flower ha. dune
a wonderful work in reforming this sad
business and making the American
so healthy that they can enjoy
their meals and be happy.
Remember :—No happiness without
health. But Green's August Flower
brings health and happiness to. the
dyspeptic. Ask your druggist for •
tattle. Seventy -tire cents. eowly
Sore Eyes
The eyes are always lar ',treater wtta
the body, sad agent as secelleat lade:
of Its cuedltlua. yl-bru the eyes beams
week, sad the lids lnfiamral and sore, It is
aa evidence that the system has become
disordered by eerufula, for which Ayer's
Sarsaparilla is the best known rraaly.
Scrofula, which produced s painful la-
sammaatius to sty ryes, catered we omen
angering for a uumhrr of years. By the
adytee of a pby.iciau I commenced taking Sarsaparilla. After usher this
medicine • &hurt time 1 is as .umptetely
Ky eves are no* in a .pteu.tll condition.
and I am am well and strung ea rosy. --
Mrs. William Hage, t'urvmdd,. If.
For • number of years i was troubled
humorwith a humor In ms rye.. and was nimbi.to obtain any relief until 1 eummti
using Ayer's Sarwparilla. This Medicine
has egretel a complete etre. aol 1 belies*
it to be the best of bkowl purifiers -
C. E. l'I.tuu,'aasbua, N. U. i
Frost ebiklimood, and until within a few
months, 1 boor been atilt -tea %Vsak
and sore Eyes. I hate u.e.I for these
cuonplatnte, with beneficial results- Av'er's,
ear.ap•r,la. aid m .•.rtl.nlrr 11 a gat titian
purifier. Mrs. C. Phillipa, Gluier, \t.
1 std[cre t for a year with inflamma-
tion 1a my left eye. 'fbn-e ulcers termed
un the ball. drpritiug use of sight, and
causing great pain. After trying treaty
other remedies. to noporpone, l Was Dually
induced to tole Ayer's araap•ri le, net,
By Taking
three bottle* of this medicine, harp been
enlir•ly ruts!le
. My sight has en re-
stored, and there b no sign of i11411121611- tlon, sere, or ulcer In rnr eye.- Kendal
T. Bowen, Sugar Tree Itklgr, Ohio. d
Mr daughter, ten years oil, was aMicte
with scrofulous Sore Eyes. 'luring the
taw tatwo years sir never saw light of say
kind. Pby+loans ot the highest standing
their skill, but with no permanent
success. On lbe recommendation of a
friend' 1 purchased a battle of Ayer's Sar-
saparilla, which my daughter commenced
taking. Before sberlbed tura the third
bottle her sight wastrestored, and she cam
now look steadily at a brilliant light with-
out pain. Iter cure is complete.— W. L.
suttee -laud, Evangelist, Shelby city-, Ky.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla;
Prepared by Dr. J. e. Ayer k
Sold by all Draggam
l; sis uhe.M.
nese remarkable tout.
Fotmcd .t Net, what the true public
hes been hooking for these many years
and then is a taedicne which althouok
but lately intmoduced, halt made foe
itself a reputation second to none, the
medicine ss J. hmegm's Tenic Bitters
which its cnejunceen with Johnson's
Tunic Liver 1'i 1s has performed some
.cwt w..nderfel cures impure or mm-
povtrish.d b1.114 soon.. hesisiee purified
and enriched. Bitliousneas, indsgestmen,
sick headache, liver complaint, languor,
weakness, etc , soon disappear when
treated tv these excellent tunic midi -
nem. For Sale by Good, druggist, Al-
Id ck, Goderich, su111 agent. (dl
Every Man in Business should get
his Office Stationery Printed.
Bl'T OFT 1'OUlt
Note Heads
Letter Heads
Memo. Heads
Counter Pads
Paroel Labels
Shipping Tags
Business Cards
Fnvelopee, eto
du to c.d try Nasal Rain for • long I thread '. 11 be cost cuucenieot fur
was placed upon my shoulder.
logger gentle, it gripped me finely, as if
• stronz man had grasped the flesh and
at ret t nue m no ooa.
1 now new it with my children for colds! "Atte dress of nate• w etnpe.l or nuc►ed
' you mere than 8'2 ear f{.: if y..0 make •tel
Them Thethat place Meir hope in another oself S�
world have in a great measure conquered y„
dried of death avid unreasonable Lute of Trials wear us novo • liking of what
Iota peeniMy to the tirst essay, displeased us.
wages. Moe -
Wilmot Montrose. of Vienna, Gat ,
baying seed Dr. Fowler's Extract of
Wckd Strawberry to ha faaily for sum-
mer cnmplsints, says, "1 cannot speak
see highly of it, ler children as well ss
aged people troubled with dsarrbrra it
has n.. sq+el.” 2
When a manhath (..reseed the repw-
tenon '1 hos own integrity, nothing .111
then serve hes turn, neither truth nor
erwest►ing „tricots. Wes it only • , opposition aide of the room, glancing
ghost r
over the daily paper, I
"Pray ba serious, Laura. WbUe i sat ''Doctor," said i, meetings that wry
at my Berk • few moments ago. • hand fee was red with shame, "i suppose you 1
insetted RIO 1A1 the shedder, jest as you think taw entry 1'
have doss* a hundred time. Mon than 1 ':Ores" r repeated the doctor, *mei._
that, Tours, it was your tooth.' i ase mentally neer bis to os*s
"k vs Lacud it, I:40> ". _ "What weld 1 •ej i What .:p1s.sa-
A Rswaan tit one dose., "Teatime
•y" to any one sending !helmet Ieair Gust
rhyme on ' re&shear. the remRrkshie
little gem f.,r the Teeth sod Pat:. Ask
Inge d-.agest ,1" reddt•ss•
as titres
Coll a Nfifl,
5. rtes
p,Rpplatp tries
lased ilnionsaee
LAS TO U$ b•e* tk. threat
.Int genre g4ewwttllla sewad w cs-
tlalllAe Sabi 111kreaskts.�seam
.e7 des
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' Our Stock of Printing Stationery, eonlinting of all -up
the leading graces of Plain anal Linen, ruled and nn-
rule'1 papery, Catlin, Envelopes, die., ie the neeit tenni-
piste we have handled, and wit guarantee the quality
and price to suit all who will favor um with their
order.. Call and ear our aamplem an.l get our price%