HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-8-26, Page 1'',15.7!477"7
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W11014 NUMBER t
McOILLIOVDDY. Peratimean.
t Mott A YlltaillgADVAXCM
egurait iignal
To Mr J. H. Colborne, Chairman
of Finance Committee
AT Tint (.YICY.
111. • ;Melo-awake looal newspaper. devoted
to oomity nevit• mil the 4 eociu.uat tots of ',on -
hal kadvriedge.
SATES Si 611111141 SUPY101
111.50 a par . f or 4.t months ; hac. fo-
t Ince tOkilttIst. It15%011 LtertylLia ft ril4Sniti
i advance, subs O. *ioa vlt oLas a'
the rate of Soca •
Legal •nit other (*sun! ad•ertiserneorl.
per line for airs insertion. audit:eats per tam
for each eubseoutut Measutual by
a qonpared
towel notices in nonpariel typo 5c per line.
Locoing:Sires In ordinary resdmg type lc per
Elimineas carte of six lines mind under j5 per
Advertisements of Loss. Fvind. •reys(1.
Situations Visoant. &motion V; mired and
ilastacos rhar.ces Wanted. nut exceeding 8
nonparaeljl par month.
Houses on :Aale and Farms on Sale. not to
exceed shoe*, $1 for nem mouth. 30.: per nub-
scouent month. Larger ads ts in proportion.
Any special notice. the orjout of oho h is to
preemie the monetary benefit of any ladb
culla; or company. to be considered en ad
vertIstment and charged accordingly.
Those tel will in all cafes be strictly ad-
hered to.
Special moos for larger advertisements. or
advertisementa for extended periods made
known at the Mace of pubi.catioo.
A fully equipped Jobbing (Atte is carried
es in comae...tiara with Inc ordinary or wepsper
hosinews. where first-class work is Mimed out
at reasonable rates. levcrathing :n ttas pilot-
ing line can les done esti the premises from an
Illumina.ed poster to* vositiog card.
ocominealcations must be oddness( to
O. lerealtilart DOI.
Ktilose of Tot sweat
Oodericki Oat.
Ti European war clood »ism to be
Ofgut to settle over the SalishurylGav-
ertment on account of the proclaiming
of the Land Gramm
The; Toronto Ttlegru to correspondents
are discussing the question, "la the To-
ronto girl rude ? If the girls take part
in the discussion they will soon settle
the question.
- - - -
What Mot 4.earlentus• Doesal hoes alms*
t'Se oter.' IlA.44 4 mitres mom - La.
lashmolog Nis barkers0 fee
latstora Mae CAM..
And now, haviug pointed oat a few ft
yoor many misstatements and emission
-and as tummy its the some at my dis
f wanner in which you souola stain.
s , taia • the fele. position in which you nay isatuansist reanditice, an' I'm ony
- were unfortunitady placed hy 4.1
town beyant. As ye koow, G-istherioh in
' pneal will alkr-1 will give you • brie
history •of the question that you distort
cad on Friday night in your attempt 1
' deltoid your erratic course, and 1 chat -
irate, y...; L. refute one SIAtelIleIII IIIIII 1
• snake, or to point oat wherein anything
Ilies been suppressed to your detriment.
I dates so crittlit for making • truthful
matiessneofue I believe that no man has
. • eight to mall* bef..re the people with •
history of any case wn, is not prepsreal
to tell the truth, :he whole truth, and
uothing hat the truth -stitch. as I have
shown, you stildiomey avoided doing.
. nd 1 trtnIy h.1ieu, wnh the poet .
The man wno 1:•-• noon.* will ;sue.
Though he should sprat the thing that •
And he who tells one Ilea, drat.
And tries to tilde it. maker it two."
, At the regular meeting of the town
couiscil hold in June the accounts front
the two punting °dices mite' before the
commit in retuIrr form and wee referred
to the tioanco committee, of which you
are chastaitiu, with instructions to re
port upgi it at the nest utetiting, as is
the custom. During the month that
followed I heard nothing in connection
with the amount alibi's. h it was the
duty of the finance a lllll Witte to have
interviewed me throuvh as chairman, or
asked me to appear lithos that body and
give necessary explanations, if they were
not satisfied with the account. I was
not asked to attend the committee meet- ;
nig. and neither directly nor indirectly
was 1 given to understand that the ac- I
count required explaration. At the 1
nett meeting of the council 1 was present
at the reporter.' *able when the finance
committee made Its report, and. was sur
prised to learn that my &comet, was.
practically denouuced as a freudulent;
..no, by th• finance comrnittee, who i
declined i4 b deal with it in any shape or •
. I dalnot al l and I
.I., rot consider now, that any committee
or body of men had a riolit to hriog in
such a report, or that any chairman
should have the power to sign such
a report when they to be had
made 12' effort in my caae, at
any rate, to investigate the mat-
ter. As far as the committee or
de chairman could do, I was
branded without being given ea op-
portunity to be heard. The council did
not take the matter off the hands of the
finance committee, hut referred it beck
for tnsl ..ttj.m�ent, and although
proprietor of the Mgr and 1 were sitting
at the rsporter's coatis. y su, sir, did not
think it was right and proper that the
men to whom you had done * wrong by
bringing tis such a report under the cir-
cumstances. should be heard before the
council. to defeat themselves against the
imputations cast upon thou, and to show
that. So far as they were conceroed, they
were guided in the premises by the laws
of honesty and molar. dealing. This
AtItorll on rum- part was brough-. out in
contrast with the manner in which you
acted at the mine meeting in the matter
of the Government grata to the Me-
c!usnice. Inetitut• when you rose from
your pace. walked over to the secretary
of the Institute, who was not • member
of the council') and then asked that that
gentleman 1m heard as to whether the
Government lrant would be jeopardized
if the usual referents. to the finance coin -
mate. and consequent month's delay
were made. Notwithstanding that the
secretary distinctly stated that pursuio.
the ordinary course would DM affect the
erant in question, you upheld that the
reveler course be not pursued, but that
an immediate grant be made to the in-
stitute. Now, or, what right had you
to act diffeeeutty towards um, so far se
the courtesy of ezplanatioo before the
board was cote:erne& than you did to
tke secretary of the Mechanios' Insti-
tute 1 1 had allowed my acootiot to go
throogh the regular warm ; 1 had wait-
ed one toonth for payment, and I asked
for an favor i I thought then, yd I
thiak still, that I was shabbily treated
by you on the occasion. Alter the mat-
ter was referred back to the mimosas
ooen-nittee another month rolled by,
and neither you nor any of your
adloorues asked for an, explain. -
tin from me in the premises. Bet
on the last aftstrnoun of the mouth
I was met by toren clerk Campbell, who
informed me that I must appear before
the finance immutittee at 7.30 p.m. to
mender the advisability of fitting the
account to suit that body. As I said
before, the first month had ,one and I
had been asked for no explanation ; •
cruel and uncalled for aspersion upon my
honeety bad been made hy the chairman
in Inc report ; the courtesy accorded to.
Mr Stiven, of making implantation to the
maned had been withheld from me ;
and two months had elapsed since my
' account was presented to the council for
settlement Them matters oam• up hat-
ters me at once ; and the further fact
was obrioas also, that I could make tm
relate on the tegitinutte amount withal li
had protested without justifyiue yes, as
chairman of the anternittorate dm
ful mune which you had pursuede."Z
enthrall meting • slur open my otim4_
honesty and integrity. For them res -
.in 1 declined to attend the -fleot
i Chamber '. sit tingof lb. financisoostraittse
: and informed th. °leek that I would eise
that body condomnol with • hie, keg
I 111 -hefore I would roommite then at
1 that Mt. hoer,
That is the hieSory of the owe, sad
; yon know that at te the truth windy
and plainly stated. I make this oat*
isms bossyes hoot inotimmered SO
linlot•V op vow mulattos ta the mageralf
t intimated in the earlier portion el thee
i litter 1 lame that the 'meows Ili thill
1 forethought, will peeve • warning in the
- future, •nci assuring yon that it is more
1' in sorrow than in armor that I have
penned the above, 1 remain,
D. N1,4;11.1.1, 21,20.
P. S. --The above letter was written
immediately after the regular council'
meeting held on the loth inst., but I
decided 12,21 10 publish it unless you at-
tempted to revamp your old fabieb...ds 1
' and present them to the public. You
have been foolish enough to swain
; air yourself, ou the subject of which you
know so little and pride so much, aad,
so far as I am coticernea, forbearance
has ceased to be a virtue. If you can
show that I have misrepresented you its
any way I will he happy to make the
emende hommoide, but if 1 sin right. as 1
lelier• I am, at devolves upou yet to
acknewledge your error. The odious.,
of THE Sootat ars open to you. whether
you write aa J. H. Colborne or "Junius."
D. McG.
Stat, -At the regulas Auguat tuertiog
of the town counc:1 7 or utelerto.k t.
tell ail you knew about the question of
the nylAW inlEontaisid and the 1400 tle•
porter. it. tIi. MIMS, GI haw tog for
tenders ()mettle of town. Is didn't take
you long to tell all you knew on the
queetion, and the balance of your ad
dress was made up of deliberate folae-
hood and misrepresentation with nomad
to tl.e matter tei hand, which proved be-
yond question that, when you are cis,-
ntred. pet do not scion to stoop to
methods, in the shape of duplicity, ink-
staterneut• and inlIsLletldo, that I, front
atelosibtance with you, MUM
confetti' I dtJ nut expect you "meld
descend to. Like the erring one*
spoken .,1 in the English Church
liturgy "t'ns have followed the devices
and desires of your own heart," minted
of beim/ actuated by the pure motives
that alitesla be the guiding star of • man 1
wno was endeavoring to pose as a chant
pion of the people, and your utter/mom
showed that, from the standpoint of
truthfulness and • mare dealing, "pia
have done those things you ought not
to have done, and left undone those
things you ought to bays done.' Fur
exampl• :
1). Yon stated that Tim Sweat had
charged ego ravatantly in oginectiou
witii the publication of the recent bylaw
advertmenieota. That was • falsehood,
and you knew at to be sick. An extra -
element chart,. is Doe which is
shah is not a customary One fur such ;
%York, and which is placed with intent
to defraud. The charge of THE 811.04•L
was the usual legal ,rate for transient
advertimmeuts, was the amount that
the law allowed, and .as as hosed es
any ever made 1)7 7011 in your commercial
dealings, and when I may thtt, I d., nut
Intend to impugu your straighforward-
nese in that line.
But •hrn you made the statement
that the charge for adtertiong the hy.
las was too hitch you did not state
that the write charge per lioe was made
for every advt. that ever appeared in the
local papers in connection with the oar-
poration, and that, un the very evening
that you refused to pea the 'elver
amount, you endorsed sod recommended
AS ADIHILLiS 11.. been presented to the to be paid an advertising account charm
• at the same Love per line, without !
Queen of England by a number of the
making a wiry fee.. It quite true eon I
that John Finsrty was heard from on
.01100221 was "only a little one," but
Cue opposite tack 1 yours must be • peculiar code of ethics
if you contend that, so far as principle 1
is involved, • theft of $1 is nut a crime
---- --
"Junius" endorses the chairman of • against the pew of the land, es email
be the swindle of a larger amotint. A
man who endorses the stealing .4 $1 is
a rogue pat the same as the one who
looks ffasetly by ani sees hundreds pil-
fend. H the total chard. for advise-
tieing is wrung you have thus far en-
dursed the email advertaing swindle and
have, therefore been guilty of wrung.
doing to the electors who.. rights you
WPM under declaration of ole to guard;
if the advertising rate was right and
proper, as I contend it wee, it wee 'ogleduly,
duty, after having satisfied yourself hy
careful enquiry upon that point, to have
held your peace, and not have placed
yourself in tbe humiliating position
which you now occupy.
?2). You stated furthermore that in
past leers there had been collusion be-
tween the Salo and the Sonora. in the
matter of printing, and that in one year
tho cost for printing the voters' lona had
reached $85 -thus creating the imoree
' ion that the proven, proprietors of the
local newspapers had defrauCatd the
Rut when so doinz, you dishoneetly
omitted to state that neither Mr
Mitchell nor myeelf were living in (lode -
rich at the time, or had anything to do
with the Goderich newspapers when
the extortionate charge was made. You
either made that statement and cast the
insinuation upon us wilfully, or you did
it ignorantly. If the former, you do
n ot deserve to be treated as an abl. man; if the latter, rot are not eat
fieiently posted on your alleged data to
be looked upon as an aut)ority apon the
sohject which you have taken upon yoor-
self to discuss. You can take white
boon of the dilemma you choose.
(3). You 'deo mated that last year we
(the newspaper men) pat our heads to -
/Miser, sea ran the prate of printing up
from $3n to $80, without there being
any mason for so doing.
You molded to slats that last year
His Honor Judge Toms isewed eirettlare
to every printiox Aloe in the enemy
that the form of the municipal Tomes'
lista for Huron oral to be identical with
that of the Dominion voters lista, which
necessitated more enmpositinn and labor
in commotion. Yon also omitted to Mato
that dm 184 names nn the Ooderich bet
cost the Dominion 11142 08, whereas ale
lest gest op in the sal -sante .tyle was
°rioted for the town cleric for No. The
dillmence in the needier of comas print-
ed for dm Dominion wonkl be amply
covered by 1010 to *12. Yoa
ciliated these Sects wilfully or igeorant-
ty. If wilfully, what rolismeo is to he
placed upon yoga iisteeritt 1 if iirrewint-
ly, are you not • poor chatupion 01the
tel/flit lehie4 espouse.
r loyalists of Chicago. litUt it about time pat forward the claim that the latter
the finance, committee, and the citair-
man of the finance committee endorses
"Junius." There is a striking reseal-
blanea between them, as they wear the
same sized hat. and are equally economi-
cal of the truth on public questions.
Tait fact that about roo hare. bolo
swallowed up in levelling, seeding,
draining, eta, in connection with ths
agricultural park. should make the rate-
payers reflect than it is possible to "pay
too deer for the whistle." Tb. way
public mousy is swallowed no in this
enterprise leads es to believe that the
grounds must be • veritable quicksand.
Wi would like to know why • man
who peddles • legitimate article in God. -
rich has to pay 11100 for so doing, and
a fraud like the so-oalled "Dr Redwine"
-is allowed to swindled'. public on pay -
.10C of • paltry $3 to the municipal
rig Here is a problem for the
'Mighty intellect of that municipal re-
former, councillor "Junius' H.*Colbaree
to grapple with.
Founza, the famous war
orwrespondent, who lectured in Victoria
Opetm HOUMA, Gado -rich, some years ago,
has became • physical wreck, aad is now
in the last stags of consumptive. He
was billed to lecture in America the
meting season under the management of
J. B. Peed, and was to have sailed from
Liverpool •n August 20th. Monde,
last the mournful telegram was received :
"Aily health is wreaked. Cancel every-
thine- Astanzaatn Fosszs." Sic transit
'trivia sot tufa
lhr now term out that nothing mn be
demi this roar with the waterworks. The
town eouneil has the reports of two se.
peels, in regard to the immerse, bet es
they do not enineirk, and neither lays
thorn a ruttiest bohemia, it is likely
that a third, cr a fotsrth, er a fifth cw. •
tooth or a twentieth expert may be
brought in before a eolutioit of the pm-
bless 10 11.4 by the present emmeil. 1*
a enejegity of the board were gifted with
oven ordinary intelligently the mown
aitantl-etill would hart logo *Word.
THE sudden change in the atmosphere
has caused the face of the ice-cream man
i to lengthen and the countenance of the
coal dealer to grow correspondingly
broad. What is orae man's poison is
bread and Lotter on both aides for an-
IT al+ been suggested at the Utolerich
council board that it free site be offered
to induce the Governinent to proceed
with the erectiou of a post-( *ice aad
customs house in Goderich. The idea
is wroug in every sense, aud the rate-
payers have no right to be asked to tout
with the Government of the dny after
the fashion that has been 'adopted by
other towns which endeavor to coax in
rotten manufacturing enterprises by
offering bonuses. lf Godench, by the
volume of its trade and the amount of
its post -office business, deserves public
buildings at the bands of the Govern-
ment, she should get them as other
towns have got them, as a matter of
right ; if, On the other hand, the circum-
stances do not warrant the location of
the proposed edifices, nu bribe should be
odered Government to !end itself to an
illegal disbur sement of public moue*.
Tim 18tosat believes that Goderich de-
serves the public buildings at the haoda
of the Government, but it does not be-
lieve in endeavorim, to purchais by the
bribe of free site slut the town cao
justly claim as a right. k
- - -
• here immorally !ekes., 1 gut &hint from
wen •v. the town tomocillors don if the
Things That Are Happening
egyacavatiots• tor nue watnerpipee watt
ArLunilUto. iattuouinced thi. pear. prefastinarai amyl be
▪ •
I gee t.. applictuda fr (Ashton. Hume-
ly ',nand allone Dye twig 1 Wid
nest outosee redo it a- renal, s.d eriti.. Ill block out for yet-
Nr 4144144•414411•111 a. 1,em
cd- on Morin - logy faMenbg oassi, der:intuit a few Wass manners on tholes ginerally. Me b'y, l'atory,
en PabNe airs.
obos jilts lettorack fosse Caiekeigy, where
I he has bin Isms' for • lllll tonne. Wan
-I suppose volt heard how the suck- !aV the Wye was tallm' flint *hula the
ets were scooped by "Dr Ite.lottig," the trete Ouldiek .,.,k• that was sthart-
jawashith and /.nn eradicator tirey"eloniinihre, Cu....(111 Mits.1.1Mait.
nny Southwest, Saturday
but you missed a peek of fun if you
warms t at the petite. oi 5.,, "lir )ted -
1. a fakir from Fakireille and
always returns to the place •v their
birth," and me pool- If was hegiled sa-
to (11(57(1 back in commotoince. But
dialog the present memos, taking Gang t., d'ye noand, an' its honest
Inas been inaktre a tour through Canada hr's 11811112e is Mulcahy, and not Mo-
ltke Isis
MMUS of the it.ols 141 the %anima omit. mooey tl.e 'wet nv his brow,
where, hie tent 055 pitched „cernight. father before Iiim, that he's either. Hes
the statistics in full, as the .•Doctor's"
Although I am 0. t III a to give iihsansee
biv.ekeleinft wIli.trhicieswetiribMildtihp":1v1:,
figures are a little erratic, and his state-
high hat, panto !ether boots aid black
donation there's to. kaput' pace wid him
Weill* rather irregular, I am able to
state that the number of fools in G.4.- rift) "r 1..r he's Pram about what
rich, as evidenced by his test Saturday s Ilinitit it wud bet.. tt,e mild town av we
with 512 in. I ha.' free trade wid Sam wan*
nraht. is a good imenitze,
creasing tendeocy. The ' Doctor," who i in"re. ihe "WO" we had in the good
is • geoid, long-haired fellow, over owid Jays av the Smite*, fwhin the AI id
two yards high, devoid of medical know. harbor wud be "Jive witl Yankee boats
ledge. I ut loaded up with cheek, and a ; as,d ethanol's from ChlchsaY. Wirelike*
firm and intense belief in the gullibility an. other pints. loaded down wad what.,
dour an' corn and other thingli. Thin*
• huinan nature, arrived in town Satur-
day morning by boat from Sarnia, and I
err the grate days for owld Godherich,
at once proceeded to exhibit himself and fehin the Wye air • Saturday night wad
„au up the tows and its iaa.bit„t„, go home wid a wad ar greenbacks in the
He visited Jordan's drug store, I aro ; heel av their tist, an' the grocery min,
an' shoemakers an' taihws, au' everybody
told, arol purchased some chemicals. and
bought ten poutols of helium eteL from felt 1"114-1 en* PrisPr"tis. lighill"ris
Charlie McIntosh with which be
but it makes me feel tad fwhin I sthroll
carded to build packsaes a cure-all pro -
down by the alm-ta' deserted docks aud
medicine that was alleged, in the even-
ing, to be able 1., drtve out any disease
from WWI or Least, or words to that
ellecto Then he called at the express
Grand Trunk elevatitor, an' see nobody
but nay old frind, Tommy Hutson,
howldin' guard, for fear the ovold barn
ar • thing will Rome away. Bed luck
and customs (dice and paid duty on s to the National Policy, anyhow ; shore
mitsterions package, which no doubt, it has rooned us intirely, an' dhruv all
the b'ys away to the Sthetes. But I'm
coutainied the "presents. which he so
lavishly distributed at the close of Ins
lecture. In the evening the doctor en -
aimed a four-in-hand from Tom Swartz,
ana, socompanied by his partners in guilt
- a duke, and an alleged wild. man -
drove through the town to the
musical Ilare of a bugle, and the mono-
tone of an exhorter informing the good
linin' in -hopes to see a chanoe,an' (whin
we get commercial y.onyun wid the
Sthates, weld (ladherich will agin rise
in all its glory, an' me bit ar a lot will
be worth a pile av money to me. More
power to yer elbow, Mister Wyman, yet.
(loin' it up in grate mode, art' I think
(whin* few a% our bloe-hlooded cray-
people of Goderith to turn out there see throo the mattber they'll nut
and see the fatuous "Doctor Redwine be so hasty in condemaiin' it. The
on the Square after the witching hour of slime is a maid woo an' t; ill help us
eight. I saw thaw -as,.ps I stood un alhoie.isn,h
onit, ao-wiluilidupourkapeourbto
saian' ausrhtsareat
the back romp. and I knew that mis-
chief was tfloat when I put my eagle eys the Atnericar.s are as ascent on' shmart
en the ill-fevored trio. But what's the a pelmet as ever throd the torf, ar.' there
use of tiring you with the bill of par- is no use for us poor omodh.....,s thryin'
ticulars. It's autticietit to ay that his • to poke along in a ons-boree glom sort
nibs and his confederates, after giving a , 04 sitile, fohiu 0vin
:nyaytwhiroft dnfrie:n.4belywttharid
Tile attempt at a street conce.rt, 'Impaledtbsn we ar, hy
of a larva number of package. of his rur rtaybure beyant the line. D'ye
"medicine" at *I a package, by the mosnd
specious promise that 1111 the close he I was scram Co wan no the stoe.mak-
would give the buyers ouch a handsome shorn, the udther day, au' San
"present." Old men laijo at the bait,; the b'y. was sera thi.t the courtedWerd.
Werd• to the *lase nod mincrwase es young men gulped it 4.24, and young. boort' M oIu to import • high draw -
relate meessiesta stets swallowed it without atteinpung lick engineer whariver that manes, (six
Can you inform me If the chairman of
bard of public works legends going on
w ith the planting of Elgin street this
fall. CH LST14 VT.
Mrs Thomas Harrison, of the 4th
eon , Goderich township, was the guest
of her parents Mr and Mrs! D Stirling
last week.
One of our leading bachelors won a
handsome ring in a recent contest of
hunting up a certain word in the Bible,
which we thiak will moms a number of
our maidens in four month. time to
cluster round him to sim who will Se the
lucky one to wear it.
By the no" of the wires and writing,
and after several disappointinenta at the
nearest express office, and a lung drive
to • farm in Goderich township, some
spare balls of twine were gtd, for the
self -binders. With • consignment frosn
the Doan factory enough was got by DVS
farmers to finish up the harvest of 1887.
John Looney and wife and .-hild, of
the Forest City, visited here this week.
The recent rains have hindered the
(speed of our harvesters in censor/ in the
' last sheaf for 188.. Our farmers do
not intend to sow their hill wheat until
*1 t.r t e 1010 of pion , as many
considered they sowed rather too ~it
last year, which made the yield so poor.
Last Saturday • number of our resi-
dents attended the funeral of Jane NSA- I
,)100n, who died at her brother's mai- l;
dente, in her seventeenth year, from'
. fever. Her amiable and genial num-
net won her many friends, and her oat/ I
death in the floorwr a youth has oast a
deep gloom over • lanes circle 01 friend..
The appeal of those intereited in the
see tathrsol section already made mention
of in nOr Roan., Entine op Weirs his Hon -
eft Judge Toms, and his oollertgues, the
school inspector and county clerk Adam-
son, who were appointed at the last
*4,n '1 of the county council of Herm
<liven's the matter, anti was heti, is the!
jedse'• chambers on Saturday lest. Quite
• number of our prifor Goodies sem "e -
melt. and psa their titters on it. J.
Tobin and J Chinon wave mind ben-
efits that would h. deemed from the
w ee eehool, If granted, bet were oratig-
11_ ("rood 11; William Young. His:
llowor adiminted the meeting tIl Sops '
1.111, at two t when tato theasitost sill
b• qt•ipo.
to take breath. The gentleman with I don't know). Shure, but the council
the lone heir and his two eiders and wint to the ozone0 av bangletwo civil
abettors were kept busy passim, out ingineers, and par'aps this high draw -
packages and roping in the shekels._ lick chap may be an un -civil one ; hat
aod the excitement waxed warm and the
tarwatt•-nouns, itt rootted well be in-
fecting grew intense arc the time for the tinily before we get a dhrop av oath's.
distribution i
ionoftrolr''ten wei
ai presenuctsk- bediroorew at all, et all, ar.' well be ate up wid
taxes all the same fwhin cold men
that number 01 111. program was reach_ Gordon comes around. I was look*'
to, area not until the stream of ',palm torrid lasht sphrusg. (whin I wted like
from the crowd showed evidence of the resit av the ohomotmes for the bylaws
weakening did the fakir and his chums that afore the summer was over ere wed
cease to sell packages, and begin to thae her lots av work diton' the dhraine for
out the "presents." Tame consisted af the watlier-propes. bad wren to thin,
uimpitatiwitohn inwtsetncthesto wdeceiithon,
arZirks'of "in° are goin' to bring in the new hieh draw -
An • the councilman, fait, fehile they
commercial value. The only thing that lick tnan hero at a big expMag, eudn't
saved the three rascals from being they thry to git in a 4,4frn intelligint
webbed was that the fool. who were bigness min, an' kap* dine here for a
and th„pactat.ora ah„itaasaad tha town alone oh bizosesaptiticiplo. inatid
duped endeavored to hide their chagrin, year or par'ilips Mos, 0. as to run the
fakirs counting the fools enjoyed the •• pokin' along itt the prisint sthick-ino
disormfiture of the latter too much tot_h
e mud st•gte, bad coo to it In ivery
take action against the rogues who had udther little bit av • Neu they have
provided such rare sport for them 'urns Hie" •' he''', batt het• tail
And the biggest tun is that today you they all seem t.. take howid so 59ery
can't find a man in town who witl own question he the *town lod. •Il the
u p that he g 4 • bogus watch Saturday foolish emu deal wid the bee. Shure,
nmht. "Doctor Redwing." you're, a Ajacks, IFNI 6116114"i . look at the way
fakir, • fraud, a hunsbug, a delusion, a the,'
wiut about the work ay the new
snare, a traveling lie, g peripatetic da., Fair Groends. Pantry 011111 l'oWti on the
oeiver, a scalawag, and a trickster of the Britattnity lload the udther day thryiog
meanest kind, • parasite, • leach, • ' to tool the biltitme, but bed luck tc the
blood sucker and a cormorant gnawing thing could he Oki harrin• • high booed
at the vitals 01 705*' fellow mortals, but 1 tines., so' a lot •v haminerita goin' cm
you're just, as meow' ma the people tends. The bildin' is in such aneut.av-
getting the bele. on mid in the deal • ; will be down to Joe Kidd. big mit
theoray sphot that hall av the peers'
do business with you, in the hope of '
you're slicker than the other coons ; block afore they find that the chryetal
that's all.
i palace, •••• o
•rroh : la illth
eat.d ..n e hoe
-Bar, them, if 1 haven't tonand ethmet. Fe hy didn't the local &oa-
taken .p valuable spans with 'hoeing up
nosshuner s• public works pot it in a
the dishonesty of that miserable wart uss Piece .hen. it cud be seen to advantage
the hotly politic when I should hams at a distance rather then where it is, ma'
been straightening up the aff•irs of tha not poke it up agin the duce on the h.ek
towel council. end the country at logo: 'throat ) El-nie av them damp, fwhin ,Ner
difficulty this week by sanding you a Dan MeLwv" a 1. h ''' 05°t° it to 4 m"re
but happil 1 am able to got over ths Ileal mit their mistake, ihey-.1 he goon'
letter which I resolved 0411 am quid...ice. eonvayttient 1 .eaabun "rid hie owhima--
o1 *Ise day front .y pool. friend. Lacey Be that as A. witty, howsomdever. I brim,
Mulcahy, who eas nimble yo eon,. ham yes II all owe a ham, to make the coma'
Clinton' to visit me Sunday Imo, but who Show a timed sucksosit. An' thin, Aura;
sant flat following able Inetnr. ',biro if (*hill the tome race thrsek is firmly set
you haven't time to translate. 74)0 can an' levelled, siudn't it b. In norther for
publish in the original. o jag. the (mild Goderich turf .b.• to ho 11111.•
"Th. Hub a• fits (Taiwan..
, • is the rove which he'th•wer ,Ii t!."
1 eoa•thnteted. an• howld sentseer opeedise
Aui". the 2° f"°"' aim to mg; oeld-f.shiored races. , •n t hi!
the hoe...the nohlest anymal a• thaw" all
-man' the most sheeted to --wed be in his
.4.,y. rennin' •hotst so fonta reop-
erate. What d'y* think of that 1,4 si
slaw* '
los, nerld and sebteemed frierl,
In.LARRY x Nit -Le mt.
malt .
Me Isowld Ajacks 1 take see pin ia
hand, hops' to end you in good had*
as' aperrits as this lives me at prising,
thenk• he to goodness, sad to seqtraint
vet av the fart that I wasset *Ale to
sit on Ter hack infirm ffenday halms"
gm me Washday to be orient% on Ant
ameashnn Idowinuetterer, l*Te rot •
hit alr newt for test that may he es ore
*1 3.2 to dzia up meitcs• is the an*